MHFA England Workplace Info Pack

Explore our flexible training packages for workplace mental health and wellbeing, delivered by the experts in workplace mental health.

MHFA England Supporting employee mental health

MHFA England TM © 2024



Contents Welcome Training and consultancy

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What employers say What employees say Consultancy How MHFA England can help Training Adaptable training framework Training for the whole organisation Training for designated staff at all levels Training for people managers Prices Useful resources Contact us

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Welcome We are Mental Health First Aid England ® . We’re a social enterprise with a vision to improve the mental health of the nation. We all know that investing in wellbeing is good for business. Practical mental health skills and awareness training is a key component for creating a safe, healthy workplace where the mental health and physical health of employees are valued equally. It gives people the skills to spot the signs of poor mental health, the confidence to start a conversation, and the knowledge to signpost to support. Improving workplace mental health remains the biggest positive change any organisation can make. But with so many implications, it can be impossible to know where to start. MHFA England is the national authority on mental health first aid. We’ve had 16 years of experience as the leading provider of mental health training, coupled with research and data about what organisations and their employees need and want. Our training and consultancy is here to support you to manage health and wellbeing proactively, minimise the impact of mental ill health on your business and your people, and promote and maintain healthy workplaces. We’ll work alongside you to understand the needs of your organisation and support you to implement training that complements strategy, if you have one. If you don’t, we’ll get you started on that journey and support you along the way. Each organisation’s culture is unique and creating change around mental health is a complex task that requires a multi-tiered approach, which our team of experts is positioned to support. Together, we can help to create a society where everyone’s mental health matters.

Simon Blake, Chief Executive, MHFA England

Poor mental health costs Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £56 billion each year. But for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions, they get back £5.30 in reduced absence, presenteeism, and staff turnover (Deloitte, 2022)

Learn more about MHFA England’s training



Training and consultancy Expertise in workplace mental health

We have provided expert consultancy and training to over 20,000 workplaces. Our whole organisation approach means we support you to embed training as part of your overall wellbeing strategy. Tailored delivery We take the time to understand your organisation and can tailor our training to ensure it reflects the sector and environment you work in. Our courses are delivered by dedicated Associate instructors who are individually paired to your delivery, ensuring they have the sector expertise relevant to your workplace. Flexible delivery We provide flexible delivery with our online, onsite, and digital learning options, bringing quality mental health training to your staff, no matter where they are based. Evidence-based Grounded in research and rigorously tested, our courses are developed with input from clinical experts and those with lived experience of mental health issues. Workplace consultancy We will work collaboratively and take time to understand your culture, building on your strengths and recommending areas for improvement. Together, we’ll build cultures where wellbeing and productivity flourish hand in hand. Meet the core standards Help meet the recommended core standards for a healthy workplace as set out for all employers in the Government’s Thriving at Work report. Social enterprise We’re a social enterprise so every time you book a course it means we can offer subsidised training to the NHS, organisations which support frontline workers, and Black- led organisations. Licensed provider We are the only provider of licensed Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training in England, accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health. More than just a course Post-training support is central to MHFA England’s philosophy. MHFA training doesn’t stop when the course comes to an end. With MHFA England, we offer continuous support for MHFAiders ® – well beyond their initial certification. We are the only provider in England offering a full support package like this. International network We are the only training provider in England that is part of MHFA International, an international network allowing us to support both national and multi-national organisations ensuring a consistent approach to training.



Core standards 1. Produce, implement and communicate a mental health at work plan 2. Develop mental health awareness among employees 3. Encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling 4. Provide employees with good working conditions and ensure they have a healthy work life balance and opportunities for development 5. Promote effective people management through line managers and supervisors 6. Routinely monitor employee mental health and wellbeing (Thriving at Work: The Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers)

Research and evaluation shows that MHFA England courses make a lasting difference in people’s knowledge and confidence around mental health. Click here to explore our evidence base.

Why choose our training cont.



What employers say

See how organisations are using MHFA England training. Click on a quote to learn more, or see all:

Written case studies

Video case studies

“Ever since our initial Mental Health First Aid training pilot in 2018, mental health awareness has never been stronger across all our regions. Whilst everyone is dispersed across a national and international footprint, we all feel part of one community – one that is open, supportive and willing to discuss mental health in a positive way. Utilising the excellent training from MHFA England, our programme has firmly put mental wellbeing at the forefront of our employee culture.”

