THOSE M U S ICA L TOV EYS Six-page Photo Story ■ C LYD E NARRAMORE Psychologist with the Gospel
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mount demon
bioh family conference
Tis sc^^jhat Redwoods are the only living things on earth who have no sin or disecl^^^^deep in the heart of the Redwoods is the locale of beautiful Mouqt Jlermon Conference Grounds. For Californians the BIOLA FAM ILY^ONFERENCE will be sitting under the forestry native to California and the Mt. Hermon area. A creek for boating and fish ing, swimming pool, trails, etc. are a part of the recreation and com plete living facilities are on the grounds which is located on a state highway. Buses stop right in front of the administration building.
"The A ll-P ow erfu l G osp er
V a tes:
August 16th to 23rd
W rite:
Mount Hermon Association, Mount Hermon, California
9 ™ [ j I I
I A l
O fficial publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.
Dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Christian home
chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT
VoL 44' N°- 8
AUGUST, 1953
Established 1910
managing editor LLOYD HAMILL
THOSE MUSICAL TOVEYS ................................................. 6 SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS — Charles L. F e i n b e r g Z Z Z Z ’ 12 DALE, ROY, TRIGGER AND THE SAWDUST TRAIL 13 PSYCHOLOGIST WITH THE GOSPEL — Dorothy C. HeskSn Z Z Z 14 FEATURES READER REACTION .................................................................. 4 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ............................................................................^ WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O, Henry ......................... WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg Z Z Z Z Z . Z Z . 17 CHURCH OF THE MONTH — First Baptist, Watsonville .................. 18 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ............................... 19 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ..................... 20 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .......... ............ 2 1 FINEST OF THE WHEAT — Wm. Carson Lantz ........... 22 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE — Paul M. Aijian .................................. 23 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................. 24 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton Z Z Z Z Z 25 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith .............................. 27 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker .......... 30 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE .............................................................................. 32 IN CHRIST IS LIFE — A column for the non-Christian ................... 33 FIELD WORKER FOR WASHINGTON ....................... 36 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .............. Z 49 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ................................................................................... 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED — Margaret Jacobsen 38 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ............................. 39 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 43 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder . ................................................... 47 COVER In Christian circles the name Tovey has become synonomous with sacred music. This month the Toveys— husband and wife— are load ing their musical gear into their 12-year-old Lincoln and head ing across the country t6 hold a series of musical-evangelistic meetings. For the story see page 6. — Design & Art: Marvin Rubin
copy editor ROSE HARDIE
editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND
advertising manager MILTON R. SUE
circulation manager STELLA KINTER
business .manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER
editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Donald G. Davis Charles L. Feinberg , • James O. Henry Mortha S. Hooker • Margaret Jacobsen Glenn F. O'Neal • Chester J. Padgett Donald S. Robertson • Oran H. Smith Gerald B. Stanton
Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post O ffice of Los An geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R ., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californio.
"The King's Business." Date of expira tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—"The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts m ailed'to us for consideration.
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bonk draft, express, or post office money order payable to
ft THRILLINGWUKWITHTHE P rophetic W ord plan Your Summer Annual Bible Conference" on Prophecy and the Jew
m n i£>tmba|> £s>ct)ool Gftmesi (published every week) gives you ten unusual helps on the International Uniform Sunday School Lessons Some things our readers have to say— • "The teaching-helps, the illustrations, poems, and so on, mean much to me. I have a large class of women in a country Sunday school.” West Chester , Pa. • "Excellent features in your paper make it hard to single out any for special praise. It is unusual in Christian literature and has excellent helps for Sunday school teaching.”— Canada. Subscription rates: Single subscription, $3.00 a year. In clubs of five or more, $2.50 each per year (in U. S. dollars). In Canada: add 25c for postage. Special Introductory Offen 18 weeks for $1.00. (In Canada, $1.10.) THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES CO. Box 177 H - Philadelphia 5, Pa. Jot better tomorrow.^ ...tod a y 's opportunities
d e a d e r l^ e a c t i on THE FIGURE WAS WRONG When Dr. Munger looked over the article on our church and his minis try appearing in the July issue he was sorry that there was a mistake in the statement regarding the num ber of young people who have gone into full-time service trader his min istry. The article lists the number as six when it really is sixty-three. Thank you again for the splendid publication and the publicity given our church. FOR A FRIEND, A COPY SENT Just received my July copy of K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I have been taking your magazine for the last three or four years and I enjoy it very much. Especially the ones with the “ New Look.” The July issue looks so good that I would like to have a copy sent to a friend who is engaged in Chris tian work. Seattle, Wash. Goro Todo W e are happy to comply with read er Todo’s request. W e w ill do the same for any other reader who re quests that we send a free sample copy to anyone they know who might be .interested in the magazine .—Ed. IN THE WORD, SATAN'S NAME I wish to express my appreciation for your fine Christian magazine. I have been reading it for 17 years and truly it is dedicated “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” As for Mr. Virch (June issue) I wish to say that it is just as possible to find a mod ernist’s name in the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s as it is to find Satan’s name in the Word of God. Hershey, Pa. Ralph Walls AFTER 40 YEARS, A TENDENCY We have read the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s for nearly 40 years. The new look on page eight of the April issue ( the merv rosell story) seems incongru ous in a Christian magazine. An uni versal sign of m od e rn ism in all branches of thought is the tendency to abandon e s ta b lish ed standards sanctioned and approved by long cus tom,'good taste and the best author ity. Why was not the name of the chancellor under his picture written dr. louis t. talbot? If the Revised Standard Version of the Bible had spelled proper names without the use of capitals you can bet all the tea in China that you would have excoriated the publication as the mark of the beast. Portland, Ora. Robort E. Millard, Flutist Margaret W. Donaldson Dr. Manger's Secretary First Presbyterian Church Berkeley, Calif.
