Elevate July 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Tokyo 2021


Najbolje cene karata putem direktnih prodajnih kanala Er Srbije The best ticket prices via Air Serbia direct sales channels

Zašto? / Why?

Bez dodatnih troškova No extra fees

Efikasna i direktna komunikacija sa putnicima putem naših kanala Efficient and direct communication with passengers via our channels

PRIORITY TREATMENT AT BELGRADE AIRPORT - € 27.99 Ovaj paket dodatnih usluga garantuje najbolje iskustvo na aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. U cenu paketa je uključen boravak u Er Srbija Premijum salonu u trajanju od 60 minuta, prioritetni prolaz na pasoškoj kontroli, kao i prvenstvo pri prijavi na let i ukrcavanju. Za više informacija , molimo obratite se kabinskom osoblju ili posetite airserbia.com This bundle guarantees the best airport experience at Nikola Tesla Belgrade airport. Services included at the bundle are 1 hour Air Serbia Premium Lounge pass, Fast Lane at Departures, Priority Check-In and Priority Boarding. For more information, please contact cabin crew or visit airserbia.com Brzo i adekvatno reagovanje na bilo kakve promene Quick and adequate response to any changes

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Jul 2021.

July 2021

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

NEDAVNO SMO OBELEŽILI VEOMA VAŽNU GODIŠNJICU – pola decenije direktnih letova između Beograda i Njujorka. Suvišno je i govoriti o značaju istorijskog leta kojim je 23. juna 2016, posle pauze od 24 godine, ponovo uspostavljena ova li- nija. Dovoljno je samo napomenuti da je Er Srbija i danas, pet godina kasnije, jedini avio-prevoznik koji povezuje ceo region sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Kao i uvek kada su u pitanju veliki i značajni projekti, rad na uspostavljanju letova preko Atlantika doneo je pojedine izazove i ponekad bio praćen sumnjama i skepticizmom. Ipak, uz našu odlučnost i predanost ne samo da smo uspeli da poletimo ka ovoj destinaciji već smo za pet godina kompanija postala prevoznik izbora za putnike iz regiona i celog sveta. Zahvalio bih svima koji su do Velike jabuke leteli upravo sa nama. Nadam se da smo opravdali očekivanja, bili na visini zadatka i učinili da uživate u svakom od 7.260 kilometara puta između srpske prestonice i poznate svetske metropole. Svaku priliku da vas ugostimo na letu smatramo velikom privilegijom. Zbog toga se uvek trudimo da vas dočekamo u skladu sa principima tradicionalnog i prepoznatljivog srpskog gostoprimstva – kako biste uvek poželeli da se vratite. Sada, kad na ovoj popularnoj ruti letimo našim novim prevezli više od 323.000 putnika, uz prosečnu popunjenost putničke kabine od 75 odsto. Čak i tokom pandemije i veoma izazovnih okolnosti za avio-industriju uspeli smo da ostvarimo dobre rezultate. Ponosni smo što je srpska nacionalna avio- erbasom A330 koji nosi ime i lik najslavnijeg srpskog naučnika i pronalazača Nikole Tesle, sa ponosom mogu reći da smo toplu srpsku dobrodošlicu podigli na nivo umetnosti. Kao što su mnogi od vas već imali priliku da se uvere, putničke kabine su najbolje u klasi, a usluga je podignuta na najviši nivo i osmišljena tako da oda počast životu i radu čuvenog genija. Do Njujorka trenutno letimo pet puta nedeljno. Od početka juna za sletanje i poletanje koristimo Terminal 1 Međunarodnog aerodroma Džon F. Kenedi , koji će nakon obnove biti najprostraniji i najsavremeniji na ovom poznatom aerodromu. Raduje nas što smo se na taj način pridružili najvecim međunarodnim avio-kompanijama koje lete za Njujork. Nastavićemo da pomeramo granice, podižemo standarde i unapređujemo ponudu u svakom segmentu. Bez obzira na destinaciju ili tip aviona, naš prioritet je uvek isti – vaše zadovoljstvo! Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

RECENTLY WE CELEBRATED A VERY IMPORTANT anniver- sary – half a decade of direct flights between Belgrade and New York. There is no need to talk about the importance of the historic flight of 23 June 2016, which, after a pause of 24 years, again established this route. It is sufficient only to note that to- day, five years later, Air Serbia is still the only airline to connect the entire region with the United States. As always, when it comes to major and important projects, the work on commencing flights over the Atlantic brought cer- tain challenges as well and sometimes was followed with do- ubt and scepticism. However, with our decisiveness and com- mitment, not only have we managed to start operating flights to this destination, but also, over five years, we had carried more than 323,000 passengers, with an average load factor of 75%. Even during the pandemic and the very challenging circumstances for the airline industry, we have managed to accomplish good results. We are proud that the Serbian national airline became the choice of many passengers from the region, and around the world. I would like to thank everyone who flew to The Big Apple with us. I hope that we have met your expectations, that we were up to the task and that we helped you enjoy every single one of the 7,260 kilometres of the trip between the Serbian capital and the famous international metropolis. We consider every opportunity to host you at our flights a great privilege. That is why we are always trying to welco- me you in accordance with the principles of traditional and re- cognizable Serbian hospitality - so that you always wish to co- me back. Now, when we are operating flights on this popular rou- te using our new Airbus A330, which bears the name and the image of the most famous Serbian scientist and inventor, Ni- kola Tesla, I can proudly say we have turned the warm Serbian welcome into art. As many of you had the opportunity to see, the passenger cabins are the best in class, and the service has been upgraded and is designed to celebrate the life and work of the famous genius. We operate flights to New York five times a week. Starting from June, we are using Terminal 1 of JFK International Airport for landing and taking off, which, after the reconstruction, wi- ll be the most spacious and modern terminal on this famous ai- rport. We are glad that we have joined in this way the ranks of the biggest international airlines operating flights to New York. We will continue to push the limits, raise our standards and im- prove our offer in every segment. Because regardless of desti- nation or aircraft type, our priority remains the same - your sa- tisfaction! Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5





 Novi meni u biznis-klasi na evromediteranskim letovima / New business class menu on Euro- Mediterranean flights

 Er Srbija u maju prevezla više od 100.000 putnika / Air Serbia carried more than 100,000 passengers in May


