Elevate November 2023 | Air Serbia

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

November 2023

Novembar 2023.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

Iako je oktobar, naš rođendanski mesec, sada iza nas , i dalje smo pod snažnim utiscima. U desetom mesecu 2023. godine obeležili smo deset godina po- stojanja pod imenom Er Srbija. Bili ste važan deo svih aktivnosti koje smo povodom decenije poslovanja or- ganizovali širom Srbije. Hvala vam na tome. Potrudi- ćemo se da u godinama koje dolaze budemo još bo- lji i da dalje unapređujemo uslugu koju vam pružamo. Oslanjajući se na slavnu prošlost, zagledani smo u budućnost. Sa željom da pružimo više mogućnosti i bu- demo još dostupniji, otvorili smo novu, futuristički opre- mljenu poslovnicu u Tržnom centru „Galerija“. U tom pri- jatnom ambijentu u prilici ste da kupite karte za više od 80 destinacija do kojih Er Srbija leti. Pomoć, savet ili pre- poruku daće vam naše ljubazne koleginice i kolege, ko- je su na raspolaganju svakoga dana od 10 do 22 časa. Svima onima koji više vole digitalne kanale i 24-časov- nu dostupnost, na raspolaganju je naš veb-sajt. Tradicionalno ne isključuje moderno, o čemu sve- doče i nove uniforme članova naše letačke i kabinske posade. Potrudili smo se da budu jedinstven spoj mo- tiva srpskog kulturnog nasleđa i prepoznatljive simbo- like naše kompanije. Ukoliko dosad niste obratili pažnju na uniforme, predlažem da na trenutak zastanete sa či- tanjem i baš sada to učinite. Podelite sa nama utiske, radoznali smo da ih čujemo. Upravo osluškivanje vaših želja i potreba motiviše nas da dalje razvijamo mrežu destinacija. Velika potra- žnja za letovima do Lisabona ukazala nam je na to da je Portugal jedna od vaših omiljenih zemalja. Zato pokre- ćemo i drugu destinaciju u toj predivnoj zemlji. Od 10. novembra iz Beograda dva puta nedeljno možete lete- ti direktno do Porta. Ne možemo a da ne pomenemo i Milano. Za neke svetska prestonica mode i dizajna, za druge grad sofi- sticirane arhitekture i bogatog kulturnog i umetničkog nasleđa, Milano je grad koji obavezno treba posetiti. Za samo 105 minuta letovima naše kompanije iz Beograda stići ćete u dom najpoznatijih svetskih umetnika. Obave- zno posetite Milansku skalu, to je neponovljiv doživljaj. Takav doživljaj je i jesen u Njujorku. Pri tome ne mi- slim na istoimeni film, već na duge šetnje širokim grad- skim bulevarima, po žutom lišću Central parka ili po im- presivnoj stazi bundeve na imanju u dolini Hadson iz 18. veka. Maštajte, planirajte, a Er Srbija je tu da put do ostvarenja vašeg sna učini jednostavnim. Bilo da ove jeseni odaberete tradicionalno ili mo- derno, mi ćemo, kao i do sada, pažljivo čuvati vaše us- pomene. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

Although October, marking the month of our birthday, is now behind us , we are still under its strong impression. In the tenth month of 2023, we celebrated ten years of operations under the Air Serbia name. You have been an important part of all the activities that we organised thro- ughout Serbia to commemorate the anniversary of our first decade. I thank you for that. We will strive to be even better in the years to come, and to improve the service that we pro- vide you with even further. Supported by a glorious past, we are focused on the fu- ture. With the aim of offering more options and becoming even more accessible, we opened a new, futuristic office at the Galerija Belgrade shopping centre. In this pleasant envi- ronment, you are now able to purchase tickets for flights to over 80 destinations covered by Air Serbia. Our polite colle- agues are available there every day from 10am to 10pm and will provide you with assistance, advice or recommendati- ons. For those who prefer digital channels and 24/7 availa- bility, our website is at their disposal. The traditional does not exclude the modern, as eviden- ced by the new uniforms of our pilots and cabin crew. We wanted them to represent a unique blend of motifs of Ser- bian cultural heritage and recognisable symbols of our com- pany. If you didn’t pay attention to the uniforms before, I su- ggest that you stop reading for a moment and do so now. Share your impressions with us, we would love to hear them. Listening to your wishes and needs is what motivates us to further develop our network of destinations. High demand for flights to Lisbon has showed us that Portugal is among yo- ur favourite countries. That’s why we are adding a second destination in that beautiful country: starting from 10 th No- vember, you will be able to fly directly to Porto from Belgra- de twice a week. We also must mention Milan. The world capital of fashi- on and design for some, and a city of sophisticated and ri- ch cultural and artistic heritage for others, Milan is a city that you simply must visit. You can reach this home of the wor- ld’s most famous artists in just a 105-minute flight aboard our aircraft from Belgrade. And while you’re there be sure to visit La Scala opera house, which is an unforgettable experience. Autumn in New York is equally impressive. And I’m not referring to the homonymous film, but rather to long walks along wide city boulevards, yellow leaves in Central Park, or the impressive Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze Halloween event at an 18 th -century estate in the Hudson Valley. Use your ima- gination and make plans, and count on Air Serbia to make it easier for you to realise your dream. Whether you choose the traditional or the modern this autumn, we will carefully cherish your memories, as always. Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip,

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija

JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

Er SRBIJA air serbia 64.

u fokusu in focus 08.

Er Srbija potpisala sporazum sa Menzis eviejšn / Air Serbia signs agreement with Menzies Aviation Nova poslovnica Er Srbije u TC „Galerija“ / New Air Serbia retail shop at Galerija shopping centre

Ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 90. Dobro došli u Valjevo: Junački duh u dolini

 I novi rekordi i nove uniforme u Er Srbiji / Both new records and new uniforms for Air Serbia


Kolubare / Welcome to Valjevo: the heroic spirit of the Kolubara Valley

ritam grada rhythm of the city 76. Neprolazna čarolija beogradskih pozornica / The enduring enchantment of Belgrade’s stages

Intervju interview 26.

na letu on board 14.

Voja Brajović: Ljudi me na ulici i danas zovu Tihi / Voja Brajović: people on the street call me Tihi to this day

 Sa nama putuje Kiki Lesendrić, muzičar / Travelling with us is Kiki Lesendrić, musician

destinacija destination 98.

moda fashion 72.

Poezija i portreti njujorške arhitekture / Poetry and Portraiture in New York City Architecture

Ljuta borba trendseterki: Da li Milano ima više stila od Pariza? / The fierce battle of trendsetters: does Milan have more style than Paris?