Dr. Hyman J. Ap- pelman, Rov. T. M. Bambof, Dr. Paul Bauman, Rev. Solo* mon Birnbaum, Dr. John W. Bradbury, R«v. Harman 8. Cants, Rav. Max Cohn, Dr. William Culbertson, Rav. Theodora Eisner, Dr. V. R. Edman. George Hayes, Jr., Dr. Peter Hoogendam, Dr. Lewis J. Julianel, Dr Herbert lockyer, S r., Dr. A. B. Machlin, Dr. Alva J. McClain, Dr. J. Palmer Munts, Nate Scharff, Rev. Nathan Stone, Dr. Chester E. Tulga, Judge W. R. Wallace
Aug. 30 - Sept. 7 WINONA LAKE, INDIANA PLAN NOWTO ATTEND! For Full information write:
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H Ôemeniul 1
C h r is t ’ s M is s io n , me . 1*0 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW TOM 10. N. T.
from the editor’s desk
Spiritual life Inventory T he students o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles are frequently called upon to make an honest appraisal o f their own spiritual lives. What is good for the students is likewise good for all o f us as Christians. N ow is a good time to take stock of ourselves and discover where we are in regard to our own spiritual life and development. There are some very pertinent questions which we might well ask ourselves as Christians, and thus make an honest evaluation of our real growth in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 1. Am I maintaining m y own private devotions? 2. Are these daily devotions really vital in m y life, or are they merely perfunctory performances? 3. Am I realizing a definite closeness of walk w ith the Lord, or does He seem rather far off? 4. Is m y work at home, in the office, at school, crowding out m y fellow ship with the Lord? 5. Am I allowing gossip, rumors, talebearing and idle chatter to occupy so much of m y time and attention that l am not allowing sufficient time fo r worth-while meditation? 6. Has anything- or anyone come between the Lord and me? 7. Has the joy of the Lord been lacking in m y own heart? If we w ill answer these questions honestly before the Lord, we w ill be able to gauge our. own spiritual condition; and insofar as the Lord is having His w ay regarding all o f these things we w ill be able to realize real growth in our own hearts and lives. Teacher Training Program A recent development o f outstanding significance has taken place in connection w ith the training program at B iola . In cooperation with the Los Angeles State Teachers College and the State Department of Education, graduates of our education course are granted California Ele mentary Teacher Credentials. This makes it possible for our graduates to teach in the California public school system or anywhere else where graduates of state-approved educational institutions are qualified to teach. This means that B iola is enlarging its training program in order to meet present day demands. Mission Boards are calling for qualified school teachers to serve on the mission fields, the Christian day school movement is rapidly becoming an established institution in this country and there is an urgent appeal for qualified Christian teachers. Through the years B iola has received numerous requests from local school boards in various areas o f the west, asking for Christian schoolteachers. Heretofore we have been unable to supply them with the names o f any such from among our own students. Young people who are thinking of the teaching profession, either as missionaries or in the Christian day school movement or thè public school systems, are urged to consider attending B iola , where a'thorough train ing in the W ord o f God is provided anjl at the same time a fu lly recog nized B. A. degree and Elementary Teacher Credential are provided upon successful completion o f the education course.
