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THE KING'S BUSINESS Magazine isa Publication of BIOLA Schools and Colleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, President.
JANUARY, 1970 / VO L 61 / NO. 1 / ESTABLISHED 1910
To What Purpose is This Waste?
Mastery Over Mincing
What in the World is Worship? Christ’s Legacy of Peace
World Population: Bible vs. Evolution
The Beachhead at Bethlehem The Church in the World Adorning the Doctrine of God Our Saviour
A t Wheaton we pray f o r . . . • Yo un g people comm itted to Je s u s Christ • A le rt, inquisitive m inds w it h g o o d h ig h s ch o o l records • Pa rticipan ts in Christian service oppo rtun ities • Potential evangelical Christian leaders • Believers in God 's-’W o rd fo r to d a y 's w o rld < If you share our convictions . . . write today. Let's consider C o l l e g e is t o o im p o r t a n t n o t t o b e s u r e !
Message from the Editor People in the News Over a Cup of Coffee Book Highlights and Reviews
4 6
25 Innovations in Learning 32 H. NORMAN WRIGHT Talking it Over 35 CLYDE M. NARRAMORE Cult’s Critique 36 BETTY BRUECHERT Christian Workers’ Clinic 40 C. CHESTER LARSON COVER Photo by J. Schlaegel
further whether we're "meant for each other. "
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S. H. Sutherland Bill Ehmann John Ozmon Betty Bruechert Paul Schwepker H. Norman Wright
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W h a t w o u l d h a p p e n if the local police forces o f our various communities across the length and breadth of our land were to be eliminated or reduced practically to complete impotence? Such an eventuality is too horrible even to contemplate, and yet that is exactly what a large activist segment of our population devoutly hopes for. Of course, the Communists would be supremely delighted; the lawless element in our land would shout with glee; the black racists and the white racists would dance with delight; the gamblers, lawbreakers, hoodlums, murderers, rapists, homo sexuals, publishers and disseminators of obscene and pornographic literature, sex deviates o f every type and description, draft-dodg ers, draft-card burners, flag desecrators, Satan himself and all the forces of hell would rejoice with unbounded joy and enthusiasm. The United States would become a literal hell on earth. It would be far better to be dead than alive were such an eventuality ever to come to pass. Yet this is exactly what the elements named above would like to see occur. Of course, each group would like to see all the other groups restrained by the police, but they themselves would plead freedom from the police in order that they might pur sue their devilish desires. The laws of the land would be absolutely meaningless and totally impotent were it not for the continuous efforts o f the various law enforcement agencies who are making such a noble effort to keep the peace and make our beloved land a safe place in which to live. But it almost appears to be a losing battle. A report put out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on June 24, 1969 states, “ Serious crime in the United States continued its upward trend, recording a 10% rise nationally for the first three months of 1969, when compared to the same period in 1968.” FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, noted that “ Each crime classifica tion used in the national crime index showed increases. Crimes of violence as a group recorded a 15% increase, murder 7% increase, forceable rape 12% increase, aggravated assault 8%, robbery 22% increase, burglary up 4%, theft up 17%, auto theft up 11%.” Mr. Hoover also “ Called particular attention to the sharp increases in robbery which continues to increase at a more rapid pace than the other crime index offenses. Nation-wide armed robbery, where any weapon was used, rose 27% and aggravated assault with a firearm increased 10% during the first quarter of 1969 over the same period in 1968.”
