Cannapages Jan/Feb 2024 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Your quintessential cannabis directory complete with dispensary deals, industry satire, expert product reviews, business listings & more.

Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown JAN-FEB 2024

Vol 11. Edition 1

$4.20 Cents


Celebrating 10 Years Editor's Note, Page 8 We're tickled pink to have passed the 10-year mark as we print into the next decade. ank you for reading! See Editor's Note ...... .................Page 8 A Rare Rateli Gem Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Hashy Gyro Bowls Cousin D Recipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 Kmart Wolf Release News in Brief, Page 9 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 Today’s Coupons feature:

********* Two women are ready to cast their vote for Barbie aer the gurine could replace Mayor VanCannaby in the election - full story pg B17 cause we have a lot going on, but ...who's gonna vote for a doll?"

e DabberHasher A Local Legend, Page 10 In a special feature, Dispatches teams up with the CannaTown Historical Society to tell the tale of the man behind Quill's Finery, the town's rst DabberHashery. See A Local Legend.... ..............Page 10

Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 18

CP GIVEAWAYS VISIT OR USE THE QR BELOW ENTER UP TO ONCE PER DAY WIN THE HOTTEST Vapes, Bongs & Rigs! It cannot be overstated how much better your chances are of winning this than any lottery that exists today. Go Enter!

DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 20 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 35 VapeShops ........... 36 GlassShops ........... 37 Cannabis Clubs . . . . . . . . . 39 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Hemp/CBD........... 40

Elite Cannabis Denver Page 59

e Stone Denver Page 83 $50 Ounces Denver Page 91

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 20! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 40 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 43

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Note from the Editors


e Highest Authority Since 2009

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

What you hold in your hands, if you can believe it, marks over ten years of the Cannapages Directory & Digest , which rst printed in January 2014, as the doors of Rec sales opened across Colorado. Not many can say they were there when it started- -but you, the reader, can. We completed this journey together. For a community and industry that began as a tight knit family we’ve been blessed to make it this far and long, all in one piece. You might remember the rst KushCons that came to town back in those days, or Lopez’s original 420 rallies before the cir- cus. You might remember the MMAPA parties, and NORML meeting on the Capitol steps. No matter what you can recall, it's been a wild ride. e editors thank everyone who has ever made this publication a success, from our rag tag early sales crew to the production team, developers, artists and budtenders who've all helped Cannapages establish roots here, and be part of your experience. We really love and appreciate all of you. Hats o to to you as we wrap up the decade and look to the great one beyond.

Find all our great coupons at DEALS.CANNAPAGES.COM 1-800-699-8169 Editorial | Sales |

OTHER HEADLINES CannaTown investigating huge waves hitting suburbs “Doesn’t make sense on this high desert plain” Fans celebrate 1st ever mention of weed in radio song

Greater Denver/Boulder Southern Colorado

pg 150 pg 157 pg 166 pg 171

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

High ocial accused of skunky odor

Pratt to voice Orphan Annie

**Brought to you by Clematis Montana** “Your 12th Fastest Growing Lifeform”

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 9

Libra - It’s not that this area is a ‘bad neighborhood’ per se, unless you’re weirdly attached to your hubcaps. Scorpio - Aer driving you mad for better part of a week, you’ll nally determine the source of the buzzing noise to be your own mouth. Sagittarius - You're not sure what to do about the cobbler elves dwelling in the walls, but might as well start with mousetraps. Capricorn - ere’s no better time to drive o into the sunset, than when you’re being chased by gigantic sand worms in the des- sert aer smaking through a jar of rosin. Aquarius - Your “Olestra Challenge” ended badly, but at least no one saw you crying in the shower. Pisces - In a quest to be a better person, you’ll shed loved ones to earn a fortune, and prioritize spending it on branding yourself, live for your followers.