Ponovo letimo za Španiju: Dobro došli u Barselonu / We fly to Spain again: welcome to Barcelona


 Putujemo sa glumcem Miodragom Dragićevićem / We travel with actor Miodrag Dragićević



Asimetrija, mlađa sestra dekonstrukcije / Asymmetry, the younger sister of deconstruction

 Gagi Jovanović: Prilagodio sam se životu u prirodi / Gagi Jovanović: I adapted to life in nature


 Er Srbija vas vodi u Crnu Goru / Air Serbia takes you to Montenegro


BELEF: Kulturno leto u prestonici / BELEF: Summer of culture in the capital

30. Od 8. do 11. jula na

Petrovaradinu: Exit puni 20 godina / From 8 th to 11 th July at Petrovaradin Fortress: Exit turns 20 Nina Badrić: Pored mora je sve kako treba / Nina Badrić: by the sea, everything is just as it should be



Vidimo se u Tokiju! / See you in Tokyo 60. Boža Maljković: Čuda se u sportu ne dešavaju / Boža Maljković: miracles don’t happen in sport 64. Maja Ognjenović: Japan nam

je stalno donosio sreću / Maja Ognjenović: Japan has constantly brought us luck

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović

Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography

Mitar Mitrović, Zoran Lončarević, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krstić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs



Mnogo je dobrih razloga da odletite na Kipar / There are many good reasons for you to fly to Cyprus Divlja priroda i tirkizno more / Summer holidays in Albania: wild nature and turquoise sea

košarkaš NBA lige / NIKOLA JOKIĆ: most valuable player of the NBA NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ: Ušao u istoriju tenisa / NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ: inscribed in tennis history


100. Letovanje u Albaniji:


U JULU IN JULY 104. Rođen je Električni Isus, a čovek je kročio na

Ulica kralja Petra: Sva raskoš beogradske arhitekture / King Peter Street: all the splendour of Belgrade architecture

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Mesec / “Electric Jesus” was born, man walked on the Moon

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Tokyo 2021

Leto u Srbiji: Kanjoni kao skloništa od vrućine / Summer in Serbia: Canyons as a refuge from the heat

LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 90. Ležerni glamur leta:

Broj / Issue No. 329 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock

Konačno Olimpijada / Finally, the Olympics Foto / Photo: iStock

Božanstveni na bazenu / Leisurely glamour of summer: heavenly by the pool

Contents » Sadržaj | 7



ER SRBIJA U MAJU PREVEZLA VIŠE OD 100.000 PUTNIKA Er Srbija je u maju prevezla najviše putnika u redovnom saobraćaju od februara 2020. godine, odnosno od perioda pre pandemije i obustave putničkog saobraćaja

KADA SE URAČUNAJU PUTNICI U ČARTER-SAOBRAĆAJU, ukupan broj prevezenih putnika premašu- je 100.000. Istovremeno, popunje- nost kapaciteta za prevoz putnika je u maju iznosila 62 odsto. Pažljivo prateći ograničenja u putovanjima i prilagođavajući svoju mrežu u skladu sa izmenama, srp- ska nacionalna avio-kompanija je tokom maja saobraćala do 30 de- stinacija u redovnom saobraćaju. Destinacije do kojih su putnici Er Sr- bije najviše leteli su Tivat, Podgo- rica, Pariz, Moskva, Njujork, Cirih, Istanbul, Atina, Amsterdam i Berlin. – Imajući u vidu očigledne pro- mene u potražnji, možemo re- ći da se situacija razvija u pozitiv- nom pravcu. Optimistični smo po pitanju oporavka avio-saobraca- ja u narednim mesecima, uz neiz- bežnu dozu opreza, jer još posto- je brojne neizvesnosti. Zahvaljujuci našoj fleksibilnosti i brzim reakcija- ma na promene na tržištu, uspeva- mo da ostvarujemo rezultate koji su iznad industrijskog proseka, čak i u trenutnim okolnostima. Fokusirani smo na mogucnosti i trudimo se da iskoristimo svaku priliku koja se uka- že – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor komercijale i strategije u Er Srbiji . U maju je zabeležen i rekor- dan broj poseta Premijum salo- nu srpskog nacionalnog avio-pre- voznika. Usluge Premijum salona

Er Srbije koristilo je 2.329 putni- ka, što predstavlja rekord za taj me- sec, čak i kad se uzmu u obzir go- dine pre pandemije korona virusa. Premijum salon je u maju u proseku posećivalo 75 putnika dnevno, dok 28. maj predstavlja rekordan dan, kad je u Salonu boravilo 139 gosti- ju. Premijum salon Er Srbije je proš- le godine bio zatvoren usled posle- dica pandemije korona virusa, dok ga je u maju 2019. godine posetilo 1.915, a u maju 2018. godine 2.052 putnika.


AIR SERBIA CARRIED MORE THAN 100,000 PASSENGERS IN MAY This May, Air Serbia carried the most passengers in scheduled air traffic since February 2020, i.e. since the period of the outbreak of the pandemic and the suspension of commercial transport

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U maju je zabeležen i rekordan broj poseta Premijum salonu srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika The national airline’s Premium Lounge also saw a record number of visits this May

WITH CHARTER FLIGHTS INCLU- DED, THE TOTAL number of pas- sengers carried exceeds 100,000, while at the same time the passen- ger load factor was 62% in May. Keeping a close eye on tra- vel restrictions and adjusting its network accordingly, the Serbian national airline operated regular fli- ghts to 30 destinations in May, wi- th the most popular destinations among Air Serbia passengers that month being Tivat, Podgorica, Paris, Moscow, New York, Zurich, Istanbul, Athens, Amsterdam and Berlin. “Given the obvious change in demand, we can say that the situa-

tion is developing positively. We are optimistic regarding the recovery of air traffic in the coming mont- hs, with a dose of caution, of cour- se, as there are still numerous un- certainties. Thanks to our flexibility and quick reactions to changes on the market, we have managed to achieve results that exceed the in- dustry average, even under the cu- rrent circumstances. We are fo- cused on the possibilities and are trying to seize every opportunity that presents itself,” says Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Com- mercial and Strategy. The national airline’s Premium

Lounge also saw a record number of visits this May. A total of 2,329 passengers used the services of the Air Serbia Premium Lounge du- ring the month, setting a new re- cord for the month of May, even when counting the pre-pandemic period. The Premium Lounge was visited by an average of 75 passen- gers per day, with 28 th May setting a new attendance record with 139 guests. The Air Serbia Premium Lo- unge was closed last year due to the coronavirus pandemic, while in May 2019 it welcomed 1,915 gue- sts and in May 2018 it served 2,052 passengers.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

Avione volim zato što sam bliže oblacima MIODRAG DRAGIČEVIĆ, GLUMAC

MIODRAG DRAGIČEVIĆ, ACTOR I love planes as I’m closer to the clouds I LOVE THE WAY CLOUDS THEY LOOK FROM that bird’s eye perspective. I love the view of the city shining beneath me at night. I love the instant of take-off and that tranquillity up in the sky, as the plane sails towards some faraway destination...