It’s about time that the great silent majority of law-abiding citizens began to speak out with a loud and unmistakable voice by way o f support of and appreciation for these thousands of police men (and women also) who are doing their very best and all too frequently giving their lives to keep us free. One o f the more shameful aspects of our modern life is the way the news media, especially the newspapers, radio and television, play up the vio lence in our streets, communities, and on the campuses o f our coun try. They seem to delight in presenting one o f these characters who is violating the law and then when he is restrained, bellowing “ police brutality!” He is given plenty of time on the television screen and in other ways to mouth his complaints. Seldom, if ever, are the police allowed to explain what the lawbreaker has been doing that is so reprehensible. A policeman may be killed in a riot or confrontation with these criminals and very little sympathy is shown toward him or his family. But let a policeman in the line of duty use armed force and wound or kill one of these hoodlums and the news media shout it to high heaven. “ Police brutality!” is em phasized over and over again until people are led to believe that it’s the police who need to be shackled rather than the lawbreakers. This is an infamous situation and one which respectable law-abid ing citizens everywhere should denounce in as strong terms as pos sible, demanding that these various disseminators o f the news sup port our law-enforcement agencies in every possible way. Another favorite term all too frequently used against the police is that in given cases they tend to “ over-react” . The lawless ele ment abroad in our land today knows absolutely no restraint. They understand only brute force. They are beyond reason. In fact, they do not want to reason. It is well known that in many instances they deliberately solicit an encounter with the police, knowing full well that they will get a sympathetic hearing by the various news media and in that way they will be able to discredit our lawmen that much more effectively. It has been very accurately stated that our police departments constitute the last line of defense against a total breakdown o f all law and order. It is long past time that we began to shore up this defense by every encouragement we can possibly give them and every type of support that we can provide. Members o f our judiciary from the local courts on up to the Supreme Court should be told in most positive terms that they are to sustain our police instead o f the law violators. The benefit of every doubt should go to those who are endeavoring to keep our communities safe instead o f giving it to those criminals who would tear down the rights of law-abiding citizens and society as a whole. It would be a wonderful thing indeed i f we would hold annual, or semi-annual, “ police days” in our various churches. On those occasions our lawmen should be honored and reassured that we are with them and for them, and that we appreciate more than we can tell all that they are doing in our behalf. Such events would furnish a great opportunity also to present to these unsung heroes of our land the glorious Gospel message so that perhaps they too might come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is granted that mistakes sometimes are made by the police, but before criticizing or condemning them, each one o f us should ask the question, “What would we do in similar circumstances when one’s very life is dependent upon split-second judgment?” Gentlemen o f the law, we salute you and pray that Almighty God will guide, direct and protect you as you carry on in the line o f duty. B
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DR. BILLY A. MELVIN, Executive Di rector of the National Association of Evangelicals, has announced March 6, 1970, as World Day of Prayer. The theme is "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” The special day will be ob served by many churches and commu nities throughout the world. Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, received Ecuador’s Decoration of Merit which was presented by officials of that country in an October ceremony. HCJB was praised for its contribution to the country's social, economic, educational, and spiritual development and good will among its people. Present at the cere mony included the Director of Telecom munications, President of the Ecuadorian Broadcasters Association, and various government officials and friends.
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Dr. Augosto Barreiro, Ecuador’s Min ister of Industry and Commerce be stows the Decoration of Merit medal on HCJB President, Dr. Abraham Van Der Puy. The decoration was given in recognition of HCJB’s contribution to Ecuador’s social, educational, eco nomic and spiritual development. DR. RAYMOND J. DAVIS, president of Interdenominational Foreign Mission As sociation, was re-elected for another year at the 52nd annual meeting. In his keynote address to the assembly at the Park Avenue Church, Burlington, Ontario, Dr. Davis told the mission leaders that world conditions demand an upgraded, more functional missionary effort. He stated, “The easy, simple, cheap ways of conducting missionary work are gone.
From here on it will cost more money, require better trained people, and greater insights in planning and strategy.” DR. DAVID ALLAN HUBBARD, presi dent of Fuller Theological Seminary, has been appointed permanent speaker on “The Joyful Sound," a continuing radio ministry of the late DR. CHARLES E. FULLER. The program was formerly known as “ Old Fashioned Revival Hour.” REV. PAUL W. BENNEHOFF has been appointed managing editor of Child Evangelism Magazine. He f o rm e r ly served as administrative assistant in lit erature in Child Evangelism Fellowship Press. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. report ed the crash in October of a single engine mission plane in the jungles of Ecuador. Pilot RALPH SCHELLENBERG- ER was the only person on board. He escaped with minor injuries. The air craft was a total loss. The Pocket Testament League has re leased a documentary film titled “ Bold Enough To Try.” The 28-minute color motion picture was shot entirely on lo cation in Brazil. Bookings may be se cured by writing the organization at 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey 06731. HARRY BOLLBACK has been named Co-Director of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., headquartered at Schroon Lake, New York. For the past ten years he was co-director of the Brazil branch of Word of Life in Sao Paulo. DR. JACK WYRT- ZEN is founder and director of the min istry which is headquartered in New York. Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, is broadcasting daily to the German speaking audience in Canada and the United States via shortwave facilities. New programs in the Russian language have also been added. More than 2V i million letters and petitions supporting Apollo 8 astronauts BORMAN, LOVELL, and ANDERS in their 1968 Christmas Eve reading of the Bible were presented to DR. THOMAS O. PAINE, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The letters were a part of “ Project As tronaut,” spearheaded by the Family Radio Network of San Francisco, Calif. DR. GEORGE O. PEEK, pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church, Long Beach, California, traveled through out South America during November and early December speaking and visiting various missionary operations. Along with his wife, and MR. and MRS. DUN CAN McLEISH, Dr. Peek visited denomi national mission boards and missionary organizations including HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, Wycliffe Translators in Colom bia, and the West Indies Mission in Trinidad. Dr. Peek was scheduled for 21 speaking engagements including three pastors' conferences.
