CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

• MTSS Sustainability Network

• Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) Autism Spectrum Disorder Training

• Occupational Therapy Professional Learning Collaborative

• Occupational Therapy Tips and Tricks Training

• Paraeducator Academy Collaborative

• PEERS - Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills

• Physical Therapy Professional Learning Collaborative

• Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) Team Workgroup Day (Early Childhood - 12)

• Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Bootcamp (Early Childhood - 12)

• Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the Home (Early Childhood - 12)

• Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Overview (Early Childhood - 12)

• Preschool School Psychologist Collaboration Meeting

• Present Levels of Performance (PLOPs), Goals, and Educational Benefit

• Present Levels of Performance (PLOPs), Goals, and Educational Benefit (Self-Paced Course)

• Regaining School Muscle Memory: The Fundamentals of Behavior

• Responding to School Crises

• Responding to School Crisis: Refresher

• Restorative Practices Overview

• School-Wide Information System (SWIS)

• Self-Harming Versus Suicide: Understanding the Differences


• Social Circles

• Social Narratives: Introduction and Practices

• Social Skills Groups

• Staff Managed (Minors) versus Admin Managed (Majors) Facilitation

• Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)

• The Legally Compliant IEP: Mastering SEIS Forms

• The Legally Compliant IEP: Mastering SEIS Forms (Self-Paced Course)

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