TERM 4 NUR106B Nursing Fundamentals II Prerequisite: NUR 105B; Co-Requisite: NUR 116B Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 60 This course is a continuation of nursing fundamentals with emphasis on theory, the nursing process, critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and reflective practice throughout the nursing process. The NCSBN clinical judgment measurement model and OMEGA-7 are introduced as models for clinical judgment and critical thinking. Basic nursing actions include complementary and integrative health; medication administration; documenting and reporting. Promotion of healthy physiologic response content includes skin integrity; wound care; rest/sleep; comfort and pain management; nutrition; urinary and bowel elimination. The lab application content includes wound assessment and care; capillary blood glucose testing (CBG); nasogastric tube insertion/removal/maintenance; tube feedings; use of bedpan and urinal; external condom catheter; male/female urinary catheter insertion/removal/maintenance; enema; ostomy appliance care; dosage calculations and medication administration. This course builds upon NUR 106 with additional theory of nursing practice and skills. This course introduces health promotion across the life span, including developmental concepts, conception through young adult, and the aging adult. Nursing content includes leading, managing and delegating, safety, security, emergency preparedness and perioperative nursing. In the health care delivery system, this course content includes collaborative practice and care coordination across settings. As promoting healthy physiologic responses, this course content includes oxygenation, perfusion, fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. As promoting healthy psychosocial responses, this course content includes self-concept; stress & adaptation; loss, grief & dying; sensory functioning; sexuality and spirituality. The lab application content includes a skills performance review; medication administration, medication dosage calculation; situational assessment; extremity restraints; preoperative and postoperative care; oxygen therapy; suctioning of airways; tracheostomy care; peripheral venous access initiation and monitoring; fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance; blood transfusion administration. TERM 5 NUR207 Nursing Fundamentals III Prerequisites: NUR106B, PHA102 Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 60
TERM 8 NUR310 Adult Health Nursing II Prerequisite: NUR301, Co-Requisite: NUR311 Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 60
This course further introduces the student to nursing assessment and management of acutely ill adults. Pathophysiology of oxygenation: transport; oxygenation: perfusion; immune function; musculoskeletal function, ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination; and nursing care in specialized settings, including shock will be introduced.
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