Spring 2024
Activity & Resource Guide
Vote on March 5 See Page 23 for
more information on the upcoming Special Municipal Election.
Upcoming Events Celebrate National Older Americans Month in May. See Page 4.
New Crafts & Arts Classes
Learn new skills in drawing and painting. See Page 5.
IRVINE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Farrah N. Khan Vice Mayor Larry Agran
Councilmember Mike Carroll Councilmember Tammy Kim Councilmember Kathleen Treseder, PhD City Manager Oliver C. Chi 1 Civic Center Plaza
The Irvine Senior Citizens Council serves as an advisory body to the City Council on matters pertaining to older adults. Greta Jacobs , Chair 949-552-7433
Amal Baradehi , Vice Chair abaradehi@cityofirvine.org Michele Jacknik mjacknik@cityofirvine.org Dr. Zainab Saadi zsaadi@cityofirvine.org Bill Sandlin billrsandlin@gmail.com Preeti Singh psingh@cityofirvine.org Myung Suh msuh@cityofirvine.org
For information regarding the Irvine Senior Citizens Council, please contact: Ryan McGraw Community Services Superintendent 949-724-6732 | rmcgraw@cityofirvine.org
Upcoming Event: Exploring Our World | May 1 Lakeview Senior Center See Page 4.
Dear Friends, Irvine Senior Services is proud to present the Strategic Plan for Older Adult Services 2023 through 2028 (Plan). The City partnered with Charitable Ventures, a regional social impact consulting firm, to carry out the 2023 strategic planning process. Public input was gath- ered through a community survey, eight community forums, two provider forums, and planning sessions with City staff and the Irvine Senior Citizens Council. The survey and events were a means to explore needs, assets, and opportunities in five critical areas of inter- est to older adults: Healthy Living, Social Well-Being and Addressing Isolation, Transportation, Housing and Emergency Preparation, and Marketing and Communication. The Plan identifies goals and strategies which will guide the implementation of programming and services to meet the diverse and changing needs of older adults in Irvine. For more information and to download a copy, visit cityofirvine.org/senior-services/ strategic-plan-older-adult-services . The strategies outlined in the Plan could not be achieved without the support of our incredible volunteer base. April is National Volunteer Month, and we take this opportunity to thank the more than 430 individuals who share their time and talents to serve older adults in Irvine. In 2023, our volunteers contributed more than 29,000 hours in various areas, such as, preparing and serving meals in the Rose Garden Café, delivering meals to homebound seniors, and teaching interactive classes both virtually and in-person. Please join us in celebrating National Volunteer Month by expressing your gratitude for their continued service. All my best, Sandra L. Salcedo Community Services Manager
FEATURED ARTICLE ........... 23 EVENTS ..................................... 4 CLASSES & ACTIVITIES Cooking & Culinary . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Crafts & Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dance, Music & Drama . . . . . . . . 7 Educational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Health & Fitness ............. 14 Activities At a Glance . . . . . 18–19 Social & Recreational ......... 24 Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SUPPORT SERVICES Assistance Programs . . . . . . . . . 27 Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Support Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS ................ 32 REGISTRATION & CONTACTS Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Connect with the City of Irvine on social media at cityofirvine.org/beourfriend .
Events Visit irvineseniors.org for more information.
Exploring Our World Wednesday, May 1, 1–3 p.m. | $7 | #97416 Lakeview Senior Center Celebrate social oneness as we explore different cultures. Learn new phrases, sample traditional food, and enjoy live performances. More info: 949-724-6900. National Older Americans Month May is National Older Americans Month and a chance to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of older adults and strengthen our commitment to honoring them. Help us celebrate National Older Americans Month with a variety of free activities being offered throughout the month of May. Learn more at irvineseniors.org .
may 1
month of MAY
Holiday Closure Due to Volunteer Recognition, Lakeview Senior Center will be closed Friday, April 19. In observance of Memorial Day and Juneteenth, Lakeview and Rancho senior centers and Trabuco Center will be closed May 27 and June 19.
Spring 2024
Classes & Activities
Register at yourirvine.org.
Art4Healing® This workshop is a restorative outlet to express stress, anxiety, hopes, fears, grief, or other feelings in a safe environment using abstract paint on can- vas. Presented by Hoag Faith Community Nursing.
Ages 50+. W May 29
LSC Free #97495
Brush Painting Learn about traditional brush painting methods while practicing your technique. Presented by Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. $10 weekly fee paid to the instructor. Ages 50+. Presented in English & Mandarin 華語講解 Th Apr 4–Jun 27 3pm–5pm LSC $10/Wk #97396 Calligraphy Learn about writing, language, and art in a class that welcomes participants from all cultural back- grounds. Presented by Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. $10 weekly fee paid to the instructor. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. Presented in English & Mandarin 華語講解 M Apr 1–Jun 24* 1:30pm–3pm LSC $10/Wk #97397
Cooking the Easy Way This hands-on class will teach you to cook a vari- ety of delicious foods that you get to taste. Then, enjoy a lecture on topics including food prepara- tion and storage, how to read labels, and more. Inst: Sharon Goldwasser. Ages 50+. Vegetable Quiche & Honey Raisin Bran Muffins F Apr 5 2pm–5pm LSC $25 #98953 Waldorf Chicken Salad & Apple Strudel F May 3 2pm–5pm LSC $25 #98958 Turkey & Cheese Tortilla Roll Ups & Watermelon Fruit Basket F Jun 7 2pm–5pm LSC $25 #98960