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in the schools, the drug problem is leveling off. Sadly enough, it is NOT leveling o ff; in fact, it is CLIMBING.
0 « / & t a C u p » I C o ^ e e by Joyce Landorf An open letter to the Art Linkletter family A l l o u r h e a r t s were wrenched apart with the news of your daughter Diane’s death. All swer. We know the value of educat ing our kids to the dangers of drugs, but we wonder: “ Is it quite that simple?” One teenage dope pusher said his sales really soared after his high school friends had seen and heard several drug abuse films and lectur s.
What we need to do is to edu cate our kids as to where a real and lasting cure can be found. First, of all, it’s found, not in a plan or a program, but in a Person. A plan can only explain the dangers of drugs, take a per son PHYS ICALLY off drugs and outline, logically, a new way of life without drugs. But in the ac ceptance of Christ, a teenager (or anyone) can be absolutely cured of the psychological dependency that forces him to seek out drugs. Secondly, we must tell our kids where they can meet this Person called Christ. Actually, Christ can be found anywhere, but here are two places where kids who are hung up on drugs can go, meet Christ and be surrounded by peo-. pie who REALLY understand their world and their need to find themselves. Help can be found in Teen Challenge centers. This remark able organization has an unbeliev ably high 85% cure record. No government or civic group can begin to show this miraculous achievement. Only God could have brought this about. Teen Chal lenge also patiently works, cares and understands the ordeals of rehabilitating these young people. Help also is found in the Youth For Christ and Campus L ife clubs in America. This fantastic organ ization employs men like Gordon McLean, author of We’re Holding Your Son (Published by Revell) a man who originated and found ed “ Lifeline,” a specialized de tailed ministry for teenagers in juvenile courts and youth correc tional facilities. This man works with hundreds of kids each year, introduces them to Christ and then carries on a follow-up pro gram that would exhaust a whole corporation o f men.
over the world p eop le have reached compassionately toward you to share your grief, and so do we. We have watched you as a fa ther and as a family, reacting and responding to this death, and have wept with you as you’ve tried to understand, e xp la in and make sense out o f a suicide committed under the influence of L.S.D. Your honesty to the press and on television was above and be yond the call of duty. We recog nize and salute the kind of moral courage you expressed. How can one ever grasp the sig nificance o f drug abuse and its devastating, and in Diane’s case, final effects? How can we ever help to stop the mad merry-go- round o f drugs that is destroying our country’s youth? Where can we find the answers — especially us — the over-30 ones? We care, but where are the answers ? What can WE do? Over and over your image, Mr. Linkletter, and your son Jack’s, came on our television set in those weeks after Diane’s death, and so often the press asked, “What’s the answer to the L.S.D. and drug problem?” You and your son stated un- equivocably, “ The answer is in educating the young to the dan gers of drugs.” Again and again you said, “ Education is the an
For instance, three nights ago we heard a teenager named Frank tell about his experience with drugs. Starting with one mari juana cigarette at the age o f 13 he went on to all kinds of drugs, L.S.D. and finally heroin. He was eventually jailed for selling dope and with many arrest records, (stealing cars, etc.) spent almost a year in jail. During those months Frank had the finest pro fessional help in the country. They educated, probed, explained and therapeutically solved his problems for almost one year, but twenty minutes after he was re leased from jail, he was “ stoned” on drugs, because even though he was well educated on the dan gers, he had not lost his NEED for drugs. A few months later, after he had hit rock bottom again, this teenager met a man named Gor don McLean and was introduced to Christ. It has NOW been four months since that meeting and Frank has had absolutely no de sire, need or want o f drugs! No, Mr. Linkletter, we don’t think education alone is enough. I f it were, we would be able to say, because of the fine profes sional help we are able to give these juveniles, the great pro grams, films and lectures we put
