Supporting Your Curriculum - 2023/24 SI offer.

Delivering a good curriculum is essential for pupils to receive a high-quality education. This interactive flipbook "Supporting Your Curriculum" contains five strands providing a ‘pick n mix’ offer for schools to address their current needs.


Subject Networks

Celebrating & Sharing

Subject Peer Review

Subject Specific CPD

Supporting your Curriculum

Quality Assuring your Curriculum



NEW ARRIVAL A well designed curriculum provides a clear structure for what children will learn and when they will learn it. This helps teachers to plan their lessons effectively and ensures that students are making progress in their learning. A good curriculum ensures that students are exposed to a wide range of subjects and topics, providing them with a broad and balanced education. It also ensures that students develop a deep understanding of key concepts and skills in each subject area. Schools also want their curriculum to support pupils’ personal and social development promoting values such as respect, tolerance, and responsibility and help develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Delivering a good curriculum is essential for pupils to receive a high-quality education. A good curriculum is never a one-and-done initiative. Revisiting it regularly allows you to review how things are going and make room for new topics that are relevant today. Getting your school’s curriculum right has never been so important and curriculum leaders are feeling intense pressure to design their curriculum, keep abreast of current thinking, resource discrete subjects, support class teachers, monitor and evaluate the subjects for which they take a lead role. At BEP we want to support leadership at all levels in delivering the best curriculum to ensure your pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitude they need to succeed in their future studies. Supporting Your Curriculum contains five strands, providing a ‘pick n mix’ offer for schools to address their current needs:

Subject Networks Subject Specific CPD Subject Peer Reviews Quality Assuring Your Curriculum: Pupil Book Study Festivals and Competitions



NEW ARRIVAL For each subject there will be three subject network meetings over the course of the year. The networks will give curriculum leaders an opportunity to keep abreast of current thinking and share good practice. Our providers will focus on both disciplinary and substantive knowledge. There will be a mixture of online and face-to-face delivery, giving you a chance to have a more hands on approach. SUBJECT NETWORKS - £150 PER YEAR

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. History The History Subject Networks will be facilitated by Andrew Wrenn. Andrew is a freelance History Education Consultant, a former trustee of the Historical Association and a national assessor for the Primary History Quality Mark Award. He is an experienced teacher, trainer and writer, a former local authority advisor for History and offers training to primary schools both nationally and at local level.

Andrew has written materials for the BBC, Pearson, HarperCollins, and the Oxford and Cambridge University Presses and has lead training abroad in France, the Baltic states, Nigeria and Oman. He wrote the recent Birmingham Civic History resources for schools to coincide with the Commonwealth Games.

NOVEMBER 7TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

This meeting will focus on an overarching concept of substantive knowledge , i.e. Empire. It will demonstrate examples of planning that can build pupil’s understanding of the concept over the key stages, showing how they can be helped to know more and remember more of this aspect of the primary history curriculum.



MARCH 5TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Following on from the last, this meeting will focus on disciplinary concepts such as cause and consequence and handling evidence. This practical session will give teachers ideas for how to teach each of the concepts featured in NC rubric. JUNE 11TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE Andrew will act as an agony uncle, giving advice to fictional history leads taking up posts in new schools, one with a very knowledge-rich approach and the other with an old-fashioned creative curriculum model. Teachers will have the opportunity to discuss the challenges that would face a subject leader in each setting and possible solutions to them. BOOKING LINK: BIT.LY/3ZIKPYK

Geography The Geography Subject Networks will be facilitated by Jon Cannell. Jon is the Curriculum Lead at the Geographical Association. Since joining the team in 2016 Jon has developed and led a range of CPD sessions to ITT students, teachers and leaders focusing, amongst other things, on curriculum development, fieldwork, critical thinking and leadership.

Jon has advised and supported schools to develop their geography curriculum to be broad, inclusive and in line with Ofsted’s EIF. Jon leads the Quality Mark process and moderation team, supporting schools to improve the quality of geography teaching and learning through rigorous self-evaluation, reflection, and action planning. He has led on projects funded by the British Council, DfE and DFID.



OCTOBER 10TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

Intent. This session will focus on what a coherent, well sequenced primary geography curriculum might look like and what needs to be considered at the planning stage to ensure clear expectations are set and a road map is in place to enable teachers and their pupils to succeed.