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - As you pack for your vacation, remem- ber that alot of restaurants don’t just let you show up in sweatpants. Taurus - You were pretty jazzed when they told you about all the turps in your wax, until you realized they meant toxic paint-removers. Gemini - Maybe if you wrap a bow on your- self naked for Valentine’s, your girlfriend will just forget about your lack of present while she pukes in the foyer. Cancer - Your review of the latest vaporizer will include how it enabled you to nally tell o your mother-in-law. Leo - You went for the disheveled look, but ended up with the zombie-vagrant on acid look. Virgo - In the quiet preceding the storm, you’ll notice the murder of crows have pinpointed the crumbs of buttery shellsh upon your lapel.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Wolves Released Into Natural Kmart Habitat Roastabone, Tue — In a daring move heralded nationwide, city ocials in Roastabone nally carried through with an audacious plan to reintroduce the surging wolf population into its more natural, abandoned Kmart habitat. “A few of the blue lights are ashing, just like civilization le it,” said DNR director Veruca Svelte. In front of a cheering crowd, with Born Free blaring, doors of the Kmart swung open to welcome the pack, led by an alpha into the aisles, ready to claim and mark out territories. “e years of abandonment have helped restore the Kmart to the way the Good Lord intended,” said Svelte, adding that the creatures have already made a den in Sporting Goods. e release program, rst conceived last night over a round of drinks, was meant to introduce teeming wildlife with their most ideal deserted retail landscapes. “is really is the best place for them. ey love slushies.”

Released wolves check out their new Kmart, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Multiverse collapses under own weight of cultural saturation .................................... E6 Tesla robot dead aer drinking charged lem- onade ........................................................ F2 Millenials unluckiest, just nest generation .................................................. ........ ...... G13 Science wrong, nds trucker ................... H1

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

CannaTown History

Dispatches and the CannaTown Historical Society bring you the story of our great city's rst DabberHasher, eodore Quill, who last served well over a century ago.

Learn More at the DabberHasher Museum, or visit the gishop at

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 11

thing bothered him: “ese bowls hold a whole week’s smakings,” he wrote. One evening, a letter sealed by sticky, dank wax insignia, found its way to Quill’s workshop. It bore an invitation to the Grand DabberHashery Gala, a prestigious event that promised to showcase the pinnacle of hash-smakery. A hushed excitement settled in, and the Cannatown Register printed a full page ad openly inquiring whether the mysterious local icon would represent the town with an ornate reeferspiece. Quill never spoke of the Gala, but his demeanor became increasingly tense. e villagers, usually accustomed to an amiable presence, noticed a shadow in his eyes. e air in Quill's Finery crackled with an un- spoken anxiety as the artisan meticulously selected materials for his creations, getting even more cross-eyed and unhinged as he came and went from the workshed, ever searching for door-knobs and light-switch- es. His neighbors heard crashes and curses. It was clear he was nervous, and also, indubiously high. On the night of departure, a thick fog enveloped the hillside. Quill le his shop without a word. e townspeople, watching from behind curtains, couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous accompa- nied him on his journey, even more than the three-foot long club sandwich forged in the ovens of Penzacotti’s Grinder’s. e Grand DabberHashery Gala itself was a spectacle of opulence and extravagance. Towering buildings adorned with glittering lights loomed over the venue. e competi- tion was erce, with other dabberhashers showcasing the most ornate and dazzling of bongs and 5-foot steamrollers, nearly all out of reach of the commoner’s pocket and need. Each piece was beyond comparison. en came Quill. A palpable tension gripped the room. Rumors of his crasman- ship had preceded him and now the crowd expected a piece to rival even the most ostentatious creations. Why else would he

You, the reader, like so many of us innocent CannaTown citizens, may have stumbled by the great DabberHasher Museum that sits atop Bongcaster Hill, wondering who was behind the town's rst Finery. Or maybe you've purchased gis from the online webstore, forgetting in your haste to bat even an eye at the rich history. Most people don’t know this used to be an even grander emporium,” says tour guide Ruth Gillis the ird, as she leads people around e DabberHasher, the museum and renovated workshop now turned into a tourist destination. Five times a day, Gillis, a distant relative of the man whose stead once stood in this location, gives a tour of the grounds. Here, amidst a sea of bangers and nails, spread across recreated scenes and exhibits, visitors laud the work and impact of one eodore Quill McGill, rst known DabberHasher in CannaTown proper. McGill, better known as “Quill” to the townsfolk of the time (“the man who could roast wax with a beggar’s nail”), toiled in obscurity at his mysterious shop, Quill's Finery, in the neighborhood of Spling- ton Falls. It was tucked away on a narrow street, barely noticeable among the hustle and bustle of the quaint town. Most never even spoke to the man except to procure dabworks for special occasions such as wed- dings and circular symposiums. In those days--roughly 150 years ago--people used knies, pieces of fruit, hollowed out quill pens (essentially feath- ers) and other crude methods to smake their satchels and oils. Other than Royals and some extremely high business folks, many of Quill’s wares were considered too special for common use -- a perception of all dabberhashers in that day. According to journals found aer his death, the whole

Page 12

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

e DabberHasher (Cont'd)

