
Volume 20 • No. 15 • 28 pages • ROCKLAND | ORLEANS • May 8 mai 2014

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Photo: Gregg Chamberlain Lafleur’s old gang Guy Lafleur, Number 10, was back in Rockland a day for a promotional appearance visit Sunday at the Belvédère des Moulins Edwards condominiumproject. So, of course, some of his old teammates and his coach dropped by to chat and reminisce about the days when the “Blond Demon” played for Rockland’s minor hockey clubs before moving on to fame with the Montréal Canadiens. See story page 26

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Rural economic summit rocks GREGGCHAMBERLAIN

Delegates from all over Eastern Ontario and several other parts of the province ga- thered to listen to experts from the United States, Canada, and France outline the is- sues facing rural communities in the global marketplace of the 21st Century and how they can compete against their urban coun- terparts here and abroad. During the after- noon closing ceremony May 2, Jean-Paul St-Pierre, warden for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), described the event as an “enlightening and fun” expe-

ŏ/5/ŏ*+ŏ+*ŏ ,!0ŏ)+// Natural Resources Ontario has no plans to include regulating the extraction of peat moss as part of its mandate. But Minister David Orazietti suggested the United Coun- ties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) might be able to do something under the authority of the Municipal Act. MNR has a licence-fee structure for dealing with quarry and sand pit operations. Municipalities which have such operations in their areas receive a per- centage share of those fees to compensate for the wear on local roads from heavy-haul trucks. The UCPR thinks a similar licence-fee system should apply to peat moss extrac- tion for the same reasons but the minister noted that MNR is responsible for enfor- cing the Aggregate Resources Act and peat moss is not covered under that legislation. He said the Municipal Act might give the UCPR the authority to allow, forbid, and also regulate and licence peat moss and other topsoil extraction if the counties council wished to do so. rience for many. “My network of contacts has certainly grown larger,” St-Pierre said. The warden quoted Rahaf Harfoush, one of the key speakers during the summit, regarding the things that impressed him the most about what Prescott-Russell com- munities, businesses, and individuals need to keep in mind about the future impacts of technological and social change on the rural sector and the critical role that knowledge will play in everyone’s lives. “No one will be spared, no one will be left alone. You are all part of the solution.” St-Pierre then added a favourite quote he remembered from a high school teacher. “From a professional aspect, know eve- rything about some things. From a social aspect, know something about everything.” During her own talk during the summit, Harfoush noted that the Internet and all the information tools it makes available gives the individual enormous power to shape the world and to have an impact on culture, on the economy, on everything. “I call this the Age of the Architexts,” she said, coining the word “architext” (merging “architect” and “text”) to show the role social media and the Internet now have in cultural and economic change. “Architexts excel at creating alternatives to situations.” Harfoush listed five trends of the Age of Architexts: cheap and easy-to-access data, hyper-personalized service, micro- influence, games-as-models for learning, shared values among Internet users and social media fans. She also stressed that how successful or how harmful any of these trends or other impacts of the cyberverse on the economy or the community always depends on the individuals taking advan- tage of them or influenced by them. “The Internet is not good or bad. It is all about the intent that motivates the use of the technology,” she said, stressing a need for “critical thinking” and for people to take responsibility for what they see, hear and do on and with the Internet. “Never stop learning,” she said.

ROCKLAND | For three days students at the Canadian International Hockey Aca- demy were rubbing elbows now and again with experts in economics and other digni- taries as the inaugural Ontario Rural Eco- nomic Summit took over half of the arena space .

Rahaf Harfoush

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Un premier Sommet économique réussi  gŏđŏ

gnag e s d’ a ut r e s g e ns d’ a ff a i r e s et conf é- r e nc ie rs. P o u r l’ occas i on , l’ homm e d’ a ff a i r e s et c y c li s te, L o ui s G arn e a u, a o uve r t le b a l à tit r e de p r e m ie r conf é r e nc ie r. M . G arn e a u a liv r é plu s ieu rs cons eil s p o u r l a r éu ss ite d’u n e e n t r ep r i s e . L a r éu ss ite p ass e, sans con t r edit, p ar l’i nno v a ti on , a -t-il r épété à ma i n te s r ep r i s e s. «Ce q ui m ’i m p r e ss i onn e c ’e s t q ue le s g e ns d’i c i on t v ra i m e n t u n i n té r êt p o u r dével o p- pe r le s a ff a i r e s i c i e n O n t ar i o d ans le m ilieu r u ra l, de v o ul o i r i nno ve r , de v o ul o i r s e dé- marq ue r. C’e s t c e q u’ on d o it t o u s fa i r e . O n d o it s e p r e n d r e e n ma i n. O n d o it dé marr e r de s e n t r ep r i s e s. C’e s t u n e q ue s ti on a u ss i de v o l on té et de p ass i on », a con fié L o ui s G ar - n e a u .

con fié M m e A rcan d . Le s conf é r e nc ie rs P a ul B orn et Pie rr e Clé- ro ux on t di sc uté de l’é ch e c de l’é conom ie t ra diti onn elle . Il s on t p ar lé no t amm e n t du mo dèle man u fac tu r ie r. «Le s march é s on t chang é, ç a on le sa it, a con fié M m e A rcan d . Ce q ue M . B orn et M . Cl a i ro ux on t conc lu c ’e s t q ue l’é conom ie t ra diti onn elle n ’e s t plu s u n s u cc è s a ve c c e s man u fac tu r e s e m - pl o y an t de s c e n t a i n e s d’e m pl o yé s. Plutôt di sa it-il q ue sma ll i s fr uit f ul (petit p or te s e s fr uit s )» . P o u r l’i ns t an t, le s organ i sa teu rs n ’ a v anc e n t r ie n q u an t à l a te n ue d’u n deu-

xiè m e S omm et l’ an p rocha i n. L’ h eu r e s e ra plutôt a u bil an. «O n n e s ’e s t p as d onn é le dev o i r d’e n fa i r e u n évé n e m e n t ann uel o u bi sann uel, a a ffi rm é C aro li n e A rcan d . Sel on mo i, c ’e s t q uel q ue chos e q u’ on d o it r épéte r. Il fa ut ma i n te n i r c ette con fi anc e de p o uv o i r am éli or e r no t r e comm u na uté . » Le S omm et é conom i q ue r u ra l a été r e n du p oss ible gr â c e à l’ a ppui de plu s ieu rs bé n é- v o le s a i ns i q u’ a u p ar te nar i a t e n t r e l a S oc ié- té de dével o ppe m e n t comm u na ut a i r e de P r e sco tt-Ru ss ell (SDCPR), le s C om té s u n i s de P r e sco tt et Ru ss ell, le G ro upe C on vex et l a C omm i ss i on de forma ti on de l’E s t on t ar ie n.