“We spend a lot of our life at work so how we feel when we are there is important. At Weber Shandwick, we have built an ethos of belonging, connection, and purpose; a culture rooted in collaboration with a positive and supportive team dynamic. MHFA training aligns so well within this dynamic that it is almost impossible to imagine a Weber where we didn’t have MHFAiders!”

Deutsche Bank

“The last couple of years have been tough. We have noticed that more people than ever are coming forward to say they feel lonely and isolated. The training from MHFA England has given me greater awareness of others’ emotional wellbeing. My fellow MHFAiders and I listen and offer guidance on where to get the right support. It can be as simple as offering to have a cuppa and a chat with a colleague - as the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved.” Skanska

Weber Shandwick

Why choose our training cont.



What employers say

“Mental health knowledge, skills, and awareness training has played a role in trying to demystify the stigma around mental health, something that continues to be a challenge for a lot of organisations and people. The introduction of MHFAiders has helped to empower people across our organisation, at all levels, to speak out about their experiences with mental health, acting as visible role models. Overall, this has helped our people to gain confidence and feel safe to approach the topic, seek support, and resolve the issue before it’s too late.” Grant Thornton

“We are huge advocates for mental health as an organisation, so if a staff member wants to undertake mental health first aid, we will absolutely support it. It’s embedded in our culture, and we’re really proud that we have this support network that can be available in an instant, virtually, or face to face.”

“We’ve found that more people are actively seeking support. Our engagement survey has shown a reported increase in managers supporting employees. Across the organisation, there are managers equipped to support their colleagues. Mental health- related absences have stabilised, and there’s a much more open culture to discuss mental health at all levels.” HCA Healthcare

Staffordshire and Stoke-on- Trent Integrated Care Board

Why choose our training cont.



What employees say

“The MHFA course was worthwhile both professionally and personally. I gained invaluable skills and tools that I can use to support others.”

“I found the MHFA course really insightful. The instructors leading the course were very knowledgeable and clearly very passionate about mental health. It was inspiring and made me want to make a difference.”

“The MHFA course provided an opportunity for reflection. It has enabled me to consider myself first, while being able to relate and identify signs and symptoms in others. By being able to identify potential problems, it creates improved confidence in the support that I can offer other people.”

“Excellent delivery, very engaging, knowledgeable, lots of real-life experience. I hope more senior leadership team take away the value of MHFA England and make it mandatory across the company.”

“Our tutor was knowledgeable and delivered the training in a very interactive way. The participants had great input into the course that made peer learning extremely valuable!”

“The course was very well structured, and everyone was open about their experiences with mental health”.

“A fantastic opportunity to learn the correct methodology to lessen the impacts or poor mental health. I will take and introduce many of the aspects learned on the course to my personal and professional life”.

“Learning about mental health has changed the way I think about the subject as a whole and understand the stigma related to it. It has helped me to be a more patient and understanding person all around”.

Why choose our training cont.



Consultancy The way we live, and work has shifted and highlighted the need to understand how work and workplace culture can both impact and improve your employees’ mental health. Our consultancy supports workplaces to promote the mental health and wellbeing of their people. Born from decades of experience, our consultancy brings together world class experts, robust research, and lived experience to help you understand and meet the mental health needs of your organisation. Having worked with over 20,000 organisations, we understand the nuances of workplaces and the barriers you may be facing. We know how to implement excellent training, robust systems, and practical policies to improve the wellbeing of your workforce. We work collaboratively with you to find the most effective way forward for your organisation’s unique needs.



How can MHFA England help?

Evaluate your approach We use data-driven analysis to understand your employees’ experiences to identify what is working and where engagement can be increased. We listen without judgement to give you an honest evaluation of your company culture and the collective mental health of your employees, offering valuable insights for improvement and growth. Build and develop your wellbeing strategy The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s recent report showed that “50% of workplaces don’t have a wellbeing strategy”. We are the experts in building strategies that are people focused and align with your business objectives. We will work with you, step by step, to create an actionable People managers create the golden thread between an individual’s objectives, the team’s plan, and the business’ vision and mission. If we want our organisations to succeed, we must prioritise our people, empowering our managers to succeed. Engage senior leadership Culture change starts from the top. Our consultancy will help you involve your senior leaders, so they are engaged in creating a culture where wellbeing fuels performance. strategy that suits your needs. Empower and build people manager capability

