Elevate February 2020 | Air Serbia


Air Serbia inflight magazine


Dear passengers, . FEBRUAR FEBRUARY Dragi putnici,

Kada se te tmurne februarske srede Tadija Sondermajer, aero-in- ženjer, pilot i srpski heroj oslobodilačkih ratova, izjutra pojavio na pi- sti beogradskog aerodroma, sigurno mu nije bilo svejedno. Ovo „pista“ treba uzeti s rezervom, pošto je reč bila o preuređenoj livadi na prosto- ru današnjeg Novog Beograda. Bio je 15. februar 1928. godine. Samo dve godine ranije rodila se ideja da se osnuje društvo za vazdušni saobraćaj, a da se sredstva prikupe upisom akcija. Ideja za- nimljiva, ali rizična. Nepoverenje u novotariju kakva je tada bio „jero- plan“ bilo je veliko. Svega 24 godine pre toga obavljen je prvi uspe- šan „avionski“ let. Bio je dug 37 metara i trajao 12 sekundi. Aero-klub je prikupio samo 10 odsto potrebnog novca. Sondermajer tada pokazu- je još jedan talenat – ovog puta za marketing i pi-ar. On kreće na, da- nas bismo rekli, promotivni let od Pariza do tadašnjeg Bombaja, pa do Beograda. Njegov trud je urodio plodom, akcionari su shvatili da „jero- plani“ možda imaju budućnost, rešili da ulože novac i tako su nabavlje- na prva četiri aviona. Pomenute srede Sonderma-

When Tadija Sondermajer, aeronautics engineer, aviator and Serbian hero of the liberation wars, appeared on the runway of Belgrade Airport one gloomy Wednesday in February, he certainly wouldn’t have felt indierent. And the word “runway”should be taken with reservations, given that it was actually a reworked meadow on the territory of today’s New Belgrade. It was 15 th February 1928. It was just two years earlier that the idea of establishing an air transport com- pany, and to raise funds through share subscriptions, had been born. The idea was interesting, but risky. Distrust in the kind of novelty represented by the then“jero- plan”was great.The rst successful“aeroplane”ight had taken place just 24 years earlier. It covered a distance of 37 metres and lasted 12 seconds. The Aero-club raised only 10 per cent of the funds required. Sondermajer then exhibited anoth- er talent - this time for marketing and PR. He launched what we would today re- fer to as a“promotional”ight from Paris to Mumbai (then known as Bombay) and then to Belgrade. His eorts bore fruit, with shareholders realising that the “jero- plans” might have a future and deciding to invest money that enabled the pur- chase of the rst four planes. On that aforementioned Wednesday,

We are commemorating 92 years since our first flight, and since then, of course, the world has changed a lot. It’s enough to scan the pages of Elevate to see just how much

Obeležavamo 92 godine od prvog leta i svet se naravno mnogo promenio. Dovoljno je da prelistamo

jer je posle svega bio verovatno veoma umoran, ali je mogao da odahne – sledio je za njega da- leko lakši deo. On i kopilot Stri- ževski pokrenuli su motore pote- za 29-2, koji je nazvan Beograd , i zajedno sa pet novinara polete- li put Zagreba. Što kažu, ostatak priče je istorija. Više o tom pr-

Sondermajer was probably exhausted af- ter everything, but he could breathe a sigh of relief – the part that was much easi- er for him was to follow. He and co-pilot Striževski red up the engines of the Po- tez 29-2 plane that had been given the name Belgrade, and - together with ve journalists – ew the route to Zagreb. And, as they say, the rest is history. You can read more about that rst ight of Aeroput, the company whose bright tradition is con-

„Elevejt“ da se uverimo koliko

vom letu Aeroputa , kompanije či- ju svetlu tradiciju nastavlja Er Sr- bija , možete pročitati u ovom broju Elevejta .

tinued by Air Serbia, in this issue of Elevate. This February we are commemorating 92 years since that rst ight, and since then, of course, the world has changed a lot. It’s enough to scan the pages of Ele- vate to see just how much. We explain who“digital nomads”are. Men’s high fash- ion is certainly a lot dierent than it was 1928. The colour trending for 2020 is the colour of the sky at dusk. We can also read about how to meditate during a ight. No matter how much the world has changed, some things have remained the same. It was 92 years ago that Sondermajer had a vision of creating something great, new and completely dierent, but he also had the courage and will to real- ise that idea. When you have a good idea and approach it courageously and de- cisively, there’s nothing you cannot achieve. The sky is the limit, and even that isn’t the limit in aviation. Inspired by the vision and deeds of all those who have, over the course of almost a century, woven their work into Aeroput, JAT and Air Serbia, we have ahead of us yet another year of new opportunities.

Ovog februara obeležavamo 92 godine od tog prvog leta i svet se naravno mnogo promenio. Dovoljno je da prelistamo Elevejt da se uverimo koliko. Objašnjavamo ko su „digitalni nomadi“. Muška visoka moda izvesno je dosta drugačija nego 1928. Boja u trendu za 2020. je boja neba u sumrak. Čitamo o tome kako meditirati tokom leta. Koliko god se svet menjao, neke stvari ostaju iste. Sondermajer je pre 92 godine imao viziju o stvaranju nečega velikog, novog i pot- puno drugačijeg, ali i smelost i volju da tu ideju realizuje. Kada imate dobru ideju, nastupate hrabro i odlučno, ne postoji ništa što ne mo- žete da postignete. Nebo je granica, a u avijaciji čak ni ono. Inspirisa- ni vizijom i delom svih onih koji su tokom gotovo jednog veka utkali svoj rad u Aeroput , JAT i Er Srbiju , pred nama je još jedna godina no- vih mogućnosti.

Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

Enjoy your ight and happy travels, Sincerely yours, Air Serbia

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Vodimo vas u Istanbul

We are taking you to Istanbul

Sadržaj /Inside

Er Srbija Air Serbia

Moda Fashion

Umetnost Art


22 Let koji traje 92 godine Flight that has endured for 92 years

26 Modna istorija Holivuda: Devet haljina za Oskara Fashion history of Hollywood: Nine dresses for the Oscars

Čekajući Godoa, dobili smo Beketa While waiting for Godot, we got Beckett

I Oskara dobija... Bred Pit / And the Oscar goes to... Brad Pitt

24 Posetite nas na



beogradskom Sajmu turizma od 20. do 23. februara Visit us at the Belgrade Tourism Fair which will be held from 20 th to 23 rd February


Smoking Hoakina Finiksa u borbi za planetu Joaquin Phoenix’s tuxedo in a ght for the planet

Veličanstveni Karnegi hol: Sve je počelo od Čajkovskog The magnicent Carnegie Hall: It all began with Tchaikovsky

Putovanja Travelling

104 Ispod strašnog Grosgloknera

98 Dobro došli u

Sremske Karlovce Welcome to Sremski Karlovci

Beneath the terrifying Grossglockner

Naslovna strana/Cover photo: iStock / CentralITAlliance

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Sadržaj /Inside Lajfstajl Lifestyle Intervju Interview

52 Andrija Kuzmanović: Nisam zvezda, imam suviše oble krajeve


Nova generacija uspešnih krstari nebom oko sveta A new generation of successful people is cruising the skies worldwide

Andrija Kuzmanović: I’m not a star, I have too many rounded ends

58 Boja 2020. godine: Klasična plava Color of the

62 Aja Jung: Beograd je... Igra je... Senzacija 60 Ara Malikian: Paganini u odelu Džimija Hendriksa Ara Malikian: Paganini in the attire of Jimi Hendrix

year 2020: Classic blue

86 Kako da meditirate dok putujete

Aja Jung: Belgrade is... Dance is... A sensation

How to meditate while you travel

50 godina kasnije: Neka bude lm o Bitlsima 50 years on: Let it be a lm about the Beatles 70

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Kiosks for passenger and luggage check-in Čarter u 2020: A319 za Maroko, A330 za Palermo Charter in 2020: A319 for Morocco, A330 for Palermo Etihad nastavlja da leti za Egipat i Oman Etihad Airways extends ights to Egypt and Oman 3 pitanja za Filipa Stanojevića, mlađeg kopilota na erbasu Three questions for Filip Stanojević, Airbus junior co-pilot 110 ― 129 Uspešna godina za niški aerodrom Successful year for Niš Airport Kiosci za prijavljivanje putnika i prtljaga

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee

Nikola Vukomanović, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography Vesna Lalić, Oliver Bunić, Vladimir Živojinović, Miloš Cvetković, Nebojša Babić, Sneža Krstić, Goran Srdanov, Milan Ilić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

Berlinale je jedinstveno mesto umetničkih istraživanja i zabave i među najvećim filmskim festivalima na svetu, koji privlači na hiljade posetilaca sa cele planete. Za filmsku industriju i medije 11 dana februara predstavljaju jedan od najvažnijih događaja. Međunarodnim žirijem sedamdesetog Berlinala predsedavaće cenjeni britanski filmski i pozorišni glumac Džeremi Ajrons. The Berlinale is a unique place of artistic exploration and entertainment. One of the largest public film festivals in the world, it attracts tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe each year. For the film industry and the media, those eleven days in February also represent one of the most important events. Acclaimed British film and theatre actor Jeremy Irons will serve as president of the International Jury at the 70 th Berlin International Film Festival.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

Ana Popović je pozorišni reditelj, pedagog i teatrolog. Zajedno sa Marijom Barna Lipkovski 2015. godine osnovala je pozorišnu grupu Tri groša , koja se bavi pozorišnom produkcijom i edukacijom. Jedan je od osnivača Centra za vizuelnu antropologiju. Živi i radi u Beogradu, zalaže se za otvorenu, slobodnu i solidarnu umetničku scenu, a u ovom broju nam otkriva Beketa. Ana Popović is a theatre director, educator and theatre studies expert. In 2015, together with Marija Barna-Lipkovski, she founded the “Tri groša” [Threepenny] Theatre Group, which deals with theatre productions and education. She is also one of the founders of the “Centre for Visual Anthropology”. Ana lives and works in Belgrade, where she advocates for an art scene that’s open, free and has solidarity, and for this issue of Elevate she reveals Beckett to us.

Sofija Kuzmanović je diplomirala je na Akademiji primenjenih umetnosti i dizajna u Beogradu na Odseku za kostim i članica je ULUPUDS-a. U ovom broju Elevejta predstavila nam je najlepše haljine u istoriji Oskara, otkrila koja će boja obeležiti 2020. godinu i apostrofirala značaj održivosti crvenog tepiha. Sofia Kuzmanović graduated from the Costume Department of the Academy of Applied Arts and Design in Belgrade, and is a member of ULUPUDS – The Applied Artists and Designers Association of Serbia. In this issue of Elevate she introduces us to the most beautiful dresses in the history of the Oscars, reveals the colour that will mark 2020 and highlights the importance of sustainability for the red carpet .

Boris Radošević ima 28 godina, ali je već poznat pod imenom Lutajući Putnik . Na Instagramu ima 458 postova i 59.2k pratilaca, a za sebe kaže da je avanturista koji istražuje svet kroz putovanja, kulturu, prirodu i planinarenje. Da bismo shvatili suštinu života, potrebno je provoditi što više vremena u prirodi, smatra Boris, koji nam zato u ovom Elevejtu predstavlja dragulj Srbije – Krupajsko vrelo. Boris Radošević is only 28 years old, but is already better known under the pseudonym of the Wandering Traveller. He has 458 posts and 59.2k followers on Instagram, and describes himself as an adventurer who explores the world through travel, culture, nature and hiking. In order to grasp the essence of life, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in nature, believes Boris, which is why for this issue of Elevate he introduces us to a jewel of Serbia, the Krupaj spring.

