SIP complete v1.2 2024-25

Our Whole school plan for 2024025

Disciplinary subject knowledge All NC subjects & EYFS

Induction & consistency New staff, new leaders

Behaviour curriculum Review & Revise

Safeguarding across the curriculum Review & Revise

SEND PEIA Develop, extend and CPD

Teacher toolbox Right tool at the right time - secure learning

Abbey SIP summary 2024-25

Metacognition Embed practice

LSP Hubs Expert practitioners Y2

BSL Embed




Wider curriculum



Review small steps

Language gap

SEND small step

Develop and exemplify

Expressive & receptive

All non-core & EYFS * 3 yr rolling

Domain specific vocabulary

Feedback cycle


Review Practice

All non-core & EYFS * 3 yr rolling

Review, refresh and update

Concept questions All Year group generate

Parental engagement

Embed WAGOLL & Technology Use and effectiveness

Develop & embed Y2

At Abbey, children are at the heart of what we do. We will foster a love of learning and make learning fun. We will take sensible risks leading to memorable, challenging learning. We will help our children to learn to think, challenge and have confidence to shape their world. Our children will have a voice. We recognise that each child is unique and celebrate the successes of all. We will promote tolerance and mutual respect as part of a global community. We want all our children to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives.

Key performance indicators

Metacognition: Toolbox: Disciplinary

Language:metacognition : Parent project Develop the use of ELKLAN material to support the expressive and receptive language of children, Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy (including mindfulness & self regulation) leading to rapid progress. Parents undertake an Abbey induction to support them in home/school learning. This will follow through as they migrate through the school leading to stronger progress for all.

Small steps: Vocabulary: Concept map Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. Pupils talk with depth about their learning. Develop a key concept map that synthesises the learning over a unit into a statement or question. These concepts will supplement the non-core learning journey.

SEND: Feedback : WAGOLL SEND assessment and small-step curriculum framework is revised and redrafted to ensure that profiles sharply identify the learning journey - more pupils successfully learn the curriculum. The feedback cycle is reviewed to ensure that it supports all to understand next steps and successes. Pupils make rapid progress to address misconception. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils ASSESSMENT

Revise:Re-invent: Teach & practice

Induct: SEND; Experts







Leaders and teachers new to post are induced into the role. A semi-structured coaching and mentoring cycle leads to rapid role conceptualisation and success. SEND PEIA * action plan identifies greater level of in- class CPD for teachers and support staff. SEND pupils make rapid progress from starting points. LSP hubs of expert practice on specific interferons ensures expertise is shared; pupils get more specific intervention to accelerate progress.

BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum.

Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress.

The safeguarding and behaviour curricula aspects of PSHE & RSHE are reviewed and refreshed leading to children strengthening their understanding of this curriculum.

Teachers revise and develop the school’s ‘Abbey steps to success’ to confidently articulate the pedagogical choices made to secure learning. 5% uplift in non-core attainment against the school’s curriculum. Staff and pupils understand and can talk about Disciplinary subject knowledge. PEDAGOGY





Sitting underneath this overarching SIP is a series of subject review booklets that have individual subject/aspect detail. Note: Some aspects of curriculum review will span academic years to ensure effectiveness, rigour and workload. *Priority Education Investment Area (PEIA) is a DFE LA wide initiative.


INTENT 1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan 2. Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. This language is clear on all planning Notebooks. Pupils talk with depth about their learning * 3yr plan 3. Develop subject concept maps that synthesise learning over a unit into a statement or question. These concepts will supplement the non-core learning journey.

Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



IMPLEMENTATION 1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identify domain (subject) specific vocabulary and shape the teaching sequence/learning journeys . Audit against the progression maps. As staff move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Subject leaders, in conjunction with the appropriate year group leads will co-construct a concept map/question that can be answered or explained by the summative learning from the unit or topic.




1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400

2. INSET days x 3


3. Directed time to integrate plans

IMPACT 1. Pupils learn the curriculum well; attainment in-line to above national at all key-stages. 2. Skill progression covered fully and scaffolded for strategic catch-up; 5% uplift in non-core attainment. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. 3. Improved (conceptual) understanding, retention and application of knowledge for pupils. 4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.

