Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Policy SEND | 2024-2025
Rachel Robertson March 2024
Annual Update
Version control is to be employed for any amendments to the content which result in substantive changes to the meaning, intent or outcome of the policy or process described within and must be approved by the Executive Committee. Spelling mistakes or other typographical errors are not required to be subject to Version Control.
Director of Learner Services
Chief Executive Officer
APPROVAL CONTROL Approval of this Policy and subsequent amendments is by the Board DATE APPROVED APPROVED REQUIRED BY July 24 Quality Governance Board July 24 Chief Executive Officer
Director of Learner Services
July 25
Quality Governance Board
Quality Governance Board
July 25
Chief Executive Officer
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Objectives ...............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Compliance ...........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Coverage .................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Implementation ..................................................................................................................................................................................6 Education Health and Care Plans (EHCp) ...................................................................................................................... 7 Training and Development ........................................................................................................................................................8 Reasonable Adjustments and Extra Exam Arrangements.................................................................................8 Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................................................................................9 Complaints .............................................................................................................................................................................................11 Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
SEND Policy | 2024-2025
It is SCL Group’s intent to be a fully inclusive provider of post -16 education and training through the implementation of a support provision for learners with SEND needs. SCL Group are ambitious and have high expectations that the impact of this provision will ensure all learners have an equal opportunity to achieve. In conjunction with the SEND Strategy and CIP, SCL Group strive to ensure that learners with SEND needs are enabled to access and engage in high quality education and training to achieve their aspirations and goals, to make progress and fulfil their potential. SCL Group are committed to: o Offering outstanding support and guidance to learners o Affording a range of opportunities and curriculum offers to enable independence, and motivate learning to achieve aspirations and goals towards future education and employment o Multi-agency working including with parents/carers to ensure the best outcomes for learners o Providing a high standard of delivery in the classroom, venue and/or workplace
The objectives of our policy are, to: o Work within the current legislation and guidance provided
o Ensure early interventions are in place to identify and monitor a learner’s individual needs so that appropriate provision and arrangements to allow learners to be able to meet and exceed their aspirations and goals. This includes liaison with Employers, mainstream education and the relevant Local Authority.
o Raise Group-wide awareness of the need to identify and support learners with specific needs o Negotiate and agree with learners the milestones and targets to achieve and exceed their goals and aspirations. o Provide support and training to colleagues regarding learners with special educational needs o Implement an effective, adaptive and inclusive curriculum to meet the needs of learners with special educational needs where applicable o Partnership working with external agencies and stakeholders to ensure a common goal with the learner and improve outcomes
SCL Group is compliant with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), Equality Act 2010 and Ofsted EIF (2023).
Ofsted’s, Education Inspection Framework (2023)
‘The quality of provision for learners who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, a much broader group than those attracting high-needs funding, will always be considered during the inspection of any type of provision.’
Equality Act (2010)
Many of these learners may have a disability/difficulty under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. SEND Code of Practice 2016 It is our statutory duty to identify, assess and provide support for young people with SEND: o To co-operate with the local authority on arrangements for children and young people with SEND. o To admit a young person if the institution if named in an EHC plan. o To have regard to the Code of Practice. o To use best endeavours to secure the special educational provision that the young person needs
SEND is the overarching term used for learners with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability. This includes learners who have a diagnosed Learning Difficulty and/or Disability – LDD, such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum Conditions, mobility and dexterity, hearing impairment or ADHD. These learners could have a: o Statement of Educational Needs (SENs) o Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs) or o Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) However, it also refers to those with a diagnosed LDD but without SENs, LDAs, or EHCPs, and those with an undiagnosed LDD – a Learning Need (LN). Despite an adaptive and inclusive curriculum, learners may require interventions to further support their progression and achievement For example, where a learner: o Makes little or no progress when teaching approaches are targeted to their need o Show signs of difficulty in developing skills in literacy and/or numeracy o Shows persistent signs of emotional or mental health difficulties, which are not addressed through the strategies at SCL Group o Has physical or sensory problems and despite specialist equipment being provided still makes little or no progress o Has communication and/or interaction difficulties which lead to them making little or no progress o Has concerns referred by delivery colleagues
Support for learners is individualised and tailored to meet their needs. Learners sharing the same barrier may receive differing support dependent upon the impact on learning.
Support is not attached to a qualification aim and is above and beyond that of everyday delivery. SCL Group endeavour to meet the needs of every learner within the classroom through careful planning, appropriate teaching, and strategic use of the resources available. Where careful identification and assessment procedures highlight a learner is not making adequate progress the delivery colleague, SEND team and parents/carers will review the strategies and approaches currently being used and consider ways that these may be developed. SCL Group currently follows the guidance contained in the SEND Code of Practice (2016). The code does not assume that there are fixed categories of special educational need but recognises that learners’ needs and requirements may fall within or across four broad areas:
o Communication and interaction o Cognition and Learning o Social, emotional, and mental health o Sensory and/or physical
SCL Group do not attempt to fit learners into any of these categories but aim to identify each area requiring development by considering the individual. SCL Group do not, therefore, aim to label or diagnose a learner but use these categories to help to implement support
As part of the transition process from mainstream education to SCL Group, the Learning Support & SEND team will review the Education Health and Care plan (EHCp) from the previous education provider to ensure the learner’s needs are understood and supported. Through Local Authority consultation, placement for learners with an EHCp will be considered based on Section F outcomes and SCL Group's ability to meet these needs. In instances where the EHCp is not available prior to start because the learner did not disclose or the Local Authority has not shared timely, the LS & SEND team will endeavour to have support in place as timely as possible.
