Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Adopted 10-21-2024


Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan




INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 Background .......................................................................... 1 Purpose and Authority.................................................... 2 Scope ...................................................................................... 2 References............................................................................ 3 Plan Organization ............................................................. 4 PLANNING PROCESS ........................................... 5 Purpose and Vision ........................................................... 5 What’s Changed in the Plan.......................................... 6 Preparing the Plan ............................................................ 7 Phase I – Planning Process.................................................................................... 8 Phase II – Risk Assessment.................................................................................. 10 Phase III – Mitigation Strategy .......................................................................... 10 Phase IV – Plan Maintenance ............................................................................ 10 Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee ................ 11 Meetings and Workshops .............................................13 Involving the Public.........................................................14 Outreach Efforts ...............................................................14 Public Survey Results ............................................................................................. 15 Involving the Stakeholders ..........................................16 Documentation of Plan Progress...............................17 PLANNING AREA PROFILE ............................ 26 Geography and Environment.....................................26 Population and Demographics..................................32 Parcels and Buildings ....................................................36 Historic Properties .......................................................... 36 Housing................................................................................43 Infrastructure....................................................................44 Transportation ............................................................................................................. 44


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 2.8 2.9


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1

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3.6.2 3.7 3.8 3.8.1 3.9

Utilities ............................................................................................................................. 45 Current and Future Land Use .....................................45 Employment and Industry ..........................................49 Wages and Employment.................................................................................... 49 Social Vulnerability Assessment ...............................51 Jurisdiction Information ..............................................53 Town of Apex .............................................................................................................. 53 Town of Cary ................................................................................................................ 54 Town of Fuquay-Varina ........................................................................................ 55 Town of Garner .......................................................................................................... 55 Town of Holly Springs ........................................................................................... 56 Town of Knightdale .................................................................................................57 Town of Morrisville ...................................................................................................57 City of Raleigh ............................................................................................................ 58

3.10 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10.4 3.10.5 3.10.6 3.10.7 3.10.8 3.10.9

Town of Rolesville .................................................................................................... 59 3.10.10 Town of Wake Forest ............................................................................................. 60 3.10.11 Town of Wendell........................................................................................................ 61 3.10.12 Town of Zebulon........................................................................................................ 61 4 RISK ASSESSMENT ............................................ 63 4.1 Overview .............................................................................63 4.2 Hazard Identification ..................................................... 64 4.3 Risk Assessment Methodology and Assumptions .................................................................................................68

4.4 4.5

Asset Inventory ................................................................ 72 Hazard Profiles, Analysis, and Vulnerability........85 Dam Failure .................................................................................................................. 85 Drought ........................................................................................................................... 97 Earthquake ................................................................................................................. 104 Extreme Heat .............................................................................................................. 118 Flood ................................................................................................................................ 124 Hurricane and Tropical Storm........................................................................ 157 Infectious Disease ................................................................................................... 172 Landslide ...................................................................................................................... 180 Severe Weather (Thunderstorm Winds, Lightning & Hail)......... 186 Severe Winter Storm........................................................................................... 207 Tornado .......................................................................................................................... 214

4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.5.8 4.5.9 4.5.10 4.5.11

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4.5.12 4.5.13 4.5.14 4.5.15 4.5.16

Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 228 Cyber Threat .............................................................................................................. 243 Hazardous Materials Incident ....................................................................... 247 Radiological Incident ......................................................................................... 256 Terrorism ..................................................................................................................... 265 Conclusions on Hazard Risk..................................... 270 CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT .......................... 272 Overview .......................................................................... 272 Methodology .................................................................. 272 Capability Assessment Findings ........................... 273 Planning and Regulatory Capability......................................................... 273 Administrative and Technical Capability ............................................. 285 Fiscal Capability....................................................................................................... 287 Education and Outreach Capability ........................................................ 288 Mitigation Capability .......................................................................................... 289 Political Capability................................................................................................ 289 Local Self-Assessment Rating ...................................................................... 290 Conclusions on Local Capability ............................. 291 MITIGATION STRATEGY ................................292 Goals and Objectives................................................... 292 Coordination with Other Planning Efforts............................................292 Goal Setting................................................................................................................293 Resulting Goals and Objectives....................................................................293 Identification and Analysis of Mitigation Activities .......................................................................... 294 Prioritization Process ...........................................................................................294