throughout the west... the * B I B L E INSTITUTE H O U R 9 Heart searching messages 9 Thrilling testimonies 9 Outstanding features 9 Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO
A U G U S T 1 9 5 3
^Jhode tv Ju A ic a l ^ J iove T After 34 years# a New Tour of Duty
T he chambers of a state senate are usually not considered a very like ly place for a Christian choir to hold a concert. As a matter of record the California State Senate had never had a Christian choir sing during 'the regular session. That is until this spring. And the choir that set the precedent was from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the di rectors were Eva and Herbert Tovey. But the Toveys are used to doing the unusual in music. Herbert Tovey came to B iola 34 years ago; Eva 10
clude evangelistic messages, group singing, classes on conducting, con ferences on Christian drama and choral production and instruction on the art of costuming and Scripture reproductions. They are especially interested in the smaller schools and churches that, because of size, have a limited op portunity to produce really fine musi cal programs. Herbert Tovey started on his musi cal career at the 1 1 age of 12 when he IV Iw K fc ^
years ago. Together they’ve headed the School of Sacred Music building it into an organization that is known throughout Christian musical circles. This month the Toveys are leaving B iola to enter a new field of music that is almost as unusual as having a Christian choir sing before senators. The Toveys will be traveling across the United States and Canada to ad vise churches and schools concerning the use of music in all phases of the Christian ministry. At each stop they’ll offer a program that will in
A U G U S T 1 9 5 3
f i ] UÓL e a f
ZL ove
Ok toòe
In the Old Days, Evangelism in the Bush Country
Tovey was a singer on evangelistic tour in bush country in Australia.
Eva Tovey had long curls when she fin ished grammar school in Turlock, Calif.
Herbert Tovey was bora in Australia. He is shown here at age 7 with his sister.
Driving 1911 Ford before sailing from Australia to study in America.
was a paid soloist in the St. Albins Church of England in his native Aus tralia. Later he joined evangelistic teams as a singer and then in 1912 left for America to study at Moody Bible Institute. While at Moody he met Louis T. Talbot who only a year previous had left Australia to study in America. After his schooling Tovey was or dained a Baptist minister and in 1919 a call came to pastor a Baptist church in Toledo, Ohio. At the exact time of this call a telegram came from the
After arriving in America Tovey enrolled at Moody Bible In stitute where he first met fellow Australian Louis Talbot.
In 1928 Tovey founded the Eagle Rock (Calif.) Bap tist Church; G. Campbell Morgan preached dedication.
Tovey, Torrey, Harkness and Mrs. Harkness on Missouri campaign,
This snapshot was taken of the Toveys on the day of their engagement in 1943.
Bible Institute of Los Angeles ask ing him to join the music faculty. The Bible Institute call was accepted and for 34 years Herbert Tovey has been a part of the musical life of thousands of students. In 1940 Dr. Tovey’s first wife died and in 1943 he married Mrs. Eva Margaret Sacherson. Eva Tovey has had wide experience in music. After studying at B iola she went on to do university and conservatory work. She was head of music at Ashland College in Ohio, teacher of voice and director
of the women’s glee club at Los An geles City College, head of the music department at Burbank (Calif.) Sen ior High School and Chico (Calif.) High School. * For 10 years Mrs. Tovey has been on the music staff at B iola . She has directed the school’s Coronation Choir that has been lauded by music critics for its precise performance of the Elijah and other Christian master pieces. Over the years the Toveys have
written some 40 books and composed and written hundreds of gospel solos, duets, quartettes and choir numbers. It is with these songs and the years of experience that the Toveys leave to enter their new work. “The past,” Tovey recently admitted in a nostal gic mood to a friend, “ has a warm glow of pleasant memories. But the present. Yes, the present . . . and the future . . . has an even warmer glow for us. This is God’s work you know!” MORE k 9
A U G U S T 1 9 5 3
O llO iC W u 6 i c J o v e y * For Today, on the Road With the Old Songs
High spot for Toveys came when choir was invited to sing before California Senate.
Tovey directed choir for the three-times-a-week Bible Institute Hour heard in the West.
Mrs. Tovey believes costuming plays def inite part in musical productions; here tries material on student Anna Belle Lund. THE KING'S BUSINESS
Music isn't the only interest of Dr. Tovey. For eleven years he has been connected with the city of Montebello police force; now holds the rank of Captain and Chaplain and is head of the Human Relations office where he has found many unusual opportunities for Christian testimony.
Photo by Haines
The Toveys have purchased a home in beach city of Laguna where they will store belong ings while traveling across the country to take up their new work that will feature the old songs of the Gospel.
