King's Business - 1968-01

and Hope was preserved. Then came to pass the saying, “While Dr. Torrey was the George Wash­ ington, Dr. Talbot was the Abra­ ham Lincoln who saved us from ruin and the slavery of debt.” Radio had played a most impor­ tant role in this tremendous vic­ tory. The years of faithful, verse-by- verse, book-by-book Bible teach­ ing exerted a tremendous influ­ ence for God all along the Pa­ cific Coast on various networks, and for a short time coast-to- coast. When Dr. Talbot resigned his pastorate of the Church of the Open Door to devote his en­ tire time to the Bible Institute as its president, he continued on with the radio ministry for the school for several years. As Dr. Talbot took his radio congrega­ tion through the Bible from Gene­ sis to Revelation, the demand for printed lessons led to a fabulous literature ministry, Dr. Talbot producing ten full-length books of Bible exposition, as well as hun­ dreds of booklets and pamphlets. Dr. William W. Orr (later con­ ducting his own Radio School of the Bible) was a faithful, effi­ cient and untiring associate in those days. The Institute Board then sent their president on four ’round-the-world tours in the in­ terest of missions. After visiting Biola graduates in nearly every part of the earth, Dr. Talbot added a whole new dimension to his radio ministry. Upon his re­ turn, he reported faithfully day after day his experiences abroad and his messages telling what he saw and felt and heard not only interested adults in supporting the missionary enterprise, but al­ so influenced many young people to surrender their lives for full­ time service in pagan lands, many of whom came to the Bible Insti­ tute for their preparation. When at last in the late nine­ teen-fifties, Dr. Talbot felt that the broadcasting responsibility should be turned over to “ young­ er heads and hands,” he chose Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson o f the Beth­

T HE SYMBOL of the “bruised red" in our text no doubt refers to the customof eastern shepherds to make musical instru­ ments outofthe reeds they foundalong the banksof pools andstreams. Sucha slender, hollowstalk— ifbruised andbent — would scarcely be suitable for that purpose. In disgust,one would normally break it in two andthrow it away as useless. Not so theShepherd of our soul. “When wewere yet without strength, in duetime Christ died for theungodly” (Rom. 5:6). Hedoes notbreak the crushed red, because He wasbroken its stead! Yes, “It pleased theLord to Him” — andthat "for our iniquities" (Isa. 53:5, 10). Not many great,notmany noble individuals are called. He takesthecastoffs, the broken things, andby Hisgracemakes them into"instruments of Hispraise.”Men want only the strong, the successful, the victoriousin building their kingdoms; but ChrististheRedeemer oftheunsuccessful,of thosewhohave failed.Someone has said,

"Heaven is filling withearth’s broken lives! There is no bruised red that Christ cannot take andrestoreto glorious blesednes and beauty.” He can take the life distorted by pain or sorowand make it intoa perfect vehicleof Hispraise! Haveyoubeen crushed and trampled by circumstances? Areyou at thepoint of des­ pair?Jesus can straighten out your twisted life and makeit sing with the melody of Heaven. Often the Lordmust allow us to have broken hearts in order to enrich our testimony.The myrrh mustbe crushedbefore it releases its fragrance, the alabasterbox mustbe broken that the powerandblessing of theHoly Spirit may, in theprocess, flow out to others. Brokenhearts and bruised reds often serve God's purposes best!



THOT: Christ, who was broken on the cross to knit up the severed relationship between God and man, is still the compassionate healer of all “broken things.”

The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE (LASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you—FREE and POSTPAID—and is yours just for the asking.

MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! \ RADIO BIBLE CLASS Grand Rapids, Michigan Please send my free copy and information on i how I may receive OUR DAILY BREAD each month, j NAME__________________________________________________ I | ADDRESS__________________________________________________ | CITY S TA TE__________ZIR________ J| been pleased to use these minis­ tries for His glory. Nevertheless, the Bible mes­ sages of yesteryear from that “ fantastic radio personality” nev­ er will be forgotten. Letters still come from those who tell with deep gratitude to God how those Bible studies affected their homes and the lives of their children even to the second and third gen­ erations, who rise up to call Louis T. Talbot “blessed.” ED

T H E R A D IO B IB L E C L A S S B R O A D C A S T , with Richard DeHaan, is heard on over 600 radio s t a t io n s a ro u n d the world. M ake listening a "m u s t " for the most profitable half hour of your week. A s k for FREE Program Log showing where R A D IO B IB LE C L A S S is heard. any Baptist Church of West Co­ vina for his successor who was well received and has been greatly blessed. Under Mr. A1 Sanders, Director of Radio and Vice Presi­ dent of Public Relations at Biola, radio broadcasting has become “big business,” what with two FM stations now owned by the school and operating continuously and taped programs being re­ leased in cities all over the Unit­ ed States and Canada. God has



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