5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7



6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2



MITIGATION ACTION PLANS.......................296


PLAN MAINTENANCE ..................................... 334 Implementation............................................................ 334 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Enhancement ...... 336 Role of HMPC in Implementation, Monitoring and Maintenance..............................................................................................................336 Maintenance Schedule ...................................................................................... 337 Maintenance Evaluation Process ................................................................ 337

8.1 8.2 8.2.1

8.2.2 8.2.3

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Continued Public Involvement............................... 338


PLAN ADOPTION ............................................... 339


WAKE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS ..................................................................... 364 Risk Assessment........................................................... 364 Critical Facilities ......................................................................................................364 Dam Failure ............................................................................................................... 366 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 366 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 367 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 369 CITY OF RALEIGH ............................................... 371 Risk Assessment............................................................ 371 Critical Facilities ....................................................................................................... 371 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 379 Flood ................................................................................................................................ 381 Extreme Heat ............................................................................................................384 Wildfire ......................................................................................................................... 385 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 390 TOWN OF APEX .................................................395 Risk Assessment........................................................... 395 Critical Facilities ..................................................................................................... 395 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 397 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 399 Wildfire ......................................................................................................................... 402 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 407 TOWN OF CARY ...................................................411 Risk Assessment ............................................................. 411 Critical Facilities ........................................................................................................ 411 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................. 413 Flood ................................................................................................................................ 415 Wildfire ...........................................................................................................................418 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 423

A.1 A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.2


B.1 B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3 B.1.4 B.1.5 B.2


C.1 C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 C.1.4 C.2 D. D.1 D.1.1 D.1.2 D.1.3 D.1.4 D.2

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TOWN OF FUQUAY-VARINA .......................426 Risk Assessment........................................................... 426 Critical Facilities ......................................................................................................426 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 428 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 430 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 433 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 438 TOWN OF GARNER ..........................................444 Risk Assessment........................................................... 444 Critical Facilities ...................................................................................................... 444 Dam Failure ............................................................................................................... 446 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 448 Wildfire ........................................................................................................................... 451 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 456 TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS..........................458 Risk Assessment........................................................... 458 Critical Facilities ..................................................................................................... 458 Dam Failure ............................................................................................................... 460 Flood ...............................................................................................................................462 Wildfire ......................................................................................................................... 465 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 470 TOWN OF KNIGHTDALE ................................475 Risk Assessment........................................................... 475 Critical Facilities ...................................................................................................... 475 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 477 Flood ............................................................................................................................... 479 Wildfire ..........................................................................................................................482 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 487 TOWN OF MORRISVILLE ...............................489 Risk Assessment........................................................... 489 Critical Facilities ..................................................................................................... 489 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................. 491 Flood ...............................................................................................................................493

E.1 E.1.1 E.1.2 E.1.3 E.1.4 E.2


F.1 F.1.1 F.1.2 F.1.3 F.1.4 F.2 G. G.1 G.1.1 G.1.2 G.1.3 G.1.4 G.2 H. H.1 H.1.1 H.1.2 H.1.3 H.1.4 H.2



I.1.1 I.1.2 I.1.3

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I.1.4 I.2

Wildfire ......................................................................................................................... 496 Mitigation Strategy ......................................................501 TOWN OF ROLESVILLE ................................. 503 Risk Assessment ........................................................... 503 Critical Facilities ..................................................................................................... 503 Dam Failure ............................................................................................................... 505 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 507 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 510 Mitigation Strategy ...................................................... 515 TOWN OF WAKE FOREST..............................516 Risk Assessment ............................................................ 516 Critical Facilities ...................................................................................................... 516 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 518 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 520 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 523 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 528 TOWN OF WENDELL ...................................... 530 Risk Assessment ........................................................... 530 Critical Facilities ..................................................................................................... 530 Dam Failure ................................................................................................................ 532 Flood ............................................................................................................................... 534 Wildfire .......................................................................................................................... 537 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 542 TOWN OF ZEBULON........................................544 Risk Assessment........................................................... 544 Critical Facilities ......................................................................................................544 Dam Failure ............................................................................................................... 546 Flood .............................................................................................................................. 548 Wildfire ...........................................................................................................................551 Mitigation Strategy ..................................................... 556


