Sumner College Catalog


Associate Degree in Nursing Program No longer accepting applications for the ADN program Effective 2/06/2023

Program Overview The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Program at Sumner College is a comprehensive program that prepares students to become competent and compassionate Registered Nurses (RN). The program encom- passes a total of 128 credits which includes 1770 clock hours of instruction. Throughout the program, nursing students engage in a variety of learning experiences to develop their skills and knowledge by incorporating classroom instruction, skills lab, simulation, and clinical experience. Students receive theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills experience in various practice settings. The curriculum emphasizes the nursing process as a foundation for providing patient care. Students learn how to assess patients, diagnose health issues, create care plans, implement interventions, and evaluate patient outcomes. Critical thinking skills are fostered, enabling students to make sound healthcare-relat- ed decisions and provide safe and effective patient care. Students are also trained to advocate for their patients, ensuring that their needs and preferences are considered and respected. Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the National Council Licensure Exam-

ination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Successful licensure enables graduates to work as a Registered Nurse (RN). To ensure that students are well-prepared to provide safe and quality care to their communities, Sumner College has established specific course requirements. Students must complete all courses with a passing grade to be eligible for graduation:

Nursing Core Courses: Nursing Fundamentals: NUR 105, 106, 107 Adult Health: NUR 108, 201, 210, 220 Clinical and Practicum: NUR 116, 117, 118, 201, 211, 212, 213, 280 Mental Health: NUR 232 Maternal and Pediatrics: NUR 221, 222 Geriatrics: NUR 233 Community Health: 260 Leadership and Ethics: NUR 191, 291

Non-Nursing Courses: General Education: English: ENG 102, 115 116 Psychology: 101, 201 Sociology: 110 Biological and Social Sciences: BIO 131, 132, 133 and PHA 101, 102 IV Therapy Fundamentals: NUA 120 Medical Terminology: MED 101 NCLEX Preparation: NCL 160, 170, 180, 250, 260, 270

To ensure an optimal learning environment, classroom sizes are limited to 28 students for theory courses, and 14 students per skill labs. This ensures that students receive personalized attention and support from the faculty, facilitating effective learning and skill development. Facilities and Equipment: At Sumner College, we prioritize utilizing technology and advancements in healthcare to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience. Our facilities and equipment are designed to simulate real-life healthcare settings and promote hands-on learning opportunities. Skills labs are an integral part of our nursing program, offering students a controlled environment where they can develop and practice their clinical skills. These labs are equipped with manikins and equipment that closely replicate real patients and medical devices. Through hands-on experiences with these manikins, students can practice a wide range of nursing procedures, from basic assessments to complex interventions. This allows them to gain confidence, refine their techniques, and develop critical thinking skills in a safe and controlled envi- ronment. In addition to the skills labs and simulation labs, we also have dedicated classrooms equipped with technology that fosters a rich learning environment. These facilities are designed to enhance the learning experience and promote interactive teaching methodologies. Our class- rooms are equipped with computers and large screen TVs, allowing faculty to deliver engaging lectures and presentations. Sumner College aims to create an immersive and dynamic learning environment. We believe that hands-on experiences and the integration of technology enhance the learning process and better prepare our students to serve as nursing professionals in the healthcare industry.


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