VOLIM KAKO OBLACI IZGLEDA- JU IZ TE PTIČJE PERSPEKTIVE. Vo- lim pogled na grad koji noću svetli ispod mene. Volim momenat uzletanja i taj mir gore na nebu dok avion jedri ka ne- koj dalekoj destinaciji...

4 Ranac je koristan jer u njega mogu da popakujem sve stvari koje su mi neophodne u avionu. A backpack is useful, because I can pack all the things that are essential while I’m aboard the plane.


U avion ne ulazim bez knjige, naročito na dužim letovima. Kad se sve umiri, mogu da se udubim u čitanje. I don’t board a plane without a book, particularly for longer flights. When everything settles, I can peacefully immerse myself in reading.


Igrice na telefonu dobro dođu kad želim da se baš odmorim i ne razmišljam ni o čemu. Games installed on my phone are always a handy addition when I really want to relax and clear my mind of all thoughts.


Slušalice su uvek uz mene, bez njih nikud ne idem. Headphones are always with me; I go nowhere without them.


Jastuk za glavu je praktična stvar koja ne zauzima mnogo mesta, a mnogo može da pomogne ako mi se prispava. A head support pillow is a practical item that doesn’t take up much space and can help a lot if I’m sleepy.

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Snežana Krstić

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Destination » Destinacija | 11



Montenegro zove tebe Montenegro calls you

Crna Gora obiluje prirodnim lepotama i puna je kontrasta. Na razdaljini od samo 100 kilometara nalaze se tri različita prirodna okruženja: obala, kraški predeo i re - gija visokih planina. Ova zemlja je istovremeno mediteranska, jadranska i planin - ska, ali je more leti bez sumnje njen najlepši dragulj. Obala duga 300 kilometara pruža čitavu lepezu mogućnosti za ljubitelje raznih vidova turizma, a mi vas vodi - mo na tri sasvim različita mesta, do kojih lako možete stići nakon sletanja na ti - vatski aerodrom. Mada vam ni od Podgorice ništa neće biti mnogo daleko, pa mo - žete da birate koji vam let najviše odgovara. Montenegro is rich in sites of natural beauty and filled with contrasts. Within a distance of just 100 kilometres, there are three different natural environments: coastal, karst ter- rain and a region of high mountains. This country is simultaneously Mediterranean, Adriatic and mountainous, but the sea during summer is undoubtedly its most beauti- ful jewel. Its 300-km-long coastline provides a whole array of opportunities for lovers of various types of tourism, and here we're taking you to three completely different plac - es that you can reach easily after arriving at Tivat airport. Although none of them will be very far from Podgorica either, so you can choose the flight that best suits you.

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


me scan

Sto maslina za devojku

A hundred olives for the girl

Stoliv je pravo primorsko mestašce prilju - bljeno uz more. U podnožju planine Vrmac, smešten između Markovog rta i Veriga, naju - žeg dela Bokokotorskog zaliva, i malo skraj - nut od glavnog puta, Stoliv je ostvarenje sno - va za svakoga ko je željan letovanja u miru i tišini. Tu nećete pronaći peščane plaže ni šume suncobrana, a opet ste na nekoliko koraka od mora. Obilje cveća krasi prozore starih ka - menih kuća, a svaki pedalj ovog gradića slika je koja se urezuje u pamćenje. Malo je poznato da Stoliv ima i svoj gornji

Stoliv is a real seaside town in the embrace of the sea. At the foot of Vrmac mountain, locat - ed between Marko's Cape and the strait of Ver - ige, the narrowest part of the Bay of Kotor, it is a dream come true for everyone desiring to spend their summer holiday in peace and quiet. Here you won't find sandy beaches or forests of par - asols, yet you are just a few steps from the sea. Abundant flowers adorn the windows of old stone houses, and every inch of this town forms a picture that's etched into the memory. A little-known fact is that Stoliv also has its own upper town, on Vrmac mountain. Located just

Leti u gradiću cvetaju ruže, a u proleće kamelije Roses bloom in the town during summer, and camellias during spring

grad na planini Vrmac. Na samo 20 minuta ho- da od mora, na visini od 240 metara, ušuškan u stoletnu kestenovu šu - mu nalazi se Gornji Sto- liv, mesto iz kojeg su se stanovnici davnih godi- na spustili do mora i ta- ko osnovali istoimeno novo naselje. Mestom dominira Crkva Svetog Ilije, a uz nju po - stoji i manja Crkva Sve- te Ane, za koju se pret - postavlja da je nastala u 12. veku. Do pre desetak godina

a 20-minute walk from the sea, nestled away in a centuries-old chestnut forest, is Gornji Stoliv, a place whose inhabitants long since descended to the sea and there found- ed a new settlement of the same name. The settlement is dominat - ed by the Church of St. Ili - ja, while alongside it is the smaller Church of St. Ana, which is presumed to have been erected in the 12 th century. The village on the mountain was completely abandoned until about ten

selo u planini bilo je sasvim napušteno, a da - nas se mnogi interesuju za ruševne kuće sta - rih pomoraca i rudara koji su nešto blaga iskopali u Americi. Dve su legende o nastanku imena Stoliv. Pre- ma jednoj, za kišnih dana se sa Vrmca, od sela ka moru, spušta stotinu potoka, a po drugoj, svaki momak, da bi stekao pravo da se oženi, morao je da zasadi stotinu masli - na. Sudeći po broju maslinjaka, treba verova - ti drugoj priči. Stoliv je uz šume kestena i zasade maslina poznat i po kamelijama, koje su stolivski mo - replovci doneli iz Japana u 18. veku. Na Markovom rtu kod Stoliva sudaraju se ve- trovi sa planina Lovćen i Orjen čineći lekovitu ružu vetrova, zbog koje je Stoliv poznat kao vazdušna banja. Zbog vetrova i mora vazduh je pun aerosola kojim, kažu meštani, kao i le - kari, valja zalivati pluća.