ROCKLAND | «Pour un premier sommet, c’est très très bien, les commentaires ont été positifs», a déclaré la directrice générale de Groupe Convex et principale responsable de l’événement, Caroline Arcand, en commentant le Sommet économique rural de l’Ontario qui se tenait du 30 avril au 2 mai à Rockland. P as mo i ns de 300 pe rsonn e s , c e r t a i n e s de l’O n t ar i o , d’ a ut r e s du Québe c , de s Ét a t s - U n i s , v o i r e de l’Eu ro pe, s e son t dépl ac ée s p o u r e n te n d r e le s cons eil s et le s té mo i-

Inscription EARLY BIRD Registration jusqu’au 16mai - until May 16 th MARCHANDS - MERCHANTS

P o u r C aro li n e A rcan d, il e s t diffi c ile d’ide n tifie r u n s eul co up de c œu r com pte te n u de l a b ro - ch ette i m p or t an te de conf é- r e nc ie rs. C hac u n d’e n t r e eux a pp or t a it sa p ro p r e t o u ch e a u somm et . C aro li n e A rcan d a r ete- n u plu s ieu rs vi s i ons et m e ssag e s i m p or t an t s q u’elle a no t amm e n t e n te n du s de s conf é r e nc ie rs T o - n y a Su rman et B rock Di ck i nson. «Le s deux s ’e n te n de n t p o u r di r e q ue le dével o ppe m e n t é cono - m i q ue d o it a v o i r comm e but d’ am éli or e r d’ a b or d et a v an t t o ut le s con diti ons de vie de s c it o ye ns p arc e q u’ a ut r e m e n t, ç a n e fa it p as de s e ns. Le s u cc è s de l’é conom ie dépe n d de l a comm u na uté», a

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L o ui s G arn e a u


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Grant Crack ready for re-election bid

w a it t o s ee i f t h e m i nor ity Libe ra l bud g et w o uld be v o ted d o w n i n a non - con fide nc e mo ti on. C rack sa id t h e p ro p os ed 2014 bud g et, i f it ha d p ass ed t hro u gh t h e le g i s l a tu r e, w o uld ha ve a dd r e ss ed mos t, i f no t a ll of t h e i ss ue s ra i s ed du r i ng t h e s e r ie s of publi c cons ult a - ti ons t h e Libe ra l go ve rnm e n t h eld du r i ng t h e p as t s eve ra l wee ks. T h e bud g et p ro p os ed i nc luded a 10-ye ar j o b s an d p ros pe r ity f u n d t o a tt rac t r n ew bu s i n e ss i n ve s t m e n t, a tw o -ye ar y o ut h j o b s s t ra te g y, dedi ca ted f u n di ng for i nfras t r u c - tu r e i m p ro ve m e n t s , ra i s i ng t h e m i n i m u m

“I w as som ew ha t s u r p r i s ed,” C rack sa id . “I t ho u gh t it w as a bud g et t h e NDP w o uld s upp or t . ” H or w a t h d amn ed t h e p ro vi nc i a l go ve rn - m e n t’ s p ro p os ed s p r i ng bud g et as “ a ma d d ash t o e sca pe scan d a l by p rom i s i ng t h e moon an d t h e s t ars ” an d di s t rac t v o te rs from t h e c u rr e n t cr i m i na l i n ve s ti ga ti on of t h e gas pl an t scan d a l . P r e m ie r K a t h lee n Wy nn e m et wit h Lt-G o v . D a vid O n ley l as t F r id a y af te rnoon fo ll o wi ng t h e NDP anno u nc e m e n t . T h e p r e m ie r ask ed t h e Lt-G o ve rnor t o di sso lve t h e le g i s l a tu r e an d a ll o w for a Ju n e 12 v o te ra t h e r t han

w ag e t o $11 an ho u r , an d r e mo vi ng t h e Debt Reti r e m e n t C harg e from O n t ar i o h y- d ro bill s a t t h e e n d of 2015 . C rack no ted t h e bud g et i nc luded man y p rograms t ha t w o uld ha ve bee n vit a l t o r u ra l O n t ar i o. “I s t rong ly believe o u r p ro vi nc e’ s f utu r e p ros pe r ity l arg ely depe n d s on leve rag i ng r u ra l O n t ar i o ’ s p o te n ti a l,” h e sa id . “We n eed t o a d o pt a mor e p ragma ti c p rogram t o h elp devel o p t h e r u ra l s e c t or. “I am go i ng t o r u n an aggr e ss ive cam - p a i gn ,” h e sa id,“de f e n di ng t h e de c i s i ons o u r go ve rnm e n t has ma de . ”

ROCKLAND | Liberal MPP Grant Crack says he’s ready to hit the campaign trail again to win over the riding of Prescott- Russell-Glengarry again. G ran t w as i n R ock l an d M a y 2 for t h e af te r - noon c l os i ng c e r e mon y for t h e i na u g u ra l O n t ar i o Ru ra l E conom i c Su mm it w h e n NDP Le a de r A n d r e a H or w a t h anno u nc ed t ha t h e r p ar ty w o uld no t s upp or t t h e n ew p ro - vi nc i a l bud g et t a bled a t Quee ns P ark ye s - te r d a y . GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA

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Grant Crack déçu des néo-démocrates

ans et de m i . Il e n e s t de m ê m e p o u r G ran t C rack q ui e n ét a it à son p r e m ie r man d a t à tit r e de député p ro vi nc i a l . Il ét a it a up ara v an t ma i r e de l a m u n i c ip a lité de Gle ngarr y-N or d . Aux éle c ti ons de 2011, il l’ a v a it e m p or té a ve c 17 344 v o te s con t r e 15 99 1 p o u r le P ar ti p ro - gr e ss i s te- cons e r v a teu r a l ors r ep r é s e n té p ar M ar lli ssa G oss eli n. M a l gr é u n man d a t é co u r té, le can di- d a t libé ra l s e dit con fi an t et p r êt p o u r u n e a ut r e éle c ti on. «Le s deux ann ée s p ass ée s à Quee n ’ s P ark on t été bé n éfi q ue s. Ç a m ’ a fa it r é a li s e r q ue, e n t an t q u’ex- ma i r e, le s be so i ns son t p ar t ag é s à t ra ve rs l a r é g i on. À c e p o i n t- c i, je com p r e n d s t r è s bie n c e s be so i ns. » Du ran t l a cam p agn e q ui comm e nc e ra c ette s e ma i n e, G ran t C rack e n te n d dé-

f e n d r e le bud g et de son go uve rn e m e n t . Il so uli gn e, e n t r e a ut r e s , q ue le bud g et vie n t r ép on d r e à plu s ieu rs be so i ns. «J’ét a i s t r è s sa ti sfa it du bud g et . Il r ép on d a it à plu s ieu rs de man de s q ue no u s a v ons e n te n due s d ans le ca d r e de nos cons ult a ti ons à t ra ve rs l a p ro vi nc e», a con fié G ran t C rack. Ce de rn ie r a no t amm e n t so uli gn é u n i n - ve s ti ss e m e n t t o t a l de 2 9 m illi ar d s $, d on t 14 m illi ar d s $ p o u r le N or d de l’O n t ar i o et le s r é g i ons r u ra le s p o u r le s p rocha i ns 10 ans. Le can did a t e s ti m e é ga le m e n t q ue le bud g et r ép on d a ux de man de s de s m u n i c i- p a lité s. «Ce bud g et- c i dev a it con t r ibue r a u p ar te nar i a t e n t r e t o u s le s i n te r ve nan t s , le s m u n i c ip a lité s et le s s e r vi c e s. N o u s a ll ons con ti n ue r a ve c de s i n ve s ti ss e m e n t s s t ra té- g i q ue s. »

c ’ét a it u n bud g et q ui a u ra it dû êt r e a ppuyé p ar le N o uve a u p ar ti dé mocra ti q ue», a con fié le député G ran t C rack. Le P ar ti p rogr e ss i s te- cons e r v a teu r a v a it déjà annonc é q u’il n ’ a ppuie ra it p as le bud- g et . L a r ép ons e du ch e f du NPD, A n d r e a H or w a t h , s ’e s t fa it q uel q ue peu a tte n d r e . Le 2 ma i, le NPD a fi na le m e n t dé c idé de n e p as a ppuye r le bud g et . Le s O n t ar ie ns s e ron t a i ns i con vié s a ux u rn e s le 12 jui n p rocha i n. Le go uve rn e m e n t libé ra l m i nor it a i r e a u ra d onc été a ux comman de s pe n d an t deux é conom i q ue d ans l a r é g i on. Le s cons e r v a - teu rs de l’O n t ar i o comm e nc e n t à mon t r e r leu r v ra i vi sag e et c ’e s t u n e hon te q ue l a can did a te cons e r v a t r i c e et Ti m Hud ak n e so utie nn e n t p as c e p ar te nar i a t vit a l a ve c S a i n t-Albe r t . N o t r e go uve rn e m e n t s e tie n t a ux c ôté s de l’O n t ar i o r u ra l, et je v a i s con ti- n ue r à pl a ide r e n fa veu r de l a cr é a ti on d’ a ut r e s e m pl o i s i c i, d ans no t r e comm u- na uté . » L a can did a te cons e r v a t r i c e d ans Gle n - garr y-P r e sco tt-Ru ss ell, R o x an e Ville n euve R o be r t son , dit q u’elle e s t con t r e de s con t r i- buti ons a ux e n t r ep r i s e s q u an d l a p ro vi nc e f e rm e deux co llè g e s agr i co le s , fa it fac e à u n e dette é norm e et q ue le s g e ns n e peuve n t p as p a ye r leu rs fac tu r e s d’Hyd ro. «Cel a n ’e s t p as u n e b onn e dé c i s i on. Je n e vi s e p as l a fromag e r ie . Je s ui s con t r e le ‘ cor - p ora te wel far e’ p o u r le s com p agn ie s. »


Tout comme la premièreministre Kathleen Wynne, le député provincial de Glengarry- Prescott-Russell, Grant Crack, s’est dit déçu que le Nouveau parti démocratique (NPD) n’ait pas appuyé le budget. «E s t- c e q ue j’ a i été s u r p r i s ? E n q uel q ue sor te, o ui, déçu pui sq ue je pe nsa i s q ue


La contribution provinciale à la recon- struction de la Fromagerie St-Albert est devenue un enjeu politique. L a s e ma i n e de rn iè r e, l a p r e m iè r e m i n i s t r e K a t h lee n Wy nn e a dé f e n du l a dé c i s i on du go uve rn e m e n t de fo u rn i r 1 m illi on $ à l a F romag e r ie coo pé ra tive St-Albe r t, a l ors q ue le p or te-p aro le de l’ o pp os iti on p o u r l’A gr i c ultu r e, E rn ie H ar de man , a dé c l ar é q ue c ’ét a it «l a pi r e chos e à fa i r e» . «L a F romag e r ie St-Albe r t e s t u n e p ar tie i m p or t an te de no t r e comm u na uté, a dé c l a - r é le député libé ra l de Gle ngarr y-P r e sco tt- Ru ss ell, G ran t C rack. Ave c l’ a ppui de no t r e go uve rn e m e n t, no u s s e rons e n m e s u r e de so ute n i r 110 e m pl o i s l oca ux bie n r é m u- n é r é s a i ns i q ue de s ti m ule r l a cro i ssanc e