Review and communicate wellness policies Comprehensive wellness policies help make up a robust wellbeing strategy. We will work with you to find the best ways to communicate and engage your people with your policies so that everyone can thrive and

access support when they need it. Evaluate your wellbeing initiatives Our comprehensive evaluation and

assessment process will evaluate your current wellbeing initiatives and provide you with clear, data-driven recommendations tailored to your needs. Connect training with your wellbeing strategy We know that mental health training is only one part of the workplace wellbeing approach. We’ll work with you to listen to your employees’ needs and understand your training requirements, whether that is MHFA for front line staff, training for your managers, or Suicide First Aid courses. Connect wellbeing to all corners of your organisation Your approach to wellbeing shouldn’t be considered in isolation. We will help you connect wellbeing with all your HR policies from equity, diversity and inclusion, leadership, recruitment, and ways of working through to learning and development.

Supporting you along the way We support and guide organisations on their journey towards a healthier and more productive workplace, whatever their size or sector. Wherever your starting point, we are there, every step of the way, supporting you to support your people. Together, we’ll build cultures where wellbeing and productivity flourish hand in hand.

Consultancy cont.




MHFA England training gives people tools to support themselves and each other, so everyone can talk about mental health and seek help when needed. We teach people to spot the signs of mental ill health and guide a person towards support. We don’t teach people to be therapists, but we do teach people how to respond in a crisis, and how to reach out before a crisis happens. – Protect employee mental health through prevention and early intervention – Embed culture change across the whole organisation – Develop your managers’ skills and knowledge to have effective mental health conversations with their teams – Build employees’ confidence to have open conversations around mental health and break the stigma – Encourage people to access support early when needed, for a faster recovery – Empower people with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive in work – Promote a mentally healthy environment, allowing people to thrive and become more productive – Become part of England’s leading community of MHFAiders and get automatic 24/7 digital support through the MHFAider Support App ® (as part of our Mental Health First Aid course).

Legislation for Mental Health First Aid Legislation for Mental Health First Aid provision in the workplace is not yet in place. The Health and Safety Executive says: “You should consider ways to manage mental ill health in your workplace which are appropriate for your business, such as providing information or training for managers and employees, employing occupational health professionals, appointing mental health trained first aiders and implementing employee support programmes.”



Training is the foundation to a healthy workplace Educating people about mental health helps to open up conversations, break down stigma, and encourage mental health resilience. It can also ensure people are aware of how to access help, allowing for quicker recoveries and more positive outcomes. Who to train Everyone who completes a course gets a certificate of attendance. Mental Health First Aid, MHFA Champion, and Mental Health Aware courses provide: – A manual to refer to whenever they need it – A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health In addition, MHFAiders get automatic 24/7 digital support through the MHFAider Support App, with exclusive resources and ongoing learning opportunities to grow confidence in the workplace. Delivery options Courses are delivered online, in-person or onsite at your workplace, by an experienced Associate Instructor Member. Our quality assured Associates have been recruited due to their diverse business backgrounds, experience in mental health, and their ability to engage and motivate attendees. Online Mental Health First Aid deliveries take place through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub, or on a platform of your choice, as live training sessions. Our Online Learning Hub provides a platform for an inclusive and flexible learning experience for your employees.

Our training can be delivered in-person or onsite at your workplace, by an experienced Associate Instructor Member Our training can be delivered via our Online Learning Hub or on a platform of your choice, as live training sessions.

Learn more about MHFA England’s training

Training cont.



Adaptable training framework We know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and this mindset underpins everything we do with you and your people. Our adaptable training framework allows you to build solid foundations to improve your workplace wellbeing or continue to layer mental health knowledge,

awareness, and skills throughout your organisation. Click on a course name to go to more information:

Training for the whole organisation Mental Health Aware

Tackle stigma with awareness across the whole organisation, to empower people to take up the other initiatives you are putting in place. Learn more Build the foundation of suicide awareness across your organisation to tackle stigma and build confidence to intervene with people at risk of suicide. Learn more Introduce employees at all levels across your organisation to the topic of mental health. Practical skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health, be confident to start a conversation, and signpost a person to appropriate support.​Plus receive three years of support and exclusive benefits through our MHFAider Support App ® . Learn more Gain knowledge and confidence to provide Mental Health First Aid for the most common signs of mental ill health amongst your people. Learn more Update mental health knowledge, awareness, and skills every three years. Learn more Build a greater understanding and confidence amongst your people to intervene with those at risk of suicide, and to help create suicide-safety as a first aid approach in the workplace. Learn more Change the culture around mental health by providing knowledge and a framework for wellbeing conversations. Learn more Give managers practical skills and confidence to have supportive face-to-face or remote conversations with their teams about mental health and wellbeing. Learn more

Suicide First Aid: Aware

Mental Health Introduction

Training for designated staff at all levels: Mental Health First Aid

MHFA Champion

MHFA Refresher

Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention

Training for people managers: Mental Health Knowledge for Managers

Mental Health Skills for Managers

Training cont.



