Elevate February 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

We’re embarking on new adventures Polećemo u nove avanture Još destinacija Er Srbije / More Air Serbia destinations

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Februar 2022. godine

February 2022

Dragi putnici,

Dear Passengers,

Drago mi je što vam se prvi put obraćam na ovaj način i siguran sam da time započinjemo lepo druženje. Nakon više od 20 godina bogatog iskustva u avio-industriji ukazana mi je čast da preuzmem po- ziciju generalnog direktora Er Srbije. U poslednje go- tovo tri godine, kao direktor za komercijalu i strate- giju, rukovodio sam širenjem mreže i komercijalnom transformacijom srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Uz predan rad i posvećenost svih kolega, zabeležili smo rekordne uspehe na kraju 2019. godine i ostva- rili natprosečne rezultate i tokom pandemije. Dolazak na čelo kompanije koja je apsolutni lider u regionu predstavlja veliku odgovornost, ali nosi i no- vu energiju i uzbuđenje. Er Srbija se ubrzano oporav- lja i teži dostizanju pretpandemijskog nivoa do 2023. godine, uz nastavak stabilnog i kontinuiranog rasta. U skladu sa tim, počinjemo širenje mreže brojnim novim destinacijama, nestrpljivi da vam ponudimo još veći izbor, naročito pred sezonu letnjih odmora. Već od 21. aprila, za samo tri sata direktnog leta, moći ćete da uživate u tradicionalnoj špan- skoj paelji u mestu gde je i nastala – Valensiji, a od juna će vam i toplo mediteransko sunce Pal- ma de Majorke biti dostupnije nego ikada pre. Pri- bližićemo vam i autentičnu italijansku atmosferu, kulturu i gastronomiju prevozeći vas direktno do lavirinta uskih, kaldrmisanih ulica Barija i do ču- venog grada u koji se rado odlazi u šoping – Tr- sta. Ne zaboravimo i lepoticu Bolonju, u kojoj će vas svaki korak vraćati u slavnu prošlost kada su Aligijeri i Petrarka sedeli u amfiteatru najstarijeg univerziteta u Evropi. Ponudićemo vam ponovo i direktne letove do Rijeke, čija će vas tradicional- na gostoljubivost potpuno osvojiti. Ali ni tu nije kraj, jer smo vam pripremili još tri fantastične no- ve destinacije: mondensko letovalište na crnomor- skoj obali – Soči, jednu od najmodernijih prestonica Bliskog Istoka – Aman, kao i istorijsku prestonicu svile – magični Lion. Putovanja su jedna od stvari u kojima svi najvi- še uživamo. Međutim, i samo čitanje o destinaciji, planiranje obilazaka i iščekivanje polaska drže nas u stanju neizmerne radosti. Nadam se da smo vam sada dodatno podigli raspoloženje i mentalno vas izmestili na suncem okupane ulice naših novih de- stinacija. Ukoliko planirate da ih posetite i fizički, znajte da su avio-karte već u prodaji. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

I’m glad to be able to address you in this way for the first time, and I’m certain that this is just the start of a pleasant relationship. After more than 20 years of extensive experience in the aviation industry, I’ve been granted the honour of assuming the position of Air Serbia CEO. Over the last almost three years, in my role as General Manager - Commercial and Strate- gy, I managed the Serbian national airline’s network ex- pansion and commercial transformation. Thanks to the dedicated work and commitment of all colleagues, we achieved record-breaking results at the end of 2019, as well as above-industry-average results during the pandemic. Becoming the head of a company that is the absolute leader of the region represents a great responsibility, but also brings new energy and excitement. Air Serbia is re- covering rapidly and striving to reach its pre-pandemic level by 2023, while continuing to record stable and con- tinuous growth. In line with that, we are starting to ex- pand our network to include numerous new destinations and are keen to offer you even more choice, particular- ly ahead of the summer holiday season. As early as 21 st April, via a direct flight lasting just three hours, you will be able to enjoy a traditional Span- ish paella in its city of origin: Valencia; and, starting in June, the warm Mediterranean sun of Palma de Mallor- ca will be more accessible than ever before. We will also bring the authentic atmosphere, culture and gastronomy of Italy closer to you, by flying you directly to the laby- rinth of narrow cobblestone streets that is Bari, and the famous shopping destination city of Trieste. And let’s not forget the beautiful Bologna, where every step you take will transport you back to the glorious past, when Alighieri and Petrarch sat in the amphitheatre of the old- est university in Europe. We will also, once again, offer you direct flights to Rijeka, where you will be dazzled by the traditional local hospitability. But that’s not all! We’ve prepared three more fantastic new destinations: the in- ternationally popular Black Sea resort of Sochi; one of the most modern capitals in the Middle East, Amman; and the world’s historic “silk capital”, the majestic Lyon. Travelling is among the things we all enjoy the most. However, just reading about a destination, planning trips and awaiting departure can hold us in a state of immeas- urable happiness. We hope that we have elevated your mood and helped you virtually move to the sunbathed streets of our new destinations. If you’re also planning to visit them for real, tickets are already on sale. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia

jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er SrbijE

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



Er SRBIJA air serbia 44.

Beograd, Niš, Kraljevo: Do Istanbula sa tri aerodroma u Srbiji / Belgrade, Niš, Kraljevo: direct to Istanbul from three Serbian airports Polećemo do Amana, Trsta, Bolonje, Liona i Sočija / We‘re taking off to Amman, Trieste, Bologna, Lyon and Sochi

u fokusu in focus 8.

 Nove destinacije Er Srbije u letnjoj sezoni / Air Serbia’s new summer season destinations


na letu on board 10.

Intervju interview 20.

 Putujemo sa glumcem Lukom Racom / We travel with actor Luka Raco

Naslednici: Kiran Kalkin kao Roman Roj / Succession: Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy

kultura culture 28.

