2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines

Listed below are weights for discus, javelin and shot put by age division and women and men.

Men 55-59 Men 60-69 Men 70-79 Men 80+ Javelin


700g 600g 500g 400g 500g 400g

Men 55-59 Men 60+

1.5kg 1.0kg 1.0kg .75kg

Women 55-74 Women 75+

Women 55-59 Women 60+

Men 55-59 Men 60-69 Men 70-79 Men 80+ Shot Put

6kg 5kg 4kg 3kg 3kg

Women 55-74 Women 75+


LONG JUMP: Each competitor will take four jumps and only the longest legal jump counts towards the results.

EVENT RULES Track 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m,1500m, 3000m

1. The competition will take place on a rubber surface 400m track. Fully automatic timing will be used. Places will be based on fastest time for each event. 2. Athletes must wear appropriate clothing. Clothing made of jean and/or denim and khaki material are not allowed as it can restrict movements during competition and if worn can result in disqualification. Athletic tights/shorts can be above mid-thigh, knee

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