CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, (PBIS) TK-12 Team Training- Tier 1 Implementation PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PATHWAY

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is multi-tiered behavioral framework for enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidence-based interventions to achieve academic and behaviorally significant outcomes for all students. At the Tier One level, teams will learn how to build their school pro-social environment by establishing a common language, common practices, and common vision. Teams will also learn the function of behavior principles.

Required Courses Day 1 Implementation Steps 1, 2

misbehaviors, increase the likelihood that appropriate behaviors will be repeated, and increase positive staff/student interaction. Step 7 - PBIS Teams will develop a continuum of procedures for discouraging student behavior violations. Teams will create an active discipline flow chart that defines minor and major behavior violations and create an office discipline referral (ODR) to collect data for decision making related to supports and interventions. Best practices on managing problem behaviors in the classroom and use of consistent steps that all teachers and administration agree to, allows students to get the level of support they need to meet the desired behavioral expectations. Day 4 Implementation Step 8, Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Step 8 - Using data for decision making is key to using the collaborative learning cycle, which results in effective and efficient action planning and implementation. Teams will learn the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) model in which they use data for an effective, systemic problem-solving process. Planning for Implementation Kick-Off - PBIS Teams will create an action plan related to kicking-off school-wide PBIS implementation. Teams will also discuss rotation schedule to teach expectations to all students in all settings school-wide; teaching classroom-wide expectations, sharing the school-wide acknowledgment system with staff and students.

Step 1 - PBIS school site representatives will establish team membership foundations including: establish team member roles, create working agreements, and create an action plan for multi-year organizational use. Step 2 - In order to have a common purpose and approach to discipline, the PBIS Team will create a Behavioral Statement of Purpose that aligns with their schools mission and goals. The Behavioral Statement of Purpose fosters a more proactive approach to the teaching of school-wide social behavior expectations. Day 2 Implementation Steps 3-5 Step 3 - Through a collaborative process, a clear set of 3-5 school-wide positive behavioral expectations are defined for students and staff across all school settings. Step 4 - Teaching expected behaviors means that ALL staff demonstrate, explain, and practice social skills within and across multiple school settings. PBIS Teams will action plan for creating lesson plans to teach school-wide behavioral expectations. Step 5 - Classroom-wide PBIS has a direct impact on changing social behavior and learning. PBIS Teams will learn effective classroom practices (structure, expectations, engagement, feedback and consequences) to teach classroom-wide behavioral expectations. Day 3 Implementation Steps 6,7 Step 6 - Positive acknowledgment is one of the most effective means of promoting positive behavior and decreasing negative behavior. PBIS Teams will learn to foster a positive school climate by creating a school- wide acknowledgment system to support implementation efforts. The acknowledgment system will reduce the time spent correcting

Intended Audience

Paraprofessionals, general and special education teachers, site administrators, and district administrators.

LCAP Priorities

© Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, School Climate, Parent Involvement

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