Elevate August 2020 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine



Norveška / Norway Gde vladaju foke i orlovi WHERE SEALS AND EAGLES REIGN



Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan.

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our Lounge is both safe and pleasant.

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

AT A GLANCE, OUR TASK IS to transport people and goods to different destinations around the world every day. Howe- ver, we at Air Serbia believe that we do so much more than that. We build bridges that connect friends, family members and business associates, and which create new friends. We bring different cultures closer together, linking countries and connecting economies through our network. And in doing this we strive to make the world a better place. We want to leave our mark, but to reduce our carbon footprint. Sustainability, the protection of natural reso-

NA PRVI POGLED NAŠA ULOGA JE da svakodnevno pre- vozimo ljude i transportujemo robu na različite destinacije. Međutim, mi u Er Srbiji verujemo da radimo mnogo više od toga. Mi gradimo mostove koji spajaju prijatelje, članove porodica i poslovne saradnike kojima se stvaraju nova pri- jateljstva. Približavamo različite kulture, povezujemo drža- ve i ekonomije kroz našu mrežu. Čineći sve to, trudimo se da svet učinimo boljim mestom. Želimo da ostavimo trag, ali da smanjimo karbonski otisak.

Održivost, zaštita prirodnih resursa, briga o ši- roj društvenoj zajednici, kao i bezbednost i do- brobit naših putnika i zaposlenih utkani su u sva- ki segment poslovanja Er Srbije . Fokusirani smo na redukciju emisije gasova koji stvaraju efekat staklene bašte i na poboljšanje uticaja na život- nu sredinu. To postižemo unapređivanjem opera- cija, uvođenjem inicijativa za recikliranje, angažo- vanjem naših zaposlenih, radom sa institucijama Vlade Srbije, optimizacijom pilotskih procedu- ra, promenama u zemaljskim pripremama za let, usmeravanjem procedura održavanja, kao i sma- njenjem težine aviona i svega što ulazi u avion. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, o tome postoji posebna stranica na našem sajtu. Tokom proteklih 12 mese- ci uspeli smo da emisiju ugljen-dioksida smanjimo za gotovo 3.000 tona. Pratimo i merimo postignu- te rezultate i uvek se trudimo da učinimo više zato što i najsitnija poboljšanja prave razliku. Želim da naglasim – zajedno smo jači; ostva- rujemo bolje rezultate kada radimo zajedno. Kada svako pruža svoj doprinos, postižu se najbolji rezul- tati. Možda ste primetili da je magazin sada u sma- njenom formatu i na izmenjenoj vrsti papira. Ništa revolucionarno, ali ipak ćemo zahvaljujući toj ma- loj promeni doprineti smanjenju emisije ugljen-di- oksida za 14 tona na godišnjem nivou. Pozivam i vas da svakodnevno činite male korake da bismo na- šu kuću sačuvali za buduće generacije. Kad god imate priliku, koristite stepenice umesto lifta i bi- cikl umesto automobila; ne ostavljajte vodu da te- če dok perete zube; gasite svetlo kada niste u pro- storiji; reciklirajte, jer svaka tona recikliranog papira spasava 17 stabala. Budimo odgovorni jer zajedno možemo sve! Jedna od destinacija na kojima možete zaista da uživate u prirodi je Oslo, naša najnovija destina- cija u Skandinaviji. U magazinu možete da se upo-

urces and care for the broader community, as well as the safety and well-being of our passengers and employees, are firmly embedded in the DNA of Air Serbia’s operations. We are focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving our en- vironmental impact. And we deliver on this through improvements to our operations, through the intro- ducing of recycling initiatives, engaging our em- ployees, cooperating with government institutions, optimising pilot procedures, modifying ground pre- parations for flights, streaming maintenance proce- dures and reducing the weight of aircraft and everyt- hing we place aboard aircraft. If you are interested, we have a dedicated section on our official websi- te. We have managed to reduce our carbon-dioxi- de emissions by almost three thousand tonnes over last 12 months. We monitor and measure the results achieved, and we always strive to do more, because even the slightest improvements make a difference. I would like to emphasise that we are stronger together; that we deliver more when we work toget- her. When everyone contributes, the best results are achieved. You may have noticed that this magazine is now smaller, with a different type of paper. That’s nothing revolutionary, but we are helping to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by 14 tonnes annually wi- th this small change. I invite you to take small steps every day, so that we can preserve our home for fu- ture generations. Whenever you have the opportu- nity, use stairs instead of lifts, ride a bicycle instead of driving a car; don‘t leave water running while you brush your teeth; turn the lights off when you leave a room; recycle, because every tonne of recycled pa- per saves 17 trees. Be responsible, because we can do everything together! One destination where you can truly appreciate nature is Oslo, our latest destination in Scandinavia.