years ago, but many people are today interested in the ruined houses of old mariners and miners who left to dig up treasure in America. Two legends exist about the origins of the name Stoliv. According to one, a hundred streams ap - pear on Vrmac on rainy days and descend from the village to the sea, while the other claims that every young man in the town had to plant a hun - dred olive trees in order to gain the right to marry. Judging by the number of olive groves in the ar- ea, we should believe the second story. Alongside chestnut forests and olive groves, Stoliv is also known for camellias, which Stoliv sailors brought back from Japan in the 18 th centu- ry. The winds from the mountains of Lovćen and Orjen collide at Marko’s Cape near Stoliv, form - ing a healing wind rose that is the reason Stoliv is known as an air spa. The winds and the sea en - sure that the air is full of aerosol droplets that lo - cals and doctors say are good for the lungs.

U konobama obavezno probajte školjke, mušlje i kamenice Be sure to try clams, mussels and oysters at the local taverns

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13



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25 km

Stari grad na peni od mora

tragovi, i duh hrišćanstva, i ostaci iz doba Vene - cije. Isprepletane uličice i trgovi iz kasnog sred - njeg veka, čvrsti bedemi, njihove kule i gradske kapije... Tu gde se nalaze mnoge galerije, rad - nje sa suvenirima i ekskluzivnim brendovima, barovi i restorani i gde se miris mora i ribe me- ša sa muzikom. Tokom letnjih meseci, zahvalju - jući predstavama, koncertima i izložbama, Stari grad postaje Grad teatar, kako se i zove festival koji od 1987. godine oplemenjuje Budvu i daje joj posebnu boju i šarm. Ukoliko ste ljubitelj po - zorišta, nezaboravne scene i prizori iz predstava koje se igraju pod otvorenim nebom sigurno će vam biti jedno od najlepših sećanja. Tvrđava je prvobitno podignuta na ostrvu ne - daleko od obale, a kasnije je prevlakom spoje - na sa kopnom, tako da je to danas poluostrvo, a u grad možete ući na jedna od petoro vrata. U okviru Starog grada naći ćete tri crkve. Na Ci - tadeli su ostaci temelja Crkve Svete Marije, po kojoj tvrđava nosi naziv. Dakle, Budva nije sa - mo najbolje mesto za provod u Crnoj Gori. Ona je mnogo više od toga i čeka da je otkrijete.

Budva je bila poprište burnih i slavnih događa - ja, istorije koja se prepričava više od 2.500 go - dina i jedan je od najstarijih urbanih centara na Jadranu. Pominje je i Sofokle u 5. veku pre no - ve ere nazivajući je „gradom Ilirije“, a potom, kada je pala pod vlast Rimljana, i Plinije Sta - riji kao „utvrđeni grad rimskih građana“. Bud - va u tom periodu ima sve odlike pravog rim- skog grada, sa monumentalnim građevinama, popločanim ulicama i masivnim bedemima. U okviru Rimskog carstva ostaće sve do njego - vog pada. Preuzeće je tada vizantijski carevi, da bi u Budvi posle 841. godine trajno počeli da se nastanjuju Sloveni. U 12. veku grad pada pod vlast Nemanjića, zatim Mlečana, odbrani - će se od Turaka, ali će stići Austrijanci, Francu - zi, pa ratovi, sve dok 1944. godine ne bude traj - no oslobođena. Sva se ova istorija vidi u Starom gradu. I antički

Jaz je najveca plaža na području Budvanske rivijere van Budve, dugačka je 1,2 km i nalazi se 2,5 km od Budve Jaz is the largest beach on the territory of the Budva Riviera outside the city itself. It is 1.2 km long and located 2.5 km from Budva

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Old town on sea foam Budva has been the scene of turbulent and glo - rious events, with a history that’s been recount - ed for more than 2,500 years, and is among the oldest urban centres on the Adriatic coast. It was even mentioned by Sophocles in the 5 th century BC, who dubbed it the "city of Illyria". Later, when it fell under Roman rule, Pliny the Elder described it as a "fortified city of Roman citizens". Budva had all the characteristics of a real Roman city during that period, with monumental buildings, paved streets and massive ramparts. It would re - main within the Roman Empire until its ultimate demise. It was then taken over by Byzantine em - perors, only for Slavs to begin permanently set - tling in Budva after the year 841. The city fell under the rule of the Nemanjić dynasty in the 12 th centu- ry, then later fell to the Venetians. It succeeded in defending itself against the Ottoman Turks, but the Austrians and French came, then wars followed until the city was permanently liberated in 1944. All of this history can be seen in the Old Town, through ancient traces and the spirit of Christian - ity, and ruins dating back to the time of Venetian rule. Intertwined streets and squares from the late medieval period, solid ramparts adorned with tow - ers and city gates... There are many galleries and souvenir shops, but also boutiques offering exclu - sive brands, bars and restaurants, and it is there

that the aromas of the sea and fish mix with music. During the summer months, thanks to performanc - es, concerts and exhi - bitions, the Old Town becomes the City The - atre, which is also the name of the festi- val that has enriched the city of Budva with a special colour and charm since 1987. If you are a theatre lov- er, the unforgettable

sights and scenes from plays that are performed under an open sky will surely be among your most beautiful memories. The town citadel was originally built as a castle on an island just off the coast, then later connected to the mainland with a causeway so that it today forms a peninsula. You can enter the city through one of its five gates. You will find three churches within the Old Town. The citadel contains the ru - ined foundations of the Santa Maria de Castel - lo church, after which the castle was named. So, Budva isn’t only the best place for a good time in Montenegro. It is much more than that, and it’s waiting for you to discover it…