Lajfstajl lifestyle 84.

kultura culture 40.

putujte pametno smart travel 16.  Vodimo vas u Porto / We’re taking you to Porto

Sočni portugalski zalogaji: „Mala Francuskinja“, masna i slasna! / Succulent Portuguese bites: “Little French woman”, greasy and tasty

Festival autorskog filma: Od Vendersa do Kena Louča / Auteurs Film Festival: from Wenders to Ken Loach MOMA u Njujorku, MSUB u Beogradu / MoMA in New York, MoCA in Belgrade Biblioteka Lelo: Magija knjiga u srcu Porta / Livraria Lello: the magic of books at the heart of Porto

sport sports 106. Trka u pustinji: Kome će


se posrećiti u Vegasu? / Race in the desert: who will get lucky in Vegas?

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Welcome aboard this air serbia flight Dobro došli na let Er Srbije Nove uniforme kao spoj tradicije i modernog New uniforms as a fusion of the traditional and the modern

Er Srbija u slavljeničkom novom ruhu / Air Serbia in a celebratory new outfit Foto/ Photo: Air Serbia

Broj / Issue No. 357 Naslovna strana / Cover Air Serbia

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Petnaesti uzastopni rekordni mesec Fifteenth consecutive record-setting month

Er Srbija prevezla više od 450.000 putnika u septembru / Air Serbia carried over 450,000 passengers in September

Er Srbija je tokom septembra u redovnom i čarter-saobraćaju prevezla ukupno 456.790 putnika, što predstavlja povećanje od 43 odsto u odnosu na isti mesec prošle godine, odnosno rast od 40 odsto u odnosu na do sada rekordnu pretpandemijsku 2019. / Air Serbia carried a total of 456,790 passengers in scheduled and charter traffic during September, representing an increase of 43 per cent compared to the same month of last year and a leap of 40 per cent compared to the record-setting pre-pandemic year of 2019

Sa sva tri međunarodna aerodroma u Sr- biji nacionalna avio-kompanija u septembru obavila je čak 4.628 letova, što je 33 odsto više nego u sep- tembru 2022. godine i 29 odsto više u poređenju sa 2019. godinom. – U godini u kojoj obeležavamo deceniju poslo- vanja pod imenom Er Srbija, postavili smo visoke ciljeve. Iz meseca u mesec uspešno smo ih ostva- rivali i premašivali sopstvene rekorde po broju pre- vezenih putnika i realizovanih letova. Taj trend na- stavio se i u septembru, kada smo, po prvi put u istoriji Er Srbije, prevezli više od 3 miliona putnika u toku jedne godine. U istom tempu nastavljamo i u mesecima koji su pred nama, a pored jačanja kapaciteta, naš najveći fokus je stalno podizanje kvaliteta usluge. Otvorili smo novu poslovnicu u TC „Galerija“, a za naredni period pripremili smo još niz aktivnosti, za koje verujemo da će obradova- ti naše putnike – izjavio je Jirži Marek, generalni di- rektor Er Srbije. Najpopularnije destinacije u septembru 2023. godine u regionu tradicionalno su bile Tivat i Pod- gorica. Kada je reč o zapadnoj Evropi, putnici su najviše putovali do Ciriha, Pariza, Amsterdama i Rima, dok su u široj evromediteranskoj zoni najtra- ženiji letovi Er Srbije bili do Istanbula, Larnake, Ati- ne i Barselone. Od prekookeanskih destinacija Nju- jork spada među prvih 15 gradova po broju putnika tokom pomenutog meseca.

The Serbian national airline operated a total of 4,628 flights from all three international airports in the co- untry during September, which is 33 per cent more than in September 2022 and 29 per cent more compared to the same month of 2019. “In the year in which we are celebrating a decade of operations under the Air Serbia name, we have set high goals for ourselves. Month by month, we have successfully achieved and exceeded our records in terms of passenger numbers and flights operated. This trend continued in Sep- tember, when – for the first time in the history of Air Serbia – we reached more than three million passengers carried in a single year. We will continue at the same pace in the months ahead, and apart from strengthening our capaci- ty, our biggest focus is on constantly raising our quality of service. We opened a new office at the Galerija Shopping Centre and have prepared a series of activities for the co- ming period, which we believe will delight our passengers,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek. In accordance with tradition, the most popular desti- nations in the region in September 2023 were Tivat and Podgorica. When it comes to Western Europe, passengers travelled the most to Zurich, Paris, Amsterdam and Ro- me. In the broader Euro-Mediterranean zone, the most so- ught-after Air Serbia services were to Istanbul, Larnaca, At- hens and Barcelona. Among long-haul destinations, New York ranks among the top 15 cities in terms of the number of passengers carried during the aforementioned month.

Sa sva tri međunarodna aerodroma u Srbiji nacionalna avio-kompanija obavila je u septembru čak 4.628 letova, što je 33 odsto više nego u septembru 2022. The Serbian national airline operated a total of 4,628 flights from all three international airports in the country in September 2023, which is 33 per cent more than the same month of 2022

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U fokusu / In focus

Er Srbija je u susret proslavi 10 godina postojanja otpočela proces redizajna uniformi za kabin- sku i letačku posadu, a svoje ideje su bili pozvani da predstave svi vode- ći dizajneri regiona. Za izbor novog vizuelnog identiteta celokupne le- tačke i kabinske posade nacionalne avio-kompanije izabrana je dizajner- ka Milena Bojić, koja je uniformama udahnula asimetričnu, modernu ele- ganciju, istovremeno čvrsto zasno- vanu na temeljima tradicije, što se najbolje vidi u šarmantnim etno-de- taljima na pojasu i marami.

On the eve of celebrations marking its 10 th anniversary, Air Serbia launched the process of rede- signing its cabin and flight crews uni- forms, inviting all the leading desi- gners to present their ideas. Designer Milena Bojić was chosen to crea- te the new visual identity of the nati- onal airline’s entire crew, and she im- bued the uniforms with asymmetrical and modern elegance, while simulta- neously standing firmly on foundati- ons of tradition, as can best be seen in the charming ethnic details of the belt and scarf. For starters, how did you see Air Serbia; which associations spilled over into the design? “The very question of what the company means to us followed us throughout the entire process. The question was what we want to ac- centuate, in what are we comple- mentary? Reliability, precision, tradi- tion! That was our main association with Air Serbia as a brand, and ru- nning through it all is also a sense of pride over the fact that we are among the rare countries that have mana- ged to preserve their national airline. When the mix of elegance, distinct- ness and attention to detail that we nurture as a brand is added to all that, we’ve already partially defined the di- rection of further development. And yes, asymmetry!” What did you want to accentu- ate; what kind of impression to leave on passengers? “We were primarily focused on satisfying the crew who would wear the uniforms, in the sense of comfort, quality of materials and design. We view the established design as a fu- sion of tradition and experience with modern forms. We also believe that the passengers will be able to inter- pret the message that we are trying to convey, and that’s the “homely host” atmosphere that the company nurtures and that we portray throu- gh ethnic elements, but also the fee- ling of assuredness and reliability, be- cause that’s actually the mission of everyone who dons this uniform. We are certainly joyously looking forward to every interpretation and impressi- on on the part of passengers.”

