Elevate March 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine




Vreme je za prolećne avanture POSETITE NAJLEPŠE SRPSKE PLANINE

The time has come for a spring adventure VISIT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SERBIAN MOUNTAINS

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Mart 2021. godine

March 2021

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

GODINU DANA JE PROŠLO OD KADA su naši svakodnev- ni životi, naše porodice, poslovi i ceo svet pod uticajem CO- VID-19. Prošle godine, 19. marta, obavestili smo javnost da, usled globalne pandemije korona virusa i posledičnog preki- da međunarodnog putničkog saobraćaja, privremeno obu- stavljamo prevoz putnika. U tom trenutku niko nije mogao da zna da li će se to „privremeno“ meriti danima, nedeljama ili mesecima. Naše merilo u Er Srbiji je broj humanitarnih letova kojima smo dopremali tone ključne medicinske opreme, kao i prevezeni naši građani koje smo bezbedno vratili u zemlju nakon što su ostali zarobljeni na aerodromima širom sveta. Iako je taj period potrajao više od dva meseca, mi nismo prestali da letimo. Stavljajući sve ljudske i materijalne resurse na raspolaganje Vladi

A YEAR HAS PASSED SINCE OUR day to day lives, our fami- lies, work and the world were first impacted by COVID-19. Last year, on 19 th March, we informed the public that, due to the global coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing suspension of international passenger traffic, we would temporarily disconti- nue passenger transport. At that moment, no one knew whet- her ‘temporarily’ would be measured in days, weeks or months. Our measurement at Air Serbia was the number of hu- manitarian flights with which we brought tons of essential medical equipment, as well as our fellow citizens whom we safely repatriated after they were stranded at airports arou- nd the world. Even though this period lasted longer than two months, we did not stop flying. Putting all our human and ma- terial resources at the disposal of the Government of the Re- public of Serbia, we flew even further than ever before - from China and Seoul in the east to Los Angeles in the west. We operated as many as 32 round trips just to China. For our ser- vice to the country, last month we were awarded the Kara- đorđe‘s Star of the Second Degree medal, an honour we are extremely proud of. Since the gradual recommencement of air traffic in May last year, we monitor all changes in travel restrictions on a da- ily basis and adapt our network accordingly. We are re-esta- blishing flights to all destinations where possible and are increasing frequency in accordance with demand. Our stra- tegic planning, flexible and agile approach and quick adapta- tion to changes in the market have yielded results. During the previous year, we have managed to accomplish a good pas- senger load factor on a large number of routes. Not only ha- ve we recommenced and reinforced flights to many existing destinations, we have even introduced new ones during the most challenging period for our industry. In July last year, we added Oslo to the list of our destinations, and also Geneva as of 1 st March of this year. At our home airport, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, we have significantly increased our market sha- re, transporting more than half of the passengers to Belgra- de airport in January. Now, exactly a year after the changes that shook even the largest giants of the global aviation industry, we will con- tinue to adapt, evolve and ensure we are agile to market de- mands and customer needs. We have proven that we can deal with the challenges and turn them into opportunities. That gives us the right to optimism and faith that we will suc- cessfully adapt and overcome everything ahead of us, as well as that this period will let us look back and say: “It was diffi- cult, but we did it. Together!”. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip. Be safe and stay he- althy. DUNCAN NAYSMITH, CEO AIR SERBIA

Republike Srbije, leteli smo čak i dalje nego ikada pre – od Kine i Seula na istoku do Los Anđelesa na zapadu. Samo do Kine obavili smo čak 32 rotacije. Za doprinos državi prošlog meseca odlikovani smo Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde drugog stepena, na šta smo izuzetno ponosni. Od postepene obnove avio-saobraćaja u maju prošle godine, na dnevnom nivou pomno pratimo sve promene u ograničenjima putovanja i prilagođavamo obim saobraćaja. Ponovo uspostavljamo letove do svih destinacija do kojih je to moguće i pojačavamo frekvencije u skladu sa tražnjom. Naše strateško planiranje, fleksibilan

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

i agilan pristup i brzo prilagođavanje promenama na tržištu daju rezultate. Tokom prethodnih godinu dana uspeli smo da zabeležimo dobru popunjenost putničke kabine na velikom broju ruta. Ne samo da smo obnovili i pojačali letove na mnogim postojećim linijama nego smo tokom najizazovnijeg perioda za našu industriju uveli i nove. U julu prošle godine smo na listu naših destinacija dodali Oslo, a od 1. marta ove godine i Ženevu. Na matičnom Aerodromu Nikola Tesla značajno smo povećali tržišni udeo i u januaru prevezli više od polovine putnika preko beogradskog aerodroma. Sada, tačno godinu dana nakon promena koje su uzdrmale čak i najveće gigante globalne avio-industrije, nastavićemo da se prilagođavamo, razvijamo i zadržaćemo agilan pristup u vezi sa potražnjom na tržištu i zahtevima putnika. Dokazali smo da možemo da se nosimo sa izazovima i pretvorimo ih u prilike. To nam daje pravo na optimizam i veru da ćemo se uspešno prilagoditi i prevazići sve što nas očekuje, kao i da će nam ovaj period poslužiti kao povod da se osvrnemo i kažemo: „Bilo je teško, ali uspeli smo. Zajedno!“. Uživajte u letu i srećan put. Čuvajte se i ostanite zdravi. DANKAN NEJSMIT, GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE

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 Od 3. juna u Njujorku: Er Srbija na Terminalu 1 aerodroma JFK / In New York as of 3 rd June: Air Serbia to land at JFK Airport’s Terminal 1

 Er Srbija u januaru prevezla više od polovine putnika na beogradskom aerodromu / Air Serbia transported more than half of Belgrade Airport’s passengers in January Karte najpovoljnije u okviru prodajnih kanala Er Srbije / Tickets most affordable through Air Serbia sales channels


 Predsednik Srbije odlikovao Er Srbiju / Serbian President decorates Air Serbia




 Dimitris Papajoanu: Koreograf koji slika svoje scene / Dimitris Papaioannou: choreographer who paints his scenes