FEBRUARY 6TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Implementation. The focus will be on exploring geographical pedagogical approaches such as enquiry, fieldwork, conceptual and values led learning.

APRIL 23RD 2024 | 4.00 – 5.30PM ONLINE

Impact. ‘How do you know?’ is perhaps the most critical of questions for a school to answer. The session will look into how teachers can monitor the geography provision in their school. BOOKING LINK: BIT.LY/46RNZXM

Religious Education The RE Subject Networks will be facilitated by Daniel Martin. Daniel is the Deputy Headteacher at St Michael’s CofE Primary Academy in Birmingham. He is also on the Diocesan Board of Education’s Subcommittee for Curriculum and Religious Education. Daniel is also a trustee for St Peter’s Saltley Trust, which oversees RE related projects across Birmingham and further afield.

Having previously led the Central Birmingham group for NATRE, Daniel recognises the importance of academic rigour in religious education and is keen to share how to best exploit the distinctiveness and specificities of RE.



NOVEMBER 23RD 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

Substantive Knowledge. Deliberately ensuring that our RE curriculum equates to children with a rich and dense schemata by taking concepts such as Sacrifice and Salvation and mapping out where and how they appear in other units of study.

MARCH 14TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Disciplinary Knowledge . RE by its very nature is a multi-disciplinary subject and thus has a variety of disciplines that should be harnessed with a balanced approach to ensure that children have a sound and robust curriculum that produces religious literacy.

JUNE 20TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Creating an RE Curriculum. We will begin to look at how we can create an RE curriculum that is effective considering the limitations, the opportunities, and the destination we want to arrive at. BOOKING LINK: BIT.LY/3ZDYB5H

Art & DT The Art and DT Subject Networks will be facilitated by Andrew Fox. Andrew is a freelance education consultant, curriculum advisor and teacher trainer specialising in arts, innovation, and creativity. During the last 17 years, Andrew has worked with over 3000 schools across the UK delivering curriculum development, leadership training programs, one-to-one peer mentoring for teachers, and working as a creative critical friend to headteachers.




NOVEMBER 30TH 2023 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Understanding the Ofsted Research Review. The first online session will break down and examine the key elements of the recent Ofsted Research Review in Art and Design and look at how this translates into the primary art curriculum. Delegates can ask specific questions about their own subject planning and will take away a coherent set of checks and action plans based on the review. Plus, general Q&A time.

JANUARY 29TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

The Art and Design planning challenge. Following on from the first session, delegates will work in teams and be given planning tasks from a stimulus to create medium term plans that display learning in the areas of practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge in Art and Design and other areas of the review recommendations.

MAY 1ST 2024 | 4.00 – 5.30PM ONLINE

Preparation and presentation. In the final session we will look at how an Ofsted inspection would approach the subject of Art and Design in the areas of assessment, pedagogy, culture, systems, progression, and policy. This will also include teachers answering role play questions and developing a strategy to prepare and present the key areas of the subject of Art and Design to inspectors, senior leaders, governors, and school improvement visitors.





DECEMBER 7TH 2023 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

The iterative process of design. The first online session will explore the core principles and processes for design and how this should be leading the subject of D&T in primary schools. We will also explore the importance of interdisciplinary practice, problem solving and critical thinking in design.

JANUARY 30TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

Design thinking challenge. Following on from the first session, delegates will work together in design teams to solve fictional design challenges whilst learning about empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping and testing. Teachers will be then tasked with setting their own design thinking challenge for their pupils.

MAY 8TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE

Are we designers? Are the children learning to become designers or are they merely making a script? Teachers will discuss and share the successes and challenges in facilitating design thinking in school and in different areas of the D&T curriculum.



