Lift CIIM Training Standard ver0

Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Standard

V0 0

Pre-publication draft For information only

Publication date: xxx, xxxx

GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Standard V0


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................5 CHANGE LOG REVISION .....................................................................................................6 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................9 GENERAL REQUIREMENT TO GWO LIFT COMMISSION, INSPECTION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE TRAINING...................................................................................................10 Overview..............................................................................................................................................10 Target group........................................................................................................................................10 Aims and objectives.............................................................................................................................10 Duration of Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Modules ...............................10 Validity period......................................................................................................................................11 Course Codes ......................................................................................................................................11 Participant prerequisites for the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance training .11 Physical demands ................................................................................................................................11 Training Equipment .............................................................................................................................12 UNDERSTAND GWO LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND TAXONOMY ........................................13 Learning objectives..............................................................................................................................13 The GWO Taxonomy Framework ........................................................................................................13 Summing up on the learning objectives ..............................................................................................14 FORMATIVE POST ELEMENT EVALUATIONS .......................................................................16 LIFT COMMISSION, INSPECTION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MODULE ............18 Aims of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module.................................18 Course participants prerequisites for the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module 18 ...............................................................................................18 Duration of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module...........................18 Digital training .....................................................................................................................................19 Instructor to Participants Ratio.............................................................................................................19 Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module Timetable...................................19 Detailed description of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module ........23 Introduction to the training............................................................................................................. 23 Lesson 2 - Legislation and documentation ...................................................................................................... 27 Safety when working on a lift in a WTG.......................................................................................... 29 Lesson 4 - Gates and Fences ........................................................................................................................... 30 Cabin and its attachment parts....................................................................................................... 32 Lesson 6 - Cabin Guide Unit ............................................................................................................................ 34 Lesson 7 - Top obstruction device................................................................................................................... 37 Lesson 8 - Bottom obstruction device ............................................................................................................. 39 Lesson 9 - Lift Door lock / electrical inter-lock ................................................................................................. 41 Lesson 10 - Lift operation/Manoeuver panel (LOP) ......................................................................................... 43 Lesson 11 - Suspension/Crossbeam ................................................................................................................ 45 Lesson 12 - Drive and safety wire rope and rack ............................................................................................. 46 Lesson 13 - Traction Hoist ............................................................................................................................... 51

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Wire rope redirection inside the cabin ......................................................................................... 56 Lesson 15 - Fall arrest device (FAD) ................................................................................................................. 56 Lesson 16 - Supply Cable ................................................................................................................................ 58 Test and training review ............................................................................................................... 59 Equipment List ...............................................................................................................................62 guideline for warm-up exercises ....................................................................................................65 Manual handling risk assessment ...................................................................................................66 Version History ...............................................................................................................................71

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GWO training record database


Wind Turbine Generator


Personal Protective Equipment


Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance


Fall arrest device

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Verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this training standard and from which no deviation is permitted. Verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. An inspection of the lift and the lift environment prior to use (may also be referred to as daily inspection). Human factors are an established science that uses many disciplines (like anatomy, physiology, physics, and biomechanics) to understand how people perform under different circumstances and environments. A job site safety briefing covering the risks and hazards of the task being performed.


Pre-Use Inspection

Human Factors

Toolbox Talk

Operating personnel

Any person or persons who are responsible for the operation.


The operator is the organisation (or person) who causes the product to be used. An option is the choice of a particular additional installation or equipment for the product. It is possible that the product which you are operating is fitted with none or only a few of these options. The local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations apply to the use of this product in addition to those described in this manual. Illustrations are provided for basic understanding and can differ from the actual lift model.


Accident prevention regulations


Control Panel where all operations of the lift can be executed

Maneuver Panel

Bowden Cable

Device interrupting the release of the manual brake, when obstacles are detected, when no-power-descent is performed.

Fall Arrest device

Safety brake systems. Safety catch device. Secondary brake.

Lessons Questionnaire

tool to test the participants learning outcome. The questions must aim at the content and taxonomic level in the relevant learning objectives, and should be challenging participants on their professional level

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Amendment Date

1 October 2021

Approved by & date Click or tap here to enter text.


Ver. 0

Description of changes

The following changes are made in relation to version 0 :

New section 7: Formative post-element evaluations.

Section 8 (former 7) Aim changed from: . . .