 Putujemo sa glumcem Nebojšom Milovanovićem / We travel with actor Nebojša Milovanović


Šanel&Dior: Seosko venčanje i mistični tarot / Chanel & Dior: rural wedding and mystical tarot

KULTURA CULTURE 30. Ćirić i Skrobonja kao Džon i Pol / Ćirić & Skrobonja like John & Paul 34. Sloboda Mićalović: Važno da imaš šta da gledaš / Sloboda

PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 13.  Najbolja odredišta u

Evropi za ljubitelje cveca / Best destinations in Europe for flower lovers

RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 58. Beograđanke, šampionke

Mićalović: it‘s important for you to have something to watch Sindi, Linda, Tatjana, Kristi i Naomi se sećaju Slobode / Cindy, Linda, Tatjana, Christy and Naomi remember Freedom

uličnog stila / Belgrade ladies, champions of the street style


6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Nebojša Babić, Zoran Ilić, Aleksandar Dimitrijević Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

VODIMO VAS... WE ARE TAKING YOU... 62. 10 stvari koje morate da vidite u Ženevi / 10 must- sees in Geneva RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 70. Nestvarni vodopadi Srbije: Igra vode u netaknutoj


Oslo: Svetlosna magija na norveškom nebu / Oslo: luminous magic of the Norwegian sky Stokholm: Lepota koja čeka da je otkrijete pod zemljom / Stockholm: underground beauty awaiting your discovery


prirodi / Serbia‘s incredible waterfalls: dance of water in pristine nature Prođite putevima rimskih careva / Follow in the footsteps of Roman emperors

SPORT SPORTS 104. Trebaće vam bar dva televizora: Počinje


Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

olimpijska godina sporta / You‘ll need at least two televisions: a year of Olympic sport has begun

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

108. Nikola Jokić juri MVP titulu / Nikola Jokić chases MVP title

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved




Dobro nam došli, sretenjski zvončići! / We welcome the little bells of Sretenje! Friluftsliv, život na svežem vazduhu / Friluftsliv, open air life



Broj / Issue No. 325 Naslovna strana / Cover Janis Abolins / iStock

Stiže proleće / Spring is coming Foto / Photo: iStock / Janis Abolins

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

ru i manjoj gužvi, a u bliskoj budu- cnosti, kada se završi obnova, Ter- minal 1 ce biti najraskošniji u celom Njujorku i okolini – izjavio je Džordž Petković, regionalni direktor Er Srbi- je za Severnu i Južnu Ameriku. Nacionalna avio-kompanija do Njujorka trenutno leti dva puta ne- deljno, četvrtkom i subotom, uz pla- nove da pojača frekvenciju kada se situacija sa pandemijom stabilizu- je. Čak i u nepovoljnim okolnostima po globalnu avio-industriju, Er Srbi- ja je zabeležila dobre rezultate to- kom prethodne godine i sa 67 od- sto na Terminalu 4 najprometnijeg njujorškog aerodroma našla se na prvom mestu po popunjenosti ka- paciteta za prevoz putnika na leto- vima do Velike jabuke u septembru 2020. godine. Direktna vazdušna veza između Srbije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Drža- va uspostavljena je istorijskim letom za Njujork 23. juna 2016. godine, posle pauze od gotovo četvrt ve- ka. Letove na liniji Beograd–Njujork obavlja najveći avion u floti Er Srbije , erbas A330, nazvan po legendar- nom srpskom naučniku i prona- lazaču Nikoli Tesli.

OD 3. JUNA U NJUJORKU ER SRBIJA NA TERMINALU 1 AERODROMA JFK Srpska avio-kompanija će od 3. juna za sletanje i poletanje koristiti Terminal 1 Međunarodnog aerodroma Džon F. Kenedi u Njujorku, umesto Terminala 4, na koji trenutno sleću avioni Er Srbije

NA TERMINALU 1 AERODROMA JFK U Njujorku obavljaju se isklju- čivo međunarodni dolasci i odlas- ci, pa će Er Srbija novi terminal deli- ti sa najvećim avio-prevoznicima iz celog sveta. Nakon planirane obnove, koja ujedno predstavlja i najveći kapitalni projekat u istoriji njujorške vazdušne luke, Terminal 1 će biti najprostraniji i najsavremeniji na Aerodromu Džon F. Kenedi . Uz 23 nova gejta, unapre- đeni terminal će biti četiri puta ve- ći od postojećeg i obuhvataće pro- stor trenutnih Terminala 1 i 2 i bivšeg Terminala 3, a putnicima će ponudi- ti brojne pogodnosti. – Ponosni smo što se pridru- žujemo domu svih glavnih interna- cionalnih avio-prevoznika. Naši putnici ce biti u prilici da uživaju u većem prosto-

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Er Srbija je počela sa obaveštavanjem putnika o promeni terminala putem svih kanala komunikacije – SMS- ova, veb-sajta i zvaničnih profila na društvenim mrežama / Air Serbia has started informing passengers about the change of terminals through all of its communication channels - SMS messages, the Air Serbia website and its official social media accounts


TERMINAL 1 AT NEW YORK‘S JFK AIRPORT IS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS and de- partures, so Air Serbia will be sharing the new terminal wi- th the world‘s biggest airlines. Following completion of the planned reconstructi- on, which also represents the greatest capital project in the history of this New York airport, Terminal 1 will become JFK Airport‘s most spacious and modern terminal. With 23 Starting from 3 rd June, Air Serbia will be using Terminal 1 at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport for its arrivals and departures, as opposed to Terminal 4, where the Serbian national airline's aircraft currently land AIR SERBIA TO LAND AT JFK AIRPORT'S TERMINAL 1

new gates, the upgraded termi- nal will be four times larger than at present and will encompass the area of current terminals 1 and 2 and the former Terminal 3, as well as offering numerous advantages to passengers. “We are proud to join the ho-

