Town of Holly Springs
Potential Funding Sources
Hazard(s) Addressed
Relative Priority
Lead Agency/ Department
Estimated Cost
Implementation Schedule
2024 Status
Action #
Goal Objective
Status Comments/Explanation
Reservoirs/Retention/Detention Basins - The Town does not currently maintain any retention or detention basins. The Town does maintain Bass Lake Dam. The Town regularly provides maintenance of vegetation and minor erosion while providing visual inspections of the dam. If larger repairs are required, the Town will find appropriate means to resolve the problem. The Town also has a few small ponds located on existing parks. The Town maintains these ponds consistent with measures taken to maintain the Bass Lake Dam. Geotechnical investigation to establish data for risk analysis and development of engineering designs/solutions
Holly Springs Parks & Recreation
In-Progress – Carry Forward
Ongoing - Next 5 Years
Consistently and correctly maintains all ponds and dams. Ongoing project.
Staff time
The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP. The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP. The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP. The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP. The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP. The Town of Holly Springs plans to make modifications to the Bass Lake Dam which was identified as a high hazard dam by NCDEQ. To pursue potential funding under the FEMA High Hazard Dam Repair Program this action was included as an amendment to the 2019 Wake County HMP.
Local, State, Federal
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Local, State, Federal
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Build upstream dam to reduce load on existing dam
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Local, State, Federal
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Property Acquisition in inundation area(s) below dam 3
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Local, State, Federal
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Raise crest of dam to increase storage capacity
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Local, State, Federal
Add additional spillways, widen or lower existing spillways to increase discharge capacity
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Local, State, Federal
Warning systems to alert downstream areas of potential dam failure
Town of Holly Springs
To be determined
Carry Forward
Dam Failure Moderate
5 years
Wake County, NC Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
WSP June 2024 Page 472
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