Keele University - Associate Director Employability & Em…

Appointment of Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement Leadership

It’s the Keele difference.




How to Apply Terms of Appointment Organisational Structure Academic Structure Administration Structure Mission,Vision,Values Strategic Aims

Introduction From TheVice-Chancellor Background

Living and Working at Keele An Education That Inspires Finance The Role Person Specification



Introduction From The Vice-Chancellor

Thank you for your interest in the role of Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement at Keele University.

The postholder will provide strategic leadership and enable collaborative delivery across a range of established activities and areas, including the employability programmes in our Schools, new degree level apprenticeship provision, careers and employability advice and guidance, volunteering, alumni mentoring, student and graduate enterprise support, student societies, placement and work experience programmes and our wider engagement and partnerships with private, public and charity sector employers. In leading and delivering against this important agenda, the role holder will champion the University’s commitment to realising the graduate outcomes our students and the University want to achieve, after both undergraduate and postgraduate study with us. If you believe you have the experience and qualities to lead a function that is integral to ensuring the continued success of the University then I hope you will pursue this opportunity

Keele has ambitious plans for its future growth and development, building upon its reputation as a research-led campus University with a broad academic base. We are large enough to have high impact and SUR¿OHEXWVPDOOHQRXJKWRVXVWDLQLWVFRPPLWPHQWWR community and individuals. Whilst being rooted in its locality, the University is international in outlook and character and in the reach and impact of its education and research programmes. Keele is a well-respected provider of inspiring HGXFDWLRQSUHSDULQJJUDGXDWHVZKRPDNHVLJQL¿FDQW DQGZLGHUDQJLQJFRQWULEXWLRQVLQWKHLUFKRVHQ¿HOGV 6WXGHQWVIRUPDVWURQJDI¿QLW\ZLWK.HHOHGXULQJWKHLU studies and throughout their lives, as evidenced by our outstanding success in relation to student satisfaction, RXUVLJQL¿FDQWDOXPQLQHWZRUNVDFURVVWKHZRUOGDQG the active role our alumni take in the development of the University. As we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, Keele will be a University characterised by ‘aspiration and ambition’ – an aspirational destination for students and staff. We are seeking to make the key senior appointment of an Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement to take the lead role in advancing the University’s employability and employer engagement activities.

Professor Trevor McMillan Vice-Chancellor



Keele Statistics

in the TEF Times Higher ranking of the Teaching Excellence Framework (broad-based universities) in the Teaching Excellence Framework HEFCE 2017 GOLD AWARD

in England for Course Satisfaction Guardian University Guide, 2018 NO.1

Graduate Employability HESA – Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education 2017 96%


for academic experience THE Student Experience Survey 2017 4TH

for good environment on campus/around University THE Student Experience Survey 2017 TOP 5

Set in a beautiful 600 acre campus 600

for Student Satisfaction 2014, 2015, 2016 National Student Survey 1ST

of our research ZDVFODVVL¿HGDV world-leading or of international importance Research Excellence Framework 2 014 97%

in the world for Green Setting

and Campus Infrastructure UI Green Metric ranking, 2017




The innovations and discoveries of Keele academics are key contributors to wider social and global issues.

Keele University is a world class campus-based University committed to providing the highest quality learning and living environment in which RXUVWXGHQWVDQGUHVHDUFKHUVFDQÁRXULVK