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me of all main international airli- nes. Our passengers will be able to enjoy more space and smaller crowds, and in the near future, once the reconstruction is finis- hed, Terminal 1 will be the most luxurious one in the whole of New York and the surrounding area,” said George Petković, Air Serbia Vice President for the Americas. Serbia‘s airline currently operates two weekly flights to New York, on Thursdays and Saturdays, while it plans to in- crease this frequency once the pandemic situation sta- bilises. Even under the unfavourable circumstances con- fronting the global aviation industry, Air Serbia still reported good results during last year. And with a passenger load fa- ctor of 67% on Terminal 4 at this New York airport with the highest traffic, it found itself ranked first in terms of this fa- ctor on flights to the Big Apple in September 2020. Direct flights between Serbia and the United Sta- tes were re-established with an historic flight to New York on 23 rd June 2016, following a break of almost a quar- ter of a century. Belgrade-New York flights are performed using the biggest aircraft in the Air Serbia fleet: the Airbus A330, which was renamed in honour of legendary Ser- bian scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

Nezaobilazan je i časopis, koji obično kupim na aerodromu A magazine is also unavoidable, which I usually buy at the airport


A vion volim jer omogućava mogućnosti, poznanstva, susrete, doživljaje... To su momenti kada se rađaju i nove ideje, kada se bolje sagledavaju trenutne pozicije, ali i rađa nada za ličnom promenom. U avionima se rađa nova nada NEBOJŠA MILOVANOVIĆ, GLUMAC najlepša putovanja, a tada se i fizički i apstraktno odlepljujemo od jednog prostora i zemlje, iščekujemo novi prostor, nove

Osvežavajuće mentol bombone su obavezni saputnik Refreshing menthol sweets are an obligatory “travel companion”


Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: N. Babić, G. Srdanov

U avion ne ulazim bez ručnog prtljaga u kom su sve moje sitnice I don’t board a plane without hand luggage, which contains all my little sundries


Naravno, na put ne krećem bez dobro odabrane knjige Of course, I don’t embark on a journey without a well-chosen book 5

I love planes because they enable the most beautiful journeys, and during them we physically and abstractly detach from one expanse and land, to await a new expanse, new possibilities, acquaintances, meetings, experiences... Those are also moments when new ideas are born, when one has a better overview of current positions, but when hope for personal change is also born. NEBOJŠA MILOVANOVIĆ, ACTOR New hope is born on planes

Tu su uvek sveska, rokovnik, olovka da se nešto zapiše, zabeleži There’s always a notebook, a planner, a pencil to write something down and take notes


10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Nebojša Milovanović je još kao student poslednje godine Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u klasi čuvenog profesora Vlade Jevtovića zablistao u dva velika filmska hita – Bure baruta i Lajanje na zvezde . Od tada ga gledamo i na daskama matičnog Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta i u kadrovima izuzetno popularnih TV serija. Trenutno obara sve rekorde gledanosti u seriji Tajna vinove loze . Ima svoje kabaretsko veče Stand Down , u kom kombinuje poeziju i lične ispovesti. Oženjen je i otac četvoro dece. Nebojša Milovanović gave glittering performances in two major hit films – Cabaret Balkan and Barking at the Stars – when he was still a final year student of the Belgrade class of famous professor Vladimir Jevtović. Since then, we’ve been watching him on the boards of his home theatre, the Yugoslav Drama Theatre, and in the frames of extremely popular TV series. He is currently breaking all ratings records in the series Secrets of the Grape Vine. He has his own cabaret evening, entitled “Stand Down”, in which he combines poetry and personal confessions. He is a married father of four children. University Faculty of Dramatic Arts, in the

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11


izvršni direktor za odnose sa državnim organima i organizacijama Branislav Malović prima orden za Er Srbiju / Chief Government Affairs and Relations Officer Branislav Malović received this high decoration on behalf of Air Serbia


PREDSEDNIK SRBIJE ODLIKOVAO ER SRBIJU Povodom Dana državnosti Srbije Er Srbija je 15. februara ukazom predsednika Republike Srbije odlikovana Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde drugog stepena KARAĐORĐEVA ZVEZDA ZA NACIONALNU AVIO-KOMPANIJU

Air Serbia was awarded the Order of Karađorđe‘s Star of the Second Degree on the occasion of Serbian Statehood Day on 15 th February, according to a decree of the President of the Republic of Serbia SERBIAN PRESIDENT DECORATES AIR SERBIA ON THE DAY MARKING THE CELEBRATION of Serbian Statehood Day, Air Serbia Chief Government Affairs and

NA DAN PROSLAVE DANA DRŽAVNOSTI SRBIJE visoko odlikovanje je od predsednika Aleksandra Vučića u ime Er Srbije primio Branislav Malović, izvršni direktor za odnose sa državnim organima i organizacijama Er Srbije . Na svečanosti održanoj u Palati Srbi- ja pilotima srpske nacionalne avio-kompa- nije Goranu Veličkoviću i Svetislavu Vraniću posthumno je dodeljena zlatna medalja za za- sluge. Odlikovanja su primili članovi porodica preminulih pilota – sin Svetislava Vranića i ćer- ka Gorana Veličkovića. U martu 2020. godine pandemija koronavirusa izazvala je najveću krizu u istoriji svetskog putničkog avio-saobracaja. Iako više od dva meseca nije bilo putničkog avio- saobracaja, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija nijednog trenutka nije prestala da leti, a svoje ljudske i materijalne resurse stavila je u potpunosti na raspolaganje Vladi Republike Srbije. Između 18. marta i 27. maja Er Srbija je obavila ukupno 204 leta – repatrijacione i evakuacione letove, kojima su u Srbiju vracene na hiljade naših državljana koji su ostali zarobljeni na aerodromima i u zemljama širom sveta, kao i kargo-letove, kojima je u našu zemlju dopremljeno više stotina tona medicinske opreme i materijala. Er Srbija je tokom dva meseca letela od Kine i Seula na istoku do Los Anđelesa na zapadu, a do Kine su obavljene čak 32 rotacije.