Ana Vodinelić diplomirala je istoriju umetnosti i master je novinarstva. Najdraže su joj teme i intervjui sa umetnicima. Nije, dakle, čudo što nam u ovom izdanju Elevejta donosi čak tri takva intervjua. Sa mladim glumcima Andrijom Kuzmanovićem i Slavenom Došlom i čuvenim violinistom Arom Malikianom. Ana Vodinelić holds a BA in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Journalism. Her favourites are topics and interviews with artists. No wonder, then, that for this edition of Elevate she brings us as many as three such interviews. Two with young actors Andrija Kuzmanović and Slaven Došlo and one with famous violinist player Ara Malikian.

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Broj / Issue No. 314 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / CentralITAlliance

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Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografija/Photography: Zoran Ilić

WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES? It means a lot that you can go from one place and arrive in another quickly, and comforta- bly. I love take-os and landings, that feeling is wonderful. I like it when I look up at the sky and y through the clouds. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? Without my passport! Some fear always exists – where’s my passport, where’s my money. I always have with me some handbag in which there are tissues and those little things that I might need. I don’t have some routine when it comes to that. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED IN YOUR FONDEST MEMORIES? New York. I’ve been twice and will soon go a third time. I’m generally of the opinion that it’s most beautiful in our country, but when I went to New York I then thought, “Oh God, I’d love to live here for at least a year!”The city possesses some energy and I didn’t feel like a tourist. That was impor- tant for me, as I felt like I live in that city and people treated me that way. I guess that’s because it’s a world metropolis. WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? I love Belgrade because it’s a micro mac- ro city. Everyone knows one another in Bel- grade, and yet it’s diverse. You can easi- ly reach everyone, yet it’s not as though we’re too small. Belgrade is full of con- tents, the place where it’s located is excel- lent – we know how many times others have wanted to take it from us. A pretty city where that neighbourhood atmos-

ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? Mnogo znači to što brzo možeš da sti- gneš sa jednog mesta na drugo, i to udob- no. Volim poletanja i sletanja, divan je taj osećaj. Sviđa mi se kad gledam u nebo i letim kroz oblake. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? Bez pasoša! Uvek neki strah postoji, gde je pasoš, gde je novac. Uvek sa sobom imam neku torbicu u kojoj su maramice i takve sitnice koje mogu da zatrebaju. Ne- OSTALA U NAJLEPŠOJ USPOMENI? Njujork. Bila sam dva puta, uskoro ću oti- ći i treći put. Inače sam u fazonu da je kod nas najlepše, ali kada sam otišla u Nju- jork, onda sam pomislila: „E, bože, volela bih ovde da živim bar godinu dana!“ Grad poseduje neku energiju i nisam se oseća- la kao turista. To mi je bilo bitno, osećala sam se kao da živim u tom gradu i ljudi su se tako ponašali prema meni. Valjda zato što je svetska metropola . ZAŠTO VOLITE BEOGRAD? mam neku rutinu što se toga tiče. KOJA VAM JE DESTINACIJA Volim Beograd zato što je mikro-ma- kro grad. U Beogradu se svi znaju, a opet je raznoliko. Lako možeš da do- đeš do svakoga, a opet nije da smo premali. Beograd je pun sadržaja, mesto na kojem se nalazi je odlič- no, znamo koliko puta su hteli da nam ga uzmu. Lep grad u kojem još postoji ta komšijska atmos- fera, ljudi se javljaju jedni drugi- ma na ulici. Ne bih želela da živim ni na jednom drugom mestu.

phere still exists, where people greet each other on the street. I wouldn’t want to live in any other place.

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Venecija Let anđela svi željno iščekuju

Venice Flight of angels eagerly awaited by all A trip to Venice always sounds attrac- tive and romantic, particularly dur- ing the time of the Carnival, which this year takes place from 15 th to 25 th Feb- ruary. Everyone gets involved – old and young, tourists and locals alike – and recognisable Venetian masks and original costumes transform the city in a magical way. The Carnival of Ven- ice attracts about three million visi- tors each year, while the main event that everyone eagerly awaits is the tra- ditional “Flight of Angels” in St. Mark’s Square, which marks the beginning of the event.

Putovanje u Veneciju uvek zvuči lepo i romantično, a posebno u doba karnevala, koji se ove godine održava od 15. do 25. februara. U njemu učestvuju svi, i stari i mladi, i turisti i domaćini, a prepoznatljive venecijanske maske i originalni kostimi transformišu grad na čaroban način. Karneval svake godine privlači oko tri miliona posetilaca, a glavni događaj koji svi željno iščekuju je tradicionalni Let anđela na Trgu Svetog Marka, kojim se označava početak manifestacije.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Veneciju Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to Venice

Kairo Drevni Egipat na jednom mestu

Cairo Ancient Egypt in one place

Stolice, nakit, čak i donji veš najpoznatijeg egipatskog faraona Tutankamona samo su neki od predmeta koje će svetska javnost moći da vidi u novom velikom muzeju u Kairu, čije je otvaranje najavljeno za poslednji kvartal ove godine. Završetak radova na muzeju kasni već nekoliko godina, a precizan datum otvaranja biće uskoro objavljen. Cene ulaznica već sada su poznate i za strance će iznositi oko 25 dolara. Kako je ranije najavljeno, to će biti najveći muzej na svetu posvećen jednoj civilizaciji i u njemu će biti izloženo više od 100.000 predmeta. Njujork Otvara se najveća prodavnica Hari Poter Njujork će uskoro dobiti najveću prodavnicu na svetu posvećenu serijalu o Hariju Poteru. Prodavnica će se nalaziti pored zgrade Flatiron na Menhetnu i prostiraće se na tri sprata na 1.900 metara kvadratnih. Tako će obožavaoci dečaka-čarobnjaka i drugih likova na jednom mestu moći da pronađu sve – od čarobnih štapića, preko ogrtača do žele bombona.

