Powering the Next Billion Indian Citizens with AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

Connecting thenext1Bilion citizens with bi-lingualfeatures

Bridging theaccessibilitygap, oneconversation ata tim e India'sdiversepopulation with varying degreesof technologicalliteracyand language preferences posed chalengesin dissem inating inform ation and providing consistentaccessto criticalservices. To addressthese bariers, Fractal com pany)wascom m issioned to develop an AI-powered virtualassistantenabling seam less accessto governm entservices. UMANG aim ed tobridgetheaccessibiltygap for essentialservicesand inform ation,particularlyfor tim e-sensitive needs.The virtualassistantseam lessly integrated criticalservicesinto itsinterface,providing an intuitive and user-centric experience.

Overcom ing thelanguagebarier and digitaldivide UMANG'sm ission to provide universalaccessto criticalservicesand inform ation washindered by the linguistic and technologicaldiversityofIndia's population. To addressthis,a centralized inform ation delivery system thataccom m odated varying levelsof technologyproficiencyand device preferences wasdeveloped.Theultim ategoalwasto ensure thateveryusercould accessthe inform ation theyneeded with ease.

Theneed forNaturalLanguageProcessing algorithm s tounderstand culturaland linguisticnuanceswas im perativeto overcom ethesechalenges.

Bridging theaccessibilitygap, oneconversation ata tim e To provide beteraccessto criticalservicesand inform ation,‘AskUMANG’-a virtualassistantwas developed.Itwasinitiated byfirstunderstanding theneedsoftheIndian population,including their language preferences. Thishelped in designing an assistantthatcould workin diferentlanguages,m aking iteasierfor usersto availthe platform 'sservices.The assistant seam lessly integrated criticalservices into its interface,providing a user-friendlyexperience.

Accessto safe blood and blood com ponentsisa keystep in the Governm entofIndia'sm ission to achieve UniversalHealth Care foralby2030. The VirtualAssistant's integration with the CentralBlood Bank Managem entSystem would play a criticalrole during em ergencies byalowing people to instantly trackand getreal-tim e blood availabiltyata blood banknear them. -ShridharMari CEO,and

Bi-lingualcapabiltiesencouraged userengagem entand sign-upsfor governm entinitiatives.

Multi-channelcapabiltiesacross m obileand web enhanced and prom oted governm entinitiatives.

Voice-based supportincreased signupswhileim proving publichealth and wel-being.

Real-tim e accessto 200+ essential serviceshelped addressqueriesfrom a bilion citizens.

Mic Drop Enabling accessthrough Um angappandwebbrowsers To ensure seam lessaccessto criticalservices, UMANG wasm adeavailableonbothm obile applicationsand theweb,catering to userswith varying device preferences. Itprovided a consistentuserexperience regardless oftechnicalabiltyorbudget.Moreover,userscan now accessthe virtualassistantwith a sim ple phonecal,m aking UMANG accessibleto users acrossaldevices,including feature phones.

AskUm angboosts public service accessibility

The introduction ofthe AIvirtualassistantthrough UMANG m arked a turning pointin publicservice accessibiltyin India. The virtualassistanthasa user-centric interface, bilngualcapabilties,and com patibiltywith a widerangeofdevices.Asa result,ithasopened up accessto tensofm ilionsofusers,enabling them to participatein governm entprogram sand initiativeslike neverbefore.

Fractalisoneofthem ostprom inentprovidersof ArtificialInteligenceto Fortune500®com panies. Fractal’svision isto powereveryhum an decision in theenterprise,and bring AI,engineering,and design tohelp theworld’sm ostadm ired com panies. Fractal’sbusinessesinclude CruxInteligence (AIdriven businessinteligence),, growth m anagem ent) and custom erservice). Fractalincubated,a leading playerin healthcare AIfordetecting Tuberculosisand Lung cancer. Fractalcurentlyhas4000+ em ployeesacross16 globallocations,including the United States,UK,Ukraine,India,Singapore,and Australia.Fractalhasbeen recognized as‘GreatW orkplace’and ‘India’sBestW orkplacesforW om en’ in the top 100 (large)categorybyThe GreatPlace to W ork®Institute; featured asa leaderin Custom erAnalyticsService ProvidersW ave™ 2021, Com puterVision ConsultanciesW ave™ 2020 & Specialized InsightsService ProvidersW ave™ 2020 byForesterResearch Inc.,a leaderin Analytics& AIServicesSpecialistsPeakMatrix2022byEverestGroup and recognized asan & ‘HonorableVendor’in 2022MagicQuadrant™ fordata & analyticsbyGartnerInc.Form ore inform ation,

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