NYSportsandSpinal_Welcome Back the Life You Love

For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists.




WELCOME BACK THE LIFE YOU LOVE Say Goodbye to Back Pain, for Good!

Forsome,backpain isadailyoccurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists. In ages past, back pain was difficult to treat. If you experienced back pain, whether as a result of a work injury, trip- and-fall accident, or even just as a result of aging, the answer was almost always the same: head home, take a long rest, andgiveyourback time toheal.This isn’t the way that things go anymore, and for several reasons.To start, the world isn’t as forgiving. Heading home and taking a long rest until your back is healed may work for some, but not for most. With deadlines and carpools and work schedules to keep up with, there needs to be an alternate solution to dealing with back pain that doesn’t require you tocompletely removeyourself fromyour responsibilities. What’s more, recent research indicates that resting may not actually be the ideal solution for long-term back

care. Spending too much time on the couch or off your feet can cause the back muscles to weaken and can even weaken bone strength. This could lead to more long-term issues with back pain — not fewer. Exercise, in general, is shown to increase strength and flexibility, supporting healthy muscles and bones, and therefore supporting ideal back health. Physical Therapy for Back Pain While rest and relaxation can help you overcome the immediate pain of a back injury, and may even be recommended by your physician in the early days following an injury, it is not a long- term solution. Physical therapy offers a long-term solution to back pain by using targeted exercises that focus on the cause of the pain. Through a combination of strength and flexibility training that focuses on muscle development and joint movement, physical therapy can address the underlying cause of the pain and significantly improve your quality of life.

INSIDE: Welcome Back the Life You Love What Could Be Causing Your Back Pain? Feel Better By Eating Better FREE Physical Therapy Screening


838 Scarsdale Avenue Scarsdale, New York 10583 914-722-9200 “I couldn’t be more pleased with the results from my visits! The therapy I received increased the range of motion and strength of my armafter my surgeon said it could not be improved.” - J. S. Patient Reviews

635 Commerce Street Thornwood, New York 10594 914-579-2722 “This is the absolute best physical therapy I have ever had! The staff is professional, and they spend a good deal of time working on each patient individually. I would use them anytime I need physical therapy.” - J. N.

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Helps Strengthen Your Back

MODIFIED DOWN DOG (WALL) Place hands against a wall, shoulder width apart and elbows straight. Slowly lean toward the ground, bending from the hips, while walking your hands down the wall until your legs and arms are at or close to making a 90 degree angle. Walk your legs backward as you do so if you need more space. Imagine yourself pushing into the wall and pulling away with your hips. Try to keep your wrists, shoulders, and hips in a straight line. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Exercises copyright of Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.


What Could Be Causing Your Back Pain?

There are a lot of different reasons that back pain can develop. Even when you break down injuries, whether from overuse or athletic pursuits, there are different problems that can develop. Sprains and strains are common, but so are issues with the vertebrae, blood flow, and even concerns regarding the spinal nerves. You might be amazed to discover the different factors that could be influencingyourbackhealth.Suchas: • Your personal level of physical activity, including how often you exercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. • The types of shoes that you wear, in addition to how frequently you walk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels. • Prolongedengagement insedentary behavior, including sitting at a desk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobic activity and strength training exercises actually make it possible to reduce your risk of injury and to improve your ability to overcome back pain by strengthening the vertebrae

and improving blood flow and nutrient disbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actuallybecome impeded,and thiscan have a negative effect on the overall health of your back and spine. How Physical Therapy Helps Anyone who has struggled with back pain can tell you plain and simple: When your back is hurting, there is no way to pretend that it isn’t. Simply going from sedentary activity to being active and healthy isn’t an option — at least not so easily. It takes time and effort, and when back pain is obstructing you from getting started, it requires help. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you the option to get off the couch and push yourself to reach new goals. Working with a licensed and experiencedphysical therapistensures that you do not take on too much too quickly, but instead are guided through the process of healing with gradual steps. Contact your physical therapist, today! NYSportsandSpinalPhysicalTherapy can help you overcome your back pain and get you back to the life you love.

for New& Returning Patients!

FREE PHYSICAL THERAPY SCREENING RELIEF FOR: Current and past patients schedule your free physical therapy screening today!

Back Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain

Foot Pain Knee Pain Post Surgery

635CommerceStreet Thornwood,NY10594 914-579-2722

838ScarsdaleAvenue Scarsdale,NY10583 914-722-9200



There’s no question that what you eat affects how you feel, and a healthy diet helps you feel better. The healthiest diet is one that emphasizes whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables and that includes lean protein and low-fat or no-fat dairy products. Combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, and you will find it helps your mood as well as your body. Here are some tips to help improve your mood and activity with the right nutrition: 1. Mix in Protein to Boost Mood. Like fiber, protein can help you to avoid blood sugar crashes. Some good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, low- fat yogurt, low-fat cheese and milk, tofu, and peanut butter. 2. Don’t Worry,“B”Happy. The B vitamins, including B6, B12, and folic acid, play a role in the production of brain chemicals that regulate mood. Especially if you have depression, be sure to consume foods rich in these vitamins.

GoodfoodsourcesformanyBvitamins includeshellfish,poultry,eggs, low-fatyogurt,and fortifiedbreakfastcereals.Folicacid inparticular is found mostly in leafy greens. 3. DrinkWater. Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to Set a goal to fit in at least 2½ hours of moderate physical activity in yourweek.Beingactive10minutesatatimealsoaddstoyourweekly total. Ask your friends or family to keep you company as you bike, jog, walk, or dance. Don’t forget to do some muscle strengthening activities twice a week. 5. Enjoy Your Food but Eat Less. Use a smaller plate for meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. satisfy your thirst throughout the day. 4. Be ActiveWheneverYou Can.

Our Specialties

• Manual Therapy • Hand Therapy • Laser Therapy • Graston Technique • Ultrasound

• Therapeutic Exercise • Electrical Stimulation • Kinesio Taping

• Trigger Point Therapy • Running Analysis • Spinal Decompression

Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? • Move without pain • Bend & move freely • Balance confidently & securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Live an active & healthy lifestyle Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following:


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