Zlatni medved za životno delo: Berlinale slavi Izabel Iper / Golden Bear for a lifetime of achievement: the Berlinale celebrates Isabelle Huppert Petar Grašo: Ja još imam dečje oči / Petar Grašo: I still have the eyes of a child Čitalački klub koji je okupio žene regiona / The reading club that’s brought the region’s women together



moda Fashion 50.

putujte pametno smart travel 14.  Er Srbija vas vodi u Keln / Air Serbia takes you to Cologne

Stela Makartni kao heroina modne industrije / Stella McCartney as a heroine of the fashion industry Ulični stil se vraća na velika vrata / Street style is back in a big way


6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 88. Stara planina, Kučaj i Beljanica: Srbija dobila

ritam grada rhythm of the city 58.

Beograd na vodi: Prestonica iz nove perspektive / Belgrade Waterfront: Seeing the capital from a new perspective Veličanstveni spomenik Stefanu Nemanji: Veliki župan bdi nad Beogradom / Magnificent monument to Stefan Nemanja: The great prefect watches over Belgrade

dva nova nacionalna parka / Stara Planina, Kučaj and Beljanica: Serbia has gained two new national parks


destinacija destination 100. Zimovanje: Čarolija

snežnih vrhova / Winter holidays: magic of snow- capped peaks

Sport sports 106. Džordan i Ronaldo

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

– najbolje sportske Vodolije / Jordan and Ronaldo – sport’s best Aquarians

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Istorija history 66.

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Sretenje: Od ustanka do Ustava / Sretenje: from uprising to constitution Duga i slavna srpsko- američka priča / The long and glorious Serbian- American story

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


lajfstajl lifestyle 76.

Pritisak sa fida i Insta(nt) (ne) zadovoljstvo / Pressure from the feed and Insta(nt) (dis) satisfaction Vreme je da probate meso iz bašte / Time to try meat from the garden


Mnogo novih destinacija / Many new destinations Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 336 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Valensija, Bari, Palma de Majorka i Rijeka NOVE DESTINACIJE ER SRBIJE U LETNJOJ SEZONI Er Srbija 21. aprila 2022. godine počinje sa uspostavljanjem direktnih redovnih letova između Beograda i Valensije, kao i sezonskih letova do tri nove destinacije u Evropi – Barija, Palma de Majorke i Rijeke od 5. juna 2022. Redovni letovi na relaciji Beograd–Valensija obavlja- će se dva puta nedeljno, sredom i subotom tokom aprila i maja, a za- tim od početka juna četvrtkom i nedeljom. Nacionalna avio-kom- panija će do svoje treće destinaci- je u Španiji, do koje ranije nije bilo direktnih letova iz srpske presto- nice, saobraćati avionom tipa er- bas A319. Kao treći grad po veličini u Kraljevi- ni Španiji i najveća luka na zapad- nom Mediteranu, Valensija je po- znata po prelepim plažama, nauci i umetnosti, fudbalskom klubu, tra- dicionalnom Festivalu vatre i ču- venom gastronomskom specijali- tetu paelji. Uspostavljanjem letova na ovoj ruti, Er Srbija će, preko Be- ograda, omogućiti dobre konekci- je između Valensije i drugih grado- va u svojoj mreži. Između Beograda i Barija srpski avio-prevoznik će od 5. juna do 27. oktobra saobraćati avionom tipa ATR72 tri puta nedeljno ponedelj- kom, četvrtkom i nedeljom. Kao kulturno raskršće još iz antičkih vremena, Bari se nalazi na južnom delu Jadranskog mora i predstav- lja drugi grad po veličini u južnoj

puta nedeljno sredom i subotom. Er Srbija je liniju do najveće hrvat- ske luke uspostavila u junu 2019. godine, a poslednji letovi su obav- ljeni u decembru iste godine, na- kon čega su odloženi do daljnjeg usled pandemije kovida-19. – Drago nam je što pažljivim izbo- rom novih destinacija značajno unapređujemo i diversifikujemo našu mrežu, u skladu sa željama putnika i strateškim planovima dalje ekspanzije. Najnovijim proši- renjem dodatno ojačavamo svo- ju poziciju, pre svega u Italiji i Špa- niji, nudeći našim putnicima iz celog regiona veći izbor prilikom planiranja putovanja i letnjih od- mora. Uvereni smo da će reakci- je biti pozitivne, imajući u vidu da neke od novih destinacija prvi put postaju dostupne direktnim leto- vima iz Beograda. I u narednom periodu nastavljamo da se razvi- jamo u tom pravcu i radujemo se uvođenju još novih linija – izjavio je Boško Rupić, viši menadžer pro- daje u Er Srbiji .

Italiji. Spajajući stari grad, okru- žen impresivnim zidom i isprese- can uskim ulicama, i moderni grad sagrađen početkom 19. veka, po- setiocima pruža autentičan uvid u svoje bogato nasleđe. Srpska avio-kompanija će od 11. ju- na do 29. oktobra između Beogra- da i Palma de Majorke leteti dva puta nedeljno utorkom i subotom. Letovi do četvrte destinacije Er Srbije u Španiji, posle Barselo- ne, Madrida i Valensije, obavljaće se avionom tipa erbas A319. Pal- ma de Majorka je najveći grad i lu- ka na ostrvu Majorka, osunčanom 300 dana godišnje i poznatom po toplim letima i blagim zimama, tir- kiznom moru i uvalama sa zlatnim peskom. Kao mesto bogate isto- rije, živopisne kulturne scene i ga- stronomske izvrsnosti, turistima nudi brojne muzeje, galerije i pala- te, remek-dela gotičke arhitekture i više od 200 plaža za uživanje. Letovi na liniji Beograd–Rijeka obavljaće se avionom tipa ATR72 od 15. juna do 17. septembra, dva

