August 2019
August 2019
3 President's Report 5 CEO Report 10-11 ER Update ‘DO THE SUMS – WE OFFER VALUE’ 14 Clubs Tasmania Vehicle 12-13 Upcoming Events 17 Premier – Will Hodgman
19 Tasmania Police 25 Tourism Tasmania
25/93 Salamanca Place, Hobart TAS 7000 PO BOX 191, Battery Point TAS 7004 Phone: 6220 7300 Email: Web:
August 2019
With more than 130,000 tickets sold via the TAB App * since October 2018, Tassie retailers are enjoying the benefits of Digital Commissions.
Get your customers on the TAB App and start driving digital in your venue today!
* TAB QLD/SA/TAS/NT App figures between 4/10/2018 – 14/07/2019. Call Gamblers Help 1800 858 858 Gamble responsibly.
4 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
President's Report
Very shortly we will be submitting the first annual financial report for the four grant programs managed by the Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) and funded by the Tasmanian Government. It has been a busy seven months since we received the first stage of funding and I am pleased to report on the successful programs we have run to date. Along with the industry workshops, the industry forums provided us with the opportunity to invite some guest speakers and presenters to provide valuable information and insight on key issues impacting on our industry. The forums also provided us with an opportunity to host trade exhibitions and a networking event in each of the regional areas. These events were highly successful and provided much benefit and value for those attending, as well as our corporate partners. The Great Customer Experience (GCE) program is now ramping up and has become a very important program in supporting the growth and development of our industry. We are on track to reach the Tasmanian Government’s target of 2,000 hospitality businesses participating in the program by 2022. Importantly, the GCE program provides us with the means to promote and maintain the high quality service and experience Tasmania is now renowned for. Workforce development has been identified as one of the critical issues impacting on our industry and I am pleased to say there are some very important initiatives underway to help us meet this challenge. The THA has completed a pilot program of providing non-accredited training which has not only proved successful in providing the participants with industry focussed skills but we have been very successful in placing these people in the workforce. The pilot program has been well regarded by employment agencies and Skills Tasmania and the THA will now progress this to an extended trial which, if successful, will see the program established as a permanent initiative, and one which can be delivered around the State. The THA is also proving to be successful in promoting school based apprenticeships, which promises to be a very important pathway for promoting careers in the hospitality industry and where we can focus on the skills most in need. Our Clubs Tasmania program is also now in full swing. More than ever our RSLs and community and sporting clubs are in need of support and assistance in managing their businesses and being able to continue their vital community support role. We are now ready to roll out the Coward’s Punch program also. Launched by the Premier, Will Hodgman MP with boxing great Danny Green in June 2019, the Cowards’ Punch program is an important initiative to combat one-punch incidents. We are working closely with the Tasmania Police and community leaders to address this scourge in our society, and the funding from the Tasmanian Government will provide us with the capacity to get the message out there that this behaviour is simply not acceptable in our society. We are also continuing to work with our mainland colleagues and other national and international counterparts in sharing information and knowledge about contemporary practices, helping to ensure best practice and innovation in our industry.