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Crochet-teers Bring projects to work on in a fun, social atmosphere. You will learn basic terminology and introductory stitches and improve your skills with help from volunteer instructors. Participants must bring their own supplies. Presented by Friends of Outreach. Ages 50+. Social Tu Apr 9–Jun 18 9am–Noon TRA Free #98628 Beginner Th Apr 11–Jun 20 1pm–3pm TRA Free #98641 Floral Design Learn to make creative, fresh flower arrangements that will amaze your friends and family. Bring your own clippers/scissors. Supply fee: $20 per week. Inst: Kathe Hayden. Ages 50+. *No class 4/9, 5/14, 5/21. Tu Apr 2–Jun 18* 9am–10:30am TRA $135 #98886 Tu Apr 2–Jun 18* 5pm–6:30pm LSC $135 #98889
International Crafters Crafters create scarves, blankets, hats, and other handcrafted items. Ages 50+. Knitting Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 9am–Noon LSC Free #97417 Sewing Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 1pm–4pm LSC Free #97418
NEW Pencil Drawing This immersive class will help you achieve a peace- ful state of mind while learning drawing techniques on subjects such as plants, fruits, and birds. One- time supply fee of $20 paid to the instructor at the first class meeting. Inst: Beauty of Music. Ages 50+. *No class 4/25. Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 4pm–5pm TRA $144 #99308 Picturesque Portraits Enjoy conversation with a local artist while getting a unique portrait drawn of yourself that you can take home. Ages 50+. 2nd Fridays 3pm–4:30pm LSC Free #97425 NEW Watercolor Flowers Appreciate the beauty of nature through observing and painting flowers in this therapeutic watercolor class. Learn to paint a variety of flowers includ- ing, irises, roses, waterlilies, and more. One-time supply fee of $20 paid to the instructor at the first class meeting. Inst: Beauty of Music. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 2:30pm–3:30pm RSC $144 #99309
Saturday, June 1 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 30 th Annual STUDIO ARTS FESTIVAL Irvine Fine Arts Center
Outdoor event • Free admission Support local artists
irvinefinearts.org/studioartsfestival Learn more:
Spring 2024
Concerts in the Center Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy the hits of the '50s and '60s performed by Piano Man Rick Bagby. Presented by Alzheimer's OC. Ages 50+. Th May 9 12:30pm–2pm LSC Free #94640 Dance & Movement Help improve your physical and mental wellness through dance and movement. Program held both in-person and virtually. For those inter- ested in participating virtually, contact SASA at sasa@ektaacenter.org . $5 per week suggested con- tribution. Presented by the South Asian Senior Association (SASA). Ages 50+. Th Apr 4–Jun 27 11am–Noon LSC Free #97404 Dance Instruction: Ballet Strengthen your body and improve flexibility in this high-energy class. Using classic dance technique, you will be led through a series of warm-up exercises that build upon one another. Ages 50+. Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 8:30am–9:45am LSC Free #97405 Th Apr 4–Jun 27 9am–10:15am LSC Free #97406 Drum for Fun Circle Bring your love of music and join us in a circle of spontaneous fun and percussive joy! No previous experience required; you can start at any time. Bring your drum or other hand instruments — we have some to borrow, too. Ages 50+. *No class 6/19. W Apr 3–Jun 26* 10am–11am LSC Free #97408 Guitar Instruction Learn guitar in a group atmosphere. Beginners will be taught basics such as finger placement and picking, as well as how to care for and tune your guitar. Advanced players must know rhythm guitar, fingerpicking, major chords, and how to read sheet music. Must bring your own acoustic guitar. Inst: Joseph Kim. Ages 50+. *No class 4/25. Beginner Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 11am–11:45am LSC $60 #98864 Advanced Th Apr 4–Jun 27* Noon–12:45pm LSC $60 #98885
Acoustic Slow Jam Session Bring your acoustic instruments and play along while learning traditional songs from folk, bluegrass, and country genres. Open to all levels who are able to play chords and tune their instrument; instruction not available. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27, 6/19. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 12:30pm–2pm LSC Free #97392 W Apr 3–Jun 26* 2:15pm–3:15pm TRA Free #98307 Ballroom Dance Instruction Improve balance and concentration while hav- ing fun! Ballroom Boot Camp I and II cover the fundamentals of all dances. Classes for a specific ballroom dance include the basic pattern and a complete dance routine. Ballroom Boot Camp I is a prerequisite for Ballroom Boot Camp II and for specific ballroom dance classes. All levels wel- come. No partner needed. Dance shoes required. Inst: Roberta Geier. Ages 50+. Ballroom Boot Camp I F Apr 5–Apr 26 9am–10am RSC $48 #101111 F May 31–Jun 21 9am–10am RSC $48 #101113 Ballroom Boot Camp II F Apr 5–Apr 26 1:30pm–2:30pm RSC $48 #101112 East Coast Swing F May 31–Jun 21 1:30pm–2:30pm RSC $48 #101115 Chorus Group Join us each week for a fun sing-along and music program presented in Mandarin. Presented by Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. Ages 50+. Presented in Mandarin 華語講解 Th Apr 4–Jun 27 2:30pm–4pm LSC Free #97398
7 Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Line Dancing with Jeannie Keep your mind active and your blood flowing with this fun and easy line dancing class. Dance at your own pace to a variety of music. Daily drop- in available: $10 per class. Inst: Jeannie Davies. Ages 18+. *No class 4/25, 5/27, 6/19. Beginner Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 3pm–5pm RSC $84 #97548 Improver M Apr 1–Jun 24* 10:30am–12:30pm RSC $84 #97549 Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 5pm–7pm RSC $91 #98963 W Apr 3–Jun 26* 3:30pm–5:30pm RSC $84 #98964
Hawaiian Hula & Ukulele Have fun learning basic hula steps and hand motions, as well as popular songs on the ukulele. Must bring own ukulele. Ages 50+. Hula F Apr 5–Jun 28 12:15pm–1:30pm TRA Free #98405 Ukulele F Apr 5–Jun 28 11:15am–Noon TRA Free #98401 Happy Aging Be led through collective exercises, singing, and other activities from the cultural traditions of China and other countries. Presented by Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. Ages 50+. *No class 4/18. Presented in Mandarin 華語講解 Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 3:30pm–5:30pm LSC Free #97412 Line Dancing for Active Adults Learn line dances to a variety of music genres including pop, cultural, and classic country. Line dancing experience is required for Beginner II and up. Daily drop-in available: $8 per class. Inst: Helen Sung, Mellie Clark, Soo Er, Masami Senda. Ages 50+. *No class 4/19, 4/25, 5/27, 6/19. Beginner I W Apr 3–Jun 26* 4pm–5:30pm TRA $60 #98822 Beginner II M Apr 1–Jun 24* 2:30pm–4:30pm LSC $60 #98823 F Apr 5–Jun 28* 2:30pm–4:30pm LSC $60 #98828 Improver Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 2:30pm–4:30pm TRA $65 #98830 Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 3:30pm–5:30pm TRA $60 #98831