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«...informations erronées...» À q uel q ue s r ep r i s e s a u co u rs de s de rn ie r mo i s , le p am p h let de p ro p agan de du c l an Guib or d a publié de s i nforma ti ons e rro - n ée s a u s ujet de Guy De s j ar di ns e n c e q ui conc e rn e son i m pli ca ti on d ans le s n é go - c i a ti ons de l’e n te n te de dép ar t p o u r D an iel G a tie n e n 2011 .

Je n e peux a lle r d ans le s dét a il s de s di s - c u ss i ons q ui on t eu lieu à h ui s c l os p arc e q u’elle s de m eu r e n t con fide n tielle s. M a i s je peux v o u s fa i r e p ar t du fa it q ue s uite à de s di sc u ss i ons q ue j’ a i eu a ve c q uel q ue s pe r - sonn e s i m pli q uée s d ans le d oss ie r. J’ a i l a f e rm e con vi c ti on q ue s i c e n ’eut été l a p r é- s e nc e de Guy De s j ar di ns , le s n é goc i a ti ons n e s e s e ra ie n t p as conc lue s p ar u n e e n te n te hors co u rs et q ue le s co ût s occas i onn ée s p ar l a Cité a u ra ie n t d onc été be a u co up plu s élevé s. Je s ui s con v a i nc u q ue s uite a ux i nforma ti ons ma i n te nan t r e n due s pu- bli q ue s et q ui fon t p r é s e n te m e n t p ar tie s de p roc édu r e s lé ga le s , l a co u r a u ra it t ranch é e n fa veu r de D an iel G a tie n et q ue le s fra i s d’ a v oca t d’ a pp ro xi ma tive m e n t $225,000 q ui on t déjà été dépe ns é s p o u r e n arr ive r à u n e e n te n te d ans c e d oss ie r a u ra ie n t été be a u co up plu s élevé s. Je te rm i n e e n di san t q ue je n e conna i s p as be a u co up de pe rsonn e s plu s i n tè gr e s q ue Guy De s j ar di ns. Je t ro uve dépl ora ble q u’ on s e s e r ve d’u n p am p h let de p ro p agan de ( o ui le Focus ), s ubve n ti onn é p ar le s t a xe s de s r é- s ide n t s de Cl ar e nc e-R ock l an d, p o u r no i rc i r sa r éput a ti on ma i n te nan t q u’il a annonc é sa can did a tu r e a u p os te de ma i r e a ux p ro - cha i n e s éle c ti ons. Je t ro uve ma l honn ête q ue le c l an Guib or d s e s e r ve de nos t a xe s p o u r publie r de s telle s conn e r ie s d ans le but de dé mo li r l a r éput a ti on d’u n de leu rs a dve rsa i r e s. Raymond Serrurier

Je di s e rron ée s p arc e q ue l’ a uteu r e de s ar ti c le s i ns i n ue q ue l a p r é s e nc e de Guy De s - j ar di ns d ans l’é q uipe de n é goc i a ti ons ( q ui i nc lu a ie n t le ma i r e a i ns i q ue l’ a v oca t de l a Cité) a u ra it bé n éfi c ié à D an iel G a tie n. Ce c i e s t t o t a le m e n t fa ux et je v a i s v o u s dé mon - t r e r q ue le con t ra i r e s ’e s t p ro duit . Je débute p ar v o u s expli q ue r l a p r é s e nc e de Guy De s j ar di ns s u r l’é q uipe de n é go - c i a ti ons. L ors de s p r e m iè r e s r éu n i ons du no uve a u cons eil e n 2010, il e s t vite deve n u évide n t q ue le c l an du ma i r e a v a it l’i n te n - ti on de t o ut fa i r e a fi n de s e déb arrass e r de D an iel G a tie n , le di r e c teu r g é n é ra l de l a Cité . Je n e cro i s p as q u’il e s t n é c e ssa i r e q ue j’ a ille d ans le s dét a il s pui sq ue l a s itu a - ti on fa it ma i n te nan t p ar tie de p roc édu r e s lé ga le s i n te n tée s con t r e c e r t a i ns m e m b r e s du p r é s e n t cons eil et a été s uffi samm e n t di sc utée d ans le s diffé r e n t s m édi a. Il s u f - fit de di r e q ue s uite à u n e di sc u ss i on a ve c m e ss ieu rs Be rnar d P a ye r et Mi ch el T h i- vie rg e, no u s a v ons de man dé à Guy De s j ar - di ns de no u s r ep r é s e n te r l ors de s n é goc i a - ti ons. N o u s v o uli ons no u s ass u r e r q ue le s i n té r êt s de l a Cité de Cl ar e nc e-R ock l an d et de s e s c it o ye ns so ie n t p ro té g é s.