Pojas i maramu, koji su okosnica celokupnog dizajna, izradili smo koristeći etno- motive i logotip same kompanije, koji su se savršeno uklopili

Tradicija i iskustvo u modernim formama Tradition and experience in modern forms Er Srbija u novim uniformama Air Serbia crew in new uniforms

Pouzdanost, preciznost, tradicija! To su kreatorki Mileni Bojić bile glavne asocijacije na Er Srbiju kao brend, kroz sve to se pomalo provukao i osećaj ponosa, a rezultat su fantastične nove uniforme kabinske i letačke posade / Reliability, precision, tradition! They were fashion designer Milena Bojić’s main associations with Air Serbia as a brand, and running through it all she also included a sense of pride, and the result are fantastic cabin and flight crew.

We made the belt and scarf, which form the backbone of the entire design, using ethnic motifs and the logo of the company itself, which fit together perfectly

Za početak, kako ste videli Er Srbiju, koje asocijacije su se prelile u dizajn? – Samo pitanje šta kompani- ja znači za nas pratilo nas je kroz či- tav proces. Pitanje je bilo šta želimo da istaknemo, u čemu smo komple- mentarni. Pouzdanost, preciznost, tradicija! To je bila naša glavna aso- cijacija na Er Srbiju kao brend, a kroz sve to se pomalo provlači i osećaj ponosa što smo jedna od retkih dr- žava koje su uspele da očuvaju naci- onalnu avio-kompaniju. Kada se na sve to doda miks elegancije, oštrine

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Er Srbija

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U fokusu / In focus

How did the crew react to the new uniforms, in terms of aest- hetics, but first and foremost in terms of comfort? “All uniforms are tested by the ca- bin crew prior to being adopted. That validation of comfort and quality was extremely important to us. When it co- mes to the design, the reactions were very positive among all focus groups.” Femininity through the form of asymmetry and authoritative- ness is a characteristic of yo- ur fashion expression. What do- es that mean specifically, for whom are your designs inten- ded? “Ever since its founding, our brand has been guided by the vision of offe- ring clients unique and high-quality pieces for all occasions, without a re- liance on fleeting trends. During these five years of its existence, we’ve crea- ted a loyal customer base, and when we come together now it is more than just the act of shopping. Throughout all these years, those women and their needs have also become a great sour- ce of inspiration for us.”

Ethnic elements and Serbian heritage are perhaps to be expected, but they are still a somewhat surprising factor. The belt stands out in parti - cular... “We made the belt and scarf, which form the backbone of the entire design, using ethnic motifs and the logo of the company itse- lf, which fit together perfectly. We developed a design with recognisa- ble motifs and diverse colours that definitely represent an innovation in the world of airline uniforms. De- viating from the standard form was a somewhat risky move, but we are happy that the management of the company understood our vision and departed from the framework of existing templates. On the other hand, the white shirt with a “wing” effect is the embodiment of the very nature of the job. That piece had to be tailored, rigid and preci- se, just like the mission of everyone who wears it. That piece softens the playfulness that we get with the belt and scarf.”

– Pojas i maramu, koji su okosni- ca celokupnog dizajna, izradili smo koristeći etno-motive i logotip sa- me kompanije, koji su se savrše- no uklopili. Razvili smo obrazac pre- poznatljivih motiva i raznolikih boja koji su definitivno inovacija u svetu uniformi avio-kompanija. Izlazak iz standardne forme je bio pomalo ri- zičan potez, ali srećni smo što je me- nadžment kompanije razumeo na- šu viziju i izašao iz okvira postojećih šablona. S druge strane, bela ko- šulja sa efektom krila personifikaci- ja je same prirode posla. Taj komad je morao biti ukrojen, rigidan i pre- cizan kao što je i misija svakoga ko je obuče. Ovaj deo dizajna smiru- je razigranost koju dobijamo u poja- su i marami. Kako je posada reagovala na nove uniforme i u pogle- du estetike, ali pre svega u pogledu udobnosti? – Sve uniforme su testirane od strane kabinskog osoblja pre usvajanja. Ta validacija udobno- sti i kvaliteta nam je bila izuzetno važna. Što se tiče dizajna, u svim fokus grupama su reakcije bile vrlo pozitivne. Ženstvenost kroz formu asi- metrije i autoritativnosti je odlika vašeg modnog izra- za. Šta to konkretno zna- či, kome su namenjeni va- ši modeli? – Od osnivanja pa do danas naš brend se rukovodi vizijom da svojim klijentima pruži unikat- ne i kvalitetne komade za sve pri- like, ne oslanjajući se na prola- zne trendove. Za ovih pet godina postojanja stvorili smo bazu loj- alnih klijenata, a naši susreti su sada više od samog čina kupovi- ne. Kroz sve ove godine te žene i njihove potrebe su postali i velika inspiracija za nas.

i obraćanje pažnje na detalje koje mi negujemo kao brend, već je delimič- no definisan smer u kojem ide dalji razvoj. I da, asimetrija! Šta ste želeli da istaknete, ka- kav utisak da ostavite na put- nike? – Primarno smo bili fokusirani na zadovoljstvo kabinske i letačke po- sade koje nosi uniforme, u smislu udobnosti, kvaliteta materijala i di- zajna. Postavljeni dizajn vidimo kao spoj tradicije i iskustva sa modernim formama. Verujemo i da će putnici uspeti da uvide poruku koju pokuša- vamo da prenesemo: atmosfera ko- ju kompanija neguje je domaćinska, a mi je oslikavamo kroz etno-ele- mente, ali i osećaj sigurnosti i pouz- danosti, jer je to zapravo i misija sva- koga ko obuče uniformu. Svakako, radujemo se svakoj interpretaciji i utiscima putnika. Etno-elementi i srpsko na- sleđe su možda očekivani, ali ipak i pomalo iznenađuju- ći momenat. Pojas se naroči- to ističe...

Primarno smo bili fokusirani na zadovoljstvo posade u pogledu udobnosti, kvaliteta materijala i dizajna We were primarily focused on satisfying the crew who would wear the uniforms, in the sense of comfort, quality of materials and design

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Na letu

On board

Zašto volite avione?