Peščani Mogren jedna je od najlepših plaža u Crnoj Gori, a ima i plavu zastavicu The sandy Mogren Beach is one of the most beautiful in Montenegro, while it also boasts a Blue Flag

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15



me scan


Igra maestrala i legenda o Don Kihotu Na početku Velike ulcinjske plaže usidren je drveni jedrenjak, tu je kafić iz čijeg zvučnika dopire klavirska sonata. Sa tog mesta pogled pustiš i pitaš se da li će ti se ikada više vrati - ti jer je otišao niz više od 12 kilometara dugu peščanu plažu koju zapljuskuje plitko more. Ono koje se lomi u mnogo tankih talasa, po - malo kao okean. Ništa ne remeti tu savršenu ravnotežu osim ptica koje se glasaju u visini, pa ti se nekako čini da si sam na svetu. Plaža je poznata po tome što privlači ljubi - telje kajtinga i svih vrsta sportova za koje je potreban vetar. U tim se delovima nebo ša - reni od padobrana, a ljudi vrište od uzbuđe - nja. Klimatski uslovi su idealni za sportove. Gotovo svakog dana oko podneva počinje

da duva maestral i prestaje u suton, smiri sa se danom. A tu je i Stari grad, a u njemu Migel de Ser - vantes. Da, isti onaj španski pisac koji je stvorio Don Kihota . I to navodno baš ovde, u Ulcinju. A ta priča počinje s gusarima. Nai - me, Ulcinj je oduvek bio poznato piratsko uto - čište, mesto iz kojeg su pirati kretali da osvo - je brodove Mlečana, Španaca, Turaka. Oni su odlazili na Sredozemlje, donosili plen, ali i do - vodili robove. Glavni trg Starog grada i da- nas zovu Trg robova jer se baš na tom mestu obavljala kupoprodaja. Sa zarobljenicima je, navodno, jednog dana 1575. godine stigao i tada 28-godišnji Ser - vantes, koji je zarobljen kad su ulcinjski pira - ti osvojili španski brod kod Korzike. Pet godi - na proveo je u Ulcinju i postao veoma omiljen među lokalcima jer je po celu noć nešto za - pisivao (navodno Don Kihota ), a po ceo dan

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Dance of the Mistral and the legend of Don Quixote A wooden sailing ship is anchored at the start of Ulcinj’s Long Beach and houses a cafe that blasts piano sonatas from its speakers. Look - ing out from that place, you’ll wonder if your gaze will ever return, as it extends along a sandy beach that stretches for more than 12 kilometres and is splashed by a shallow sea that breaks into many thin waves, somewhat like an ocean. And nothing disturbs that perfect equilibrium, except the birds chirping from on high, so it somehow feels as though you’re all alone in the world. This beach is known for attracting lovers of kit - ing and all sports that require wind. The sky in this area is awash with parachutes and the sound of people screaming with excitement. The climatic conditions make this an ideal place for sports. The mistral wind begins to blow almost every day at around noon and only stops at dusk, waning with the day. And there’s also the Old Town and in it Miguel de Cervantes. Yes, the same Spanish writer who cre - ated Don Quixote. And he allegedly did so right here, in Ulcinj. And that story begins with pirates. Specifically, Ulcinj was always a well-known haven for pirates, a place from which pirates set out to plunder the ships of the Venetians, Spaniards and Turks. They headed out into the Mediterranean and brought back booty, but also slaves. The Old Town’s main square is still called the Square of Slaves, because it was on this very spot that these unfortunate people were bought and sold. Among the captives arriving there one day in 1575 was, allegedly, the then 28-year-old Cervantes, who was captured when pirates from Ulcinj took a Spanish ship near Corsica. He spent five years in Ulcinj and became very popular among the lo - cals, because he spent all his nights writing some - thing (allegedly Don Quixote) and spent all his days singing serenades. He was accompanied by a young girl who’d fallen in love with him, and he took her back to Spain after his father sold prop - erty to pay the ransom. Her name was Dulsineja, just like Don Quixote's muse and just like a woman from Ulcinj (Dulčino is Ulcinj’s former name). Perhaps he did and perhaps he didn't, but Cervantes is nonetheless considered a son-in-law of Ulcinj and a monument dedicated to him was erected in the Old Town. And Cervantes isn’t the only curiosity. Ulcinj is a city filled with legends of scary pirates and ladies in love, but it’s also filled with kindly people who will treat you to ice cream even though they’ve never seen you before…

Servantesa smatraju ulcinjskim

zetom, pa su mu i spomenik podigli u Starom gradu Cervantes is considered a son- in-law of Ulcinj and a monument to him stands in the Old Town

Ljubitelji kajtinga i vindsurfinga ovamo dolaze iz celog sveta jer su uslovi savršeni Perfect windy conditions lure lovers of kiting and windsurfing from all over the world

pevao španske serenade. Pratila ga je zalju - bljena mlada devojka, koju je, nakon što je njegov otac prodao imanje i platio otkup, po - veo u Španiju. Zvala se Dulsineja, baš kao Don Kihotova muza, baš kao Ulcinjanka (sta - ro ima Ulcinja je Dulčino). Možda jeste, možda nije, tek Servantesa smatraju ulcinjskim zetom, pa su mu i spo - menik podigli u Starom gradu. I nije tu sa- mo Servantes. Ulcinj je grad prepun legendi o strašnim piratima i zaljubljenim gospama, ali i pun ljubaznih ljudi koji će vas počastiti sla - doledom, iako vas nikada nisu videli.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

Intervju Interview

Dragan Jovanović

U tananoj materiji njegove duše nakupilo se najviše sreće zbog porodice, zato druge segmente života brižljivo bira ili odbacuje. Prijaju mu boravak u brvnari na Zlatiboru, igranje bilijara, muzika s kasetofona, gledanje prenosa sportskih mečeva, a godio bi mu život u 19. veku O d premijernog filmskog lika Vukov- ca u Ortacima Dragan Jovanović (55) ispisuje u dosadašnjih tri i po dece- nija staža jednu od najbogatijih do- maćih glumačkih biografija. Često ga publika od milošte naziva jednim od svojih najdra- žih glumčina i šmekera večito mladog duha. Krea- tivno se iskazao i brojnim muzičkim hitovima kao frontmen grupa Kuguarsi i Džiberi , koje je oformio s kolegama, pa planira i da ta priča dobije treći na- stavak s novom postavom. DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ, GLUMAC NA ZLATIBORU SAM SE PRILAGODIO ŽIVOTU U PRIRODI

U martu je završeno snimanje druge se- zone serije Švindleri , u kojoj tumačite lik Sofronija Ignjatovića. Kako je taj lik uspeo da vas vrati na TV scenu? – Dopala mi se jedistvena priča o švindlerima i epo- ha s početka 20. veka u Srbiji. Zaličila mi je na rukopis Branislava Nušića, ima i pomalo crnog humora. Bilo mi je zanimljivo da proniknem u mentalitet tih likova, način života. Od početne ideje do snimanja na terenu dese se promene, zamke, problemi. Uspeli smo da ih timski savladamo i na snimanju druge sezone serije.

