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diagnosed with terminal brain cancer who joins a noted entomologist, in search of the legendary blue morpho butterfly in Central BOE4PVUI"NFSJDB.BSFOHFSSFUVSOFEIPNF from his adventure and a later examination showed that his brain cancer had gone into remission. /PX.BSFOHFSDFMFCSBUFTIJTDIJMEIPPE passion for the study of butterflies with a new love for capturing his vision in various art forms. He also enjoys talking about his adventures and his personal miracle of the blue butterfly, though he sometimes needs help from an interpreter as English is not his best language. “To him, the butterfly signifies his rebirth,” said Chantal Leclerc, another artist acting BT.BSFOHFSTWPJDFi5IFCVUUFSáZXBTIJT ESFBN/PXIFDSFBUFTBSUGPSJU BOEFWFSZ piece is all natural.” Villeneuve is happy with the response she received when she put the call out for local and regional artists, crafters, and others, to come take part in the Earth Friendly Event. She hopes everyone who dropped in for the event enjoyed it too.

February is when most people start to feel the mid-winter blues so Mélanie Villeneuve decided to do something about it with her Earth Friendly Event. “I wanted to do something to help fight the winter blues,” Villeneuve said, during a short break from overseeing final preparations and table placements for all the participants in the February 23 event, in the upstairs community hall portion of the Vankleek Hill Arena building. The Saturday activities schedule included an open-to-anyone drum circle session set up by Vankleek Hill drummers Thaila Rider and Caitlin Ross Fortin, which proved popular with young and old. Several booths were set up with displays of handmade crafts, artwork, and other offerings. "SUJTU%BWJE.BSFOHFSXBTPOFPGUIF special guest presenters for the event. "MTPLOPXOBTi5IF#MVF#VUUFSáZ.BOu  .BSFOHFSJTUIFSFBMMJGFJOTQJSBUJPOGPS The Blue Butterfly , a Canadian film about a boy It was Pink Shirt Day at schools in Prescott-Russell and elsewhere in Canada at the end of February. Also known as Anti-Bullying Day, February 27 is dedicated to raising public awareness about bullying in all its forms and promoting anti-bullying programs in schools and com- munities at large. In the Prescott-Russell region, students and staff at local schools, like St. Jude Catholic School in Vankleek Hill and École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet, are encouraged to wear either a pink T-shirt or some article of clothing coloured pink, to show support for inclusiveness at their schools and their communities. Visitors at some schools could hear groups of students HPJOHBSPVOEUIFIBMMTDIBOUJOHi/PNPSF CVMMZJOH/PNPSFCVMMZJOHu All school districts in Ontario and the rest of Canada have policies and programs against bullying, which support promoting inclusiveness among students and staff GREGG CHAMBERLAIN


Melanie Villeneuve, organisatrice de l’évènement Earth Friendly, parle de ses œuvres d’art aux auditeurs intéressés, lors de l’évènement du 23 février à la salle communautaire de l’aréna de Vankleek Hill. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

“I want to see more free events for fami- lies in the community,” she said, adding that if response to the February event is positive, she may look at organizing more such events later in the year.

&/#3&'r#3*&'4 HAWKESBURY LEGION ACTIVITIES The Hawkesbury Royal Canadian Legion Branch 472 has multiple activities organized for the month of March, including a music and dancing night on Friday March 8, and music and dancing during the day on Sunday, March 10, from 1-6 p.m. The branch will be hosting its St-Patrick’s Supper on Friday, March 15, with an Irish stew supper beginning at 5:30 p.m., followed by a night of music and dancing. Other dancing events will take place on March 17, March 22, March 24 and March 31. A smoked meat supper is organized for Friday March 29, followed by music and dancing with Norm Campeau. LA FROMAGERIE FÊTE SES 125 ANS CETTE ANNÉE Fondée en 1894, la Fromagerie Saint- Albert fête cette année ses 125 ans d’existence. Plusieurs évènements sont prévus cet été pour souligner cet anniversaire. « C’est en collaboration avec le Groupe communautaire de Saint-Albert et le Festival de la Curd que de nombreuses activités attendent les membres de la communauté tout au long de l’année 2019 », a déclaré le directeur général, Éric Lafontaine. – Annie Lafortune

