Volume 18 • No. 27 • 20 pages • ROCKLAND • July 19 juillet 2012
28,100 COPIES
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SOLIDE OPPOSITION Photo: Chantal Quirion Plus de 300 personnes ont rempli la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb d’Alfred, le 16 juillet, dans le cadre de la réunion publique portant sur le plan d’une usine d’asphalte à Plantagenet. Avec documents à l’appui, le résident Ron Walker (photo) a été maintes fois applaudi alors qu’il a persuasivement manifesté son opposition au plan. Détails en page 3.
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Usine d’asphalte: l’opposition s’est fait entendre
À l’ordre du jour de cette réunion, une demande d’amendement au Plan officiel (PO) des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) et une demande de changement de zonage au canton pour permettre la con- struction d’un plan d’asphalte sur le lot 18 de la Concession 2 de l’ancien canton de Plantagenet Nord. Le promoteur P.B. Paving & Landscaping a déposé ces demandes accompagnées d’études d’impact menées par la firme Le- vac-Robichaud-Leclerc et associés en vue de mettre son projet à exécution. Précisons que l’entreprise a déposé ces demandes au début d’avril et que le personnel respon- sable de l’aménagement du territoire pour ces deux paliers de gouvernement ont transmis les études aux agences gouver- nementales concernées pour obtenir leurs conclusions avant de procéder eux-mêmes à des recommandations. Dans un premier temps, Sylvain Bou- dreault urbaniste aux Comtés a décrit le lot, une parcelle d’environ 32 hectares située au nord du chemin de comté 17. Celle-ci abrite un boisé d’importance, une zone d’intérêt naturel et scientifique et est traversée par un cours d’eau. En résumé, la modification voulue vise à modifier la désignation d’une parcelle pour en permettre l’usage industriel, ce qui est envisageable si des études d’impacts dé- montrent l’absence d’impacts négatifs. La modification propose aussi de retirer une portion de la zone d’intérêt scientifique
(ZINS) sur le terrain concerné. Poursapart,l’administratriceenaménage- ment du territoire pour le canton, Guylaine Poirier a expliqué qu’essentiellement la demande vise pour la partie municipale, à modifier le zonage de rural à ressources d’agrégats minéral, hormis pour la portion nord ou se situe la zone d’intérêt scienti- fique et naturel. Finalement, le consultant Chris Robi- chaud a précisé que le plan occuperait en- viron deux hectares sur la parcelle d’environ 33 et qu’il se trouverait à environ 685 pieds de la route. Ses clients sont, dit-il, des gens de la région qui veulent ainsi répondre à un besoin. Présentement, l’asphalte provient principalement de la région de Cornwall et d’Ottawa. Ses clients sont Pierre et Guy Ber- trand de même que Sylvain Fredette. Ces gens dit-il veulent opérer selon les normes en vigueur. Les données techniques mentionnent une usine avec une capacité maximale de production de 250 tonnes d’asphalte à l’heure, un nombre maximum d’entrées et de sorties sur la route 17 estimé à 40 cami- ons à l’heure. Le plan serait en opération de mai à décembre et ce, de 7 heures à 19 h, du lundi au vendredi. Les opposants n’ont pas été long à réagir en indiquant notamment que ces consul- tants sont payés pour aplanir les obstacles. Les interventions, près d’une vingtaine ont été parfois assez longues et généralement très étoffées. Craintes pour la santé, craintes
pour la jouissance des lieux, craintes pour la dévaluation des propriétés, craintes pour la perte d’un patrimoine naturel, peur pour la sécurité physique à cause de la densité de transport accru sur la route 17, les com- mentaires ont été nombreux et souvent salués par les applaudissements de la foule. L’absence d’études hydrologiques a été sou- levée de même que l’absence de données pour quantifier les substances toxiques qui pourraient polluer l’air et l’eau. La présence d’éléments cancérigènes a été émise. Le commentaire du maire Jean-Yves Lalonde qui apparait sur le site web de la municipalité a été repris à maintes fois. Plu- sieurs ont cité ses propos quant aux attraits d’Alfred-Plantagenet et l’importance d’offrir un héritage digne de ce nom aux généra- tions futures. La plupart ont dit : « juste- ment, voilà ce qui fait notre richesse et que nous ne voulons pas perdre à cause d’un usage tel que proposé ici. » « Même si chacun de nous se mettait à recycler aujourd’hui comme le propose M. Lalonde, cela n’arriverait même pas à com- penser une infime partie des impacts né- fastes de cette industrie. » Un autre suggérait un moratoire d’un an, terme auquel les consultants auraient le mandat de convaincre l’auditoire hors de tout doute raisonnable qu’il n’y a aucun ris- que lié à cette utilisation. D’autre part, un site web a été ouvert par les opposants au projet à www.jessupsfalls. com, et plus d’une pétition circulent.
