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Volume 29 • No. 39 • 24 pages • EMBRUN, ON • March 19 mars 2015



RABAIS ÉNORMES SUR TOUS NOS BATEAUX ENORMOUS REBATES ON ALL OUR BOATS L’été approche, équipez-vous pour aller jouer sur l’eau! Summer is coming, gear-up to spend it on the water!



Municipalité de RUSSELL Township


PAGES 9-11


Tel.: 613 673-1668 • 2279 Principale St. Wendover, Ont. •





Chicken Brochette & Shrimp

Filet Mignon Brochette (Angus Beef) & Shrimp

Fajitas chicken or beef for 2

1/2 rack of Ribs

Filet Mignon ANGUS BEEF & shrimp $ 19.97

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767 Notre-Dame 2 nd floor, Embrun

Make fast and easy money! Faites de l’argent rapidement!

Nous sommes présentement en train de colliger une liste de noms de personnes intéressées à livrer Le Reflet-News. We are currently compiling a list of names of people interested in delivering The Reflet-News.

CONTACT / CONTACTEZ Jacques Blouin 613-443-2741


Le Groupe Convex victime de vols


Le Groupe Convex, centre de dépôt au- torisé pour les déchets électroniques, à Casselman, s’est fait dérobé jusqu’à 7000 $ de matériel recyclable dans les derniers huit mois. Situé au 40, rue Racine, dans le parc in- dustriel de Casselman, le Centre de dépôt du Groupe Convex est l’endroit où les rési- dents de ce village peuvent déposer, dans un conteneur placé sur le terrain de l’entre- prise, ordinateurs, télévisons et autres objets électroniques qui sont ramassés une fois semaine par Recycle Action de Hawkesbury. Or, il s’avère que des gens sans scrupules ne se gênent pas pour venir se servir pendant la nuit. La directrice générale du Groupe Convex, Caroline Arcand, n’en revient tout simple- ment pas. Elle et ses employés remarquaient qu’il y avait de moins en moins d’appareils dans le conteneur. « Nous avons travaillé fort pour avoir notre accréditation auprès du gouvernement de l’Ontario. Çamemet hors demoi qu’on vienne se servir comme ça. Les

Caroline Arcand (ci-contre) trouve déplorable que le Groupe Convex et Recycle Action soient victimes de vols à répétition. Ci-dessous, le véhicule suspect.

répercussions sont plus grandes que juste le vol, a-t-elle expliqué. Cela a un impact sur notre budget, notre capacité d’embauche et sur l’accroissement de notre entreprise. Les vols ont également un impact social, environnemental et économique. » Mme Arcand explique qu’avant, il n’était pas nécessaire de cadenasser le conteneur. « Mais nous avons dû installer une chaîne qui a été coupée à plusieurs reprises. Nous venons d’installer, au début dumois demars, un cadenas haute sécurité, a-t-elle poursuivi, mais ils essaient tout de même par tous les moyens de le couper. » L’endroit est truffé de caméras et l’on peut voir, sur les images, une camionnette grise et noire demarque Avalanche de laquelle de jeunes hommes descendent pour remplir la boîte arrière et ensuite repartir avec lematé- riel dérobé. « On a également vu une voiture plaquée au Québec, de couleur mauve, venir


se servir », a renchéri Mme Arcand qui lance un appel à la population. « Il faudrait essayer de raisonner ces personnes. Les jeunes qui sont impliqués ne reçoivent pas de très belles valeurs. S’ils sont à la recherche d’un emploi, ce serait peut-être une bonne idée de travailler dans des centres de recyclage. »

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Daniel Piché Agent immobilier Cell. 613 913-0577 •

Fern Beauchamp Agent immobilier Direct: 613-370-3376 (FERN) •

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EMBRUN • 249 900$

EMBRUN • 279 900$

EMBRUN • 319 900$

ST-ISIDORE • 237 900$

Bâtiment commercial sur la rue principale, 2 unités commerciales et 1 appartement. Appelez Fern. CASSELMAN • 449 900$

Superbe maison 2240, 4 c.àc, 2.5 sdb, bois franc et céramique. Appelez Fern. MOOSE CREEK • 189 900$

Condo commercial sur Notre-Dame, approx. 1100 par plancher. Appelez Fern. CASSELMAN • 599 900$

Grand garage attaché avec 2 entrées séparées! Toiture sera changée avant la fermeture! EMBRUN • 319 900$

Duplex – 2 unités! Excellente opportunité d’investir!

Bonne location, beau terrain arrière! Belles améliorations dernières années! EMBRUN • 339 900$

EMBRUN • 304 900$

Emplacement idéal pour votre entreprise. 2 unités commerciales et 2 appartements. Appelez Fern.