Intermediate Sa Apr 6–Jun 29
10:30am–12:30pm RSC $91 #98965
Little Big Band & Dance Spend the afternoon dancing to live music from the Irvine Senior Band. Enjoy your favorite big band songs while showing off your ballroom dance skills. Singles and couples welcome. Ages 50+. 1st & 3rd Thursdays 1pm–3pm LSC Free #97419 Moves in Motion Line Dancing Join this fun line dancing class for beginners. Learn a variety of line dance steps and moves while lis- tening to an array of musical genres. Ages 50+. *No class 5/1, 6/19. W May 15–Jun 26* 10:30am–Noon LSC Free #97422 Open Dance Studio Join us each week for a ballroom dance social. Enjoy listening to a variety of music while meeting new friends and dancing to your favorite social dances. All levels welcome, no partner necessary. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 3pm–5pm TRA Free #98532 F Apr 5–Jun 28 3pm–5pm RSC Free #100662
Spring 2024
NEW Salsa, Cha-cha Dance Combine passion, the beauty of music, and fitness in this fun and energizing class. You will learn classic Latin-style dance moves to help you shine in the ballroom. Inst: Beauty of Music. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 9am–10am LSC $144 #99307 Social Tap Dance Meet new people and exercise while practicing fun tap dance steps in this weekly, non-instructional group. Ages 50+. Beginner Th Apr 4–Jun 27 9am–10am RSC Free #100732 Intermediate/Advanced Th Apr 4–Jun 27 10am–11am RSC Free #100910 OCTA Transit Workshop Develop confident bus-riding skills before head- ing out to explore Orange County on the OC Bus. Topics include how to plan a trip, fares, how to safely board and exit the bus, ADA accessi- bility, and more. All attendees receive a folder with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) resources and are eligible for a free day pass. Presented by OCTA. Ages 50+. Presented in English M Apr 8 10am–11:30am LSC Free #100872 Th Jun 5 10am–11:30am TRA Free #100078 Presented in Mandarin 華語講解 M Apr 15 10am–11:30am RSC Free #100492
AARP Smart Driver Course AARP Smart Driver teaches proven driving tech- niques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. $20 for AARP members; $25 for non- members. Check made payable to AARP due the first day of class. Must attend both dates. Ages 50+. Sa May 18, May 25 9am–1:30pm RSC $20/$25 #100902
9 Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Irvine Valley College Emeritus Institute The City of Irvine partners with Irvine Valley College (IVC) to offer educational opportunities to the senior community. These classes are managed by IVC and conveniently held at the Lakeview and Rancho senior centers. These classes require registration directly through IVC and are identified with the “#” symbol on the At a Glance calendar on Pages 18–19. Current IVC Emeritus Institute students can register for IVC classes at mysite.socccd.edu . For more information or to apply as a first-time student, contact the Extended Education Office at 949-367-8343 or visit ivc.edu/emeritus .
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Your Learning Adventure Awaits
Join us for the excitement of lifelong learning.
OLLI at UCI offers short-format courses, cultural excursions and more for adults 50+ who want to keep their minds and social connections growing. Classes cover a variety of thought- provoking topics and are led by UCI faculty and seasoned professionals.
Stay Curious. OLLI at UCI ce.uci.edu/olli
Enjoy a complimentary class session! Email olli@uci.edu to receive a free guest pass.
Spring 2024
Creative Writing Club Help turn your creative ideas into written works by developing basic and creative techniques to improve your effectiveness as a writer. Writers will share their ideas and get feedback in a supportive environment. All levels and projects are welcome. Ages 50+. Th Apr 4–May 30 1pm–3pm RSC Free #100887 English Mentoring Are you interested in developing your English or language skills? Volunteer mentors will help improve your reading, speaking, listening, and pro- nunciation through a series of practical exercises. Ages 50+. *No class 4/19, 5/27. Beginning M Apr 1–Jun 24 2pm–3:30pm LSC Free #97409 Beginning: Presented in Mandarin 華語講解 M Apr 1–Jun 24* 9am–10:30am TRA Free #98397 Conversational 1st & 3rd Fridays* 1pm–2:30pm LSC Free #97410
Irvine Multicultural Association Irvine Multicultural Association (IMA) is a Senior Services program providing cultural, educational, and social activities to promote harmony and under- standing in the community. Ages 50+. Planning Meetings 1st Mondays 3:30pm–4:30pm LSC Free #97413 Monthly Presentation W Apr 3 5pm–7pm LSC Free #97414 W May 1 1pm–3pm LSC $7 #97416 W Jun 5 5pm–7pm LSC Free #97415
Education Lectures
To view a complete list of topics, visit irvineseniors.org/lectures .
Irvine Senior Services, in partnership with local community organizations, offers presentations on topics of interest to the senior community. Lectures are offered free of charge and registration is recommended. Drop-ins welcome as space permits. To view a complete list of topics, visit irvineseniors.org/lectures .
Lakeview Senior Center Tuesdays, 10–11:30 a.m. Rancho Senior Center Select Fridays, 10–11:30 a.m. Trabuco Center Select Thursdays, 10–11:30 a.m.
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
It's Your Money Learn about managing your money in this six-week program. With a new topic each week designed to educate attendees in different aspects of money management. Ages 50+. W Apr 3–May 8 10am–11:30am TRA Free #96872 Positive Living Healthy aging is a dynamic of mind, body, and spirit. This class covers the importance of mental health and teaches a variety of healthy living techniques. Ages 50+. Presented in English Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 1pm–2:30pm LSC Free #97426 Presented in Farsi Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 2:45pm–4:15pm LSC Free #97427
American Mah Jongg Instruction
Make new friends while learning to play this 2000 year-old tile game.
