Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Directory for Sandwe…

MindEd Web: https://minded.org.uk

A At its heart, MindEd provides practical knowledge that gives adults confidence to identify a mental health issue and act swiftly, meaning better outcomes for the child or young person involved. Advice on depression, anxiety, ADHD, self-harm and more.

Mind Side by Side Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

A Web: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/side-by-side-our-online-community/ Mind Side by Side is a supportive online community for over 18 year olds where you can talk about your mental health with others who understand what you are going through. It provides a safe space to listen, share and be heard. The online platform is available 24/7 and moderated daily from 8:30 am to midnight.

MoodGym Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Web: https://moodgym.com.au/ MoodGym is an online self-help program designed to help users 16 years old and older to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is an interactive, online self-help book which teaches skills based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).

National Bullying Helpline Helpline: 0300 323 0169


Telephone: 0845 225 5787 Open: 9 am – 5 pm, Mon to Fri and 10am to 12pm on Saturday Web: https://www.nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk/

The National Bullying Helpline is a national confidential volunteering service that will listen to people of all ages. You can discuss topics such as bullying in school, workplace bullying, gaslighting or anything else in relation to bullying. There is some advice and help guides for people of all ages on their website. The helpline is free to call, however if you call the telephone number then you will be charged.

NHS Mental Health Services 111 Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Web: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/ NHS 111 Web: https://111.nhs.uk/


Call for free and you can get advice through their website. If you go through the 111 website above and answer the questions, someone will call you back. They assist people of all ages to find the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP during the day, or when your GP is closed.

No Panic (under 18s) Helpline: 0330 772 9844 10am-10pm every day Crisis Line: 01952 680 835 24 hours Email: youth@nopanic.org.uk Web: https://www.nopanic.org.uk/youth-hub/


Under 18s can receive support with anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder or any other anxiety related problem. There is a youth hub with resources on the website as well as advice for parents.


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