August 2019
Every month TASkeno are offering four $2000 partnership support packages to local organisations engaged in community activities. Supporting Our Local Communities
Visit for more information
6 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
CEO's Report
Following the success of the hospitality industry workshops, we have now commenced drafting the Tasmanian Hospitality Association industry development plans. 664 people attended the five forums held around Tasmania from April to June this year, which included the workshops on the challenges and opportunities facing Tasmania’s hospitality industry. The development plans will establish development frameworks at a state-wide level as well as individual development plans for each regional area being, the West Coast, Southern Tasmania, Northern Tasmania, the East Coast and the North-West. While Flinders Island and King Island have been incorporated as part of the north and north-west regional plans respectively, we recognise that both islands face a number of unique issues, especially those issues affected by access. For these reasons the THA will travel to both islands later in this calendar year, to consult with the island hospitality businesses and enterprises. This will assist us in establishing development plans specific to each island, which will be incorporated with the north and north-west development plans. The workshop sessions provided us with valuable feedback and knowledge about the key challenges and opportunities facing our industry. Importantly, the workshops have shown that while hospitality businesses and enterprises around Tasmania face the same array of issues, the nature of these challenges can vary across the State, and from region to region. This feedback is important as it will help ensure that the development plans are specific for each region. The forum workshops focussed on a wide range of issues including industry regulation and red-tape, the sharing economy, access to goods and services, cost to business and profitability, maintaining a quality workforce, promoting the hospitality industry/social media, specific regional issues, issues of concern/barriers for the future, opportunities for the future and innovation and, the future direction of the hospitality industry in Tasmania. It is not surprising that maintaining a quality workforce was rated the most significant issue by those businesses attending the workshops, along with the cost and time in managing industry regulation and red-tape, and other costs impacting on the business bottom line. This feedback is invaluable as it will assist in ensuring the industry development plans are focussed on the priority issues. The industry development plans are important commitments as part of the 2018-2022 Tasmanian Hospitality Industry Strategic Plan, supported with $6.8 million in funding from the Tasmanian Government over the four years 2018 to 2022. Importantly these industry development plans will provide an opportunity to highlight the key challenges and opportunities in each region, along with the key strategies and initiatives we need to put in place, to support the continued growth and development of our industry. These industry development plans also provide us with the opportunity to advise the government, political parties and policy makers about the key issues impacting on our businesses, and the most effective means of ensuring our industry continues to be sustainable into the future. Importantly, this is an opportunity for us to look forward and establish a longer term view, establishing a clear vision of where we want our industry to be in 2030. The next series of hospitality industry forums, to be held later this year, will provide us with the opportunity to outline the industry development plans that have been developed for each region and I encourage everyone to attend.
August 2019 - Date/Time: TBC Round 23
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8 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
ARTICLE Nick Roney
We completed our last two forums, with the first on the East Coast at the Eastcoaster Tasmania in Orford on the 27th & 28th of May. A big thanks goes out to Oliver Strickland and his team for accommodating us all. Our last forum was in Devonport on the 17th & 18th of June, which was held at the Gateway Hotel . A big thanks as well to Debbie Grice and her team for the fantastic service. Both forums were well received with approximately 70- 80 people attending over the two days at these events. During the last two months, I have been able to get out along the North West and East Coast and visit many members to sit down and discuss their concerns or update them on upcoming events for the second half of the year. Please keep an eye out on email invitations that will arrive on any events as we are now using a new system to track and invite and inform you all on what’s happening. If you find that you haven’t received anything, please check your junk/spam folder, as the email address from us is a very generic one. Any issues or concerns with this, please don’t hesitate to contact me on or call me on 0439 119 343 In July we had a stall at the inaugural ALM Trade Day, which was held at the Brooke Street Pier. Around 200 customers of ALM attended this trade show and there was a lot of interest in the THA and what we can provide members in the way of Employment Relations and general support and networking. Great work Scott Lister and his team in organising a great event which was supported by majority of their suppliers. In our corporate partners space, I would like to welcome Rapid Supply, A.H Beard, Typsy, Redroo Enterprises, Tas Racing, Work & Training, North Melbourne Football Club and Hawthorn Football Club. All of our corporate partners should be able to offer some value or benefits to your business, please make a point to mention that you are a THA member when contacting them. I would also like
to hear your stories when you have dealt with our partners, so just shoot me a quick email when you do at See our website for contact details on all of our corporate partners. The THA Podcast has seen us roll out to Devonport, East Coast, Deloraine, Mole Creek, Kempton, Longford and Ross to name a few. Our THA staff also give updates in our Podcast that will also keep you informed on Workforce Development and ER matters as well as interviews with corporate partners and politicians when required. If anyone has any stories they would like to share or any ideas that you think would work on this medium, please contact me. Like I have stated previously in regards to the THA Podcast, this gives us an opportunity to spread the hospitality word far and wide. As the months go on this will become a powerful tool for whole of industry as we endeavour to get out to most areas of the state to interview owners, operators, managers, staff, locals and politicians. Please go to our website to get more information on this new initiative and please subscribe, share and listen. Be ready when I call for someone to come in to your venue and take some photos of your venue, so then we can put them on Facebook and Instagram in our “Venue in Focus” . When you see any of our photos of members venues, please like and share them with your contacts as it spreads the word on what great venues are out there. The THAWebsite is where you are able to go for any information you require about the THA and the site which has been restructured recently by our good friends at Beetle Black. It also contains relevant and up to date ER/IR information. If you have misplaced your member login please call our office on 6220 7300. Please contact myself directly if you need assistance in any way in regards to your membership on 0439 119 343