A young DabberHasher eodore Quill McGill explains to onlookers the ner nuances of his glass dabberware.

have brought such a huge gigantic satchel with him? Everyone leaned forward, in wild anticipation of what lay under the curtain, hoping it wasn’t the rest of his sandwich. Without much ado, Quill revealed a volu- minous collection of glass for the common person. e cost, he announced, was the same as other Gala entries, yet, his selection of pieces from small to large was plentiful and varied enough to supply the whole town. Although durable, the sacrice, he said, was that each item was simple in appearance. “Good enough, and enough for all,” he hazily explained to the crowd as he chewed. As the suspense reached its zenith, the judges announced their decision. e room fell into a hushed silence, broken only by the pounding of his heart and bubble of his Sherlock. en, a single name echoed through the grand hall — eodore Quill . e hall erupted into a mix of applause and gasps. Shocked, he could barely stand to ac- cept his reward of riches, a half bag of tay, and the Governor’s Fare of live rosin sugar. However, the revelry would be short lived, for Quill would barely make it home alive. Caught on the high road between Resin- ville and Splington, he was cornered by his rivals, who sought not only the cart of dabware in his possession but the riches as well. With pitchforks and daggers he was approached but Quill would survive by outsmarting them: he tossed the rosin sugar in the middle of the small mob and made his escape as they fought to the death over it. Miraculously he returned, not unscathed, but with riches, tay and dabware, intact. Returning to Splington Falls as the crowned champion, Quill’s shop trans- formed into a beacon of mystery and allure. e townspeople learned of the epic journey that had unfolded in the grand city, and celebrated him yearly for the award- winning dabware that he handed out freely to citizens. e Finery also began oering Sprecher’s oats in the basement along with basic pubfare and DJs on weekends.

Of Love and War Aer triumph at the Gala, a newfound sense of wanderlust ignited within Quill. e enchantment of the Highlands, and the mysteries it held whispered promises of untold adventures. While his counterparts were still focused on glass and quartz, Quill was at the forefront of metals, starting from the rudimentary tin foil applications of the time and working toward a better solution. One night aer smaking an entire handful of pure caviar he resolved to embark on a journey beyond the foothills to nd it. In the Highlands he happened upon fanciful villages with vibrant marketplaces, teeming with bizarre smaking contrap- tions, stained glass baubles and bowls, and exotic delicacies of extreme potency. Quill wandered through ancient cities, absorbing the rich tapestry of cultures and cross-eyed bong-rips unfolding before him. Everywhere he went, he sought out fellow artisans whose skills were as diverse as the lands they hailed from, matching bowls and exchanging tales, techniques and rice krispy bars. One day, in a bustling bazaar nestled in the heart of a desert city, Quill encountered a young woman named Isabella Mirage. She was already an expert extractor and wise for her years, known for creating hashes and shatter that seemed to shimmer in the sun-

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Myth Begets Myth In the midst of a picturesque summer one year, a peculiar traveler arrived in town, bearing an ancient map rumored to lead to the legendary Vapo Grove, far on the other side of the Highlands. Legend told of an old mystic who used experimental magic similar to a Tesla coil, to vaporize the smake. Gathering a small group of fellow adven- turers, Quill set o into the dense wilder- ness. e journey proved treacherous: wild beasts, challenging terrains, and mysterious enchantments shied the very fabric of real- ity. is was also, because they were smaking caviar-covered blunts the entire traverse.

light, reecting the heat and mirages of the landscape. Intrigued by her dedication, Quill struck up a conversation as they roasted her ne hash on his rig--and a bond formed. United by a common love for their cra and smake, eodore and Isabella returned to his home, with plans to collaborate on a collection to “rule them all.” But in the heart of neighboring Lambsbread, a new dabberhasher named Victor orne emerged. orne was a charismatic creator whose amboyant zig zag designs and bold multi-chamber innovations captivated all. Everyone forgot of Quill’s generosity and in- novative simplicity in his aordable wares.

Quill was “ripped as a shorn macaque” as he stood, listening in the silence. For a few minutes the group whis- pered madly of megafauna coursing just beyond them in the shadows where they’d be surely trampled to death.