The success of both o f these groups comes from the knowledge that when a person commits his life to Christ, a power infinitely higher than himself, he becomes brand-new and we watch a mira cle being born. We’ve only m en tion ed two places of help, Mr. Linkletter, but had your daughter found her way into either place, she would have found a purpose and goal for liv ing. She would have run a great race and she would never have needed A N Y T H I N G else. We can’t bring her back — oh, how we wish we could! — but we can introduce others to a Christ who cares . . . who REALLY cares, and who has the power to deliver. IT M A Y BE THE LAST by Max I. Reich It may be the last of the years quickly flying, It may be the year when the Master will come; When the Land of the Holy for which we are sighing, Will burst into view — the Father's glad Home. It may be the last of the earth’s checkered story— The last of the desert, the furnace, the thorn; And the last, too, of service in weakness, then glory; The Lord will have come, the Star of the morn! It may be the last time on earth to awaken, To finish the story of sorrow and toil, Of feeling unloved, and neglected, forsaken, Of treading in pain earth's thorn- covered soil. It may be the last time the daily cross choosing, The footprints of Jesus retracing below; Earth’s glitter and glamor so tempting refusing, Eternal companionship with Him to know. It may be the last! then all mystery ending, In radiant light from the sunshine of God, And, oh, what a welcome! as we are ascending 'Twill more than make up for the difficult road.
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A l l o f u s h a t e waste — or we should! One of the sad fea- I tures of our society is to see the criminal waste o f food and materials among the wealthy and witness the abject poverty amid the poorer society. God c rea ted everything in abundance. His provision is mag nificent yet He wastes nothing. Everything He made has a pur pose. Is there anything more tragic than a wasted life? Years of wast ed time and wasted opportunities combine to make one wasted life. There can be no deeper sense of failure than to recognize at the end of days we have accomplished so little that is worthwhile. But we do need to recognize what constitutes waste. What may be a waste o f time and effort to one person may be something entirely different to another, de pending on the individual interest and purpose. The question asked by Judas in our title is such an occasion (Matt. 26:8). Judas witnessed the precious g ift bestowed on Christ, and his financial outlook determined his attitude: “ 300-pence worth, what a waste!” Remember, a man’s wages averaged one penny a day so the g ift represented at least one year’s salary. Was Judas right to protest at such extrava gance? Was it not a fair assess ment that this money could have been of greater benefit to the poor? Would Christ welcome such spending on Himself when there was such need everywhere? There is always the matter of having the priorities rightly as sessed. The answer Christ gave at this time settled any further open criticism: “ Leave her alone.” He knew what lay behind this sacrifice: the years o f work and the loving devotion of the wom an’s heart. She was laying all she had at the feet of the Lord and He toojc it, rejoiced over it and made a statement later wonder fully fulfilled: “Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be
told for a memorial o f her” (Matt. 26:13). Nothing ever received by Christ can warrant the term “ waste.” Yet in the eyes of modern, mate- rialistically-minded people what ever is given to Christ is a waste. ^ “ To what purpose?” is the cry ^ from many, “What is the use of giving a whole life to the service of Christ when it could be used to advantage in other ways?” This is worldly reasoning but con trary to all the teaching of Christ. On the one hand, our Lord reckoned that the life given to Him was “ thrown away” in the t sight of the world, but this forms the very basis of His call to dis- cipleship. “ For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matt. 16:25). The es sence of Christian living is the handing over all c on tro ls to Christ. All choices and decisions are to be His and whatever plans He makes we are happy to follow; our own ideas we joyfully scrap and determine to do His will whatever it may mean. Be assured o f this: if God ever* calls you to leave your home and chosen career to become a min ister or a missionary, you will find the general trend of opposi tion to your decision to follow " Christ always will be: “ Don’t be a fool; look what you are giving up; think of your future; think of the financial sacrifice; after all, what do you hope to get out of it? You are trading certainty for un certainty,” etc. The life given to Christ is al ways a life wasted in the opinion of unspiritual people. “ Play it safe” is their advice, and all o f us have to make a definite choice whether we believe Christ and go His way or take our own path. Christ knows the measure of every sacrifice made on His be half. He is fully aware o f the tears and heartache that such a step may involve. Yet the most joyful people in this earth are those who have given everything unreservedly to Him. None live so THE KING'S BUSINESS