Luxueuse demeure bâtie en 2010, 20 acres de terrain privé, panneau solaire. Appelez Fern.

Maison centenaire 3 càc, 1.5 sdb, garage detaché 4 places. Terrain 104 x 120. Appelez Fern .

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Maison en rangées sur la Croisée! Style ouvert sur le 1er plancher!

Beau grand bungalow 1,800! 10 000$ de fenêtres et portes 2014!

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employment opportunities

possibilités d’emplois

ÉDUCATEURS(RICES) DIPLÔMÉ(E)S, GARDERIE ST-JEAN & LA CROISÉE Le/la candidat(e) sera sous la responsabilité de la gérante du service de garde sera responsable de : r mettre en application un programme éducatif comportant des activités ayant pour but le

HOW TO APPLY: Those interested in the above mentioned positions are invited to submit their resume in Word or PDF format, CLEARLY IDENTIFYING THE POSITION DESIRED to: HUMAN RESOURCES by email at jobs.emplois@russell.caRULQSHUVRQDWRXURIÚFHVDW1RWUH'DPH6WUHHW(PEUXQ2QO\WKH selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005, the Township of Russell agrees to recognize the different needs and to provide an accessible place to all. DEADLINE TO POST YOUR RESUME FOR ANY OF THE POSITIONS: MARCH 27 th , 2015, BEFORE 4:00 PM. GRADUATE EDUCATORS, ST-JEAN & LA CROISÉE DAYCARE The ideal candidates will be under the supervision of the Daycare Manager and be responsible for: r delivering an educational program including activities that are geared toward children development, their health, their security and their well-being; r DVVXULQJDSURIHVVLRQDODQGHIÚFLHQWPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHSURJUDPVDQGDFWLYLWLHVRIWKHVHUYLFH The candidate must possess a College degree in Early Childhood Education or in the process of completing an apprenticeship program and be a member of the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario. The must submit the appropriate criminal check and hold a valid CPR and First $LGFHUWLÚFDWLRQ LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: ([FHOOHQWSURÚFLHQF\LQXQGHUVWDQGLQJVSHDNLQJUHDGLQJDQGZULWLQJ of French. English an asset. COMPENSATION: 7KHVDODU\EDVHGRQKRXUVSHUZHHNLVEHWZHHQDQGSHUKRXU NON-GRADUATE EDUCATORS, ST-JEAN & LA CROISÉE DAYCARE Responsible for delivering an educational program including activities that are geared toward children GHYHORSPHQWWKHLUKHDOWKWKHLUVHFXULW\DQGWKHLUZHOOEHLQJ3OHDVHLQFOXGHDOOFXUUHQWFHUWLÚFDWLRQ LQFOXGLQJÚUVWDLG&35 LANGUAGEREQUIREMENTS: ([FHOOHQWSURÚFLHQF\LQVSHDNLQJUHDGLQJDQGZULWLQJRI)UHQFK(QJOLVKDQDVVHW COMPENSATION: 7KHVDODU\EDVHGRQKRXUVSHUZHHNLVEHWZHHQDQGSHUKRXU SUMMER STUDENT, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (MAY TO AUGUST) 7KH7RZQVKLSRI5XVVHOOLVORRNLQJIRUDPDWXUHDQGPRWLYDWHGLQGLYLGXDOWRÚOOWKHVXPPHUVWXGHQW position for the Infrastructure department. Under the supervision of the Manager of Infrastructure Services , the successful candidate will assist in a variety of laboring activities to maintain sidewalks, streets, and roads and perform other related duties. SKILLS, COMPETENCIES AND KNOWLEDGE r High School Diploma; r Must provide a clear criminal record; r Valid Ontario Driver’s license; r Be in good physical condition; r Physical effort required for lifting. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: ([FHOOHQWSURÚFLHQF\LQXQGHUVWDQGLQJVSHDNLQJUHDGLQJDQGZULWLQJ of both French and English. Dog licenses are due April 1 st of every year and are valid until March 31 st the following year. All dogs 6 months and older must be registered with the Township annually. The medal (numbered tag) must EHDWWDFKHGWR\RXUGRJoVFROODUDWDOOWLPHVDQGVHUYHVDVLGHQWLÚFDWLRQLI\RXUGRJZDQGHUVDZD\ from home. 7KHDQQXDOFRVWIRUDGRJOLFHQVHLVIRUXQQHXWHUHGGRJRUIRUDQHXWHUHGRUVSUD\HGDQLPDO In addition, all dogs must be vaccinated against rabies. A late fee of $10 will be applicable for all dog tags purchased as of April 1 st for renewals only Dog licenses are available at City Hall [717 Notre-Dame St., Embrun] and at the Village Veterinary &OLQLF>&RQFHVVLRQ6W5XVVHOO@ 2015 dog tags - now available

développement global des enfants sous sa responsabilité; r veillez à la santé, à la sécurité et au bien-être des enfants;