Training for the whole organisation

Mental Health Aware

Format: Four hour session available online or face to face.

Employees are three times more likely to thrive if they work in a company that offers mental health support, according to AXA’s Mind Health Report. Help make wellbeing part of everyday conversation with our Mental Health Aware course. Employees will learn to challenge stigma, manage stress, and gain the confidence to talk about mental health. What’s covered? – Defining mental health – Factors that affect mental health – Challenging stigma

Adult Mental Health Aware Half Day Workbook

MHFA England TM ©2018 MHFA. All rights reserved.

Learn more

– Prevalent mental health conditions – Recovery from poor mental health – Self-care and resilience – Useful statistics and resources

Suicide First Aid Aware

Format: Four hour session available online.

Suicide is the leading cause of death in adults under the age of 50, according to the Office for National Statistics, but it is also one of the most preventable. With our Suicide First Aid Aware course, your people will gain foundational knowledge of suicide awareness, tackle stigma, and build the confidence to start conversations with someone at risk. This course is delivered in partnership with the National Centre for Suicide Prevention Education and Training and accredited by City & Guilds. It is designed to help instigate a proactive approach to suicide awareness and prevention, while also fostering a supportive and open culture in your organisation. What’s covered? – Tackling stigma and the impact of suicide – Suicide thoughts and behaviour – Supportive conversations and suicide prevention – Safety guidance – Self-care and resilience

Suicide First Aid Aware Your workbook An SFA training programme assured by City & Guilds (Suicide First Aid Lite). In partnership with Mental Health First Aid England.

This material has been adapted by Mental Health First Aid England from Suicide First Aid (SFA) Limited materials, under licence from Suicide First Aid (SFA) Limited

2011-22 Suicide First Aid Qualifications All rights reserved


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Training cont.



Mental Health Introduction

Format: One hour live session online.

Introduce employees at all levels across your organisation to the topic of mental health with this introductory mental health workshop. It is a time and cost effective way to reach all employees to encourage them to start thinking about mental health and how it can impact them in the workplace. We limit numbers to 100 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn. What’s covered? – What is health? – Our mental health journey – Helpful and unhelpful language – Your Stress Container – Early warning signs of poor mental health – Barriers to help-seeking – How to begin a conversation – Take 10 Together toolkit – Where you can go to develop knowledge, skills and improve your confidence further

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Training for designated staff at all levels

Mental Health First Aid

Format: Available as a two day face-to-face session, or as a flexible online delivery.

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A mentally healthy workplace is good for wellbeing and as Deloitte have reported poor mental health costs employers £56 billion every year, it’s good for business too. By training your people to have mental health first aid skills, they’ll learn to be a first point of contact for someone who may be experiencing poor mental health. From day-to-day wellbeing conversations to crisis situations, this two-day course provides the knowledge and skills to confidently support colleagues when they need it most and signpost to further resources. With our Mental Health First Aid course, training doesn’t stop once they’ve completed the course. Your MHFAiders will have access to ongoing benefits, such as the MHFAider Support App, which provides exclusive resources and learning opportunities to keep their skills and confidence alive.

Mental Health First Aid

Your workbook

MHFA England TM © 2022


Learn more

What’s covered? – Defining mental health – The MHFAider role – Prevalent mental health conditions – Stigma and discrimination – Active listening – Mental Health First Aid action plan – Crisis first aid – Helpful and unhelpful language – Recovery and lived experience – Self-care and resilience

– MHFAider Support and Benefits MHFAider Support and Benefits In addition to the course, learners will receive access to our MHFAider Support and Benefits for three years. This support includes: – A resource library of toolkits, guidance, animations and core mental health concepts – A signposting database through Hub of Hope to find local and national mental health services for additional support

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Mental Health First Aid cont.