A key strategic aim of the University is to promote sustainability in all aspects of the University’s activities,taking a whole institution approach to sustainability. The University has a nationally leading reputation for its work in embedding sustainability into RXUFXUULFXODDVZHOODVKDYLQJVSHFL¿FHQYLURQPHQWDOO\ focused undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and strong sustainability-related research across a wide range of disciplines. This is being given a greater focus with the establishing of a new University Energy and Sustainability Research Centre, which will link closely with the new Smart Energy Network Demonstrator which is being developed on the campus with substantial external funding and will be a unique, internationally leading research and development facility providing some really exciting research and partnership opportunities. There is a vibrant programme of external engagement with the local community and schools. As a world class university Keele has connections across the globe. The University is in contact with more than 43,000 of its alumni in 139 countries. This global network includes senior diplomats and politicians, leading EXVLQHVVSHRSOHDQGRI¿FLDOVLQLQWHUQDWLRQDO1*2VVXFK as the UN. Our research is also increasingly international in its partnerships, with strong links in every continent. On campus there is the opportunity to experience a WUXO\LQWHUQDWLRQDOÀDYRXUDVWKHGLYHUVL¿FDWLRQRIRXU student population now sees more than 120 countries represented at Keele, while nearly all undergraduate students get the opportunity to spend a semester abroad as part of their studies at one of the University’s 50 plus partner universities worldwide.

Keele also has high quality teaching and student experience, ranking 4th in the Times Higher for quality RIWHDFKLQJVWDII.HHOHZDVWKH¿UVWQHZSRVWZDU 8.XQLYHUVLW\RIWKHWKFHQWXU\DQGH[HPSOL¿HGWKH innovation and idealism of the post-war generations, offering a bold, alternative vision for Higher Education. The University College of North Staffordshire was founded in 1949 and received its Charter as the University of Keele in 1962. There was a deliberate aim to break away from the pattern of the specialised honours degree, avoiding as far as possible the divisions between different branches of study. While there have been changes, the coherence of Keele’s academic vision remains. One third of our current students still study two subjects to honours level. Keele research also helps shape the world – whether LWLVLQÀXHQFLQJWKHODZRQKXPDQUHSURGXFWLRQKDYLQJ an impact on international human rights policy, or offering historical perspective on contemporary terrorism. 7KHPRVWUHFHQW5()FODVVL¿HGRIWKH8QLYHUVLW\¶V research as world-leading and of international importance. The Faculty of Natural Sciences contributes VLJQL¿FDQWO\WRWKLVZRUOGOHDGLQJUHVHDUFKSUR¿OH

The University makes a unique contribution to higher education in its continued commitment to encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary education and research. .HHOHVWXGHQWVDUHDPRQJWKHPRVWVDWLV¿HGLQ the country. Keele’s teaching quality has recently been assessed as ‘Gold’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework and is currently the top ranked university for student satisfaction (NSS Survey 2014, 2015 and 2016). .HHOHJUDGXDWHVDUHKLJKO\SUL]HGIRUWKHLUÀH[LELOLW\RI thought and the maturity of their social skills. The University has one of the best graduate employment rates in the UK, clearly evidencing that our students achieve their potential. Keele remains in the UK top ten for student employability, with 97.5% of students who JUDGXDWHGLQ¿QGLQJIXOOWLPHHPSOR\PHQWRUIXUWKHU study within six months.



Living and Working at Keele

Nestled in 600 acres of countryside in the heart of the 8.PDQ\RIRXUVWXGHQWVDQGDQXPEHURIRXUVWDͿ live, as well as study and work here: boasting a big campus but a small and cosmopolitan community.

Within a short distance of campus, there are activities and opportunities to suit all ages and interests. From monkey forests to theme parks, boutique shops to high- street brands, entertainment complexes to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the UK; our location suits all individuals. For families we can boast some excellent Schools and Colleges in our vicinity, an exceptional hospital and healthcare service and many vibrant sporting and community social opportunities.

Close to rural Cheshire, Shropshire, and Derbyshire, the University is located in an ideal position, less than an hour from Manchester, Birmingham and Chester and within 1.5 hours of London on the train. The historic market town of Newcastle-under-Lyme is Keele’s nearest municipality, surrounded by a number of charming villages and hamlets. The vibrant and multicultural city of Stoke-on-Trent is less than 6 miles away from campus, providing cultural and social entertainment in the midst of its prestigious potteries heritage. In recognition of its engaging cultural scene, Stoke-on-Trent is submitted as one of the nominations for the City of Culture 2021.