NEW ARRIVAL Secure teacher subject knowledge and rigorous, careful planning of the taught curriculum lie at the heart of effective teaching and learning. Subject leaders and teachers must understand the interplay of both substantive and disciplinary knowledge and how these fit into the whole curriculum for pupils to make progress. They must also understand pupils’ needs and how these might best be balanced within curriculum design, structure and implementation. This requires deep knowledge of the way that subjects and the teaching of them have developed in recent times. The subject specific training has been designed to complement the subject networks and will be delivered by the same providers. They are suitable for class teachers who have to deliver a specific unit of work as well as curriculum leads. There will be three courses a year also featuring both virtual and face-to-face training as appropriate. SUBJECT SPECIFIC CPD - £50 PER TRAINING EVENT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


OCTOBER 4TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE

What did the Anglo Saxons ever do for us? This practical webinar will give an academic overview of the substantive knowledge needed to teach the early Anglo-Saxon period at KS2, from the withdrawal of the Romans in at 410 CE to the Viking raid on Lindisfarne in 793. Advice will be given on shaping a medium-term plan with rigorous enquiry questions focused on disciplinary concepts and with suggested activities that would help pupils to answer the questions set. Reference will be made to local history and sites that can be woven into the study unit. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/2TK7C4CX


FEBRUARY 8TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

How did the Vikings change England? This practical webinar will give an academic overview of the substantive knowledge needed to teach the Viking period at KS2 from the first raid on Lindisfarne in 793 to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Advice will also be given on shaping a medium-term plan with rigorous enquiry questions, focused on disciplinary concepts and with suggested activities that would help pupils to answer the questions set. Reference will be made to local history and sites that can be woven into the study unit. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/58T7V742

JUNE 5TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM

Weaving British South Asian history into a diverse primary curriculum. This practical webinar will give examples of how content focused on British South Asian History can help pupils from that heritage identify with the curriculum and raise awareness of this aspect of diversity for all. Planning advice will include suggestions for the choice of significant individuals at KS1 and a focus on the legacy of South Asian soldiers who fought in the world wars. ONLINE BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/4TMJV9D4


NOVEMBER 9TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE

Investigating your local area. Pupil’s personal, concrete, experiences are at the centre of building geographical understanding of the world. The session will explore how to enable pupils to incrementally build their knowledge of local people, places and events. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/4DSFRH67


MARCH 14TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON

Investigating European and non-European countries. The session will consider what a good place study might look like and how as teachers, we provide opportunities for pupils to view different perspectives, make comparisons and challenge stereotypes and bias around place. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/4W72F4ZB

JUNE 20TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE

Weather and climate . ‘What is the difference between weather and climate?’ and ‘Why is the climate changing?’ are key questions in today’s world and will be explored through the final session of the year. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/2P8NA63U

Religious Education

FEBRUARY 22ND 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/FY9TPZSU OCTOBER 12TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE Dharmic religions: Hinduism, Sikhism & Buddhism. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/YCKC98AR


MAY 9TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE

Religious narratives: ‘The Power of Stories’. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/MR2CR8AB



JUNE 12TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE



DECEMBER 18TH 2023 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE Pulleys, gears, cams and levers. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/3ZZE6NM5


FEBRUARY 23RD 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM IN-PERSON BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/MK9BXSW3 Textiles. JUNE 26TH 2024 | 2.00-4.00PM ONLINE Monitoring and control. BOOKING LINK: TINYURL.COM/3EJM3H9C

SUBJECT PEER REVIEWS - £75 PER TRAINING EVENT This is a coaching model to support schools in a self-led system of continuing school improvement. The BEP Peer Review Programme enables schools to build strong, supportive, and mutually beneficial relationships that deliver sustainable self-improvement. BEP Peer Review helps schools rigorously challenge each other and identify priority areas for development. It supports schools in celebrating strengths and learning from one another within a culture of collective accountability. The process is cyclical and aims to build a culture where self-evaluation, peer review and ongoing school-to-school support become embedded in the practice of Birmingham schools as part of their continual school improvement. Empowering school leaders and staff will inevitably result in empowering our city’s children to achieve their very best. Delivered by Emma Tyler, the 1-day face-to-face training involves schools being grouped into clusters of 3. Where possible a Consortium Partner will help facilitate three reviews at each school throughout the year. BEP Primary Essential or Premier Members*are entitled to 3 free subject Peer Reviews. Additional Peer Review training and support can be purchased at £75.