CHANTAL QUIRION chantal.quirion@eap.on.ca
ALFRED | L’opposition au plan d’asphalte dans Alfred-Plantagenet s’est manifestée haut et fort lors d’une réunion publique lundi soir dernier à Alfred. Ce qui devait être un exercice visant à recueillir les commentaires et questions du public s’est finalement conclue avec la promesse du conseil d’Alfred-Plantagenet de tenir une seconde réunion publique avant qu’une décision soit prise dans ce dossier. Si certains opposants considèrent cette issue comme inutile dans la mesure ou le projet devrait être abandonnée sur le champ, pour d’autres, il y a là au moins, la possibilité de recueillir plus d’informations pour prouver les impacts négatifs du projet. La salle des Chevaliers de Colomb était bondée et l’animation vive pour la tenue de cette réunion organisée par le canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet et les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. Des représentants des forces de l’ordre étaient sur place mais la réunion quoique agitée, na pas connu de débordement. Le public a de même appris que le con- seiller Raymond Fredette se trouve en conflit d’intérêt dans ce dossier. Ce dernier s’est donc retiré pendant cette portion de la réunion et n’a pas voter sur la résolution pour la tenue d’une seconde réunion.
Le cabinet juridique Charron Langlois s.r.l. est fier d’accueillir M e Sophie Patenaude et M e Alexandre Lafrenière au sein de son étude. M e Patenaude et M e Lafrenière se feront un plaisir de vous servir à notre bureau de Rockland.
Soirée 5 à 7 au Boston Pizza Rockland (côté bar) mercredi le 25 juillet, 2012 Saisissez l’occasion pour venir rencontrer les gens de l’industrie de la construction et obtenir des informations concernant la nouvelle Association de Construction de Clarence-Rockland.
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Heatwave begins to weigh down on water use GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca downpour of rain to help eliminate the problem. posed in some streams, creating potential boating hazards. per cent. This can be done by avoiding non- essential water use like watering lawns and washing cars.
“I’m being told the only way this fire is going to be put out completely is if Mother Nature gives us a hand,” stated Marc Messi- er, Ottawa Fire Services spokesman. “Other- wise it’s going to be just continuously do- ing what we’re doing and keeping the fire contained and staying on top of these hot areas.” Smokers are warned to be careful about tossing cigarette or cigar butts or smoulder- ing matches as they could still ignite grass fires given the past dry weather conditions. Ottawa Fire Services also urges backyard chefs to take extra precaution when fir- ing up a barbecue. Keep water buckets or a hose near to hand for a charcoal fire, and a working fire extinguisher for dealing with a gas barbecue. Do not light the barbecue within three metres of a building, wooden deck or any other flammable object such as overhanging tree limbs, and do not leave a barbecue or charcoal grill unattended, es- pecially if there is any kind of breeze blow- ing. The City of Clarence-Rockland has or- dered a Burn Ban for all communities within its borders as of the July 14 weekend. In the Larose Community Forest, which the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) main- tains, the woods are also suffering from the dry conditions. The UCPR has a year-round restriction on open fires in the Larose For- est with campfires only allowed under strict permit conditions. Phone 613-487-4103 to confirm any plans for complete fire bans if current weather conditions persist. Both the South Nation Conservation Au- thority (SNC) and Rideau Vallen Conserva- tion Authority (RVC) declared Level 2 Low Water Advisory notices. This means“a minor water supply problem” exists. Reports have come in to the SNC office of dry wells on some properties within the South Nation River watershed region. Also the lower water levels have left rocks ex-
The Level Two rating comes with a re- quest for all residents and businesses to reduce water consumption by at least 20
Residents need to practise water conser- vation in other ways like limiting watering gardens to the evening hours to avoid rapid evaporation of the water. Alfred-Plantagenet Township has had its standard summer sprinkling restrictions in effect now for all households which are on the municipal water system. Lawn and gar- den watering is allowed between 7 and 10 p.m. on odd-numbered calendar days for homes and businesses with odd-numbered street addresses and on even-numbered days for those with even-numbered street addresses. In The Nation municipality there is now a notice to residents in the village of Limoges and in the Forest Park and Le Baron neigh- bourhoods, and the Ben Tardiff Mobile Home Park to refrain from washing cars, trucks and other vehicles and to limit or avoid lawn-watering using the municipal water supply system.
Eastern Ontario | The sunshine and extra- warm temperatures may be good for the beach volleyball crowd but it is starting to prove unbearable for those concerned about both local water supplies and the health of some individuals. The Monday night rain that drenched the area may provide some temporary relief to the heat and help fire fighters over in West Ottawa but it does not cancel out any of the burn bans now in effect in Eastern Ontario communities. About 25 millimetres, equal to one inch, of rain fell overnight between July 16 and 17, but the high humidity still poses a risk of thunderstorms sometime this week. Elimination of the current drought conditions will require a prolonged period of rain. With the hope that the date does not prove ominous Russell Township imposed an open fire ban in the community on Fri- day, July 13, because of the prolonged hot dry weather. The ban will remain in effect until further notice with updates available online at www.russell.ca or by phone to 613-443-3066. Ottawa Fire Services has also imposed a Burn Ban on any open-air fires like camp fires, chimney fire setups for barbecues where sparks or burning embers may fly out and light elsewhere. The past weekend saw many of the City of Ottawa’s fire sta- tions sending crews out to the west side of the city to contain a hundred-acre brush fire in the Moodie Drive and Old Richmond Road area. The main problem is that part of the fire now lies smouldering underneath the sur- face of the ground, creating hot spots that can flare up again given the extreme dry conditions. Fire crews are hoping the heat- wave will break long enough to see a good
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In response to the article entitled " SPORTSPLEX OR WHITE ELEPHANT” written in “THE Ti- Mousse's JOURNAL” dated June 28, 2012. According to Michel LaCasse and his friends the “musketeers”, “the previous administra- tion had used all possible procedures to prevent me from obtaining the relevant docu- mentation”. As you may have guessed since they blamed the previous administration on numer- ous occasions, and later proven to be wrong, this is completely false. Mr. LaCasse and his friends, the “musketeers”, did in fact receive all requested documents pertaining to the sports complex. However, when they realized that the agreement between the YMCA-YWCA and the municipality is quite favourable to the taxpayers of Clarence-Rockland, they attempted to Sportsplex or white elephant?