-assembly, inspect the lift prior . . . install, inspect the lift prior to commissioning and

New element added: Element 8.3

is added: LCIIM module

cation: As an addition to the GWO Training Providers Requirements, a competent LCIIM module instructor must be certified by a competent train-the-trainer, who is acknowledged as such by a lift manufacturer

The participant can describe the safety inspection labels on the

ladder according to relevant manual (Knowledge, basic level)

Element 7.1: Learning objective 73 deleted The participants can perform replacement and adjustment of the Top obstruction device limit switch (Skills, intermediate level)

Update of annex 1: New requirements for lift:

Traveling distance must allow for test, inspection and work on relevant top- and bottom obstruction devices and other relevant safety devices, mechanical devices and rescue systems as stated in the relevant lift manual

- and bottom obstruction devices

backup of different sizes. Helmet. Safety goggles. Gloves (different sizes

The following changes are made in relation to version 0.3:

Element 7.2 Rephrased to: GWO Lift User training or similar brand specific user training is a prerequisite to participate in the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module training. Basic technical experience and knowledge primarily mechanical and electrical - is necessary to be able to get full benefit out of the training. Element 6.2. New Learning objective: The participants can perform inspection of labels on wire ropes (skills, intermediate level)

Element 13.7: Elements on Load Capacity System are moved from 15.3 to 13.7.

Element 17.1: Alternative evaluation activity added

The following changes are made in relation of the version 0.2 These changes are related to Rack and Pinion driven lift systems.

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New element 4.4 Upper and lower hatches. Learning objective: The participants can describe how to function test Operation of switches on upper and lower hatches (Knowledge, basic level) Element 5.1 New Learning objective and learning activities added: The participants show interest in checking that the Start-up and Maintenance certification adhesive signs are current and completed with correct dates (Ability, basic level)

New Element 6.1 Introductions to Lift guiding systems

Element 6.3 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to check guide wheels (Knowledge, basic level) Element 6.5 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to do visual inspection of the omega flanges of the ties to step of ladder are not cracked or broken in the folds (Knowledge, basic level) Element 6.5 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can recognise that upper and lower braking skates are clean and firmly connected to the ladder (Knowledge, basic level) New Element 9.3 Upper and lower hatches. Learning objectives: The participants can describe how to do visual inspection of the placement of the pins in the axes of the upper and lower hatches (Knowledge, basic level) The participants can describe how to inspect the operation of the magnet system or latch on the upper hatch (Knowledge, basic level) The participants show interest in ensuring, that the handle strings of the upper and lower hatches are properly installed and have the correct length (Ability, basic level) Element 10.1 section 10.1.1 Added: . . . Maneuver panels in and outside lifts as well as at the lift base of the WTG and at the nacelle New Element 10.3 Emergency Rescue System. Learning objectives: The participants can describe how to function test the Emergency Rescue System (Knowledge, basic level) Element 11.1 New Learning objective and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to do visual inspection of the Upper And lower attack pinion (Knowledge, basic level) Element 12.3 New Learning objective and learning activities added: The participants can explain how to do visual inspection of the upper and lower counter rollers (Knowledge, intermediate level Element 12.7 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to check the rack (Knowledge, basic level) The participants show interest in seeking guidance in the relevant manual in case of detecting excessive wear on the rack (Ability, basic level) Element 12.8 New Learning objective and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to grease the rack and the pinion (Knowledge, basic level) The participants can describe how to function test the operation of the rack proximity detector (Knowledge, basic level) Element 12.9 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to grease the rack and the pinion (Knowledge, basic level)

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The participants can describe how to function test the operation of the rack proximity detector (Knowledge, basic level) Element 13.4.1 cc added: How to do check the operation of motor break at top- and bottom drive unit Element 13.5 New Learning objective and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to do visual inspection for oil leaks in the upper and the lower gear box (Knowledge, basic level) Element 13.6 New Learning objectives and learning activities added: The participants can describe how to do visual inspection of centrifugal and electro/mechanical brakes (Knowledge, basic level) The participants can perform function test on the electro/mechanical brakes and the centrifugal brakes and measurement of their diameter (R&P) (Skills, basic level)

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S COPE This standard has been developed in response to the demand for recognisable training in the use of lifts in the industry. It has been prepared in cooperation with the members of GWO based on specific risk assessments, data from incident and accident statistics pertaining to the use, inspection, installation, and maintenance of lifts in wind turbine generators. This standard describes the requirements for inspection, installation and maintenance of lift training that are recommended by the members of the GWO. The members of the GWO recognise trained persons as competent within the use, inspection, installation, and maintenance of lift in the wind industry and accept the trained person as possessing the required knowledge to inspect, install, maintain, use, and evacuate a lift in a WTG where they as duty-holders are accountable for safety. Training is verified through the GWO database WINDA.