*To learn more about our new and improved Membership offer visit:


MARCH 5TH 2024 | 4.00-5.30PM ONLINE Geograph y Peer Review Subject Peer Review Training will be facilitated by Emma Tyler. Emma was co-Headteacher of Greet Primary School and Teaching School until leaving at the end of the academic year 2019 to become an independent Education and Leadership Consultant. Emma has taught in inner-city Birmingham schools for 28 years including Greet for 20 years. As an independent consultant, Emma is working alongside several schools providing coaching support and leadership training for their on-going school improvement. She continues to work with BEP to lead the Peer Review programme of school led self- improvement. Following on from the last, this meeting will focus on disciplinary concepts such as cause and consequence and handling evidence. This practical session will give teachers ideas for how to teach each of the concepts featured in NC rubric. The Geography Subject Networks will be facilitated by Jon Cannell. Jon is the Curriculum Lead at the Geographical Association. Since joining the team in 2016 Jon has developed and led a range of CPD sessions to ITT students, teachers and leaders focusing, amongst other things, on curriculum development, fieldwork, critical thinking and leadership. JUNE 11TH 2024 | 4.00 – 5.30PM ONLINE

Click the link or scan the QR code below to access the full 2023/24 calendar of Peer Review Training.



NEW ARRIVAL The final piece in the curriculum jigsaw. We have commissioned Alex Bedford to deliver training for Birmingham leaders based around his best- selling Pupil Book Study. A systematic toolkit that enables leaders and teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching, and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment. Pupil Book Study will provide an accurate and in-depth insight into what learning looks like and to the lived experience of the pupils in your school. The framework allows leaders to discuss and analyse learning across the curriculum, spotlighting areas of strength and focusing on limitations and actions for change in school. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The seven evidence-led spotlights will help leaders analyse and evaluate curriculum architecture, impact of teaching and long-term retention of taught content. What impact is your curriculum having? Does teaching support learning? Do tasks enable pupils to think hard and create long-term learning? This programme encompasses three 1-hour webinars and a one-day in- person session with Alex modelling the Pupil Book Study approach in a school. Pupil Book Study helps answer these essential questions:

11th September 4-5pm

1 hour Webinar

18th September 4-5pm

1 hour webinar

25th September 4-5pm

1 hour webinar

A one-day in-person session with Alex modelling Pupil Book Study approach in a school.



NEW ARRIVAL Encouraging healthy competition: Competitions can provide children with a safe and fun environment to compete against their peers, encouraging them to strive for their best and develop healthy competitive attitudes. Building confidence: Competing in front of others can help children develop self-confidence and overcome their shyness or fear of public speaking. Celebrating diversity: Festivals can celebrate the diverse cultural backgrounds of students, promoting understanding and appreciation for different traditions and ways of life. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Fostering creativity: Competitions that involve art, music, or creative writing can foster children's creativity and help them develop their artistic talents. Providing opportunities for teamwork: Competitions that involve group activities can help children learn to work together, develop leadership skills, and build a sense of camaraderie among their peers. Overall, competitions and festivals can help promote a positive school culture, foster academic and personal growth, and create lasting memories for students. Competitions and festivals in schools serve several purposes, including: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS - FREE FOR ALL BIRMINGHAM SCHOOLS.

Celebrations & Festivals

AUTUMN TERM Art Competition on the theme of ‘ Fairy Tales ‘ for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Send your top 3 entries to the BEP office by 30th November. Further details to follow.


SPRING TERM Writing competition on the theme of ‘ Responsibility ‘. We know that we all have a responsibility to take care of our things, ourselves and our environment. Now imagine that you have been asked to choose your most cherished possession and pass this onto someone else for them to take over the responsibility of caring for it. What would you choose to pass on? Who would you pass it to? What would you tell them about it and what do they need to do to care for it? SUMMER TERM History competition on the theme of ‘ Proud to Be a Brummie ‘. Are you fascinated by the rich history of our local community? Do you love to explore the stories of the people and events that shaped our town's past? Then you won't want to miss the upcoming local study history competition. Join us for a chance to showcase your knowledge of our community's history and compete against other history enthusiasts. Your pupils can enter this competition at any time throughout the year. The winners will be chosen at the end of the year.

All entries can be emailed to



C/O Adderley Nursery School 1 St Saviours Road Birmingham B8 1HN 0121 285 0924


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