August 2019
EXPERIENCE QUIET CRUISING Built with a unique hybrid drive system for quiet cruising, Spirit of the Wild is the ultimate way to experience the tranquillity of the Gordon River’s World Heritage wilderness. Book now at or phone us on (03) 6471 4300
10 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
ARTICLE Stephen Long
THA Great Customer Experience Program (GCE)
GCE is free, it is all done at your venue, it is done when and how you want it and it offers great opportunities. The Great Customer Experience program provides venues with: • A review and consolidation of social media outcomes – what is your customer saying? • A business survey to get the business view – we explore your needs, strengths and weaknesses, whether you need assistance in employee management – many issues to inform us about how we can help. • A Venue Awareness (VA) Session that engages employees in the venue using simple concepts that create awareness, like:
“The lights go on” • The VA session is great for employees and operators alike – be informed, be aware, be engaged and enthused • Skill Sessions that use a Learning Framework called Typsy. This is the best on line learning framework we have been able to access and we are committed to it, o Typsy is a compilation of over 500 quality videos covering subject matter for all levels of learning. Videos are between 2 and 5 minutes generally and are surrounded by a learning framework that gives great management capacity to allocate tasks and monitor staff. o GCE Contractors will use Typsy in the VA and Skills Sessions along with practical sessions to inform and upskill your employees. Typsy is available for employee and business operators to use a learning platform and has many characteristics that can set venues up for staff integration and continual learning – it can assist with venues managing social media, WHS and many others facets of the venue operation. o GCE Contractors will assist venues to use the Typsy framework in venues till operators are comfortable with the product. 130 Venues and 1,100 staff have been involved in VA or Skills Sessions, so far • The vision for the GCE is “continual improvement of Customer Experiences and support of the Tasmanian Brand” – the Government through its funding arrangement with the THA delivering the Great Customer Experience Program and Typsy is here to help Tasmania to achieve that vision. It’s working, want to be included?
Contact: Stephen Long, Phone: 0439 100 290 or Email:
August 2019
Merv Saltmarsh ARTICLE
Some THA members may have been approached by employment relations firms, offering workplace relations advisory services on a retainer basis. These firms apply the “hard sell” and may even claim to offer a superior service to that provided by industry associations. Beware of the sales pitch and ensure you carefully consider the service offering before signing any agreements, which may be both expensive and difficult to get out of. ACCC alleges Employsure misleads consumers One employment relations company active in most states including Tasmania is Employsure. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is alleging that Employsure; • Misled small business operators into believing it was the Fair Work Ombudsman or the Fair Work Commission (or was connected to them) • Lured businesses with the promise of free industrial relations advice and • Used “high pressure sales tactics” to encourage small business operators to enter into long-term contracts, costing thousands of dollars each year. The ACCC is also pursuing Employsure for unconscionable conduct in relation to businesses which signed multi-year contracts worth up to $6,500 per year. The ACCC alleges that from November 2016 to at least October 2018, Employsure's contracts contained unfair terms, making it difficult for small businesses to exit the contracts. The ACCC alleges that the contractual terms: • Increased prices without the consent of the small business operators • Did not provide for early termination and • Penalised customers who did not pay instalments on time, by making the business pay the entire contract amount immediately. The ACCC has said "Employsure contracted employers for lengthy periods to pay for services they had not sought and did not need, many of which were available free of charge from other providers…" The ACCC also alleged that Employsure customers "suffered distress and frustration as a result of the unfair sales tactics, contractual obligations they assumed and the difficulties in terminating the contracts." The ACCC prosecution follows a New South Wales Supreme Court ruling that a client of Employsure was not required to pay the balance of its $18,000, five-year contract. The client, which operated in the hospitality industry, had sought to terminate the contract after eight months. The contract required the client to pay $300 a month for five years, ($18,000 in total) and expressly if there was "no provision for early termination". Further, the contract provided that "failure to adhere" to the monthly payment requirements "will result in the total balance outstanding becoming payable immediately in full". When the client sought to terminate the contract Employsure took legal action, pursuing its client for payment of the balance of the five-year contract. The NSW Supreme Court ruled that the relevant clause was a "penalty clause" designed to "coerce performance" of the terms of the contract. Should any members have queries regarding similar arrangements contact myself on a confidential basis direct on 0407 869 924 or email Should members wish to discuss services provided within the membership packages feel free to contact Nick Roney on 0439 119 343 or email See Published Material forceable.aspx
12 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
We are not a call service desk or distant voice from another state that simply provides jargon emails or advice after it has happened or simple award applications. We have genuine and proven operational experience, which means when a workplace situation arises or advice is sought before and not after, we can provide step by step procedures. What we have provided and continue to do so is proven practical experience of management in the workplace at all levels not from a how to do manual. Put simply we are in this state, we are available and visible at your workplace, not a distant voice or email. You be the judge! • NO FIXED OR LOCK IN CONTRACTS OVER 1,3 OR 5 YEARS • NO MONTHLY FEES OR RETAINER COSTS $$$$$$$$ • NO EXTRA-LEGAL COSTS • REPRESENTATION COMES AT NO EXTRA COST!!!! • CALCULATE THE SAVINGS OR REINVEST IN YOUR BUSINESS The table below is indicative, but monthly retainer and annual costs are far in excess of THA membership costs and you won’t need a calculator to determine that. DO THE SUMS - WE OFFER VALUE
The Point of Difference We are the point of difference, there is no comparable operational and legislative experience in this state you save and you get the benchmark services.