Chairs, jewellery and even the underwear of Egypt’s most famous pharaoh, Tutankha- mun, are just some of the items that the world public will be able to see at the new large museum in Cairo that’s scheduled to open during the last quarter of this year. Completion of the museum has been de- layed for several years, but a precise open- ing date is set to be announced soon. Ticket prices are known and will total around $25 for foreigners. As previously announced, this will be the largest museum in the world dedicated to a single civilisation and more than 100,000 objects will be on display. New York Largest Harry Potter store to open New York is about to gain the world’s largest retail outlet ded- icated to the Harry Potter series. The agship store will be locat- ed opposite Manhattan’s Flatiron Building and will sprawl over an ar- ea of 1,900 square metres on three oors. Thus fans of the boy wizard and other characters in the series will be able to nd everything in one place – from magic wands, to cloaks and jelly sweets.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kairo

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Cairo

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to New York

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Brussels Memorial plaque for Ivo Andrić A plaque is to be mounted on the house in the Belgian capital where Ivo Andrić, Serbia’s Nobel laureate, spent nine months living in 1929, as a re- minder to passers-by. Likewise, one street in Belgrade is set to be named after Brussels, announced Deputy Bel- grade Mayor Goran Vesić, speaking during a visit to the Belgian capital. Ivo Andrić was resident in Brussels as a diplomat of the Kingdom of Yugosla- via, and given that he is not only a Ser- bian writer, but also a world gure, his life and works will once again be hon- oured in this way. Sarajevo Festival of artistic dialogue and meetings A rich cultural, artistic and entertainment programme will again mark this year’s Sa- rajevo Winter Festival, to be held from 7th February to 21 st March, under the slogan “Time for you: Pic Up Art”. As has been an- nounced, the opening ceremony alone will include the participation of 67 artists from 67 countries, while the festival programme itself will take place at 39 locations across Sarajevo. At this festival of dialogue and meetings, artists from all around the world will present themselves with performanc- es in the elds of music, opera, ballet, litera- ture, lm and contemporary dance.

Brisel Spomen-tabla Ivi Andriću

Na kući u glavnom gradu Belgije u kojoj je 1929. devet meseci živeo naš nobelovac Ivo Andrić biće postavljena tabla koja će podsećati prolaznike na to. Takođe, jedna ulica u Beogradu dobiće ime po Briselu, najavio je Goran Vesić, zamenik gradonačelnika Beograda, prilikom posete glavnom gradu Belgije. Ivo Andrić je u Briselu živeo kao diplomata Kraljevine Jugoslavije, a s obzirom na to da nije samo srpski pisac, već i svetski, na taj način biće mu još jednom odata počast.

Er Srbija leti 4 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Brisel

Air Serbia flies 4 times a week from Belgrade to Brussels

Sarajevo Festival dijaloga i susreta umetnika

Bogat kulturni, umetnički i zabavni program obeležiće i ovogodišnji festival Sarajevska zima, koji će se održati od 7. februara do 21. marta sa motom Time for you: Pic Up Art. Kako je najavljeno, samo na ceremoniji otvaranja učestvovaće 67 umetnika iz 67 zemalja, a tokom održavanja festivala program će se izvoditi na 39 lokacija u Sarajevu. Na tom festivalu dijaloga i susreta, umetnici iz celog sveta predstaviće se performansima iz oblasti muzike, opere, baleta, književnosti, filma i savremenog plesa. Moskva Palačinke, pesma i igra Iako u glavnom gradu Rusije ima mnogo toga da se vidi, ako se tamo zateknete u periodu od 24. februara do 1. marta, obavezno posetite festival Maslenica. Ta tradicionalna ruska fešta poznata je i kao nedelja palačinki, koje se širom grada peku u velikim količinama i dele prijateljima i članovima porodice, a simbolizuju sunce i toplinu. Festivalom Rusi ispraćaju zimu i dočekuju proleće, a širom grada održavaju se i šetnje, koje prate razne zabavne igre i pesme.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Sarajevo

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Sarajevo

Moscow Pancakes, song and dance

Although there is always plenty to see in the Russian capital, if you nd your- self there between 24 th February and 1 st March you should be sure to attend the Maslenitsa Festival. This tradition- al Russian feast is also known as the week of pancakes, with this snack - that symbolises sun and warmth – being prepared throughout the city in large quantities and shared among friends and family. This festival allows Russians to bid farewell to winter and welcome spring, while traditional folk walks are held throughout the city, accompanied by various fun dances and songs.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Moskvu

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Moscow

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S vaki sposoban menadžer bi firmi koja pokušava da se probija i pozicionira na kon- kurentnom tržištu dao jedno- stavan savet: nije dovoljno savlada- ti ono čime konkurencija već vlada. Tako se kaska. Treba napraviti hrabar korak dalje. Tamo je „spotlight“. Tako se postaje lider. Ista je situacija i kada je reč o pozicioniranju Srbije, metaforički govoreći, jednog startapa na globalnom tržištu kreativnih industrija. Konkurencija je oš- tra i progresivna, a tehnološki napredak vidljiv je i merljiv golim okom. Čak su i Ujedinjene nacije 2021. proglasile godinom kreativne ekonomije. U Srbiji se, nažalost, kreativne industrije i dalje nepravedno smatraju elitističkim trendom, uprkos udelu od čak 4,5 odsto u BDP-u i više od 115.000 zaposlenih (i to 70 od- sto visokoobrazovanih, većinom žena), dok je u poslednje četiri godine izvoz kreativnih industrija Srbije porastao za čak 46,7 odsto! Ove inspirativne brojke razlog su zbog kojih je Ana Brnabić, predsedni- ca Vlade, osnovala Savet za kreativne industrije i nacionalnu platformu Srbija stvara . Cilj je dvojak: podrška i unapređenje rada institucija i pojedinaca koji se u Srbiji bave kreativnim industrijama kako bismo išli u korak sa svetskom kon- kurencijom. To uključuje i promociju najboljih i najtalentovanijih umetnika, na- učnika, inovatora... Drugo, Srbija stvara promoviše činjenicu da su kreativnost i inovativnost duboko urezane u DNK Srbije. O našem radu, ambicijama i vizijama tokom prve godine rada najbolje govo- re realizovani projekti. Retrospektivna izložba Marine Abramović u Beogradu, zbog koje je Srbija postala tema relevantne međunarodne medijske i kulturne javnosti, bila je ideja naše platforme. Naš tim je osmislio i otvaranje Narod- nog muzeja i Muzeja savremene umetnosti, kao i Vranjskog pozorišta. Na dve konferencije u Beogradu okupili smo više od 400 najtalentovanijih ljudi iz di- jaspore, sa kojima smo uspostavili kontinuiranu saradnju. Počeli smo sa preu- ređenjem prelepe zgrade u Londonu u kreativni hab, a to ćemo napraviti i od stare Ložionice u Beogradu. Pomogli smo promociju Srbije kao filmske desti- nacije u kojoj se sada kompletno produciraju čitave sezone američkih TV se- rija. Čak je i BBC protekle jeseni proglasio Beograd jednim od pet najkreativ- nijih gradova na svetu! Erih From je rekao da kreativnost nastaje kada čovek izađe iz zone komfo- ra i mi upravo to i radimo. Ove godine započinjemo nove, ambiciozne i kreativ- ne projekte, za koje su mnogi do sada imali prilike, ali ne i smelosti. Mi smo iz naše zone komfora iskoračili. Srbija već stvara. Stvarajte i vi u Srbiji. MI SMO „KRIVI“ ŠTO SE DESILA MARINA WE ARE “GUILTY” FOR BRINGING MARINA BACK TO BELGRADE