Why do you like planes?

Inspiracija za stihove mi doleti dok letim / Inspiration for lyrics flies to me as I fly

Kiki Lesendrić, muzičar / musician

– Mnogo je razloga zašto volim avione. Najpre i zato što ži- vim na relaciji Atina–Beograd, a avi- on je način da mi ta dva grada budu bliže. Inače, avione obožavam od de- tinjstva, kada sam sakupljao makete aviona. Imao sam sve modele! Sada naj- češće sakupljam uspomene na letovi- ma za Atinu. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom u avion? – Koristim priliku da čitam sve što ne stižem na zemlji, pa ponesem knji- gu, novine, a rado čitam i „Elevejt“ u avionima Er Srbije. Ponekad mi je in- spiracija i tišina u avionu, pa smislim i poneku reč za pesmu. Naravno, tu je telefon, od njega se ne odvajam. “There are a multitude of reasons why I like planes . First and foremost, it’s because I live between Athens and Belgrade, and a plane is a way for me to bring those two cities closer to- gether. I’ve otherwise adored planes since childhood, when I collected model aircraft. I had all the models! I now mostly collect my reminiscences on flights to Athens.” What do you always carry with you aboard a plane? “I take the opportunity to read everything that I don’t have time to read on the ground, so I bring with me a book, a newspaper, and I also happily read Ele- vate aboard Air Serbia flights. I’m some- times also inspired by the silence on the plane, so I think of the odd word for a song. Of course, there’s also my phone, which I don’t part with.”

Ko je Kiki Rođen je 1962. godine u Beogradu. Ističe da i danas svira, peva i snima s istim žarom. Grupu „Piloti“ osno- vao je 1980. Postigli su veli- ki uspeh na Balkanu, pogo- tovo osamdesetih, koje je obeležila pesma „Kao pti- ca na mom dlanu“. Sa pu- blikom će 3. novembra u beogradskoj „MTS dvorani“ koncertom proslaviti 42 go- dine pop biografije starim, ali i novim hitovima s po- slednjeg CD-a „Mali trago- vi na nebu“. Who is Kiki Born in Belgrade in 1962, he notes that he still plays, sings and records with the same enthusiasm to this very day. He founded the group Piloti [Pilots] in 1980. They achieved great suc- cess across the Balkans, particularly during the ‘80s, which the band marked with the song Kao ptica na mom dlanu [Like a Bird in the Palm of my Hand]. He will celebrate 42 years of his pop music career with a concert at Belgrade’s MTS Hall on 3 rd November, per- forming old and new hits from his latest CD Ma- li tragovi na nebu [Little Trac- es in the Sky].

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Nemanja Jovanović

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Porto / Porto



me scan


od Beograda: from Belgrade:

205 min.

Od 10. novembra do Porta Er Srbija od 10. novembra uspostav- lja direktne letove između Beograda i Porta i tako u svoju mrežu destinaci - ja uvršta drugi grad po veličini u Por - tugalu. Letove između Beograda i Por - ta srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija obavlja dva puta nedeljno, ponedelj- kom i petkom, avionima tipa „erbas A319“ i „A320“. – Letovi između Beograda i Lisabo - na su od samog početka izuzetno tra - ženi, o čemu svedoči i kontinuirano visoka popunjenost putničke kabi - ne. Međutim, u Portugalu ima i drugih očaravajućih gradova koji neprekidno privlače posetioce, a jedan od njih je i Porto. Do tog grada, bilo da putujete turistički ili poslovno, od 10. novem - bra možete stići direktnom avio-lini - jom Er Srbije – rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. To Porto from 10 th November Air Serbia is launching its new dire- ct service between Belgrade and Porto from 10 th November. The Serbian nati- onal airline will operate flights between the Serbian capital and Portugal’s se- cond-largest city twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, using its Airbus A319 and A320 planes. “Flights between Belgrade and Lisbon have been quite popular since their in- ception, as evidenced by the continuo- usly high load factor. However, there are other charming cities in Portugal that always attract visitors, and one of them is Porto. You will be able to visit that city for tourism or business star- ting from 10 th November via Air Ser- bia’s direct service,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General Manager, Commer- cial and Strategy.

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Porto ima svoju magiju. Ka - da posetite ovaj dragulj, otkri - cete fantastičnu hranu i pice, šetnje po živopisnim ulicama i mnogo kul stvari koje možete da uradite, a necete morati ni da obijate banku u tom proce- su. Krenite u Porto zbog pre - lepe knjižare, bioskopa u sti - lu stare škole i redova šareno upakovane konzervisane ribe. Kupujte suvenire na drevnim pijacama, posmatrajte ljude iz barova na otvorenom i probaj- te svoju prvu francesinju. Ako smete... Istražite „Fundasao de Seralves“ Neverovatno značajna na - cionalna institucija u Portu i prava pokretna traka isto- rijskog i kulturnog nasleđa. Muzej je dizajnirao Alvaro Si- za Vijeira, a nalazi se pored Kaza de Seralves, sjajnog primera art deko arhitekture. Park Seralves, sa svojom ra- znolikošcu međusobno har - monično povezanih prostora, predstavlja referencu u pej - zažnom nasleđu Portugala. Pored povremenih izložbi, tu su i mnoge druge stalne po - stavke koje ce oduševiti sve ljubitelje umetnosti. Pratite romantične staze Pet prelepih pešačkih staza kroz grad pričaju priču o Por - tu iz 19. veka – od Porto de Romantisizmo na temu ljuba - vi do staze zasnovane na ru- ralnoj i industrijskoj arheolo - giji. Šetnje su pune istorije, priča i očaravajucih pejzaža, a proci cete kroz znamenitosti kao što su Kaza Tait (središte Gradskog muzeja) i stari ka - nali potoka Masarelos. Ne dozvolite da ga zaseni lisabon