Example note: History Disciplinary knowledge


Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change , the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups , as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

1. A cross-school group of staff will revise, revisit and present a curriculum pedagogy update of key features to support effective learning. This will help cement into staff long term memory. 2. Further develop the use and review of ‘teacher toolbox’ pedagogy choices leading to high levels of consistency and good progress for all. This will lead to a revised version of Abbey’s ‘Steps to success’ that teachers will articulate their choices within and across learning sequences. 3. Develop and sharpen staff knowledge of the curricula disciplinary knowledge so that the overarching aims of the national curriculum are strengthened; EYFS curriculum will strengthen preparedness for KS1.







1. EN lead to revise Phase 6 in KS2

1. INSET day to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 3. Links to L&M section and workforce survey. Revise assessment records and use of smart self-marking forms to support TLA. Free teacher time to focus on next-steps. Revise and develop peer and self- assessment 4. Staff to draw upon the subject disciplinary knowledge so that, through half-termly review, all subjects are covered in a 3 yr period.

2. SMT to support use of Google forms


3. INSET day Sept 2024 & Feb 2025 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

4. Follow through with the school’s QA.


9 x £240 per week release = £86,400 INSET days x 3

1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. 2. High levels of classroom pedagogical consistency and teacher security. 3. Pupils learn the curriculum well including the individual subjects’ disciplinary aspects.

INTENT 1. Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy (including mindfulness & self regulation) leading to rapid progress. 2. Parents undertake an Abbey induction to support them in home/school learning. This will follow through as they migrate through the school leading to stronger progress for all. 3. To resurrect the use of the ELKLAN SLCN tool to ensure that language (expressive and receptive) barriers are reduced.


Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation







1. INSET Curriculum & Metacognition 2. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400 INSET days x 3 3. Directed time to integrate plans.

1. INSET to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. By 1/2 term 1 induction on reading and maths; 1/2 term 3 phase 3 phonics and number strategies; by 1/2 term 6 preparation for y1. 3. INSET for staff on the ELKLAN programme, its use and strategies. Ensure that ELKLAN opportunities inform early Wave 1 & 2 provision maps.


IMPACT 1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. 2. All staff are confident and comfortable to be able to articulate the bandings and pupil next steps. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. Wave1 & 2 includes ELKLAN intervention/pedagogy for all. 3. New parent programme follows through school to increase home/school learning so more pupils make rapid progress and parents play a wider role in education

INTENT 1. The promotion and experience of ‘Bucket list, life skills and soft skills’ has been refreshed (23-24) - this needs securing in a consistent way across phases. 2. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘Safeguarding through the curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer a locality based needs are met. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘behaviour curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer of PSED is secure and that staff are confident in reasonable adjustments for the minority requiring these.


Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation







1. Directed time to plan

1. All phases to revise, revisit, refresh and agree a single way of promoting.

2. Website and bookings

2. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the core safeguarding and local context curriculum. 3. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the behaviour curriculum.



1. Secure phase led consistency of promotion of BSL. 2. Pupils have a deep knowledge of PSHE, RSE and local context - supporting pupils to make informed choices leading to safety. 3. Behaviour and attitudes make an outstanding contribution to learning.



1. SEND assessment and the small-step learning for those significantly below ARE is well-defined. 2. Following the detailed review of marking (23-24) leaders will review teacher and pupil marking so that their subjects and (errors or misconceptions in) core- skills are successfully improving over time. 3. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils.

Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. QA and associated follow through of subject release time 2. INSET day Sept 2024 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.




1. Cross-phase and aspirant SENCO to develop a framework of small-step that bridges EYFS into KS1 PK statements up to PK6 (equivalent Y2 standard) 2. Subject leaders use directed L&M time to evaluate the impact of margin and feedback on pupils’ knowledge. This will link to checks on the identified small-step learning from subject schema. Task and finish groups UPS staff. 3. Refine the use of WAGOLL to ensure domain specific and disciplinary knowledge is also well integrated. Each 1/2 term teaching sequence.



1. Small-step schema for SEND leads to sharply focussed (SEND) profiles; staff acutely aware of the needs of this group to inform wave 1,2 & 3 provision. 2. Pupils’ understanding of self-efficacy and next steps is age-appropriate and sharp. 3. WAGOLL provides a sharp model of success that is used and referred to.



1. Induction of new staff, leaders and senior leaders ensures success and effective role conceptualisation. Through directed L&M and semi-structured coaching - staff are empowered to lead with success and greater impact and consistency. 2. Aspirant SENCO develop a flow chart of (action and processes) for the most common SEND. 3. LSP hubs of expert practice on specific interferons ensures expertise is shared; pupils get more specific intervention to accelerate progress.

Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation




IMPLEMENTATION 1. Pair new leaders with current incumbent to induct through the cycle of QA and activities. HT repeat for DHT. 2. Audit and check the provision for Abbey specific SEND; define and conceptualise a flow chart of activities, tasks and SEND toolbox skills. 3. Audit and identify key-staff with interests in specific intervention. Train and introduce a ‘hub- model’ to support a wider group of expertise.



1. QA release @ £240 per day 2. Staff CPD directed time to ensure consistency 3. Joint SMT development.



1. Staff actively engage in QA and through the process challenge and support colleagues to follow the school’s agreed practices and policies. This will lead to accelerated progress for all. 2. Flow charts acutely support waves 2 & 3 provision - SEND make rapid progress. 3. Expert hubs support all staff to make rapid progress with pupil catch-up using defined intervention sharply matched to need.


Curriculum INSET days x 2

1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan 2. Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. This language is clear on all planning Notebooks. Pupils talk with depth about their learning * 3yr plan 3. Develop subject concept maps that synthesise learning over a unit into a statement or question. These concepts will supplement the non-core learning journey. 1. A cross-school group of staff will revise, revisit and present a curriculum pedagogy update of key features to support effective learning. This will help cement into staff long term memory. 2. Further develop the use and review of ‘teacher toolbox’ pedagogy choices leading to high levels of consistency and good progress for all. This will lead to a revised version of Abbey’s ‘Steps to success’ that teachers will articulate their choices within and across learning sequences. 3. Develop and sharpen staff knowledge of the curricula disciplinary knowledge so that the overarching aims of the national curriculum are strengthened; EYFS curriculum will strengthen preparedness for all next steps (EYFS-KS1; KS1-2; KS3-4) 1. Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy (including mindfulness & self regulation) leading to rapid progress. 2. Parents undertake an Abbey induction to support them in home/school learning. This will follow through as they migrate through the school leading to stronger progress for all. 3. To resurrect the use of the ELKLAN SLCN tool to ensure that language (expressive and receptive) barriers are reduced. 1. The promotion and experience of ‘Bucket list, life skills and soft skills’ has been refreshed (23-24) - this needs securing in a consistent way across phases. 2. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘Safeguarding through the curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer a locality based needs are met. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘behaviour curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer of PSED is secure and that staff are confident in reasonable adjustments for the minority requiring these. 1. Kahoot is refined and embedded along with other AFL (tech based) strategies so that staff are acutely aware of gaps in learning and next steps - more pupils successfully learn the curriculum. 2. The process of pupils’ peer/self assessing is reviewed to ensure that it supports all to understand next steps and successes. Pupils make rapid progress to address misconception. 3. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils. 1. Induction of new staff, leaders and senior leaders ensures success and effective role conceptualisation. Through directed L&M and semi-structured coaching - staff are empowered to lead with success and greater impact and consistency. 2. Aspirant SENCO develop a flow chart of (action and processes) for the most common SEND. 3. LSP hubs of expert practice on specific interferons ensures expertise is shared; pupils get more specific intervention to accelerate progress.

1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identify domain (subject) specific vocabulary and shape the teaching sequence/learning journeys . Audit against the progression maps. As staff move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Subject leaders, in conjunction with the appropriate year group leads will co-construct a concept map/question that can be answered or explained by the summative learning from the unit or topic. 1. INSET day to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. Links to L&M section. Check and embed the new marking & feedback cycle. Teachers plan for but also conscious ‘in the moment’ toolbox/pedagogy choices leading to secure learning for all. Staff are able to articulate these choices. 3. Staff to draw upon the subject disciplinary knowledge so that, through half-termly review, all subjects are covered in a 3 yr period. 1. INSET to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. By 1/2 term 1 induction on reading and maths; 1/2 term 3 phase 3 phonics and number strategies; by 1/2 term 6 preparation for y1. 3. 3. INSET for staff on the ELKLAN programme, its use and strategies. Ensure that ELKLAN opportunities inform early Wave 1 & 2 provision maps. 1. All phases to revise, revisit, refresh and agree a single way of promoting. 2. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the core safeguarding and local context curriculum. 3. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the behaviour curriculum.

1. Pupils learn the curriculum well; attainment in-line to above national at all key-stages. 2. Skill progression covered fully and scaffolded for strategic catch-up; 5% uplift in non-core attainment. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. 3. Improved (conceptual) understanding, retention and application of knowledge for pupils.