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Mallorca twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Air Serbia will utilise its Airbus A319 aircraft to service its fourth destination in Spain, after Bar- celona, Madrid and Valencia. Palma de Mallorca is the biggest city and port on the island of Mallorca [Majorca], which enjoys around 300 sunny days a year and is renowned for its warm summers and mild winters, turquoise sea and coves of golden sand beaches. As a place with a rich history, a live- ly cultural scene and culinary excel- lence, Palma offers tourists numer- ous museums, galleries and palaces, masterpieces of Gothic architecture and over 200 beaches to enjoy. Belgrade and Rijeka will be con- nected twice a week, every Wednes- day and Saturday, from 15 th June to 17 th September. Air Serbia initially launched flights to this biggest Cro- atian port city in June 2019, though the last flights along this route were operated in December of that year, af- ter which the service was suspended until further notice, due to the cov- id pandemic. The route will be ser- viced using an ATR72 aircraft. The third-largest city in Croatia, Rijeka is known for its urban life, the nu- merous historical buildings of its city centre and a plethora of important cultural events. With a mild Mediter- ranean climate and traditional hos- pitality, it attracts numerous sum- mer tourists. “We are happy that we are signif- icantly improving and diversifying our network by carefully choosing new destinations, in line with pas- sengers’ wishes and strategic plans for our future expansion. With this latest expansion, we are further strength- ening our position, primarily in It- aly and Spain, offering passengers from the entire region greater choice when planning their trips and sum- mer holidays. We are convinced that reactions will be positive, consider- ing that some of these new destina- tions are being made directly availa- ble from Belgrade for the first time ever. We will continue to develop in that direction during the following period and are looking forward to in- troducing more new routes,” says Air Serbia Head of Sales Boško Rupić.

along its third route to Spain, which has previously had no direct service from the Serbian capital. As the Kingdom of Spain’s third larg- est city and the Western Mediterranean’s largest port, Valencia is known for its beau- tiful beaches, the City of Arts and Sciences complex, its famous football club, the tra- ditional Las Fallas festival of fire and wide- ly-renowned speciality: authentic paella. During the period from 5 th June to 27 th October, the Serbian flag carrier will deploy its ATR72 aircraft along the Bel- grade-Bari route three times a week – on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. As a city that’s marked a cultural crossroads since ancient times, Bari sits at the south- ern end of the Adriatic Sea and is South- ern Italy’s second largest city. By combin- ing an old city, which is surrounded by an impressive wall and interspersed with nar- row streets, and a modern city, which was built in the early 19th century, Bari pro- vides its visitors with authentic insight into its rich cultural heritage. From 11 th June to 29 th October, Ser- bia’s national airline will operate direct flights between Belgrade and Palma de

Valencia, Bari, Palma de Mallorca and Rijeka AIR SERBIA’S NEW SUMMER SEASON DESTINATIONS Starting from 21 st April, Air Serbia will launch new scheduled direct flights between Belgrade and Valencia, and then – from 5 th June – it will also introduce seasonal flights to three other new European destinations: Bari, Palma de Mallorca and Rijeka Flights between Belgrade and Valencia will operate twice a week – on Wednesdays and Saturdays during April and May, then on Thursdays and Sundays from ear- ly June onwards. The Serbian national airline will deploy an Airbus A319 plane

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

Letenje me smiruje Luka Raco, glumac Volim avione jer je uglav- nom to početak odmora, nekog dobrog putovanja. Visina, pogled i sam osećaj letenja je nešto što me duboko umi- ri, kao da sve obaveze i problemi ostanu iza mene, na zemlji, i sve postaje bezbrižno.

Luka Raco, actor

Flying calms me I love planes because they usually mean the beginning of a hol- iday, some good trip. The height, the view and the very feeling of flying is something that calms me deeply, as if I’m leaving all obligations and problems behind me, on the ground, and everything becomes carefree



Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/ Photography: Zoran Ilić, Depositphotos

Slušalice su definitivno jedna od stvari bez kojih ne ulazim u avion, jer je sve lepše uz dobru muziku. Headphones are definitely one of the things I don’t board a plane without, because everything is more beautiful when accompanied by good music.

Jastuk za vrat je praktičan da se udobnije odrema po potrebi. A neck pillow is practical for drifting off more comfortably when required


Manja torbica za dokumenta i privatne stvari uvek ide sa mnom. I always take with me a smaller bag for documents and private possessions


Žvake nakon dobrog obroka u avionu dobro dođu za svežinu. Chewing gum,

after a good meal on the plane, comes in handy for freshening up


Dobra knjiga ide sa mnom jer kad se odgleda film, nije loše nešto dobro i pročitati. A good book goes with me, because once you’ve watched a film, it’s not bad to also read something good

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

sjajna Promocija srpskog turizma na Ekspo 2020 Dubai / Excellent Promotion of Serbian Tourism at Expo 2020 Dubai

Turisti iz dalekih zemalja stižu u Srbiju / Tourists from distant countries coming to Serbia Srbijakaoturističkadesti-

Serbia is becoming an increas- ingly popular tourist destination in the UAE, but also in other faraway markets, such as those of India, Argentina, Malay- sia, Indonesia and Singapore... Confirma- tion that Serbia will soon welcome guests from the farthest flung corners of the world was provided by the crowds at the Serbia Pavilion on the occasion of the 5 th themat- ic week “Travel and Connectivity”, which was held from 7 th to 15 th January within the scope of the Expo 2020 Dubai global exhi- bition and saw more than 250 Serbian busi- nesspeople from 115 companies engaged in the tourism sector promote their offers and innovations to the world. There wasn’t even enough room in our Pavilion and the Serbian Business Hub to receive all those wanting to attend the pres- entations and bilateral meetings organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Indus- try of Serbia (CCIS) with tour operators and tourism representatives from almost all con- tinents. Potential partners didn’t hide their satisfaction with the offer of Serbian tour- ist and promised that – with the pandemic expected to end soon – they will very soon organise tours and visits to Serbia’s moun- tains, spas, cities... “Serbia is becoming increasingly popu- lar in the Emirates, as well as in other dis- tant countries. This is proven by the many meetings and excellent opportunities for our companies engaged in the tourism sec- tor to connect with partners – from the U.S., via Europe, to Singapore – who can promote Serbia as an attractive destination and bring tourists to our country,” says Ti- jana Maljković, secretary of the CCIS Asso- ciation of Tourism. According to those from Dubai, tour- ists from the UAE are seeking luxury when choosing their next destination, and they find Kopaonik Mountain, the Belgrade Wa- terfront complex and other tourist desti- nations in Serbia very attractive.