Additional training may be required for company or country-specific reasons.

NOTE: On release of this Training, the training module will be part of the GWO Lift Training Standard

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G ENERAL R EQUIREMENT TO GWO L IFT C OMMISSION , I NSPECTION , I NSTALLATION AND M AINTENANCE TRAINING Upon completion of the GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training (LCIIM), participants will be aware of the risks and hazards encountered when doing commissioning, inspection, installation, and maintenance of lifts within the wind industry. Furthermore, they will be able to control and mitigate those risks and hazards. The GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module will also equip participants with the ability to take responsibility and appropriately respond in the event of a hazardous situation and to increase their safety through proper use of personal protective equipment, emergency equipment, procedures, and safe craftsmanship. Inspecting, installing, and doing maintaining work on lifts in a WTG is dependent of at all times using the relevant manual and technical instructions. Overview The GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance training module is a mix of theoretical and practical elements focusing on developing the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities for a wind technician to work on, to operate and to evacuate a lift in a WTG. The training has a generic focus in relation to different lift types and brands, and the initiative to seek guidance in relevant manuals and directives when needed is a fundamental part of the learning objectives for this training.

Target group

Personnel working on WTGs within the wind industry by commissioning, inspecting, installing, and doing maintaining work on lifts in a WTG.

Aims and objectives Training in accordance with this standard will enable participants to take responsibility to support and care for themselves and others while doing commissioning, inspection, installing, and maintaining work on a lift in the wind industry by possessing the required knowledge, skills, and ability to conduct assigned tasks and operations safely and efficiently. A prerequisite for being able to do this is that the relevant manual and guiding is used at all times.

Duration of Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Modules



Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance theory

14:00 hours / Two days training

Table 5-4 - Duration of the GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Modules

Maximum duration per day

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Contact time

8 hours

Total training day

10 hours

Table 5-4.2 - Maximum durations for training days

Validity period

The Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training is an enduring qualification and therefore a validity period does not apply to this training. This assumes that the participant is actively working with lifts.

Course Codes


Course Code

Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module


Table 5-6 - GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module course codes

Participant prerequisites for the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance training All personnel participating in the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating. Specifically, the participants must be made aware of the risks and hazards related to completing this course. Training providers shall have a procedure that requires participants to sign a statement stating that they are medically fit to participate in the training course and that they do not suffer from any medical illness that will prevent them from fully participating in the training course or subject them to hazard or risk or are under the influence of any impeding substances like narcotics or alcohol. Annex 2 of the Requirements for Training Providers: Medical Self-Assessment Form shall be used if no other equivalent procedure is in place.

Participant GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance training module.

Physical demands

The GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module may potentially be physically demanding. If there is any doubt regarding the medical fitness of any participant, the training provider shall stop training with the participant

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Note: Practical exercises shall be designed and delivered solely to meet this standard and shall not place any physical or mental demands on the participants other than those required to meet this standard.

Training Equipment

The training provider shall ensure that the staff, facilities, and equipment are in place to support the training of the participants. The equipment required for training as listed in Annex 1 must be available and must fulfil national legal requirements as listed in table A3-1 in Annex 3 where applicable.

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Learning objectives Learning objectives describe what the participant should know and be able to do when the training is completed. The learning objectives in a training are based on the mitigating precautions analysed in the risk assessment. They are the foundation of the learning activities, the course contents and what the participant performance assessment must be based upon.

Coherence between the learning objectives, the learning activities and the assessment is essential.

The purpose of this alignment is twofold:

1. To conduct learning activities that are directly focused on reaching the learning objectives. 2. That assessment of how well the learning objectives are met is done in close coherence with what the participant has practised during the learning activities and in a comparable environment.