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COMITÉS DE LA MUNICIPALITÉ DE LA NATION Le Conseil municipal de La Nation est à la recherche de personnes intéressées à siéger sur les différents comités de la municipalité de La Nation pour le terme débutant le 15 avril 2019 et se terminant le 31 octobre 2022. Si vous êtes intéressés, détenez une expertise que vous voulez partager avec la municipalité et des qualifications qui viendront appuyer le mandat d’un de ces comités, veuillez soumettre une lettre d’intention accompagnée de votre curriculum vitae au plus tard le 15 mars 2019 à 16 h à l’attention de Josée Brizard, greffière, par la poste ou par courriel à en indiquant clairement le comité qui vous intéresse. • Groupe municipal de maîtrise des situations d’urgence • Comité des dérogations mineures • Comité consultatif de l’accessibilité • Comité de développement économique • Comité du patrimoine et de la culture • Comité de l’environnement (Foresterie) • Commission des services policiers pink shirts among their friends and families, as part of a campaign to help a fellow stu- dent who was the target of bullies because he showed up the first day of school wearing a pink shirt. Faced with the overwhelming support for their victim, the bullies were never heard from again. 1SFNJFS3PEOFZ.BD%POBMEUIFOEF - clared that the second Thursday of Sep- UFNCFSJO/PWB4DPUJBXPVMECF4UBOE6Q Against Bullying Day, in recognition of the efforts of the two Berwick students and their peers. The following year B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell proclaimed February 27 as Anti-Bullying Day in that province, and the date has since become Pink Shirt Day all across Canada. Since then, Pink Shirt Day in Canada has become a worldwide phenomenon and JTDFMFCSBUFEJOBUMFBTUDPVOUSJFT*O UIF6OJUFE/BUJPOTEFDMBSFE.BZ BT"OUJ#VMMZJOH%BZ PS1JOL4IJSU%BZ/FX ;FBMBOEDFMFCSBUFT"OUJ#VMMZJOH%BZPO.BZ 18, but the last day of February is preferred in most countries, while in Canada February 27 continues to be Pink Shirt Day.

so that “students and staff are safe and GFFMTBGFu BTTUBUFEJOUIF6QQFS$BOBEB %JTUSJDU4DIPPM#PBSETBOUJCVMMZJOHQPMJDZ POUIFEJTUSJDUTXFCTJUF A Canadian thing Pink Shirt Day in Canada began in Berwick, /PWB4DPUJB JO XIFO%BWJE4IFQIFSE BOE5SBWJT1SJDFCPVHIUBOEEJTUSJCVUFE C’était la Journée de la chemise rose partout au Canada le 27 février. Dans les écoles de Prescott-Russell, comme l’école catholique St. Jude à Vankleek Hill, les élèves et le personnel ont manifesté leur appui mutuel et leur tolérance zéro à l’intimidation en portant, soit des t-shirts rose ou des articles vestimentaires de couleur rose. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

THE NATION MUNICIPALITY COMMITTEES The Nation Municipal Council is looking for people interested to serve on The Nation Municipality’s various committees for the term starting on April 15th, 2019 and ending on October 31st, 2022. If you are interested and have an expertise you would like to share with us and qualifications that would benefit the mandate of a committee, please send an introduction letter supported by your resume no later than March 15th, 2019 at 4 p.m. to the attention of Josée Brizard, Clerk, by mail or by email at jbrizard@ and clearly indicate which committee you are interested in.

• • • • • • •

Police Services Board

Municipal Emergency Control Group

Minor Variance Committee

Accessibility Advisory Committee Economic Development Committee Heritage and Culture Committee Environment Committee (Forestry)

Pour plus d’information: 613-764-5444 poste 235

For more information: 613-764-5444 extension 235

Josée Brizard, Greffière | Clerk La municipalité de La Nation | The Nation Municipality • 958 Route 500 W/O, Casselman, ON K0A 1M0 | 613-764-5444 x235

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