Keele Statistics

Proud to be

in the TEF Times Higher ranking of the Teaching Excellence Framework (broad-based universities) in the Teaching Excellence Framework HEFCE 2017 GOLD AWARD

for Student Satisfaction 2014, 2015, 2016 National Student Survey 1ST

Keele were ranked No.1 in the UK for employability in 2016 (HESA) No.1


for Primary Care Research Research Excellence Framework 2 014 1ST


of our research ZDVFODVVL¿HGDV world-leading or of international importance Research Excellence Framework 2 014 97%


TOP 10

of beautiful green campus 600 ACRES

for Student Satisfaction with

in the Guardian University Guide

7 subjects in the Top 10 (Guardian 2017 Guide), including all subjects from

In the last 10 years we have invested over £140m in our campus and infrastructure providing an outstanding student experience

their course Guardian University Guide 2017

2017 for UK Universities

the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences




Keele University is a world class campus-based University committed to providing the highest quality learning and living environment in which RXUVWXGHQWVDQGUHVHDUFKHUVFDQÁRXULVK

As a world-class university Keele has connections across the globe. The University is in contact with more than 43,000 of its alumni in 139 countries. This global network includes senior diplomats and politicians, leading EXVLQHVVSHRSOHDQGRI¿FLDOVLQLQWHUQDWLRQDO1*2VVXFK as the UN. Our research is also increasingly international in its partnerships, with strong links in every continent. 2QFDPSXVWKHUHLVDWUXO\LQWHUQDWLRQDOÀDYRXUDVWKH GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQRIRXUVWXGHQWSRSXODWLRQQRZVHHVPRUH than 120 countries represented at Keele. The University is committed to honouring its heritage of “a University within North Staffordshire for the advancement of Knowledge, the diffusion and extension of Arts, Sciences and Learning, the provision of Liberal, Professional and Technological Education”. Our links with WKHUHJLRQKDYHVHHQVLJQL¿FDQWJURZWKLQUHFHQW\HDUV culminating in the development of the New Keele Deal, unlocking £70m of investment into exploiting the potential of our extensive world-leading research and facilities. With our integrated Science and Innovation Park, we are committed to helping to tackle low productivity and grow a positive culture of innovation and research within our region.

Keele also has high quality teaching; recently assessed as ‘Gold’ in the Teaching Excellence

The University makes a unique contribution to higher education in its continued commitment to encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary education and research. Keele offers distinctive educational programmes and a learning environment that enables our students to make the most of their time at university. As a result, Keele VWXGHQWVDUHDPRQJWKHPRVWVDWLV¿HGLQWKHFRXQWU\ Keele was the top ranked university for student satisfaction (NSS Survey 2014, 2015 and 2016) and .HHOHJUDGXDWHVDUHKLJKO\SUL]HGIRUWKHLUÀH[LELOLW\ of thought and the maturity of their social skills. The University has one of the best graduate employment rates in the UK, clearly evidencing that our students achieve their potential. Keele remains in the UK top ten for student employability, with 97.5% of students who JUDGXDWHGLQ¿QGLQJIXOOWLPHHPSOR\PHQWRUIXUWKHU study within six months.

Framework, we have also been ranked 4th in Times Higher Education for quality of teaching staff. Keele ZDVWKH¿UVWQHZSRVWZDU8.XQLYHUVLW\RIWKHWK &HQWXU\DQGH[HPSOL¿HGWKHLQQRYDWLRQDQGLGHDOLVP of the post-war generations, ordering bold alternative visions for Higher Education. The University College of North Staffordshire was founded in 1949 and received its Royal Charter as the University of Keele in 1962. There was a deliberate aim to break away from the pattern of the specialised honours degree, avoiding as far as possible the divisions between different branches of study. Whilst there have been changes, the coherence of Keele’s academic vision remains. One third of our current students still study two subjects to honours level. Our research also helps to shape the world. The most UHFHQW5()FODVVL¿HGRIWKH8QLYHUVLW\¶VUHVHDUFK as world-leading or of international importance. The innovations and discoveries of Keele academics are key contributors to wider social and global issues, and it is important to Keele that our educational delivery is research-led.

