Sumner College Catalog

Admissions Requirements - Additional Program Requirements Sumner College has never mandated nor does it currently require the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of acceptance for students. In instances where a clinical site mandates vaccination for participation in a clinical rotation, students may submit an exemption request, which will be forwarded to the clinical site for consideration and determination. Transfer Credit Expiration Students wishing to transfer courses into a program are eligible to transfer up to 25% of the total required credit hours. Transfer credits must be completed prior to the program start date, and a grade of ‘C’ or higher must be earned. Each credit approved for transfer will reduce the cost of the program. For the Practical Nursing program and Bachelor of Science in Nursing program: general education courses have a ten year expiration date, and science and medical courses have a five year expiration date. LPN’s that are graduates of an accredited practical nursing program that hold an active, unencumbered license are eligible to transfer courses with a twenty year expiration date. For the RN-BSN program transfer credits have no expiration. Pregnancy Sumner College provides students with a safe environment for clinical experiences and training. In compliance with regulations regarding pregnant students, female students have the option to inform program officials whether they are pregnant. With written notification to the Program Director, the student may change from one option to another during the pregnancy if all program objectives, courses, and competencies are completed. However, if a student chooses to declare her pregnancy to program officials, she must provide written notification. A student may submit a written request to withdraw her declaration unquestionably at any time. A student who has decided to declare her pregnancy will be allowed to choose one option for completing their education. Options 1. Continuing the training without modification or interruption. This option means that the student agrees to attend and complete all classes, clinical assignments, and competencies in a manner consistent with her peers within the guidelines set forth by the instructors and Sumner College. The student must present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue the training. Sumner College reserves the right to contact the physician to verify the student’s physical activity level and ability to complete all clinical experience requirements. 2. The student may take a leave of absence for such a long period as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician, at the end of which the student shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began. The student must make up all missed clinical and didactic hours and complete all the necessary competencies. This option timing is contingent upon an available student position in an appropriate clinical facility. Disability Accommodation & Grievance Policy 1. Statement of Non-Discrimination and Accommodation Sumner College (“the college”) does not discriminate based on disability. Individuals with disabilities are entitled to a reasonable accommodation to ensure that they have full and equal access to the educational resources of the college, consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794) (“Section 504”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12182) (“ADA”) and their related statutes and regulations. Section 504 prohibits discrimination based on disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The ADA prohibits institutions from discriminating based on disability. The applicable laws and regulations may be examined in the office of the Director of Education. The Director of Education has been designated to coordinate the efforts of the college to comply with Section 504 and ADA. Director of Education: Neil Mages 8338 NE Alderwood Road, Suite 100, Portland, OR 97220 503-542-0486 nmages@sumnercollege. edu 2. Requests for Accommodation Students with disabilities requesting an accommodation must contact the Director of Education. Disclosure of a disability or a request for accommodation made to a faculty or staff member besides the Director of Education will not be treated as a request for accommodation. However, if a student discloses a disability to faculty or staff members, they must direct the student to the Director of Education. The Director of Education will provide a student with an Accommodation Request Form. Reasonable accommodations are available for students with appropriate disability documentation. Such documentation should specify that a student has a physical or mental impairment and how that impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities. Generally, the documentation must be dated less than three (3) years from the date of the request and must be completed by a qualified professional specializing in the student’s disability, as enumerated in the table following.


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