Paviljon Srbije posetilo je više od 600.000 ljudi More than 600,000 people visited the Serbian pavilion

nacija postaje sve popularnija u UAE, ali i na drugim dalekim tržištima poput Indije, Argentine, Malezije, Indo- nezije, Singapura... Da će u Srbiju usko- ro dolaziti gosti iz najudaljenijih delova sveta, pokazale su gužve na Paviljonu Sr- bije na 5. tematskoj nedelji Putovanja i povezanost u okviru svetske izložbe Ek- spo 2020 Dubai kada je od 7. do 15. ja- nuara više od 250 srpskih privrednika iz 115 kompanija u oblasti turizma pred- stavilo svetu svoju ponudu i inovacije. Tražilo se mesto više u našem pavi- ljonu i Poslovnom habu Srbije na pre- zentacijama i bilateralnim sastancima, u organizaciji Privredne komore Srbije sa turističkim poslenicima sa gotovo svih kontinenata. Potencijalni partneri ne kri- ju zadovoljstvo onim što srpski turizam nudi i obećavaju da će vrlo brzo, u išče- kivanju da pandemija posustane, orga- nizovati ture i posete našim planinama, banjama, gradovima... „Srbija dobija na sve većoj popular- nosti u Emiratima, ali i u dragim dale- kim zemljama. Dokaz tome su i mnogo- brojni susreti i odlična prilika da se naše firme u sektoru turizma povežu sa par- tnerima od SAD preko Evrope do Sin- gapura koji mogu da promovišu Srbiju kao atraktivnu destinaciju i dovedu turi- ste u našu zemlju“, ističe Tijana Maljko- vić, sekretar Udruženja za turizam PKS. Iz Dubaija poručuju da turisti UAE traže dozu luksuza kada biraju desti- naciju, a da ih u Srbiji privlači Kopao- nik, Beograd na vodi i druga atraktiv- na odredišta.

Promo » Promo | 11



Februar je najbolje vreme da odletite u Keln Keln je grad na zapadu Nemačke, u pokrajini Severna Rajna – Vestfalija. Leži na obe obale Rajne, a povezan je sa sedam mostova. Tu preovladava okeanska klima, pa je jedan od najto - plijih gradova u Nemačkoj, sa relativ - no blagim zimama i veoma toplim le - tima. U februaru možete da obilazite crkve i muzeje, ali ima stvari koje ne biste smeli da propustite. Ovo su sa - mo neke od njih…

February is the best time to fly to Cologne

Cologne is a city located in the western part of Germany, in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It sprawls over both banks of the Rhine, with the two sides connected via seven bridges. A temperate oceanic cli - mate prevails here, making it one of Ger - many’s warmest cities, with relatively mild winters and very warm summers. During Fe - bruary you can visit churches and tour mu - seums, but there are also some unmissable sights in this city. Here are just a few of them…

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Keln / cologne 135 min. od niša: from niš


me scan


čuvena katedrala Jedna od najpoznatijih građe - vina u Nemačkoj je Kelnska katedrala. Ovo neverovatno zdanje sa 157 metara visokim tornjevima zaštitni je znak gra - da u kom postoji 12 roman - skih crkava. Najfascinantnija bazilika u Kelnu je Sveta Ur - sula, u kojoj je Zlatna komo - ra, čiji su zidovi ukrašeni ogro - mnim mozaikom napravljenim od desetina hiljada ljudskih kostiju i lobanja. Prema legen - di, to su kosti 11.000 devica ubijenih nakon što su odbile da se udaju za Hune. Spome - nik ljudskoj surovosti. U nepo - srednoj blizini glavne trgovač - ke ulice Šildergase nalazi se gotska katedrala Svetog Petra, a u njoj Rubensova slika impo - zantnih dimenzija… Famous Cathedral One of Germany’s most famo- us buildings is Cologne Cat- hedral. This incredible edifice, with twin spires reaching a he- ight of 157 metres, is a trade - mark of the city, which is also home to 12 Romanesque chur- ches. Cologne’s most intere- sting basilica is the Basilica of St. Ursula, which houses the Golden Chamber, the walls of which are decorated with a hu- ge mosaic composed of tens of thousands of human bones and skulls. According to le- gend, these bones belonged to 11,000 virgins who were mur - dered after refusing to marry Huns, and thus represent a mo - nument to human cruelty. In the immediate vicinity of the ci- ty’s busiest shopping street, Schildergasse, stands the Go - thic St. Peter’s Church, which is decorated with a painting of imposing dimensions by Ru- bens…

Ovo neverovatno zdanje sa 157 metara visokim tornjevima zaštitni je znak grada / This incredible edifice, with twin spires reaching a height of 157 metres, is a trademark of the city

