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The director for Prescott-Russell’s emergency services thinks a legal challenge to the provincial govern- ment may be the only way to solve the growing crisis situation for the regional ambulance service. .JDIFM $ISÊUJFO  &NFSHFODZ 4FS - vices Director for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), will present to counties Council, this week, a list of recommendations for a legal challenge to the provincial government to review and revise its own policy dealing with ambu- lance dispatch procedure. This is part of a six-step strategy that Chrétien outlined last year to UCPR Council, to deal with the problem of the City of Ottawa’s heavy reliance on “borrowing” Prescott-Russell ambulance units to deal with its own emergency calls, and also an outstand- ing bill to the UCPR of more than $1 million for those ambulance calls, which Ottawa refuses to pay because there is no provincial rule that says it must. i8FSFBUUIFMBTUTUFQPGUIFQMBO now,” said Chrétien. “So now we’re going to challenge the ministry.” Provincial guidelines for ambulance dispatch state that the nearest available unit must answer a call. That has often left Prescott-Russell residents with only one or no local ambulance units avail- able because of demands from Ottawa. Prescott-Russell can call on Ottawa am- bulance units to respond to emergencies but, Chrétien noted, that doesn’t happen very often. “Last year we went to over 1000 calls,” he said. “They were over here about a hundred times, and they have five or six times more (ambulance) units than we have.” Chrétien’s recommendations to UCPR council include demanding that the provin- cial place limits on the number of outside calls that a regional ambulance service must answer or allow discretion on which calls to answer. He hopes that this will force Ottawa to train more paramedics and field more units for its own ambulance service.— Gregg Chamberlain. CHALLENGE TIME FOR AMBULANCE CRISIS


United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) Warden François St-Amour congratulated administration and de- partment heads and their staff “for a large surplus” bonus to the counties at the end of the 2017 budget period. Gary Hoffman of Deloitte LLP presented the final year-end financial report for the UCPR during the April 25 session of counties council. During his verbal summary Hoffman noted that the UCPR finished 2017 with a budget surplus of more than $6.1 million, almost twice the anticipated $3.8 million surplus projected in the original budget plan. Credit for the larger-than-expected surplus was divided between a final revenue total for the year of more than $100 million, compared to $99.5 million as expected in the original budget plan, and a final expense figure of about $94.8 million compared to $95.6 million as planned in the original budget. This resulted in a combined surplus of about $6.1 million at the end of the year. The reasons for the greater-than-anticipat- ed revenue figure for 2017 include $50.6 million in property tax revenue collected last year rather than $49.2 million as projected in the original budget plan. Also federal transfer payments increased to $7.2 mil- lion rather than the $5.7 million expected, and other sources of revenue totaled about

Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) ont terminé 2017 avec un surplus de 6,1M $ a confirmé Gary Hoffman (à droite) de Deloitte LLP, vérificateur officiel des CUPR lors de la rencontre du 25 avril dernier. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

$4.1 million, about $1 million more than anticipated in the budget plan. All of this compensated for a $2.5 million decline in provincial support funds for last year’s UCPR budget revenue. The financial report showed the UCPR finishing 2017 with $120,215,826 in its total accumulated surplus reserve fund. This

fund the counties can draw on for programs like providing member municipalities now with an annual budget aid allocation for their own municipal budgets as well as making any major investments in either new and improved services for the counties or one- time support requests for special programs and projects.


francophones, inclut l’historique de l’éducation catholique francophone en Ontario, inclut l’introduction et les GPOEFNFOUT&UDFTUDFEPDVNFOUMÆRVJ va regrouper tous les profils que nous allons créer », a déclaré Mme Lamarche lors de la réunion du conseil, le 24 avril dernier. &MMFBNFOUJPOOÊRVJMFYJTUFQSÊTFOUFNFOU les profils de l’élève, de l’école et du personnel enseignant. Celui de l’élève le définit comme un croyant, un penseur, un DPNNVOJDBUFVS  VO BQQSFOBOU Æ WJF  VO collaborateur, un membre soucieux du bien- être de sa famille, un citoyen responsable et un francophone fier et engagé. Ces critères, BUFOVÆTPVMJHOFSMFYQPTBOUF TPOUÊMBCPSÊT jøTVSMBQIJMPTPQIJFDBUIPMJRVFÆMFYFNQMF de Jésus ». Communauté scolaire &MMFBQSÊTFOUÊ ÊHBMFNFOU MFQSPàMEF l’école catholique en faisant ressortir son importance et sa mission. Sur ce point, Mme Lamarche a laissé entendre que le système scolaire est un milieu d’apprentissage fondé sur la foi catholique, qui œuvre pour la réussite de l’élève et du développement de tout son être. La surintendante a parlé de l’école catholique comme d’une communauté scolaire. C’est « une communauté scolaire vivante et dynamique, inspirée par l’Évangile de Jésus, où chaque personne est aimée, valorisée et insérée dans la communauté EFMHMJTFøv BUFMMFGBJUWBMPJS&MMFOBQBT manqué de spécifier que l’école est une partenaire dans la communauté et le monde. Résumant le profil du personnel enseignant, France Lamarche a rappelé qu’il doit être un guide empathique, un prophète, un évangélisateur et un leader catholique.

La mission des écoles catholiques francophones ainsi que les profils des élèves et des enseignants sont les principaux points du rapport sur le Cadre de référence de l’éducation catholique de langue française en Ontario, présenté par la surintendante de l’éducation, France Lamarche. « Le cadre de référence de l’éducation catholique de langue française en Ontario inclut la mission de nos écoles catholiques

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

L’exposante a mentionné que le Cadre de référence est le résultat des aspirations des parents, des enseignants, des directions d’école ainsi que des élèves qui ont été DPOTVMUÊTQBSSBQQPSUÆMBRVFTUJPOTVJWBOUFø « Comment se positionner comme éducation catholique de langue française ? » Pour l’heure, les thèmes suggérés par les francophones et les anglophones sont, notamment, cultiver la communauté et les relations, développer la foi et l’identité catholique et engager la voix étudiante, a noté Mme Lamarche. The mission of the francophone catholic schools and the profiles of the students and teachers are the main points of the report on the Framework of Reference for French Catholic Education in Ontario presented by the Superintendent of Education, France Lamarche. —photo Frédéric Hountondji

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