RSPH Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid Want to build your MHFAiders’ confidence even further? Test your employees’ knowledge with an internationally recognised qualification, RSPH Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid. Why get an MHFAider qualification with us? Our internationally recognised RSPH Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid will give you a chance to demonstrate your commitment to mental health first aid in the workplace, allowing your employees to continue their learning journeys and build their knowledge as MHFAiders with a practical eAssessment. Our Mental Health First Aid qualification is the only one of its kind to be endorsed and supported by the world’s oldest public health body, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH). Cost The RSPH Level 3 award in Mental Health First Aid practical eAssessment is a separate and optional assessment following the course. It will incur a cost of £99 including VAT per MHFAider, to register and complete the qualification. MHFAider Support and Benefits cont. – Secure conversation journalling to make reflective notes while protecting confidentiality – Reminders for wellbeing check ins with the people your MHFAiders are supporting – 24/7 text support services through Shout for advice and reassurance on a mental health conversation, or to support wellbeing after a difficult conversation – Exclusive quarterly webinars to embed and broaden mental health knowledge – Becoming part of the largest MHFAider community in England

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Training cont.



MHFA Champion

Format: One day session available online or face to face.

Organisations we work with have seen increases of up to 75% in referrals for mental health issues to their occupational health services, showing staff are more likely to seek help after mental health training. Strengthen and prioritise the wellbeing strategy in your organisation by building a network of MHFA Champions. Your people will gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to have a conversation about mental health, challenge stigma and lead the way to a mentally

Adult MHFA One Day Workbook

healthy workplace. What’s covered? – Defining mental health – The role of an MHFA Champion – Mental health and stress in the workplace

MHFA England TM ©2017 MHFA. All rights reserved.

Learn more

– Challenging stigma and spreading mental health awareness – Prevalent mental health conditions and how they affect people – Spotting the early signs of poor mental health – An introduction to having helpful, open conversations – Providing support, both day-to-day and in a crisis – Self-care best practice and building resilience – Useful statistics and resources

MHFA Refresher

Format: Four hour session available online or face to face.

Did your MHFAiders train three or more years ago? Just like physical first aid, keeping up to date with the latest mental health knowledge will help your people perform this vital role confidently and effectively. With the Refresher course, your MHFAiders will get another three years of certification and gain access to ongoing benefits, such as the MHFAider Support App, with exclusive learning and resources. What’s covered? – Reflections on the MHFAider role – Helpful and unhelpful language – Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan – Self-care and resilience refresh – Up-to-date resources and further learning

Mental Health First Aid pro- gramme Adult Mental Health First Aid Refresher Workbook section

In 2000, the Mental Health First Aid programme was created in Canberra, Australia, by Betty Kitchener, an educator and mental health consumer, in partnership with Professor Tony Jorm, a mental health researcher. The aim of creating the programme was to extend the concept of first aid training to include mental health issues so that community members were empowered to provide better initial support to people developing mental health issues or in mental health crisis. The Mental Health First Aid programme first went outside Australia in 2003, when it was adopted by the Scottish government. England adopted it from Scotland in 2007. Since then, it has gradually spread to many other countries. By early 2018, these included: Bangladesh, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Malta, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, UAE, USA and Wales. When the Mental Health First Aid programme was adopted in these countries, either a mental health government agency or a nongovernment mental health organisation adapted the Mental Health First Aid Australia course materials (manual, PowerPoint slides, teaching notes and videos) to their own culture and health system and worked out the method of dissemination best suited to local conditions. Further details of the international spread of the Mental Health First Aid Programme can be found at: www. and An important factor in the Mental Health First Aid programme’s international spread has been the continuing attention to research and evaluation. All course content is as evidence- based as possible and many evaluation studies have been conducted. A range of studies, including randomised controlled trials, have shown that Mental Health First Aid training improves knowledge, reduces stigmatising attitudes, and increases first aid actions towards people with mental health issues. Summaries of these evaluation studies can be found at the MHFA Australia website: This Mental Health First Aid England manual is based on the 3rd edition Australian Mental Health First Aid manual. The course is designed for members of the public to learn how to assist someone who is developing a mental health issue or is in a mental health crisis. The giving of Mental Health First Aid is most relevant in

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Training cont.



Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention

Format: One day session available online.