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

smart travel

Muzej čokolade Muzej čokolade u Kelnu je - dan je od deset najpose - ćenijih muzeja u Nemač - koj. U zgradi na tri sprata prikazan je čitav čokolad - ni svet, u kom posetilac mo - že da putuje kroz 3.000 go - dina staru istoriju čokolade – od božanskog jela Aste - ka do modernih industrijskih proizvoda. Putovanje poči - nje kod drveta kakaoa, čije je botaničko ime Theobroma cacao (grčki – jelo bogova). Tu posetioci mogu da vi - de kako nastaje kakao i ka - ko izgleda put do čokolade. Posebno je interesantna ta - kozvana tropska kuća – sta - klenik u kojem se može vide - ti originalno drvo kakaoa. Put vodi do male fabrike čokolade. Posetioci na li - cu mesta mogu da dožive kompletan proizvodni pro - ces. Glavna atrakcija mu - zeja ipak je tri metra visoka čokoladna fontana. Pored nje uvek stoji radnica Muze - ja i umače biskvite u čoko - ladu, koje potom deli pose - tiocima. Na drugom spratu muzeja posetilac može da sazna ne - što više o počecima kulturne istorije čokolade pre 3.000 godina. Narod koji je prvi ko - ristio kakao i od njegovih zr - na pripremao pitku čokoladu bio je stari indijanski narod Olmeka, a kasnije su to čini - la i plemena Maja i Asteka. Nakon što je otkrivena Ame - rika, Španci su kakao doneli na Stari kontinent. Iako je na početku predstavljao luksu - zni proizvod koji su koristi - li samo na dvorovima evrop - skih vladarskih porodica, kakao je vremenom postao pristupačan svima i danas se gotovo i ne može zamisli - ti domaćinstvo u kojem ne - ma čokolade. Na poslednjem spratu sve se vrti oko čokoladnih proi - zvoda.

and how its path to chocolate looks. A particularly interesting part of the museum complex is the so-called “tropical house” – a glasshouse where you can see an original cacao tree. The tour continues at the small chocolate factory. Here visi- tors can experience the com- plete production process first- hand. However, the museum’s main attraction is a three-me- tre-high “chocolate fountain”. It is always manned by a muse- um worker, who stands next to the fountain and dips biscuits in the chocolate that are then distributed to visitors. Visitors head to the second floor of the museum to learn more about the beginnings of the cultural history of cho- colate, dating back 3,000 ye - ars. The first people to use cocoa and its beans to pro- duce drinking chocolate we- re the ancient Olmecs, while the same beverage was la- ter produced by tribes of the Maya and Aztecs. Following the discovery of America, the Spaniards brought cocoa back to the Old Continent. Despite initially representing a luxury product that was on- ly consumed in the courts of Europe’s ruling families, co - coa gradually became acce- ssible to everyone. Everything on the top floor revolves around chocolate products.

Chocolate Museum The Cologne Chocolate Muse- um is one of the ten most vi- sited museums in Germany. Three floors of the building are utilised to present an enti- re chocolate world, where the visitor can travel through the three-thousand-year history of chocolate: from the “ambrosia” of the Aztecs to modern indu- strial products. The journey be- gins with the cacao tree, whi - ch carries the botanical name "Theobroma cacao" (Greek for food of the gods). Visitors can see how cocoa is produced

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Kuća 4711 4711 je klasičan nemački miris koji krasi muškara - ce i žene od 18. veka. Trendovi u mirisima dolaze i odlaze, ali 4711 ostaje. Najstariji eau de cologne rođen je u oktobru 1792. godine, kada je Vilhelm Muelhens dobio tajni recept kao svadbeni poklon. Otvorio je manufakturu u oblasti Glokengase, a svo - ju čudotvornu vodu prodavao kao zdravo pice. Na - ziv kuće i broj koji nosi posledica su francuske voj - ne okupacije, kada je jedan general numerisao sve kuce, a Muelhenova je dobila broj 4711, koji je od tada ostao uz brend. Napoleon je naredio da se za sve recepte moraju otkriti sastojci, a Muelhens, ko - ji to nije želeo, počeo je da prodaje „čudesnu vodu“ kao miris.

HOUSE 4711 4711 is a classic German fragrance that has been po- pular among both men and women since the 18 th century. Trends in fragrances come and go, but 4711 remains. The oldest Eau de Cologne was created in October 1792, when Wilhelm Mülhens received a se - cret recipe. He opened a workshop in the Glockenga- sse area and sold his water as a health drink. The na- me and number of the house are a consequence of the French military occupation – when one general chose to number all houses and Mülhens’ received the number 4711. Napoleon ordered that the ingre- dients for recipes must be listed publicly, and Mül - hens, who didn’t want to reveal his, began selling his “miraculous water” as a fragrance

Glokengase je jedna od najpoznatijih ulica u Kelnu, iako je duga manje od 400 metara Glockengasse is one of Cologne’s most famous streets, despite being less than 400 metres long

Između 9 i 19 časova, čak 20 zvona Kuce 4711 svira tri me - lodije svakog punog sata. Uvek se čuju melodije Marseljeza i Verni husar , a treca melodija varira u zavisnosti od godiš - njeg doba, od karnevalskih hi - tova do božicnih kompozicija. Ime mirisa poznatog kao Eau de Cologne ne ostavlja vas u nedoumici o tome gde je na - stao. Da, tu u Kelnu. Zato je 4711 Original Eau de Cologne ikona među kolonjskim voda - ma, pa nije ni čudo što je vi - še puta proglašavan brendom veka.

Between 9am and 7pm, 20 bells of the House of 4711 play three melodies every hour, on the hour. These always include “Le Marse- illaise” and “The Faithful Hussar”, while the third melody varies from carnival hits to Christmas compo- sitions, depending on the season. The name of the fragrance known popularly as “Eau de Co- logne” leaves you in doubt as to where it originated. The “4711 Original Eau de Cologne” is an icon among colognes, so little wonder, then, that it has been proclaimed brand of the century on multiple occasions.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

