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GPR a swing riding? 1PMJUJDBMQVOEJUTIBWFTUBUFEJOBOBMZTFT for media that the Liberals will keep some of their riding seats in southern Ontario and &BTUFSO0OUBSJP(MFOHBSSZ1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM is still considered a Liberal stronghold, having been a “red” riding since 1981 under TFWFSBM.11TJODMVEJOH%PO#PVESJB +FBO .BSD-BMPOEFBOE(SBOU$SBDL 5IF DVSSFOU -JCFSBM DBOEJEBUF 1JFSSF Leroux said the June 7 election represents iBOPQQPSUVOJUZGPS(MFOHBSSZ1SFTDPUU3VT - sell”, if it remains a Liberal riding and does OPUDIPPTFFJUIFS1SPHSFTTJWF$POTFSWBUJWF "NBOEB4JNBSEPSUIF/%1T#POOJF+FBO -PVJTBTJUTOFYU.11 i8IPFWFSJT.11XJMMKVTUCFBCBDLCFO - DIFSuTBJE-FSPVY iJGFJUIFSUIF/%1PSUIF 1$XJO*G*DBOXJOUIJTSJEJOHUIFOUIF(13 becomes a swing vote riding, and then I can OFHPUJBUFGPS(13TCFOFàUu NDP and PC views #PUIUIF1$BOE/%1DBOEJEBUFTJOUIF (13SFWFBMUIFJSUIPVHIUTBCPVU8ZOOFT announcement and the chances of the Libe- SBMTLFFQJOH(MFOHBSSZ1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMBT one of their ridings.  i8ZOOFT DPODFTTJPO PG EFGFBU JT B last-minute tactic, proving to the people of Ontario just how out of touch the Liberals have become,” stated Simard in an email statement. “It is a desperate move by a EFTQFSBUFQBSUZ5IFQFPQMFPG(MFOHBSSZ 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMEFTFSWFBO.11XIPDBO USVMZNBLFBEJGGFSFODFBU2VFFOT1BSL

Premier Kathleen Wynne conceded an early defeat for her party’s chances of forming another Liberal government for Ontario when the polls close June 7. The hope now is to play “kingma- ker” in a minority government headed either by the NDP or the Progressive Conservatives, which could mean the GPR becoming a “swing riding” if it decides to stay Red and not switch to either PC Blue or NDP Orange. %VSJOHUIFMBTUGFXEBZTPG.BZ 8ZOOF admitted during interviews with major media that the Liberal party’s low rating in public opinion signaled the end of its hope of for- ming another provincial government. The focus during the final week of campaigning has been to gain enough voter support to win eight or more seats, to maintain official party status in the legislature and keep both UIF/%1BOEUIF1SPHSFTTJWF$POTFSWBUJWFT from forming a majority government. i&WFOUIPVHI*XPOUCFMFBEJOHUIJTQSP - vince as premier, I care deeply about how JUXJMMCFMFE u8ZOOFUPMESFQPSUFSTEVSJOH a campaign stop in Toronto over the June 2 XFFLFOEi1FPQMFXBOUDIBOHF CVUCZBOE large they’re confident about where Ontario stands and where Ontario is headed. For this reason—I heard this over and over again— many voters are worried about handing a CMBOLDIFRVFUPFJUIFS%PVH'PSEPSUIF/%1u

La première ministre Kathleen Wynne (ici lors d’une récente visite à Hawkesbury) admet maintenant qu’elle ne croit pas que les chances d’un autre gouvernement libéral pour l’Ontario soient bonnes le 7 juin. Elle se concentre maintenant sur elle et ses collègues libéraux, dont Pierre Leroux. Glengarry-Prescott-Russell doit conserver suffisamment de sièges pour maintenir le statut officiel de parti à l’Assemblée législative et empêcher le NPD ou les progressistes- conservateurs de former un gouvernement majoritaire. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

the final ballot is counted. i1FPQMFBSFVTFEUPWPUJOHUSBEJUJPOBMMZ IFSF uBEEFE+FBO-PVJTi1FPQMFBMTPIBWF a mind of their own. Some people have told NFUIBUUIFZBSF/%1BUIFBSUCVUUIFZMMWPUF Liberal to keep Doug Ford from getting in. #VUXF /%1 BSFUIFPOMZPOFTXJUIBSFBM QMBO TPJGQFPQMFBSF/%1BUIFBSU UIFO now’s the time to do it.”

The Liberal candidate is not that person. His party and his leader will not be in power. &WFSZPOFLOPXTUIJTOPX FWFOIJNu “Locally, for me, it always comes down UP&MFDUJPO/JHIU uTBJE+FBO-PVJT BEEJOH UIBUFWFOUIPVHIUIF/%1JTBMNPTUOFDL BOEOFDLXJUIUIF1SPHSFTTJWF$POTFSWBUJWFT in the provincial polls, she still won’t count herself and her party as sure winners until

Spécialiste de l’apnée du sommeil | Sleep apnea Specialists

LE 12 JUIN 9H À 17H

JUNE 12 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M.

It is with great pleasure that Complete Cpap Care announces the opening of a new store located at 1062 Ghislain Street, suite 104 in Hawkesbury (Trillium building) Specializing in the treatment of sleep apnea, this branch is equipped with a wide variety of Cpap, Auto-Cpap and Bipap devices, masks and accessories for all your sleep apnea needs. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Please join us on June 12 from 9am to 5pm, to help us celebrate the grand opening of our new store and enjoy on this day only, a 10% discount on the purchase of a newmask!

C’est avec grand plaisir que Complete Cpap Care annonce l’ouverture d’un nouveau magasin situé au 1062, rue Ghislain, suite 104 à Hawkesbury (édifice Trillium). Spécialisé dans le traitement de l’apnée du sommeil, cette succursale est munie d’un vaste éventail d’appareils CPAP, Auto-CPAP, Bipap, masques et accessoires pour le traitement de l’apnée du sommeil. Nos heures d’ouverture sont du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 17h. Pour célébrer la grande ouverture de notre nouveau magasin, nous vous invitons à venir nous rejoindre le 12 juin prochain, de 9h à 17h, et profiter lors de cette journée, d’un rabais de 10% sur l’achat d’un nouveau masque. Également, nous aurons la chance de recevoir Monsieur Gilles Bédard, représentant de la compagnie Philips/ Respironics ainsi que Monsieur Jérôme Boisvert, représentant de la compagnie Fisher&Paykel. Monsieur Bédard et Monsieur Boisvert se chargeront de vous faire découvrir les nouvelles technologies ainsi que les nouveaux produits disponibles. Aussi, lors de la grande ouverture, la mairesse Jeanne Charlebois sera présente entre 13h et 15h, pour célebrer avec nous.

On this day, we will have the privilege to have with us on site Mr. Gilles Bédard, representative for the Philips / Respironics company and Mr. Jérôme Boisvert representative for the Fisher & Paykel company. Mr. Bédard and Mr. Boisvert will introduce you to new sleep technologies and products available on the market. Hawkesbury Mayor Mrs. Jeanne Charlebois will also be making a brief appearance between 1pm and 3pm, to celebrate with us.

Bienvenue à tous !

Everyone Welcome!

1062, rue Ghislain St., # 104, Hawkesbury (édifice Trillium Building) 613-632-2618

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