This year we are launching new, ambitious and audacious creative projects that nobody has previously had the courage to attempt i kreativne projekte, za koje su mnogi do sada imali prilike, ali ne i smelosti Ove godine započinjemo nove, ambiciozne

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A ny capable manager, any firm trying to break into or improve its position on a competitive market, would give simple advice: it is not enough simply to mas- ter what the competition is already doing; you’re al- ready running behind. You need to be bold, to go further. That’s how you hit the spotlight. That’s how you become a leader. The situation is the same when it comes to po- sitioning Serbia, which metaphorically speaking is a start-up brand in the field of the global creative in- dustries. Competition is fierce and fast-moving, with technological advances visible and measurable on a daily basis. Even the United Nations has proclaimed 2021 the year of the creative economy. In Serbia, unfortunately, the creative industries are still unfairly regarded as something of an elitist pursuit – despite them contributing as much as 4.5% to Serbia’s GDP and employing more than 115,000 people – more than 70 per cent of whom are highly educated, and many of whom are women. Over the last four years, the exports of Serbia’s creative indus- tries have increased by as much as 46.7%! These inspirational statistics are the reason why Prime Minister Ana Brnabić founded the Creative In- dustries Council and the national platform Serbia Cre-

of the National Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as the Vranje The- atre, which burned down seven years ago. We brought together more than 400 of the most tal- ented people from our diaspora, with whom we have established continuous cooperation, at two annual conferences in Belgrade. We have started remodelling a beautiful building in London into a hub for Serbian creatives and entrepreneurs, and we will renovate the old Lozionica (Turning Yard) in Belgrade into a multi-purpose centre of creativity and culture. We have actively promot- ed Serbia as a film shooting destination and now entire seasons of American TV series are being fully produced in the country. And last autumn saw the BBC declare Bel- grade one of the five most creative cities in the world! Erich Fromm said that creativity arises when a person abandons their comfort zone, and that’s exactly what we do. This year we are launching new, ambitious and audacious cre- ative projects that nobody has previously had the courage to attempt. We’ve stepped out of our comfort zone. And Serbia is already creating. Why not join us?

ates. The goal of Serbia Creates is twofold: first to support and enhance the work of institutions and individuals involved in the creative indus- tries in Serbia, in order to boost their global com- petitiveness. This includes promoting the best and most talented people we have. The fore- most among them are the Creative Ambassa- dors of the Serbia Creates platform, who include world-famous and widely respected artists, sci- entists, innovators etc. The second goal of Serbia Creates is to promote the notion that innovation, creativ- ity and inventiveness are rooted deep within Serbia’s DNA. During the first year of work, our Serbia Creates projects have included the retrospec- tive exhibition of Marina Abramović in Bel- grade, which made Serbia the topic of an in- ternational media buzz and a cultural debate that was precisely the intention of our plat- form. Our team also oversaw the re-opening

TRADICIJA OBAVEZUJE / TRADITION OBLIGES LET KOJI TRAJE  GODINE T og 15. februara 1928, potez 29-2 pod imenom Beograd poleteo je iz Be- ograda za Zagreb, u koji je stigao dva sata kasnije. Er Srbija je u junu prošle godine proslavila 92 godine civilnog vazduhoplovstva, tačnije više od devet decenija od osnivanja svog prethodnika Aeroputa , a u fe- bruaru će obeležiti još jednu veliku godišnjicu – 92 godine od prvog leta koji je obavljen na liniji Beograd–Zagreb. Prvi avioni stigli su na Vazdušno pristanište Beograd početkom februara 1928. godine. Uprava Aeroputa je kupila četiri aviona dvokrilca tipa potez 29/2 od francuske kompanije. Na izbor ovog tipa aviona uprava Aeroputa se odlučila jer su se od iste francuske kompanije u domaćoj fabrici Ikarus u Zemunu po li- cenci proizvodili avioni tipa potez 25 za potrebe komande Vojnog vazduhoplov- stva i njenih vazduhoplovnih jedinica. Prvi promotivni let obavljen je na liniji Beograd–Zagreb 15. februara 1928. godine. Avion tipa potez 29-2 pod imenom Beograd poleteo je u 9 časova uju- tru pod komandom direktora Tadije Sondermajera i Vladimira Striževskog. Prvi putnici bili su novinari i foto-reporteri, njih petoro iz beogradskih redakcija. „Točkovi razbacuju blato na sve strane dok se mi penjemo i naš avion na- ginje po spirali, čini nam se da se ne naginjemo mi, nego kao da se nakrivio ceo Beograd, pa da hoće da se sruči u Savu“, zabeležio je novinar Politike . Na- kon dva sata leta po tmurnom vremenu avion je sleteo na Aerodrom Borongaj prethodno napravivši nekoliko krugova iznad Zagreba. Dočekali su ga građani i predstavnici vlasti, a istog dana u popodnevnim časovima grupa zagrebačkih novinara doletela je u Beograd. Na liniji Beograd–Zagreb avioni Aeroputa su tokom prve godine leteli svakog dana, osim nedelje, sve do novembra, kada je, zbog zimskih uslova, avio-saobraćaj prekinut. Uprkos visokoj ceni karte i strahu putnika od letenja, odziv je bio bolji od očekivanog! FLIGHT THAT HAS ENDURED FOR 92 YEARS

