CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

Alternative Dispute Resolution PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PATHWAY

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

The Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Pathway is designed with four required courses to provide participants with a basic understanding of the alternate dispute resolution process focusing on communication, facilitation, and negotiation techniques to use during difficult IEP meetings, parent meetings, communication with advocates, or in general. Understanding the sequential IEP process will be the connecting thread for all four courses. Using proactive techniques to work with families collaboratively throughout the entire IEP process will also be trained. It is recommended that participants take the courses in the order they are listed as content is sequential from course to course.

Required Courses

• IEP Forms & Facts (see Individual Protections section for course description) • Collaborative IEP: Aligning the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (see Individual Protections section for course description) • The Art of Facilitating IEP Meetings (see Individual Protections section for course description) • Meaningful Parent Participation (see Individual Protections section for course description) Please note that the same above courses are available to participants as a stand-alone course outside of the pathway and can be taken individually and in any order.

Intended Audience

Paraprofessionals, general and special education teachers, site administrators, and district administrators.

LCAP Priorities

© Basic Services, Pupil Achievement, School Climate

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