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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 COUNCILLOR SIMARD ON LOA Russell Township council approved a request from Councillor Amanda Simard for a temporary leave of absence, without pay or benefits, from her council duties for a few weeks. The leave of absence is from May 9 to June 7, covering the official campaign period for the provincial election. Simard is the Progressive Conservative candidate and wishes to avoid any time-management problems between balancing her duties on council with her election campaign. – Gregg Chamberlain PANNE DE COURANT Une tempête de vent qui a commencé vendredi après-midi et s’est déplacée rapidement à travers la province, a causé des pannes d’électricité à environ 450 000 clients. Les vents se sont calmés pendant la nuit et les équipes d’Hydro One ont rétabli l’alimentation électrique d’environ 70 % des clients touchés par la tempête. Les vents de 110 km/h ont causé la chute de lignes électriques, déraciné des arbres et brisé plus de 420 poteaux. Encore lundi matin, du côté de Prescott et Russell, une vingtaine de maisons, principa- lement dans la région de Rockland, étaient privées d’électricité. Du côté d’Argenteuil, 15 maisons de la région de Calumet n’avaient toujours pas d’élec- tricité. Le service devait être rétabli l’après-midi du 7 mai. – Michel Lamy



Councillor Jamie Laurin wants another term on Russell Township council so he can keep working on several of his personal goals for the municipality. “I still believe in the work that we’re doing,” said Laurin during a May 6 phone interview, “and I still believe there’s work to be done.” Laurin has served three terms on council since he was first elected 12 years ago. One goal he has for a fourth term is seeing work start on construction of a recreation complex for the municipality. “I’d like to see us break ground on the recreation complex,” he said. He added there are also municipal ball fields and other sports grounds that need rebuilding. “Almost all of our recreation facilities are aging.” Laurin recalled that he first raised the question about the community need for a recreation complex in 2008 when Russell Township council and administration were negotiating with local businessman and hockey enthusiast, Robert Bourdeau, on land-use contract details for the proposed Canadian International Hockey Academy (CIHA) project. Laurin expressed concern that the municipality was focusing all of its attention on the CIHA proposal and ignoring suggestions that it also look at developing its own recreation complex, similar to the one in Rockland.

Le conseiller municipal de Russell Jamie Laurin souhaite obtenir un autre mandat afin de pouvoir poursuivre ses objectifs pour la municipalité. L’une de ses priorités est la création d’un complexe sportif et récréatif pour compléter le nouveau dôme sportif. —archives


The CIHA deal fell through and the aca- demy was later built in Rockland. Laurin said the township lost years of planning work for a recreation complex as a result because it “was putting all of its eggs in one basket.” /PXUIFUPXOTIJQIBTUIF4QPSUT%PNF thanks to lobbying efforts and joint fundrai- sing support from the Russell Kinsmen Club. The township has also acquired about 40 acres of additional land adjacent to the NVOJDJQBMTJUFPGUIF4QPSUT%PNF-BVSJO sees this as an opportunity. “There’s plenty of room now for additio- nal recreation facilities,” he said, adding that a recreation complex next door would

DPNQMFNFOUUIF4QPSUT%PNFBOEBMTP promote more economic growth. “That is going to bring in additional deve- lopment,” he said. That ties in with Laurin’s other goal for a fourth term on council. He wants more commercial and industrial development for Russell Township. i8FOFFEUPCPPTUUIBUQBSUPGUIFUBY base,” he said, citing continued expansion of service utilities for the 417 Industrial Park near Vars and also promoting investment opportunities in the municipal commercial QBSLJO&NCSVO

Céléb rons l a P r o fe ssio n e t l e s p r o fe s s i onn e l s d ans l es co ll ecti v i tés pa r t o u t e n A m é riq u e SEMAINE N A T I O N A L E DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE 7-12 MAI 2 0 1 8

Le développement économique est un ensemble de programmes et de politiques qui facilitent la création, la conservation et l’expansion des emplois ; l’élaboration d’une base d’imposition stable ; et la valorisation des richesses. #EconDevWeek #QualityOfLife #EDW2018

Le Conseil d’administration du Centre Moi j’apprends tient à remercier sincèrement toutes les personnes qui ont contribué et ont participé aux célébrations de notre 30 e anniversaire.

Présenté par le Conseil de développement économique international

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