Figure 6-1 Alignment figure

Defining learning objectives in relation to all training elements ensures the alignment between objectives, activities, and on-going participants assessment. More guidance about learning activities and evaluation can be found in the GWO Taxonomy Framework, annex to requirements for Training Providers. To be able to focus training on building up the necessary abilities, the learning objectives are described according to the GWO taxonomy in the three domains: Knowledge, Skills and Ability. Ability is what is performed and presented during real-life exercises as well as in the real work situation and is the sum of personal experiences, knowledge, skills, and ability. The GWO Taxonomy Framework The structure of the GWO Taxonomy is based on the three learning domains: Knowledge, Skills, and Ability. Learning objectives are also defined at three taxonomic levels: 1) Basic, 2) Intermediate, and 3) Advanced level. The taxonomy levels in the learning objectives are defined by a reasonable number of precise and explained action verbs (highlighted below). These action verbs are presented in a progression of increasing complexity beginning on the basic level, where the participant can name, recognise or describe a tool or a procedure, and ending at the advanced level, where the participant can act responsibly, evaluate performance, assess decisions and supervise fellow workers. The taxonomy and the presentation of action verbs in the progressive order imply that the previous taxonomic competences are already achieved.

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Learning objectives in this standard are followed by an indication of the domain and taxonomy level in brackets (e.g., Skills, intermediate level). The taxonomic domains and levels are presented in the figure below.




The participants can experiment and refine their skills as well as select and evaluate on the performance and reactions in relevant situations.

The participants can adapt and act responsibly in new ways, pay attention to the safety of fellow workers and propose development of safety procedures.

The participants understand a topic in a holistic way, where risks, advantages and disadvantages are considered and form the background for reflected assessments or decisions for action. Action verbs are: Assess, explore, and choose. The participants can explain how things are done and how a piece of equipment or a tool is used. The participants can discuss a matter in professional terms and language .

The participants can supervise or manage

The participants can perform a given task, apply safety procedures or a tool, and distinguish between relevant and less relevant situations in which to apply a skill.

The participants can act independently, are able to identify connections and risks in work-related situations and can take initiative and take responsibility for feasible mitigating actions on the job. The participants can act independently or under supervision in familiar work situations.

The participants can describe a topic, name its constituent parts, or simply recognise it. Basic knowledge is observed by a one-dimensional

The participants can copy and repeat a procedure or an action, that has been presented.

Action verbs are: Show interest and solve

Figure 6-2, The GWO Taxonomy condensed (from the GWO Taxonomy, annex to requirements for Training Providers)

Summing up on the learning objectives A specific action verb indicates a taxonomic level that specifies learning activities for the participant to reach the decided learning objectives. During the learning activity the participant shall practie doing what the action verb indicates.

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e by the instructor of a module

or a training) against the action verbs and the learning objective.

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F ORMATIVE POST ELEMENT EVALUATIONS The participants must conduct an individual theory questionnaire on each element, where this is indicated in the relevant element. These questionnaires serve both as a re-cap for the participants on the theoretical topics of the elements, and they are the i evaluate the participants theoretical learning outcome and understanding. Questions must be aimed at the content and posed at the taxonomic level in the relevant learning objectives. They should also challenge the participants according to their professional experience level. The theory questionnaire can consist of multiple-choice or descriptive-answer questions, depending in complexity of the taxonomy level of the learning objectives concerned, that they are testing

The questionnaires must be conducted in accordance with the following criteria:

There shall be at least one question for each element in the module.

There shall be a time limit of maximum 1½ minutes per question.

The tests must be done individually.

Where a participant does not understand the meaning of a question or a multiple-choice option, the instructor must facilitate the participant to understand the meaning of the question or the multiple-choice options.

Participants may use:

Training material.


Own notes.

Correct answers must be shared at the end of the test to allow the participants to check and evaluate their answers. To enhance learning, it is recommended letting peer participants evaluate each other s answers.

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Lift commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module

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Aims of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module The aim of this module is: to enable the lift technician to: install, inspect the lift prior to commissioning and perform maintenance; to take correct measures to acquire assistance; and perform simple adjustments or replacement of parts in a WTG lift.

to, and awareness of, always

following and seeking guidance from the relevant lift manuals and instructions.

Course participants prerequisites for the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module GWO Lift User training or similar brand specific user training is a prerequisite to participate in the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module training. Basic technical experience and knowledge primarily mechanical and electrical - is necessary to be able to get full benefit from the training. LCIIM module As an addition to the GWO Requirements for Training Providers, a competent LCIIM module instructor must be certified by a competent train-the-trainer, who is acknowledged as such by a lift manufacturer. Duration of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module The total contact time for completing this Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module is estimated to be 14 hours. This is based on the time estimates given in table 8-3 below.

The training provider must not exceed the times given for each day.