Grappling with self-doubt, Quill retreated into the dimly lit connes of his workshop. No one knew what he was working upon, and he was unseen for a fortnight. When nally he emerged, he showcased a selec- tion beyond compare, demonstrating what would become the rst titanium nailware. orne responded by showcasing a collec- tion of dab rigs in sparkling glass, somehow pre-lled with hashes and reefer. No one knew where the smakery came from, but couldn’t help but embrace pre-loaded cheefry. However, it wasn’t long aer people began nding things in their hash like lint and fuzz, orne’s boogers and hair from his cat, that his wares went unsold and his business fell eventually into ruin. Quill now took orne's customers and, with Isabella at his side, expanded Quill's Finery hillside, now slinging the butters and waxes of his spouse. Already recognized county-wide, the new shop became a desti- nation de force and its attraction of constant patrons help revitalize the local ecannomy.

e travelers stumbled upon an ethereal clearing bathed in the glow of moonlight. Quill was “ripped as a shorn macaque” as he stood, listening in the silence. For a few minutes the group whispered madly of megafauna coursing just beyond them in the shadows where they’d be surely trampled to death. Aer a while it was determined the coursing sound was instead a rushing brook. All of a sudden, a guardian oated above them in the midst, "aglow in heavenly wonder." It was then that Quill and his posse realized they were not in the middle of a thick fog, but rather, the dank billowing updras from deep, giant volcanic chambers. In another light--and aer they’d acquiesced to the sweet disorientation--they could see the keeper of knowledge was standing on a stool and wrapped in Christmas lights.

Quill would go on to bring the magic of elec- tricity to the world of smakery, and the rest is history. You can see it for yourself now, and all stages of his life, at the museum that stands today where the Grand Finery once did. Learn More at the DabberHasher Museum, or visit the gishop at

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

recorded at home, for the rst time recently was a pleasant surprise, but less than it oth- erwise would have been given my familiarity with 2010's In Memory of Loss , an album that demonstrates his evolving talent, not only over Desire , but from start to nish. Better songs, better recording, better production. e same could be said, at least the record- ing and production, for 2013's Falling Faster an You Can Run , his last "pre-fame" record, aka, before he put together the Night Sweats. Falling is more of a step from In Memory as opposed to the leap from Desire , adding more sonic textures along with some hints of the stylistic embrace of soul soon to dene his work. Taken together, these three records show an artist devoted to his cra, developing his sound, nding his "voice." In hindsight, the path to his present success seems evident. Osees Intercepted Message four other variations). Now they're Osees. e restless Providence native is about as prolic as they come, and when you're pumping out mul- tiple albums a year for nearly two decades, qual- ity will vary. While I've enjoyed some of Osees/ Oh Sees work since Smote Reverser , nothing has hit me quite like Intercepted Message . It's got the usual Dwyer "charm," but compared to 2022's A Foul Form , and many of his other works, it's far less beat-you-over-the-head garage/punk/ rock and takes a more nuanced, if Dwyer could ever be described as such, approach. Quirky, at times experimental and trippy, some tracks sound awfully LCD Soundsystem-ish, while "Submerged Building" is James Murphy and his Brooklynites mashed with Beck's Midnight Vultures . Dwyer certainly knows how to rock. But it's even more fun when he indulges his whims with a wider palette. When we last met John Dwyer in 2018, the name of this outt was Oh Sees (followed with at least

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

Nathaniel Rateli & e Wheel Desire and Dissolving Men

Back in November, I received an email an- nouncing a 500-copy vinyl reissue for the 16th anniversary of an album I didn't know existed

from an artist I love. It now gives me an

excuse to go back to 2007 and revisit the evolution of Na- thaniel Rateli and to share some tunes that t the encroach- ing winter perfectly. I was familiar with his solo, pre-Night Sweats work, but had not heard of Desire and Dissolving Men , ocially released by Na- thaniel Rateli & e Wheel, which, funnily enough, features Rateli playing nearly all of the instruments. e man himself called it, "e rst album I’ve ever made on which all of the songs I recorded are exactly what I wanted them to be." Which is interesting, consider- ing it's only his second release, and rst to his name, following one with the group Born in the Flood. But in reality, it serves as an impressive historical document, hearing the then 30 year old, somewhat aged for an artist to set in motion a career to reach his current level of success, sounding not unlike the man a wider audience would come to know and love but also being a ways away from the more polished product of the last eight years. e elements are there, time and songwriting grit needed to form future diamonds. Desire and Dissolving Men oers a preview of what would come, notably the innate melodic style and sense of harmony combined with that voice, as powerful and emotional as ever, that separates Rateli from so many of his folk ilk. Hearing Desire , nine tracks