COMMENT POSTULER : Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre leur candidature par écrit en format Word ou PDF en INDIQUANT CLAIREMENT LA POSITION DÉSIRÉE à l’attention de RESSOURCES HUMAINES par courriel à ou en personne à nos bureaux au 717, rue Notre-Dame, Embrun. Seulement les candidats retenus seront convoqués pour une entrevue. Conformément à la Loi de 2005 sur l’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l’Ontario, la Municipalité s’engage à reconnaitre les différents besoins et à offrir un endroit accessible pour tous. Sous la supervision du gérant des services d’infrastructure, le/la préposé(e) aidera à exécuter des tâches inhérentes à l’entretien des trottoirs des rues et de routes et effectuer d’autres tâches connexes. CONNAISSANCES, COMPÉTENCES ET HABILETÉS PARTICULIÈRES r Diplôme d’études secondaire r )RXUQLUXQHYÂULÚFDWLRQGXFDVLHUMXGLFLDLUH r Avoir un permis de conduire valide r En bonne condition physique; r L’effort physique requis pour soulever. EXIGENCES LINGUISTIQUES : Excellente compréhension, parlée et écrite du français et de l’anglais. DATE LIMITE POUR CANDIDATURE POUR TOUS LES POSTES : LE 27 MARS 2015, AVANT 16 H. médailles de chien 2015 - maintenant en vente Les licences de chiens doivent être renouvelées annuellement, au plus tard le 1 er avril et sont valides jusqu’au 31 mars de l’année suivante. Tous les chiens âgés de 6 mois et plus doivent être enregistrés auprès de la municipalité. La médaille doit être ajoutée au collier de l’animal en tout WHPSVHWVHUWGoLGHQWLÚFDWLRQGDQVOoÂYHQWXDOLWÂRXYRWUHFKLHQVHUDLWÂJDUÂ /HIUDLVDQQXHOSRXUXQHOLFHQFHHVWGHSRXUOHVFKLHQVQRQFK»WUÂVHWSRXUOHVFKLHQVFK»WUÂV Tous les chiens doivent être vaccinés contre la rage. Un frais de retard de 10 $ sera appliqué pour les médailles procurées dès le 1 er avril et ce, pour les renouvellements seulement. Les licences sont disponibles à l’hôtel de ville [717, rue Notre-Dame, Embrun] ainsi qu’au Village 9HWHULQDU\&OLQLF>UXH&RQFHVVLRQ5XVVHOO@ r DVVXUHUXQHJHVWLRQSURIHVVLRQQHOOHHWHIÚFDFHGHODSURJUDPPDWLRQHWGHVDFWLYLWÂVGXVHUYLFH Le/la candidat(e) doit détenir un diplôme d’études collégiales en garde éducative ou en voie d’obtenir une équivalence d’un programme d’apprentissage, être membre actif de l’Ordre des éducatrices et ÂGXFDWHXUVGHODSHWLWHHQIDQFHGHOo2QWDULRSRVVÂGHUXQHYÂULÚFDWLRQGHVDQWÂFÂGHQWVMXGLFLDLUHV vierge et avoir suivi une formation récente de secourisme incluant RCR. EXIGENCES LINGUISTIQUES : Excellente compréhension, parlée et écrite du français. Anglais un atout. RÉMUNÉRATION : +RUDLUHGHKHXUHVSDUVHPDLQHHWÚ[ÂHQWUHHWGHOoKHXUH ÉDUCATEURS(RICES) NON-DIPLÔMÉ(E)S, GARDERIE ST-JEAN & LA CROISÉE Responsable de mettre en application un programme éducatif comportant des activités ayant pour but le développement global des enfants sous sa responsabilité et veillez à la santé, à la sécurité et DXELHQÃWUHGHVHQIDQWV693LGHQWLÚHUWRXWHVOHVFHUWLÚFDWLRQV¹MRXULQFOXDQWSUHPLHUVVRLQVHW5&5 EXIGENCES LINGUISTIQUES : Excellente compréhension, parlée et écrite du français. Anglais un atout. RÉMUNÉRATION : +RUDLUHGHKHXUHVSDUVHPDLQHHWÚ[ÂHQWUHHWGHOoKHXUH ÉTUDIANT D’ÉTÉ, DÉPARTEMENT DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS (MAI-AOÛT) La Municipalité est à la recherche d’une personne mature et motivée pour remplir le poste d’étudiant d’été au département d’infrastructure.