10,000 students and 2,000 staff living and working on campus



An Education that Inspires .HHOHRͿHUVGLVWLQFWLYHSURJUDPPHVDQGDOHDUQLQJ environment that enables our students to make the most of their time at University.

Our Widening Participation team works with thousands of school-aged students, their parents and teachers, giving guidance on higher education choices and delivering aspiration-raising activities both on and off the campus. Keele also has a strong postgraduate community, and has a clear strategy to grow both Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research student numbers. 3*5QXPEHUVKDYHJURZQYHU\VLJQL¿FDQWO\RYHUWKH last 5 years. Keele is a special place to live and to study. With 10,000 students and 2,000 staff living and working on its Staffordshire campus, it is the size of a small town. The Students’ Union is the focal point for student social life and attracts top bands, organises club nights and social events all year round. There are clubs and societies, ranging from the students’ own radio station to drama and music. We also have successful sports teams, everything from fencing and football to lacrosse and even quidditch!

We develop distinctive graduates who can thrive in whatever sphere of life they choose. The University is justly proud of its students and alumni, who as Keelites, set themselves ambitious goals as they seek to make a positive impact on the world around them. Keele graduates help shape the world in which we live with integrity, academic rigour and humanity. Our students voted Keele top of the NSS Survey for student satisfaction for three consecutive years (2014, 2015 and 2016). Keele is committed to providing opportunities for all those who can demonstrate commitment and determination to succeed at the University irrespective of their family circumstances or background. We also offer extensive ¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWIRURXUVWXGHQWVWKURXJKJHQHURXV bursaries and scholarships.



Finance Keele University has a consolidated turnover of some £150m. The University has consistently DFKLHYHGÀQDQFLDOVXUSOXVHVLQUHFHQW\HDUVDQGLV forecast to continue.

Planning permission has been approved for a £160m development which will transform student accommodation on the Keele University campus, and provide a major boost to the local region. £160m

Over recent years the University has invested considerably in its estate and has plans for further VLJQL¿FDQWLQYHVWPHQWLQRUGHUWRGHYHORSERWKDFDGHPLFDQGVWXGHQWDFFRPPRGDWLRQIDFLOLWLHV

Full accounts for the year 2015/16 can be found at:



The Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement to take the lead role in advancing the University’s employability and employer engagement activities.

We are seeking an individual with experience gained responsibility for employability and HPSOR\HUHQJDJHPHQWDWDQLQÀXHQWLDO level and with a proven career track record in improving graduate level employment, employability and business/partner engagement on behalf of one or more HEIs. You will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills as the ability to VXFFHVVIXOO\LQÀXHQFHDQGOHDGDEURDGUDQJH of stakeholders is essential. It is also key that the appointed candidate is resourceful as the postholder will be required to identify and successfully generate the resources required to achieve the desired outcomes. This role offers a unique opportunity to work in a leadership role at a strategic and LQÀXHQWLDOOHYHODQGLVLQWHJUDOWRWKHFRQWLQXHG advancement of the University.

Keele University is at a crucial point in its history, with a new management team and a refreshed vision seeking to position the University effectively in a complex external environment. The postholder will provide strategic leadership and enable collaborative delivery across a range of established activities and areas, including the employability programmes in our Schools, new degree level apprenticeship provision, careers & employability advice and guidance, volunteering, alumni mentoring, student & graduate enterprise support, student societies, placement & work experience programmes and our wider engagement and partnerships with private, public and charity sector employers. In leading and delivering against this important agenda, the role holder will champion the University’s commitment to realising the graduate outcomes our students and the University want to achieve, after both undergraduate and postgraduate study with us.

The Role Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement



3HUVRQ6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement




4XDOLÀFDWLRQV(GXFDWLRQ Training • A degree or equivalent industry experience in DUHOHYDQW¿HOG (VVHQWLDO ‡$SRVWJUDGXDWHGHJUHHLQDUHODWHG¿HOG (Desirable)

Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement will play a crucial role in the ongoing growth and success of Keele.

