Annual and sustainability report 2021
This is Hemnet | 2 |
Our history | 4 |
CEO comments | 6 |
2021 in numbers | 8 |
Our offering | 10 |
Our strategy | 13 |
Financial targets | 15 |
Hemnet as a workplace | 16 |
The Hemnet share | 19 |
Sustainability report | 20 |
Sustainability efforts | 20 |
Risk analysis | 26 |
Approach | 27 |
Report on the Sustainability Report | 28 |
Administration report | 29 |
The financial year 2021 | 29 |
Corporate governance report | 32 |
Board of Directors | 38 |
Management | 40 |
Distribution of earnings | 42 |
Financial Statements | 43 |
Consolidated statement of financial position | 44 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity | 45 |
Consolidated statement of cash flows | 46 |
Notes, Group | 48 |
Income statement, Parent company | 65 |
Balance sheet, Parent company | 66 |
Report of changes in equity, Parent company | 67 |
Statement of cash flows, Parent company | 68 |
Notes, Parent company | 69 |
Auditor’s report | 71 |
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