TH E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S
November, 1943
glass add the soda. Discolor the vine gar with black ink.) LESSON: Did you know that people could be like tumblers? These two glasses have real names. They are Tim and Tom Tumbler. Both have candles. We will light them. They remind me of Christian boys. The Lord Jesus once said, “Let your light so shine before men, mat they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heav en” (Matt. 5:16). We will let this glass of black fluid represent something unkind and un true. Often Christians have to bear unkind and untrue things from oth ers. In some cases they are accused of saying and doing things which'they have not said or done. As I pour this into Tim Tumbler, it disturbs him greatly. [This glass con tains the soda.] You will notice that his light is growing dim and soon will go out. [The fumes from the soda and vinegar will extinguish the light ] We will pour the same mixture into Tom Tumbler. He does not allow it to disturb him, and his light con tinues to shine brightly. Whatever the trials or evil accusations are which come into our lives, we should never allow them to dim our Christian light. These tumblers teach us a very im portant lesson. We should remember the words of Paul: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21).
fragrance. And people can speák by means of their lives just as truly as by the words they say. One such man was Stephen. He Hved at the timé when the c h u r c h had just been formed, not many years after the Lord Jesus went back to heaven. He was one of seven early leaders in the church, called deacons. Stephen was a good man, “full of faith and power," the Bible says, land his message made even his enemies listen. These enemies “stirred up the peo ple” and came u p o n Stephen and caught him, and told lies about him, even in the council (or court) where they took him. But without saying a word, Stephen gave a beautiful testi mony for the Lord Jesus. The Bible says that as he stood there before those who hated him and hated his Lord, the people “saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.” Stephen probably did not know this about himself, any more than the orange blossoms knew that their fra grance had spoken as plainly as words can speak. Stephen spoke for the Lord in an other way, too—in a powerful ser mon to those wicked men. Perhaps the reason they listened at all was that they were so surprised at how Stephen looked and how quietly he trusted the Lord Jesus. Right up until the time that the cruel mob threw stones at him and killed him, Stephen kept on speaking for the Lord Jesus and letting his •face shine for Him. One of the men who watched was angry Saul, who afterward was saved and became the great Apostle P a u l . The Lord Jesus used the double testi mony of Stephen’s w o r d s and his bright face to help Saul want to be a Christian. Perhaps Paul was think ing of Stephen when he'wrote, many years later, these words: “Be not oveb' come of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21). Stephen did that. Do wé?
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Object Lesson T im and T om T umbler
OBJECTS: Two tumblers, two can dles, a tablespoonful of baking soda, clear water, vinegar, black ink, and matches. (Stick the candles on small pieces of cardboard and set inside the tumblers. The candles should be short enough to let the flame be below the top of the glasses. Put a small amount of water in ehch glass, and to one
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