Experience • Experience in a similar role in an academic institution (Essential) • A good understanding of the current ދ HPSOR\DELOLW\ ތ DJHQGDZLWKLQDKLJKHU education context (Essential) • Track record in improving graduate level employment, employability and employer engagement on behalf of an HEI (Essential) • Possessing strong leadership skills with demonstrable matrix management and LQÀXHQFLQJH[SHULHQFH (VVHQWLDO • Experience in the direct line management of staff (Essential) • Experience of developing and maintaining relationships with organisations outside academia (Essential) • Experience of working with faculties and departments to advance the employability and employer engagement agenda (Essential) • Experience of generating, analysing and interpreting management information; and of using data to make recommendations to senior management (Essential) • Experience of drafting high quality written material for a variety of internal and external audiences (Essential) • Experience of working in employability in the areas of health sciences (Desirable) • Experience of working in employability in business and management (Desirable) • Experience of working in employability and employer engagement in social sciences (Desirable)

Skills/Aptitudes/Competences • An understanding of the values and motivations of academics (Essential) • An ability to quickly grasp strategic priorities and develop ways of working with academics collectively and individually to support these (Essential) ‡$QDELOLW\WRSODQDQGSULRULWLVHRQH ތ VRZQ workload effectively to support the delivery of key strategic priorities (Essential) • The ability to work to deadlines and prioritise activity in order to achieve results (Essential) • Good organisational and project management skills (Essential) • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to use tact and GLSORPDF\DQGVWURQJLQÀXHQFLQJDQG negotiating ability (Essential) • Optimistic, resourceful, entrepreneurial, outcome driven and possessing commercial acumen (Essential) • Possessing the authority and credibility to operate successfully across a diverse range of stakeholders (both internal and external) (Essential) • Understanding of intellectual property in Higher Education (Desirable)

Keele is seeking to make the key senior appointment of an Associate Director for Employability and Employer Engagement.

Candidates will be able to demonstrate evidence of the following skills and capabilities:



How to Apply

Terms of Appointment

)RUDFRQ¿GHQWLDOGLVFXVVLRQWROHDUQPRUHDERXWWKH role and opportunity please contact the University’s appointed recruitment partners Sian Gardiner and %HQ'XI¿OORI7KH0DQDJHPHQW5HFUXLWPHQW*URXS

Following the closing date, applications will be reviewed and The Management Recruitment Group will undertake preliminary meetings with selected applicants during the weeks commencing 8th January and 15th January 2018. Panel interviews at Keele University are scheduled for the week commencing 29th January 2018. Keele University values diversity, and is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity. The University welcomes expressions of interest and applications from candidates from all communities and a diversity of backgrounds.

%HQ'XI¿OO T: 0207 959 2368 M: 07976 125 010 (EHQGXI¿OO#PUJSHRSOHFRXN Sian Gardiner T: 0208 892 0115 (VLDQJDUGLQHU#PUJSHRSOHFRXN

Applications should consist of a comprehensive CV (of not more than 4 pages) and supporting cover letter (of not more than 2 pages) outlining key matching experience and rationale for applying for the post. Applications should be sent to VLDQJDUGLQHU#PUJSHRSOHFRXN

The closing date for applications is 7th January 2018 .



The Senate, which is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, LQFOXGLQJH[RI¿FLRPHPEHUVHOHFWHGPHPEHUVDQG student members, is the principal academic authority of the University. It oversees academic management, including the curriculum and the maintenance of academic standards. The Vice-Chancellor is the principal Executive 2I¿FHURIWKH8QLYHUVLW\7KHVHQLRUH[HFXWLYHJURXS within the University is referred to as the University Executive Committee (UEC) and is responsible for strategic development and operational management of the University. Membership of all three committees is shown below.