raise doubts as to the feasibility of the sports complex by writing false information in their journal “The Musketeers' ". In essence, the only thing they can do is: fudge the numbers, provide incomplete infor- mation, give one side of the story, laugh at others while trying to make themselves look better, blame others for anything, etc. We would like to bring things back to order in rela- tion to the sports complex. In the article dated June 28, written in « The Ti-Mousse's Journal », Mr. LaCasse mentioned that "the sports complex’s operational deficit is more than $20 000 per month and it's for life". Even with agreement in hand, they seem unable to correctly read the agreement. They should inform themselves prior to writing anything. Section 15 (A) of the agreement , reads as follows: " In the first five (5) years of this Agreement, the annual operational budget is to be re- viewed and recommended for approval by Council of the City prior to the consideration of the annual operational budget by the YMCA-YWCA Board of Directors. " Did Mr. Guibord take the time to read this agreement? During the last political cam- paign, Mr. Guibord clearly stated on numerous occasions that he was NOT a politician but a VERY GOOD administrator. Sad for taxpayers, but we have serious doubts as to his capacity to administrate. Now it’s your turn to decide. In addition, Section 15(B) of the agreement clearly stipulates that the YMCA-YWCA is responsible for reimbursing all amounts advanced by the municipality during the first five (5) years. The section reads as follows: " The City will pay for any operating deficits during the five (5) years start up period sub- ject to a maximum amount which is equal to the Annual YMCA-YWCA Sudsidy Cap (as per Schedule “G” Sudsidy Cap had been set at $439,355.00). Thereafter, the City will not contribute to annual operating deficits subject to any other terms of this Agreement. If the YMCA-YWCA Facility shall at any time during the Term realize an operating surplus, the surplus for any given year shall be paid to the City until such time as the total amount of annual YMCA-YWCA Subsidy Cap paid by the City during the first five (5) years along with all amounts paid under the Transition Agreement ($157,835.00) have been reimbursed. Thereafter, the City and the YMCA-YWCA shall share equally in any annual operating sur- pluses ". As mentioned previously, it is quite obvious that Mr. LaCasse and his friends, the “muske- teers”, are trying to justify in any way possible the fact that this current city council (com- posed in majority of “musketeers” friends) is accomplishing very little in the City of Clar- ence-Rockland other than studies costing thousands of dollars for taxpayers, for instance, GENIVAR Consultant, well known to certain members of the current council. Rather than writing articles with the sole objective of misleading the population, you should perhaps start training at the complex. In closing, Mr. LaCasse also forgot to mention many positive points attributable to the agreement signed with the YMCA-YWCA. Was this purposely done? Amongst others, the YMCA-YWCA has spent approximately $800 000 towards equip- ment for the sports complex , such as treadmills, stationary bicycles, weights, etc., certain members of the national rugby team regularly train at this beautiful facility, an agreement is in place between the YMCA-YWCA and Clarence-Rockland Family Health Team ” so that patients from our region can participate in rehabilitation programs, the YMCA-YWCA pro- vides bus service during the week so that young folks from rural areas can use the sporting facilities during summer holidays, etc. If you would like to receive a copy of the agreement or discuss it in greater detail, do not hesitate to contact us. You will realize firsthand what has been mentioned in this article. Frommembers of the former administration: Richard Lalonde, Jean-Pierre Chartrand, Kyle Cyr, Guy Desjardins, Garry Edwards, Francine Mault, Raymond Serrurier, Michel Thivierge
À sa création l’année dernière, le site de Facebook intitulé ‘’Citoyen de Clarence-Rockland citizen’’ s’était donné comme objectif de contribuer à une saine et vigoureuse démocratie dans la cité de Clarence-Rockland en : A. rendant les membres du Conseil municipal de la cité de Clarence- Rockland publiquement imputables de leurs décisions et politiques; et, B. en fournissant aux citoyens de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland la possibilité d’exprimer publiquement leurs opinions au sujet des affaires municipales de leur Cité. Le but premier de ce site était de doter les citoyens d’un outil qui leur permettrait de s’informer et de partager publiquement leurs opinions au sujet des affaires municipales. Entre autres, on y a retrouvé des critiques et des éloges au sujet des politiques et des décisions des membres du Conseil municipal. Parfois les critiques publiées envers certains élus et leurs alliés, se sont avérées sévères et nous croyons qu’elles étaient souvent bien justifiées. Toutefois, depuis le mois de juin dernier, le site, à nos yeux, a profondément At its inception last year, the Facebook site titled ‘’Citoyen de Clarence- Rockland citizen’’ set itself the objective of contributing to a healthy and vigorous democracy in the City of Clarence-Rockland by: A. making members of the municipal council of the City of Clarence-Rockland publicly accountable for their decisions and policies; and, B. by providing citizens of the City of Clarence-Rockland opportunity to publicly express their views about the municipal affairs of their city. The primary purpose of this site was to give citizens a tool enabling them to learn and share their views publicly about municipal affairs. Among others, comments published on the site include criticisms and praise for the policies and decisions of the City’s municipal council members. Sometimes the criticisms posted about some elected officials and their allies have proven tough and we believe they were often well justified. However, since last June, the site, in our view, has sunk deeply to an