One in ten suicides are work-related, Hazards Campaign estimates. Support wellbeing and help tackle stigma with a first aid approach to suicide. Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention is delivered in partnership with the National Centre for Suicide Prevention Education and Training and is accredited by City & Guilds. On this course, learners will gain a greater understanding of suicide prevention and confidence to support people at risk, learn how to raise awareness, and develop the skills to have conversations during a time of crisis. What’s covered? – Tackling stigma – Suicide thoughts and behaviour – Possible causes of suicide thoughts and behaviour – Suicide intervention and postvention – Safety guidance – Active listening – Spotting early signs – Having open and frank conversations – Applying your knowledge to your community or workplace – Self-care and resilience

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Training cont.



Training for people managers

The relationship between managers and their team members is key for the health and wellbeing of the whole organisation. People managers create the golden thread between an individual’s objectives, the team’s plan, and the business’ vision and mission. However, a third (33%) of managers say they are out of their depth supporting their team with mental health concerns. Over a quarter (29%) of managers say that more support and training from their employer would help them to create a team where everyone feels they can bring their whole selves to work. (1) By empowering your people managers to build supported, motivated, and committed teams, you can help create a healthy workplace for all, ensuring your people and organisation thrive.

Mental Health Knowledge for Managers

Format: Available online as a set of self-directed digital learning modules.

36% of companies take more of a reactive approach to supporting their employees, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. But for everyone to thrive in a mentally healthy workplace, managers need to feel empowered to proactively support and motivate their teams every day, and not just during a crisis. With this flexible digital learning package, your managers will learn how to create culture change in your organisation by building on their mental health knowledge. This includes how to have wellbeing conversations and signpost to further support. With a library of training modules, this evidence-based and people- focused approach allows your managers to learn at their own pace, building effective and sustainable support for their teams. What’s covered?

– Getting to know your team – Supporting mental health – Mental health and wellbeing conversations – Managing performance – Workplace stress and managing workloads – Work/life balance – Understanding inequality – Crisis situations – Managing remote teams

Learn more

(1) MHFA England Manager survey 2023 ( )

Training cont.



Mental Health Skills for Managers

Format: Four hour session available online or face to face.

69% of people say their manager has a greater impact on their mental wellbeing than their therapist or doctor, according to a survey by The Workforce Institute at UKG. But not all managers feel they have the knowledge or confidence to hold conversations about mental health. A third of managers feel out of their depth when it comes to supporting employees through mental health issues, which rises to 45% amongst managers under 25. On this course, managers will be empowered with the skills, knowledge and confidence to have effective face-to-face or remote conversations with staff about mental health and wellbeing. What’s covered? – The importance of knowing your team – Spotting the early signs of poor mental health – Preparing for and having mental health conversations – Wellbeing and stress in the workplace – Self-care and resilience

Mental Health Skills for Managers Your workbook

MHFA England TM © 2022 All rights reserved

Learn more

Training cont.



“We wanted our less experienced people managers to feel able to open up conversations about mental health with team members. This course was really helpful in laying down the foundations to give our managers both the skills and the confidence to start these potentially difficult conversations. The trainer was excellent and for a course that was delivered all online, it was still as interactive as if you were there in person. They kept us engaged with all of us drawing on a shared whiteboard and group work in breakout rooms to role play potential scenarios. We were impressed with how slick the online experience was and appreciated how attentive MHFA England were before the course to understand our needs.” Octopus Energy



Prices Prices quoted here reflect both online and onsite course deliveries. All in-house courses have a minimum of eight learners.


Price (exc. VAT)

Maximum capacity

Mental Health First Aid



MHFA Refresher



Mental Health Introduction



Mental Health Aware



MHFA Champion



Mental Health Skills for Managers



Return to Work & Mental Health



Mental Health Knowledge for Managers

Price on request


Suicide First Aid Aware



Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention





Useful resources Strategic guidance

Implementing MHFAiders: Guide for employers This guide will take you through the key considerations to help you embed positive, sustainable cultural and behavioural change.

Being an MHFAider: Your guide to the role This guide for trained employees outlines what they can expect from the role of being a designated Mental Health First Aider at work.

Toolkits Explore our selection of toolkits , guidance and resources specifically designed to support workplaces to embed mental health tools and strategies in their organisation. Download our free digital resources for mental health awareness and tips, which can help to create a culture where it’s OK to talk about mental health: My Whole Self Every Mind Matters Self-care tools



Contact us Get in touch with our workplace mental health experts to learn more and to discuss your

organisation’s requirements. Telephone: 0203 928 0760 Email: Website:



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