The day-to-day governance of the University is the responsibility of the Council, which comprises 22 members, the majority of whom (14) are lay members drawn from industry and the community. The remaining members are drawn from the academic and professional support staff and the Presidents of Keele Students’ Union and the Keele Postgraduate Association. 7KH&RXQFLOPHHWV¿YHWLPHVSHUDQQXPFKDLUHG by the Pro-Chancellor, and ‘governs, manages and UHJXODWHVWKH¿QDQFHVDFFRXQWVLQYHVWPHQWVSURSHUW\ business and all affairs whatsoever of the University’.

Organisational Structure

University Executive Committee




Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students)

Director of Engagement and Partnerships Director of Estates and Development

Director of Finance and IT Director of Human Resources


Director of Marketing and Communications Academic Registrar and Director of Planning and Academic Administration

Dean of Internationalisation

Secretary to Council







FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean: Professor Pauline Walsh

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean: Professor Shane O’Neill


Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean: Professor Jonathan Wastling

Academic Structure

PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (Education) Vacant

School of • Health and Rehabilitation • Medicine • Nursing and Midwifery • Pharmacy Research Institute for • Primary Care and Health Sciences • Science and Technology in Medicine • Applied Clinical Sciences

School of • Computing and Mathematics • Life Sciences • Psychology • Chemical and Physical Sciences • Geography, Geology and the Environment )DFXOW\5HVHDUFK2I¿FH

School of • Humanities • Keele Management School • Law • Social Science and Public Policy • Politics, Philosophy, and International Relations )DFXOW\5HVHDUFK2I¿FH • Research Institute for Social Inclusion

PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (Students) Dr Anne Loweth

PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (Research and Enterprise) Professor David Amigoni



• Campus Library • CEC Health Library



VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Trevor McMillan

PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (Education) Vacant


MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lorraine Westwood (Director) To develop strategies for marketing and recruitment to underpin the University’s strategic objective to increase its market share in international and domestic markets and to enhance the 8QLYHUVLW\¶VSUR¿OH

• Visa Compliance • Admissions • Planning and Timetabling • Examinations • Student Records and Examinations • Postgraduate Taught Records • Postgraduate Research • Governance and Quality Assurance • Appeals Complaints and Conduct • Student Services Centre • Faith and Chaplaincy STUDENT AND ACADEMIC SERVICES Helen Galbraith (Director) Supports the strategic and academic planning service to the University, manages admissions, timetabling, student records and examinations, and is responsible for the University’s governance and quality management, Student Support Services

HUMAN RESOURCES Rachel Adams (Interim Director) Strategic responsibility for HR

RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND ENGAGEMENT Dr Mark Bacon (Director) Oversee strategic partnership development and manages services relating to research, enterprise and the University Science Park

FINANCE AND IT Paul Buttery (Interim Director) Oversees


INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION AND ENHANCEMENT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Vacant (Director) Supports the delivery of academic innovation, enhancement and

Administration Structure

(Director) Supports

the strategic development of the estate

WKH¿QDQFLDO management and information infrastructure of the University

support across the University

• Student Recruitment and outreach • International Recruitment and Development • Educational Partnerships • Widening Participation • Marketing, PR and Stakeholder • Communications • Market Insights • Brand and Reputation

• Human Resources • Organisational Development • Occupational Health and Safety • Equality and Diversity • Learning and Professional Development • Keele Day Nursery

• Research and

• Finance Reporting • Payroll and Pensions ‡ ,QFRPH2I¿FH • Procurement • Accounts Payable • Treasury and Research Accounting • Information Technology Services • Management Information Services • Tele-communications • Audio Visual Services

• Estates Planning, Policy and Strategy • Energy and environment • Environmental Sustainability • Student Services (including sport) • Retail and Catering • Keele Events and Conferences • Facilities Management • Grounds Maintenance • Security • Portering and Post • Capital Projects • Parking, Travel and Transport • Waste Management

• Learning Support • Learning and Professional Development • Technology Enhanced Learning • Careers and Employability

Innovation support

• Legal and Compliance • Partnership

development: regionally, nationally and internationally

• Local Growth • Enterprise Services • Keele University Science and Business Park • Development and Supporter Engagement • Arts Keele