August 2019
14 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
August 2019
VISION Clubs Tasmania, a division of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) is the peak advocacy body for RSL, sporting and community clubs across Tasmania.
PURPOSE Our purpose is to advocate, lobby and represent RSLs, sporting and community clubs, on a range of issues relevant to clubs, so clubs can be effective, sustainable and viable and play a role in promoting healthy lifestyles, across the community
OUR ROLE Clubs Tasmania is committed to engaging effectively with stakeholders in a meaningful, accountable, responsive and equitable way to strengthen the community club industry.
Watch out for our Clubs Tasmania branded vehicle in your community. I recently visited the North East and met with Dorset Council to hear about how they are strengthening the community club industry - increasing participation by investing in their in local community clubs.
If you have a story worth sharing, why not invite me out to your community? Andrew Moore: 0408 284 228
16 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
Andrew Moore ARTICLE
Clubs Tasmania and North Melbourne Football Club have partnered to reward and recognise volunteers in the community club industry. North Melbourne Football Club will provide four reserved seat tickets for every Clubs Tasmania member for North Melbourne games at Blundstone Arena. Clubs Tasmania and North Melbourne are committed to engaging effectively with the community in meaningful ways and are excited to be playing a role in strengthening and rewarding, the community club industry. North Melbourne are committed to the game and the region with three full time staff based in Tasmania, who work collaboratively with 26 AFL Tasmanian employees. State Manager Shayne Stevenson says "Our partnership with Clubs Tasmania shows our commitment to building and investing in Tasmania, with Tasmanians. Partnerships like this help us to grow the game, strengthen pathways and inspire brighter futures for the Tasmanian community" Over the next three months, Clubs Tasmania is planning meetings with Communities, Sport and Recreation to map the Community Clubs Kit that is going out to all sporting and community clubs in September. Watch out for this in your letterbox in October! We are also meeting with each of the state’s sporting associations to discuss how we can work together, identify relevant issues and then advocate to strengthen the community club industry. As part of these meetings, Clubs Tasmania attended the Little Athletics state conference in Launceston. The key take home messages for us were the need for Little Athletic centres to develop relationships with local government and increasing the number of volunteers. Clubs Tasmania will work on supporting Little Athletics with these issues. We have also met with Football Federation Tasmania, Netball Tasmania and Swimming Tasmania. For more information about Clubs Tasmania, contact their free call number 1300 125 827 (1300 1CLUBS), to attend one of our events or if you have a question, please email Andrew Moore at CLUBS TASMANIA PARTNER WITH NORTH MELBOURNE FOOTBALL CLUB!