Porto se prvobitno zvao Kale – lučki grad Kale ili „Portus Cale“ da bi kasnije ostao samo Porto, odnosno luka Porto was originally named Cale - the port city of Cale or Portus Cale, and was later renamed as just Porto meaning port

tant national institution based in Porto and a veritable con- veyor belt of historical and cul- tural heritage. The museum was designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira and is located alongside the Casa de Serralves, itself a great example of Art Deco ar- chitecture. Serralves Park, wi- th its great diversity of harmo- niously interconnected green spaces, marks a reference po- int in the landscape patrimony of Portugal. Alongside its tem- porary exhibitions, there are a multitude of other permanent exhibits that will captivate all art lovers. Follow romantic trails There are five breathtaking walking routes through the ci- ty that recount the story of 19 th -century Porto, from the lo- ve-themed Porto do Romanti- cismo to a route based around rural and industrial archaeo- logy. These tours are jampac- ked with history, stories and enchanting landscapes, and will lead you past landmarks li- ke the Casa Tait (a hub of the City Museum) and the old ca- nals of the Massarelos quar- ter. One of Portugal’s most im- portant museums, the Natio- nal Museum in Porto boasts a vast collection of artworks da- ting from the 16 th to the 20 th centuries, encompassing ce- ramics, sculpture, paintings, printmaking, goldsmithing, jewellery, furniture, textiles and glass. When you visit the mu- seum, admire the work O De- sterrado (1872), by the artist who gave the house its name. This is a mandatory stop, and Visit the renovated National Museum


Pijte, jedite i gledajte ljude u Aduelu

Posetite renovirani Nacionalni muzej

Ovo je jedno od najživljih i naj - boljih mesta da popijete čašu vina ili piva u večernjim sati - ma. Ovde uvek vrvi od muzi- ke i smeha, a kafići služe tonu sjajnih grickalica, uključuju - ci one najvažnije – daske sa sirom i suvim mesom. I ako ne dobijete mesto, ne paniči - te. Jednostavno naručite pi - ce i opustite se na ulici. Svi to rade. Uživajte pored reke To je jedan od najstarijih de - lova grada i jedan od najlep - ših. Pejzaž iznad reke i čamci rabelo (tradicionalni portugal - ski drveni teretni čamac koji se koristi za prevoz ljudi i robe duž reke Duro) koji prelaze vo - de oduševljavaju i turiste i lo- kalno stanovništvo. Izgubite se u uskim ulicama Porta, pu- nim uspona, nizbrdica i šare-

nih kuca. Napunite bateriju fo - to-aparata i telefona pre nego što stignete, jer cete nepresta - no škljocati na sve oko sebe. Posetite Sandeman Prvo je bio podrum, sada je podrum-muzej. Oni koji su odgovorni za podrume San - deman stvorili su muzej koji kontekstualizuje i priča istori - ju. Doci u Porto a ne poseti - ti neki od podruma porta isto je kao i otici u Pariz a ne vide - ti Ajfelov toranj. Ova granitna zgrada, izgrađena 1797. godi - ne, sadrži impresivnu kolekci - ju slika, fotografija, keramike i antiknih boca jednog od naj - poznatijih vinskih brendova na svetu. Samo moderno u Kaza da muzika Jedno od najpoznatijih mesta

Jedan od najvažnijih muzeja u zemlji ima ogromnu kolekciju slika od 16. do 20. veka, uklju- čujuci keramiku, skulpturu, sli - ke, grafiku, zlatarstvo, nakit, nameštaj, tekstil i staklo. Ka - da posetite muzej, divite se delu „O Desterado“ (1872), umetnika koji je kuci i dao ime. Ovo je obavezna stani- ca i jedan od deset ekspona- ta u muzeju koji su zbog svoje vrednosti klasifikovani kao na - cionalno blago. Ovaj toranj je Portov zaštitni znak. Spomenik gleda na ceo grad, pružajuci najspektaku - larniji pogled na kilometre i ki - lometre prelepih zgrada, krivu - davih ulica, na ogromne reke, pa čak i zalaske sunca. Sama kula postoji od 1753. godine. Uživajte u pogledu sa tornja Klerigos

Porto is a city that has its own magic. Visit this jewel and you’ll discover its fantastic fo- od and drink, scenic walks and plenty of cool things to do, and you won’t break the bank in the process. Head to Por- to for beautiful bookshops, old-school cinemas and rows of colourfully-packaged can- ned fish. Buy souvenirs at tra - ditional markets, engage in a spot of people-watching from streetside bars and try your first francesinha sandwich, if you dare... Explore the Fundação de Serralves The Fundação de Serralves re- presents an incredibly impor-

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one of ten pieces at the muse- um that are classified as na - tional treasures due to the- ir value. Enjoy the views from Clérigos Tower The Torre dos Clérigos is Por- to’s top attraction. The monu- ment overlooks the entire city, providing the most spectacu- lar views over kilometres of beautiful buildings, winding streets, the huge river and even stunning sunsets. The tower itself has been around since 1753. Drink, eat and people- watch at Aduela Aduela is one of Porto’s live- liest and best places to grab a glass of wine or a beer in the evening. This place is always buzzing with music and lau- ghter, and the bar offers tons of great snacks, including tho- se all-important cheese and meat boards. And if you don’t get a seat, don’t panic. Simply order a drink and chill on the street. Everyone does it. Relax beside the river Porto’s riverside district is one of the oldest areas of the ci- ty and also one of its most be- autiful. The landscape over the river and the Rabelo boats (a traditional Portuguese wo- oden cargo boat used to tran- sport people and goods along the Douro) that crisscross the waters are a delight for touri- sts and locals alike. Lose yo- urself in the narrow streets of Porto, filled with rises and troughs and colourful hou- ses. Charge your camera and phone battery before you arri- ve, because it will prove al- most impossible to resist sna- pping everything here. Visit the Sandeman Initially a sherry cellar, it is to- day a basement museum. Those responsible for the

Kupite poklone u „Korasao alekrimu“

u gradu održava koncerte ra - zličitih muzičkih žanrova to - kom cele godine. Ima restoran na vrhu i kafic u prizemlju. U Kaza da muzika se uvek nešto dešava, kalendar je dinamičan i inovativan. Muzički spektar koji cete ovde pronaci seže od klasične muzike do avangar - dnih urbanih trendova.

U ovoj prodavnici sve je lokal - no, ručno rađeno, vintidž i foku - sirano na održivost. Moci cete da kupite razne stvari, od do- dataka i odece, do ukrasa, bi - ljaka i nameštaja. Tu cete naci i jedna od najlepših i najfotoge - ničnijih vrata u gradu.

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Rabelo je tradicionalni portugalski brod koji se danas koristi za turistička razgledanja i krstarenja rekom Duro A Rabelo is a traditional Portuguese boat nowadays used for sightseeing and cruises down the Douro River

Predahnite u vrtu Virtudes Ova bašta se nalazi u zadnjem delu Palate pravde i razvijena je na nizu stepenica. Ovde ži - vi najveca ginko biloba u Por - tugalu, drvo visoko oko 35 me - tara. Kako se dan bliži kraju, meštani se okupljaju u ovoj ba- šti, pa nemojte da se iznenadi- te kada ovde vidite ljude svih uzrasta kako sviraju muzičke instrumente i dive se jednom od najlepših pogleda na reku Duro. Jednostavno predivno. Naručite pivo i uživajte u prele - pom zalasku sunca.