Summer camps d ’ ete



Inscriptions EN LIGNE : 30 mars Inscriptions EN PERSONNEPDL MXLQ

4 - 8 years old - 4 à 8 ans Salle Frank Kinnaird Hall, Aréna de Russell Arena (ENGLISH) (ANGLAIS) Each week brings a new theme Enjoy games, arts & crafts, outings, recreational swimming, outdoor activities, water activities and much more! Chaque semaine amène un nouveau thème. Jouez ¹ GHV MHX[ SDUWLFLSH] DX[ EULFRODJHV SURÚWH] GHV sorties, de la natation, des activités extérieures, des jeux d’eau et bien d’autres!

4 - 8 years old - 4 à 8 ans École secondaire catholique Embrun High School (BILINGUAL) (BILINGUE) This bilingual camp offers exciting themes and activities each week. Activities include; games, arts & crafts, outings, recreational swimming, outdoor activities, water activities and more! Ce camp offre plusieurs thèmes et activités à chaque semaine comme des jeux, bricolages, sorties, natation, des activités extérieures, jeux d’eau et bien d’autres!

9 - 13 years old - 9 à 13 ans École secondaire catholique Embrun High School (BILINGUAL) (BILINGUE) This bilingual camp is perfect for your pre-teen! Sports, games, swimming, outdoor activities, water games, outings and much more! Ce camp est parfait pour votre pré-adolescent! Des sports, jeux, natation, activités extérieures, jeux d’eau, sorties et bien d’autres!

9 - 13 years old - 9 à 13 ans St-Thomas Aquinas High School, Russell (ENGLISH) (ANGLAIS) Calling all pre-teens! We take camp to a whole new level. Take part in extreme sports, games, swimming, outdoor activities, water games, outings and much more! Attention à tous les pré-adolescents! Participer à nos activités extrêmes : sports, jeux, natation, activités extérieures, jeux d’eau et bien d’autres!

les Camps D’été seront offert Entre Le 22 Juin Et Le 4 septembre 2015. Camp et le service de garde 6 h 30 à 18 h: rOÁYHWÍWDSUÁVOHMXLQHQIDQW Camp seulement 9 h à 16 h rOÁYHWÍWDSUÁVOHMXLQHQIDQW Camp par jour rOÁYHWÍWDSUÁVOHMXLQHQIDQW Camp par jour + une sortie rOÁYHWÍWDSUÁVOHMXLQHQIDQW

Camp with Pre & Post care - 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. rHDUO\ELUGDIWHU-XQHFKLLOG Camp only 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. rHDUO\ELUGDIWHU-XQHFKLOG Daily Camp rHDUO\ELUGDIWHU-XQHFKLOG Daily Camp with Special Trip rHDUO\ELUGDIWHU-XQHFKLOG Summer Camps will be offered between June 22 nd & september 4 th , 2015

regardez nos réunions de conseil sur le web... watch our council meetings on the web - 717, rue Notre-Dame St., Embrun, Ontario, K0A 1W1, Tel.: 613-443-3066

Russell businesses can shine at commercial fair ACTUAL I TÉ • NEWS GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

Programme de jour pour les 60 ans et plus

Un programme de jour est offert par les Services communautaires de Prescott et Russell pour les personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus demeurant dans les villages de Casselman, Saint-Albert, Limoges, Embrun, Russell et Marionville. Un ser- vice de transport est également disponible. Pour plus de renseignements, on communique avec Lucie Davignon au 613-443-9518, poste 58.

Less than a month remains before the doors at the Russell Arena open to show- case all the goods and services that Russell villagemerchants, professionals, and other entrepreneurs have to offer. After more than a decade’s absence, Russell village residents will have their own tradeshow again. The Russell Commercial Fair is part of the township’s economic deve- lopment and business investment strategy for both support of local shopping and also local businesses to attract more out-of-town trade into the area. “The Russell Commercial Fair is an oppor- tunity to put your best asset, your people, in front of your most desireable goal: new customers,” said Daniel Gatien, township economic development director, explaining the overall concept behind the commercial fair project. The township contracted with Excellent Events, a Vankleek Hill-based promotions outfit well-known as the organizing spirit behind Champlain Township’s own success- ful commercial fair which has been part of that municipality’s special events calendar since 1996. Last year’s Champlain Commer- cial Fair saw almost 4000 visitors to the event over its two-day venue and the hope is that Russell’s own revived local tradeshow project can see the same kind of future success. The first year for the Russell Commercial