18 | Intervju » Interview

To što umem da zasmejem druge ljude ne znači uvek da sam dobro raspoložen. Ne bih mogao ni da radim ako mi to ne pričinjava zadovoljstvo. Zato uopšte ne počinjem posao ako nisam siguran da će me ispuniti

Just because I’m capable of making other people laugh, that doesn’t always mean I’m in a good mood. I wouldn’t even be able to work if that didn’t bring me satisfaction. That’s why I don’t even start a job if I’m not sure it will fulfil me

Kakvi su vaši poslovni planovi? – S rediteljem Vasilijem Nikitovićem sam na- pisao dva filmska scenarija i konkurisali smo na domaćim konkursima za finansije, pa je jedan od tih projekata podržan određenim sredstvima. U tom projektu potpisaću se kao scenarista, pro- ducent i reditelj, ako plan bude uspeo. Ideje mi nikad nisu bile u deficitu, kad bih i deset od- sto realizovao, bio bi uspeh. Ideje su najvažije za umetnika, a na volji, koje mi ponekad manj- ka, može da se poradi. Uprkos kinematografskoj i serijskoj hi- perprodukciji poslednjih godina u Srbi- ji, ipak vas nema u podelama, kao ni u po- zorištu? – Ne bih da radim bilo šta u tim produkcijama, već sam mnogo toga uradio. Povreda kičme pre ne- koliko godina zbog diskus hernije me još sprečava da igram u teatru, mojoj najvećoj glumačkoj ljubavi. Još sam na svakodnevnoj terapiji zbog bolova u kič- mi i disciplinovan sam. Opet biste birali glumu? – To je viša sila, ne može tu mnogo da se menja izbor. Druga opcija bila bi mi sport, ali nije mi sport- ska karijera neostvaren san. Igrao sam fudbal, stoni tenis, tenis, a stigao sam do bilijara, koji igram u brv- nari-vikendici na Zlatiboru. Najdraže mi je da igram sam sa sobom jer uvek pobedim. Imate li žal za inostranom glumačkom ka- rijerom? – Nikad nisam to imao jer bih bio ograničen iz- borom uloga zbog svog maternjeg jezika. Sigurno ne bih, na primer, mogao da glumim nekog Engleza, a nije me zanimalo da igram opasne tipove s druge strane zakona. Podjednako kao za glumu i muzički ste ta- lentovani. Imate li nove muzičke želje i planove? – Na zemunskoj gardoškoj sceni su Džiberi ima- li poslednji koncert u 2012. godini, a pošto živim u komšiluku, na tom koncertu sam nastupio u pidža- mi i papučama. Nakupilo se novih pesama, ako bude zdravlja, verujem da ću opet biti i muzičar. U trećoj varijanti ćemo imati i treći naziv za grupu. Koju muziku najradije slušate? – Na kasetofonu naizmenično biram između 2.000 kaseta sa različitim žanrovima. Najčešće slušam kla- siku, a i rok i bluz iz mladalačkih dana. U divnoj pri- rodi s njenim zvucima je grehota slušati i muziku, zato mi najviše prija uveče. Često ste u vikendici na Zlatiboru? – Moja supruga Branka Pujić, glumica i redov- ni profesor glume na FDU, najčešće mi pravi druš- tvo u našoj vikendici. Poslednjih godina sam tamo kad god nemam poslovnih obaveza, a 2020. sam veći deo vremena bio tamo za vreme pandemije. To

mi je humanija varijanta života, vrlo sam se prila- godio životu u prirodi. Gde ste suprugu prvi put videli na sceni i koliko scenski život utiče na porodični? – Branku sam prvi put video u hodniku Fakulte- ta dramskih umetnosti kad smo bili studenti, a posle sam je video kad glumi. Gluma je svakako usrećila naš život. Hvala glumi! Retko i kratko u svakodnevici pri- čamo o poslu, prećutno je to tabu. Pohvalim supru- gu i ćerku kad ih gledam u nekoj ulozi, njih dve sada rade više od mene. Radili smo već zajedno, i sada u Švindlerima smo imali mnogo zajedničkih scena o kojima se dogovaramo.

Živim u Zemunu, volim Zemun, on ima atmosferu varoši iz starijih vremena I live in Zemun, I love it, it has the atmosphere of a market town from bygone times

Da li strepite kad ćerku Anđelu gledate na sceni? – Gledati nju mi je čista radost, još od dana kad sam se uverio da ima dara za glumu, da je rođena za to i da može samostalno kroz život. Šta vam izmami radost i osmeh? Poznat ste kao vrlo duhovit čovek... – Moja porodica mi je najveća sreća i radost. Ali i deca i životinje jer su neiskvarene i čiste duše. Naža- lost, retka je pojava danas da se ljudi sreću bez inte- resa. To što umem da zasmejem druge ljude ne zna- či uvek da sam dobro raspoložen. Ne bih mogao ni da radim ako mi to ne pričinjava zadovoljstvo. Zato uopšte ne počinjem posao ako nisam siguran da će me pozitivno ispuniti. Kako najčešće provodite slobodno vreme? – Pratim polufinale i finale svetskog mastera u bilijaru na TV. Igram sam sa sobom u vikendici na Zlatiboru. Zašto je Zemun u svim vašim pričama je- dan od likova? – Živim u njemu, ima atmosferu varoši iz starijih vremena. Ja sam, izgleda, čovek iz 19. veka, više bi mi prijalo to doba. Možda sam u nekom prošlom ži- votu, ako ih ima, tada već živeo. Istu zemlju bih iza- brao da se u njoj rodim, ali ne u sadašnjem vremenu.