1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

2. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400


4 x Pupil Progress

3. 2. INSET days x 3


PDM ongoing

4. 3. Directed time to integrate plans


Staff QA - wider group


Complete cycle will take one year

4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.

1. INSET Day September

1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery.

EN lead to revise Phase 6 in KS2

SMT to support use of Google forms

2. Follow up PDM to ‘vignette’ good practice linked to pedagogy 3. L&M Time to check through the weekly release 4. 1/2 termly review of subjects NPQML & NPQSL

2. High levels of classroom pedagogical consistency and teacher security.

INSET day Sept 2024 & Feb 2025 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

3. Pupils learn the curriculum well including the individual subjects’ disciplinary aspects.

Follow through with the school’s QA.

9 x £40 per week release = £86,400 INSET days x 3

1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. 2. New parent programme follows through school to increase home/school learning so more pupils make rapid progress and parents play a wider role in education 3. All staff are confident and comfortable to be able to articulate the bandings and pupil next steps. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. Wave1 & 2 includes ELKLAN intervention/pedagogy for all.

1. INSET Curriculum & Metacognition

1. INSET day x 1 September

2. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

2. Follow up PDM for LSP each half term

3. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400

3. Weekly phase meetings

4. INSET days x 3

4. 1/2 day per week L&M in-class support

5. Directed time to integrate plans.


INSET Day September

1. Secure phase led consistency of promotion of BSL.

1. Directed time to plan

2. Pupils have a deep knowledge of PSHE, RSE and local context - supporting pupils to make informed choices leading to safety.

2. Website and bookings


INSET Day February


PPA for all staff weekly

3. Behaviour and attitudes make an outstanding contribution to learning.


Calendar of events for staff/ parents


Systematic task and review beginning Autumn 2

1. Low stakes testing is used effectively to assess learning of curriculum, next steps and adjustments.

1. All year groups to revise, revisit and check the suitability of Kahoots/ Google forms through the 1/2 termly planning cycles. 2. From EYFS, each phase will revise and devise a change to the use of peer and self-assessment to support marking, workload and pupil understanding. Task and finish groups UPS staff. 3. Refine the use of WAGOLL to ensure domain specific and disciplinary knowledge is also well integrated. Each 1/2 term teaching sequence. 1. Staff actively engage in QA and through the process challenge and support colleagues to follow the school’s agreed practices and policies. This will lead to accelerated progress for all. 2. Flow charts acutely support waves 2 & 3 provision - SEND make rapid progress. 3. Expert hubs support all staff to make rapid progress with pupil catch-up using defined intervention sharply matched to need.

1. QA and associated follow through of subject release time

2. INSET day Sept 2024 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

2. Pupils’ understanding of self-efficacy and next steps is age- appropriate and sharp.


Review through QA process

3. WAGOLL provides a sharp model of success that is used and referred to.

1. Half termly review with NPQML/SL to draw from and inform provision

1. Pair new leaders with current incumbent to induct through the cycle of QA and activities. HT repeat for DHT. 2. Audit and check the provision for Abbey specific SEND; define and conceptualise a flow chart of activities, tasks and SEND toolbox skills. 3. Audit and identify key-staff with interests in specific intervention. Train and introduce a ‘hub-model’ to support a wider group of expertise.

1. QA release @ £240 per day

2. Staff CPD directed time to ensure consistency

3. Joint SMT development.

Note: EYFS & KS1 year group budgets on the Infant budget

Sense check and links to EIF aspects - triangulate with the SEF and ‘Why are we still good documents’

Quality of Education*

Behaviour & Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership, management & governance

III links to the new EIF and where the intentions from the SIP fit into the EIF.




Curriculum conversations lead to updates, improvement and amendments to narrow gaps

90%/35% of pupils make better than expected progress through the school’s curriculum.

Behaviour curriculum review to further secure effective BA & PD.

Parental workshops

NPQML & SL embedding

Marking & Feedback impact on misconceptions

Bucket, life & soft review consistent promotion. Safeguarding across the curriculum review Behaviour curriculum review to further secure effective BA & PD.