by Stanley Collins
? ■
pleasantly or easily as those who have fully yielded to Him. This one great decision to leave all oth er decisions to Him has taken from them the consequent tension and pressure that seems the com mon lot of those going their own way. Our Lord’s final verdict in all sacrifices made on His behalf surely settles it for us. “She hath done what she could.” Could any praise be higher than this? From the lips of Him who never lied or exaggerated, these words to Mary brought a touch of heaven into her heart. In these days when our Lord is rejected by the masses, He is be ing neglected by His own. He gets the end of everything from many of us. “ I f I have time, I ’ll read the Word, go to prayer, go to the service, do some Christian work.” He gets the scraps from our table o f service. He is often the last to benefit from our gen erosity and He is offered that which dare not be offered in other circles; yet when someone makes a truly sacrificial gift, the cry „ springs from many lips, “ To what purpose is this waste?” I f you study carefully the life of Christ recorded in the New Testament, you will notice not many kind things happened to Him, but this act of Mary was just about the most beautiful thing given to Him in His whole life on earth. What have you done with Him ? What are you doing for Him? Does He really enjoy first place in your life? Is He really Lord of our lives or are we just playing the game of being Christians? The price He asks is high; the prize He offers is far higher! Will you say “ To what purpose is this waste?” or give Him all you have, all the time, and wait on in faith until the day you see Him and hear Him say to you, “ He [or she] hath done what he could.” H Rev. Stanley Collins is Executive Di rector of Forest Home Christian Con ference Center.
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JAN U AR Y, 1970
But where are they now? In those days were men who towered in moral and physical frame. They were not second-rate intelligences to demand a rational explanation of every reference to the super natural in the Bible — not hu manistic pinheads to refuse to tread the high places of the Lord, faith illuminating t ha t wh i ch sight could not comprehend.” A great servant of Christ was not speaking in weird wildness but in words descriptive of much mincing of feet as those strolling in a park when he said: “ The eagle of the he i gh t has been tamed into a little bird that eats out o f your hand — glad of get ting a crumb. We have more or less exchanged Niagara with its tremendous sweep for the slug gish canal with its slow move ment. We have more or less ex changed the tide for the ripple of the pond. We have forgotten the splendor of the sunshine in the satisfaction which we feel in the candlelight.” Certainly God was not talking about those who trip lightly with mincing feet when, by His serv ant, He said: "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet” (Psalm s 01 :13 ). Paul said: “ And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly” (Rom. 16:20). Dr. Robert G. Lee is Pastor Emeritus of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee.
truth, he would have to change ‘marching’ to ‘limping!’ and it is not the limp of the warrior re turning from the battle. It is the limp of the tight shoes from walk ing the Broadways and Rialtos of the world. Did angels ever see more sorry spectacle than this present generation of powerless Christians trying to make them selves comfortable in a world of despairing men? Once Christians were warriors. Now they are tourists. A t times they were cru saders. Now they are country gentlemen.” I wonde r i f some similar thoughts were not in the mind of Senate Chaplain, Dr. Peter Mar shall, when he said, “ Church members in too many cases are like deep-sea divers, encased in suits designed for many fathoms deep, marching bravely to pull out plugs in bathtubs.” This hu morous picture is all too true of many nominal followers of Christ. They are piddling with small things when they should be in a great crusade for Christian liv ing. They are wasting time and effort on second-rate causes when they ought to be engaged in heroic endeavors in the cause of Christ. Dr. Robert F. Gribble, Austin Seminary, Austin, Texas, must have had in mind some of the mincing instead of the marching men do when he said, “ Pygmies are crowding your doorstep. This is the house for Lilliputians and all others of like stature. The an cient oracles of God proclaim : ‘There were giants in those days.’