The Beginner class will teach the basics, rules, and strategies in an easy, step-by-step approach. The Intermediate class is for players who have the basic knowledge of the game and want to practice and learn more advanced strategies. All materials pro- vided. Inst: Rhona Kershnar. Ages 50+. Beginning W Apr 3–May 8 2pm–3:30pm RSC $90 #100873 Intermediate W May 15–Jun 5 2pm–4pm RSC $60 #101838
Residents: February 15, 6 a.m. Nonresidents: February 16, 6 a.m. new Registration Dates for Senior Services Classes
Rancho Gardening Workshops: Managing Pests in Your Garden You can't do it all in one day, or even one month — it takes at least a year to accomplish all the gar- dening activities. UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will tell you how to do it, month by month. Learn about starting seeds, soil, managing pests, fertilizing, irrigation, when to plant which veggie, and more. Ages 50+. Tu May 7 10am–11:30am RSC Free #100905
Spring 2024
Games Quarterly registration and daily check-in required for all games. *No class 5/27 and 6/19. GAME DAY TIME
RSC Mah Jongg card required. # 100658 RSC Mah Jongg card required. # 100659
American Mah Jongg American Mah Jongg
9:30 a.m.–Noon 1 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
# 97393 #100637 # 100816 # 100817 #100818 # 100638 #100655 # 100656 # 98523 #98534 #102001 #100663 #100664
M–F* 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
LSC Instruction available. RSC No instruction available. TRA No instruction available.
Bridge: Beginning Social Bridge: Beginning Social Bridge: Intermediate Social Bridge: Beginning Duplicate
1 p.m.–4:30 p.m. 8:30am–Noon
Th Tu
Noon–3 p.m. 1–4:30 p.m.
Bridge: Duplicate
11 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
RSC Partner required.
$1/wk suggested donation.
12:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. RSC
10 a.m.–1 p.m. 1 p.m.–5 p.m.
Mah Jongg: Social Play
W* M*
TRA No Instruction available. TRA Bring your own games. LSC Bring your own games. RSC Bring your own games.
Open Game Play Open Game Play Open Game Play
1:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
8 a.m.–Noon
Tu/F Noon–5 p.m.
10 a.m.–Noon
# 97438
Taiwanese Mah Jongg: Quiet Play M/W/F* 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
LSC Partner required.
Bingo Play bingo and help raise funds for programs, classes, and activities serving older adults in the Irvine com- munity. Buy-ins from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Program sponsored by Friends of Outreach. Ages 50+. Early Game Tuesdays 12:45pm–1pm LSC $1–5 Regular/Extra Games Tuesdays 1pm–3pm LSC $8–10 Bridge Instruction
Bunco Join us each month for an afternoon of Bunco and a chance to win prizes. Involving 100 percent luck, this easy dice game is great for everyone. No expe- rience necessary. Ages 50+. W Apr 3 Noon–2pm RSC $5 #100628 W Apr 17 Noon–2pm RSC $5 #100633 W May 1 Noon–2pm RSC $5 #100634 W May 15 Noon–2pm RSC $5 #100635 W Jun 5 Noon–2pm RSC $5 #100636
Enjoy learning bridge with this program designed for begin- ner players. Improve your skills and enjoy meeting new people. Includes handouts and playing time. Ages 50+. *No class 5/16. Th Apr 18–May 30* 9am–11am
RSC $10 #100871
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Barre Strength & Stretch Using a chair for stability, learn easy-to-follow, head-to-toe exercises to help strengthen muscles to improve balance, mobility, and circulation. Drop into any class for a one-time trial for $20. Inst: CS Dance Factory. Ages 50+. *No class 5/24, 5/27. M Apr 8–Jun 24* 10:15am–11am TRA $165 #98798 F Apr 12–Jun 28* 10:15am–11am TRA $165 #98799 Better Life Boxing Enjoy fun, challenging, and safe boxing workouts to keep your body and brain healthy. Improve your balance and coordination as well as overall strength — all while having fun. Daily drop-in available: $20 per class. Inst: Sara Gutierrez. Ages 50+. Tu Apr 2–Apr 30 9:15am–10:15am RSC $90 #98943 Tu May 7–May 28 9:15am–10:15am RSC $72 #98945 Tu Jun 4–Jun 25 9:15am–10:15am RSC $72 #98946
Art of Spine and Joint Movement Are you experiencing joint pain in your neck, shoul- der, or back? Learn to move, stimulate, and exercise your bones, muscles, and joints to help reduce chronic pain and improve your health. Ages 50+. *No class 5/25. Sa Apr 6–Jun 29* 10am–11:30am
TRA $30 #98310
Health care made stronger I’m strong for the people I love
© 2023 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved. 23472-01 12/23
Spring 2024
Bollywood Dance Fitness A fun cardio workout with Bollywood music and dance moves that combine traditional Indian dances with the influence of jazz, hip-hop, and modern dancing. Daily drop-in available: $15 per class. Inst: Lavina Punjabi. Ages 50+. *No class 4/19. Th Apr 4–Apr 18 1:30pm–2:30pm TRA $36 #98890 F Apr 5–Apr 26* 1pm–2pm LSC $36 #98895 Th May 2–May 30 1:30pm–2:30pm TRA $60 #98891 F May 3–May 31 1pm–2pm LSC $60 #98896 Th Jun 6–Jun 27 1:30pm–2:30pm TRA $48 #98894 F Jun 7–Jun 28 1pm–2pm LSC $48 #98897 Bollywood Yoga This program combines traditional yoga techniques with upbeat dance routines set to the harmonies and sounds of Bollywood music. $5 per week suggested contribution. Presented by the South Asian Senior Association (SASA). Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 1pm–2pm LSC Free #97394 Cardio Kickstart
Energy Fitness Having an active lifestyle becomes more important as we age. This cardio-based class will help improve strength, stamina, agility, and coordination through a series of fundamental exercises using bender balls and resistance bands. Inst: Omar Cuevas. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 17* 11:30am–12:30pm TRA $66 #98515 Essentrics Aging Backwards Learn to listen to your body. Essentrics Aging Backwards helps increase joint range of motion, improves functional activities, relieves sense of wear and tear on the body, and enhances over- all energy. Daily drop-in available: $19 per class. Inst: Eunis Christensen. Ages 50+. Tu Apr 9 11:30am–12:15pm RSC Free Demo #98842 Tu Apr 16–May 28 11:30am–12:15pm RSC $112 #98838 Fitness Centers Rancho Senior Center Harrel Fitness Center 949-724-6800 Schedule: Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday–Sunday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Trabuco Center 949-724-7300 Schedule: Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday–Sunday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Providing adults with a safe and comfort- able workout environment with equipment for cardiovascular and strength training. One-on-one fitness coaching available for members. Orientation required prior to participation; schedule an orientation and purchase memberships in person at either location. Membership is valid at both centers. Fees: $65 per year $10 orientation
Get your heart pumping as you're led through low and high intensity movements which can help strengthen the heart, increase endur- ance, and help reduce the risk of many types of heart and lung-related illnesses. Daily drop-in available: $8 per class. Inst: Nick Nguyen-Zintgraff. Ages 50+. W Apr 3
9:30am–10:15am RSC Free Demo #99672
W Apr 10–Jun 12 9:30am–10:15am RSC
$60 #99542
Circuit Training This highly effective and efficient workout will pro- vide total body strengthening while also improving cardiovascular health. Free for Senior Fitness Center members. Inst: Nick Nguyen-Zintgraff. Ages 50+. Tu Apr 2–Jun 18 2pm–2:45pm RSC $36 #99530
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
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Spring 2024
Pickleball For more information, email pickleball@cityofirvine.org.