UPS staff VFM

Non-core domain specific language and small-steps sharpened

Safeguarding across the curriculum review

Pedagogy and Meta-cognition consistent practice

BD, BA & Safeguarding curricular sharpened

SEND leadership to support rapid progress and in-class support

Expert LSP ‘hub model’ to strengthen and cascade effective practice

Disciplinary knowledge sharpened

Workload remains manageable and retention good

New induction of staff at all levels

Pupils talk confidently about the curriculum learning journey

Concept maps add to learning journey

Proportions at ARE YN & YR; Pedagogy of all adults strengthened

Enhanced SEND support

BSL enhance the national curriculum by bespoke Abbey aspects; pupils use and talk confidently.

5% uplift non-core ARE

SEND assessment and small step learning

LSP experts sharply focus on curriculum gaps

LSP focussed training and coaching

Link Governors: See committee terms of reference and termly governor visit schedule.

Current situation as at Spring 2023. The school has successfully become a hard-federation the Infant school good S5 (May ’13) & again S8 October 2017 & March 2023; the Junior School Good (May ’15) S5 & again December 2019 S8. Our school is a racially harmonious community, which we celebrate widely and are proud of. We are highly committed to raising standards. Our IDACI rank is 9488 out of 32844 placing us in the bottom 30% for deprivation. Current situation as at July 2024. Teaching is consistently good and progress is good across all key stages – the latest IDSR (Oct 2023) shows progress post Covid-19 average KS2 with sig + maths; attainment matches national with little difference between pupil premium and non-disadvantaged. This is replicated in KS1 & EYFS; a strength in Y1 PSC and GDS reading at KS1. Behaviour and attitudes are good and personal development is good with outstanding elements. Leadership and Management is good overall with strengths in Senior Leadership Team, NPQSL/ML & Governance. Safeguarding has been externally scrutinised by the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board and is a robust culture; Financial audit has rated both schools’ procedures as highly effective. Infants new build block replacement completed June 2019.; 50K annual investment for Key Stage 2 each and every year for three years; three-year budget within 5% of carry-forward although DFE funding review places considerable strain on the school(s) and a staffing reduction may be necessary. School has been awarded BSQM; AFPE; Music Mark; Sainsbury’s Gold; Speaker’s Award; PE Premium Award, ICT Mark. Double Gold Artsmark October 2018 & again March 2023; BSQM re- assessment Sept 2022; Bronze Healthy School’s award x 2 2022; Rights Respecting Schools award 2021 and most recently PSQM April 2024. Leaders at all levels contribute to ensuring that the quality of education is good and the school has received a number of awards supporting the self-evaluation of the quality of curriculum. Our mission statement drives the strategic decision taken by leaders. [NOTE: Leaders can be read as ‘leaders at all levels’]

Expectations by Summer 2025 – Overarching outcomes statement.

In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school’s own curriculum is 90%/35%.

In Y2 & Y6 the school’s attainment places us close to Fischer Family Trust (FFT) 20 therefore in the top 20% of schools for progress. (Note below re: published assessment information)

In EYFS the Good level of Development (GLD) remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress against the school’s curriculum is 90%/35% (pending new year baseline assessment)

Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving. Success criteria (measuring the desired outcomes) – see individual section plans below and- Additional possible avenues to share success – Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM); E-Safety 360 Quality Mark; ICT Mark; Inclusion Mark; Arts Mark; Investors in People; PSQM; Anti-bullying mark; RRS award. Note: No National progress measures 23-24 and 24-25 therefore draw upon in-house longitudinal progress from PAG EYFS-KS1-KS2.

Science Disciplinary knowledge Teaching should develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. Equip pupils with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. Working scientifically - observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary sources . Pupils should seek answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data. DT Disciplinary knowledge Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values . Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.

History Disciplinary knowledge Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change , the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups , as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

Geography Disciplinary knowledge

Art Disciplinary knowledge Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity . A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils , equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design . As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history , and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Evaluate and analyse; become proficient.

A high-quality geography education should i nspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments , together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes . As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes , and of the f ormation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.

Computing Disciplinary knowledge

PE Disciplinary knowledge A high-quality physical education curriculum i nspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities . It should provide opportunities for pupils to become p hysically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness . Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

MFL Disciplinary knowledge

Music Disciplinary knowledge Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high- quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians , and so i ncrease their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement . As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose , and to l isten with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.

A high-quality languages education should f oster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world . The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers , both in speech and in writing . It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes , learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.

Use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Provide insights into both natural and artificial systems . Taught the principles of information and computation , how digital systems work , and how to put this knowledge to use through programming . Use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology ready for a digital world.




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