J.1 J.1.1 J.1.2 J.1.3 J.1.4 J.2


K.1 K.1.1 K.1.2 K.1.3 K.1.4 K.2


L.1 L.1.1 L.1.2 L.1.3 L.1.4 L.2 M. M.1 M.1.1 M.1.2 M.1.3 M.1.4 M.2

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PLAN REVIEW TOOL..........................................A.1


PLANNING PROCESS DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................... B.1 MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES ........................ C.1 Categories of Mitigation Measures Considered C.1 Alternative Mitigation Measures per Category . C.1 Preventative and Regulatory Measures .................................................... C.1 Property Protection Measures........................................................................ C.5 Natural Resource Protection........................................................................... C.9 Emergency Services Measures..................................................................... C.12 Structural Projects ................................................................................................ C.15 Public Information ............................................................................................... C.17


C.1 C.2 C.2.1 C.2.2 C.2.3 C.2.4 C.2.5 C.2.6


REFERENCES ........................................................D.1

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1 INTRODUCTION Section 1 provides a general introduction to hazard mitigation and an introduction to the Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This section contains the following subsections: — 1.1 Background — 1.2 Purpose and Authority — 1.3 Scope — 1.4 References — 1.5 Plan Organization 1.1 BACKGROUND This document comprises a Hazard Mitigation Plan for Wake County, North Carolina and its incorporated municipalities. Each year in the United States, natural and human-caused hazards take the lives of hundreds of people and injure thousands more. Nationwide, taxpayers pay billions of dollars annually to help communities, organizations, businesses, and individuals recover from disasters. These monies only partially reflect the true cost of disasters because additional expenses incurred by insurance companies and non-governmental organizations are not reimbursed by tax dollars. Many natural hazards are predictable, and much of the damage caused by hazard events can be reduced or even eliminated. Hazards are a natural part of the environment that will inevitably continue to occur, but there is much we can do to minimize their impacts on our communities and prevent them from resulting in disasters. Every community faces different hazards, has different resources to draw upon in combating problems, and has different interests that influence the solutions to those problems. Because there are many ways to deal with hazards and many agencies that can help, there is no one solution for managing or mitigating their effects. Planning is one of the best ways to develop a customized program that will mitigate the impacts of hazards while accounting for the unique character of a community. A well-prepared hazard mitigation plan will ensure that all possible activities are reviewed and implemented so that the problem is addressed by the most appropriate and efficient solutions. It can also ensure that activities are coordinated with each other and with other goals and activities, preventing conflicts and reducing the costs of implementing each individual activity. This plan provides a framework for all interested parties to work together toward mitigation. It establishes the vision and guiding principles for reducing hazard risk and proposes specific mitigation actions to eliminate or reduce identified vulnerabilities. In an effort to reduce the nation's mounting natural disaster losses, the U.S. Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) to invoke new and revitalized approaches to mitigation planning. Section 322 of DMA 2000 emphasizes the need for state and local government entities to closely coordinate on mitigation planning activities and makes the development of a hazard mitigation plan a specific eligibility requirement for any local government applying for federal mitigation grant funds. These funds include the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (BRIC) program, and the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program, all of which are administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Homeland Security. Communities with an adopted and federally approved hazard mitigation plan thereby

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become pre-positioned and more apt to receive available mitigation funds before and after the next disaster strikes. This plan was prepared in coordination with FEMA Region 4 and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCEM) to ensure that it meets all applicable federal and state planning requirements. A Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool, found in Appendix A, provides a summary of FEMA’s current minimum standards of acceptability and notes the location within this plan where each planning requirement is met. 1.2 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY This plan was developed in a joint and cooperative manner by members of a Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) which included representatives of County, City, and Town departments, federal and state agencies, citizens, and other stakeholders. This plan will ensure Wake County and its incorporated municipalities remain eligible for federal disaster assistance including FEMA’s HMGP, BRIC, and FMA programs. This plan has been prepared in compliance with Section 322 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act or the Act), 42 U.S.C. 5165, enacted under Section 104 of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, (DMA 2000) Public Law 106-390 of October 30, 2000, as implemented at CFR 201.6 and 201.7 dated October 2007. This plan will be adopted by each participating jurisdiction in accordance with standard local procedures. Copies of adoption resolutions are provided in Section 9 Plan Adoption. 1.3 SCOPE This document comprises a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Wake County. The planning areas includes all of Wake County’s incorporated municipalities and unincorporated areas. All participating jurisdictions are listed in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 – Participating Jurisdictions in the Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Wake County Apex Morrisville Cary Raleigh Fuquay-Varina Rolesville Garner Wake Forest Holly Springs Wendell Knightdale Zebulon Wake County followed the planning process prescribed by FEMA, and this plan was developed under the guidance of a planning committee comprised of representatives of County, City, and Town departments; citizens; and other stakeholders. The HMPC conducted a risk assessment that identified and profiled hazards that pose a risk to the planning area, assessed the planning area’s vulnerability to these hazards, and examined each participating jurisdiction’s capabilities in place to mitigate them. The plan evaluates and prioritizes hazards for the planning area using a Priority Risk Index, as determined through the risk and vulnerability assessments. Hazards are categorized as “low,” “moderate,” or “high” priority, however, mitigation strategies are identified for all profiled hazards. The hazards profiled in this plan include:

