King's Business - 1928-02

February 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

I was so poor; not a penny had I Clothing or food for the journey to buy; One came and whispered, “Leave that to My care; Wealth o f a kingdom with thee will I share.” Jesus Himself. I was so lonely for lack of a friend; One came and offered me love without end, Love that is mighty to strengthen and save, Love that can triumph o’er death and the graye—- Jesus Himself. What though the valleys be many and deep; What if the pathway be stony and steep; Mountain, or moorland, or valley of death: “ I will be with thee,” my Comforter saith— . Jesus Himself. —Edith E. Trusted. “From first to last, Jesus is the same; always the same—majestic and simple, in­ finitely severe and infinitely gentle.”—Na­ poleon Bonaparte. “ God be thanked fqr the good and per­ fect gift, the gift unspeakable: His life, His love, His very self in Jesus Christ.”— Maltbie Babcock. “Unlike all other founders of a religious faith, Christ had no selfishness, no desire of dominance.”—William Howitt. “Those who have minutely studied the character o f the Saviour will find it diffi­ cult to determine whether there is most to admiré or to imitate in it—there is so much o f both. “All the glory and beauty of Christ are manifested within", and there He delights to dwell; His visits there are frequent, His condescension amazing, His conversa­ tion sweet, His comforts, refreshing; and the peace that He brings passeth all un­ derstanding.”—Thomas a Kempis; “No other fame can be compared with that o f Jesus. He has a place in the hu­ man heart that no one who ever lived has in any measure rivaled. No name is pro­ nounced with a tone o f such love and veneration. All other laurels wither be­ fore His. His are ever kept fresh with tears o f gratitude.”—W . E. Channing. “I find the life o f Christ made up o f two parts; a part I can sympathize with as a man, and a part on which I gaze; a beam sent down from heaver) which I can see and love, and another beam shot into the infinite, that I cannot comprehend.”—Barr. —o— M a r c h 4 XVhat is it in Jesus that Attracts Young People? (Consecration Meeting) John 12:20-32 “On Thee alone my hope relies, Beneath Thy cross I fall; My Lord! my L ife! my Sacrifice!" My Saviour ! and my A ll! —Anne Steele. T h o u g h t s o n t h e T opic What was it in Jesus, as He rode into Jerusalem on the foal of an ass, that at­ tracted “certain Greeks” unto Him, as given in the portion of Scripture for our study today? Doubtless they had heard of His many miracles and especially >of the one He had just performed in the

raising o f Lazarus from the dead. They had heard the Pharisees murmuring among themselves that “ the world is gone after Him.” (v. 19). They probably had heard something about His fearless teach­ ing and o f the greatness o f His claim to be the Son o f God. All of this with the beauty of His character strongly appealed to the cultured Greeks who were inter­ ested in the highest type of manhood. Their coming must have brought gladness to our Saviour who realized that this was the beginning o f the wider fruits of His mission, namely, the spreading o f the Gos­ pel to the Gentiles. Seeing these Greeks standing among His disciples, He sees be­ yond the realm o f Judaism to those of every kindred and every tribe for whom He came to “give His life a ransom," and His first words to them were, “ The hour is come, that the Son o f man should be glorified .” ;;;' Referring to His sacrificial death on Calvary for the whole world, He pictures to them in parable form His coming de­ cease. What a message for these cultured, refined Greeks to hear 1 They who banked everything on this life were shown a new life entirely, which came by death. “E x­ cept a corn of wheat fall into the ground I Offer \bu Make $15 a day selling this won derful new household article that has taken the country by storm. It is CED -O -BAG a moth-proof, damp- proof, dust-proof, germ-proof stor- ■age bag for clothes, blankets and furs. It is the greatest, fastest sel­ ling household article that has come on the market for years. Every housewife wants one, buys on sight. CED-O-BAGS are made from rubberized fabric which has been chemically treated. They are patented. Nothing else like them. Instead o f a small easily torn paper bag or a clumsy, expensive cedar chest, a CED-O-BAG provides adequate space for two to four garments. And yet, with all o f these distinctive advantages CED-O- BAGS are priced for quick sale. Ced-O-Bags Offer Big Profits There is a chance for you to clean up a lot of money in your town at once just by taking orders for CED-O-BAGS. L. H. Green went out and made a clear profit of $12 in one afternoon. J. V. Davis took five

and die, it. abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” . What is it in Jesus that attracts the young people today? Is it not all that the Greeks found in Him plus the,new life of service made possible by His death upon the cross? By our acceptance of Him as Saviour we, too, die and are made new creatures in Him to “ live in newness o f life” (Rom. 6:4, 9, 11; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 12:1, 2). With this new life comes the true friendship of One who has traveled life’s journey just as we are traveling it: O n e. who knows the temptations and problems o f youth better than any one else. He is the only One to whom we can go in seasons o f distress and grief- and_ be assured of relief. He is the “Friend who sticketh closer than a broth­ er” (Prov, 18:27; Heb. 2:11). . •-o-— C h o ice N uggets Moody’s Idea o f the World “ I look on this world as a wrecked ves­ sel. God has given me- a life-boat, and said to me, ‘Moody, save all -y ou : can.’ God will come in judgment to this world, but the children o f God don’t belong to

the housewife a CED-O-BAG and take her order. We deliver and collect. You get your profits at once, and move on to the next house and take another order. Everyone buys. Geo. Jones took 2 2 orders in two days spare time and had a clear profit of $22. 2 1 agents report an average profit of S3 an hour. How Much Money Do You W ant? Would you like to make an extra S 1 0 0 or S200 a month, in your spare time? Would you like to gather a lump sum of S500 or S600 in a couple o f months? If you would, here is your chance. Mail me the coupon and I will tell you all about this money-making proposition. I will show you how you can make SIS a day or more in this easy, pleasant, engaging work. I will show you the way to quick profits— big profits. Mail the coupon now. C. E. Comer, The Comer Mfg. Co. Dept. 1046-E - - - Dayton, Ohio ¡Mail This Now C* E. Comer. The Comer Mfsr. Co., Dept. 1046-E Dayton, Ohio. Dear Sir: Please send me full details of your money-making proposition by which I can make $15 a day iii cash. This does not obligateme in any way. Name____________________ Address. it.

orders in one even­ ing and was $5 I/Sk ffcS" richer. Edith Phil- mat*e $53 in il'fiSw^VO one week’s spare

tim e (even ings.) You can do as well, or better. No Experience Needed You don’t need

experience or train­ ing. Every home in your town is a live you have to do is show


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