sombré littéraire abominable! Entre autres, on y retrouve jurons et vulgarité, accompagnés de commentaires et d’attaques personnelles indignes et déshonorables, qui sont sans rapport avec les buts du site. Nous condamnons et dénonçons sans réserve l’état déplorable dans lequel le site se retrouve aujourd’hui, et nous croyons que l’utilisation récente de langage et de commentaires inappropriés, nuisent à la crédibilité du site et compromettent considérablement l’atteinte d’objectifs honorables. Membres depuis sa fondation, nous avons par conséquent quitté ce site, car nous ne voulons aucunement être associés ou perçus comme être associés à l’image déshonorable qu’il projette depuis un certain temps. Nous regrettons profondément que le site se soit éloigné significativement de son but premier, en permettant l’utilisation de jurons et de vulgarité. Un retour à la base et l’utilisation d’un langage dénuée de jurons, vulgarité et d’attaques personnelles indignes sont sans contredit nécessaires à rétablir la crédibilité du site à nos yeux. dans une forme abominable literary standard! Among other things, it contains swearing and vulgarity, with unworthy and dishonorable comments and personal attacks that are unrelated to the site’s goals. We denounce and condemn unreservedly the deplorable state in which the site is found today, and we believe that the recent use of foul language and inappropriate comments, undermine the site’s credibility and significantly compromise achievement of honorable objectives. As members since its founding, we have therefore left this site because we do not want in any way to be associated or perceived to be associated with the dishonorable image it has projected for some time. We deeply regret that the site has strayed significantly from its original purpose, by allowing the use of profanity and vulgarity. A return to the site’s fundamentals and the use of a languagedevoidof profanity, vulgarity and undignified personal attacks are unquestionably necessary to restore the site’s credibility to our eyes.
André Branchaud • Jean-Guy Giroux • Jean Yves Pigeon • Alain Saumure
28 100 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca Paulo Casimiro , Directeur • Director , paulo.casimiro@eap.on.ca
François Bélair , Directeur de ventes et développement • Director of Sales and Development , francois.belair@eap.on.ca Julien Boisvenue , Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse / Layout & Prepress Mgr. , julien.boisvenue@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising : vision@eap.on.ca Nouvelles : paulo.casimiro@eap.on.ca • News: gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : diane.maisonneuve@eap.on.ca
Bureau ROCKLAND Office 1315, Laurier, C.P. / P.O. Box 897, Rockland, ON K4K 1L5 Tel.: 613 446-6456 • Fax: 613 446-1381 1 800 365-9970
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André Branchaud • Jean-Guy Giroux • Jean Yves Pigeon • Alain Saumure
À la mémoire de Jérémie J. Audette
KIM’S GROOMING Dogs a re my passion! « Bien que plusieurs personnes estiment que la noyade est peu problématique, il s’agit de la deuxième cause de décès acci- dentelle chez les enfants, a souligné le con- seiller Stephen Blais. Les enfants âgés de cinq etmoins sont plus à risque dû à leur curiosité ». C’est ainsi que le 25 août 2011, le con- seil de la Ville d’Ottawa a approuvé cette demande au grand plaisir notamment des parents de Jérémie. « En tant que parents de Jérémie, nous sommes très choyés et fiers de savoir que notre petit ange fera partie de la commu- nauté d’Orléans à tout jamais », a affirmé la mère de Jérémie, Mélanie Audette qui a offert un chaleureux merci à Sophie Lafon- taine pour son dévouement. Le travail ne s’arrête pas là, notamment pour la famille du jeune défunt. Alain et Mé- lanie Audette se donnent comme objectif de rendre les lois plus sévères en ce qui a trait à la sécurité autour des piscines et des cours d’eau. En effet, ce malheureux incident sert en quelque sorte d’exemple et de leçon. Il illus- tre les risques de noyade souvent négligés. Ces derniers temps également, les tradi- tionnelles pataugeoires font place aux aires de jets d’eau. L’année 2012 s’annonce également dés- astreuse au niveau des noyades. En Ontario, on dénombre déjà plus de 50 noyades.
MARTIN BRUNETTE martin.brunette@eap.on.ca
ORLÉANS | Le nom de Jérémie J. Audette restera à jamais gravé dans la mémoire collective de la communauté d’Ottawa. La Ville a procédé, vendredi, à la nomination de l’aire de jets d’eau du parc Portobello, dans le secteur d’Orléans, en l’honneur de cet enfant, victime de noyade en 2010. Jérémie, âgé de deux ans, a perdu la vie le 28 juillet 2010, après être tombé dans une piscine hors terre d’une garderie privée. Ce matin-là, Alain et Mélanie Audette ont vécu une tragédie qu’aucun parent ne devrait vivre. « Je ne peux pas imaginer la douleur qu’ils ont dû ressentir et qu’ils ressentent toujours aujourd’hui », a affirmé le maire d’Ottawa, JimWatson. Cet hommage n’aurait pu se faire sans les efforts acharnés de Sophie Lafontaine, une amie de la famille Audette. Peu de temps après l’incident, elle a entrepris d’honorer la mémoire de Jérémie J. Audette, tout en sensibilisant le public afin d’éviter qu’un tel événement ne se reproduise. Sophie Lafontaine a fait circuler une pé- tition afin de nommer l’aire de jets d’eau en l’honneur des jeunes garçons. Elle a réuni pas moins de 1300 signatures. Mme Lafon- taine a également récolté des appuis grâce au réseau social facebook. Le groupe Peti- tion in memory of (Pétition à la mémoire de) Jérémie J. Audette rassemble plus de 1300 membres. Pour sa part, Stephen Blais, conseiller d’Orléans, s’est dit étonné de l’appui du public. « La réaction de la communauté dont j’ai été témoin a été stupéfiante. Il s’agit de la plus grande campagne de sen- sibilisation pour désignation commémora- tive que la ville d’Ottawa n’a jamais vue ».