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

Želimo da ostavimo trag, ali da smanjimo karbonski otisak We want to leave our mark, but to reduce our carbon footprint

You will see the natural wonders and phenomena of Norway later in this magazine – glaciers, waterfalls, fjords... I belie- ve that the awesome and mighty, yet silent and calm, power and beauty of nature will again remind us of how important it is to protect it! Enjoy your flight and have a good trip.

znate sa prirodnim lepotama i fenomenima Norveške – gle- čerima, slapovima, fjordovima... Verujem da će nas moćne i uzvišene, a ipak tihe i spokojne snaga i lepota prirode još jednom podsetiti na to koliko je važno da ih čuvamo! Uživaj- te u letu i srećan put.



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Vlasta Velisavljević: U spomenaru čuvam skoro ceo vek / Vlasta Velisavljević: I preserve almost an entire century in my scrapbook Džek Dimić: Moj Njujork / Jack Dimich: My New York



Pobednik para beogradsko nebo / The Victor breaks up the Belgrade sky Srećan rođendan, gospodine Hičkok / Happy birthday, Mr Hitchcock Ponovo radi Luvr: Vratila se Mona Liza / Louvre reopened: The Mona Lisa is back


RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 54. Zemun, ovde vreme plovi sporije / Zemun, here time flows more slowly


Nova mobilna aplikacija Er Srbije / Air Serbia’s new mobile application




Hajde da se kupamo u beogradskim šumama / Let‘s bathe in Belgrade‘s woods Stranac u Beogradu: Valerija Alvarado / Stranger in Belgrade: Valeria Alvarado

Oslo: Predivna priroda i bogata tradicija / Oslo: Beautiful nature and rich tradition



Putujemo sa voditeljkom Natašom Pavlović / We travel with TV presenter Nataša Pavlović


ER SRBIJA VESTI AIR SERBIA NEWS 40. Keep Boarding: Više pogodnosti uz bording

Letujte kao Parižani / Enjoy summer like Parisians

kartu / Keep Boarding: More benefits with your boarding pass Nova usluga Er Srbije : Propusnica za let / New Air Serbia service: Flight Pass Junaci iz senke u vreme kovida-19 / Heroes from the shadows during COVID-19



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije

/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography Mitar Mitrovic, Vladimr Zivojinovic, Djordje Kojadinovic, Oliver Bunic, Aleksandar SLavkovic Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs



Etno-sela: Kratak beg iz grada / Ethno village: Short break from the city Zlatibor je postao dom Divljem zapadu / Zlatibor has become home to the Wild West

Naša modna savest i slatki život virtuelne mode/ Our fashion conscience and the sweet life of virtual fashion



DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 96. Danska: Šekspir bi se danas iznenadio / Denmark: Shakespeare would be surprised today 104. Norveška: Gde vladaju

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

foke i orlovi / Norway: Where seals and eagles reign

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica


Piknik, umetnost uživanja u trenutku / Picnic, the art of enjoying the moment Nova priča starog nameštaja / New story of old furniture

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights


Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Ovo je zemlja zlatnih košarkaša / This is the land of golden basketball aces


Zoom , platforma koja raste / Zoom, the platform that’s growing

Broj / Issue No. 318 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / izhairguns

Posetite norveške fjordove / Visit Norwegian fjords Foto / Photo: iStock

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Jednostavna prijava na let sa vašeg mobilnog telefona / Easy flight check-in from your mobile phone

Možete brzo i lako da skenirate svoj pasoš / You can scan your passport quickly and easily

Aplikacija omogućava bezbedno čuvanje putnih dokumenata / App enables safe storing of travel documents

Neka vam bording karte uvek budu pri ruci / Always keep your boarding cards handy

Aplikacija Er Srbije veličine 16 MB trenutno je u prvoj fazi razvoja The app has a size of 16 MB and it is currently in the first phase of development