Sandeman cellars have crea- ted a museum that contextu- alises and tells the history of the world-renowned brand of port and sherry. Visiting Por- to and not touring one of the Port Wine cellars is like visi- ting Paris and not checking out the Eiffel Tower. This gra- nite building, constructed in 1797, houses an impressive collection of paintings, pho- tographs, ceramics and an- tique bottles of this most in- ternational of port and sherry brands. This popular museum welcomes more than 150,000 visitors annually. Enjoy the Casa da Música One of the most iconic ve- nues in the city, the Casa da Música music hall hosts con- certs of various musical gen- res year-round. With a restau-

rant at the top and a cafe on the ground floor, there is always something happe- ning at the Casa da Música. The performance calendar is dynamic and innovative and complemented with re- sident groups. The musical spectrum you’ll find here ran - ges from classical music to avant-garde urban trends. Everything at this rustic bou- tique is local, handmade, vin- tage and focused on susta- inability. You will be able to buy various items – from ac- cessories and clothing to de- corations, plants and furni- ture. You will also find one of the city’s most beautiful and photogenic doors as you en- ter this shop. Find respite at Virtudes Garden Buy keepsakes at Coração Alecrim This park located to the rear of the Palace of Justice has been developed vertically, on a se- ries of stepped ledges. It is ho- me to the largest Ginkgo Bi- loba tree in Portugal, rising to a height of 35 metres. Locals gather in this garden as sun- set approaches, so don’t be surprised to see people of all ages here, playing musical in- struments and admiring one of the most beautiful views of the river Douro. Simply gor- geous. Order beer from one of the nearby bars and enjoy the beautiful sunset

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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Intervju Interview

Još osluškujem da li je publika zamukla u trenutku kad treba da oseti određenu scenu, da li čuju tišinu. Glumac mora da drži publiku kao dragocenu kapljicu, kao zrno koje ne sme da ispusti. To je moje životno opredeljenje, taj osećaj

I still listen to whether the audience is hushed at the moment when they need to feel a certain scene, if they are hearing the silence. An actor must hold the audience like a precious droplet, like a grain that mustn’t be dropped. That’s my life commitment, that feeling

Ljudi me na ulici i danas zovu Tihi Voja Brajović

Volite li da letite? – Oduvek su me avioni odu- ševljavali prednošću u slo- bodi kretanja jer omogu- ćuju da najvećom brzinom pređemo velike destina- cije. Najčešće čitam neku knjigu, preslišavam se tekst ako me čeka igranje pred- stave ili igram igrice na mo- bilnom telefonu dok letim. Vrlo sam disciplinovan, vo- lim i da zijam kroz prozor, ali još nisam imao prilike da glumim u avionu.

T alenat za režiju je Vo- ju Brajovića odveo do rediteljskog pot- pisa predstave „Ku- ća“, kojom je u ok- tobru obeleženo četiri decenije i 40 pozorišnih sezona beograd- skog „Zvezdara teatra“. Prethod- no je, između svojih maestralnih glumačkih uloga, režirao komad „Voz“ na toj teatarskoj sceni, za koji se osam godina traži karta vi- še. Pa ipak, on je pre svega glumac koji planira da igra dok god ose- ća kako publika prepoznaje sva- ki glumački gest i titraj na sceni... U čemu ste najviše uživa- li kao reditelj „Kuće“ i šta mislite zašto su i Nebojša Ilić i Branimir Brstina pr- vo pomislili na vas kao re- ditelja? „Voz“ me je odvezao do „Kuće“ i vrlo je važno da me nije odvezao do tunela u kom ne znam gde dalje, budući da glumim u nekoliko predstava u Beogradu i snimam nove serije...

– Nebojša Ilić Cile napisao je tekst i nakon što ga je pročitao Bra- nimir Brstina, koji glumi dedu u tom komadu, obojica su se sagla- sila da meni predlože režiju. Cile i Brstina su se i međusobno iznena- dili što su odmah mene tu videli, a Duško Kovačević, dramski pisac i direktor „Zvezdara teatra“, složio se sa njima. Dopao mi se tekst na prvo čitanje i samo je naizgled reč o maloj priči. Višeslojan je i veli- ki zalogaj jer ima tek tri glumca, ali nekoliko mesta radnje i tri vre- mena dešavanja. Od početka mi je bilo važno da ispoštujem svaku napisanu reč jer je Cile vrlo inteli- gentno i pronicljivo napisao tekst o potrazi za sobom i kućom tamo gde nam je duša. „Kuća“... Da li je to i svo- jevrstan omaž „Zvezdara teatru“, koji je vaša dru- ga kuća? – Tako ispada, da 40. sezonu u tom pozorištu otvorimo izvođe- njem jednog divnog, nežnog, dubo- kog teksta koji je napisao jedan glu- mac i igra sa drugim glumcima, a režira ga glumac. Meni je „Zvezdara teatar“ dragocen po brojnim uloga- ma, a i po prvoj predstavi izvedenoj

na toj sceni – „Mrešćenje šarana“ reditelja Dejana Mijača i pisca Ace Popovića, gde sam glumio 8. ok- tobra 1984. godine sa Borom To- dorovićem, Brankom Cvejićem, Mirjanom Karanović, Lazarom Ri- stovskim... Scena „Zvezdara tea- tra“ stvorila se željom i potrebom za pozorištem koje nema ansambl, a opstaje zahvaljujući angažovanju glumaca i drugih poslenika teatra. To je sinonim za slobodu reči i po- zorišnu umetnost, a pre svega za bliski odnos sa gledaocima. U kom pozorištu ste vi najviše kod kuće? – Od 1969. godine, od treće godine studija glume na Fakulte- tu dramskih umetnosti, glumim u „Jugoslovenskom dramskom po- zorištu“. U početku, sećam se, ni- sam redovno ni dolazio na probe, kad je Bojan Stupica režirao „Kad su cvetale tikve“, jer mi nije pri- jao lik mladog udbaškog oficira ko- ji maltretira porodicu, zbog toga