We’re excited to add Tim’s 29 years of valuable experience in senior insurance roles to our service offering to the Tasmanian hospitality industry. You could know Tim already because you operate You may recognise our new talent Meet our newly appointed Tasmanian State Sales Manager Tim Johns
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18 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
My Government is proud to work in partnership with the Tasmanian Hospitality Association to help our hospitality businesses be the best in the country. Together, we’re focused on improving customer service standards across the state, which is a key objective of the T21 Visitor Economy Strategy. That’s why my Government has committed $2.8 million over four years to the THA to support the continued rollout and expansion of the Great Customer Experience (GCE) program. The GCE is a customised program that is free to tourism and hospitality businesses across the State. The hands-on program is delivered in the workplace and is available to all hospitality businesses, not just THA members. It is relevant to all staff, from owners and operators through to frontline staff, and is available for businesses of all sizes. The program helps businesses to develop a culture of customer service excellence, by boosting staff engagement and increasing understanding of the impact that a poor customer experience can have on commercial outcomes. The program also helps businesses to identify and address any training needs. Government funding for the GCE is supporting the program’s expansion, to 2,000 businesses. So far, about 590 venues have participated in the program state-wide, which equates to about around 9,000 individual staff. GCE contractors are active in all regions of the state and have so far worked with the owners and managers of accommodation venues, hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes, RSLs and sporting and community clubs. Workforce Development My Government is also supporting aWorkforce Development programwhich has seen the THAundertake a series of Industry Development Forums across the state. The forums were run by a professional facilitator (Deloitte), who worked with participants to identify issues and opportunities for hospitality operators. This information will be used to draft an Industry Development Plan, which will include tailored plans to grow the hospitality sector in each region of the state. Skills Tasmania is also working closely with the THA on training and workforce development issues, and the Department of State Growth is working with the THA and Drysdale on the recruitment, training and development of potential employees for new hotels opening across the state. My Government is proud to partner with the THA and strongly support continued growth in our great hospitality industry.
August 2019
Protect your most valuable asset, your people IPAR provides a range of services to help your people remain safe and productive at work. From injury prevention training programs to workplace assessments, injury management and return to work services, your people are in safe hands with IPAR. • Physical and psychological injury or illness prevention and rehabilitation • Facilitated discussions (for conflict resolution) • Ergonomic assessments facilitated by Occupational Therapists
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20 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
Peter Andricopoulos- Tasmania Police
During the past 12 months the Southern Licensing Team have fielded a range of questions from various Licensees and their respective employees. One question that is consistently asked is, ‘…how far does a Licensees obligation extend…’? The best answer is simply that Licensees obligations extend to the parameters of relevant legislation i.e. The Liquor Licensing Act 1990, which regulates the sale, supply, promotion and consumption of liquor in Tasmania. This Act has a strong harm minimisation focus, its object being to regulate activities and focus an effort towards harm minimisation arising from the misuse of intoxicating liquor and to facilitate the responsible development of the liquor and hospitality industries in a way that is consistent with the best interests of the community. Some Licensees have discussed examples where their staff have gone over and above what is required by the law. Examples include; Staff requesting members of the public to leave an area that are frequenting next door or near the licensed premises even though such persons are not, and never have been patrons of the licensed premises. Those members of the public who ‘hang out’ nearby, engage in anti-social behaviour, cause damage or simply litter in the general area of the nearby businesses. This behaviour tends to reflect poorly of the respective licences establishment hence the request to move on. Another example includes Licensees instructing their staff to wash down and sweep up large areas of the street that the licensed premises is on or near, as well as cleaning nearby businesses shop windows and signs. Crowd controllers instructed to assist nearby businesses that have public order issues but no security of their own. Police can affirm that all these examples are true having witnessed them first hand, but why are the Licensees going to these lengths? Or why do they feel they sometimes have to go to these lengths? Most Licensees when questioned, have answered that they feel they are obliged to do so, or that they may come under the ‘spotlight’ for running a disorderly establishment. Others answer that they find that they have better relations with nearby businesses and other neighbours if they do the ‘extras’. Most would understand the ‘friendly neighbour’ mentality, after all life is always made easier if all the neighbouring and competing interests are getting along in the area. However it must also be remembered that good intentions can still lead to a negative outcome for Licensees. Sending crowd controllers off site for instance can be complicated. Crowd controllers only have their ‘powers’ on a licensed premises. Technically should they get involved physically in a matter out on the street they could be facing allegations of assault etc. Attempting to move on ‘undesirables’ loitering out the front of the neighbouring business can become problematic for a range of reasons including the fact that staff don’t have the legislative power to do so, and the fact that it could also turn physical and escalate to violence rapidly. Should staff be injured in such an example, workers compensation and or Occupational Health and Safety legislation breaches may become protracted and prove costly for a Licensee. It would be timely to mention at this point that a crowd controller was recently attacked by a random passer-by who brandished a knife during the attack. Surveillance footage of the incident revealed that the knife was only centimetres from the crowd controller’s face. To put this attack into context, it occurred whilst the licensed premises was just preparing to open and when interviewed by police the attacker stated a desire to kill the crowd controller, even though they were unknown to each other. Therefore as far as this licensing team are concerned the legislative obligations are the be all and end all when considering the Licensees obligations. Should Licensees choose to do the ‘extras’ it may pay to consider the old saying, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
21 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
HAHN ULTRA CRISP is an easy-drinking, lower carb lager brewed with a revolutionary new process using rice instead of the standard barley or wheat to create a cleaner, crisper tasting beer that is Lower Carb, Preservative Free, 99% Sugar Free & Gluten Free. A refreshing new full strength lager with a clean crisp taste.