sa lvation is of the JEWS one of the interviews which Jesus the Messiah of Israel had when He was ministering on earth, was without significance or deep interest. This is certainly true of the encounter He had with the woman of Samaria recorded in the fourth chapter-of the Gospel of John. She had come seeking for physical water to quench her physical thirst, but the Lord Jesus Christ pointed to Himself as the unfailing source of spiritual refreshing and spiritual life. When the Lord laid His finger on the spiritual cancer in her life, she used diversive tactics to shift the spotlight from herself to others. The account reads in part (4:19- 26): “ The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet Our fathers worshipped in this moun tain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to wor ship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jeru salem, shall ye worship the Father. Ye worship that which ye know not: we worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his wor shippers. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth. The woman saith unto him, I know that Messiah com eth (he that is called Christ): When he is come, he will declare unto us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.” When Christ indicated that the
tty Charles Lee Feinberg, Ph.D. Director, Professor of Semitics and Old Testament, Talbot Theological Seminary
Samaritans knew not what they wor shipped, He had reference to the fact that the Samaritans rejected the prophets and the writings of the Old Testament. They were thus deprived of the additional and fuller revelation of God given there. The difference in Jewish and Samaritan worship lay, not in difference of place of worship, but of the object of worship. The Samaritan religion, even after the ori ginal elements of idolatry (2 Ki. 17: 33, 41) had been removed, was a per verted religion. The five books of Moses which they had in a poor text, were not clarified nor illuminated by the clearer revelations God gave the prophets. But the Messiah of Israel declared that the Jews knew what they worshipped, for they had the full testimony of God’s revelation in the Old Testament. The Jews know their God, for salvation comes from them. God’s redemptive program was in tended and is for the whole world, (John 3: 16, 17) but it comes from (out of) the Jews. What did Christ mean when He made the sweeping and vastly impor tant statement that salvation is of the Jews? He was here comprehending in small compass the whole range of re demptive truth. Salvation is indeed of the Jews in a threefold way. In the first place, salvation is of the Jews In Its Preparation All the preparatory steps and stages of God’s redemptive scheme were laid in the realm of Israel’s spiritual life. Salvation was promised to Abraham and his descendants. Solemnly did God promise to Abraham that in him, in his seed which is the Messiah,
would all the families of the earth be blessed. This same covenant was ratified and remade with Isaac and Jacob and their descendants. (Gen. 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4.) The salvation of the Lord was por trayed by Moses in the tabernacle with its furniture. The altar of burnt- offering meant the coming Messiah would be the believer’s justification. The laver spoke of Messiah our sanc tification. The table of shewbread pointed to Christ our food. The can dlestick is the indication of Messiah as our light. The altar of incense speaks eloquently of Christ our inter cessor. The veil into the holiest of all declares Messiah is our access to God. The ark of the covenant preaches to us the truth of Christ as our repre sentative in the presence of God. Not only did the Mosaic tabernacle pic ture salvation in its preparatory stages, but the priesthood was vocal with its exhibition of the truth that the coming Messiah was to be the High Priest to make sacrifice for sin and to make prevailing intercession for His own. Furthermore, the very sacrifices all set Him forth as the perfect one in His person and work. The whole burnt-offering meant to tell us that He offered Himself unreservedly and obediently to carry out the full will of the Father. The meal offering pic tures Him as the blemishless and stainless one in His perfect and ideal humanity. The peace offering can mean nothing other than He was to accomplish the procuring of our peace with God from whom we, as continued on page 33 THE KING'S BUSINESS
TRIGGER and the sawdus t trai l
A hot California sun beat down out side and inside the big tent on the comer of Washington and Hill in Los Angeles five thousand young sters fidgeted in their hard chairs. It was 10 A.M. and Saturday. Any other Saturday most of these youngsters would be cavorting in the cool waters of the Pacific or taking in a cowboy picture at a neighborhood theater. But today they were in the big tent. A few of the older children kicked nervously at the sawdust on the floor and almost everyone kept an anxious eye on the roped-off arena at the front. Then to the shrieking delight of the five thousand youngsters into the tent came film, TV and radio stars, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers and Trigger. The boisterous shrieks testi fied that this was what the kids had been waiting for. This Saturday morning meeting was part of the five-week long Christ For Greater Los Angeles evangelistic campaign sponsored early this sum mer by 300 Los Angeles area churches and led by Jack Shuler. At this par ticular Saturday meeting Roy Rogers and wife Dale Evans gave a touching testimony of their faith in the shed blood of Christ and the kids listened. When the altar call was given b e -. tween five and six hundred came for ward on a first time profession, e n d .