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Oliver Bunić

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Interview » Intervju | 27

Intervju / Interview

što su mog oca takvi ljudi ubili. A ta predstava je ubrzo silom ski- nuta s repertoara. I sada kao pen- zioner igram, jer to pozorište sve svoje penzionere poštuje dajući im status doživotnih članova. Tamo se nikad nisam osetio kao stranac ili gost, mada nisam to osećao ni u drugim teatrima. Da li se ikada zapitali gde vam je kuća? Ili ste odu- vek znali da vam je život samo ovde, u Beogradu? – Ja sam samo jedna čestica na svetu, sticajem okolnosti baš ov- de. Najbitnije mi je bilo da magič- ni realizam priče „Kuća“ doprinosi poruci da je život trajan jer u na- ma žive, u sećanju i snovima, svi koji su otišli sa ovog sveta. Ali vi ste talentovana če- stica koja bi bila podjed- nako darovita u Londonu, na Brodveju ili u Holivu- du... – Nemojte mi zadavati težak zadatak da sebe ocenjujem. I ta če- stica poput Šekspira je pisala i igra- la predstave bez znanja koliko će njegovo stvaralaštvo biti važno i stotinama godina kasnije. Nisu mi nikad bili, a nisu mi ni danas po- znati ti apetiti i želje da budem svetska zvezda. Imate li isti osećaj kad glumite i režirate? Gde vam je lepše? – Ja sam glumac koji će da ra- di dok postoji, nemam plan za no- ve režije. Ni „Kuću“, a ni pre nje „Voz“ nisam dugo planirao. Predlo- žio sam Dušku Kovačeviću da adap- tiram tekst za predstavu „Voz“ i on je to prihvatio, pa se predstava igra već osam godina. Ta predstava je posta- la kultna, maestralni su i režija i gluma i tekst, naravno. Da li ste uspe- li da, što ste jednom rekli da želite, njome izazove- te buđenje kritičke svesti, ali i čovekoljublja? – Nažalost, preminuo je pi- sac teksta po kojem sam adapti- rao „Voz“ i nije mi se ostvarila želja da on vidi našu predstavu. S njom smo dosad imali skoro 300 doma-

ćih i inostranih izvođenja i, bože zdravlja, igraćemo je još. „Voz“ je apsolutno priča o čovekoljublju i slobodi, nije mračna ni pesimistič- na. Dosad je tu predstavu gleda- lo sedam vladika, pa i sestrinstvo manastira Gradac... Da niste izabrali umet- nost, scenu, glumu, reži- ju, čime biste se bavili? – Možda bih bio besposličar. Ili bih lečio dušu i celog čoveka na neki način, jer sam kao dete bio vr- lo bolešljiv. Žao mi je što sam pro- pustio priliku da mladim ljudima osvestim kako da glumom oslobo- de svoj duh, a ne samo želju da se prikazuju, jer to nije gluma. Mla- dost sam proveo praveći skulptu- re u rodnom Valjevu i šest meseci sam se pripremao za prijemni na studije vajarstva. Ali ipak nisam imao hrabrosti da polažem prije- mni, posumnjao sam u svoj tale- nat za crtanje. Još sumnjam i u sebe kao glumca.

ge. Igrao sam u komadima reditelja Dejana Mijača, Unkovskog i Mađe- lija. Dakle, starije predstave i ne- ke nove, a selektujem ih po tome šta su značile. Na primer, Šekspi- rovi komadi, „Troil i Kresida“, „Hr- vatski Faust“, „Gorski vijenac“... A među njima mi mnogo znače i ko- madi u kojima nisam igrao, a imali su premijere u vreme kad sam bio upravnik JDP-a. Da li su vam podjednako drage i one televizijske i filmske? – Film i televizija imaju dru- gačije zahteve kao najsavremenije scenske umetnosti. Kopola je rekao da nema dobrog filma od lošeg sce- narija i obrnuto. To je zakon. Sve što smo uspeli u domaćoj kinema- tografiji, uspeli smo zbog dobrog scenarija. Snimio sam mnogo se- rija i filmova, ali tu bih se složio sa Olivijeom i izabrao bih do pet svojih uloga. Znate li da se na RTS-u ponovo prikazuju „Otpi- sani“, po ko zna koji put? Pogledate li nekad sebe u toj seriji, kakva vam seća- nja budi Tihi? – Retko gledam sebe, ranije ni- sam smeo uopšte da gledam svo- je role. Na primer, „Otpisane“ sam gledao tek u nekoj od repriza kad mi je mlađi sin stasao da gleda svog tatu u mlađanom izdanju. I tada sam se uverio koliko je u preko če- tiri godine snimanja za 26 epizo- da uloženo kvaliteta. Reditelj serije Aca Đorđević imao je poverenje u mene, koji sam na početku snima- nja imao 22 godine, a tek tri dece- nije kasnije sam saznao da me je i veliki Dragan Gaga Nikolić branio kad su neki sumnjali da umem da glumim. Govorio je da nisam sa- mo lep i zgodan za tu ulogu. Tihi me je određeno vreme koštao dru- gih angažmana, dok se nije spusti- la prašina oko popularnosti te seri- je. Kao glumac na početku karijere, s tom ulogom sam postao poznat i popularan, a nisam imao dinara u džepu. Honorar sam potrošio, a još se nisam bio snašao kao došljak u Beogradu. I sada me ljudi oslove „Tihi“ kad me prepoznaju na ulici.

Nisu mi nikad bili, a nisu mi ni danas poznati ti apetiti i želje da budem svetska zvezda I never had, and today am still not familiar with, those appetites and desires to be a world star

Interview: Voja Brajović People on the street call me Tihi to this day The “Train” led me to “The House”, and it is very important that it didn’t lead me to a tunnel in which I don’t know where’s next, given that I’m acting in several theatre plays in Belgrade and filming new series...

A talent for theatre di- recting led Voja Bra- jović to sign his name to direction of the play The House, which this October commemorated four dec- ades and 40 theatre seasons at Bel- grade’s Zvezdara Theatre. Previously, between his majestic acting roles, he directed the play Train on the same theatre stage, for which extra tick- ets have been sought for eight years. And yet he is first and foremost an

Decenije bogate karijere, gotovo bez grešaka su iza vas. Pa ipak, možete li da izdvojite neke uloge koje su vas promenile zauvek, obeležile vam život, bile više od samo uloga? – Ne delim uloge na dobre i lo- še, određene smatram značajnim, a druge manje. Doajen glume i re- žije Lorens Olivije je rekao da ne možete više od pet rola da izdvo- jite, a ja ne mogu manje od deset jer su mi sve mnogo važne i dra-

actor who plans to keep performing for as long as he feels that the au- dience recognises his every acting gesture and convulsion on stage... What did you most enjoy as director of The House and what do you think com- pelled Nebojša Ilić and Branimir Brstina to first think of you as the director? “Nebojša Ilić Cile wrote the manuscript, and after it was read by Branimir Brstina, who plays the

grandfather in that play, they both agreed to propose me as the direc- tor. Cile and Brstina were even mu- tually surprised that they identified me first, and Duško Kovačević, play- wright and director of Zvezdara The- atre, agreed with them. I liked the script on first reading and it is only a small story at first glance. It is mul- ti-layered and a big morsel, because there are only three actors, but sever- al scene locations and three periods of happenings. It was important to