Photo Martin Brunette
Une plaque racontant la tragédie de Jérémie J. Audette sera apposée au parc Porto- bello, dans le secteur d’Orléans. Sur la photo, dans l’ordre habituel: Stephen Blais, conseiller d’Orléans, JimWatson, maire d’Ottawa, Alain et Mélanie Audette, parents de Jérémie.
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123 Anywhere Street, Anytown PR, A1A 1A1 Fax 000-000-000 first_lastname@cooperators.ca Tracy Halloran, ADM The Co-operators 1547 Merivale Rd, Ste 400 Nepean, ON K2G 4V3 tracy_halloran@cooperators.ca
CARPET MATS NoPurchaseRequired
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747-8555 *taxes due at time of purchase, 180daysO.A.C.minpurchase$500.00
HOURS: Mon. - Wed. 8:00 - 5:30, Thurs. & Fri., 8:00 - 8:00 Sat. 9:00 - 5:00
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca Search begins for Ottawa’s integrity commissioner cate and train council members about the conduct code, advise mayor and council on matters involving the code, and when asked will investigate and report on com- plaints and alleged infractions of the code. The integrity commissioner will also serve as the city’s Meetings Investigator on in- camera concerns, and act as Lobbyist Reg- istrar, dealing with issues under the munici- pality’s new lobbyist policy. understanding of council operations and policies. The qualified candidate needs to be bilingual and able to handle investiga- tions and reports in both official languages. The post is a part-time position and the successful candidate must have no specific connections, including financial or busi- ness, with either the city or members of council.
Ottawa | There was some discussion about who should be on the list but no real ar- gument among city council members that Ottawa needs a new set of rules for deal- ing with lobbyists and someone to keep things honest at city hall. The City of Ottawa is now on the hunt for qualified applicants to fill the new posi- tion of Integrity Commissioner for the mu- nicipality. For now the new post will be a part-time one with the successful applicant handling affairs on an as-needed basis for a one-year contract period though later re- views may extend that to a five-year term. “This is a new territory for us,” said Mayor Jim Watson during the July 11 council ses- sion. “We have to find our feet here.” The integrity commissioner position and the new rules dealing with lobbyists all re- sulted from the recent governance review done for the city covering the 2010-2014 mandate period for the current council and mayor. Mayor Watson headed the sub- committee, made up of several council members and supported by city staff and an independent third party, soon after his election to office. The main recommendation in the final report from the sub-committee, which op- erated through council’s finance and eco- nomic development committee, was that the city needed to set a new “accountabil-
More details on the position is online at www.ottawa.ca. Deadline for applications is Aug. 3, 4 p.m., by mail to Rick O’Connor, the city clerk, at 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON, K1p 1J1, or email to rick.ocon- nor@ottawa.ca.
CUMMINGS AUTO SALES • SERVICE • FINANCE 3003 St-Joseph, Orleans • 613 834-8885 Raymond et Luc Gregoire (Formerly Gregoire Auto in Embrun) City Hall is looking now for applicants with a background in municipal government, procedural law, and ethics, knowledge of the Municipal Act and the provincial rules regarding accountability and transparency,
Mayor JimWatson
ity framework” in addition to the existing policy guaranteeing accountability and transparency for municipal operations and council members’ activities, to meet public concerns about the use of in camera ses- sions for city business and also meet the demands of the Ontario Municipal Act for openness in local government. “Most experts agree that it is important for municipalities to have an independent party to enforce a Council Code of Con- duct,” stated the report, “and the Integrity Commissioner model has worked well in numerous jurisdictions.” Ottawa’s new integrity commissioner will provide advice and recommendations on a draft Council Code of Conduct, help edu-
446 Jasper Cr, Rockland SATURDAY & SUNDAY July 21 st and July 22 nd , 2-4 PM $364,000 - ID 35801
Beautiful 3 + 1 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 car garage home on a 50’ x 105’ lot with PVC fenced backyard. Hardwood floors in living room and dining room and office, ceramic in kitchen and hallway/entrance and powder room. Living room with gas fireplace and kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Patio doors off of kitchen to backyard. Tina or Norm Leduc, owners 613 446-0582 E-mail the seller
Gerry Raymond Sales representative 613 837-0000
3-2865, rue Laurier, Rockland • Tél. : 613 446-6608
METRO-CITY REALTY LTD. Real Estate Brokerage • Independently Owned and operated Many more winning models to choose from at www.gerryraymond.com NEW LOTS AVAILABLE ON OPALE STREET!
