
Technical training

Lift Standard / V3 2023-05-02


own notes

Correct answers must be shared at the end of the questionnaire to allow the participants to check and evaluate their answers. To enhance learning, it is recommended letting peer participants evaluate each other’s answers. 9.8 Detailed Description of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAINING

30 min.

The aim of this lesson is for the participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely at a training facility, while recognising what is expected of them during the training. After having successfully completed Lesson 1 of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module, the participants can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Name and point out local emergency procedures and facilities (Knowledge, basic level)

3) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain their implications (Knowledge, intermediate level)

Explain the use of correct PPE (Knowledge, intermediate level)



Learning objective:

5) The participants show interest or curiosity in the safety and emergency procedures at the training facility (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at:


safety instructions according to internal procedures

b. emergency procedures and emergency exits in the areas where the participants can be expected to be located during the course


site-specific chemical safety rules and instructions

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