Le 3 juillet 1954, il y a de cela 60 ans, Lucie Gendron et Louis Aubry unissent leur destinée dans l’église du Sacré-Cœur de Bourget, Ontario. Assisté de l’abbé Alphonse Lapointe, curé de Bourget, le R.P. Rodolphe Gendron, O.M.I. de l’Université d’Ottawa, professeur des deux époux, préside la cérémonie nuptiale. Lucie Gendron, fille du Dr Moïse Gendron (1899-1968) et Aline Gouin (1903-1997) de Bourget, naît le 17 avril 1927 à Chelmsford, Ontario. Suite à son diplôme d’infirmière licenciée, elle obtient un autre diplôme d’infirmière hygiéniste. Elle acquiert une grande expérience en assistant son père, un médecin de campagne. Lucie décède le 28 février 2012 Louis Aubry, fils d’Auguste–Eugène Aubry (1876-1958) et de Valéda Legault (1883-1942) d’Ottawa, Ontario, naît le 1er avril 1924 à Ottawa. Louis détient deux diplômes de l’Université d’Ottawa, Baccalauréat ès sciences commerciales ‘46 et Maîtrise en sciences de la santé ‘ 71. Étrangement, Lucie et Louis se rencontrent à Rockland où ils habitent depuis 1978. Lucie est Infirmière hygiéniste à l’ « Unité sanitaire » de Rockland » aujourd’hui le Bureau de santé. Louis séjourne les fins de semaine avec des amis dans un chalet sur la terre de Monsieur Irenee Pigeon, actuellement la propriété des Sœurs de la Charité d’Ottawa. À Montréal, Louis est étudiant à l’Université McGill, cours préparatoire au degré de comptable agréé. Comme infirmière, Lucie est à l’emploi de Trans– Canada Airlines, aujourd’hui Air Canada.

Auguste-Eugène Aubry et Valéda Legault

Moïse Gendron et Aline Gouin

Les carrières poursuivies par Louis permettent à la famille de connaître trois provinces : le Québec comme administrateur chez Philippe Beaubien et Cie Ltée, au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke et à l’Institut Val-du- Lac de Rock Forest, l’Ontario à Radio-Canada et à l’Hôpital Montfort ainsi que le Manitoba à Radio-Canada. On dit que « les voyages forment la jeunesse »; leurs trois garçons en bénificient sûrement. Ce sont Sylvain d’Amos époux de Lise Côté; Daniel de Laval époux de Monique Lavoie et Benoît d’Ottawa. Ils sont les grands-parents de Marc de Mont-Tremblant et Thomas de Laval.

Louis Aubry et Lucie Gendron, 3 juil. 1954

Son logo est choisi

Billie-Anne Thibault, élève de l’École secondaire catholique L’Escale de Rockland,aétéfélicitéepour son œuvre d’art qui a été sélectionnée comme logo pour le 125e anniversaire de la paroisse Très-Sainte- Trinité. Le concours était lancé par le Club Richelieu de Rockland. Le Club a remis une somme de 100 dollars à la gagnante. Sur la photo, dans l’ordre habituel: Pierre Grandmaître, président du Club Richelieu, Billie- Anne Thibault et Danielle Reinhardt, responsable du concours.

Lucie et Louis en 2004


Louis AUBRY —Lucie GENDRON (Moïse et Aline GOUIN) Mariés le 3 juillet 1954 en l’église Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus, Bourget, Ontario (BMS) Auguste-Eugène AUBRY —Valéda LEGAULT (Théodule et Célina LAROCQUE) Mariés le 23 avril 1912 en la Cathédrale Notre-Dame, Ottawa, Ontario (BMS) François-Xavier AUBRY —Édesse CHARLEBOIS (Basile et Josephte RACICOT) Mariés le 30 septembre 1861 en l’église Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, Montebello, Bas- Canada (BMS) François AUBRY —Marie-Reine BEAUCHAMP (Jacques et Marguerite BAULNE) Mariés le 18 juillet 1825 à St-Eustache, Bas-Canada (BMS) Pierre AUBRY ditTHECLE—Marguerite LAVOIE (René et Madeleine DUBEAU) Mariés le 29 janvier 1787 à St-Laurent, Île-de-Montréal, Canada (BMS) François AUBRY —Cécile GROULX (Jean et Marie-Jeanne COUSINEAU) Mariés le 13 octobre 1749 à St-Laurent, Île-de-Montréal, Nouvelle-France (BMS) François AUBRY —Marie-Jeanne TÊTU dit BOUTEILLER (Jean et Marie MORIN) Mariés le 23 septembre 1708 à Montréal, Nouvelle-France (DGFQ) Tec-Cornélius AUBRY ditTHECLE— Jeanne CHARTIER (Pierre et Marie GAUDON) Mariés le 10 septembre 1670 à Québec, Nouvelle-France (DFTec Cornelius Aubrenan) Connor O’BRAONAIN —Honora O’CONNOR Ils sont originaires de Dysert-on-the Dinen, Irlande (DFTec Cornelius Aubrenan) BRUNCH DE LA FÊTE DES PÈRES Le dimanche le 15 juin, les festivités du 125e anniversaire de la Très-Sainte-Trinité débuteront officiellement avec la messe de consécration de l’église. Nous publierons sous peu le programme de cette somptueuse célébration sous l’égide de Mgr Terrence Prendergast. La messe sera suivie d’un brunch qui sera servi à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb à compter de midi (954, rue Giroux, Rockland). Au menu : jus d’orange et de pomme, oeufs brouillés, jambon rôti et cassonade, saucissesau lard,pommesde terre rôties,bacon,crêpesmaisonetsirop,variétéde fruits frais, croissants et muffins, café et thé On peut se procurer des billets au coût de 25 $ aux endroits suivants: - salle des Chevaliers de Colomb de Rockland - presbytère - CaisseTrillium, centre de services Rockland

P ho t o fo u rn ie

14 857,53 $ AMASSÉS La Banque Scitia Rockland aimerait remercier tous les gens et les commerçants de la région qui ont participé à cette magnifique collecte de fonds pour la Fondation des maladies du cœur.