Relations Officer Branislav Malović received this high decoration, on behalf of Air Serbia, from Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. At the award ceremony, which was held at the Palace of Serbia, Air Serbia pilots Goran Veličković and Svetislav Vranić were posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Merit. These decorations were received on their behalf by members of their families - Svetislav Vranić‘s son and Goran Veličković‘s daughter. The March 2020 outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic led to the biggest crisis in the history of commercial aviation worldwide. Although no passenger flights were conducted for over two months, the Serbian national airline didn‘t stop flying for a moment, placing its human and material resources at the full disposal of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Air Serbia performed a total of 204 flights between 18 th March and 27 th May, including repatriation and evacuation flights – with which the airline brought thousands of our citizens who had been left stranded at airports and in countries around the world back to Serbia – and cargo flights that delivered hundreds of tonnes of medical equipment and materials to our country. Over the course of two months during the state of emergency, Air Serbia flew to China and Seoul in the east and to Los Angeles in the west, preforming as many as 32 rotations between Serbia and China.


Sin pilota Svetislava Vranića prima orden za oca / The son of pilot Svetislav Vranić receives a medal for his father

Ćerka pilota Gorana Veličkovića prima orden za oca / The daughter of pilot Goran Veličković receives a medal for her father

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



Mirisna magija rascvetalog proleća Sweet scented magic of a blossoming spring

Proleć e je u Evropi prosto neodoljivo. Parkovi i vrtovi puni predivnih boja mirišu na prvo sezonsko cve e. Ako tražite putovanje posuto laticama, evo nekoliko najboljih odredišta u Evropi za ljubitelje cveć a koji žele da dožive proleć e u svoj njegovoj lepoti / Springtime in Europe is irresistible, as parks and gardens blossom with the season’s first flowers, filling them with an eye- catching palette of colours. If you’re seeking a floral getaway, here are some of the best destinations in Europe for flower lovers who want to experience the magic of spring in all its blooming glory




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Keukenhof Keukenhof

Svet boja

Pokrivajuć i površinu od 32 hektara, Keuken - hof je jedan od najveć ih svetskih cvetnih vr - tova i verovatno najpoznatija evropska desti - nacija za ljubitelje cve a. Nalazi se u gradić u Lise, jugozapadno od Amsterdama. Tamo se svake godine posadi sedam miliona lukovica, koje cvetaju baš na vreme da bi stvorile spek - takularni tepih boja za dvomesečni cvetni fe - stival koji se održava svakog proleć a. Buduć i da je reč o Holandiji, nije iznenađa - nje što su cvetovi uglavnom lale, ali ima i pu - no šafrana, narcisa i zumbula. Ovog proleć a cvetni festival održa e se od 20. marta do 9. maja, a svake je godine posveć en određenoj temi, pa se vrtovi, događaji i umetnička dela prilagođavaju u skladu s tim. Tema za 2021. je svet boja i cvetni park e otvoriti svoja vra - ta posetiocima 71. put. Sa 15 kilometara pešačkih staza u bašti ima - ć ete spektakularni pogled na cvetne vrto - ve. Tokom šetnje videć ete jedinstvene izlož - be koje se nedeljno menjaju,


7 15

hektara pokriva teritorija Keukenhofa hectares encompass the area of Keukenhof

miliona lukovica se posadi svake godine million bulbs are planted here each year

kilometara pešačkih staza ima u bašti km of walking trails leads through the gardens

prelepa jezerca i razne pa viljone sa restoranima i te - rasama. To je sjajna prilika da snimite najlepše fotogra - fije za svoj Instagram pro - fil. Pored ogromnog cvetnog vrta, park je ujedno i najve - ć i vrt skulptura u Holandiji, pa se možete diviti mnogim statuama koje su napravi - li nacionalni i međunarodni umetnici.

Keukenhof je odlična destinacija i za jednodnevni izlet iz Amsterdama i do njega je lako doci autobuskom linijom koja polazi sa aerodroma Šipol Keukenhof is an easy day trip from Amsterdam and is convenient thanks to the Keukenhof Express bus service that departs from Schiphol Airport

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Ulaznice za Keukenhof gardens su dostupne samo onlajn, na ulazu u cvetni park nema prodaje karata Tickets for Keukenhof Gardens 2021 are only available online, with no tickets on sale at the entrance to the flower park

World of colours Covering an area of 32 hectares, Keukenhof is one of the world’s largest flower gardens and is probably Europe’s best-known destination for fans of all things floral. The gardens are lo - cated in the small South Holland town of Lisse, just to the southwest of Amsterdam. Seven mil - lion bulbs are planted here each year and flow-

er just in time to create a spectacular multi - coloured carpet of colours for the two-month flower festival that’s held here each spring.As this is Holland, it comes as no surprise that most of the flowers are tulips. However, there are also plenty of crocuses, daffodils and hy- acinths. The 2021 spring flower festival takes place from 20 th March to 9 th May. This flower park is dedicated to a specific theme each year, with the inspiring gardens, events and artworks adjusted accordingly. The theme for 2021 is the ‘World of Colours’. This ‘Garden of Europe’ in the Netherlands will open for the 71 st time this year. A spectacular view of these flower gardens is provided from Keukenhof’s 15 km of walk - ing trails. During your walk you will see unique flower shows that change weekly, beautiful ponds and numerous pavilions featuring var - ious restaurants and terraces. This is your chance to shoot the most beautiful selfies and flowers photos. In addition to the huge flower gardens, this park is also home to the country’s largest garden of statues, where you can ad- mire many statues made by national and inter- national artists.

