Newton Public Schools Digital Budget Book FY2025
District Leadership | 2 |
School Leadership | 3 |
2023-24 Annual Report | 5 |
Newton-at-a-Glance | 6 |
Goal 1: Foster Joyful and Supportive Learning Environments | 9 |
Goal 2: Provide Culturally Responsive, High Quality, Rigorous Instruction for All | 17 |
Goal 3: Ensure Equitable Access to Effective Educators | 26 |
Goal 4: Optimize District Planning and Budgeting Ecosystem | 29 |
Operating Budget and Settled Contracts | 36 |
Newton and Comparison Districts | 42 |
Budget Message From The Superintendant | 46 |
Introduction & Overview | 48 |
Executive Summary | 49 |
Overview by Major Program Area | 54 |
Factors of the FY25 Budget by Program | 73 |
FY25 Budget Summaries | 80 |
Budget by Type of Spending Pie Chart | 81 |
Budget By Type of Spending | 82-83 |
Budget By Account | 84 |
FY25 Budget Detail | 88 |
Budget Summary by Responsibility Center | 90-91 |
Budget Detail by Responsibility Center | 92-93 |
FY25 Budget by Location | 142 |
Budget Summary by Location (Schools) | 144-145 |
Budget Detail by Location (Schools) | 146-147 |
FY25 Multi-Year Budget | 304 |
Staffing FTE Data | 314 |
FTE History FY20 – FY25 | 315 |
FTE Detail | 316-317 |
Expense Trend Details | 326 |
FY24 / FY25 Per Pupil Expenditures | 327 |
FY24 Per Pupil Allocation Budget by School | 332-333 |
Use of Per Pupil Allocations (FY23 – FY25) | 334 |
FY25 Health Insurance Budget Detail | 336-337 |
Out-of-District Tuition Summary (FY21 – FY25) | 338-339 |
Building Energy and Utilities Forecast (FY21 – FY25) | 340-341 |
Sources of Support Details | 346 |
Sources of City Funding for the Newton Public Schools (FY23 Actual) | 348-349 |
All Funds Revenue Summary (FY22 – FY24) | 350 |
Summary of Grant Revenue (FY21 – FY24) | 352-353 |
Grant Revenue Expenditure Detail (FY21 – FY24) | 354 |
FY24 Allocation and Competitive Grants | 357 |
FY23 Use of Revolving Account Revenue | 359 |
FY24 Athletics Revolving Account Budget | 366-367 |
Circuit Breaker Reimbursement (FY20 – FY24) | 368-369 |
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