smart travel

Ludi dani karnevala Sezona karnevala u Kelnu, ko - ju meštani nazivaju peto go - dišnje doba, zvanično je po - čela 11. novembra u 11.11 h, ali glavni događaj, koji se na - ziva Ludi dani, počeće tek 24. februara i trajaće do 2. marta. Uprkos pandemiji (bar kako zasad stoje stvari), uz uslov da ste ili vakcinisani ili prele - žali kovid-19, sa smanjenim obimom zabave i objektima koji su odlučili da ne učestvu - ju zbog korone, ipak će se slaviti jedan od najboljih kar - nevala u Nemačkoj. Ako ste tu u februaru i ako ne bude otkazan, uživajte na prosla - vi za koju kažu da je luđa i od Oktoberfesta! Svake godine šest ludih dana pred početak posta karnevalska groznica zahvati ceo Keln. To je doba godine kada se grad opušta, kostimira, peva od srca i ple - še celu noc. Kelnski karneval star je go - tovo kao i sam grad. Slavi se još od srednjeg veka, a u svom sadašnjem obliku oko 190 godina. Počelo je sa ger - manskim plemenima koja su slavila zimski solsticij, obo - žavala svoje bogove i terala zle zimske demone. Hrišcani su kasnije usvojili ove običaje dajuci im hrišcansko znače - nje. Moto Kelnskog karneva - la je „Kolle Alaaf“, što u prevo - du znači „Keln iznad svega“, a datira iz 1550. godine, od ka - da se izgovara kao zdravica. Tokom Ludih dana raspolože - ni Nemci šetaju ulicama Kel - na u najluđim kostimima. Da - kle, ako želite da se pridružite zabavi, kostimi su obavezni, ali je dobra vest da može da prođe sve i svašta – što je vaš karnevalski kostim otkačeni - ji, to bolje! Muzika je sastavni deo Kelnskog karnevala, a sre - cne nemačke melodije dopiru iz zvučnika širom grada.

Crazy carnival days The Cologne Carnival season, which locals traditionally ca- ll the “fifth season”, officially begins at 11 minutes past 11 o’clock on 11 th November, but the main event, the so-called “Crazy Days”, only start on 24 th February and run until 2 nd Mar- ch. The best carnival in Ger- many is still set to be staged this year despite the pandemic (for now at least), albeit wi - th fewer entertainers and con- tents due to those who’ve op- ted not to participate because of covid, and you can attend provided you’re either vaccina- ted or have recovered from the virus. If you find yourself in the city in February, and if it hasn’t been cancelled in the meanti-

me, be sure to enjoy this cele - bration that’s said to be even crazier than Oktoberfest! The whole of Cologne catches car- nival fever for six days every year before the start of Lent. This is the period of the year when the city relaxes, dresses up, sings from the heart and dances through the night. The Cologne Carnival is almost as old as the city itself. Cele- brated since medieval times, it has maintained its current form for around 190 years. It all began with Germanic tribes who celebrated the winter sol- stice, worshipped their gods and drove away evil winter de- mons. These customs were la- ter adopted by Christians, who gave them Christian significan -

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

UMETNOST U KNJIGAMA Kad su u pitanju knjige po - svećene likovnoj umetnosti, mesto koje morate da poseti - te je jedinstvena knjižara Bu- chhandlung Walther König . Prostire se na tri sprata, što pruža mogućnost da tamo satima boravite i razgledate na hiljade knjiga koje za temu imaju arhitekturu, film, diza - jn, modu i ostale umetnič - ke oblasti. Izlog knjižare kon - stantno se preuređuje, čemu doprinose umetnici koji mu svojim idejama iznova daju novi sjaj.

ART IN BOOKS When it comes to books dedica - ted to fine arts, in Cologne you simply must visit the unique Bu- chhandlung Walther König bo - okshop. It sprawls over an area of three floors, which provides an opportunity to spend hours checking out thousands of bo- oks that cover topics like archi- tecture, film, design, fashion and other artistic fields. The books - hop’s window display is also re- arranged constantly, with the contribution of artists who use their ideas to provide it with a new shine again and again.

ce. The motto and typical gree- ting of the Cologne Carnival is “Kölle Alaaf!”, meaning “Co - logne above all”, which dates back to 1550, when it was first pronounced as a toast. During the “Crazy Days”, ha - ppy Germans stroll the streets of Cologne wearing the cra- ziest costumes. So, costumes are a must if you want to join the party, but the good news is that anything and everything can pass as appropriate car- nival clothing – and the mo- re off-the-wall your carnival co- stume, the better! Music is an integral part of the Cologne Carnival, with cheerful German melodies emanating from spe- akers installed across the city.

Kelnski karneval star je gotovo kao i sam grad The Cologne Carnival is almost as old as the city itself

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Open Balkan initiative Place worthy of investment Building a common regional market that’s free of barriers will make it easier for local companies to do business together and will render the region even more attractive to future investors from around the world “For the economy of Serbia and the Western Bal- kans, but also for companies from around the world that are increas- ingly redirecting their investments and supply chains towards our re- gion, this is a year of new opportuni- ties that have opened with the start of the building a common region- al market within the scope of the

Open Balkan initiative,” says Marko Čadež, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ser- bia and chairman of the Western Balkans Chamber Investment Fo- rum, speaking in this interview for Elevate. He says that he’s convinced that nothing will improve the business climate, ease operations for local and foreign companies that oper- ate here, contribute to the recovery and growth of the Western Balkan economies and the greater inflow of foreign investments in Serbia and the region like regional economic integration. And he considers the Open Balkan initiative as being “the best way for us to accelerate these processes ourselves”. What tangible benefits will the Open Balkan initiative bring for businesspeople? “With the establishing of a com- mon regional market without barri- ers, as a zone of the free movement of people, goods, services and cap-

ital, companies that operate here, both domestic and foreign, will be able to reduce their costs, while op- erations within the region will be rendered more efficient, productive and competitive, thus rendering the region even more attractive to the international business community, to future investors who can rely not only on the small national markets in which they will invest, but rather also on the larger common regional market. It will enable goods to trav- el throughout the region with one mutually-harmonised document, trucks not to spend hours waiting at border crossings, workers and ex- perts to be exchanged without bu- reaucratic procedures, regulations and practises in all areas of impor- tance to business to be harmonised – mutually and with EU standards – for us to work according to the same rules etc.” You stated recently that the Open Balkan initiative has been brought to life with