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me from the outset to respect every word written, because Cile very in- telligently and insightfully wrote the text about the search for self and the home where our soul resides.” Is The House also in some way an homage to Zvezdara Theatre, which is your sec- ond home? “It turns out that way. To open the 40 th season at that theatre with the performance of a wonderful, ten- der, deep text that was written by one actor and is performed with other ac- tors, and is directed by an actor. To me, Zvezdara Theatre is precious for numerous roles, and I acted in the first play performed on that stage, The Spawn of a Carp, directed by De- jan Mijač and written by Aca Popo- vić, on 8 th October 1984, together with Bora Todorović, Branko Cvejić, Mirjana Karanović, Lazar Ristovski... The Zvezdara Theatre scene created itself out of the desire and need for a theatre without an ensemble, and it endures thanks to the engagement of actors and other theatre workers. It is synonymous with freedom of speech and theatrical arts, and pri- marily with an intimate relationship with the audience.” In which theatre do you most feel “at home”? “Since 1969, since the third year of my acting studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, I have been act- ing at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre. I remember that, in the beginning, I didn’t even come to rehearsals reg- ularly, when Bojan Stupica directed When Pumpkins Blossomed, because I didn't like the character of the young state security officer who bullies the family, because such people killed my father. And that play was soon stripped from the repertoire by force. And I now perform as a pensioner, because that theatre respects all its pensioners by giving them the sta- tus of lifetime members. There I’ve never felt like a stranger or a guest performer, though I’ve never felt like that at other theatres either.” Have you ever wondered where your home is? Or did you always know that your life is only in Belgrade?

“I’m just one particle in the world, who just happens to be right here. The most important thing for me was for the magical realism of the story of The House to contrib- ute to the message that life is per- manent because everyone who has departed this world lives on within us, in memories and dreams.” But aren’t you a talent- ed particle who would have been equally gifted in Lon- don, on Broadway or in Hol- lywood? “Don’t set me the tough task of rating myself. And that “particle” like Shakespeare wrote and performed plays without knowing how impor- tant his creative works would still be hundreds of years later. I never had, and today am still not familiar with, those appetites and desires to be a world star.” Do you have the same feel- ing when you act and direct, which do you prefer? “I’m an actor who will work for as long as he exists, while I have no plans for new directing work. Nor did I spend very long planning for The House and previously for Train. I suggested to Duško Kovačević that I adapt the text for the play Train and he accepted that, so that play has been performed for eight years already.” That play has become icon- ic, while the direction, act- ing and text are, of course, majestic. Did you succeed, as you once said, in compel- ling the awakening of criti- cal awareness, but also love for humanity? “Unfortunately, the writer of the text which I adapted for Train passed away and I didn’t realise my wish for him to see our play. With it we have to date had almost 300 domestic and foreign performances, and God willing we will perform it again. The Train is absolutely a sto- ry about the love of humanity and freedom, it is neither dark nor pes- simistic. That play has so far been watched by seven bishops, and al- so the sisterhood of Gradac Mon- astery...”

Do you like flying? “I’ve always adored aero-

planes, with their advantage in terms of freedom of move- ment, because they enable us to traverse huge distanc- es at the highest speed. I most often read a book, listen to a text if I have a play waiting for me, or play games on my mo- bile phone as I fly. I’m very dis- ciplined, I also like to stare out of the window, but I still haven’t had a chance to act aboard a plane. Are you aware that Ot- pisani [Written-Off] is be- ing broadcast on RTS again for the umpteenth time? Do you ever watch yourself in that series; what kind of memories does Tihi awak- en in you? “I rarely watch myself, and pre- viously I would never dare watch my roles at all. For example, I only watched Written-Off during one of the reruns, when my younger son became old enough to watch his dad in a young- er edition. And it was then that I ap- preciated just how much quality had been invested in the over four years of filming for those 26 episodes. The director of the series, Aca Đorđević, had confidence in me, and I was just 22 when filming began, and it was only three decades later that I discov- ered that I’d also been defended by the great Dragan ‘Gaga’ Nikolić when some people had doubted my acting ability, insisting that I wasn’t just handsome and attractive for that role. Tihi cost me in terms of other engagements for a while, until the dust had settled around the popularity of that series. As an actor at the start of my career, with that role I’d become famous and popular, and I didn’t have a dinar in my pocket. I spent my earnings and still hadn’t managed to find my way as a newcomer to Belgrade. And peo- ple now still call me Tihi when they recognise me on the street.

If you hadn’t chosen art, the stage, acting, directing, what would you have done for a living? “Perhaps I would be an unem- ployed idler. Or I would heal my soul and whole person in some way, as I was very sickly as a child. I’m sorry that I missed out on the opportuni- ty to bring young people the aware- ness of how to liberate their spirit through acting and not just the desire to show off, because that isn’t acting. I spent my youth making sculptures in my native Valjevo and I prepared for the entrance exam for sculpture studies for six months. But I none- theless lacked the courage to take the entrance exam, doubting my talent for drawing. And I still doubt myself as an actor.” You have amassed a rich ca- reer over decades, one al- most devoid of mistakes. But can you still single out some roles that changed you forever and marked your life; that were more than mere acting roles? “I don’t separate roles into good and bad ones; I consider certain roles

significant and others less so. The doyen of acting and directing that is Laurence Olivier said that you can’t single out more than five roles, and I can’t pick less than ten, because they are all very important and precious to me. I acted in the plays of direc- tors Dejan Mijač, Unkovski and Ma- gelli, so older plays and some new ones, and I select them on the ba- sis of what they meant. For exam- ple, Shakespeare’s plays, Troilus and Cressida, the Croatian Faust, the Mountain Wreath etc. And mean- ing a lot to me among them are plays I didn’t act in and which had their pre- mieres at the time when I was man- ager of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre.” Are your television and film roles equally dear to you? “Film and television have differ- ent requirements, as the most mod- ern forms of performing arts. Cop- pola said that there can be no good film from a bad script and vice versa. That’s a rule. In every success we’ve had in domestic cinematography, we succeeded because of a good script. I’ve shot many series and films, but here I would agree with Olivier and choose up to five of my roles.”

Pozorište treba da obraduje i probudi emocije, ali ne i da se takmiči sa umetnošću zvanom cirkus, zato što cirkus uvek pobeđuje The theatre should bring cheer and awaken emotions, but it shouldn’t also compete with the art form called the circus, because the circus always wins

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