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August 2019
The new financial year has rolled around and as a result, a number of reminders are in order for licensees who possess either a gaming and/or liquor licence. To avoid missing notifications, licence renewals or invoices, it is important to ensure your contact details are kept up to date. If you hold a current licence or permit issued under the Liquor Licence Act 1990 and/or issued under the Gaming Control Act 1993, you are reminded that you have 14 days to notify the relevant regulator of any change such as: 1. change of name of the licensee, permit holder, person listed on the Roll (of gaming manufacturers/suppliers/testers) or any of their associates; 2. change of postal address, registered office address, telephone number, or email address of the licensee, permit holder, person listed on the Roll or any of their associates; and 3. addition of a person who has become an associate of the licensee, permit holder or person listed on the Roll. For further important details that require notification refer to: • Section 49 Notice for liquor: > Liquor > Resources for Licence Holders > Notifying the Commissioner of Certain Matters > Section 49 Notice. •Section 161 Notice for gambling: > Gambling > Resources for Licence Holders > Rules and Regulations > Rules and Standards > Section 161 Notice. Please be sure to immediately notify the Branch if any of the events outlined in the notices have taken place (email: licensing@treasury. or, or phone 6166 4040 (Hobart) or (03) 6777 2777 (Launceston). Taking effect from 1 June 2019, an amendment to the Responsible Gambling Mandatory Code of Practice for Tasmania was made regarding EFTPOS cash withdrawal limits for hotels and clubs. The new requirement places restrictions on EFTPOS cash withdrawals to one transaction, per customer, per day up to a maximum of $200 for any purpose. Bottle shops remain exempt from this requirement. The requirement for Tasmanian liquor wholesalers or producers to report wholesale liquor sales data each year has now commenced. Wholesale data is considered to be effective in estimating the per capita consumption of alcohol to inform alcohol harm minimisation strategies, as well as health and police service delivery. Relevant licensees (comprising wineries, brewers, distillers, distributors and online sellers) have been advised of the new requirement and the Branch has developed an online system for the provision of the data. Further information on wholesale liquor sales data requirements is available at: > Liquor > Wholesale Liquor Sales Data. In accordance with the Consumer Price Index, liquor and gaming fees for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 have increased and can be found on the Branch website under the relevant liquor or gaming fees and payment links. I encourage all licensees to become familiar with the new fee structure for the 2019–20 financial year. Finally, we are pleased to advise that gambling licence data is now available to the public on the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST), based on information provided by the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission. This is in addition to the liquor licence data that has been available for some time. The data is updated regularly on the Branch website and presents an aggregate view of the State, detailing different types of licences currently active in Tasmania. You can access this information from and-gaming > Legislation and Data > Gambling Industry Data (LIST Map for gambling venues) or > Liquor Industry Data (LIST Map for liquor venues).