Functional Movement Improve bone density, muscular functioning, posture, and alignment to help make perform- ing everyday activities easier and safer. Inst: Nick Nguyen-Zintgraff. Ages 50+. Th Apr 4–Jun 20 2pm–2:45pm RSC $72 #99559 GoGo Dance Fitness Engage in a light cardio workout while learning new dance moves. No experience necessary. Presented by Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. Ages 50+. Presented in Mandarin 華語講解 Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 2pm–3:30pm LSC Free #97411 Golf Group Join a group of intermediate to experienced golf- ers for a round at a local course with an emphasis on camaraderie and fun. We have no strict rules, no handicaps — you don’t even have to keep score. For more information, including dates, times, and location, call 714-336-4719. Intro to Pickleball Pickleball combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis to create a fast-paced game of skill and agility. This introductory lesson is designed for first-time players ages 50 and older. Inst: Aaron Talalay. Ages 50+. W Apr 3 8am–9am PSP $18 #98858 W Apr 10 8am–9am PSP $18 #98860 W Apr 17 8am–9am PSP $18 #98861 W Apr 24 8am–9am PSP $18 #98863 Kick It! Cardio Kick It! Cardio is a high-energy workout that combines kicks, punches, cardio, and strength drills. This is a fun full body workout with excellent cardio benefits! Inst: Omar Cuevas. Ages 50+. Tu Apr 2–Jun 18 11:30am–12:30pm TRA $72 #98511
Come check out pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the United States. It is easy to learn, fun for all ages, a good workout, and very social, as well as competitive. Adult & Private Pickleball Lessons Adult and private pickleball lessons are available at Portola Springs and Heritage community parks. Adult lessons cater to beginner and intermediate levels. Register and learn more at yourirvine.org . Drop-in Use Courts are available for drop-in use at Heritage Community Park, Knollcrest Neighborhood Park, Los Olivos Community Park, Portola Springs Community Park, San Carlo Neighborhood Park, and University Community Park.
For more information, call 949-724-6617 or email pickleball@cityofirvine.org .
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Registration is required for all activities.
Taiwanese Mah Jongg Salsa, Cha-cha Dance
Morning Social Dance Instruction Longevity Stick
8–9am *
Taiwanese Mah Jongg AARP Tax-Aide Physical Fitness HICAP Drum for Fun Circle Moves in Motion Line Dancing Strength & Movement with Parkinson's Physical Fitness Afternoon Social Tai Chi Cultural Gathering (Presented in Farsi) IMA Monthly Presentation (1st Wednesdays) Loss of a Child (1st Wednesd Yoga with Mona: All Leve Cardio Kickstart Qigong Duplicate Bridge Bunco (1st & 3rd Wednesdays) Afternoon Social Canasta American Mah Jongg Ins Line Dancing with Jeann
9–10am *
Food Commodities (3rd Mondays)
Elder Law (1st Mondays) Book Club (1st Mondays)
9:30am–Noon 10:15–11:45am
International Crafters (Knit/Crochet)
Chair Exercise
10–10:50am # 10–11:30am 12:45–3pm *
Line Dance
10:30am–12:20pm #
Education Lectures
Acoustic Slow Jam Session
Bollywood Yoga
1–2pm 1–3pm
Positive Living
Alzheimer’s OC Memory
International Crafters (Sewing) Financial Investment Appt.
