


The 7 Steps To Financial Freedom



by Gene Powers

I t is common even after completing steps one (awareness and de- sire) and two (dream, visualize, and commit) on the journey to financial freedom, to still not comprehend HOW to achieve it. But, after completing the first two steps, do not wait until you understand if you can or how you will achieve the goal of financial freedom. It is fully sufficient to visualize your desired lifestyle as real, complete with emotions surrounding that lifestyle, including the specifics of the exact amount of monthly passive income and future uses for that money. Then commit to “do what it takes” and begin this third step of exploring and educating yourself on the basics of building financial freedom. As you turn your attention towards building financial freedom, you will almost immediately notice that you are attracting the knowledge you need. For example, while babysitting for a relative, my wife and I noticed a book on SFR rental investments. That educational discovery sparked many classes and seminars on wealth building and assorted investments. Pay attention to education from those who have truly achieved the successes they proclaim and teach. The best investment you can make is an investment in your- self. The more you LEARN, the more youwill EARN” —Warren Buffett


Explore the paths that can get you to financial freedom. Start with books, seminars, classes, and online resources from those who have made the journey successfully. These are the best maps for you to learn on ways you can make your journey. “DO NOT WAIT for a definite plan, through which you intend to ex- change services or merchandise in return for the money you are visualizing, but begin at once to see yourself in possession of the money, demanding and expecting mean- while, that your subconscious mind will hand over the plan, or plans you need. Be on the alert for these plans, and when they appear, put them into action immediately.” Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich Think and Grow Rich along with The Millionaire Next Door were the two first books on Financial Free - dom that I read as I began to let go of my belief in making millions with my own software company.

ASSESS — LOOKATWHERE YOUAREAND TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY One of the key things we must come to realize, before we can achieve anything beyond the ordi- nary in life is that we are exactly and precisely responsible for where we are in life. Consider what might happen if you were to embrace and embody the belief going forward that you are financially free. You create the exact amount of your financial success. You have more than enough money to live your desired lifestyle. The ability to objectively look at yourself and take responsibility for what you see and have in your life is the beginning point of any meaning- ful change in your life.

The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changedwithout chang- ing our thinking.” -Albert Einstein

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