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Recipes from Cousin D Colorful Hashy Gyro Bowls I had the odd epiphany that should make medicated Gyro meat (when I was stoned the other day), so I thought, how can I turn it into a little appetizer that would be cute and fun? We're making cups out of meat! Start with:

is probably sucient. Adjust to smaller amount of thyme if using dry ingredient. Cover and let sit for an hour in fridge to let avors set in. Set oven to 325°. Turn over a mini mun tin (this makes 24 cups at 3 scoops per bowl). Press and form the meat carefully around each. In center rack, set another overturned pan or tin to the right. Place the loaded pan just o to le so it lays on an angle down- ward to allow draining. Place another pan below to catch drippings. Bake for 30 min and let sit for 15 in the closed oven. Remove let cool, then ll with toppings: Hummus

1 lb 85/15 ground lamb 1 lb 85/15 ground beef

In food processor or bowl with hand-mixer, combine both meats to a pasty consistency. Add in the following: 2 tablespoons medicated oil 1 tablespoon ground Marjoram 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons ground rosemary 4 tablespoons crushed garlic 2 tablespoons salt 1 1/2 tablespoons black pepper 4 large pinches chopped cilantro 1/4 oz thyme leaves stripped from stem 1 small onion, nely-chopped Again mix in to the pasty consistency. Your choice of strength/potency, but 1000mg

Pita bread Cucumber Cherry tomatoes Goat cheese crumbles Tzatziki sauce

Cut pita bread into 3/4" to 1" squares. I lled each with hummus, pita square, half circle of cucumber, strip of cherry tomato and some goat cheese. Serve w tzatziki sauce on side. At 1000 mg youd get around 40mg each. For appetizers, you could cut that down to 500mg, for 20mg each. ey're delicious!

Need Help with Infusion? Check out Cousin D's easy guide before you bake!

Boulder, Denver, & Surrounding Areas + Mountain Slopes Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES



Berkeley Dispensary 5398 Sheridan Blvd .................................................................................. Arvada 720-310-8057 Green Dragon 409 E. Hyman Ave .................................................................................................. Aspen 970-429-4365 Jars Cannabis 710 E Durant Ave E-1 .............................................................................................. Aspen 970-925-6468 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ........................................................................................................ Aspen 970-429-4443 Roots Rx 400 E Hyman Ave A102 ................................................................................................. Aspen 970-900-9333 SILVERPEAK 520 E Cooper Ave 202....................................................... Aspen 970-925-4372 see ad on page 42 - cannasavers page 79 The Green Joint 720 E Durant Ave E-3 .......................................................................................... Aspen 970-710-2657 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue ...............................................................................................Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A .....................................................Aurora 720-535-9489 Emerald Fields 503 Havana St ......................................................................................................Aurora 720-669-3571 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................................................................Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 19151 East Quincy Avenue ..........................................................................................Aurora 303-400-1451 15225 E 6th Ave ...............................................................................................................Aurora 720-458-6950 Jars (Buckley) 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E .................................................................Aurora 303-680-1016 (Southland) 6260 South Gun Club Road .......................................................................Aurora 303-766-8677 Lightshade (Iliff) 16821 East Iliff Avenue .....................................................................................Aurora 720-575-6702 Livwell 1401 Peoria Street ...........................................................................................................Aurora 303-993-7548 19201 E Colfax Ave .........................................................................................................Aurora 303-366-1077 LOVA (Aurora) 19005 E Quincy Ave ..............................................................................................Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street .....................................................................................Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road .....................................................................................Aurora 720-741-2501 Star Buds 10100 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-459-7143 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit B ................................................................................Aurora 303-699-1222 Terrapin Care Station 11091 East Mississippi Avenue, Suite A .......................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 East 33rd Avenue, Suite 100 ...............................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 The Green Solution 10195 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. .......................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ........................................................................................................Aurora 303-990-9723 3179 S. Peoria Ct .............................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2370 350 S. Potomac St ...........................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2371 XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ................................................................ Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside cover - cannasavers page 89 High Country Healing 40801 US-6 Ste 5 ........................................................................................ Avon 970-470-4794 Native Roots 41290 US-6 B5 .......................................................................................................... Avon 970-470-4079 Rocky Road 40928 US-6 .................................................................................................................... Avon 970-688-5633 Roots Rx 40690 US-6 E-2 .................................................................................................................. Avon 970-399-9333 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St......................................................................................................... Bailey 303-816-6337 The Happy Camper Cannabis Company 80 Rosalie Rd ................................................................Bailey 303-816-0420 LOVA 701 E Valley Rd Unit 110 .................................................................................................... Basalt 970-340-4680 Roots Rx 165 Southside Dr ............................................................................................................. Basalt 970-539-9333 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St .................................................................................... Berthoud 970-670-9120 Livwell 1015 N 2nd St ................................................................................................................ Berthoud 970-344-5060 Rocky Mountain Organics 5312 Hwy. 119 ...........................................................................Black Hawk 303-582-5032 The Green Solution 231 Gregory St ......................................................................................Black Hawk 303-990-9723 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue 800 ................................................................................. Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue F .............................................................................. Boulder 303-442-2565 Cannabis Depot 3390 28th St ....................................................................................................... Boulder 720-242-7435 DEN REC 5420 Arapahoe Ave D ................................................................................................... Boulder 303-443-0240 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue #2 ................................................................... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-444-0861 Emerald Fields 5190 S Boulder Rd .............................................................................................. Boulder 303-499-2898 Fresh Baked 2535 Pearl Street ..................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dragon 1750 30th Street #7 .............................................................................................. Boulder 720-446-5490 Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Rd #5 ............................................................................. Boulder 303-530-3031 Hash House 302 Pearl Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street B ............................................................................... Boulder 303-444-1564




Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................................................................. Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84A.............................................. Boulder 720-741-6111 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 ................................................................................. Boulder 720-476-6805 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street #200 ................................................................................................. Boulder 720-726-5126 (Dandelion) 845 Walnut Street ................................................................................... Boulder 303-459-4676 Options Cannabis 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J .............................................................................. Boulder 303-953-2852 Snaxland 7464 Arapahoe Avenue A9 ........................................................................................ Boulder 720-366-6615 Star Buds 1750 30th Street #12 ................................................................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Terrapin Care Station 1795 Folsom Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle #104....................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-1323 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard .................................................................................. Boulder 720-532-8664 The Republic 8401 Baseline Road ............................................................................................... Boulder 303-325-7385 The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street ............................................................................... Boulder 720-389-5726 Unity Rd 1537 Pearl Street B ....................................................................................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Confidential Cannabis 11640 Teller Street STE E................................................................. Broomfield 303-600-8269 Livwell 137 Nickel St ............................................................................................................... Broomfield 720-756-2385 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1995 W Midway Blvd .................................................. Broomfield 720-287-1362 THE DAB 4490 W 121st Ave #8................................................. Broomfield 720-504-5115 see ad on page 42 - cannasavers page 79 Canna City 7150 Eudora Dr ...........................................................................................Commerce City 720-336-8689 Cookies Commerce City 5385 Quebec St..................................................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 Kind Castle 4970 Monaco St ...........................................................................................Commerce City 303-901-9418 Krystaleaves 5301 Vasquez Blvd #101 .........................................................................Commerce City 303-802-0026 Livwell 5846 Dahlia Street ...............................................................................................Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec Street #105 ................................................. Commerce City 720-458-5820 Stadium Gardens 5441 Quebec St ...............................................................................Commerce City 720-465-5449 Star Buds 5844 Dahlia Street ..........................................................................................Commerce City 303-999-0401 WOW World of Weed 5433 Quebec Street ......................................................................Commerce City 303-286-0420 Buds Premium Cannabis 2034 I-70 Frontage Rd .....................................................................De Beque 970-609-2837 Elk Mountain Trading Post 170 E 3rd St ...................................................................................De Beque 970-283-8937 Kush Gardens 4550 Highway 6 #24 ..........................................................................................De Beque 970-283-8927 Tumbleweed 2185 45 1/2 Rd ....................................................................................................De Beque 970-609-9877 $50 OUNCES 468 S Federal Blvd............................................................ Denver 303-362-0230 see ad on page 96 - cannasavers page 91 1136 Yuma 1136 Yuma Court .................................................................................................... Denver 720-900-1136 A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 6 - cannasavers page 45 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue ................................................................................................ Denver 720-479-8458 Allgreens 762 Kalamath Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-658-0107