Nouveau code de procédures à Casselman

Casselman a un nouveau code de procédures parlementaires.Après plus de 29 ans, le conseil municipal s’est doté de nouvelles mesures qui dicteront la manière de débattre les motions présentées. Elles rendront encore plus trans- parent le processus des débats et davantage conforme aux règles parlementaires en usage. Ce nouveau code de procédure découle des recommandations d’un récent rapport de l’Om- budsman ontarien découlant d’une enquête au sujet d’une décision prise illégalement, soit par la signature d’une lettre de façon séquentielle par trois des membres du conseil municipal. L’ombudsman avait sérieusement critiqué cette procédure qu’il a équivalue à une réunion à huis clos. Ces nouvelles procédures définiront plus précisément le rôle de chacun des membres du conseil. -Annie Lafortune

Fair will be a development and experience- building period for the project. The goal is to have at least 90 confirmed booth displays when the arena doors open on April 18 for the two-day venue. As of March 17, Gatien reported about 40 per cent of that booth registration total confirmed. The make-or- break registration figure is at least 60 per cent to ensure the event does go ahead this year. “If we don’t have that target (figure),” Gatien said, “we’ll have to make a decision whether to go ahead.” Event organizers are not limiting the booth registration to just Russell businesses.

Entrepreneurs throughout the township and also in neighbouring communities in the NationMunicipality, Casselman, Winches- ter, Chesterville and other villages inDundas County will be able to put on displays. The intent, Gatien said, is to showcase businesses in Russell and nearby communities outside of Ottawa with the goal of helping to lure “out-of-town” trade from Ottawa into the neighbouring rural counties. Registration information for the Russell Commercial Fair is available by Excellent Events by phone to 613-678-5086, fax to 613- 678-6347, email to

Welcome Home!

From the moment you step through the door, you’ll feel at home.

Join us for our OPEN HOUSE from 1-4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1 st . GREAT MUSIC AND FOOD!

CALL ERIC TODAY 475 Church Street, Russell, Ontario 613-445-5200

"$56"- * 5 r  /&84

communautaire Le lien community link The Embrun Embrunwomen’s 3-Pitch League 2015 registration dates: March 28, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Embrun Arena / April 25 Women’s Day : 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Embrun Recreational Center. Registra- tion fee: $80. Information: Karine Ber- trand 613-875-5130, mckb104@gmail. com Ligue féminine d’Embrun 3-Lancer 2015. Date d’inscription: 28mars de 14h à 16h au Palais des Sports Embrun / 25 avril, Salon de la Femme: 10h à 16h au Centre communautaire Embrun. Frais de saison: 80 $. Informations: Karine Bertrand au 613-875-5130 ou mckb104@ Russell Have you started your spring cleaning yet? The Russell and District Horticul- tural Society will happily take in your re-usables for our March it on out (swap meet) on Saturday, March 28 at St. Tho- mas Aquinas Catholic High School. Drop off your items (toys, kitchenware, books, home decor, clothing...) on Friday, March 27 from5 p.m. to 8 p.m. or Saturdaymor- ning between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Doors open at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. After paying a minimal entry fee, you can take away anything and everything that you want. For more info call Louise at 613-443-0514. Please help the Russell Lions Club collect craft supplies to donate to Camp Banting in 2015 (camp for children with Type 1 Diabetes) so that themoney nor- mally used to buy these supplies can be used elsewhere. All donations are welcome. For information or to donate, please call Lion Janice at 613-370-0555 or Lion Peter at 613-821-3096. Casselman La Banque Nationale offre à la popula- tion un atelier pour jeunes afin de déve- lopper de bonnes habitudes financières. Le 21 mars, à 10h, au 90, boul. Laflèche, Casselman. Réservations: 613-764-2824, poste 42708. Match d’impro : les Anciens de l’École secondaire catholique de Casselman affrontent les Dynamos de Casselman lemercredi 1 er avril, à 19h. Lematch sera présenté au local d’art dramatique du secondaire. Tournoi de hockey communautaire de Casselman du 29mars au 4 avril. Date limite d’inscription : 24 mars. Inscrip- tion en ligne : Renseignements: Luc Belisle 613-229- 4940, André Benson 613-913-4600 ou Saint-Albert Le comité de sensibilisation contre la fermeture de la bibliothèque de Saint- Albert invite la population le 23 mars. Départ en autobus à 18h du Centre com- munautaire. Direction : salle du conseil municipal La Nation, à Casselman.