A U G U S T 1 9 5 3
T he mother and father faced the two psychologists in an office of a school in a suburb of Los Angeles. The parents were distressed and the mother said, “We don’t believe in psychology.” Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, psychol ogist, who works for the Los Angeles County schools and who had come to help the school psychologist with this particular case, smiled kindly at the parents. He was anxious to help the parents and their son. The 11-year-old boy was nice appearing, large for his age, but dull. He had been permitted to pass to the fifth grade mainly be cause of his size. He was capable of doing only second grade work. He had no friends in the class, was ner vous and becoming more and more maladjusted. Narramore suggested that the boy be transferred to a spec ial class. “When Bill was five years old, we took him to a psychologist. He said Bill wouldn’t improve and he has. Each year, he is able to do more and more things so you see the psycholo gist was wrong.” Narramore nodded. He understood what had happened and tried to ex
plain to the parents that they had misunderstood the meaning of the psychologist. “ He did not mean that your son would not learn any more but that his capacity would always be below his mental age. When he was five he probably had the men tality of a boy of three. Now he is 11, he does not have the mentality of a boy of three, but of seven.” “ But,” the mother pleaded, “When other people reach mental maturity and stop growing, won’t Bill continue and catch up with them. He is just slow.” Patiently, Narramore explained that in all probability Bill would never catch up. During the course of the conversation, the fact came out that both Dr. Narramore and the school psychologist were Christians. Instantly, there was a change of at titude on the part of the parents. They respected Narramore’s Christian stand and as a consequence listened to him as a psychologist. They agreed to al low their son to attend the special class, where he would be better able to make his social adjustment and develop to the best of his ability. Dr. Clyde Narramore has found re peatedly that being a Christian and psychologist go hand in hand. Chris tians have problems but they mis trust the advice of a man who is not a Christian., For the past three years, Dr. Nar ramore has been coordinator of re search and guidance with the Los Angeles County Schools and as a psy chologist he is accredited by the De partment of Education of the State of'California. He works with school administrators, faculties, and parent groups, teaching them to apply the principles of missionaries to China. Shortly afterwards they were married and now have a daughter, Melodie Lee, who was bom last January 13. Dr. Narramore is also a musician, having studied at the Chicago Con servatory of Music. At present, he directs the choir at the Eagle Rock -Baptist Church, plays the cello, sings in the quartet and for the last two years, has been in charge of the music at the Rose Bowl Easter Sunrise Serv ice. But his chief interest is psychol ogy. When asked why he entered the field of psychology, he replied, “We sometimes discover God’s will by do ing what we know is the right thing for us to do, then He permits us to run right into the key job He has for us.” One of the important aspects of his present work is his counselling with teenagers from Christian homes. One young man who came to Narramore psychologis was 17, tall, handsome and a leader in high school. Though the boy ad mired the opposite sex and had friend ships with them, he was a homo sexual. He admitted, “ Somehow, I’m caught in this situation. Though in tellectually I am «against it yet I can’t resist the temptation to indulge in these practices.” Narramore began counselling with the boy. He treated the problem as if it were merely an unwholesome situ- THE KING'S BUSINESS 14 Story: Dorothy C. Haskin ■ Photos: Paul Wolfe knowledge of sex. The boy was able to identify his faulty conceptions of sex and to dis cuss possible, causes. Narramore also encouraged the boy to receive the Saviour, pray, read his Bible and take part in the fellowship of the church. G r a d u a lly there emerged new sex patterns and personality be havior. In time, he gained complete victory. Narramore works with many types of problems. One interesting case was Robert Q., a professional man, mar ried, and a Christian. He had a nerv ous breakdown. He was confined to his bed and not even able to talk more than a few minutes at any one time to anyone. A physical examination convinced the doctors that he peeded psychological counselling. Narramore counselled with him. As the man discussed his problem, continued on page 36 15 ation. He knew that if he showed shock, or strong emotion, the boy would be unable to confide in him. In time, the boy learned to discuss his situation easily and rationally. Then, he progressed to the place where he could look objectively at himself. He also revealed his lack of knowledge concerning sex. Through films, publications and counselling Narramore led the boy in a more complete and therefore more correct A U G U S T 1 9 5 3 FEATURE SECTION BUSINESS WORLD NEffSGRAMS James O. Henry# M.A.