1–4pm 1–5pm
Support Services (2nd & 4th Mondays) Calligraphy
1:30–3pm * 2–3:30pm
(Select Tuesdays) Go-Go Dance
English Mentoring
Positive Living (Presented in Farsi)
Line Dancing for Active Adults
2:30–4:30pm *
Floral Design
5–6:30pm *
Yoga with Mona: Chair IMA Planning Meetings
3–4pm *
(1st Mondays) Yoga for Wellness
5:30–6:30pm *
Longevity Stick
Better Life Boxing
9:15–10:15am *
American Mah Jongg 9:30am–Noon Line Dancing with Jeannie 10:30am–12:30pm * Monday at the Movies 1–3:30pm Beginning Social Bridge 1–4:30pm Watercolor Flowers 2:30pm–3:30pm *
Tap Dance 9–11:50am # International Discussion Group 9:30–11:30am (3rd Tuesdays) Book Club (4th Tuesdays) 10am–Noon Scrabble 10am–Noon Essentrics Aging Backwards 11:30am–12:15pm * Open Game Play Noon–5pm Physical Fitness 1– 1:50pm # American Mah Jongg 1–4:30pm Circuit Training 2–2:45pm * Yang-style Tai Chi: Beg. 2:30–3:15pm Yang-style Tai Chi: Int. 3:30–4:15pm Yoga with Mona: Therapeutic 4–5pm * Line Dancing with Jeannie 5–7pm *
Zumba Gold Dance Fitness
9–10am *
Floral Design
9–10:30am *
Integral Tai Chi Yoga Mudras
English Mentoring
Barre Strength & Stretch Cathy's Computer Corner Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group (Last Mondays) Open Game Play
10:15–11am * 11:30am–1pm *
Crochet-teers Energy Fitness
Mind & Body Wellness Social Play Mah Jongg Acoustic Slow Jam Sessio Line Dancing for Active A
11:30am–12:30pm *
1 – 2:30pm
Yoga with Mona: Chair
1–2 pm * 1–5 pm
Public Law (1st & 3rd Tuesdays) Beginning Duplicate Bridge Line Dancing for Active Adults
Open Dance Studio
2:30 – 4:30pm *
Spring 2024
* Fee required # Register with Irvine Valley College: 949-367-8343 or ivc.edu/emeritus
8:30am–4:30pm 9am–2:30pm 9–9:50am # 9:30–11:45am 10–11am 10:30am–Noon
Dance Instruction Longevity Stick
Taiwanese Mah Jongg
Morning Social Stretch & Balance
9–10am *
Line Dance
9–9:50am #
9–10:05am # 9–10:15am *
California Telephone Access Program (CTAP) (Select Thursdays) Guitar Instruction: Beg
Harmonica Instruction Watercolor Painting
9am–12:15pm # 10:30–12:50pm #
11–11:45am * 11am–Noon
Line Dance
Dance & Movement Guitar Instruction: Adv Little Big Band & Dance
Harmonica Ensemble 10:30–Noon Cultural Gatherings (4th Fridays) 10:30am–1pm Movie Matinee 12:30–2:30pm Bollywood Dance Fitness 1–2pm * English Mentoring (1st & 3rd Fridays) 1–2:30pm Medication Review (Select Fridays) 1:30–3:30pm Cultural Gatherings (2nd Fridays) 2–4:30pm Cooking the Easy Way (1st Fridays) 2–5pm * Intro to Computers 2:30–4pm * Line Dancing for Active Adults 2:30–4:30pm * Picturesque Portraits (2nd Fridays) 3–4:30pm
Noon–12:45pm *
(1st & 3rd Thursdays) Loss of a Spouse Group (3rd Thursdays) 1–2:30pm Legal Aid (2nd Thursdays) 1:30–4:30pm Chorus Group 2:30–4pm Brush Painting 3–5pm * Happy Aging 3:30–5:30pm Travel Adventure Slideshow 6:30–8:30pm (3rd Thursdays) NEDA Social (3rd Thursdays) 5–9pm * Total Health & Healing (3rd Thursdays) 6–8pm *
1–2:50pm # 2–3pm * 3–5pm *
8:30–9:30am * 9:30–10:15am * 10–10:50am # 11am–3:30pm Noon–2pm * 12:30–1:30pm * 12:30–2:30pm
Social Tap: Beginning Social Tap: Int./Adv. Yoga with Mona: Chair Creative Writing Club
9–10am 10–11am
Ballroom Dance Instruction
9am–11:30am 9am–12:15pm #
Elder Law (Last Fridays)
11:30am–12:30pm *
Chess 10am–1pm Education Lecture (Select Fridays) 10–11:30am Film Club (2nd Fridays) 10–11:30am Yoga with Mona: All Levels 10:30–11:30am * Open Game Play Noon–5pm Ballroom Dance Instruction 1:30–2:30pm Open Dance Studio 3–5pm
Physical Fitness
1–1:50pm # 2–2:45pm *
Functional Movement Line Dancing with Jeannie
3:30–5:30pm *
2–3:30pm *
3:30–5:30pm *
Morning Social
8–9am *
9am–10:30am * 11am–Noon 12:30–1:30pm 1–5pm
Zumba Gold Dance Fitness Barre Strength & Stretch Beginning Social Bridge Hawaiian Hula & Ukulele
9–10am *
Education Lectures
10:15–11am *
(Select Thursdays) Intermediate Social Bridge
Movie Matinee
2–4:15pm 4–4:45pm
Bollywood Dance Fitness
1:30pm–2:30pm * 3:30–5:30pm *
4–5:30pm *
Art of Illusions (Select Fridays)
Line Dancing for Active Adults
Pencil Drawing
4–5pm *
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Laughter Yoga Discover the joyful exercise that uses intentional laughter to help relieve stress, strengthen your immune system, improve respiration and circula- tion, and reduce anxiety and depression. Laughter Yoga can be done while seated. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27, 6/19. M, W Apr 1–Jun 26* 10am–11am Virtual Free #98576 M Apr 1–Jun 24* 9am–10am LSC Free #98335 Longevity Stick Follow a series of 12 movements designed to improve balance, flexibility, strength, mental focus, and breathing capacity. All movements are simple and done standing. You must provide your own stick. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27, 6/19. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 9am–10am RSC Free #100507 Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 9am–10am LSC Free #97420 Th Apr 4–Jun 27 9am–10am LSC Free #97421 M, W Apr 1–Jun 26* 9am–10am Virtual Free #98590
Mind & Body Wellness Learn breathing techniques, gentle yoga stretches using a chair, rhythmic clapping, laughter, and nutrition tips to improve daily living. Ages 50+. *No class 6/19. W Apr 3–Jun 26* 12:30pm–1:30pm TRA Free #98530
Billiards Tournament Join the fun at the annual Billiards Tournament. The tournament will be eight ball. Copy of the tournament rules are avail- able in the Billiards Room. House rules apply. All skill levels welcome. Ages 50+. Wednesday, May 15 | 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Lakeview Senior Center #97440 | $5
Spring 2024
Table Tennis More information at irvineseniors.org.