170 Dorina Sarazin Cr., Rockland
New Dakota model! New home being built by a local five-star builder with over 35 years in business (never late for possession). Purchaser has choice of flooring & fixtures at the builder’s dealers. List of upgrades available. Located on a quiet street. Bus service to centre Ottawa morning and night. Only minutes from Ottawa river boat launch, golf, Canadian Tire. High eff. gas furnace, other models available. New homes being built by a local five-star builder with over 35 years in business. He is never late for possession. Purchasers have choice of color for brick/ vinyl, oak,maple or white cupboards/counter top, floor coverings & fixtures at builder’s dealers.Bus service from Rockland to centre town Ottawa morning and night. Only minutes from Ottawa river, boat launch, picnic ground, golf, list of upgrades available. (Compare to Orleans) 2,265 sq. ft. $322,160
141 Dorina Sarazin Cr., Rockland
220 Trillium Circle, Wendover
New house! Possession 30 days, 1,555 square feet. One year builder warranty, 7-year tarrion warranty, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathroom, hardwood and ceramic on main floor, ceramic in upstairs bathroom, oversized single attached garage, lot 50’x187’.
Metro-City Realty Ltd. 2325 St.Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON w w w . g e r r y r a y m o n d . c a
Clarence-Rockland Twp • $579,900 MLS 829546
Alfred&PlantagenetTwp • $239,900 MLS 837601
Alfred&PlantagenetTwp • $273,900 MLS 821086
MLS 837796
Rockland • $274,900
Fabulous custom built home, nestled on private 8.12 acres. Gleaming hardwood & ceramic floors, gorgeous kitchen w/ exotic granite tops & stainless appliances. Inviting living room w/ gas fireplace. Hot tub & view of property from balcony. Many energy star features. ESTATE HOME
Private country property w/ in law type suite. Newer shingles, solid oak kitchen w/ granite tops & newer appliances. Mostly hardwood & ceramic on main, laminate walkout basement suite. Newer septic bed & new top of the line water treatment system. PRIVATE COUNTRY PROPERTY
3-bedroom home w/ stone facade on large lot. This beauty has much to offer: large eat-in kitchen w/many cabinets, 9’ ceilings in basement & main floor,gleaminghardwood&ceramic floors.New interlockpatio (40’ X 22’), elegant front steps & eavestroughs. Easy access to highway 174. ATTRACTIVE & STYLISH
Clean and practical 3-bedroom & 3-bathroom home. Gleaming hardwood & ceramic floors. Open concept living & dining room w/ natural gas fireplace. Spacious master bedroom w/ensuite. Walking distance to YMCA, intermediate & high schools. MORRIS VILLAGE
Christopher Blenkiron Sales representative Dir 613 913-4665
Clarence-Rockland Twp • $424,900 MLS 823944
MLS 838653
Clarence-Rockland Twp • $364,900 MLS 830378
MLS 826707
Rockland • $289,900
Clarence-Creek • $309,900
A paved laneway leads you to this charming country home. Treed lot offers privacy. Features: 9ft ceiling, large size rooms, therapeutic bath, patio door to large deck/verandah, fully finished basement with propane gas fireplace. DISTINCTIVEPROPERTYONA2ACRELOT!
Attractive popular model in family oriented neighbourhood. Open concept main floor with easy access to a large covered deck and fully fenced backyard. Located on a quiet corner lot. Flexible possession date. IDEAL FOR A GROWING FAMILY...
Perfect for nature lovers. Two attached homes, separate hydro and heating system. Hobby farm. Garage/ workshop 40’ x 30’ x 11’ ceiling. Enjoy peaceful nature, creek, pond and the privacy at a dead end road... BEAUTIFUL 7.4 ACRES PROPERTY !!!
Luc Joly ABR, ASA
Broker of record / Owner Dir 613 223-4430
MLS 837193
MLS 814446
MLS 832714
Bourget • $199,900
Rockland • $334,900
Alfred • $324,900
MLS 826415
Bourget • $239,900
Large 4-bedroom, 2-storey home in village, 2 baths, large country kitchen with eat-in area, formal dining room, living & family room on main, hardwood floors, large double lot. SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME
BEAUTIFUL 3 bed, 2 baths, kitchen with eat-in area, main floor family/fireplace, master/ensuite/walk-in, pool, hot tub, large private landscaped yard. A must see! AWESOME NEIGHBOURHOOD
Beautiful 3+1 bedroom, 2 baths, large kitchen lots of oak cabinetry, gleaming hardwood floors, huge family room, walkout, inside entry, double detached, nested on a 1.12 acre property. IMPRESSIVE CUSTOM SPLIT
Cozy 2-bedroom bungalow large kitchen loads of oak cabinetry, bright livingroom, detached garage workshop 75X24, backing onto Larose Forest endless trails. CHARMING 10 ACRES HOBBY FARM
Joanne Labelle Sales representative Dir 613 867-3990
MLS 836174
Rockland • $485,000
MLS 823960
MLS 828844
Hammond • $459,000
Rockland • $565,000
MLS 809985
Rockland • $383,500
2009 – Woodfield, Berkeley model! 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, 9 ft. ceilings, office on main, gourmet kitchen, colonial pillars, cathedral ceiling in master. Huge lot and deck w/ salt water pool and much more. INLAW SUITE WITH SEPERATE ENTRANCE!
2,100 SQ. FT. custom built stone bungalow complete with 2 cedar decks and walk-out to interlock patio. Gourmet galley kitchen, beautiful solarium w/ plenty of windows, fully finished L/L, 3 car garage and more... IN PRESTIGIOUS AREA CLOSE TO GOLF COURSE!