# Editor# Associate prof, of H¡story, Bioia Bible College Other relief agency officials have put it this way: “ For the hungry man with a hungry family in India, it is not enough to tell him that the United States is appropriating bil lions of dollars for foreign aid. All he knows is that he and his family are still hungry. It will mean much more to him personally to give him food on a direct, personal basis. That’s exactly what the private welfare agencies are doing overseas.” Fighting w ith F ood The value of United States food donations as a powerful weapon against Communism is being empha sized by private American welfare agencies now urging the government to release more of its mounting sur plus food stores. Agency officials are stressing the advantage of distributing foreign aid on a people-to-people ba sis, so that the recipients know it is a voluntary expression of friendship and good will direct from the Ameri can people. Paul French, executive director of CARE spoke of distributing some $30,- 000,000 worth of government donated food in Yugoslavia in 1950-51. This was done, according to French, at no extra cost to the American taxpayers. The Yugoslav government provided the ships and bore the freight costs. He said, “ CARE distributed the food among some four million of Yugo slavia’s needy and they were aware that it was a voluntary act of friend ship from the American people.” As a result, he said, “Marshal Tito vol unteered the comment that it would now be ‘most difficult’ to persuade the people of Yugoslavia to become ‘anti- American’.” D elinqu en cy Fa ctors “ Juvenile delinquency is caused by alcohol, gangsters, lack of church in fluence, pinch-penny politicians and — especially—parents,” a panel of ex perts told a session of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers convention, held recently in Okla homa City. The convention closed with the adoption of an 18-point platform recommended by its find ings committee. The platform aims at better homes, better schools and better communities. and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous ness.” 1 John 1:9. There seems to be nothing better for the emotions than a clear conscience. The Church in China Dr. Rolf Syrdal, executive secre tary of the National Board of Foreign Missions of the Lutheran Church, told the Evangelical Lutheran Church district convention in Long Beach, Calif, that, “ . . . there is a strong underground movement of Christian ity in Red China that has not yielded to Communist pressure.” Dr. Syrdal stated that, “ Christian ity in Red China is very strong. In Hongkong and in Formosa mission aries are active. Our church sent 50 missionaries into Japan three years ago and they have been welcomed.” He said the church “ now has 250 mis sionaries in various parts of the world.” The Vanishing Ra ce “ Despite government promises of improvement, diseases that thrive on squalor continue to plague the Nava jo Indians,” Roger Davis, a tribal leader of Indian Wells, Ariz., recently told the National Tuberculosis Asso ciation. He said, “ the life expectancy among Navajos has been reduced in some instances to 17 years and that only a high birth rate among reser vation Indians has prevented tribal extinction.” Congress approved an $88,000,000 program for rehabilitation of the In dians two years ago, but for some strange reason only $20,000,000 of this has been spent. Little visible im provement in the lot of the Navajo has been seen. Davis declared that, “ the tuber culosis death rate among Navajos is 10 or more times greater than among whites generally. Among Navajo children in the 5 to 9-year age group it is 140 times that among white. Fewer than half the Navajo are in school because there are no school facilities for them. Sanitation facilities are virtually unknown. Some families have to go 25 miles for water and 15 miles for wood. It is common for 10 to 15 Indians to live in close contact in one hogan,” Davis said. P a l t e r P laying W om en “ Do you play poker? If you do, and if you’re a woman, you’re better ad justed emotionally than those of your sisters who don’t go in for draw and low ball.” So says William McGloth- lin, a University of Southern Cali fornia graduate psychology student who completed a survey which em braced “ 31 gambling gals.” “ Playing poker,” McGlothlin said, “ takes shyness away from women and gives them a good, aggressive atti tude. In our society, many women find time heavy on their hands. Real ity begins to bring on disgruntle- ment. Poker is an escape from real ity—a kind of therapy which is often as stimulating as a champagne bath.” Most of the women interviewed by McGlothlin admitted they lost at poker more often than they won, “ but this,” he said, “ is beside thé point. The point is, that people immersed in an activity which absorbs a large proportion of their time are not likely to be maladjusted.” We might ask this graduate stu dent, to what adjustment in life does he refer. Certainly he cannot mean the adjustment to home life and motherhood. Truth Serum “ It’s emotions or feelings that make many people sick. And a so-called truth serum can aid doctors in help ing them get well,” said Dr. Zale A. Yanof, a famous Toledo physician. The drug, “ is a safe aid to induce people to tell the real reasons why they feel unhappy, anxious, worried, sleepless, fearful, or bothered.” It is used in the treatment of psychoso matic illnesses, ailments created by emotions rather than real physical troubles. Statistic show that from 50 to 80 per cent of patients seen by family doctors have just such ill ness to some degree. Dr. Yanof said the drug, “ won’t make people confess to things like murder. But it can induce them to talk sleepily and easily about things they fnay be hiding, consciously or unconsciously, . . .” There is a much better treatment for the Christian. “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful 16 THE KING'S BUSINESS WORDS from the WORD by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D., Director, Talbot Theological Seminary F U L N E S S LIGHT IN THE JUNGLE Or.e Hour Long unique, different, powerful Its heart-touching. It isfilled with pathos, humor, and clear Gospel. Rental, Color ............................... $20.00 Black and White ....................... 