Altitude (West) 1568 South Federal Boulevard ......................................................................... Denver 720-708-5428 (East) 6858 East Evans Avenue .................................................................................. Denver 303-756-8888 Alto Dispensary 2160 S Lipan St ................................................................................................. Denver 305-972-1853 AMCH 1301 N Marion Street....................................................... Denver 720-961-0560 see ad below - cannasavers page 47 APOTHECARY FARMS 2251 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 303-862-5016 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 49 Ascend Cannabis Co 3555 South Yosemite Street .................................................................... Denver 720-482-3191 BEST HIGH DISPENSARY 1518 Quince St ................................................................. Denver 303-900-0809 see ad on page 23 - cannasavers page 51 Bgood Apothecary 80 South Pennsylvania Street ....................................................................... Denver 303-777-5239 Callies Cannabis Shoppe (Rino) 3054 Larimer Street ........................................................................................... Denver 303-297-2273 777 Canosa Ct. .............................................................................................................. Denver 720-415-2976 Cannabotica 219 Vallejo Street.................................................................................................... Denver 303-777-1550 Cherry Peak 4601 E Mississippi Ave ........................................................................................ Denver 303-386-3185 Colorado Cannabis Connection 4550 South Kipling Street #4.................................................. Denver 720-328-2355 Colorado Harvest Company 1178 South Kalamath Street ......................................................................................... Denver 303 777-1840 1568 South Broadway .................................................................................................... Denver 303-722-1227 Cookies Denver 2057 S. Broadway.............................................................................................. Denver 303-862-5169 Cross Genetics 1810 S Broadway .......................................................................................................... Denver 303-936-0624 4902 East Smith Road, Unit C ...................................................................................... Denver 720-689-5704 Dank 3835 Elm Street Unit C ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-394-3265 Del Mundo Cannabis 2394 S Broadway ....................................................................................... Denver 720-379-7295 Denco 3480 Park Avenue West, Unit B.................................................................................... Denver 303-433-2266 5155 East 46th Avenue................................................................................................. Denver 303-388-0434 DENREC 2042 South Bannock Street.......................................................................................... Denver 720-390-5070 2117 Larimer Street, Unit 1 ............................................................................................ Denver 303-296-2093 DENVER KUSH CLUB 2615 Welton Street........................................................... Denver 303-736-6550 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 55 ELITE CANNABIS 605 S Havana St ............................................................... Denver 303-484-8202 1410 S Santa Fe Dr........................................................... Denver 720-287-4081 4401 Zenobia St ............................................................... Denver 720-550-8339 see ad on page 25 - cannasavers page 59





Emerald Fields 2215 E Mississippi Ave .................................................................................................. Denver 720-595-3143 2675 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 720-389-9179 EverBloom 4095 Jackson Street..................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9298 5110 Race Street........................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9295 Fox Cannabis 4773 Fox Street ............................................................................................................. Denver 720-881-7460 FRESH CANNABIS 965 S Colorado Boulevard ............................................... Denver 720-596-4611 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 61 Frost Exotic 2949 W Alameda Ave............................................................................................... Denver 720-787-4909 Ganja Gourmet 1810 South Broadway ........................................................................................ Denver 303-282-9333 GOLDEN MEDS 1755 S Broadway ............................................................. Denver 720-583-2119 2280 S Quebec St............................................................. Denver 720-428-8352 330 Federal Blvd............................................................... Denver 720-583-0194 4620 Peoria Street ........................................................... Denver 720-502-6393 970 S Oneida St ................................................................ Denver 720-287-2377 see ad on page 98 - cannasavers page 63 Good Chemistry 2563 15th St #103 ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-328-2131 1724 South Broadway................................................................................................... Denver 303-733-3113 330 East Colfax Avenue................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-4657 Green Cross Of Cherry Creek 3400 South Oneida Way Suite 101 .............................................................................. Denver 303-321-4201 Green Dragon 310 Saint Paul Street .................................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5462 1250 Grant St .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-505-5887 4103 Sheridan Blvd ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-459-6650 5130 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 720-458-6450 930 West Byers Place .................................................................................................... Denver 970-480-0660 Green Man by Trees 7289 East Hampden Avenue ...................................................................... Denver 720-382-5950 Green Remedy 1052 S Quebec St ................................................................................................. Denver 303-745-4580 Green RiNo 3450 Brighton Boulevard .............................................................................................. Denver 303-433-3151 Green Sativa 2426 S Federal Blvd ...................................................................................................... Denver 720-403-8167 755 S Federal Blvd Ste 4 & 5 ........................................................................................ Denver 720-512-3870 Green Valley Dispensary 4650 Tower Rd 108 .............................................................................. Denver 303-593-0064 Greenfields 1798 West Mississippi Avenue .................................................................................... Denver 303-455-1795 2038 S Navajo ................................................................................................................. Denver 303-295-0485 Herban Underground 70 N Broadway #50 .................................................................................. Denver 720-343-4372 HERBS 4 YOU 20 East 9th Avenue .......................................................... Denver 303-830-9999 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 65 High Level Health 1620 Market Street ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-953-0884 2028 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 303-355-9333 970 N Lincoln Street ....................................................................................................... Denver 303-839-9333 HIGH WEST CANNABIS 10625 E 51st Ave #100................................................... Denver 720-287-0820 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 67 Higher Grade 1269 Elati Street............................................................................................................ Denver 303-993-4547 3480 S Galena St ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-350-4071 3111 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 303-955-0186 House Of Dankness 10555 East 45th Avenue ............................................................................ Denver 303-373-7373 Jars 403 16th Street, Suite 1 .................................................................................................. Denver 303-534-6255 4305 Brighton Boulevard ............................................................................................... Denver 303-297-1657 Karmaceuticals 4 South Santa Fe Drive ...................................................................................... Denver 303-765-2762 Kaya Cannabis 1075 South Fox Street .................................................................................................. Denver 303-593-2931 3937 West Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................ Denver 720-287-3934 Kind Love 4380 E Alameda Ave..................................................................................................... Denver 720-390-3600 3899 N Quentin St......................................................................................................... Denver 303-307-4204





