NCEA Course Booklet

Physical Education

Year 12

Physical Education

Prerequisites Working at Stage 3 or above in Year 11, particularly in literacy subjects, is strongly recommended for success at Level 2 or HoD approval. Description A full NCEA Level 2 course is offered in this year group. It encompasses principles and methods of training, sociology, leadership, motor-skill learning, anatomy, biomechanics and performances in canoe polo and a chosen sport. This course is recommended for those going on to Year 13 Physical Education.

Assessment This course contributes towards NCEA Level 2,

with all 20 credits internally assessed. The following Achievement Standards will be assessed: • AS 91328 (5 credits – internal)

Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills. • AS 91329 (4 credits – internal) Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity. • AS 91330 (4 credits – internal) Perform a physical activity in an applied setting. • AS 91331 (4 credits – internal) Explain the significance for self, others and society of a sporting event, physical activity, or festival. • AS 91335 (3 credits – internal) Examine the implementation and outcome(s) of a physical activity event or opportunity. Assessment is done through a variety of methods, including written assignments, seminars, practical performances and training diaries.

68 NCEA Course Booklet 2024

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