Avion tipa potez 29-2 pod imenom Beograd poleteo je pod komandom direktora Tadije Sondermajera The Potez 29/2 type aircraft, under the name “Beograd”, took to the skies under the command of company director Tadija Sondermajer

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O n that 15 th February 1928, a Potez 29-2 biplane, under the name‘Belgrade’, ew from Bel- grade bound for Zagreb and arrived two hours later. Last June saw Air Serbia celebrate 92 years of civil aviation, commemorating the more than nine dec- ades since the founding of its original pre- decessor, Aeroput, and this February sees the airline mark another major anniversa- ry – 92 years since the rst ight operated along the Belgrade-Zagreb route. Aeroput’s rst planes arrived at the Belgrade Airport in early February 1928. Aeroput’s management bought four“Po- tez 29/2”type biplanes from a French com- pany. Aeroput’s management opted for this type of aircraft because the local Ikarus factory in Zemun, under license from the same French company, produced “Potez 25” aircraft for the needs of the Air Force Command and its aviation unit. The rst promotional ight was con- ducted between Belgrade and Zagreb on 15 th February 1928. The Potez 29/2 type aircraft, under the name “Belgrade”, took to the skies at 9am, under the command of company director Tadija Sondermajer and Vladimir Striževski. The rst passen-

Prvi putnici bili su novinari i foto-reporteri The first passengers were journalists and photojournalists

couple of laps above Zagreb. It was greet- ed by a large number of citizens and rep- resentatives of the authorities, and that same afternoon saw a group of Zagreb journalists y to Belgrade. During those rst years Aeroput ew the Belgrade-Za- greb route every day except Sundays, all the way until November, when winter weather conditions led to the suspend- ing of air trac. And despite the high price of tickets and passengers’ fear of ying, the response was greater than expected!

gers, of course, were journalists and pho- tojournalists, with the ve of them coming from the Belgrade media scene. “Wheels hurl mud in all directions,” noted Politika’s journalist, “as we climb and our plane leans into a spin, it seems to us that we have not tilted, but rather that the whole of Belgrade has slanted to the side and will plunge into the Sava.” After a two-hour ight through gloomy weather, the plane landed at Bo- rongaj Airport, but not before making a

Za sve posetioce pripremamo brojna

iznenađenja i specijalne pogodnosti We are

preparing numerous surprises and special benefits for all visitors

Posetite nas na beogradskom Sajmu turizma od 20. do 23. februara

Er Srbija će sa ponosom predstaviti svoje proizvo- de i usluge na 42. Međunarodnom beogradskom sajmu turizma, koji se pod sloganom „Put pod noge“ odr- žava od 20. do 23. februara. I ove godine VISIT US AT THE BELGRADE TOURISM FAIR, WHICH WILL BE HELD FROM 20 TH TO 23 RD FEBRUARY

na našem štandu na centralnom me- stu u Hali 1 Beogradskog sajma do- čekivaćemo brojne goste, klijen- te, poslovne partnere i medije.

Za sve posetioce pripremamo brojna iznenađenja i speci- jalne pogodnosti. Pored Er Srbije na ovo-

godišnjem Sajmu predsta- viće se najznačajnije turi- stičke agencije, savezi i organizacije, hoteli, turi- stički centri, vazduhoplov- ne kompanije, međunarodni tur-operatori, koji će promo- visati najnovije trendove i zbi- vanja u industriji putovanja, nove koncepte i mogućnosti za putova- nja, kao i perspektive u razvoju turistič- kog biznisa.

Air Serbia will proudly present its products and ser- vices at the 42 nd Belgrade International Tourism Fair, which is this year being held from 20 th to 23 rd February under the slogan“Road Underfoot”.This year we will once again welcome many guests, clients, business partners and me- dia representatives to our stand in a central location in Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair. We are preparing numerous surprises and special benets for all visitors. Alongside Air Serbia, pres- entations at this year’s Fair will be made by major travel agencies, federations and organisations, hotels, tourist centres, airlines and in- ternational tour operators, all of whom will promote the latest trends and de- velopments in the travel industry, new travel concepts and opportunities, as well as prospects for the development of the tourism business. The partner country of this year’s Belgrade Tourism Fair is Egypt. As of last year, the Egyptian capital of Cairo has been among our many new regular destinations, while we previously conducted char- ter ights to this African country. We remind readers that Air Serbia – in addition to introducing new destinations – also launched ights from Niš and Kraljevo airports for the rst time last year, thus elevating possibilities for the development of Serbi- an tourism to a higher level.

Zemlja partner ovogodišnjeg Sajma turizma je Egi- pat. Od prošle godine jedna od velikog broja naših novih destinacija je i egipatska prestonica Kairo, dok od rani- je obavljamo čarter-letove do ove afričke zemlje. Podse- ćamo da je Er Srbija , pored uvođenja novih destinacija, od prošle godine počela da leti i sa aerodroma u Nišu i Kraljevu, podižući na taj način mogućnosti za razvoj turizma Srbije na jedan viši nivo.