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the signing of six agree- ments in Tirana, between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. What does that look like on the ground? “When it comes to easing mutu- al trade, these three countries have, first and foremost, harmonised the working hours of the border servic- es, which now operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Alongside that, the relevant veterinary and phytosanitary services have recog- nised each other’s documentation that accompanies goods, issued in another country. This means that there’s no longer any need to retain trucks at borders in order to sam- ple products of animal and plant or- igin. The only exceptions to this are hazardous products, which account for less than seven per cent of the total trade exchange between the three economies.” The three countries have committed to mutually rec- ognising the AEO status of “authorised economic op- erator” companies acquired in their home country? “Yes. That provides them with priority status in customs clear- ances and negotiating phytosani- tary and veterinary border proce- dures, or, more precisely, the ability to undertake all necessary proce- dures at home, submit documen- tation electronically and cross the border without being subjected to delays. We are also working to es- tablish a fast-track at border cross- ings for “Open Balkan” goods, to cre- ate conditions for mutual electronic exchange, alongside customs clear- ances and other documentation that accompanies goods, to reduce vari- ous administrative charges and ex- port and import duties etc.” What’s the next step? “The common labour market of Serbia, Albania and North Macedo- nia, i.e., the system of unified work permits, should start functioning by the end of the first quarter. Serbia has already ratified the entire pack- age of agreements from Tirana, in- cluding two that relate to free access to the region's labour market and

Marko Čadež, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and chairman of the Western Balkans Chamber Investment Forum

“Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia have resolved to build a common economic area of 11 million inhabitants, without wait- ing for others. However, viewed from the perspective of the econo- my, there’s absolutely no reason why all six economies shouldn’t jointly build an even larger common mar- ket of almost 20 million consum- ers, with fewer barriers and reduced costs for companies, and with more freedom in terms of the movement of people, goods, services and cap- ital. I’m convinced that the results of the three countries that are the first to start building this common market will contribute to the other economies of the region recognising the interest of their companies and joining the Open Balkan initiative.”

the establishing of the Open Bal- kan ID number. It is expected that Albania and North Macedonia will soon do the same. Work is current- ly underway on connecting them, i.e., on the establishing of a unified information system. Both domes- tic and foreign companies, almost half of which report labour short- ages, will gain the opportunity to find suitable workers and experts in other “Open Balkan” countries, and to employ them without the need to navigate bureaucratic procedures that have existed to date. In time, the common labour market will be completed with the mutual recogni- tion of professional qualifications.” Do you expect the remain- ing economies of the region to join the initiative soon?

Promo » Promo | 19

Intervju Interview

Kiran Kalkin kao Roman Roj Kad Logan viče, ne moram da glumim Brajan Koks je fantastičan! Kada se dešavaju njegovi ispadi, ne moram da se trudim da shvatim šta Roman misli o tome. To je samo po sebi zastrašujuće! M ekoli Kalkin mno- gima je obeležio detinjstvo, a to i dalje čini, budući da njegove filmo- ve gledamo za svaku Novu godinu, pa nema sumnje da je prvi na koga pomislimo kad se pomene ova po- rodica. Ali oni koji malo više prate

na Roja, jednog od sinova koji se sa braćom i sestrom bori za nasleđe u očevoj firmi. Veoma brzo postao je jedna od najvećih zvezda ove seri- je, koja je u januaru dobila Zlatni globus u kategoriji za najbolju TV dramu. Kiran Kalkin za Elevejt go- vori o svom liku u Naslednicima i utiscima o ovoj popularnoj seriji…

serije verovatno znaju da je Mekoli- jev brat Kiran jedan od glavnih glu- maca u trenutno megapopularnoj seriji Naslednici i preti da postane mnogo veća faca od starijeg brata iz serijala Sam u kući . Publika je Kiranov pun glumač- ki potencijal otkrila u nagrađivanoj satiričnoj drami u kojoj igra Roma-

20 | Naslednici » Succession

Publika je Kiranov pun glumački potencijal otkrila u nagrađivanoj satiričnoj drami Naslednici koja je u januaru dobila Zlatni globus u kategoriji za najbolju TV dramu

Audiences discovered the full range of Kieran’s acting potential in the award-winning satirical drama Succession, which won the Golden Globe in the category of Best TV Drama in January

How would you describe Roman’s state of mind? “Combat, I guess. There’s a pick- ing-sides thing going on, but at least from the start it’s pretty clear which side Roman is on. It’s competition and Roman is good at that – that’s his comfort zone.” Roman has had a profusion of particularly choice lines in the show, brilliant exam- ples of the wonderful lan- guage. However, the actors are also given the chance to improvise. How rewarding, but also challenging, is it to have the freedom to im- provise? “I know that the written word is great, and it works, and we do it, but then being allowed to play and explore is great. It helps me to un- derstand what the characters are doing, how they’re interacting, in between scenes.” By this stage of the show, do you have some of “Jes- se Armstrong brain”, i.e., that ability to come up with your own lines that you know are in the wheel- house of what the writ- ers like? “Yeah, I suppose. Three seasons in, I have a pretty good sense of how Roman speaks. And I feel like all the writers have that sense as well. It’s hard for me to be particular about which writer, because I don’t know which writer writes what thing, but it’s great when I get a script and I’m like: ‘God, this is really nice, they get it! The way Roman speaks is great!’” The Hollywood Report- er describes Gerri as “a strange hybrid of moth- er figure and psychosexual foil to the deeply damaged Roman” – fair comment?

Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy

M acaulay Culkin marked the child- hoods of many, and he still does, given that we watch his films every holiday sea- son, so there’s no doubt that he’s the first association to cross our minds when mention is made of this fam- ily. However, those of us who fol- low tv series a bit more closely are probably aware that Macaulay's younger brother, Kieran, is one of the leading lights of current mega popular series Succession, and that he’s threatening to become a much bigger star than his older brother, who gained fame with the film se- ries Home Alone. Audiences discovered the full range of Kieran's acting potential in this award-winning satirical drama in which he portrays Roman Roy, one of the sons vying with his sib- lings over their inheritance in their father's company. He very quickly became one of the top stars of this series, which won the Golden Globe in the category of Best TV Drama in January. In this interview for Ele- vate, Kieran talks about his charac- ter in Succession, but also his own impressions of this popular show… When Logan yells, I don’t need to act Brian Cox is fantastic! When he has his outbursts, I don’t have to make any effort to grasp what Roman thinks about that. It’s frightening in and of itself!