Assault cases dominate police file

Police at the Embrun detachment had se- veral assault cases to handle in the week leading up to mid-March. Most of them involved domestic dispute situations. A 27-year-old Casselmanman is charged with spousal assault and with spousal assault involving a weapon following police inves- tigation of a domestic dispute situation on Notre-Dame Street in Embrun onMarch 10. At the time the woman involved told police that she was in an abusive relationship. Further investigation resulted in charges against theman. He is scheduled now for the April 1 st provincial court session in L’Orignal. His name is being withheld. Domestic assault Police have charged a 37-year-old Cas- selmanman with spousal assault following investigation of a March 11 incident on Fil- lion Street in Casselman. OPP report states that aman and a woman were arguing when the woman was struck. The name of the accused is withheld. He is scheduled for the April 1 st provincial court session in L’Orignal. Domestic charges A 29-year-old Casselman man faces two charges as a result of police investigation of an assault complaint in Embrun on March 13. OPP responded to a call about an inci- dent onDignard Street involving aman and a woman arguing. During the argument, the woman was struck in the face. The accused, name withheld, is now char- ged with spousal assault and also failure to comply with the conditions of a police undertaking. He is scheduled for the April 1 provincial court session in L’Orignal. Assault and threats Angele Langlois, 34, of Embrun, is char- ged with assault and uttering threats as a result of a police investigation of a March 13 incident on Route 900 West in St-Albert. OPP report states that on that date, some parents had an arrangement for a pick-up time for children at a particular location. At the site designated for the pick-up, a dispute began and a woman was assaulted. Lan- glois is scheduled for the April 1 st provincial

court session in L’Orignal on the assault and threats charges. Drunk driving Sébastien Bernard-Laporte, 20, of Gati- neau QC, is charged with impaired driving and with having care and control of a vehicle while his blood-alcohol level exceeded 80 milligrams. The charge resulted from OPP investigation of a March 15 report about a van in the ditch along Notre-Dame Street in Embrun.The driver was taken to the detach- ment for a breathalyzer test which he failed. Bernard-Laporte is scheduled for the April 1 st provincial court session in L’Orignal. Jacob Lauzon-Cameron, 20, of Gatineau QC, faces several charges following an erratic driving incident in Casselman onMarch 15. Police responded to a complaint about a vehicle and its driver on Principal Street and pulled Lauzon-Cameron over. OPP report noted that Lauzon-Cameron showed signs of intoxication and he was taken to the detach-

ment for breathalyzer tests. Lauzon-Cameron is now charged with impaired driving, driving with a blood-alco- hol level exceeding 80milligrams, failing to surrender his driver’s licence when asked to do so, failure to have a valid insurance card, and being a young driver with a blood-al- cohol content exceeding zeromilligrams at the time of his arrest. He is scheduled for the April 8 provincial court session in L’Orignal on the charges. Coke bust Being drunk in public resulted in an Em- brun man facing a charge of cocaine pos- session. Const. Luc Turgeon was on patrol along St-Marie Road in Embrun on March 1 when he spotted aman walking along the road who seemed to be a bit unsteady on his feet. The officer stopped and spoke to the man who showed signs of intoxication. During the encounter, the officer also found an amount of cocaine in the possession of the accused. Dale A. McMahon, 56, of Embrun, is char- ged with cocaine possession and also with public intoxication. He is scheduled for the April 15 provincial court session in L’Orignal on both charges. The number of owners of electric cars and their hybrid cousins is growing in Eastern Ontario. Russell Township council wants to know if there is a way to cash in on the tou- rism potential by becoming a charge-up stop for e-cars travelling the circuit between Ottawa and Montréal. Paul Camiré, regional spokes- man for Sun Country Highway Company, an outfit that supplies charging stations and other equipment for servicing electric cars, made a presentation to council about the municipality setting up its own charging sta- tions at a select number of community buil- dings as a start to filling the Prescott-Russell gap in the available charging stations between Ottawa and Montréal. Council will have its economic development committee study the subject for a report and recommendation at a later session of council. – Gregg Chamberlain Township checks into electric car tourism

13 000 copies

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Le Centre-i, nouvelle ressource pour les femmes en milieu rural AFFA I RES • BUS I NESS