Overlooking Ottawa River & Gatineau Hills, this corner unit features 2 Beds, 2 Baths, gourmet kitchen w/ granite tops, in-unit laundry, A/C, gas fireplace, in ground parking and separate storage area!!! 1,584 SQ FT CONDOW/ AMAZING VIEW!
Colette Gill Sales representative Dir 613 668-0143
Custom built in gorgeous country setting close to bicycle and snowmobile trails... 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, cathedral ceilings, gourmet kitchen... Cool off in salt water Inground pool, in Jacuzzi or relax in screened in gazebo... A must see!
Cumberland Ridge • $599,900 MLS 833278
MLS 834514
MLS 826593
MLS 834032
Rockland • $587,500
Plantagenet • $154,900
Rockland • $589,900
True 5 bedroom home! Located on private treed lot. New hardwood floors, gorgeous kitchen w/ exotic granite tops. Beautiful master & 5 pc ensuite. Bedroom on main could be used as in-law type suite or large home office. Oversized double garage. Fully loaded!!! STUNNING HOME
3 complete units under 1 roof. Bungalow w/ in law and seperate apartment behind garage. 3 door garage and large carport. Almost 7 acres of private land. All units have new kitchen, own laundry & large family rooms. Newer windows, clearwater septic (30k) & new drilled well. Presently generating $29,000/year! INCOME PROPERTY
Don’t miss this great opportunity! 4 rental units at an affordable price in the town of Plantagenet. All four units have 2 bedrooms. Rent includes utilities. 2 laneways with loads of parking & partially fenced yard. ATTENTION INVESTORS
Over2,200sq. ft.onmain.1.04 treedacresittingonOutaouaisGolfCourse. Openconceptgourmetkitchen,dining& livingrooms.Solariumw/hottub, 3+1bedrooms,mainbath&deluxeensuite.Beautifully finishedbasement. 9 ft.ceilingsonmainw/cathedral,2sided fireplace,heated floors ingarage, control 4 system, built-in speakers & appliances + much more! GORGEOUS CUSTOM BUNGALOW
Geneviève Landry Broker Dir 613 913-4375
Well maintained, fully landscaped home. Backyard garden with fruit trees. Roof redone ‘09, granite kitchen counter top installed recently. Patio, kitchen, bathroom windows recently changed. Hardwood floors re-sanded and varnished last year. Closed in deck with access to fenced dog pen. FULLY LANDSCAPED HOME
MLS 836732
MLS 836486
Limoges • $279,900
Wendover • $277,800
Great bungalow family home on a huge city lot withmunicipal services. Potential income property, with 2 seperate units at the present time. Could be converted into an in-law suite. Seperate entrances, 2 hydro meters and 2 water meters. 3 bedrooms, with 1 1/2 bath on main floor, and 2 bedrooms and full bath in basement. Stone and brick exterior walls. Call today to book your showing! 24 hrs notice for all showings.
Daniel Piché Sales representative Dir 613 913-0577
Natalie Lafrance Sales representative Dir 613 791-8487
Lynn Chevrier Mortgage Agent AMP • Lic. #M11000282 Dominion Lending Centres The Mortgage Source An Independently Owned & Operated Corporation • Lic. # 10145
Maintenant 4 bureaux pour vous servir
Rockland 613 446-6411 Hawkesbury 613 632-8600
Alfred 613 679-7648
et maintenant Ottawa 645, ch. Montréal 613 745-9446
Cell.: 613 282-6665 Fax: 1 888 652-7890
Off.: 613 834-6888 x 223 109-1803 St-Joseph Blvd., Orleans
Votre cabinet juridique francophone dans l’Est ontarien
Email: lchevrier@dominionlending.ca • www.lynnchevrier.ca
CONDO PRESQUE NEUF! Superbe location sud-est pleine de soleil pour ce condo de coin dans Rockland. Bois franc & céramique partout. Foyer au gaz, 2 salles de bains dont grande ensuite. Ascenseur, stationnement intérieur chauffé et beaucoup plus. Gilles, Rep. 613-467-6071.
Rockland • 216 900 $
Rockland • $284,900
Bourget • from $394,900
Bel unité au rez-de-chaussé dans Place des Pionniers dans l’ouest de Rockland. Bois franc & céramique partout. Cuisine de PVC avec +++ extras. Salon avec foyer au gaz & porte patio sur grand balcon. Chambre des maîtres avec mur de garde-robe. Gilles, Rep., 613-467-6071
Maison unique sur beau terrain de coin. Fraîchement rénové de haut en bas. Comptoir de granite, walk-in pantry, bois franc, escalier dans la tour vers immense chambre principale avec ensuite. Sous-sol complètement fini. Énorme garage attaché + grand storage au dessus. Jacques, Rep., 613-467-6011.
Gilles Rochon Sales representative Dir 613 467-6071
MLS 837052
MLS 810113
MLS 826187
Stunning country home with plenty of privacy. Gleaming oak floors, majestic cathedral ceilings. 50 acres of park-like ponds, pines, maples, etc. and open fields for horses, cattle and sheep. Large bright windows overlooking the ponds. 4+1 bedrms, 4 bathrooms plus a large whirpool tub for family relaxing. An air-tight wood burning stove in the large family room. Attached garage and so many upgrades that you must see it for yourself. Newly painted... etc. HOBBY FARM 50 ACRES 710 CALEDONIA RD.