15.00 T he word “ fulness” ( melo ’ in the Hebrew and pleroma in the Greek) enjoys a wide variety of meanings in the Old Testament and the New, especially in the latter. It furnishes us with a good example of a word from a. common verb which is full of spiritual significance when once the Spirit of God determines to utilize it in the expression of deep spiritual truths. In the Old Testament the word is found repeatedly in connection with material creation to indicate the vast extent of it, as the fulness of the earth and the sea. Such references are Deuteronomy 33:16; 1 Chronicles 16: 32; Psalm 24:1; 50:12; 89:11; 96:11 and 98:7. The prophet Isaiah employs the term to predict the time when the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord (Isaiah 6:3). When we come to the New Testa ment, this norm is found thirteen times; once in the Gospel of John (1:16) and the rest in Paul’s epistles. Close study will reveal that this is truly one of the ponderous words of the New Testament. The reference in John points up the important doctrine that, since Christ is full of grace and truth as the only begotten of the Father, all believers are recipients of this fulness. Of Paul’s twelve uses of pleroma, half are found in Ephesians and Col- ossians. Romans 11:12 is speaking distinctly of Israel’s national restora tion to God. It is in antithesis to their loss of spiritual blessing in their fall through rejection of their Mes siah. The second occurrence of this word in the same chapter (v. 25) relates to the completed number of Gentiles that will enter the Body of Christ before God resumes national dealings with Israel. The pleroma of the Gentiles does not necessarily in clude every individual among the nations, any more than the pleroma of Israel embraces every individual Israelite. In the practical exhortations in this epistle (Rom. 13:10) he notes that the New Testament believer need not be concerned that he is no longer under the Mosaic law. This does not mean he is without a rule of life for his earthly pilgrimage. The high est law of a ll, the law of love which knows no ill to any man, is the com plete carrying out of all that the law commanded. Thé last usage of pler oma in Romans is one that breathes Paul’s hope that he may yet see the Roman believers attended by the blessing of Christ in Gospel ministry (15:29). Answering the moot question about eating meat sacrificed to idols, Paul reminds the Corinthian church ( 1 Cor. 10:26) of the complete sover eignty of God over all the earth. He is quoting from Psalm 24:1. No mat ter what has been done to a part of God’s creation or what use has been made of it, it still is the Lord’s; and we must recognize His ownership rights. In the Epistle to the Galatians the apostle employs the word pleroma (the word has come into English as a common norm) to state the round ing out of the time alloted for the incarnation of the Son of God (4:4). When we come to the six citations in Ephesians and Colossians, we are face to face with some of the deepest and grandest doctrinal concepts in these complementary epistles. Our term is used in connection with God, Christ, the Church, and the individ ual believer. In Ephesians 1:10 we are informed that God’s purpose in Christ will be fulfilled in the ful ness of times, the age of the reign of Christ over the earth. Time will be made to serve its proper and original purpose, the exaltation of the Son of God. But even in the interim time, the Church is the recipient of the totality of the power and presence of Christ (Eph. 1:23). Mark the ampli tude of the provision Christ supplies to His Church. Two recognized peaks in the Epistle to the Ephesians are the prayers of the Apostle in the first and third chapters. When Paul prays that believers may be filled with all the fulness of God, he means that they are to be completely filled with God’s power, presence, and blessings. The pleroma of God (Eph. 3:19) is our final conformation to God in Christ, as is estated in Ephesians 4:13 (see Romans 8:29). The two pleroma passages in Col ossians (1:19; 2:9) state in the strongest and plainest manner that Christ is essentially God, while He is truly man. The infinite and un- purchase rental BWVjMpt send cataloq information on Miracle Projector Dept. No. 5 C.O. BAPT I S TA F I LMS S U N N Y SI D E A V E N U E . W H E A T O N . I L L I N O I S FRIENDS There is an urgent need for prayerful and financial help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin, Washington State. Write COLUMBIA BASIN MISSIONS Box 1143 • MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON diminished perfection of the Father and Son is set forth here. False teachers at Colossae were employing the term pleroma in their philosophi cal and theosophical speculations to designate the system of angels and' aeons which was supposed to fill the chasm between the holy God and the material world, which was. thought of as basically and inherently evil. While the heretics (the Gnos tics) divided divine powers and per fections among various aeons, Paul shows that they all reside in Christ, because He is undiminished deity. All divine attributes and character istics reside in Christ. Fulness of deity was always in Christ; before the incarnation (John 1:1, 18; Phil. 2:6), and after the incarnation (John 1:14, 18; I Jn. 1:1-3). Thus in this word pleroma we have summarized the very heart of Paul’s message con cerning the Person of Christ. We re- oice in this fulness of Christ, for ours is a divine Saviour. We also recall with deep gratitude and adoration that of this fulness He gives to His own, and, though the pleroma was ever His, it was for your sake and mine that He emptied Himself (the kenosis of Phil. 2:7) to accomplish our redemption at Calvary. e n d . 