“ ft j i n c e ” m e a n s to trip lightly |U| — “with fantastic toe” — ■ in antithesis to the solid tread of the marching soldiers. So many, when they should be soldiers “marching as to war,” and enduring hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ ( I I Tim. 2:3), are described by what the prophet said about “the daugh ters of Zion” : "M o reove r the Lord satth, Be cause the daughters of Zion are haughty, and wa lk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet” (Isa iah 3 :16 ). Instead of walking as soldiers who march with an army in bat tle, they trip lightly as those who chase the short-lived butterflies of pleasure and dance to the music of selfish indulgence. I read a bit of biography the other day, of Robert McCheyne, who died at twenty-nine years of age. It is said of him: “Wherever his feet stepped, Scotland shook.” No mincing step of a playboy was his, but the steps of a soldier marching! I wond e r i f the great Dr. Houghton did not have in mind the mincing footsteps of those who walk t im i d l y as delicate women rather than triumphantly as soldiers of Christ’s cross when he said: “ The old-time Christians used to sing ‘Marching as to war!' I f the modern Christian told the
JAN U AR Y, 1970
what in the world is...
T h e c h u r c h b u l l e t i n reads, “Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.” Every Sunday there are millions of people all over the world attending such a service who might have difficulty explaining what worship actually is. “Why did you attend the wor ship service?” a parishioner was asked as he emerged from the sanctuary. “ To worship, of course,” was his indignant reply. But did he really worship? Some folks would have to admit that they used the time for solving business problems, plan ning household schedules, or just building castles in the air. One man told me that he found it a good time to think constructively. Some of those things may be good; others are o f dubious value; but none of them is worship, and all o f them can be accomplished more efficiently somewhere other than in a worship service. Maybe if we understood the meaning of wor ship, we could practice it more acceptably. The word worship is derived from the old English worthship. It is basically a matter of recognizing God’s worth and rendering to Him appropriate
honor. The only way we can find out about God’s worth is from God Himself. He reveals Himself to us in different ways, the greatest of which is through His infallible Word, but nevertheless, all true worship must begin with His self-revelation. When God makes Himself known, and we respond as we should, that response is worship. What should be involved in our response, how ever? How is worship to be expressed? There are about 15 words translated “worship” in the Bible, but the major ones fit into two broad categories which depict the two major elements of worship. The first is an attitude; the second involves action. SUBM ISSION The most common Old Testament word for worship literally means “ to bow down.” Since physical prostration was a sign o f respect or honor, this word was used to convey that idea. The prin cipal New Testament word has a similar idea, “ to kiss toward,” probably meaning to kiss the ground
First and foremost, we are to give ourselves (Romans 12:1). This is closely related to the first major element of worship, adoring submission, and its repetition here only serves to underscore its importance to worship. How much easier it is to give God things than to say to Him, '‘I ’m yours for whatever you desire o f me.” That may entail sac rifice. But have we not just learned that sacrifice is a vital part of worship? Three additional New Testament sacrifices are described in Hebrews 13:15-16. The first is praise, offering God thanks for what He has done, express ing gratitude and appreciation to Him for His goodness and for His blessings. Praise and worship are not synonymous, but as something we offer, praise is an integral part of worship and often leads to the highest form of worship. Human beings are not to worship each other, but human experiences may, nevertheless, help us com prehend the relationship between praise and wor ship. A lovely young girl is seized with a cramp while swimming in the ocean. Her screams for help bring a courageous lifeguard to her rescue. In appreciation she gasps, “ Thank you; oh, thank you!” For days to come she reflects on his heroism and repeats his exploit to her friends. That is praise. Several days later her hero calls and invites her out for the evening. His kindness, courtesy, and unselfish attention overwhelm her. You hap pen to be sitting at a nearby table where they are dining, and you notice her staring at him with adoring eyes, an admiring smile on her lips. She is utterly enraptured by his person. That is the essence of true worship. “To do good” is the next sacrifice which the writer to the Hebrews enumerates. Good deeds are not the sum and substance o f worship, but again, as a spiritual sacrifice, they constitute an impor tant part. Taking food to a family with sickness, making yourself available to a person with a des perate problem, teaching a children’s class, and scores of other things, can be expressions of your devotion to the Lord. Worship, you see, is not confined to the hour between 11:00 and 12:00 o’clock on Sunday morning. Giving of our substance to God can also be an act o f worship. That is the sense o f “ communicate” in Hebrews 13:16, and “ . . . with such sacrifices God is well-pleased.” We are all basically selfish creatures. We tend to live for that which brings pleasure and satisfac tion to ourselves, even to the point o f attending worship services essentially for our own benefit. Try it God’s way. Go to adore Him. Go to give, to offer, to present, to serve. Start by giving yourself. The actual satisfaction you derive from worship will probably be greater than you have ever known.