Fully renovated with three bedrooms, two bathrooms. A real nice , bright kitchen, custom built cabinets, new counter top. All light fixtures and horizontals remain. New windows and doors. Newly upgraded front veranda. Back deck all treated lumber, private back yard and detached garage. Newly installed propane fireplace and propane wall furnace. Electric baseboards are only for back-up. Move in condition. Fast Possession. 4517 STE CATHERINE AREAL JEWEL EXTRACLEAN
MLS 835833
MLS 838729
St-Isidore• $449,000
St-Isidore • $144,900
Louis Latulippe Sales representative Dir 613 601-3395
85 ACRES PARCEL FOR SALE Approx 85 acres with over 1,700 feet frontage on busy Highway 17 west of Rockland. Tons of exposure. Ideal for investors/ developers. Jacques Rochon, Rep. 613-467-6011
ALL THE ROOM NEEDED & MORE! Superb bungalow w/1,855 sq ft on main flr + fully finished walk- out lower level. Hardwood, tile & laminate tru-out. Kitchen w/ granite, wall of pantry + walk-in pantry. Cathedral ceilings on main. Integrated sunroom facing south. Lots more... Gilles, Rep., 613-467-6071
Rockland• $895,000
Rockland • $283,900
Rockland • 429 900 $
Popular model on choice lot. Open concept main floor w/ hardwood & ceramic tile. Upgraded kitchen. Spacious master w/door to large bathroom. New deck w/wood/metal railing. Gilles, Rep., 613-467-6071
Jacques Rochon Sales representative Dir 613 229-6832
MLS 839010
MLS 828307
MLS 826326
MOVEIN CONDITION! In move-in condition!
Bourget • $323,000
Wendover • $394,000
Hammond • 1650 $ / month
Custom built! Large split level, hardwood floors throughout, main floor family room and office, vaulted ceilings, exposed beams, large treed lot, 2 car garage, pool.
For rent! Very spacious 3 bedroom home, finished basement, large yard, ready to rent at $1,650.00 per month. Contact Margarida for more info.
Gorgeous 1,900 sq ft home, main flr family rm, cathedral ceiling, 3 bedrms, 3 baths, finished basement, 2 car garage and detached 2 car workshop.
Margarida Brandao Sales representative Dir 613 875-1953
MLS 839047
MLS 831231
MLS 835435
MLS 838987
MLS 815520
Plantagenet • $144,900
Alfred • Starting at $214,900
New bungalow townhomes! Being built in the heart of Alfred. Elegant 1/2 stone facade w/covered front porch. Floor plan “B” offers approx 1,164 sq. ft. w/9 ft. & cathedral ceilings, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Kitchen w/tile floors & walk- in pantry. Main floor laundry. Master bedroom w/4-piece ensuite & walk-in.
MLS# 810521 bâtisse commerciale $193,000 MLS# 815059 à louer 2100/pi.ca espace de bureau 18 $/tout inclus MLS#828502 Station de gas & garage $145,000 MLS# 828506 Station de gas, dépanneur, résidence 2 càc $175,900 Very charming 2-storey home in Plantagenet. This 2-bed, 2-bath home is perfect for a small family or the retiring couple. Master bedroom with ensuite bath. Large living room with laminate flooring. Newly renovated gourmet kitchen with built in desk and beautiful hardwood floors. Cozy front porch, side porch with custom built removable windows for winter, spacious lot with raisin trees in garden. Electric heating is very economic.
Val Alain Street behind Caisse Populaire
MLS 820349
MLS 816981
Rockland • $319,900
Plantagenet • $145,000
MLS 831399
Fournier • $673,000
Rare find. Oversized beautifully landscaped property with private back yard. Multitude of fruit trees, perrenials, annuals. 3+1bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double heated garage with fin. ceramic floor, workshop. Back yard offers heated inground pool (nat.gas) and a corner CABANON for pool accesories. Oversize deck, water sprinkler system. RARE FIND!
5 bedrooms; 1 den that can be converted into a bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 2-storey homeanda1bedroom seperate in-law suite.Oversizedheated singlegaragewith full municipal services. Close to a municipal bike path. Minutes to Highway 174 & 417. Require 24 hours notice for showing. Income residence. Tenant occupies main residenceandowner lives in the in-law suitebut is in theprocessofmoving. 5 BEDROOMS!
Great little golf operations with unlimited potential due to low overhead expense. Includes9holegolfcourse,driving range,practice facility,clubhousewithkitchenand dinnig room, liquor licence,verywellmaintainequipmentalmostallnew.Golfcourse is also fullyequipedwith sprinkler systemanddrainage.Perfectly locatedon the corner of twomainartery.ViewingpossibleMonday toFriday9:00am-4:00pmexclusively. UNLIMITED POTENTIAL!
Richard Renaud Sales representative Dir 613 880-8970
Water Softener
Gouttières en aluminium Revêtement en vinyle Soffit et bordure de toit Protège feuilles UNE GARANTIE À VIE SUR LA MAIN-D’OEUVRE AINSI QUE SUR LE MATÉRIEL
Aluminium seamless troughs Vinyl siding Soffit and facia Leaf relief
UV light Ultraviolet
Tel. 613 446-1233 928-170 Laporte, C.P. 528, Rockland, ON 5928, Jeanne D’Arc Blvd, Orleans, ON
LIFETIME WARRANTY ON LABOR AND MATERIAL www.maizeeavestroughing.com • pmaize@gmail.com 613 488-3419 1 888 453-2553 Financement disponible • Financ ing available
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