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ODRI HEPBERN Kad se Odri Hepbern pojavi- la na dodeli Oskara 1953. u halji- ni ukrašenoj delikatnim cvetnim desenom, delovala je magič- no poput vile. Njen izgled bio je nevin, ali u isto vreme upečat- ljiv i seksi. Haljinu je za nju krei- rao Iber de Živanši, a oboje su bili očarani saradnjom. Odri je po- stala njegova muza i prijateljica. Osvojila je filmski i modni svet, te ostala upamćena kao modna ikona neprolaznog stila. HEPBURN When Audrey Hepburn turned up for the 1953 Academy Awards in a dress decorated with delicate o- ral designs she looked as magical as a fairy. Her appearance was in- nocent, but simultaneously strik- ing and sexy. The dress was creat- ed for her by Hubert de Givenchy, and both were captivated by their collaboration. Audrey became his muse, but also his friend. She con- quered the lm and fashion world, and remained remembered as a fashion icon with enduring style. AUDREY

Tekst/Words: Sofija Kuzmanović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs HALJINE ZA MODNA ISTORIJA HOLIVUDA / FASHION HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD

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F ilmska smotra Oskar američke Akademi- je za filmsku umetnost i nauku nekako je vi- še od drugih dodela nagrada u modnoj senci. Neke filmove ćete možda zaboraviti, ali će- te zato neke toalete pamtiti zauvek. Čak i oni koji ni- su gledali film Praznik u Rimu videli su sliku Odri Hepbern u haljini čuvenog kreatora Ibera de Živan- šija. Zar ne? Za muškarce je striktno propisan smo- king, dok žene imaju mnogo veću slobodu, ali se od njih očekuje mnogo više. Da se pojave u najboljem iz- danju, iznesu haljinu poznatog kreatora na pravi na-

Zvaničan dres-kod na najglamuroznijem crvenom tepihu u istoriji je „black tie“ ili supersvečano, a od glumica se očekuje da se pojave u preskupim unikatnim haljinama visoke mode The ocial dress code of the most glamorous red carpet event in history is “black tie”, or super formal, while actresses are expected to turn up in overly expensive, unique haute couture dresses čin, izdvoje se iz mase, budu primećene i drugačije. Crveni tepih na dodeli Oskara jedan je od najsurovi- jih, igranje na sigurno se ne ceni, a greške se ne za- boravljaju. Ceremonija se prenosi u 200 zemalja sve- ta, a nedeljama kasnije se prave liste najbolje, najgore ili najskuplje obučenih diva. Dok čekamo 92. izdanje Oskara 10. februara, prelistali smo stare slike i izabra- li osam najboljih haljina svih vremena. Neke su proš- le test vremena, za neke ćemo tek videti, a svima je zajedničko da su ženstvene, atraktivne i glamurozne, ali nikad vulgarne.


Prva asocijacija na stari holivudski glamur i sofisticirani, prefinjeni stil? Bez dileme – Grejs Keli. Haljina koju je no- sila na dodeli Oskara sa potpisom čuvenog Živanšija bi- la je prikazana na izložbi Grejs Keli: ikona stila u čuvenom Muzeju Viktorija i Albert u Londonu pre nekoliko godi- na. Zelena satenska haljina, elegantna, savršeno skro- jena, bez suvišnih detalja savršeno je pristajala gracio- znoj Grejs. GRACE KELLY Who is the rst association with old Hollywood glam- our, sophistication and rened style? There is no dilem- ma that it’s Grace Kelly. The gown she wore for the Acade- my Awards, carrying the signature of the famous Givenchy, was on display for the exhibition ‘Grace Kelly: Icon of Style’ shown at the famous Victoria & Albert Museum in London a few years ago. The green satin gown, elegant, perfectly tai- lored and without superuous details, perfectly suited the graceful Grace.



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T he Oscar awards of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is somehow greater than other award cere- monies on the fashion scene. You might forget some lms, while you will remember some of the gowns forever. That’s because even those who didn’t even watch the lm Roman Holiday saw a picture of Audrey Hepburn in the dress made by famous fashion creator Hubert de Givenchy, right? For men a tuxedo is strictly prescribed, while women have much more freedom, though much more is expected of them: to turn up in their best edition, to wear the dress of a famous creator in the right way,

to stand out from the crowd, to be noticed and dierent. The red carpet of the Oscars is one of the harshest, where “playing it safe” is not appreciat- ed and mistakes are not forgotten. The ceremony is broadcast in 200 coun- tries around the world, and for weeks afterwards lists are compiled of the best, worst, or most expensively dressed divas. As we await the 92 nd edition of the Oscars on 10 th February, we trawled through old pictures and select- ed the eight best dresses of all time. Some have passed the test of time, while for others we’ve yet to see, and they all share common traits of being extremely feminine, attractive and glamorous, but never vulgar.


ELIZABET TEJLOR Njenu haljinu sa punom suknjom u boji slonovače, jar- kožutim gornjim delom i zelenim pojasom sa crvenom svilenom ružom kreirao je čuveni Kristijan Dior. Gla- murozan izgled naglašen je dugačkim svilenim rukavi- cama. Kao i većina Diorovih kreacija, i ova bi mogla da se ponese danas. Izgledala bi kao da je juče kreirana. ELIZABETH TAYLOR Her dress, with a full ivory-coloured skirt, a bright yel- low upper part and a green belt featuring a red silk rose, was created by the famous Christian Dior. The glamorous look is accentuated by long silk gloves. Like most Dior creations, this one could also be worn today. And it would look like it was created yesterday.

GVINET PALTROU Ružičasta haljina koju je dizajnirao Ralf Loren nalazi se na svim listama najlepših haljina na dodelama Oska- ra, a često je poređena i sa haljinom koju je nosila glu- mica Grejs Keli. Povratak ružičaste u modu pripisuje se baš toj haljini. Nakon što je Gvinet Paltrou prošeta- la crvenim tepihom u njoj, taj model počeo je masov- no da se kopira.