toward, an act of reverence, obeisance or homage. These words indicate humility before another per son and submission to him. The second most fre quently used New Testament word for worship comes from a root meaning “fear.” It does not con note feudalists terror, but rather profound ad miration and appreciation for God’s Person, in spired by His own innate greatness. These words indicate that worship is submit ting ourselves to God in adoring contemplation of Himself. Contrary to popular misconceptions, wor ship is not occupying our minds with our own needs, nor even primarily with our blessings, but with the Lord Himself. Listen to the twenty-four elders express true worship as they fall down be fore the throne of God: “ Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11). Now we can evaluate our own worship. Is there an attitude o f genuine humility, a readiness to see ourselves as we are before God in all His glory and then take a proper place of absolute subjection before Him? Without that attitude our bodily pres ence at a worship service is little more than a hollow gesture. Do we fix our attention upon the Lord? Do we occupy our minds with His Person, rehearsing His glories and wonders in adoring ad miration, expressing our respect and appreciation for Who and What He is? Or are our minds clut tered with many other things? How is our worship measuring up? SACRIFICE There is a secondary category of words trans lated “worship” in both the Old and New Testa ments which have as their meaning “ to labor, to work, to serve.” They teach that worship, while basically an attitude of adoration and submission, also involves acts of sacrifice and service. We no longer bring animals to bum, nor do we sprinkle blood or bum incense or light candles; but the fundamental nature of worship does not change. It involves something we offer. It is a matter of giving, not receiving. Its chief purpose is to de light the heart of God rather than to refresh our own spirits. Trace great acts of worship through the Scrip tures and see this element of offering. Abraham offered his son. The Magi gave their gifts o f gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mary of Bethany anoint ed the feet of Jesus with costly ointment. The twenty-four elders cast their crowns before the throne. Is there something that we too can offer in worship? Peter informs us that we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices ( I Peter 2:5). Other New Testament passages tell us what these sacrifices are. JANUARY, 1970
Dr. Richard C. Strauss is Pastor of Calvary Bible Church, Huntsville, Alabama.
cross. When God sent His Son into the world it was on a great errand of peace. Man’s heart was at war with God; he was a bom rebel; he was guilty before God; he deserved the judgment of God upon him, and to make matters worse — he was not able to get right with God. But, God is Love! The angels that bore His message to man on the hills surrounding the little town of Bethlehem, cried, “ Give glory and praise to God, He sends a promise of peace to men! (Glo ry to God in the highest, and on earth peace, g o o dw i l l toward men.)” This peace was gloriously procured and purchased by the one ordained Med i a t or , Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us. “ Peace,” wrote Dr. Cha r l e s Hodge, the famous theologian, “ is not the result o f mere gratuitous forgiveness, but of justification, of reconciliation, founded upon atonement.” The enlightened con science can never rest until it sees that God can be just in justifying the ungodly; that sin has been punished; that the justice of God is satisfied, and that His law is vindicated. The moment we ac cept Christ by faith as our Lord and Saviour, God’s righteousness is reckoned to us, and we are fully justified through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. When we grasp this tremendous fact, we are overwhelmed by the goodness of God. We have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Horatio Bonar, the Scottish preacher and hymn-writer, wrote these lines from personal experi ence, "1 hear the words of love, I gaze upon the Blood; I see the mighty Sacrifice And I have peace with God.” “ Have you made your peace with God ?” an old lady was once asked. “ No! But I have something bet ter; the Lord Jesus made peace by the blood of His cross, and this peace is mine!” The second important consid eration is this:-
I T is BECOMING increasingly evi dent that the people of today want peace more than any thing else. Peace is one o f the rarest possessions of man. In or der to find peace, people are turn ing to all sorts of things, usually to the wrong things. They are prepared to read every book but the right book, they are consult ing every person but the right person, in their endeavor to find peace of mind and heart. Swinburne wrote of a “ peace more sweet than music,” and I believe his description suits the peace that Jesus Christ left to His followers. He said to them, “ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you . . . ” (John 14:27). There are three impo r t an t things I want to confront you with in connection with this leg acy of Peace, first: Peace Has Been Purchased Christ has been well described as the Prince o f Peace. He will provide us with a peace that is supreme. The peace He gives rests on the right foundation. In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ro mans (5 :1 ), he writes “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. . . .” This is not a peace with God which we acquire through our good deeds, or through our own efforts; it is not found in the solitariness and lone liness of seclusion and meditation. It is a peace that is imparted to us when we repent of our sins to God, and place our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save us. This peace was procured for us by the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the