August 2019
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24 03 6220 7300
Hospitality Review
Drysdale FEATURE
Drysdale Centre of Excellence is back! At the recent THA Awards for Excellence, Drysdale launched it new campaign to attract future industry leaders and highlight the importance of industry engagement. Drysdale Centre of Excellence, General Manager Lisa Punshon, was proud to unveil to the industry the newly revitalised Drysdale brand and vision. Ms Punshon leads a dynamic team of individuals who are all passionate about Tasmania’s tourism and hospitality industry. Ms Punshon stated that ‘with the growing demands of the industry, Drysdale Centre of Excellence has listened, we are educating the future tourism and hospitality leaders to meet the industry’s needs and to train students to be influential in their chosen field’. Drysdale is seeking to enrol students that have that same passion for the tourism and hospitality industry as the Drysdale teachers and staff. Drysdale has three Education Managers, all of whom have extensive experience in the industry. The Education Managers David Dunn – Launceston, Varun Khetarpal – Hobart and Timothy Cox – Devonport, seek out students that will meet the growing demands of our industry. David Dunn who joined the Drysdale Centre of Excellence team 12 months ago has extensive experience having come from Skills Tasmania and is the current Chairman for Festivale. David stated that ‘Drysdale provides excellent employment outcomes into the exciting and rapidly growing market – these industries are so important to Tasmania and our students to secure employment.’ As part of Drysdale’s revitalisation, two new positions were created to assist with Drysdale’s future direction. Claire Harrington been employed as Project Officer – Business Development. Prior to this role Claire worked for Business Events Tasmania as the Director of Sales. Claire’s skills as a relationship manager, business development and industry knowledge will enable her to support Drysdale’s apprentices, trainees and their employers along with promoting Drysdale to the broader community and industry. Michelle Jungfer has been employed as Project Officer – Drysdale Centre of Excellence, Michelle joins Drysdale with expertise in data analysis and vocational education training at Skills Tasmania. Michelle will provide project management support for the Revitalising Drysdale – a Centre of Excellence strategy and action plan, the establishment of a Drysdale Centre of Excellence at Claremont and Providore Place in Devonport. Drysdale Centre of Excellence is back, we are here to mould the future generation of tourism and hospitality professionals. There has never been a more exciting time to join in our rapidly growing industry and support the people that train your future staff.
August 2019
ARTICLE Business Events Tasmania
Our role at Business Events Tasmania is to attract national and international business events to Tasmania. We’re a specialist bidding organisation responsible for marketing Tasmania as a business event destination. As part of that promotion, and coinciding with this year’s Dark Mofo festival, Business Events Tasmania hosted a famil to promote Tasmania as a top winter business events destination. A group of professional conference organisers from across the country were invited to experience Tasmania at this special time of year. There is a common misconception among interstate event planners that Tasmania is too cold to hold an event during winter, but Business Events Tasmania is working on changing this perception by hosting prominent clients at a truly exciting time in southern Tasmania. The group was handpicked to include some of the industry’s most prominent professionals working in the corporate and incentive travel markets, giving participating Business Events Tasmania members the opportunity to network and build relationships with some of the most influential people in the industry. Throughout the three-day famil, the conference organisers embraced Tasmania, got their hands dirty and had some unforgettable experiences. This was an invaluable opportunity for the Business Events Tasmania sales team to showcase premiumTasmanian offerings and ‘outside the box’ programming. Feedback from those attending was outstandingly positive and included: 'I have felt that everybody we’ve met has been passionate about Tasmania. The food has been incredible, everybody knows so much about their environment', and ‘'I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend any of my groups to come and Conference in Tasmania. The experiences are second to none, and the hospitality is fantastic!'
The Corporate Incentive Travel market (CIT) is seeing particular growth right now. CIT makes up over 25% of the global business travel industry and in Australia, it’s a segment that is growing at a rate of 20% annually. This market presents a valuable opportunity for our local industry to tailor and present CIT packages to this segment. Unlike a corporate conference, which only occurs once a year, CIT packages are needed year-round. Traditionally, CIT has been used as a tool to motivate and reward high-performing staff and executives. Staff that reach sales targets are rewarded with a high end, all-expenses paid trip to a premium destination. CIT planners, such as those that attended our famil, are very clear about what they look for in a CIT package. That is the ability to offer their employees and clients an experience; and not just any old experience, but a WOW experience. Delegates are starting to demand much more than simply a luxurious holiday, and instead are looking to create positive memories that last beyond the duration of the trip. The industry is seeing a move away from traditional tropical destinations and instead the demand is for more culturally-connected and experience-driven trips. As a destination Tasmania has plenty of great incentive attractions but it can be hard for CIT planners to package these activities into WOW experiences. As an industry, when packaging experiences for this market, we must change our thinking from offering a ‘great deal’ to tailoring an incentive program to a client’s individual needs. Business Events Tasmania is focussed on working with Tasmania’s tourism and hospitality providers to package suitable WOW experiences for this lucrative market. In turn positioning Tasmania as a highly desirable destination of choice for corporate incentive groups. If you’d like to know more about the CIT market and how you can work with Business Events Tasmania to secure business in this sector, please get in contact via mail@businesseventstasmania. com or 03 6231 1366.