GWYNETH PALTROW This pink gown designed by Ralph Lauren is featured on all lists of the most beautiful dresses at the Oscars and is often compared to the dress once worn by actress Grace Kelly. The return of pink to fashion was attributed to this dress in particular. After Gwyneth Paltrow crossed the red carpet in it, this design began being copied en masse.

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NIKOL KIDMAN Haljina halter kroja vatrenocrvene boje ne zvuči kao najoriginalnije modno rešenje ako je ne nosi personi- fikacija elegancije – Nikol Kidman. U kreaciji Kristofe- ra Balensijage očarala je sve prisutne modelom koji je istakao njenu gracioznu siluetu, naglasio seksepil du- bokim sečenjem na leđima i uneo notu glamura maš- nom, koja joj je istakla lice. NICOLE KIDMAN A re-red strapless dress does not sound like the most original fashion solution, unless it is worn by the per- sonication of elegance that is Nicole Kidman. She en- chanted everyone in this creation of Cristóbal Balencia- ga, with a dress that emphasised a graceful silhouette, accentuated her sex appeal with the deep cut on her back and introduced a note of glamour with a bow that accentuated her face.

KEJT BLANŠET Glamurozna toaleta koja ne potencira provoka- tivan izgled već ženstvenost i eleganciju poput bajkovite kreacije Đorđa Armanija bila je pra- vi izbor za Kejt Blanšet. Haljina posuta trodi- menzionalnim cvetovima u nežnoj boji kao da je izašla iz rajske bašte. Tu je i dubok dekolte i naglašena silueta, a ceo izgled deluje nežno i sofisticirano. Bezvremeno i oskarovski. CATE BLANCHETT A glamorous gown that doesn’t emphasise a pro- vocative look but rather femininity and elegance, like this fairytale creation of Giorgio Armani, was the right choice for Cate Blanchett. The dress is coated with three-dimensional owers in a deli- cate colour as if it emerged from a heavenly gar- den. There is also a deep neckline and accentuat- ed silhouette, while the overall look is gentle and sophisticated. Timeless and Oscar-winning.

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Dženifer, kraljica minimalističkih kom- binacija, uspela je da savršeno ponese klasičnu balsku haljinu na tradicionalan način. Manjak detalja i moderna frizu- ra dali su savremenu notu i naglasili ha- ljinu iz kolekcije visoke mode iz ateljea modne kuće Valentino . JENNIFER ANISTON The queen of minimalist combinations, Jennifer managed to perfectly carry o this classic ball gown in a tradition- al way. The lack of details and a modern hairstyle provided a contemporary note and emphasised the dress, from the haute couture collection of the studio of fashion house Valentino.


Inspirisana stilom Odri Hepbern, Ledi Ga- ga prošetala je u kreaciji modne kuće Aleksander Mekvin, crnoj balskoj halji- ni skulpturalnog kroja. Celokupan stajling zaokružila je ogrlica koju je nosila Odri Hepbern tokom promocije filma Doručak kod Tifanija . Počeli smo sa Odri i 65 godi- na kasnije njen stil i dalje je inspiracija. LADY GAGA Inspired by the style of Audrey Hep- burn, Lady Gaga appeared in a black ball gown with a sculptural cut that was created by the fashion house of Alexander McQueen. Her complete styling was rounded o with a neck- lace that had been worn by Audrey Hepburn during the promotion of the lm Breakfast at Tiany’s. We started with Audrey, and her style remains an inspiration sixty ve years later.

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„Moramo preuzeti odgovornost, izvršiti promene i podneti žrtve u sopstvenim životima. Za početak, ne moramo da letimo privatnim avionima na dodele nagrada“, poručuje najbolji glumac 2019. godine

P oznate holivudske zvezde i da- lje se drže nepisanog pravila da na velikim dodelama na- grada poput Zlatnog globusa ili Oskara moraju da se pojave u novoj garderobi specijalno pravljenoj za tu priliku, koju nikada više neći obući. Da- kle, samo jednom. U čemu je problem? Za početak, u tome što apeli i priče ni- su dovoljni dok se promene ne demon- striraju na ličnom primeru. Rasel Krou je to pokazao na dodeli Zlatnog globusa. Odlučio je da ne do- đe i ostane u opustošenoj rodnoj Au- straliji kako bi pomogao tamo gde je bilo najpotrebnije. „Pozivam vas da počnemo da delu- jemo na osnovu nauke, stavimo akce- nat na obnovljivu energiju i poštujemo ovu jedinstvenu i neverovatnu planetu koja nestaje“, poručio je glumac. Istina, na dodeli nagrade ove godi- ne uvedene su neke promene. Prvi put svetski krem poslužen je veganskim me- nijem, ali je taj pohvalni detalj ostao u senci količine energije koja se potroši tokom ovakvih manifesticija, kao i mo- de, koja kao ozbiljna sila još nije učini- la dovoljno. Zato je glavna zvezda filma Džoker , glumac Hoakin Finiks, otišao korak dalje primajući Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca. „Zaista je lepo što je toliko ljudi po- slalo svoje dobre želje Australiji, ali mi

HOAKIN FINIKS U BORBI ZA PLANETU JOAQUIN PHOENIX IN A FIGHT FOR THE PLANET ODRŽIVOST CRVENOG TEPIHA SUSTAINABILITY OF THE RED CARPET Prirodne kataklizme, strašni požari u Australiji i Amazoniji i crne prognoze za naš ugroženi svet mobilisali su stotine poznatih. Neki su, poput Leonarda Dikaprija, uplatili ogroman novac za pomoć, a neki, kao Hoakin Finiks i njegova partnerka Runi Mara, skrenuli pažnju na ekološki problem crvenog tepiha Natural disasters, terrible res in Australia and the Amazon, bleak forecasts for our imperiled world, have mobilised hundreds of celebrities to speak out. Some, like Leonardo di Capri, have paid huge sums of money to help, and some, such as Joaquin Phoenix and his partner Rooney Mara, have turned their attention towards the environmental issue of the red carpet

Tekst / Words: Sofija Kuzmanović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

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