Strength & Movement with Parkinson’s
Specialized strength and movement exercises designed to aid individuals with Parkinson's. Care partner required. Presented by Parkinson's Exercise Programs 4 You (PEP4U). Ages 50+. *No class 5/1, 6/19. W Apr 3–Jun 26* 11am–Noon LSC Free #97435 Tai Chi Tai Chi focuses on strength, balance, and stretching while engaging in relaxed and harmonious move- ments. Presented by the Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association. $20 per session paid to the instructor. Ages 50+. *No class 5/1, 6/19. Presented in English & Mandarin 華語講解 W Apr 3–Jun 26* 3pm–5pm LSC $20 #97437 Tennis Group This tennis group is composed of intermediate to experienced tennis players who play to stay active and fit. Group meets weekly at Woodbridge
The goal of the Irvine Senior Services Table Tennis program is to provide participants with a fun and safe environment to engage in this popular sport. Quarterly registration and daily check-in are required for all players. For more information, call 949-724-6900. Group Reservations Two-hour reservations can be made for up to eight players based on skill level. Players may register for a maximum of one reservation per day. Reservations for Irvine residents open every Monday for the entire following week. Reservations open for nonresidents every Tuesday for the entire following week. Lakeview Senior Center Reservations M/W/Th/F 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Rancho Senior Center Reservations Monday 1–5 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Thursday 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Social Play Social play is designed for players who want to prac- tice their skills in a social and casual atmosphere. This time is open to all level players. Lakeview Senior Center Social Play Monday–Friday (Outside) 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday–Friday 4 p.m.–5 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m.–5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.–Noon Rancho Senior Center Social Play Wednesday 4 p.m.–6 p.m. Thursday 4 p.m.–5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.–Noon
High School. Sa Apr 6–Jun 29
WHS Free #97428
Total Health & Healing This workshop is a transformative experience com- bining free style gentle movements, breathing tech- niques, mindfulness meditation, and sound bath to release tension, promote flexibility, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Inst: Mona Ness. Ages 50+. Th Apr 18 6pm–8pm LSC $35 #98918 F May 16 6pm–8pm LSC $35 #98938 Th Jun 20 6pm–8pm LSC $35 #98939 Walk ‘n’ Talk Engage in conversation with a health and fitness professional as you enjoy a walk along the Jeffrey Open Space Trail. Ages 50+. Th May 2 8:30am–10am TRA Free #98557
For more information, visit irvineseniors.org or call 949-724-6900.
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Spring Into Health Fitness Challenge
Jumpstart your fitness goals by joining the Spring Into Health Fitness Challenge. Sign up for this six- week challenge where the more you exercise, the more opportunities you have to win prizes. You will receive weekly e-newsletters featuring fitness-related educational topics, healthy recipes, and more. You can also sign-up for a variety of free fitness classes throughout the Challenge. Register by April 12 to receive your first Challenge Card. Ages 50+. Challenge Dates April 1–May 10 | $10 | #100888
For more information and to see a complete list of activities, scan the code to the right or visit irvineseniors.org/fitnesschallenge.
Yang-style Tai Chi
Yoga for Wellness A mixed-level yoga class for those interested in developing strength and flexibility through func- tional yoga movements. Bring a yoga mat and yoga block, or foam roller. Inst: Gabriel Hall. Ages 50+.
Yang-style tai chi promotes stress reduction, balance, increased energy, and flexibil- ity. Easy techniques of gentle, slow, repeated movements will improve your health and well-being. Wear comfortable clothing. Ages 50+. Beginner Tu Apr 23–Jun 25 2:30pm–3:15pm Intermediate Tu Apr 23–Jun 25 3:30pm–4:15pm
*No class 5/27. M Apr 8–Jun 3*
LSC $128 #98852
Yoga Mudras Combine aspects of yoga techniques with controlled hand movements to help stimulate both the mind and body. For those interested in participating virtually, contact SASA at sasa@ektaacenter.org . Presented by the South Asian Senior Association.
RSC Free #100912
RSC Free #100913
Ages 50+. *No class 6/19. W Apr 3–Jun 26* 11am–Noon
TRA Free #98563
Spring 2024
Special Municipal Election on March 5
Council Expansion and Districting is on the March 5 ballot.
On March 5, Irvine voters will have an oppor- tunity to decide whether to expand the City Council from five to seven members and move to district elections. If more than 50% of Irvine voters approve Measure D, also known as the Charter Amendment to Expand City Council and Establish City Council Districts, the City of Irvine will tran- sition to district-based elections to elect City Councilmembers starting with the November 2024 election cycle. The Mayor will continue to serve at-large. • In 2024, voters in Districts 2, 3, and 4 would elect councilmembers for full four-year terms. Voters in District 1 would elect a councilmember for a short two-year term. • In 2026, voters in Districts 1, 5, and 6 would elect councilmembers to represent their respective districts for full four-year terms. To determine which district you would reside in if approved, visit DrawIrvine.org .
All registered voters will be mailed a vote-by-mail ballot that can be returned one of three ways. • By Mail: Voters can mail in their ballots; no stamp required. • At a Ballot Drop Box : Voters can securely drop off their ballots at any of the Ballot Drop Box locations throughout Orange County. • At a Vote Center : Voters can cast their ballots at any Orange County Vote Center regardless of where they are registered in the County. For vote center and drop box locations, as well as additional information on the Special Municipal Election, visit cityofirvine.org/election .
DrawIrvine.org To determine which district you would reside in if approved, visit DrawIrvine.org . cityofirvine.org/election For vote center and drop box locations, as well as additional information on the Special
Municipal Election, visit cityofirvine.org/election .