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me scan


Grad bašta Garden City Očekuje se da ce se ove godine festival održati u poslednje tri nedelje aprila

The 2021 festival is expected to be held over the course of the last three weeks of April

Tepih od lala

Tulip carpet For the last decade or so, Istanbul has become one of the best gardens in Europe each year in late March and April! The government of the City of Istanbul plants around 30 million tulips in the city’s parks, on its avenues and traffic roundabouts etc. The result is a glorious spring flower festival with brilliant splashes of colour at every turn! However, for a real tulip treat - in the form of kompanijom priprema tepih od lala ve i od 1.000 kvadratnih metara, koji se smatra najveć im na svetu. Dizajn tepiha se menja svake godine, ali uvek je napravljen od ovog cve a, koje je jedan od tradicionalnih simbola Istanbula. Ve celu jednu deceniju Istanbul krajem marta i tokom aprila postaje jedan od najboljih vrtova u Evropi. Gradska vlada sadi oko 30 miliona lala u istanbulskim parkovima, avenijama, kružnim tokovima, a rezultat je veličanstveni proleć ni cvetni festival sa blistavim rasprskavanjem boja kud god da pogledate. Ipak, za pravu poslasticu od lala i međunarodni festival posve en ovom cve u morate se uputiti u park Emirgan, jedan od najveć ih javnih parkova u Istanbulu, koji se nalazi na Bosforu, na evropskoj obali. Na trgu Sultan Ahmed grad zajedno sa najistaknutijom turskom cvetnom

the International Istanbul Tulip Festival - you have to head to Emirgan Park, one of the larg - est public parks in Istanbul, located by the Bos- phorus in the Sariyer district on the Europe- an side of the city. It is on Sultanahmet Square that the City authorities, in conjunction with Turkey’s most prominent flower company, pre- pare the Tulip Carpet that covers over 1,000 square metres and is considered the world’s largest. The carpet’s design changes each year, but it is always made of tulips, which represent one of Istanbul’s traditional symbols.

miliona lala se posadi u istanbulskim parkovima million tulips are planted in the city’s parks 30

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me scan


Halerbos Hallerbos

The blue forest Something magical happens in this forest close to Brussels every spring: millions of bluebells blossom to create a blue carpet, forming a spec - tacular sea of flowers and filling the air with an intensely sweet fragrance. This is a unique sight that seems like it’s straight out of a fairy tale! A large part of the original forest was destroyed during WWI. However, thanks to major replant - ing that took place between 1930 and 1950, the Hallerbos survived and has been thriving ever since. This is the best “natural” garden in Europe: “the blue forest”, an ancient forest with young trees and lots of bluebells. The best time to visit is around mid-April. In or- der to enjoy the full experience of the magic of the blue carpet in Hallerbos, you need to plan your visit to occur during the first seven to ten days following the blossoming of the beech trees, when the sunlight reaches the bluebells through the canopy of leaves to create this spec- tacular colour effect.

Plava šuma

Svakog proleć a u šumi u blizini Brisela događa se nešto magično: milioni cveti a zumbula stvaraju plavi tepih, spektakularno more cveć a i ispunjavaju vazduh intenzivnim slatkim mirisom. Zaista jedinstven prizor koji deluje kao bajka! Veliki deo izvorne šume uništen je tokom Prvog svetskog rata, ali zahvaljujuć i velikoj ponovnoj sadnji između 1930. i 1950. godine, Halerbos je preživeo i od tada stalno raste. Ovo je najbolji prirodni vrt u Evropi jer je plava šuma drevna, pa ipak puna mladog drveć a i plavog cve a. Najbolje vreme za posetu je oko sredine aprila. Da biste u potpunosti doživeli magiju plavog tepiha u Halerbosu, posetu je potrebno planirati tokom prvih sedam do deset dana nakon izbijanja bukovog lišć a, kada sunčeva svetlost dopire kroz krošnju i stvara ovaj spektakularni efekat.

Od početka marta možete svakodnevno da proveravate „status cvetanja“ na namenskoj veb- stranici You can check on the “flowering status” on a

dedicated webpage

daily from the beginning of March

Priroda stvara jedan od najlepših vrtova Evrope okružen stablima Nature creates one of Europe’s most beautiful flower gardens in a forest

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

LONDON / LONDON 185 min. IZ BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE me scan Kju gardens Kew Gardens



Morate da rezervišete termin posete onlajn jer u suprotnom nećete moći da uđete, čak i ako ste član You must book your visit online in advance, otherwise you’ll unfortunately be turned away, even if you’re a member

Svi mirisi sveta Unesko je Kraljevske botaničke bašte, poznate kao Kju gardens, prepoznao kao svetsku baštinu zbog izuzetne biljne raznolikosti koja je ovde izložena. Smešteni u Ričmondu, u jugozapadnom Londonu, vrtovi su prvi put otvoreni 1759. godine, a danas, sa više od 50.000 različitih vrsta biljaka rasprostranjenih na 121 hektaru, čine jednu od najveć ih i najraznovrsnijih kolekcija biljaka i cveć a na svetu. A proleć e je definitivno najbolje doba godine za posetu. Tada počinju da se pojavljuju prvi cvetovi u sezoni: videć ete raskošno drveć e magnolije u cvatu i travnjake poprskane zumbulima, belim i ljubičastim šafranom i smelim narcisima. Još jedan proleć ni vrhunac su dva paralelna niza trešanja okić ena

predivnim ružičastim cvetovima. Otkrijte staklene bašte, uključujuć i kultnu Palm haus i njenu egzotičnu prašumu, kao i Voterlili haus sa neverovatnim, džinovskim jastučić ima od ljiljana. Tu je i Palata Kju, najmanja britanska kraljevska palata iz 1631. godine u holandskom stilu. Pozadi se nalazi Kraljičin vrt, u kojem se uzgajaju samo biljke koje su postojale u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu u 17. veku. Prošetajte još i Dajaninom staklenom baštom, tre om najve om, napravljenom 1987. godine pod pokroviteljstvom princeze od Velsa, koja ima deset kompjuterski kontrolisanih mikroklimatskih zona s primercima biljaka iz suvih i vlažnih tropa (orhideje, kaktusi i mesožderke…).

hektar čuva više od 50.000 biljnih vrsta hectares preserve 121

over 50,000 plant varieties

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Do vrtova je lako doci londonskom podzemnom železnicom These gardens are easy to reach via the London Underground metro rail system

blossom. Discover beautiful greenhouses, in - cluding the iconic Palm House with its exotic rainforest and Waterlily House, with its amaz- ing, giant lily pads. Kew Palace, the smallest British royal palace, dates back to 1631 and was built in the Dutch style. To the rear of the place is the Queen’s Garden, where only plants that were found in the United Kingdom in the 17 th century and medicinal herbs are grown. Also located here is the Princess of Wales Conservatory, Kew’s third largest greenhouse, which was created in 1987 under the patronage of Princess Di - ana. It has ten computer-controlled micro-cli- mate zones with specimens of plants from global dry and wet tropical ecosystems (or- chids, cacti, carnivorous plants etc.).