The training provider must ensure that sufficient time is allowed for participants with prior experience to share their experiences related to the use of lift in a way that is constructive for the entire class.

Maximum duration per day

Contact time

8 hours

Total training day

10 hours

Table 8-1 - Maximum durations for training day

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Note: Contact time includes carrying out all learning activities and activities directly related to these. The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).

Digital training

When the training is conducted digitally, duration of the training will be variable due to e.g., the

Instructor to Participants Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of participants that shall attend the course. The ratio shown for practical sessions indicates the maximum number of participants to be supervised by one instructor during each activity.



Instructor to Participant Ratio

Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module





Table 8-2 - GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance module Instructor to participant ratio

Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module Timetable This section gives approximate duration of each of the lessons and elements. The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the total duration is not reduced, the duration of practical elements is not reduced in length, and that all learning objectives are met. Theoretical elements should be applied during the practical exercises and skills training whenever feasible. The approximate duration is calculated based on 6 participants attending.





1 Introduction to the training 1.1

Safety instructions and emergency procedures






Scope and main learning objectives


Ongoing assessments



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Human factors


Personal Protective Equipment


30 min.

2 Legislation and documentation


Lift manufacturers manuals and guides


Local and national legislation


15 min.

3 Safety when working on a lift in a WTG


Hazardous energy


Work areas in the WTG


25 min.

4 Gates and fences


Outside the lift


Gate lock systems


Guard locking control


Upper and lower hatches


45 min.

5 Cabin and its attachment parts


The cabin in general


Fasteners and anchor points


Service light and emergency light


55 min.

6 Cabin guide unit


Introduction to lift guiding systems


Guide ropes


Guide wheels


Roller guide unit


Guide ladder inspection



7 Top obstruction device


Top obstruction device function

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Top obstruction flashing light


Top obstruction in top position


45 min.

8 Bottom obstruction device 8.1

Bottom obstruction device function


Bowden cable


Bottom obstruction flashing light


Bottom obstruction device stop in the lowest position


72 min.

9 Lift door lock / electrical inter-lock


Function test of the door lock


Emergency unlocking


Upper and lower hatches


20 min.

10 Lift operation/manoeuvre panel (LOP)


The lift operation/ manoeuvre panel


Operation hour counter


Emergency rescue system


20 min.

11 Suspension/crossbeam




Rope end attachments


Bolts and bolts connections


Upper and lower attack pinion


35 min.

12 Drive and safety wire rope 12.1

Drive ropes, in general


Tension weights


Grounding rotating unit


Rope ends

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Counter rollers


Rope clamps


Rope attachments and bondings


Rope protection


Inspection of the rack


Grease the rack


140 min.

13 Traction hoist


Traction hoist device

Operation hour counter


Labels and type plates in traction hoist


Drive unit


Upper and lower gearbox


Electro-mechanical and centrifugal brakes


Load capacity system



73 min.

14 Wire rope redirection inside the cabin



12 min.

15 Fall arrest device (FAD)


Labels and type plates


General condition


62 min.

16 Supply cable


Feed-in of supply cable


Strain relief


Cable bin


20 min.

17 Test and training review


Theory test

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Training review


Feedback session


Participant performance assessment


50 min.


13 hours 56


Table 8-3 - GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module timetable

Detailed description of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module


30 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to become motivated and to engage in the training safely at a training facility, while recognising what is expected of them during the training. After having successfully completed lesson 1 of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module, the participants can:

Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level).

Name and point out local emergency procedures and facilities (Knowledge, basic level).

Discuss the relevant human factors and explain the implications thereof (Knowledge, intermediate level).

Explain the use of correct PPE (Knowledge, intermediate level).

Learning objective:

The participant shows interest or curiosity in the safety and emergency procedures at the training facility (Ability, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at:

Safety instructions according to internal procedures.

Emergency procedures and emergency exits in the areas where the participants can be expected to be located during the course.

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Site-specific chemical safety rules and instructions.

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions on local safety and emergency procedures.

Learning objective:

The participant can recognise the location of facilities at the training location (Knowledge, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Present a general description of the facilities at the training location (administration, dining area, restrooms, toilets, etc).

Alternative activity: walk the tour and point out facilities.

The participants shall:

Note relevant facilities and ask questions when in doubt.

Learning objective:

The participant shows interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module, including breaks and mealtimes.

Give a short introduction to themselves, including their background as instructors.


The participants shall:

Give a short introduction of themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location and share expectations on the training.