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Book Club Enjoy drama, mystery, or romance? Join us to read and discuss a variety of books. Ages 50+. 1st Mondays 10:15am–11:45am LSC Free #97395 4th Tuesdays 10am–Noon RSC Free #100538
Yoga with Mona Learn various techniques related to movement, breathing, stretching, strengthening, and mind- body relaxation. Daily drop-in available: $18 per class. Inst: Mona Ness. Ages 50+. *No class 4/25, 5/27, 6/19. Chair Yoga M Apr 1–Jun 24* 3pm–4pm LSC $180 #98902 Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 1pm–2pm TRA $195 #98904 Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 11:30am–12:30pm RSC $180 #98907 Therapeutic Yoga Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 4pm–5pm RSC $195 #98913 All Levels W Apr 3–Jun 26* 8:30am–9:30am RSC $180 #98908 F Apr 5–Jun 28 10:30am–11:30am RSC $195 #98911 Zumba Gold Dance Fitness Learn easy, low-impact dance steps to lively interna- tional music. ZUMBA GOLD® energizes you while helping improve balance, strength, and mobility. Drop into any class for a one-time trial for $20. Inst: CS Dance Factory. Ages 50+. *No class 5/24, 5/27. M Apr 8–Jun 24* 9am–10am TRA $143 #98795 F Apr 12–Jun 28* 9am–10am TRA $143 #98796
Cultural Gatherings Join us for an opportunity to socialize while enjoying a variety of activities and celebrating various cultures within the Irvine community. Ages 50+. *No class 4/18, 5/16, 6/19, 6/20. Presented in Farsi W Apr 3–Jun 26* 3:30pm–4:30pm LSC Free #97399 Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 2pm–6pm LSC Free #97400 3rd Thursdays 5pm–9pm LSC Free #97401 Presented in English & Hindi अं ग्रे जी और हिं दी में प्रस्तुत कि या गया l 2nd Fridays 2pm–4:30pm LSC Free #97402 4th Fridays 10:30am–1pm LSC Free #97403
Spring 2024
Film Club The Film Club selects a variety of movies to see each month, then gathers for a lively discussion with other film enthusiasts. Movies are watched on your own in theaters and through various streaming platforms.
Ages 50+. 2nd Fridays
RSC Free #100911
Friends of Outreach Friends of Outreach is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that helps support the City of Irvine outreach programs for seniors through fundraising efforts and service projects such as Crochet-teers, International Crafters, and Holiday Gift Bags. Friends of Outreach is a charitable organization whose membership is free and open to all who are willing to serve. For more info: Kathleen Pfeiffer, president, klpfeiffer1@gmail.com . Ages 50+. General Meeting Th May 9 10am–11am LSC Free International Discussion Group Participate in thought-provoking conversations about current national and international topics. Ages 50+. 3rd Tuesdays 9:30am–11:30am RSC Free #100657 Monday at the Movies Join us a for a matinee movie. Each week will feature a different film and will begin with a brief overview and background of the film. Movie ratings range from G to R, a schedule is available at Rancho Senior Center. Ages 50+. *No class 5/27. M Apr 1–Jun 24* 1pm–3:30pm RSC Free #100660 Movie & Shop-Hop Start your adventure at Lakeview Senior Center where you’ll hop on a TRIPS bus to the Irvine Spectrum. Once there, you will catch a matinee movie, explore the shops, and savor lunch on your own. Price includes round–trip transportation and movie voucher. Ages 50+. F May 17 9:30am–4pm LSC $15 #97424
Movie Matinee Lights, camera, action! Enjoy a weekly movie rang- ing from classics to new releases. See the front desk of Lakeview Senior Center and Trabuco Center for film schedule. Ages 50+. *No class 4/19. F Apr 5–Jun 28 2pm–4:15pm TRA Free #98531 F Apr 5–Jun 28* 12:30pm–2:30pm LSC Free #97423 Socials Join friends and meet new people while enjoying coffee, tea, and other refreshments. Participate in activities that promote a healthy mind, body, and spirit. $1 per social paid at the door. Ages 50+. *No class 4/18, 4/19, 5/1, 5/10, 6/14, 6/19. Morning Social Tu Apr 2–Jun 25 8am–9am LSC $1/Wk #97432 Th Apr 4–Jun 27* 8am–9am TRA $1/Wk #98552 F Apr 5–Jun 28* 9am–10am LSC $1/Wk #97434 Afternoon Social W Apr 3–Jun 26* 12:30pm–1:30pm RSC $1/Wk #100509 W Apr 3–Jun 26* 2pm–3pm LSC $1/Wk #97433 Travel Adventure Slideshow Take a virtual photographic trip around the world. Each presentation includes an interactive digital photography slideshow followed by a question-and- answer session. Ages 50+. 3rd Thursdays 6:30pm–8:30pm LSC Free #97439
Lakeview 949-724-6900 | Rancho 949-724-6800 | Trabuco 949-724-7300
Cathy’s Computer Corner: Intro to Computers
This beginner level class will help you become more comfortable using a computer. Topics include turn- ing the computer on and off, navigating the desktop, adjusting the settings, and more. Desktop comput- ers provided. Inst: Cathy’s Computer Corner. Ages 50+. *No class 5/24. F Apr 26–Jun 21* 2:30pm–4pm LSC $56 #98802 Cathy’s Computer Corner: Private Technology Lessons Do you need help with basic usage or terminology? Are you interested in learning how to navigate a smart phone or tablet? Your choice, your time! Each appointment is 30 minutes and can be scheduled at yourirvine.org . Inst: Cathy’s Computer Corner. Ages 50+. Select Mondays 30-min Appts TRA $45
Technology Tutoring Volunteers provide individual tutoring sessions to help you learn to use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop to its full capacity. Sessions are 45-min- utes, maximum two per month. Appointments can be scheduled at Lakeview Senior Center or Trabuco Center. Bring your fully charged device. *No class 2/19, 3/14, 4/19. M–F Feb 19–May 10* LSC Free W, F Feb 21–May 8* TRA Free Computer Membership Computer workstations and printers are available in the Lee Tjhio Technology Lab at Lakeview Senior Center, and a laptop lending program is available at Trabuco Center and Rancho Senior Center. Hours subject to change. Lee Tjhio Technology Lab
Lakeview Senior Center Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Laptop Lending Rancho Senior Center & Trabuco Center Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Fees: Irvine residents: $18 per year Nonresidents: $23 per year
Cathy’s Computer Corner: Sharing Photos with Instagram Learn how to save, organize, edit, and share digital photos from your computer. Class includes instruc- tion and hands-on practice. Laptops provided or you can bring your personal laptop. Inst: Cathy’s
Computer Corner. Ages 50+. M Apr 22–May 13 11:30am–1pm
TRA $68 #98803
Spring 2024
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