Vision Keele will be a leading campus-based university that stands out due to our unique community, our world-leading research and our broad-based education that produces graduates who have a genuine positive impact across the globe. Our research will be transformational in Higher Education and across society more broadly, and we will be

Values Observing Keele’s founding ethos of ‘the pursuit of truth in the company of friends’, the University is committed to: • the transformative capacity of education for individuals, communities and society; • equality of educational opportunity; • advancing knowledge through independent research and academic enquiry; • environmental sustainability for the sake of future generations; • delivering exceptional service and experience in all its activities; • valuing the rights, responsibilities, dignity, health and wellbeing of individuals through its commitment to equality and diversity; • valuing probity and integrity in all its activities; • exemplifying the highest standards

Keele University is committed to making DGLͿHUHQFHLQVRFLHW\E\SURYLGLQJ innovative, high-quality education for students from all backgrounds and by undertaking world-leading research that transforms understanding

DQGEULQJVEHQHÀWWRVRFLHW\ communities and individuals.

internationally recognised for our professionalism, collegiality and environmental sustainability.

of leadership and governance in the Higher Education sector.



Strategic Aims

AIM 1 To continue building Keele as a

AIM 2 Through the Distinctive Keele Curriculum, provide outstanding, discipline-based education and a unique portfolio of personal development opportunities in the context of a sector-leading student experience: • Produce students who will have a positive impact in their communities and are highly employable. • Provide multi-disciplinary opportunities and a personalised learning experience. • Be innovative in delivery and approach. • Provide a highly supportive environment and experience for students on all programmes from all backgrounds. • Deliver Keele curricula overseas through strong, high quality partnerships. • Continue to deliver the highest quality student experience.

AIM 3 To deliver international excellence and impact in focussed areas of research: • Be a centre of world-leading excellence in focussed research areas and have an LQWHUQDWLRQDOSUR¿OHLQDOOGLVFLSOLQHV • Provide a supportive environment for all research active staff. • Enlarge our Postgraduate Research community. • Maximise impact and realise social, economic, health, environmental and FXOWXUDOEHQH¿WVRIWKHUHVHDUFKZHGR • Build key research partnerships. • Appoint, develop and retain outstanding researchers. • Be a top quartile research university in REF 2020.

AIM 4 To contribute positively to the society, economy, culture, health and well-being of the communities we serve: • Develop partnerships with business and industry. • Collaborate with local communities, enterprise and the Third Sector. • Develop the University as an integrated innovation campus. • Increase the number of people who come onto campus for Continuing Professional Development. • Provide a supportive environment for Knowledge Exchange. • Actively promote the involvement of students and graduates with our collaborations and relationships, in part, through collaboration with the Students’ Union.

AIM 5 To promote environmental sustainability in all that we do: • Continue to improve the environmental sustainability of the University through campus developments, carbon reduction and the impact of University operations. • Have world-leading research in environmental sustainability. • Educate our students on environmental issues and provide opportunities for them to put strategies into practice. • Provide leadership in application and implementation of environmental sustainability. • Be sector-leading in environmental education and engagement with business, external organisations and communities.

AIM 6 To transform how we work to ensure the University’s development is sustainable and delivers world-leading teaching and research: ‡ 0DLQWDLQ¿QDQFLDOVXVWDLQDELOLW\DQGEXLOG revenue reserves. • Provide staff and students with excellent, innovative and reliable information technology and resources. • Develop the estate to meet the future education, research, academic and social needs of the University in the medium and longer term. • Strengthen the University’s reputation and the Keele brand. • Further develop a collegial and creative working culture to promote success, HI¿FLHQWVHUYLFHVDQGDVHQVHRILQFOXVLYLW\ and shared ownership.

broad-based research-led university of about 13,000 students, recognised internationally for excellence in education, research and enterprise: • Maintain a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary and sustainable portfolio. • Support and develop our staff in a culture of innovation in education and research. • Grow overall student numbers. • Increase the proportion of postgraduate students. • Grow and diversify our international student base. • Admit outstanding students from all backgrounds. • Increase the number of students taught abroad.

Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG

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