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NOVA MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ER SRBIJE Nova mobilna aplikacija Er Srbije dostupna je našim putnicima putem Gugl plej stora za android telefone PREUZIMANJEM APLIKACIJE PUTNICIMA ĆE NA NJIHOVIM mobilnim telefonima postati dostupne opcije kao što su prijava na let (ček in), skeniranje pasoša, preuzimanje karte za ukrcavanje i njeno čuvanje u Wallet aplikaciji, registracija putem imejla, Fejsbuka i Gugla , podešavanje analitike i vrste poruka koje žele da primaju, dok je posebno značajna mogućnost bezbednog čuvanja putnih dokumenata. Posebna prednost nove mobilne aplikacije Er Srbije jeste to što putnicima omogućava da se za samo nekoliko minuta bezbedno i bez fizičkog kontakta prijave na let do željene destinacije, čuvajući pritom kartu za ukrcavanje kako bi im uvek bila pri ruci. U ovoj inicijalnoj verziji sedišta će biti dodeljivana nasumično. Putnici imaju mogućnost da rezervišu sedište putem airserbia.com u sekciji „Moja rezervacija“ pre počinjanja postupka prijave na let. Aplikacija Er Srbije veličine 16 MB trenutno je u prvoj fazi razvoja, odnosno beta verziji. – Raduje nas što je u vreme kada se dešavaju dinamične promene prioriteta putnika po pitanju beskontaktne kupovine naš tim uspeo da učini važan razvojni korak u digitalizaciji poslovanja Er Srbije koji će značajno poboljšati sveukupno iskustvo putnika. U razvoju naše mobilne aplikacije primenjujemo agilni pristup postepenog dodavanja opcija, što nam omogućava da odgovorimo na povratne informacije korisnika i što je u skladu sa našim poslovanjem, u kojem je korisnik u centru naše pažnje – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. Očekuje se da će iOS verzija aplikacije uskoro postati dostupna na iOS App storu . U kasnijim fazama razvoja putnici će aplikaciju moći da koriste za pretragu letova, rezervaciju i kupovinu karata, kupovinu dodatnih usluga, za servisne informacije o statusu leta kao što su promena vremena poletanja ili sletanja, promena izlaza za ukrcavanje i slično. Aplikacija će takođe pružati mogućnost izbora željene destinacije, informacije o cenama, promotivne akcije, kao i niz drugih pogodnosti.

Air Serbia’s new mobile application is available to our passengers via the Google Play Store for Android phones AIR SERBIA’S NEW MOBILE APPLICATION BY DOWNLOADING THE APPLICATION, FUNCTIONALITIES SUCH as check-in, passport scan, boarding pass download and storing in the Wallet app, registration via email, Facebook and Google, setting up analytics and the type of messages they wish to receive will all become available to passengers through their mobile devices, while the possibility of safely storing travel documents is especially important. The special benefit of the new Air Serbia mobile application is that it enables passengers to book a flight to their desired destination in a few minutes, safely and without physical contact, while keeping the boarding card so it is always at hand. In this initial version, seats will be assigned randomly. Passengers have a possibility to book their seat via airserbia.com, in the My Reservation tab, before initiating the Serbia’s customer journey, which will improve the overall passenger experience significantly. We are implementing an agile approach of gradually adding functionalities in the development of our mobile application, which allows us to respond to users’ feedback, as an essential part of our customer-centric approach,” stated Air Serbia Commercial and Strategy General Manager Jiri Marek. It is expected that the iOS version of the app will soon become available through the iOS App Store. In the later stages, passengers will be able to use the application to search for flights, book and buy tickets, buy additional services and acquire service information on flight status, such as changes to take-off or landing times, changes to boarding gates and the like. The application will also provide the possibility of choosing the desired destination, price information, promotions and other benefits. check-in process. The app has a size of 16 MB and is currently in the first phase of development, i.e. beta version. “During the dynamic changes to customer preferences in favour of contactless retailing, we are happy that our team managed to boost development of the important step of digitalising Air

Za nekoliko minuta bezbedno i bez fizičkog kontakta do prijave na let / Booking a flight in a few minutes, safely and

without physical contact

Aplikacija će uskoro biti dostupna i na iOS App storu App will soon also be available via the iOS App Store

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Dobrodošli Welcome


Ekološki standardi, predivna priroda i bogata tradicija Poznat kao kulturno, naučno i upravno središte Norveške, Oslo predstavlja i značajan evropski centar trgovine, bankarstva, industrije i pomorstva. Taj grad se nalazi na listi mesta sa najvišim kvalitetom života u celom svetu, uz veoma visoke ekološke standarde, predivnu prirodu i bogatu tradiciju. Oslo je i najveći grad Norveške, a na njegovom području živi gotovo četvrtina stanovništva zemlje.