The LS & SEND team will work with the relevant Local Authority to complete the Annual Review of the EHCp. Prior to the EHCp Annual Review meetings, the LS & SEND team will work with colleagues and parents to ensure all information is available to inform the review
Colleagues will be provided with relevant training and ongoing CPD to develop their skills and confidence. This will include training for colleagues to enable positive and inclusive recruitment and early intervention of support. Including:
o New Starter training through Induction/Onboarding o Theme specific training – SpLDs, Delivery Strategies, etc o Internal/External training for Learning Support & SEND team o Group-wide monthly updates o Group-wide training specific to role
Learners who require Reasonable Adjustments and/or Exam Access Arrangements (EEAs)will have information submitted for approval to the relevant parties based upon the evidence gathered as per the process. Where a learner has a specific need e.g. wheelchair access SCL Group will make reasonable adjustments to ensure the needs are met. If a learner is transferring with additional needs highlighted in a Statement/Education Health and Care plan, SCL Group will endeavour to meet the learner’s needs. The continuation of this support may require negotiation with an appropriate officer of the relevant LA to ensure funding is available to meet these needs. Please refer to Exam Access Arrangements Policy.
Group Director of Learner Services reporting to Executive team
o Up-to date and knowledgeable about legislation and funding o Monitoring and evaluating how resources and budgets are deployed. o Create and drive the SEND Continuous Improvement Plan as an integral part of monitoring quality in the overall Quality Improvement Plan and the Company’s Self -Assessment Report (SAR). o Contributing to and leading the continuing professional development [CPD] of colleagues o Liaising with external agencies and working in partnership with Learning Support Manager o Scrutinising data to identify learners requiring extra support, guiding, and advising on setting individual targets and intervention strategies to support progression and achievement. o Support in monitoring the quality and maintenance of records on all learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities o LS & SEND offer is highlighted in prospectus and made available via the SCL website and Local Offer.
Learning Support Manager – reporting to Group Director of Learner Services
o Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the provision o Supporting colleagues and assisting them in identifying, assessing, and planning to ensure learner’s needs are met and progress is relative to their anticipated outcomes. o Contributing to the continuing professional development [CPD] of colleagues o Ensuring statement/EHC plan reviews are conducted appropriately with a learner-centred approach being at the heart of the reviews o Complete high-needs funding applications and consultations to secure funding with the relevant local authority o Liaising with external agencies and working in partnership with parents, tutors and assigned Learning Support & SEND team o Transition liaison with secondary schools and post-16 providers o Scrutinising data to identify learners in need of extra support in collaboration with the Group Director of Learner Services o Setting of individual targets and intervention strategies to support progression in collaboration with the Learning Support & SEND team. o Monitoring the quality and maintenance of records on all learners with special educational needs
o Monitor and ensure appropriate and effective use of funds o Managing the day-to-day activities of the Learning Support & SEND team
Annual Review and PEP Coordinator reporting to the Learning Support Manager
o Arrange and schedule Annual Reviews and PEP meetings timely o Collate high-quality feedback from all parties to perform a comprehensive review/meeting o Conduct PEP meetings timely o Conduct Annual Reviews timely o Conduct Emergency Reviews for learners where an EHCp is not up to date o Conduct Exit Reviews for learners leaving SCL o Liaise with key stakeholders to ensure learner needs are met and the organisation remains informed o Input to Policies and Procedures o Deliver training and CPD activities o Support the Learning Support Manager and Group Director of Learner Services Learning Support Coach – Team Leaders reporting to the Learning Support Manager o Support the Learning Support Manager in the day-to-day team activities o Ensuring administration is completed and to a high standard o Monitoring Learning Support Coach (LSC) performance and supporting/supervising where necessary o Supporting and delivering CPD and continuous improvement o Caseload management o Conducting 121 and performance reviews with the broader team o Conducting Learning Walks in venues to monitor support delivery and inform improvements Learning Support Coach (LSC) reporting to Learning Support Manager with the support of the Learning Support Coach – Team Leaders o Plan to ensure learner’s needs are met and progress is relative to their starting points and anticipated outcomes o Work in partnership with parents/carers to provide support and access to services o Maintain appropriate records and evidence on each learner individualised to their needs o Identify learners and monitor evidence collation and submission for access arrangements in examinations
o Set individual targets and intervention strategies to support progression and achievement. o Work collaboratively with delivery colleagues to establish best practices and support strategies for learners with needs o Be advocates of SCL Group and promote inclusivity o Adhere to the values and culture of SCL Group o Partake in CPD and training as directed by the Learning Support Manager and/or Learning Support Coach – Team Leaders o Attend team meetings and Group-wide events where applicable o Any other duties deemed necessary to support the needs of learners.
Delivery Colleagues
o Exercise good practice in respect of an inclusive learning environment o Maintaining appropriate records and evidence of support for learners with LDD/EHCp o Provide high-quality feedback for reviews/meetings when requested o Working collaboratively with the Learning Support & SEND team to establish best practices and support strategies to meet the needs of learners o Identify learners, collect evidence and submit requests for access arrangements in examinations
Wider Organisation
o Implementation of the SEND Policy o Implementation and support the SEND Strategy and QIP
o Promote equality, equity and inclusivity to enable learning opportunities o Adhere to the SEND Code of Practice (2016) and the Equality Act (2010) o Ensure the safeguarding of learners particularly those that are vulnerable/high needs
Any complaint concerning the provision should be initially discussed with the Delivery teams and the Learning Support Manager.
This can be further escalated to include the Group Director of Learner Services.
Matters that are not resolved will then be addressed by the Executive team.
Learning Support Manager
Sarah Drury – Sarah.Drury@wearescl.co.uk
Group Director of Learner Services
Rachel Robertson – Rachel.Robertson@wearescl.co.uk
Learning Support – learningsupport@wearescl.co.uk
Sensitive documentation should be sent to ehcp.secure@wearescl.co.uk
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