These programs and services will also help address other spinoff problems related to mental illness or addiction. Examples of the new base funding levels for mental health and addiction services at facilities in the Champlain LHIN include : $2.3 million each year for the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group for several programs; about $500,000 for Montfort Renaissance Inc., for its Maison Gilles Chagnon Stabi- lization Program which assists women with mental health and addiction problems who also experience long-term homelessness; $350,000 for Montfort Hospital andMontfort Renaissance Inc., for a substance addiction treatment program; $142,355 for Montfort Renaissance Inc.’s Hoarding Consultants’ initiative to help people with mental issues that results in hoarding behaviour; about $70,000 shared among Montfort Hospital, Cornwall Community Hospital, Pembroke Regional Hospital, Queensway Carleton Hospital, the Ottawa Hospital, and the Distress Centre for Ottawa and the Region, to support and expand the Call-Back After Discharge Program, a bilingual service that aids people discharged from hospital after receiving treatment for mental health or ad- diction problems, tomake sure they receive continuing care and support as needed. The first year of the new base levels for Champlain LHINmental health and addic- tion services dedicated funding totals about $4.5million for the 2015-2016 fiscal period. projet par l’U.C.F.O. Le Centre-i découle de l’analyse com- parative selon les sexes menée dans l’Est Ontarien, région au nombre des trois choi- sies par Condition Féminine Canada, avec Pain Court et Hearst. Dans l’Est ontarien, les consultations ont démontré, entre autres, que l’inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes perdurent. « La formule salaire égal à travail égal est encore un rêve et un rêve ne nourrit pas la famille », a fait valoir Mme Vancaemelbeke en précisant que les consultations et leur analyse avaient mené au constat que l’ab- sence de transport en commun, lemanque de place en services de garde et la rareté des emplois bien rémunérés, notamment, contribuaient à cette situation. N’ayant pas les moyens financiers ni le temps de palier à ces lacunes, la création du Centre-i a semblé une option intéressante à l’U.C.F.O. pour doter les femmes francophones d’un outil leur permettant de cheminer vers une meilleure situation économique. Aussi, au nombre des facteurs limitatifs identifiés, le manque d’information sur les programmes existants s’est avéré unemotivation certaine pour la création du Centre-i. Les femmes de la région d’Alfred-Plan- tagenet pourront profiter du service du lundi au mercredi, de 9h à 15h, au 330, rue St- Philippe à Alfred (édifice de la Bibliothèque publique d’Alfred), mais pourront laisser un message en tout temps au 613–679-1244. Toutes les informations se retrouvent aussi sur le siteWeb :


GREGG CHAMBERLAIN New funding rates to assist mental services in Eastern Ontario are on the table from the provincial government. The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) will have more than $11 million, over a three-year period, of dedica- ted funding for mental health programs and services within the region. The Champlain LHIN oversees planning and funding for health services for the LHIN region, which includes the City of Ottawa, the Five Coun- ties area, and the neighbouring counties of Leeds, Grenville, and Renfrew. The Ontario Ministry of Health an- nounced a new base funding plan for mental health services in the Champlain LHIN as part of the next phase of its Comprehen- siveMental Health and Addictions Strategy (CMHAS).The Champlain LHINwill receive $11.1million of dedicated funding out of the $138million theministry has earmarked for mental health and addiction services and programs support for all of Ontario, with the money funnelled through the regional LHINs. The ministry is also creating a province- wide registry of mental health beds to im- prove the assignment of critical bed space for those in need of extended stays at either hospitals or other facilities, to deal with chro- nic addiction or mental health problems. Le Centre-i, ou Centre d’information et d’orientation économique d’Alfred-Plan- tagenet, servira de lieu d’aiguillage vers les ressources existantes, en ce qui a trait à la formation, les programmes d’aide à l’emploi, les services juridiques et para juridiques et les centres de la petite enfance, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. Le Centre- i pourra s’appuyer sur deux partenaires majeurs dont le service 211 de l’Est onta- rien, qui a accepté de partager sa banque de données, et l’organisme Le Phénix, qui a offert de prendre le Centre-i sous son aile en lui fournissant le gîte et les ressources humaines, en la personne de Josée Bercier. Le projet, qui s’inscrit dans l’initiative Entreprendre l’Économie Ensemble (EEE), a été rendu possible grâce au financement de Condition féminine Canada (CFC) et c’est l’Union culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes (U.C.F.O) qui a étémandatée pour lemener à terme. Marianne Vancaemelbeke, déjà bien connue dans la région pour son engagement communautaire, a été choisie agente de Après environ deux ans de consultations et d’analyses, le Centre-i voit le jour à Alfred. Le nouvel organisme logé dans les locaux du Phénix, au cœur du village, vise à outil- ler les femmes francophones en milieu rural pour améliorer leur condition éco- nomique. L’inauguration s’y est tenue le lundi 16 mars.