Scotia Bank Rockland would like to thank all the residents and merchants who took part in our fundraiser for the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

PARTICIPANTSAUBIGBIKEETAUBBQ: •BIGBIKEANDBBQPARTICIPANTS: Assurances Bélanger • Autopro • Banque RBC • Bar Sportif GAB’s Sports Bar • L’Boulangerie Julie

- pharmacie Jean Coutu - épicerie Independent

Booster Juice • Café Bocado • Café Joël • Caisse populaire Trillium Cité de Clarence-Rockland City • Curves • Giant Tiger Rockland Grenon Votre épicier indépendant • Jewel 92,5 • Home Hardware Rockland M & M Meat Shops • Pierre Morin Automobiles Potvin Construction • Rockland Marine • Shoppers Drug Mart • Studio Aqua Touch of Distinction • Club Richelieu • Walmart Rockland

Merci à tous nos supporteurs Thank you to all our supporters


Green Party candidate wants to rally youth vote

St. Martin understands the struggles of students wanting to further their education and training. He is studying at Montréal’s McGill University, doing a major degree in anthropology and two minors in political science and the social study of medicine. Fi- nished for the summer season and ready to campaign, he notes that entering into the political arena was not on his agenda when the past term began. “I’ve always been passionate about poli- tics,” he said, “but I’ve always considered myself impartial too.” St. Martin’s efforts to remain unpartisan ended after reviewing the Green Party plat- form. He thinks it has a better economic strategy than the Progressive Conservatives and an overall better position on environ- mental issues in general compared to On- tario’s other political groups. He signed up and also put his name in as the candidate nominee for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. While a newcomer to the provincial arena, he believes he has a chance to make an im- pression at the polls.

him a candidate young voters can relate to, identify with, and maybe encourage them to be more politically involved too. “I would hope I could light that flame,” he said, “to get students involved.” Living close to the Delorme potato pro- cessing plant in Curran, St. Martin identifies with local farmers’ concerns about getting more of a market share for their produce. He also noted how small dépanneurs and other local grocery outlets in outlying vil- lages and hamlets are closing down, forcing more residents to have to drive to larger urban areas and shop at Big Box grocery chains. Those franchise outlets, St. Martin said, do not have a commitment to provi- ding shelf space for local produce. To help local agribusiness, St. Martin would like a program that helps promote creation of local farmers markets. He would like to see a more solid provincial govern- ment commitment to funding support for Alfred College for the benefit of local students who want to follow agriculture as a career.


CURRAN | The Green Party candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell is after the youth vote in the riding and he’s already made a campaign promise that his rivals may find hard to beat. If elected, Raymond St. Martin has pledged to turn over half of his MPP salary to the community of Glengarry-Prescott- Russell. What he would like to see that money used for, assuming he wins the June election ballot for the riding, is a scholarship fund to help more high school students from Glengarry-Prescott-Schools go on to either college or university. “Fifty per cent of that (MPP) salary is more than enough for me,” said the 22-year-old Curran resident during a phone interview May 5. The current average salary for Ontario MPPs is capped at $116,500 a year. MPP salaries have remained frozen for the past five years. The usual practice is for MPP sala- ries to be 75 per cent of what a sitting MP makes. Right now the average federal MP gets a base pay of $160,200, which includes a 1.6-per cent increase for the 2013-2014 fiscal period. MPPs would need a six-per cent increase in their base pay to still meet the old 75-per cent ratio with their federal counterparts.

“It really comes down to who’s going to be the best person to represent the com- munity,” he said. St. Martin hopes to galvanize the youth vote in the riding because his age makes


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communautaire Le lien


BOURGET Le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie avec l’appui du Comité de loisirs de Bourget offrira des groupes d’exercices légers gratuits à la communauté. Les sessions se dérouleront lesmercredis soirsde18h30à19h30auCentrecommunautaire. Inscriptions et renseignements: Monique au 613 487-2464. CLARENCE CREEK Les Chevaliers de Colomb, conseil 6881 de Clarence Creek, organisent un souper de barbottes, le 9 mai, à 17h, au Centre récréatif de Clarence Creek. Renseignements : Rémi Lalonde au 613 488-2258. ORLÉANS Les gens intéressés à se joindre à la Ligue de fer d’Orléans peuvent joindre Pierre Landriault au 613 830-4061. Les matchs seront disputés tous les mercredis soir du mois de mai à la fin du mois d’août. PLANTAGENET Le 3 e tournoi de golf annuel des Services aux victimes de Prescott-Russell aura lieu le 13 juin, à 13h, au club de golf Nation, à Curran. Renseignements et inscriptions : Robert Roy au 613-446-5366 ou le 613 325-4358. ROCKLAND Les Voyageurs de Clarence-Rockland, club bilingue Toastemasters, organisent une journée porte ouverte, le 27 mai. Apprenez à parler en publique, a présenté et plus encore. Renseignements : Rachel au 613 805-1010 où visiter le clarencerockland. Le 24 mai aura lieu la présentation du concert «Concert-L’Evangile en musique» à l’église Très-Sainte-Trinité, à 19h30. Choristes toujours recherchés. Parents et enfants bienvenus. Les répétitions ont lieu tous les mardis à 19h (sauf le 15 avril). Renseignements : Jean au 613 697 0386. Pour les célibataires: RDVDoux vous invite. Il y aura une sortie aux quilles, le 9mai, à 19 h, au centre de Bowling d’Orléans. Renseignement : visiter la page Facebook (inscrire : Les Rendez-vous Doux de Rockland) où envoyez un courriel à redvdoux2014@gmail. com pour vous inscrire. Le Regroupement de Scout Francophone 64e Clarence-Rockland organise une col- lecte de bouteilles vides, le 17 mai, à l’église Sainte-Trinité, de 10h à 14h. WENDOVER Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover organisent un souper fève au lard et macaroni tous les deuxièmes vendredis de chaque mois. Le prochain souper aura lieu le 9 mai. Renseignements : Gilbert 613 673-2639. Souper de Barbottes le 16 mai au Centre Lucien Delorme organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover. Renseignements Gilbert 613-673-2639. CLARENCE-ROCKLAND Fanfare, Clarence-Rockland’s community band, is looking for more musicians to help fill its woodwind and brass sections. Preferences are for trumpeters, trombonists, saxo- phone players, flautists, clarinetists, and tuba players along with all woodwind instru- ment players. Phone Roméo Rochon at 446-4325. CUMBERLAND The Social Justice Committee of St. Margaret Mary Parish presents the movie, Mary of Nazareth, May 17, 9 a.m., at the Landmark Theatre, 3752 Innes Road in Orléans. This is a parish fundraiser to support local charities like the Shepherds of Good Hope and The Mission, which assist families in need, and also to support overseas relief efforts. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. For ticket purchases phone Sue at 613-419-0814 or Bob at 613-841-0646. CURRAN St. Luc Parish in Curran hosts its Third Annual Golf Tournament, June 1, at The Nation Golf Course on County Road 19. The tournament is part of the 175 th anniversary events for the parish. Registration fee $100 for golf cart, dinner, and prize entries. Dinner alone $30. For more registration details phone Benoît at 613-673-5490, Richard at 673-5554, Robert at 673-5895, or Daniel at 446-0555. Reservation deadline May 25. RICEVILLE Riceville Agricultural Society hosts its Annual Mother’s Day Brunch May 11, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the South Plantagenet Municipal Hall at 3210 County Road 9. Menu fea- tures home fries, ham, bacon, sausage, baked beans, pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, salads, and a variety of homemade desserts. Cost $13 adults, $6 children ages 6 to 12. ROCKLAND Clarence-Rockland Public Library continues its year-long 75th anniversary cele- bration with Girls Night Out, May 9, at the library. Advance tickets $10 or $15 at the door. Limited number of tickets available. For details go to www.biblibclarence- 1st Rockland Scouts hold their 27th Annual Flea Market May 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Grenon Your Indpendent Grocer parking lot at the corner of Laurier Street and Heritage Street. Table spots available for $20. For reservations phone Loretta at 613- 446-7152 or register online at Setup time is 7 to 8:45 a.m. There will also be a barbecue and car wash. In case of rain the flea market will be on May 24 at the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena parking lot. La Friperie de Rockland, 2815 Chamberland Street is open Thursday and Friday, 1 to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds for Rockland Food Bank. community link The