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— Dam Failure — Drought — Earthquake — Extreme Heat — Flood — Hurricane and Tropical Storm — Infectious Disease — Landslide — Severe Weather (Thunderstorm Winds, Hail, and Lightning) — Severe Winter Storm

— Tornado — Wildfire — Cyber Threat — Hazardous Materials Incident — Radiological Incident — Terrorism 1.4 REFERENCES The following FEMA guides and reference documents were used to prepare this document: — FEMA 386-1: Getting Started. September 2002. — FEMA 386-2: Understanding Your Risks: Identifying Hazards and Estimating Losses. August 2001. — FEMA 386-3: Developing the Mitigation Plan. April 2003. — FEMA 386-4: Bringing the Plan to Life. August 2003. — FEMA 386-5: Using Benefit-Cost Review in Mitigation Planning. May 2007. — FEMA 386-6: Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations into Hazard Mitigation Planning. May 2005. — FEMA 386-7: Integrating Manmade Hazards into Mitigation Planning. September 2003. — FEMA 386-8: Multijurisdictional Mitigation Planning. August 2006. — FEMA 386-9: Using the Hazard Mitigation Plan to Prepare Successful Mitigation Projects. August 2008. — FEMA. Local Mitigation Planning Handbook. March 2013. — FEMA. Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide. October 1, 2011. — FEMA National Fire Incident Reporting System 5.0: Complete Reference Guide. January, 2008. — FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance. June 1, 2010. — FEMA. Integrating Hazard Mitigation into Local Planning: Case Studies and Tools for Community Officials. March 1, 2013. — FEMA. Mitigation Ideas. A Resource for Reducing Risk to Natural Hazards. January 2013. Additional sources used in the development of this plan, including data compiled for the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, are listed in Appendix D.

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1.5 PLAN ORGANIZATION The Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is organized into the following sections: — Section 2: Planning Process — Section 3: Planning Area Profile — Section 4: Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

— Section 5: Capability Assessment — Section 6: Mitigation Strategy — Section 7: Mitigation Action Plans — Section 8: Plan Implementation and Maintenance — Section 9: Plan Adoption — Appendix A: Local Plan Review Tool — Appendix B: Planning Process Documentation — Appendix C: Mitigation Alternatives — Appendix D: References

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Requirement §201.6(b): An open public involvement process is essential to the development of an effective plan. To develop a more comprehensive approach to reducing the effects of natural disasters, the planning process shall include: 1) An opportunity for the public to comment on the plan during the drafting stage and prior to plan approval; 2) An opportunity for neighboring communities, local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities, and agencies that have the authority to regulate development, as well as businesses, academia, and other private and nonprofit interests to be involved in the planning process; and 3) Review and incorporation, if appropriate, of existing plans, studies, reports, and technical information. Requirement §201.6(c)(1): The plan shall include the following: 1) Documentation of the planning process used to develop the plan, including how it was prepared, who was involved in the process, and how the public was involved.