26 03 6220 7300 Our knowledgeable and experienced team of lawyers offer a wide variety of specialist legal services in the areas of commercial , corporate, family, employment, litigation, property and conveyancing, local government and planning, and wills and estates 83 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000 Phone: 03 6223 8955 | Fax: 03 6234 9640 |
Hospitality Review
ARTICLE John Fitzgerald
Our research tells us that there are increasing numbers of people who travel to a destination in order to pursue their passions or interests. With this opportunity in mind, the team at Tourism Tasmania has developed a marketing program that will position Tasmania as a leading destination for fly fishing, mountain biking, golf and walking. Tasmania has a clear competitive advantage and we believe our pristine wilderness and stunning scenery makes it one of the best places on earth to enjoy these outdoor activities. The Unordinary Adventures program will position Tasmania as a destination that elevates these experiences beyond just the ordinary and will inspire passion seekers and enthusiasts to visit the state, travel throughout the regions and contribute to our local communities. The program will begin to roll-out later this year and we will be using targeted marketing to capture the attention of these enthusiasts. The last few months have seen some great exposure for Tassie as a result of our media hosting program. Tourism Australia regularly partners with us to enable celebrities or well-known personalities to immerse themselves in Tasmania and share the experience with audiences in key international markets Earlier this year Chinese movie and television actor, Duan Yihong shared highlights of his trip to the state with his five million social media followers. During his stay, he visited Cradle Mountain, Cataract Gorge, Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary, Sheffield, Hobart, Mt Wellington, the Tasman Peninsula and Mona. The New York Times Travel Magazine (China edition) featured a six-page story describing Duan’s visit with Tasmania featured on the cover page. The magazine is distributed across mainland China and has a circulation of 900,000. While he was in the state, Duan also shot an advertisement for the luxury watch brand Glashütte Original, this type of endorsement from well-known personalities is an influential means of targeting travellers and also increases the appeal of Tasmania as a premium destination. In addition to Duan Yihong’s visit, we recently brought three Australian personalities to Tasmania to promote the Western Wilds drive journey. Singer-songwriter Xavier Rudd, retired professional surfer Taj Burrow and Australian actress Marny Kennedy visited Tasmania for five days and were challenged to disconnect from social media, in order to truly connect with both Tasmania and each other.
A film crew captured a series of videos of their travels, forming part of a Qantas marketing campaign that will target younger Australians with an interest in nature and outdoor adventures. We have just released the latest visitation data with our visitor economy continuing to look strong. The most recent Tasmanian Visitor Survey results revealing a record visitor spend of $2.49 billion, up five per cent and visitation growing with 1.32 million visitors, up 3 per cent over the year to March 2019. The Tasmanian Visitor Survey, managed by Tourism Tasmania, provides insights to support our marketing program. It’s also a valuable asset for the Tasmanian tourism industry, providing important visitor data measuring what people do on their visits, where they go, how much they spend, demographic characteristics, booking behaviours and satisfaction. To complement this research and gain more meaningful insights into the true movements of visitors as they travel around the state, Tourism Tasmania has embarked on a new tourist tracking study. Visitors arriving at Tasmania's four main airports and on board the Spirits are being encouraged to participate in the study via a TasmanianVisitorResearchapp.The technologywill askparticipants questions during their trip that will assist in understanding why visitors are choosing to do the things that they do. The research will assist in understanding where visitors go, why, for how long and what routes they take. After leaving, participants will have access to a detailed online map of their trip which can be shared on social media. A better understanding of the travel patterns of our visitors is important to inform government and industry planning for future product and infrastructure development. It also helps informTourism Tasmania’s marketing efforts to encourage visitors to disperse more widely across the state and invest in our local communities. Lastly, you may be interested in checking out some online content from our latest winter campaign partnership with SBS. The video forms part of the series Local vs Mainlander, following Matthew Evans and Poh Ling Yeow’s visit to Sally Wise’s Cooking School in the Derwent Valley. The video and article is available at
August 2019
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