All the scents of the world The Royal Botanic Gardens (better known as Kew Gardens) have been recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO thanks to the exceptional diversity of plants on display here. Located in Richmond Upon Thames in south -

west London, the gardens first opened in 1759, while today - with over 50,000 plant varie - ties spread over an area of 121 hectares - these famous gar- dens are home to one of the world’s largest and most di - verse collections of plants and flowers. Spring is perhaps the best time of year to visit, as that’s when the season’s first blossoms start to appear: you’ll see the magnificent magnolia trees in bloom and lawns adorned with flowering bluebells, white and purple crocuses, delicate snowdrops and bold daffodils. Another springtime highlight is the two parallel rows of cherry trees decked in exquisite pink

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Jedan od vrhunaca kluba je nastup možda i najvećeg imena elektronske muzike Ričija Hotina u februaru 2020. DRUG

ZAČETAK ONOGA ŠTO DANAS JASNO PRE- POZNAJEMO KAO VRLO autentičan izraz ko- ji Drugstore poseduje desio se u jednoj nedovršenoj kući u centru grada. Ubrzo se preselio u stari indu- strijski kompleks Beko , a potom je svoj dom našao u starom kompleksu mesne industrije BIM Slavija . Iako je klub prešao veliki put od poluskvoter- skog andergraund mesta do najpoznatijeg kluba na Balkanu, čiji su partneri neki od najvećih svetskih aktera u industriji zabave (Boiler Room, Ministry Of Sound, Tresor, Arma17, Nuits Sonores, Sonica, Apgrade, Exit, Love Fest...), princip ovog kulturnog haba je uvek DIY, a tom principu se mogu pripisati i jasni antielitistički i inkluzivni pristup koji klub ga- United We Stream Balkan Priča kluba Drugstore oslikava istoriju kulturno-urbanističkih previranja u Beogradu u poslednjih desetak godina

ji. Svi su dobrodošli, bez obzira na finansijski status, boju kože, seksualnu opredeljenost... Ovo je verovat- no jedini klub u kojem možete na istom mestu videti skejtera i ambasadora kako u sedam ujutro skaču uz postpunk himnu. Uticaj i značaj kluba rastao je iz dana u dan, a broj inostarnih zvezda koje su ovde nastupale ili još čekaju svoj red postao je impozantan. Jedan od tih vrhunaca je nastup možda i najvećeg imena elek- tronske muzike Ričija Hotina u februaru 2020. Uprkos pandemiji i borbi za egzistenciju, pret- hodna godina je za klub bila značajna, budući da su rezidenti Svetlana Maraš i Branislav Jovančević (na- stupa pod umetničkim imenom K ӣ r i muzički je urednik kluba), izabrani u prestižnu godišnju selek- ciju umetnika Shape organizacije, tela pri EU platfor- mi Creative Europe. Novina je i da se klub povezao sa vodećom svet- skom striming i kraudfanding platformom United We Stream, koja se bavi pomaganjem ugroženim ak- terima u klubskoj kulturi, i uz pomoć Instituta Ge- te globalno i nacionalne platforme Serbia Creates na lokalu oformio regionalnu platformu UWS Balkan. Platforma je počela s radom u januaru i svakog pet- ka, sve do aprila, pruža raznovrstan i kvalitetan on- lajn program predstavnika zemalja iz regiona.

20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

One of the club’s highlights was the February 2020 performance of Richie Hawtin, perhaps the biggest name in electronic music United We Stream Balkan STORE

sexual orientation etc. This is probably the only club where you can see skaters and ambassadors jumping around to post-punk anthems at seven am. This club‘s influence and significance has grown greater by the day, with an impressive number of for- eign stars having performed here or still waiting their turn. One of those highlights was the February 2020 performance of Richie Hawtin, perhaps the biggest name in electronic music. Despite the pandemic and the struggle to sur- vive, last year was a significant one for the club due to its residents Svetlana Maraš and Branislav Jovančević (who performs under the stage name K ӣ r and is en- gaged as the club‘s music editor) being chosen in the prestigious annual selection of artists of the “Shape” organisation, the body of the EU‘s Creative Europe platform. The latest news is that this club has joined forces with United We Stream, the world‘s leading streaming and crowdfunding platform, which pro- vides assistance to club culture stakeholders imper- illed by the pandemic situation. With the help of the Goethe Institute globally and the Serbia Creates plat- form nationally, the United We Stream Balkan region- al platform has been established at this venue. This platform launched operations in January and pro- vides a diverse and high-quality online programme that features representatives of the region‘s countries every Friday until April.

THE START OF WHAT WE CLEARLY RECOG- NISE TODAY as the very authentic expression of the Drugstore nightclub first emerged in an unfinished house in the city centre. It was then quickly relocat- ed to the old “Beko” industrial complex, only to find a home in the old meat industry slaughterhouse com- plex of “BIM Slavija”. Although this club has come a long way from its beginnings as a semi-squat underground venue to the most famous nightclub in the Balkans – with part- ners that include some of the world‘s biggest players in the entertainment industry (Boiler Room, Minis- try Of Sound, Tresor, Arma17, Nuits Sonores, Sonica, Apgrade, Exit, Love Fest etc.) – this cultural hub has always had a DIY principle, and that principle can al- so be ascribed to the clearly anti-elitist and inclusive approach nurtured by this club. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of their financial status, skin colour, The story of the Drugstore nightclub portrays the history of the cultural and urban upheaval of Belgrade over the past ten years

Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 21

Razglednica /Postcard

LONDON / LONDON Fabrika selfija

BEČ / VIENNA Muzejska četvrt

ZAGREB / ZAGREB Godina čitanja

MUSEUM QUARTER The Vienna museum quarter, Museum- sQuartier, has reopened to visitors who comply with all prescribed measures. Vi- sitors to the Leopold Museum are awai- ted by a new exhibition entitled The Twili- ght of Humanity, which presents works of Austrian modernism created in the peri- od between 1918 and 1938. Two new ex- hibitions have also been prepared by the Kunsthalle Wien exhibition hall, one of whi- ch addresses the relationship between art and cybernetics. This exhibition presents works that use the powerlessness of art— its poverty—vis-à-vis the cybernetic mac- hine to propose counter-models. Muzejska četvrt u Beču opet je otvore- na za posetioce uz poštovanje svih pro- pisanih mera. Tako u muzeju Leopold po- setioce očekuje nova izložba Sumrak čovečanstva , koja predstavlja austrijsku modernu u periodu između 1918. i 1938. godine. Dve nove izložbe pripremila je i galerija Kunsthalle Wien , od kojih se jed- na bavi odnosom između umetnosti i ki- bernetike. Izložba će predstaviti radove u kojima umetnost koristi svoju nemoć i si- romaštvo u odnosu na kibernetičku maši- nu kao osnovu za izradu protivnacrta.

YEAR OF READING Following a year of natural disasters and the pandemic, the Government of Cro- atia has declared 2021 the Year of Rea- ding, during which the entire country will read together under the slogan “Let‘s re- ad not to be left without words”. Accor- dingly, fans of the written word are loo- king forward to the biggest cultural event of the year, the 43 rd Interliber - Internatio- nal Book Fair, which will this year take pla- ce in a new slot, from 23 rd to 28 th March. Participation in this year‘s edition of the fa- ir has already been confirmed by nume- rous exhibitors from the region and arou- nd Europe. Nakon godine prirodnih katastrofa i pan- demije vlada u Hrvatskoj proglasila je 2021. godinom čitanja, u kojoj će cela zemlja či- tati zajedno pod motom „Čitajmo da ne ostanemo bez reči“. Zato ljubitelji pisane reči s nestrpljenjem iščekuju najveći kultur- ni događaj INTERLIBER, 43. Međunarodni sajam knjiga, koji će se održati u novom ter- minu, od 23. do 28. marta. Učešće na saj- mu već su potvrdili brojni izlagači iz regio- na i Evrope.

SELFIE FACTORY West London boasts the Selfie Factory, re- presenting a must-visit place for influen- cers and lovers of Instagram who find themselves in the British capital. Entran- ce to this original exhibition space, which comprises a series of rooms arranged to be visually appealing, colourful and well lit, costs £14 per person. This price allows you to spend an hour taking pictures in unique photo-friendly environments that inclu- de a 50s-style diner booth, a large ball pit filled with pink balls, a huge teddy be- ar corner, a retro bathtub, an armchair in an Astroturf meadow, a classroom and a multicoloured doughnut wall. U zapadnom delu Londona smeštena je Fabrika selfija, koja za influensere i zalju- bljenike u Instagram predstavlja nezao- bilazno mesto prilikom posete britanskoj prestonici. Ovaj originalan prostor sasto- ji se od niza soba sređenih da budu vizu- elno atraktivne, šarene i dobro ostvetlje- ne, a ulaz se naplaćuje 14 funti po osobi. Za tu cenu tokom jednog sata možete da idete i slikate se u separeu restorana ure- đenom u stilu pedesetih godina, velikom bazenu punom ružičastih kuglica, s ogro- mnim plišanim medvedićem, retro kadi, u fotelji na livadi, učionici ili sobi prepunoj šarenih krofni.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


MOSKVA / MOSCOW Nedelja maslenice

LARNAKA / LARNACA Svratište famingosa

BERLIN / BERLIN Onlajn Berlinale

MASLENITSA WEEK The Moscow Maslenitsa Festival, which is dedicated to bidding farewell to winter and welcoming the arrival of spring, tra- ditionally begins seven days before Lent. This year it is being celebrated from 8 th to 14 th March. One of the Russian nation‘s fa- vourite holidays, it is marked by folk joy, mass walks and musical events. Pancakes represent the main symbol of Maslenitsa. They are baked on the streets and symbo- lise the sun and the coming of spring. The holiday culminates with the burning of a straw scarecrow on a bonfire, while pan- cakes are thrown into the fire to represent the end of the cold winter. Festival Moskovska maslenica , posvećen ispraćaju zime i dolasku proleća, tradici- onalno počinje sedam dana pre Velikog posta. Ove godine praznuje se od 8. do 14. marta i jedan je od omiljenih narodnih praznika koji protiče u znaku narodnog veselja, šetnji i muzičkih dešavanja. Glav- ni simbol Maslenice su palačinke, koje se peku na ulicama i simbolizuju sunce i do- lazak proleca. Na kraju praznika na loma- či se spaljuje strašilo od slame, a u vatru se bacaju i palačinke, što predstavlja od- lazak hladne zime.

FLAMINGO STOPOVER Larnaca is said to be a city with two faces – on one side is the historic city built on the ruins of the ancient city of Kition, while on the other is a modern and prestigious urban hub. It is increasingly finding itself on the tourist map of many travellers, who don’t miss out on the opportunity to tour the city’s fortress, which dates back to the 14 th century. Representing the cornerstone of Cypriot heritage, the fortress offers an awe-inspiring tour of the past, while part of it is converted into a theatre during the summer months. Among Larnaca’s attractions is the nearby Salt Lake, which is a stopover site for migrating flamingos. Za Larnaku kažu da je grad sa dva lica – s jedne strane je istorijski grad podignut na ostacima antičkog grada Kition, a s druge moderno i prestižno mesto. Sve češće se nalazi na turističkoj mapi mnogih putnika, koji prilikom posete ne propuštaju da obi- đu gradsku tvrđavu sagrađenu još u 14. veku. Ona predstavlja kamen temeljac ki- parskog nasleđa i nudi neverovatnu turu kroz prošlost, a tokom letnjih meseci deo tvrđave se pretvara u pozorište. Jedna od zanimljivosti u Larnaki jeste i obližnje Ve- liko slano jezero, koje predstavlja svrati- šte flamingosa.

