
of the bog is now under conservation

The people

ownership. Google Alfred Bog. Take a

turn on the boardwalk. When the orchids

and the bugs are out, you can appreciate

why this swamp is so special. Look but do

of the Bog

not touch. This spot will remain as it is, if

we leave it alone.


Léo Durocher, who passed away May 1

at the age of 84, could be a real pain in the

butterfly? It is in the bog, and three other


crusader to observe, “Sometimes I wonder

6 candidates

places in the world. A pink plant, Rhodora,

And for that, we and future generations

if I would have been better off listening to

cannot be found anywhere else in Ontario.

can be thankful.

my wife and taken up ballroom dancing.”

People who know nature can go a little

Before “get in your face” was a common

In May, 1983, the Ottawa Field

crazy when they get into the bog. The place


expression, Léo would get in your face

Naturalists Club appealed the Caledonia

has different fragile ecosystems. One section

when it came to saving the Alfred Bog.

Township council decision. To obtain

is moose pasture, another is full of

He was persistent and at times annoying

status in front of the Ontario Municipal

Harrington Township Councillor

blueberries, another is based on a marshy

as he employed common cents as part of the

Board, the club purchased 50 acres in the

Claude La Roque faces two challengers in

surface that resembles a trampoline. There

desperate drive to preserve that special

bog. The Alfred Bog Trust Fund was

his bid to succeed Keith Robson as mayor

are some of the most amazing plants and

land chunk of marsh.

established to finance the legal challenge

in a June 3 by-election. Jacques Parent and

bugs. There are orchids and turtles. If you

And, yes, children, about 30 years ago,

and further land acquisition. The fund

François Thibault are also seeking the

see it in person, you can see why it is so

the situation was desperate.

grew to $17,500; the legal expenses were

post that became available when Robson

valuable. But in the 1980s, the marsh was

“Hey, come over here and take out your

$16,000. The group lost. But the OMB

recently quit halfway through his four-

not on the radar. So, the dreamers kept

wallet,” he would say to anyone who

rejection only hardened the resolve of the

year term.

collecting pennies, and petition signatures,

happened by his “Give a penny, save an

tenacious conservationists who went into

Seeking La Roque’s number 2 council

and political support.

acre” table that he would set up at almost

“an education and fund-raising mode.”

seat are Peter Burkhardt, WilliamHorrocks

Time was not on the conservationists’

every event imaginable. With a twinkle in

By 1985, there were 13 organizations

and Darlene Thibault. About 1,200 people

side. In the 1800s, there were 10,500 hectares


trying to save the Alfred Bog. If you can’t

are eligible to vote, relates administrator

or 26,000 acres. In the 1980s, there were

cajole everyone into donating coppers,

beat them, buy them. The Alfred Bog

Guillaume Marcoux, who is also chief

about 10,000 acres left.

nickels, dimes and dollars, to acquire

Committee set about to purchase bog

returning officer for the election. The

The Save The Bog movement stressed

honourary deeds to the bog.

property. A parcel of 200 acres was

winners will hold their new posts until a

there was a big picture to be seen. Water

At the time, in the 1980s, the effort

acquired, then in 1987, a huge 3,800-acre

general election is held in November, 2013.

levels are vital for the healthy genetic

launched by Léo and other members of the

parcel became available.

Robson had defeated incumbent Ellen

diversity of the rare species isolated in the

Vankleek Hill and District Nature Society

Fast forward: The Nature Conservancy

Lakoff in the 2009 election. Robson is the

wetland. Drainage exposes the peat to

seemed quixotic. A group of sandal-clad,

of Canada bought 1,300 hectares for about

secondmember of council to leave since the

oxygen. Exposed peat oxidizes, releasing

meek bird watchers, tree huggers and

$2.5 million. This purchase was financed

2009 vote. Councillor Robert Parkinson

carbon dioxide. The off-gassing from the

dreamers was taking on government and

by governments, conservationists,

resigned from his number 5 councillor post

bog would be the equivalent of putting an

land-stripping companies.

naturalists and countless numbers of

in the summer of 2010. Randy Watson

additional 24,000 family cars on the road.

The precious wetland was in peril.



One episode in the saga prompted a bog

Conservationists were dismissed by

To make a saga short, about 90 per cent

in July of that year.

municipalities that were anxious to see the

massive, 10,200-acre bog put to some good


If you could not make money from it,

grow something in it, mine or burn it, then

it was useless, right?

In 1981, the council of Caledonia

Township, which has since been merged

with neighbouring municipalities to create

The Nation, approved a zoning change,

permitting a company to drain and try to

farm a large tract of the bog.

There was also a push to expand peat

harvesting in the privately-owned marsh.


and they would not go away for the next 20


The biggest obstacle they faced was

ignorance. At the time, the general public

did not, and could not, appreciate why the

conservationists were so passionate about

a drab piece of real estate in the middle of

Political contributions The rules governing political financing make it possible to participate in Québec’s democratic life in a transparent and fair manner. I’mVOTING in the electoral division of Argenteuil on June 11, 2012 BY-ELECTION


The bog would get attention once in a

while if a person got lost while picking

blueberries, or a peat fire would break out.

However, today, the Alfred Bog is listed

on municipalities’ web sites as being a

major attraction.

The expression has been used so often

that it is almost threadbare, but the bog is

still home to a “unique mix of flora and

fauna.” How special? Heard of the bog elfin

Orthothérapeute Joanne D’Aoust

Who may contribute and what is the maximum amount for a contribution? An elector only may contribute a maximum of $1,000 per year to each party, to Members of the National Assembly, or to authorized independent candidates. Every contribution must be accompanied with a contribution slip, duly completed and signed by the elector.


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