Ci-dessus, Guylaine Leclerc, présidente de l’U.C.F.O d’Alfred, Madeleine Chabot, présidente de l’U.C.F.O. provinciale, Marianne Vancaemelbeke, agente de projet pour l’U.C.F.O., Manon Beaulieu, Ottawa 211, Josée Bercier, adjointe administrative au Phénix et responsable de la livraison des services du Centre-i et Judith Parisien, directrice générale du Phénix, lors du lancement du Centre d’information et d’orientation économique d’Alfred-Plantagenet : Centre-i, le 16 mars 2015.

Mental health funding plan for Champlain LHIN

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$1,850 Down, $0 Security Deposit Includes Freight, PDI, Levies, $3,500 Credit, ♦ $1,000 PDU Credit & $1,000 Owner Cash. 1


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VEHICLE PRICING IS NOW EASIER TO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT, PDI AND MANDATORY GOVERNMENT LEVIES. Prices do not include applicable taxes and PPSA. Consumers may be required to pay up to $799 for Dealer fees.*** For the latest information, visit us at, drop by your local Chevrolet Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. ▼ Based on a 24 month lease for 2015 Chevrolet (Silverado 1500 Double Cab 4x4 1WT+G80+B30/Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 1WT+G80+B30). Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. OAC by GM Financial. Monthly/bi-weekly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. A down payment or trade of $1,850 and/or $0 security deposit is required. Total obligation is $8,849/$9,407. Option to purchase at lease end is $21,631/$24,183. Excess wear and tear and km charges not included. Other lease options available. ♦ $4,500/$3,500 is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Double Cab/2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab and is reflected in offers in this advertisement. Other cash credits available on most models. See dealer for details. ▼ / ♦ /***Freight & PDI ($1,695/$1,695), registration, air and tire levies and OMVIC fees included. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2015 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Quantities limited; dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ♣ Based on Vincentric 2014 Model Level Analysis of full-size pickups in the Canadian retail market. ♠ The Chevrolet Silverado HD received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among large heavy-duty pickups in the proprietary J.D. Power U.S. 2014 Initial Quality Study. SM Study based on responses from 86,118 new-vehicles owners, measuring 239 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of owners surveyed February-May 2014. Your experience may vary. Visit ±MyLink functionality varies by model. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone, and USB connectivity for some devices. Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required. ◊Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( ∆2015 Silverado 1500 with available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 12.7 L/100 km combined (4x2) and 13.0 L/100 km combined (4x4). Fuel-consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with the new 2015 model-year Government of Canada approved test methods. Refer to for details. Your actual fuel-consumption may vary. Comparison based on 2014 Large Pickup segment and latest competitive information available. Competitive fuel-consumption ratings based on 2014 Natural Resources Canada’s Fuel Consumption Guide. Excludes other GM vehicles. ††2015 Silverado 1500 Double Cab 2LZ 4x4, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies: $51,139. Dealers are free to set individual prices. **The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014MY Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV), with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ▲ Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details. 1 Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac car, SUV, crossover and pickup models delivered in Canada from March 3, 2015 – March 31, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $500 credit available on Chevrolet: Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Volt, Trax, Malibu (except LS), Buick Encore and Verano; $750 credit available on other Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles (except Chevrolet: Colorado 2SA, Camaro Z28, Malibu LS, Silverado Light Duty and Heavy Duty, GMC: Canyon 2SA, Sierra Light Duty and Heavy Duty); $1,000 credit available on Cadillac vehicles (except 2015 Cadillac Escalade) and $1,000 on all Chevrolet Silverado’s and GMC Sierra’s. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. 2 $10,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $4,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Silverado Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 Owner Cash (tax inclusive), a $2,420 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit (tax exclusive) for 2015 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab 1LT equipped with a True North Edition and a $2,080 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) on Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab LS Chrome Edition, LT and LTZ, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,080 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. 3 0% leasing for 36 months available on 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Example based on a purchase price of $29,030 (including $700 lease credit, $4,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit, a $1,000 manufacturer to dealer Option Package Discount Credit and a $885 Owner Cash) for a Silverado 1500 Double Cab 4X4 1WT. Bi-weekly payment is $149 for 36 months at 0.0% APR, on approved credit to qualified retail customers by GM Financial. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometer. $450 down payment is required. Payment may vary depending on down payment trade. Total obligation is $11,622, plus applicable taxes. Option to purchase at lease end is $17,432. Price and total obligation exclude license, insurance, registration, taxes, dealer fees and optional equipment. Other lease options are available. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. See your dealer for conditions and details. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. 4 Offer available to qualified retail customers in Canada for vehicles from March 3, 2015 – March 31, 2015. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank ® or RBC Royal Bank for 48 months on all new or demonstrator 2015 Silverado 1500 Double and Crew Cab 1WT. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $833.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $40,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight and air tax ($100, if applicable) included. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.

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