This section provides a review of the planning process followed for the development of the Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. It consists of the following sub-sections:

2.1 Purpose and Vision

2.2 What’s Changed in the Plan

2.3 Preparing the Plan

• 2.4 Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee • 2.5 Meetings and Workshops • 2.6 Involving the Public • 2.7 Outreach Efforts • 2.8 Involving the Stakeholders • 2.9 Documentation of Plan Progress

2.1 PURPOSE AND VISION As defined by FEMA, “hazard mitigation” means any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from a hazard event. Hazard mitigation planning is the process through which hazards are identified, likely impacts determined, mitigation goals set, and appropriate mitigation strategies determined, prioritized, and implemented. The purpose of the Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify, assess, and mitigate hazard risk to better protect the people and property within Wake County from the effects of natural and human-caused hazards. This plan documents progress on existing hazard mitigation planning efforts, updates the previous plan to reflect current conditions in the County including relevant hazards and vulnerabilities, increases public education and awareness about the plan and planning process, maintains grant eligibility for participating jurisdictions, maintains compliance with state and federal requirements for local hazard mitigation plans, and identifies and outlines strategies the County and participating jurisdictions will use to decrease vulnerability and increase resiliency. During the previous plan update cycle in 2019, the Wake County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (HMPC) met in working groups to discuss their vision for Wake County in terms of hazard mitigation planning. The committee was asked to consider what the successful implementation of the plan would achieve, what outcomes the plan would generate, and what Wake County could look like in the following five years to brainstorm a vision statement for the plan. The previous HMPC developed and discussed a list of ideas that were consolidated into the following statement and set of key principles that they agreed

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should define and guide the planning process and the County’s approach to hazard mitigation. These statements and principles are carried forward in the current update.

Wake County will build upon the success of its past efforts to become more resilient and adaptable to hazards, embrace the need to manage growth with sustainable practices, and make intentional, coordinated decisions that maximize long-term and shared benefits for all. The following key principles underpin this vision and describe how the HMPC of the current plan update cycle hopes to characterize the future of Wake County. In many cases, the County and its incorporated jurisdictions already operate with these same principles in mind. Resilient & Adaptable : Wake County will be able to quickly react to and recover from hazard events and will use both the development and post-disaster redevelopment processes to reduce existing vulnerabilities and future potential risk, including through identification and planning for vulnerable populations. Sustainable : From an environmental mindset, Wake County will protect key ecological resources, and from a resource and efficiency perspective, the county will use administrative and financial resources in ways that maximize and share benefits. Intentional : Wake County will address growth and development decisions by considering long-term outcomes, seeking opportunities for mitigation, minimizing risk and vulnerability, and implementing mitigation projects that can be scaled up or shared with other jurisdictions, if successful. Coordinated : Wake County will integrate planning efforts across departments and across incorporated jurisdictions to ensure that goals and decisions reinforce each other. Additionally, jurisdictions will work together to address issues on larger scales, such as a watershed or ecosystem level. 2.2 WHAT’S CHANGED IN THE PLAN This plan is an update to the 2019 Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which included participation from all jurisdictions involved in this plan update. The previous plan was approved by FEMA on December 3, 2019. This hazard mitigation plan update involved a comprehensive review and update of each section of the existing plan and an assessment of the success of the County and participating municipalities in evaluating, monitoring, and implementing the mitigation strategy outlined in their existing plans. Only the information and data still valid from the existing plans was carried forward as applicable into this update. The following requirements were addressed during the development of this regional plan:

• Consider changes in vulnerability due to action implementation • Consider social vulnerability of participating municipalities • Document success stories where mitigation efforts have proven effective • Document areas where mitigation actions were not effective • Document any new hazards that may arise or were previously overlooked • Incorporate new data or studies on hazards and risks • Incorporate changing future conditions related to hazards and risks • Incorporate new capabilities or changes in capabilities • Incorporate growth and development-related changes to inventories • Incorporate new action recommendations or changes in action prioritization

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Section 4.2 provides a comparison of the hazards addressed in the 2023 State of North Carolina Hazard Mitigation Plan and the existing Wake County plan and provides the final decision made by the HMPC as to which hazards should be included in the updated 2024 Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Plan. In addition to the specific changes in hazard analyses identified in Section 4.2, the following items were also addressed in this plan update: • GIS was used, to the extent data allowed, to analyze the priority hazards as part of the vulnerability assessment • Assets at risk for identified hazards were identified by property type and values of properties based on the North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) IRISK Database • A discussion on climate change and its projected effect on specific hazards was included in each hazard profile in the risk assessment • The discussion on social vulnerability in addition to growth and development trends was enhanced utilizing 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data • Enhanced public outreach and agency coordination efforts were conducted throughout the plan update process to meet the more rigorous requirements of the 2017 CRS Coordinator’s Manual, in addition to Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA) requirements 2.3 PREPARING THE PLAN The planning process for preparing the Wake County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was based on DMA planning requirements and FEMA’s associated guidance. This guidance is structured around a four-phase process:

