Sumner College Catalog


NUR 222 Pediatric Nursing Prerequisite: NUR 221 Credits: 2.5 / Course Hours: 35

The student will gain an understanding of the foundation of pediatric nursing care including physical assessments, special procedures and treatments, chronic illness, and caring for children and their families. Also included in this course is a review of nursing care of the child with health disorders of the major body systems. PSY 201 Human Growth and Development Prerequisites: None Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40 Students receive instruction in the basic principles, stages, concepts and theory of human growth and development. The student will examine human emotional, psychological, intellectual and social development throughout the lifespan. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of these studies to professional healthcare activities and education. NCL 250 NCLEX Preparation IV Prerequisites: NCL 180 Credits: 2.0 / Course Hours: 20 This course provides content to assist the candidate in preparation for the national registered nurse licensure examination. The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) is a computerized test developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). This test is used to regulate the licensing of registered nurses in each of its member states. Content of this course includes a comprehensive review of nursing content areas specifically related to the test plan for the NCSBN NCLEX-RN®. Completion of all assigned tests; online pre-test and post-test questions; discussion of rationales and participation in collaborative testing for each unit is required. NUR 260 Community-Based Nursing Experience Prerequisite: NUR 118 Credits: 1.0 / Course Hours: 30 The student will gain an understanding of clinical experience in community-based nursing focusing on application of nursing principles in care of individuals, families and aggregates in a variety of settings. Content of this course includes completion of the Sigma Community Health Online Course.

NUR 212 RN Clinical Nursing V Prerequisites: NUR 211; Co-Requisite: NUR 220 Credits: 1.5 / Course Hours: 45

This clinical course supports NUR 220 and teaches the Registered Nurse nursing skills and procedures related to adult health nursing. The essentials of “OMEGA‐7” provide the conceptual framework for critical thinking in approaching health and the nursing process. On‐site clinical instruction, supervision, evaluation, and placement will be the responsibility of the qualified nursing instructor. TERM 8 NUR 232 Mental Health Nursing Prerequisite: NUR 220; Co-Requisite: NCL 260, NUR 213 Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40 The student will gain an understanding of the prevalence of mental illness issues and psychiatric disorders, as well as disparities in access to mental health care and treatment. Topics covered in this course are mental health assessment, special issues related to psychiatric and mental health nursing, components of the nurse-client relationship and special treatment modalities. SOC 110 Sociology I Prerequisites: None Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40 An introduction to the sociological perspective and to the study of sociology as a scientific discipline. Sociology 110 will examine human social behavior, focusing on individuals and groups as well as the study of social factors including status, role, race, class, sex, and age. This course will also focus on societal structure, stratification, institutions, groups, and organizations by cultural processes such as socialization and group interaction.


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