ONLINE BERLINALE The Berlin International Film Festival, which is usually held in February, has been po- stponed and the competition will be held online, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, from 1 st to 5 th March. This year‘s 71 st edi- tion of the Berlinale is being organised in two phases: an online competition and an award ceremony phase in March; then screenings that will be open to the public in June, when organisers have scheduled a summer event to include numerous public film screenings in theatres and outdoors. Međunarodni filmski festival u Berlinu, ko- ji se obično održava u februaru, odložen je, a takmičenje ce biti održano onlajn zbog pandemije korona virusa od 1. do 5. mar- ta. Predstojeće 71. izdanje Berlinala orga- nizovano je u dve faze – onlajn takmičenje i dodela nagrada u martu, dok će projekci- je otvorene za publiku biti organizovane u junu, za kada su organizatori zakazali letnju manifestaciju s brojnim projekcijama filmo- va za javnost u pozorištima i na otvorenom.

Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography: iStock

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23

Intervju Interview

Dimitris Papajoanu

KOREOGRAF KOJI SLIKA SVOJE SCENE Ljudsko telo daje mogućnost da komuniciramo bez reči S obzirom na to da sam rođen u Grčkoj, kao ljubitelj antičke umetnosti imam dobar razlog da ne provedem svoj život oklevajući u vezi sa stvarima koje volim. Nago ljudsko telo je jedna od stvari koje volim i uključujem ga u svoja dela bez stida

24 | Igra » Dance

Na ovogodišnjem 18. izdanju Beogradskog festivala igre gledaćemo Transverzalnu orijentaciju , novu predstavu Dimitrisa Papajoanua, 14. i 15. aprila u Srpskom narodnom pozorištu

During this year’s 18 th edition of the Belgrade Dance Festival we’ll watch Transverse Orientation, the new show by Dimitris Papaioannou, on 14 th and 15 th April at the Serbian National Theatre

R ođen u Atini 1964, Di- mitris Papajoanu bio je student kultnog grčkog slikara Jani- sa Caruhisa, a zatim je završio studije na Atinskoj ško- li lepih umetnosti. Rano je stekao priznanje kao slikar, pre nego što se njegov fokus prebacio na scen- ske umetnosti, u kojima se ostva- rio kao reditelj, koreograf, izvođač i dizajner scenografije, kostima, šminke i osvetljenja… Uspesi njegovih originalnih scenskih produkcija, hibrida fi- zičkog pozorišta, eksperimental- nog plesa i performansa, stekli su svetsku slavu, a Papajoanu je osta- vio neizbrisiv pečat na umetničkoj sceni Grčke i sveta. Već je gostovao na Beogradskom festivalu igre, a sada nam se, na radost svih ljubi- telja savremene igre, vraća pred- stavom Transverzalna orijentacija . Od čega zavisi vaš dola- zak na Beogradski festi- val igre, kao i premijera u Parizu, koja treba da se dogodi pre nastupa u No- vom Sadu? – Sve zavisi od virusa i epide- mioloških mera! Ovo su čudna vre- mena za sve. Mi smo spremni, iako smatram da predstava nije spre- mna sve dok se ne podeli sa publi- kom. Situacija u martu, kao i ra- zličiti protokoli koji će je pratiti u Atini i Parizu, trebalo bi da nam omoguće da izvedemo premijeru. A onda u Novom Sadu komad tre- ba da započne svoj međunarodni život. Nadam se da ćemo uspeti. Nisam veliki optimista, ali sam pripremljen za najbolji scenario. Dolazite iz zemlje u kojoj se golo telo podrazume- va, ali samo u antici. Ni- je nam neprijatno da gle- damo skulpture, ali jeste da vidimo nago telo u po- zorištu. Kako vidite tu ra- zliku? – Razumem, ali ne razmišljam uopšte o tome. Nemam nikakve in- hibicije u vezi sa ljudskim telom, ni- ti osećam sramotu zbog toga. Kao

stavu kojoj je svaki po- kret slika, što ima veze sa činjenicom da ste zapravo akademski slikar… – Nisam siguran da sam osa- vremenio igru. Možda sam dopri- neo ili ponudio još jednu perspek- tivu, način na koji se priča može ispričati kroz pokret. Činjenice da slikam otkad sam bio dete i činjeni- ca da sam stekao obrazovanje tra- dicionalnog slikara definisale su način na koji posmatram stvari. Veoma je teško objasniti ljudima koji se ne bave slikarstvom šta zna- či posmatrati život očima slikara. Jednom ste rekli da izbe- gavate iznošenje stavova u svojim predstavama... U tom smislu, šta vam je važno da vidimo na sceni, sa kakvim pitanjima da napustimo teatar? – Mislim da se i to menja sa mojim godinama. U poslednje vre- me sve više pokušavam da se dota- knem velikih pitanja ljudske egzi- stencije. Šta je poenta svega, kako se nosimo sa gubitkom lepote, sa činjenicom da gravitacija sve uz- me, sa idejom smrti, kako se su- očavamo sa trenutnom žudnjom

posmatrač, i naravno kao stvara- lac, razumem da nagost kod ljudi može da izazove reakciju, ali ka- ko godine prolaze i stižu nove ge- neracije, najjednostavniji odgovor bi bio da smo rođeni na taj način i da ne postoji razlog zašto pozo- rište ne treba da uključuje i sliku potpuno nagog tela. Na koji vas način telo in- spiriše, zašto ga ogoljuje- te pred svetom, šta time poručujete? – Ljudsko me telo inspiriše na mnoge načine. Smatram da je to fascinantna mašina i da je način na koji može da se transformiše pot- puno fascinantna priča. Volim fra- gilnost ljudskog tela, kao i činjeni- cu da imam sreće da ga je vizuelna umetnost tokom vekova predsta- vila na različite načine, stvorivši vizuelni jezik koji svi delimo kroz istoriju umetnosti. Taj jezik mi pruža mogućnost da komunici- ram sa ljudima bez reči. Kroz isto- riju umetnosti, prezentacija ljud- skog tela, koja je toliko značajna za sve nas, predstavlja naš zajed- nički jezik.

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/ Photography: Julian Mommert

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