17 A U G U S T 1 9 5 3 G reen gold surrounds the town of Watsonville, Calif., situated in the heart of fertile Pajaro valley in Santa Cruz county. The people of this multi-million dollar agricultural belt love their brown earth and their apple orchards and the vast stretches of neatly cultivated lettuce. And they are a people of deep spiritual values. This is reflected in the many churches and one of the most active churches is the First Baptist, pastored by Ralph Kraft ( B io l a ’38). The story of this church starts in 1909 when a fellowship of Baptist be lievers banded together for worship services. Soon a tent was erected and gradually interest grew, so in 1914 the church obtained a building and was organized with 25 charter mem bers. The church continued to grow under able leaders and in 1945 Rev. Kraft became pastor of the church. Since his coming the Sunday school has increased from 145 to 662, the church membership from 315 to 466 active members and the chmch bud get from $6,000 to $40,000. For five years they have owned • and operated two Sunday school buses within the city and surround ing country providing free transpor tation for both children and adults. There is a strong interest in the youth of the area and each Monday evening a large high school group meets for prayer and Bible study un der youth director, June Stowell. Then during the summer the group attends youth camps at Mount Her- mon and Hume Lake. Last year a new church and edu cational building was dedicated. The entire plant is valued at over $200,- 000. Church of the Month First Baptist Watsonville In Watsonville, Calif, this $200,000 church was completed last year. Below, pastor Ralph Kraft is pictured with his wife. 18 THE KING'S BUSINESS Ont of the BUY YOUTH SINGS Pocket Size—Only 35c, 3 for $1.00 Piano Size—Only 60c, 3 for $1.75 TWO SIZES For All Group Singing PRAISE BOOK PUBLICATIONS Lab Mound, Minnesota, and At Christian Bookstores SI PSfl Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science,' Biola Bible College S ome of the main arguments of the evolutionist in support of his theory are those from similarity. Where- ever there are found two forms that are similar in structure they are ex plained by descent through a com mon ancestor. He reasons that just as two cousins may look alike because they are re lated via a common grandparent so may similar groups of animals (or plants) share certain characteristics in common. He has interpreted the facts of nature as showing that all life today is descended from the first living thing and therefore all present day organism, plants and animals, must be related. In support of this position the evol utionist points to the fundamental similarities of all living things. For example the fact that plants and ani mals are composed of cells suggests to him a common ancestor. The chemical similarity of all plants and animals which have many organic compounds in common and also per form similar chemical reaction over almost identical pathways, have also tended to bolster his belief in descent through a common ancestor. The Christian looking at this evi dence from similarity fails to be im pressed, for he also expects this simi larity as evidence that one mind, God’s, was responsible for the crea tion pf all forms. He holds that it is unreasonable to assume that God had to make something entirely dif ferent each time He acted in crea tion. It is more reasonable to assume that He incorporated many old fea tures in each new creation. That this is a valid interpretation for the Christian is seen from the following scriptures. Ecclesiastes 3: 19, 20: “ For that which falleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. A ll go unto one BIBLE INSTITUTE place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” Here we have the basic chemical similarity of man and beast emphasized, as symbolized by the terms breath and dust, with out any thought that this indicates a genetic relationship. A basic similarity between plants and animals is even hinted at by other writers in the Old and New Testament as in Isaiah 40:6 “ . . . All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:” (see also 3 Peter 1:24.) In this verse there is suggested a basic similarity to plant and animal life. The obvious resemblance here emphasized, of course, is the common fate to be ex perienced by grass and our flesh but in light of our present day knowledge concerning the similarity of all pro toplasm, whether plant or animal, more basic similarities might be im plied. Since these scriptures were written within a frame work which includes God as creator it would in dicate the writers felt that these simi larities did not conflict with this great Biblical concept. Although the scriptural writers ad mit the physical similarity between man and the animals they recognized at the same time that between the two there is a great gulf fixed. Man is described as a special creation of God who was given a soul not found in any other of the earth’s creatures and, therefore, could not have de scended from the animals. The difference between man and the animals is emphasized even more when it is realized that of all the created beings it was only for man that God sent His Son into the world to die in order that the penalty for sin might be met. This peculiar con cern of God for man emphasizes a basic difference between man and the animals that will not allow his ori gin from the lower animals. No! Al though man may be similar in many respects to the animals he is not re lated to them by direct descent, e n d . Gateway to World Service Practical Christian training that is scholarly in character, Christ-centered in content and World-embracing in scope. COURSES: ★ BIBLE * CHRISTIAN ★ MISSIONS EDUCATION ★ SACRED MUSIC * THEOLOGY Diploma in 3 years —Degree in 4 or 5 years Write todayfor literature and information Arldra cc* "AUL S. ALLEN/ P resid en t-D ean L? * 101 W. 58th St.. Seattle 7, Wash. LOVE * lo ST when it is material and spiritual relief dispensed to suffering Jews in the name of Christ. , This ministry is bearing rich | fruit for eternity. Friends of Israel Missionary &Relief Society, Inc. 728K Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa. EYE EXAMINATION 'S Very Low Charges A CHRISTIAN SERVICE FOR CHRISTIAN FOLK Dr. H. C. Forsyth, Optometrist 610 S. Broadway— 327 Story Bldg. Satisfaction A ssu red T V . 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