Heartfelt jumping

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

The students at Rockland Public School turned out, 350-strong, all-day Friday onMay 2 for Jump Rope for Heart to help raisemoney, and attention, for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Classes took turns heading outside to skip rope, with some especially skillful leapers sharing a single rope between them, or else doing a hop, skip and bop-til-you-drop slamjam danceathon inside the school gym. Teacher-sponsors are now in the process of tallying up the pledges and donations students collected for the event.

28 100 copies

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , Paulo Casimiro , Directeur • Director , François Bélair , Directeur de ventes et développement • Director of Sales and Development , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Julien Boisvenue , Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse / Layout & Prepress Mgr. , Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles : • News: Classées • Classified :

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Publié tous les jeudis par Vision Prescott-Russell Inc., une filiale de: Published every Thursday by Vision Prescott-Russell Inc., a division of: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell

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Pelle en main pour un projet de résidence

terre.» Aujourd’hui, c’est le groupe Ontario Retirement Residences qui a manifesté son intérêt pour la gestion de la résidence. Si tout se déroule comme prévu, la résidence, qui devrait porter le nom de Manoir Rockland, serait prête à accueillir ses premiers résidents d’ici l’automne 2015. La résidence, évaluée a environ 22 millions de dollars, devrait être construite le long de la route 17, à l’arrière de la clinique de l’Équipe de santé familiale Clarence-Rockland, tout juste à l’avant de l’épicerie Food Basics. Il s’agira d’une résidence à la fine pointe qui répondra aux besoins des résidents, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la santé. «On veut vraiment se concentrer sur les

soins de santé, a précisé Robert Lemay. On comptera un personnel infirmier d’environ 25 employés à temps plein et à temps partiel.» Les résidents pourront également se prémunir d’un dispositif d’urgence pour avertir le personnel infirmier en cas d’incident. Il y aura également une salle où seront offerts des soins assistés avec une option de modifier progressivement les soins. Le projet devrait également être divisé en deux phases. La première phase comptera 109 appartements. Un mélange d’unités du genre studio et des unités pour double

occupation. On prévoit la création de 60 emplois à temps plein et à temps partiel. La deuxième phase est évaluée à environ 7millions de dollars. Elle inclura notamment l’ajout de nouvelles unités qui devraient créer 20 emplois supplémentaires. La résidence comprendra également: une salle d’exercice, une chapelle, un café bistro 24 heures, un bar, un théâtre de même qu’une salle réservée aux familles des résidents. Ajoutez à cela un transport par autobus adapté ainsi qu’une piste cyclable. Celle-ci sera raccordée à la piste cyclable municipale.


Le projet d’une nouvelle résidence pour personnes âgées à Rockland pourrait finalement démarrer vers la fin de l’été. Depuis plusieurs mois maintenant, le promoteur du projet, Robert Lemay, s’affairait à obtenir les permis pour la construction. «On avait un problème avec le fait que le terrain était désigné plaine inondable, a confié Robert Lemay. On est en train de régler le tout et on espère d’ici la fin de l’été, on aura la première pelletée de

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1125, rue Tupper, Hawkesbury