1) Planning Process 2) Risk Assessment 3) Mitigation Strategy 4) Plan Maintenance

In the context of this process, the planning consultant team integrated a more detailed 10-step planning process used for FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) and Flood Mitigation Assistance programs. Thus, the modified 10-step process used for this plan update meets the requirements of six major programs: (1) FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program , (2) Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, (3) Community Rating System, (4) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, (5) Severe Repetitive Loss Program, and (6) new flood control projects authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Table 2.1 shows how the 10-step CRS planning process aligns with the four phases of hazard mitigation planning pursuant to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Table 2.1 – Mitigation Planning and CRS 10-Step Process Reference Table DMA Process CRS Process Phase I – Planning Process §201.6(c)(1) Step 1. Organize to Prepare the Plan §201.6(b)(1) Step 2. Involve the Public §201.6(b)(2) & (3) Step 3. Coordinate Phase II – Risk Assessment §201.6(c)(2)(i) Step 4. Assess the Hazard §201.6(c)(2)(ii) & (iii) Step 5. Assess the Problem

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DMA Process

CRS Process

Phase III – Mitigation Strategy §201.6(c)(3)(i)

Step 6. Set Goals

§201.6(c)(3)(ii) §201.6(c)(3)(iii)

Step 7. Review Possible Activities Step 8. Draft an Action Plan

Phase IV – Plan Maintenance §201.6(c)(5)

Step 9. Adopt the Plan


Step 10. Implement, Evaluate and Revise the Plan

In addition to meeting DMA and CRS requirements, this plan also meets the recommended steps for developing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Table 2.2 below outlines the recommended CWPP process and the CRS step and sections of this plan that meet each step. Table 2.2 – Community Wildfire Protection Plan Process Reference CWPP Process CRS Step Fulfilling Plan Section Convene decision makers Step 1 Section 2 – HMPC Involve Federal agencies Step 3 Section 2 – Involving Stakeholders Engage interested parties (such as community representatives) Step 1, 2, and 3 Section 2 – HMPC, Involving the Public, Involving Stakeholders

Establish a community base map

Section 4 – Wildfire Section 4 – Wildfire Section 5 – Capability

Develop a community risk assessment, including fuel hazards, risk of wildfire occurrence, homes, business and essential infrastructure at risk, other community values at risk, local preparedness, and firefighting capability Establish community hazard reduction priorities and recommendations to reduce structural ignitability Develop an action plan and assessment strategy

Step 4 and 5

Step 6, 7, and 8

Section 6 – Mitigation Strategy Section 7 – Mitigation Action Plans

Step 8 and 10 Step 9

Section 7 – Mitigation Action Plans Section 8 – Plan Maintenance

Finalize the CWPP

Section 9 – Plan Adoption

The process followed for the preparation of this plan, as outlined in Table 2.1 above, is as follows: 2.3.1 PHASE I – PLANNING PROCESS Planning Step 1: Organize to Prepare the Plan With the County’s commitment to participate in the DMA planning process, community officials worked to establish the framework and organization for development of the plan. An initial meeting was held with key community representatives to discuss the organizational aspects of the plan development process. Wake County Emergency Management led the County’s effort to reorganize and c oordinate for the plan update. Consultants from WSP and ESP Associates assisted by leading the County through the planning

process and preparing the plan document. Planning Step 2: Involve the Public

Public involvement in the development of the plan was sought using various methods, as detailed in Section 2.6.

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Planning Step 3: Coordinate

The HMPC formed for development of the 2019 Plan was reconvened to the extent possible for this plan update. More details on the HMPC are provided in Section 2.4. Stakeholder coordination was incorporated into the formation of the HMPC and was sought through additional outreach methods. These efforts are detailed in Section 2.8.