Learning objective:

The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module (Knowledge, basic level).

The instructor shall:

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Present the scope and main learning objectives of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Module. Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences on the use of lifts.

The participant shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences on the use of lifts in WTG.

Learning objective:

The participants recognise the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment (Knowledge, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment.

Explain the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and how it will be used.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure.

Learning objective:

The participants show interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

The importance of personal involvement in the course.

The definition of and the need for lift understandings and abilities.

Note: Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment. The instructor should make a focused effort to support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and share experiences on the use, installation, and maintenance of lifts in WTGs.

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Note: When participants succeed (by trying out on their own, bringing their relevant experience into play and applying l ) they develop both a positive attitude and a responsibility towards the subject and how they perform in the work situation.

The aim of the element is to draw attention on how human behaviour and outlook influences a safe work environment, and to prepare for the continued focus on behaviour and taking responsibility during practical training and exercises.

Learning objectives:

The participants can describe the relevant human factors, and the implications of this (Knowledge, basic level). The participants show interest and willingness to focus on human factors during the following practical exercises (Ability, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Present how human factors influence accidents in the wind industry. (Relevant statistics may be applied). Lead a discussion about the role of the individual in improving human behaviours and how this can improve the safety of offshore operations. Ensure that learning objectives aiming at the ability domain are trained for in the practical exercises. s criteria when these are defined in the learning objective such as the ability to take responsibility or to act independently.

Facts and human factor criteria:

The consequences of human factors in accidents offshore are influenced by the following terms and conditions:

Attention and perception.

Group behaviour and peer pressure.

Weather conditions.

Weather delays.

Noise levels.

Site layout and housekeeping.

Fitness and health.

Domestic and work-related stress.

Workload (both overload and underload).

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Time pressure and deadlines.

Alcohol, medication, and substance abuse.

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences of how human factors influence accidents in the use of lifts, engage in and reflect on received feedback and take responsibility on their own performance and development during the training.

Note: The participants performance (from a human factors perspective) must be part of the feedback whenever feasible during the training.

Learning objectives:

The participant can describe the need for correct PPE (Knowledge, basic level).

The participant can recognise and describe the correct use of PPE (Knowledge, basic level).

The participant will show interest and awareness of exposure to chemical lubrication products and take responsibility for acting correct (Ability, basic level).

The instructor shall:

the relevant PPE equipment, including: helmet, safety shoes, safety glasses, gloves, high visibility clothing (harness and fall-arrest may be presented).

Lead a discussion on exposure to chemical lubrication products and mitigating actions.

The participants shall:

nces on the use of PPE and the

exposure to chemical lubrication products.

Note: PPE is expected knowledge, and the learning activity should only be conducted when necessary.


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to emphasise the need to (at all times) locate, seek guidance in, and use the relevant lift manuals and directives, and to enable the participant to comply with national legislation and company regulations and any brand specific recommendations when using and working on a lift in WTGs. After having successfully completed lesson 2 of the Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module, the participants can:

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GWO Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Training Standard V0


On their own, take initiative and take responsibility to follow lift manufacturers manuals, regulations, and legislations as well as relevant national and international legislation (Ability, intermediate level).

Learning objectives:

The participants can describe where and how to find relevant documentation (manuals, risk- assessment, inspections- and installation forms etc.) (Knowledge, basic level). The participants can solve routine tasks in relation to the inspection, installation, and maintenance of lifts in a WTG (Ability, basic level). The participants can take responsibility and, will on their own, take initiative to seek help or guidance when needed (Ability, intermediate level). The participants can act independently, take initiative, and always take responsibility in applying relevant lift manuals and instructions when inspecting, installing, and maintaining lifts in a WTG (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Present examples on relevant manuals or guides from different lift brands and lift types.

Facilitate a discussion on where to find and how to use such relevant manuals and guides.

Emphasis the necessity of always consulting relevant lift manuals and guides.

The participants shall:

Engage in discussion and share experiences on finding and applying manuals and guides in relation to the inspecting, installing, and maintaining of lifts in WTGs.

Learning objective:

The participants will take responsibility and on their own initiative search for relevant legislation issues on site (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Present examples on where local and national legislation can be obtained.

Ask for the participants experiences on finding and applying legislation.

The participants shall:

Share their experiences on where local and national legislation can be obtained.

Note: The use of relevant and type-specific manuals and application of legislation and regulations must be applied during any practical training whenever relevant and feasible.

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