KIND MEDS 260 North Santa Fe Drive................................................. Denver 720-366-8888 see ad below - cannasavers page 69 L’Eagle 380 Quivas Street ............................................................................................................. Denver 303-825-0497 La Conte’s 105 East 7th Avenue ...................................................................................................... Denver 303-292-2252 5194 Washington Street ................................................................................................ Denver 303-292-2252 Laughing Grass 1110 W Virginia Ave Unit 1 ................................................................................. Denver 720-379-8567 Lemonnade 4500 Washington Street, Unit B .............................................................................. Denver 720-572-4902 Levels 5201 West 48th Avenue ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-993-6424 Lightshade (Sheridan) 1126 S. Sheridan Blvd. ............................................................................ Denver 720-630-2810 (Dayton) 330 South Dayton Street ............................................................................ Denver 720-699-2690 (Holly) 3950 Holly Street ............................................................................................ Denver 303-468-6100 (Evans) 5885 East Evans Avenue .............................................................................. Denver 303-756-3762 (6th Ave) 745 East 6th Avenue ................................................................................... Denver 720-899-3040 (Barnum) 445 Federal Blvd ........................................................................................... Denver 720-899-3125 (Peoria) 12075 40th Ave ............................................................................................ Denver 720-974-7220 Lit 1630 North Federal Boulevard ..................................................................................... Denver 303-455-9333 2001 S Broadway ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-327-5613 Livwell 706 E 17th Ave #102..................................................................................................... Denver 303-952-9150 1941 W Evans Ave ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-361-2981 2863 Larimer St............................................................................................................. Denver 303-484-1662 3955 Oneida St.............................................................................................................. Denver 720-573-4735 432 S Broadway ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-428-2550 5926 E Colfax Ave ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-573-6337 6651 N Tower Rd ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-8273 330 S Dayton St............................................................................................................. Denver 720-699-2690 3460 W 32nd Ave .......................................................................................................... Denver 303-997-7130 2020 South Colorado Boulevard .................................................................................. Denver 303-758-9114 4625 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................. Denver 303-333-3644 7795 E Belleview Ave #2 ................................................................................................ Denver 720-756-7881 Local Product Of Colorado 419 West 13th Avenue ..................................................................... Denver 303-736-8041 Lodo Wellness Center 1617 Wazee Street B .............................................................................. Denver 303-534-5020 Lotus 3990 Ulster ......................................................................................................................... Denver 720-318-0323 LOVA (Downtown) 2042 Arapahoe St ................................................................................... Denver 720-531-5492 (Colfax) 3121 East Colfax Ave ...................................................................................... Denver 720-479-8127 (Sheridan) 446 Sheridan Blvd...................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5471 Lowell Gardens 3615 W 49th Ave .............................................................................................. Denver 720-362-7095 Magic City Cannabis 3819 Quentin St......................................................................................... Denver 720-692-1539 Makena 2568 South Broadway ...................................................................................................... Denver 303-955-1143 Mammoth Farms 755 South Federal Boulevard Ste 5 ................................................................ Denver 303-993-5653 Mana Supply Co. 2895 W 8th Ave ............................................................................................... Denver 720-749-4642 Medicine Man 4750 Nome Street ................................................................................................ Denver 303-373-0752 Mighty Tree 4755 Lipan St ........................................................................................................... Denver 303-600-8961

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