Interview » Intervju | 19


da je trebalo da bude tako, jer ona je veličanstveno biće. Srećom, imala je sestričine vršnjakinje za igru. Prijaju li vam letovi Er Srbijom ? – Ranije su mi putovanja prijala više nego sada. Imao sam kao mlad strah od letenja, pa sam završio pilotski kurs za mali sportski avion. Lepo sam savla- dao strah i prijalo mi je pilotiranje. Uverio sam se da je avion najbezbedniji prevoz. U 2020. sam leteo pre- ma Zanzibaru preko Afrike, to su mi dosad bili naj- duži letovi. Kraći su ipak prijatniji. Inače, Afrika mi je najdraži kontinent, Afrikanci su predivni. Kako provodite vreme u avionu? – Na letovima volim da gledam digitalnu geograf- sku mapu s koordinatama iznad kojih je tada avion, a nalazi se na sedištu ispred mene. Radoznao sam i da saznam podatke o letu od pilota. Aerodromske gu- žve i kontrole su mi najproblematičnije.

Za mene je sadašnjost kao budućnost i ne osećam se u ovom vremenu kao svoj na svome. Koja je neispunjena želja? – Sigurno je ostao žal što nismo imali više dece. A kad vidim moje dete, manje za tim žalim, i mož- Povreda kičme pre nekoliko godina zbog diskus hernije me još sprečava da igram u teatru, mojoj najvećoj glumačkoj ljubavi

In the sensitive substance of his soul, he has amassed the greatest happiness because of his family, which is why he carefully selects or rejects other segments of life. He enjoys residing at his log cabin on Zlatibor mountain, playing pool, listening to music on a cassette player and watching broadcasts of sporting events, while life in the 19 th century would have suited him... I ADAPTED TO LIFE IN NATURE ON ZLATIBOR DRAGAN JOVANOVIĆ, ACTOR

S ince his debut performance as the charac- ter of Vukovac in the film Ortaci [Partners; 1988], Dragan Jovanović (55) has inscribed one of the richest acting biographies on the domestic scene over his three and a half dec- ades of experience to date. And his amiability often leads the public to call him one of their favourite ac- tors, and a charmer with an eternally young spirit. He has also expressed himself creatively through numer- ous musical hits, as the lead vocalist of the groups The Kuguars and Džiberi, which he formed together with his colleagues, and he's planning a third sequel to this story, with a new line-up. Shooting for the second season of the series Swindlers, in which you play the character of Sofroni Ignjatović, was completed in March. How did that character succeed in bringing you back to the TV scene? "I liked the unique story of the Swindlers and that epoch from the beginning of the 20 th centu- ry in Serbia. It reminded me of a Branislav Nušić manuscript, and it also has a little black humour. I found it interesting to sprout into the mentality of those characters, that way of life. From the ini- tial idea to shooting on the ground, changes, traps and problems occur. We also managed to overcome them as a team during the shooting of the second season of the series." What are you planning on the work front? "Together with director Vasilije Nikitović, I've writ- ten two film scripts and we competed in domestic fund- ing contests, so one of those projects was supported with a certain amount of funding. I will put my sig- nature to that project as a screenwriter, producer and director, provided the plan succeeds. I've never had a shortage of ideas, and it would be a success if I realised ten per cent of them. Ideas are the most important el- ement for an artist. And the will, which I'm sometimes lacking, can be worked on." Despite Serbia's cinematic and television se- ries hyper-productivity of recent years, you still aren't among those divisions or appear- ing in theatres? "I wouldn't like to do anything in those produc- tions, I've already done a lot. A spinal injury I sustained a few years ago, due to a slipped disc, still prevents me from performing in the theatre, as the form of acting I love the most and in which I feel at my best. I still have daily therapy for the back pain and I'm disciplined." Would you choose acting again? "That's a higher power, not much can be done about changing the choice. My second option would be sports, but my sporting career isn't an unfulfilled dream. I played football, table tennis, tennis, and I made it to pool, which I play in my weekend log cabin on Zlati- bor mountain. I like to play on my own, because then I always win."

Do you have regrets about not forging an acting career abroad? "I've never had that, because I would have been lim- ited in the choice of roles due to my native language. I certainly couldn't, for example, play an Englishman, and I wasn't interested in portraying dangerous guys on the wrong side of the law." You are equally as talented in music as you are in acting. Do you have new wishes and plans for music? "Džiberi [music group] had their last concert on Zemun's Gardoš scene in 2012, and as I live in the neighbourhood, I performed there in pyja- mas and slippers. New songs have accumulated, and if I'm healthy I believe I'll be a musician again. We'll also have a third name for the third varia- tion of the group." What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? "On a cassette player, I alternately select between 2,000 cassettes with different genres. I usually listen to classics, as well as rock and blues from the days of my youth. In beautiful nature, with its sounds, it's a shame to listen to music, which is why I enjoy it the most during the evening."

You're often at your weekend cottage on Zlatibor? "My wife, Branka Pujić, an actress and full professor of act- ing at the FDA [Facul- ty of Dramatic Arts], usually keeps me com- pany at our weekend cottage. Over recent years I've been there whenever I don't have work obligations, and in 2020 I was there most of the time during the pandemic. To me that's a more humane variant of life, I've really adapt- ed to life in nature."

A spinal injury I sustained a few years ago, due to a slipped disc, still prevents me from performing in the theatre, as the form of acting I love the most

Where did you first see your wife on stage and how much does performing life impact on the family? "I first saw Branka in the hallway of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts when we were students, and then I saw her acting. Acting has certainly brought happi- ness to our lives. Thanks, acting! We rarely and brief- ly talk about work in our everyday life, it's a tacitly taboo topic. I commend my wife and daughter when I see them in some role; the two of them now work more than I do. We've worked together before, and now, in Swindlers, we had a lot of shared scenes that we reached agreement on."