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Kada je reč o severu Evrope, nacionalni avio-prevoznik leti iz Beograda i do Stokholma i Kopenhagena, a uvođenje letova do Osla omogućiće bolju povezanost celog regiona sa Skandinavijom

When it comes to northern Europe, the national airline also operates flights from Belgrade to Stockholm and Copenhagen, and the introduction of flights to Oslo will enable better connectivity with Scandinavia for the entire region

Air Serbia launched direct flights between Belgrade and Oslo in July. The national airline will be operating flights to the Norwegian capital twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays saobraćati dva puta nedeljno, četvrtkom i nedeljom Er Srbija je u julu uspostavila direktne letove na novoj liniji između Beograda i Osla. Nacionalna avio- kompanija će do norveške prestonice

HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS, BEAUTIFUL NATURE AND RICH TRADITION Known as the cultural, scientific and administrative hub of Norway, Oslo also represents a significant centre of commerce, banking, industry and sailing in Europe. This city is on the list of the places with the highest quality of life in the whole world, with very high environmental standards, beautiful nature and a rich tradition. Oslo is also the biggest city in Norway, with almost a quarter of the entire population living in its territory.

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Na letu

On board



Marame su nešto bez čega ne ulazim u avion, praktične su i ne zauzimaju mnogo prostora. A shawl is something I don’t board a plane without, as they are practical and don’t take up much space.

na oblake I enjoy views of clouds Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography Oliver Bunić

Tablet nosim zbog sebe i zbog dece, Jana i Olega, jer njih treba zabaviti da ne remete druge putnike. I carry a tablet for myself and for my children Jan and Oleg, because they need to be entertained to ensure they don’t disturb other passengers.


I love planes because of everything! I know I’m going to be able to rest, I know I’m unavailable for calls and I know I’m going to see something different. I often sleep if I’m going to a faraway destination, or I enjoy looking through the window Avione volim baš zbog svega! Znam da ću se odmoriti, znam da sam nedostupna i znam da ću videti nešto drugačije. Često i spavam ako idem na dalju destinaciju ili uživam gledajući kroz prozor

Moj neizostavni lip balm uvek nosim sa sobom. I always carry my unavoidable lip balm 3

Jastuk za glavu često koristim tokom leta, mada mi ga deca uvek ukradu. I often use a pillow for my head during a flight, although my children always steal it.



Parfem je uvek uz mene, miris me prati na nove destinacije. Perfume is always with me, with a scent accompanying me to new destinations

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Voditeljka i manekenka Nataša Pavlović već godinama važi za jedno od omiljenih TV lica. Domaćica je emisije Praktična žena , ima dva sina i obožava putovanja TV presenter and model Nataša Pavlović has been among Serbia’s most beloved TV personalities for years. The host of the show “Practical Woman”, she has two sons and loves travelling

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Na krilima poteza 29-2 Prvi avioni Aeroputa stigli su na Vazdušno pristanište Beo- grad početkom februara 1928. godine. Uprava Aeroputa je od francuske kompanije kupila četiri aviona dvokrilca tipa po - tez 29/2 . Bio je to više nego solidan putnički avion za to vre- me, sa dva člana posade i sedištima za još pet putnika. Fran- cuski jednomotorni putnički dvokrilac drvene konstrukcije proizvodila je firma Aeroplani Anri Potez dvadesetih godi- na 20. veka. Prototip je poleteo početkom 1927. godine, a pr- vi primerci isporučeni su korisnicima 1928. Proizvodnja ovog aviona trajala je do 1931. godine. U Aeroputu je ovaj avion imao oznaku potez 29-2 i leteo je do početka 1937. Njime je u to vreme otvorena prva domaća linija vazdušnog saobraćaja između Beograda i Zagreba.

ON THE WINGS OF POTEZ 292 Aeroput’s first planes arrived at the Belgrade Airport in early February 1928. Aeroput’s management bought four “Potez 29/2” type biplanes from a French company. It was a more than capable passenger plane for the period, with two crew members and seating for another five passengers. This French single-engine passenger biplane with a wooden structure was produced by company Avions Henri Potez in the 1920s. The prototype was launched in early 1927, with the first finished products delivered to customers in 1928. Production of this aircraft continued until 1931. At Aeroput this plane carried the mark Potez 29-2 and flew until the beginning of 1937. It established the first domestic air transport route between Belgrade and Zagreb at that time.