Coordination with Other Community Planning Efforts and Hazard Mitigation Activities

In addition to stakeholder involvement, coordination with other community planning efforts was also seen as paramount to the success of this plan. Mitigation planning involves identifying existing policies, tools, and actions that will reduce a community’s risk and vulnerability to hazards. Wake County and its participating jurisdictions use a variety of planning mechanisms, such as Comprehensive Plans, subdivision regulations, building codes, and ordinances to guide growth and development. Integrating existing planning efforts, mitigation policies, and action strategies into this plan establishes a credible and comprehensive plan that ties into and supports other community programs. As detailed in Table 2.3, the development of this plan incorporated information from existing plans, studies, reports, and initiatives as well as other relevant data from neighboring communities and other jurisdictions. These and other documents were reviewed and considered, as appropriate, during the collection of data to support the planning process and plan development, including the hazard identification, vulnerability assessment, and capability assessment. Data from these sources was incorporated into the risk assessment and hazard vulnerability sections of the plan as appropriate. The data was also used in determining the capability of each jurisdiction to implement certain mitigation strategies. The Capability Assessment can be found in Section 5. Table 2.3 – Summary of Existing Studies and Plans Reviewed Resource Referenced Use in this Plan

The PLANWake Comprehensive Plan, City of Raleigh Comprehensive Plan, and other key planning resources were referenced in the Planning Area Profile in Section 3. Local comprehensive plans were also incorporated into Section 3, Mitigation Action Plans where applicable in Section 7, and referenced in the Capability Assessment in Section 6. Local ordinances were referenced in the Capability Assessment in Section 6 and where applicable for updates or enforcement in Mitigation Action Plans in Section 7.

Local Comprehensive Plans (Wake County Comprehensive Plan, City of Raleigh 2030 Comprehensive Plan, etc.) Local Ordinances (Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, etc.) Triangle Regional Resilience Partnership Resilience Assessment Wake County and Incorporated Areas Flood Insurance Study (FIS), Revised 7/19/2022

The Technical Report was used in the preparation of the HIRA and referenced in hazard profiles in Section 4.

The FIS was referenced in the preparation of flood hazard profile in Section 4.

The previous plan was referenced in the Community Profile in Section 3, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Section 4, and for reporting on implementation status and developing the Mitigation Action Plans in Section 2 and Section 7, respectively.

Wake County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2019

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2.3.2 PHASE II – RISK ASSESSMENT Planning Steps 4 and 5: Identify/Assess the Hazard and Assess the Problem

The HMPC completed a comprehensive effort to identify, document, and profile all hazards that have, or could have, an impact on the planning area. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used to display, analyze, and quantify hazards and vulnerabilities. The HMPC also conducted a capability assessment to review and document the planning area’s current capabilities to mitigate risk from and vulnerability to hazards. By collecting information about existing government programs, policies, regulations, ordinances, and emergency plans, the HMPC could assess those activities and measures already in place that contribute to mitigating some of the risks and vulnerabilities identified. A more detailed description of the risk assessment process and the results are included in Section 4 Risk Assessment. 2.3.3 PHASE III – MITIGATION STRATEGY Planning Steps 6 and 7: Set Goals and Review Possible Activities ESP Associates facilitated brainstorming and discussion sessions with the HMPC that described the purpose and process of developing a vision for the planning process and setting planning goals and objectives, a comprehensive range of mitigation alternatives, and a method of selecting and defending recommended mitigation actions using a series of selection criteria. This information is included in Section 6 Mitigation. Planning Step 8: Draft an Action Plan A complete first draft of the plan was prepared based on input from the HMPC regarding the draft risk assessment and the goals and activities identified in Planning Steps 6 and 7. This draft was shared for HMPC, stakeholder, and public review and comment via the plan website. HMPC, public, and stakeholder comments were integrated into the final draft for the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCEM) and FEMA Region IV to review and approve, contingent upon final adoption by the County and its participating jurisdictions. 2.3.4 PHASE IV – PLAN MAINTENANCE Planning Step 9: Adopt the Plan To secure buy-in and officially implement the plan, the plan will be reviewed and adopted by all participating jurisdictions. Resolutions will be provided in Section 9. Planning Step 10: Implement, Evaluate and Revise the Plan Implementation and maintenance of the plan is critical to the overall success of hazard mitigation planning. Up to this point in the planning process, the HMPC’s efforts have been directed at researching data, coordinating input from participating entities, and developing appropriate mitigation actions. Section 8 Plan Maintenance provides an overview of the overall strategy for plan implementation and maintenance and outlines the method and schedule for monitoring, updating, and evaluating the plan. The Section also discusses incorporating the plan into existing planning mechanisms and how to address continued public involvement.

Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

WSP June 2024 Page 10

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