WHY NOT GO PLACES AND DO THINGS WITH unusual tours OF BOB JONES University IN 1970 EUROPE A N D T H E M ID D L E E A S T 15 days by jet from New York to New York FEBR U AR Y 25 to MARCH 11,1970 Lisbon Jerusalem Madrid Tel Aviv Rome Athens Istanbul Paris Izmir or continuing A R O U N D T H E W OR LD for a total of 30 days to San Francisco FEBR U AR Y 25 to MARCH 26,1970 India Hong Kong Thailand Taiwan Philippines Japan SUMMER SCHOO L A B R O A D J U L Y 8 to J U L Y 28,1970 For college credit (if desired) courses in: TH E R E FORM A TION Rome Lucerne Florence Zurich Pisa Konstanz Milan Heidelberg Geneva Paris and others . TH E EUROPEAN A R T IS T IC TR A D IT IO N (Music and Art) Rome Munich Florence Amsterdam Milan Brussels Salzburg Paris Vienna B IBLE H IS TOR Y AND GEOGRAPHY Paris Jericho Rome Hebron Tel Aviv Ashkelon Haifa Eilat Nazareth Athens Jerusalem Corinth and others FOR DETAILED INFORMATION WRITE: BOB JONES University G R E E N V I L L E , SOUTH C A R O L I N A • 29614
cious peace. Have you made your application? The full price has been paid and the blessing o f His peace is there waiting for all who come to God through Him. And, just as there is perfect peace and calm twenty fathoms below the surface o f the stormy ocean, so will we experience this wonderful peace of God amid the many storms o f life. My third and final thought for your consideration is this:- It was the late Dr. G. H. Morri son who brought this truth before my mind. I think it is a refresh ing thought. Here is the peace of adequate resources. Here is ful ness for every demand o f life. To the medical man surrounded by sickness in his area that is in creasing towards epidemic pro portions, the one thing that gives peace to his mind is the knowl edge of adequate supplies. You see, this is not a dull, lifeless peace; it is vibrant and colorful. It spells adequacy! Do you have the peace of those who can say, “My God shall sup ply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” ? Bishop B i ck e r s t e t h knew this truth when he penned the great hymn, "Peace , perfect peace—In this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within. Peace, perfect peace—our futnre a ll unknown? Jesus we know! And He Is on the Throne.” For every deficiency we pos sess, the indwelling Christ can provide all we need. What a thrill to know that He is enough! Even when that last old enemy of death confronts us, we will find through our glorious Lord that His re sources are adequate, even then. “ Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.” m Rev. John M. Moore is Pastor of Central Baptist Church, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Peace is The Possession of Adequate Resources
Peace Has Been Provided When the Master took His dis ciples aside and spoke to them about His near departure from them, He told them of the great legacy He was bequeathing to them. “ Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.” He was not just leaving them peace, He was leaving His own peace to them! This was not the peace of the recluse. It was the peace of Him who, knowing what was awaiting Him, sang a hymn with His disciples, then went out to crucifixion and death. The peace He gives to His peo ple is not the kind the world gives. It is not a drug that dulls and deadens the senses and helps us forget our troubles for the mo ment. It is not the peace of a new environment, an escape from the depressing surroundings. Neither is it the peace that keeps us from troubles and trials, sorrows and problems. It is the peace that keeps us calm and confident in the midst of them all. Look at this fine Christian family. They are enjoying their breakfast in their lovely home set in twenty-five acres o f beautiful gardens. After prayers, the family went off to school. Then, taking a letter from his pocket, the father said to his dear wife, “ Look at this, dear!” There it was: the grim truth that every penny they possessed was gone. Taking his hand, she said, “Well dear, we have each other, and above all, we have Christ.” They had perfect peace. Look at the man of the world in similar circumstances. See him panic. Watch him try to cover it up, afraid to face the reality of his loss. He has no anchor of peace, his t r oub l e s carry him away to despair, or perhaps even to suicide. I know it is difficult for folks to understand this peace. The Bi ble admits this, and calls it “ the peace that passeth understand ing.” We need not fathom it to enjoy it. Christ left this peace in His will for all who trust Him. He wants you to possess this pre
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