Kako biste opisali Roma- novo stanje duha? – To je stalna borba, pretpo- stavljam. Dešava se nešto na ra- znim stranama u seriji, ali bar je od početka prilično jasno na kojoj je strani Roman. Prija mu konku- rencija i dobar je u tome, to je nje- gova udobna zona.

Tekst/Words: Craig McLean Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

Succession » Naslednici | 21

Intervju / Interview

Roman je imao obilje po- sebno biranih rečenica u seriji, sjajnih primera bri- ljantnog scenarija. Ali po- red fino kalibriranih re- plika, glumcima je data prilika i da improvizuju. Koliko je korisno, ali i iza- zovno bilo imati slobodu improvizacije? – Znam da je pisana reč sjajna i funkcioniše, ali bilo je super biti slobodan da se igraš i istražuješ. To mi je pomoglo da razumem liko- ve u interakciji, ali i između scena. U ovoj fazi serije, ima- te li već malo „Džesi Arm- strong mozga“, to jest mo- žete li da smislite svoje replike, a da znate da će ih pisci prihvatiti? – Da, pretpostavljam. Posle tri sezone imam prilično dobar osecaj kako Roman govori i osecam da i Kiran za Elevejt govori o svom liku u Naslednicima i utiscima o ovoj popularnoj seriji Kieran speaks to Elevate about his character in Succession, but also his own impressions of this popular show

ci. Ona je neverovatno talentova- na i uvek fantastična. Bilo je divno imati partnera na sceni kome mo- gu da verujem, da je to prijatelj ko- ji, kao i ja, voli da se igra. Kako je bilo biti u blizini vulkanskog besa Brajana kao Logana? – Bože, on je fantastičan! Ka- da se dešavaju Loganovi ispadi, ne moram da se trudim da dođem do neke vrste reakcije ili da se pitam šta Roman misli o tome. Samo ta- ta viče! To je samo po sebi zastra- šujuće… Roman ima naviku da ni- kada ne sedne kada uđe

svi pisci imaju taj osećaj. Teško mi je da budem konkretan jer ne znam koji pisac šta piše, ali super je ka- da dobijem scenario i kažem: „Bo- že, ovo je stvarno lepo, oni to shva- taju! Način na koji Roman govori je sjajan!“ Holivud reporter opisu- je Geri kao „čudan hibrid majčinske figure i psiho- seksualnog lepka za dubo- ko oštecenog Romana “… Pošten komentar? – Ha, ha, ha! To je prilično dobra procena, moram da kažem, mada ne znam kako da to elaboriram… Kako je bilo snimati scene sa Džej Smit Kameron? – Volim da radim sa Džej. Ona je jedna od meni omiljenih ljudi sa kojima sam radio. Bili smo prijatelji godinama pre nego što smo počeli da snimamo Naslednike i ta veza i poštovanje su zaista bili od pomo-

u sobu. Ili je naslonjen na ogradu, ili gleda kroz prozor, ili sedi na naslo- nu stolice. Šta je to u ve- zi sa tim karakterom što ne može da ga natera da se skrasi?

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or perched on the arm of the chair. What is it about the character that he has prowling physicality? “I don’t know, I try not to ana- lyse it. I could probably give some clever answer here, but I don’t know what the hell that is. Maybe when the show is over, I can start figur- ing it out and talking about why he has that energy.” Is that you, or is that in the script? “The physicality is us, I think. It’s not usually written, or there’s not too much direc- tion. There’s a lot of freedom when it comes to the blocking of scenes. I don’t really prepare where I’m gonna sit or stand, or any of that stuff, because I don’t know what the room will look like yet, or what the other actors are doing. We have very limited time to rehearse, because there’s so much to cram into a day. We walk in, you kind of just rehearse it once and then it’s ‘OK, get the cameras up’, then we shoot it. It just happens so fast. So, you’re stuck with go- ing with your first instincts a lot of the time.”

“Hahaha! That’s a pretty good assessment there, I’ve got to say! I don’t know how to elaborate on that one.” How are those scenes to film with J. Smith-Cam- eron? “I love working with J. She’s one of my favourites ever to work with. We were friends for years be- fore we started doing Succession. And just to have that bond and re- spect with someone is really help- ful. She’s incredibly talented and al- ways just fantastic. So, knowing I have a scene partner that I can trust, that’s a friend and likes to play like me, is just fantastic.” What’s it like being on the end of Brian-as-Logan’s volcanic rage? “God, he’s fantastic! And when there are these outbursts that Logan has, I don’t have to make any effort to come up with some kind of reac- tion or wonder what Roman thinks of it. It’s just dad shouting! He can be quite an intimidating presence…” Roman has a thing where he enters a room and never just sits down. He’s hang- ing off the bannister, or looking out the window,

– Ne znam, trudim se da to ne analiziram. Verovatno bih mogao da dam neki pametan odgovor, ali ne znam šta je to, dođavola! Možda ću tek kad se serija završi početi da shvatam zašto ima takvu energiju. Da li ste to vi ili je napisa- no u scenariju? – Obično to nije napisano ili nema previše uputstava. Postoji mnogo slobode kada je reč o sce- nama. Zaista se ne pripremam gde cu sedeti ili stajati, ili bilo šta od toga, jer ne znam kako so- ba izgleda, niti šta drugi glumci rade. Smešno je jer imamo veo- ma ograničeno vreme za probe, ima toliko toga da se ugura u je- dan dan. Mi uđemo posle samo kratke probe i već čujemo – OK, podignite kamere, a onda snima- mo. Sve se dešava tako brzo. Da- kle, često ste prepušteni svom instinktu.

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