The Torch Run races through Rockland  gŏđŏ police beat

“It is now the largest single-source of rev- enue for Special Olympics,”said Bill Dickson, Eastern Ontario Torch Run coordinator. Police and other law-enforcement agen- cies, with support fromvarious other groups and individuals carry the “Flame of Hope” along designated routes in every participat- ing province and state. In Ontario the Torch Run through the eastern region goes down to Cornwall and then into Southern Ontar- io. Later in the month, the Eastern Ontario Torch Run will follow up the Ottawa Valley. All donations, revenue from sales of T- shirts and other Torch Run memorabilia goes to the Special Olympics. In Ontario more than 19,000 athletes involved in the Special Olympics program receive help from the Torch Run. Dickson noted that these young people and adults benefit from Special Olympics not just in having a healthier lifestyle, but also from improved self-esteem, a sense of being more involved in their community, and enjoying the chance to meet, compete and make friends with other people. The Rockland leg of the Torch Run fol- lowed Laurier Street from the SmartCentre mall, with a detour up by the schools, and then back to Laurier. The Torch was then taken to Hawkesbury for the next leg of the journey. More information on the Torch Run, in- cluding how to donate, is available at www. Domestic assault A 911 call on May 1 saw police stepping in between a couple having a fight. Police ar- rived on the scene on Edwards Street where a couple had been arguing over relation- ship issues and then the dispute escalated to physical blows on both sides. After some questioning, police have charged a 32-year-old Rockland woman with two counts of spousal assault and one of domestic mischief. She is scheduled to appear in provincial court May 14 in L’Orignal on the charges. Copper theft Copper wire remains a prime target for some thieves because of its salvage value on the world metals market. Rockland OPP detachment received a call May 2 about a break-in in the Caron Street area. The thieves made their way into a commercial trailer and stole a quantity of copper wire and some line supplies. Marks on the lock securing the trailer show bolt-cutters were used to gain entry. Anyone with information on the break-in and theft can contact Const. Joe Barbe at the Rockland OPP station at 613-446-5124 or call the CrimeStoppers toll-free confiden- tial tips line at 1-800-222-8477. The Hawkesbury OPP have their own case of copper thieves on the loose. The Hydro One lot on Skye Road in The Nation muni- cipality was hit sometime between April 24 and 28. The thieves cut a hole in the fencing of the outside storage yard, slipped inside and then left with more than $3000 worth of copper wiring. Anyone with information about this theft can call Const. Mario Gratton at the Hawkesbury OPP detachment at 613-632- 2729 or else call the CrimeStoppers tips line and leave a message. Tips that help solve a case may be eligible for a reward.

ROCKLAND | The Monday morning skies were starting to clear and the warm sun beginning to beam down as about a do- zen police officers and others gathered at the WalMart parking lot in Rockland for the start of the latest leg of the Law Enfor- cement Special Olympics Torch Run. The annual fundraiser event began in 1981 in Wichita, Kansas when local police and sheriff’s office staff brainstormed on community projects. Since then it has be- come a global phenomenon, taking place in more than 30 countries on every conti- nent with China the latest addition to the roster.

Photo Gregg Chamberlain



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$ 16,433 ‡



HWY: 5.3 L/100 KM CITY: 7.6 L/100 KM ʈ






HWY: 5.8 L/100 KM CITY: 8.5 L/100 KM ʈ


Limited model shown ʕ Selling Price: $23,935



SE w/ Tech model shown ʕ Selling Price: $26,863





HWY: 5.3 L/100 KM CITY: 7.5 L/100 KM ʈ

$ 14,397 ‡





GLS model shown ʕ Selling Price: $19,415





HWY: 7.3 L/100 KM CITY: 10.2 L/100 KM ʈ

$ 27,414 ‡




Limited model shown ʕ Selling Price: $38,584

TM The Hyundai names, logos, product names, feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. †Finance offer available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 2014 Elantra L 6-Speed Manual/Elantra GT L 6-Speed Manual/Accent 4-Door L Manual/Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD with an annual finance rate of 0%/0.9%/0%/0.9% for 96 months. Bi-weekly payments are $79/$96/$69/$137. $0 down payment required. Cost of Borrowing is $0/$711/$0/$1,009. Finance offer includes Delivery and Destination of $1,595/$1,595/$1,595/$1,795, fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Finance offer excludes registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. Delivery and Destination charge includes dealer to customer rebate of up to $499, freight, P.D.E. and a full tank of gas. ‡Dealer Invoice Price of 2014 Elantra L 6-Speed Manual/ Elantra GT L 6-Speed Manual/Accent 4-Door L Manual/Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD are $16,433/$19,318/$14,397/$27,414. Prices include price adjustments of $1,197/$862/$783/$1,316 and includes Delivery and Destination of $1,595/$1,595/$1,595/$1,795, fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Finance offer excludes registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. The customer prices are those reflected on the dealer invoice from Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. The dealer invoice price includes a holdback amount for which the dealer is subsequently reimbursed by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. ΩPrice adjustments are calculated against the vehicle’s starting price. Price adjustments of up to $1,197/$862/$783/$1,316 available on in stock 2014 Elantra L 6-Speed Manual/Elantra GT L 6-Speed Manual/Accent 4-Door L Manual/Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD. Price adjustments applied before taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. ʕ Price of models shown (with Price Adjustments): 2014 Elantra Limited/Elantra GT SETech 6-Speed Automatic/Accent 4 Door GLS/ /Santa Fe 2.0T Limited AWD are $23,935/$26,863/$19,415/$38,584. Prices include Price Adjustments of $1,445/$1,667/$1,133/$2,446, Delivery and Destination charges of $1,595/$1,595/$1,595/$1,795 fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Prices exclude registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. ʈ Fuel consumption for new 2014 Elantra L Manual (HWY 5.3L/100KM; City 7.6.L/100KM); 2014 Elantra GT L Manual (HWY 5.8L/100KM; City 8.5L/100KM); 2014 Accent 4-Door L (HWY 5.3L/100KM; City 7.5L/100KM); 2014 Santa Fe Sport 2.4L FWD (HWY 7.3L/100KM; City10.2.L/100KM) are based on Manufacturer Testing. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving conditions and the addition of certain vehicle accessories. Fuel economy figures are used for comparison purposes only. †‡Ω ʕ Offers available for a limited time. Dealer may sell for less. Dealer order may be required. Visit or see dealer for complete details.The SiriusXM TM name is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. ††Hyundai’s Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers most vehicle components against defects in workmanship under normal use and maintenance conditions. 5-year/100,000 km Comprehensive Limited Warranty †† 5-year/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty 5-year/100,000 km Emission Warranty PLUS GET 0 % † FINANCING FOR 96 MONTHS

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