Interview » Intervju | 21


Na letovima volim da gledam digitalnu geografsku mapu s koordinatama iznad kojih je tada avion During flights I like to look at the digital geographical map with the coordinates of where the plane is above at that moment

Do you feel nervous when watching your daughter Anđela on stage?

and in these times I don't feel like I'm in my element." What is an unfulfilled desire? "There's certainly a regret that we didn't have more children. And I regret that less when I see my child, and perhaps it was meant to be like that, because she's a magnificent being. Luckily, she had first cousins as peers for playing." Do you enjoy Air Serbia flights? "I previously enjoyed all my travels more than I do now. I had a fear of flying in planes as a young man, so I completed a pilot's course for a light-sport plane. I overcame my fear nicely and enjoyed piloting. I was convinced that planes are the safest form of trans- port. In 2020, I flew over Africa to Zanzibar, those were my longest flights to date. I find shorter flights more pleasant. Africa is my favourite continent and Africans are wonderful." How do you spend your time aboard planes? "During flights I like to look at the digital geograph- ical map with the coordinates of where the plane is above at that moment, which is on the seat in front of me. I'm also curious to find out information about the flight from the pilot. I find airport crowds and con- trols the most problematic."

"Watching her is pure joy for me, ever since the day I convinced myself that she has a gift for acting; that she's born for it and can go through life independently." What brings you joy and a smile to your face? You are known as a very witty man. "My family is my greatest happiness and joy. But also children and animals, because they are uncorrupt- ed and pure souls. Unfortunately, it's rare today for people to meet without having an interest in doing so. Just because I'm capable of making other people laugh, that doesn't always mean I'm in a good mood. I wouldn't even be able to work if that didn't bring me satisfaction. That's why I don't even start a job if I'm not sure it will fulfil me positively." How do you most often spend your free time? "I follow the semi-finals and finals of the world pool masters on TV. I play on my own in my weekend cottage on Zlatibor." Why is Zemun one of the characters in all your stories? "I live there, it has the atmosphere of a market town from bygone times. It seems that I'm a man from the 19 th century, I would have preferred that era. Maybe I already lived there in some past life, if there are any. I would choose to be born in the same country, but not in present times. For me, the present is like the future,

Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Mitar Mitrović

22 | Intervju » Interview

Kultura Culture

Beograd Belgrade

KULTURNO LETO U PRESTONICI SUMMER OF CULTURE IN THE CAPITAL BELEF: Novi život za Beograd BELEF: New life for Belgrade Ovogodišnji Belef , čiji glavni program traje do 10. jula, ima dva slogana – jedan je Beograd živi , a drugi Novi početak , čime se slavi ponovno bujanje kulturnog života posle pandemije / This year’s Belgrade Summer Festival, BELEF, the main programme of which runs until 10 th July, has two slogans: one is “Belgrade lives” and the other is “New Beginning”, which celebrates the new flourishing of cultural life after the pandemic

S vima koji će ovog leta posetiti srpsku pre- stonicu, ali i Beograđanima koji neće otići na more, Beograd će imati šta da ponudi – svoj tradicionalni letnji festival i na njemu predstave, koncerte, izložbe… Ovogodišnje izdanje Beogradskog letnjeg festi- vala naslanja se na iskustvo Beogradske letnje sce- ne 2020. godine sa idejom da publici omogući pre- mijerna izvođenja pozorišnih, igračkih i muzičkih predstava i koncerata, objedinjenih u okviru kon- cepata: beogradske premijere, nove predstave, novi autori, novi početak… Belef , koji sledeće godine slavi 30. rođendan, od ovog leta ima drugačiju koncepciju – veću kulturnu ponudu, produžavanje pozorišne sezone, izmešta- nje na trgove, tvrđavu, u parkove. Festival oživljava trgove, ulice i razna mesta na kojima do sada nismo imali priliku da gledamo kulturne sadržaje. Beogradski letnji festival otvoren je 27. juna na Kalemegdenu mjuziklom Cigani lete u nebo Pozori- šta na Terazijama , a Beogradska letnja scena , koja je uglavnom posvećena pozorištu, imaće glavni program u okviru kojeg će biti izvedeno 16 predstava, od če- ga pet premijera i tri beogradske premijere, Belef za mlade i Dečji Belef , kao i prateći program. Nastupiće i operska diva Elina Garanča, koja će se 4. jula beo- gradskoj publici predstaviti koncertnim izvođenjem opere Karmen , zajedno sa Operom i orkestrom Srp- skog narodnog pozorišta. Za decu će Beograd ponu- diti dečji kutak na Trgu republike, ispred Paviljona Cvijeta Zuzorić , u Parku vojvode Vuka i na Kosan- čićevom vencu. Na ovim lokacijama biće prikazano više od sto dečjih predstava i različitih programa to- kom čitavog leta. Posle glavnog programa počinje program koji će trajati duže od mesec i po – Beogradske letnje noći ,

F or all those visiting the Serbian capital this summer, but also Belgraders who won’t be heading to the seaside, Belgrade will have something to offer: its traditional summer festival, with its theatre plays, concerts, ex- hibitions etc. This year's edition of the Belgrade Summer Fes- tival calls on the experience of the Belgrade Summer Stage 2020, with the idea of enabling the audience to enjoy premiere performances of new theatre, dance and music shows and concerts, all united within the concept: Belgrade premieres, new plays, new authors, new beginning… Belef, which celebrates its 30 th birthday next year, has a different concept as of this summer – an increased cultural offer, the extending of the theatre season and relocations to squares, the fortress and city parks. The festival brings to life squares, streets and various oth- er places where we haven’t previously had an opportu- nity to see cultural events. The Belgrade Summer Festival opened on 27 th June in Kalemegden Fortress Park, with the musical Gyp- sies Are Found Near Heaven. Terazije Theatre and the Belgrade Summer Stage, which is mainly dedicated to theatre, will have a main programme that will include the performing of 16 plays, five of which will be pre- miere performances and three will have their Belgrade premieres, and BELEF for the youth and the children's BELEF, as well as a rich ancillary programme. There will also be a performance of Latvian opera diva Elina Garanča, who will present herself to the Belgrade au- dience on 4 th July in a concert performance of the op- era Carmen, together with the opera and orchestra of the Serbian National Theatre. For children, Belgrade will provide a children's corner on Republic Square, in front of the Cvijeta Zuzorić Pavilion, in Vojvode

24 | Beograd » Belgrade

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