Maksimalna brzina – 219 km/h Putna brzina – 185 km/h Najveći dolet – 500 km Plafon leta – 4.500 m

Maximum speed - 219 km/h Cruising speed - 185 km/h Maximum range - 500 km Flight ceiling - 4500 m

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Letujte kao Parižani / Enjoy summer like Parisians Vreli letnji meseci donose ono najbolje u Parizu – du- ge dane i spore noć i, savršene za uživanje na otvore - nom, bilo da ispijate koktel na elegantnoj terasi, ru - čate pod vedrim nebom ili uživate u pikniku gledajuć i film. Kulturni događaji na otvorenom obiluju uzbudlji - vim nizom letnjih festivala umetnosti, pa možete uži - vati u koncertima klasične muzike, džezu ili roku u ne - koj od najspektakularnijih bašti u gradu.

Summer’s lazy days see Paris at its best — long days and dreamy nights are perfect for open-air enjoyment, wheth- er that entails sipping cocktails on an elegant terrace, din- ing al fresco, or enjoying a picnic at a movie en plein air. Paris has outdoor cultural events aplenty, with an exciting schedule of summer arts festivals featuring classical mu- sic, jazz, or rock, held in some of the city’s most spectac- ular gardens.

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Gde se nalazi: Parc des Rives de Seine, 75004 Paris – Bassin de La Villette, 37, Quai de la Seine, 75019 Paris – Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris. / Where is it? Parc des Rives de Seine, 75004 Paris – Bassin de La Villette, 37, Quai de la Seine, 75019 Paris – Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris.


me scan


Na plaži pored Sene / On a beach beside the Seine Pariska plaža je verovatno najatraktivnija letnja lokacija u Pari- zu. To je jedna od najpoželjnijih stvari koju sebi možete priuštiti u Gradu svetlosti. Možete jednostavno uživati na suncu na ležaljci ili u mnoštvu drugih sadržaja na obalama Sene koje možete besplatno koristi- ti kako biste bezbrižno uživali u letnjoj vrućini. Sve će vas to nate- rati da poverujete da se nalazite na plaži pored mora, a pritom ste u divnom Parizu! The Paris-Plages beach plan creates what must be the most pop- ular summer activity in Paris. Experiencing these temporary urban beaches is simply a must if you have fine weather while you’re in the City of Light. Whether you fancy bathing or simply basking under the sun on a deckchair, there are plenty of facilities that are free to use along the banks of the Seine, enabling you to take a more leisurely approach to handling the summer

heat. These temporary sandy stretches will make you feel like you’re on a proper beach beside the sea, though without having to travel to the coast!

Osećaćete se kao da ste na plaži dok ste zapravo još u glavnom gradu Feel like you're on a seaside beach when you're actually still in the middle of the French capital

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me scan


Gde se nalazi: Parc de La Villette, 211, Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris. / Where is it? Parc de La Villette, 211, Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris.

Piknik uz dobar film / Picnic with a good film

Ljubitelj ste bioskopa? U parku Vilet, zahva- ljujući projekcijama na otvorenom, biće lako. Leti je ceo mesec, od kraja jula do kraja av- gusta, posvećen kinematografiji. U parku se prikazuju filmovi u skladu sa određenom te- mom. Dođite i uživajte u projekciji dok udob- no ležite na ležaljci po divnom letnjem vre- menu, bez potrebe da potrošite ijedan dinar... Jer sve je besplatno! Are you a cinema lover? You’ll find it easy to indulge in your love at Paris’s La Villette Park, thanks to its open-air screenings. Films are screened in the park at the peak of summer,

Uživajte u kombinaciji filma i piknika Enjoy a film screening with your own picnic

throughout the entire month from the end of July until the end of August, according to a particular cinematic theme. Come and enjoy the screenings while resting comforta- bly in a deckchair, basking in the summer weather, without paying for the privilege… because it is all free of charge!

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Gde se nalazi: Tour Montparnasse, 33, Avenue du Maine / Where is it? Tour Montparnasse, 33, Avenue du Maine, Paris

Zvezde su bliže sa vrha Pariza / The stars are closer from the top of Paris Svake godine su u Parizu tri noći po- četkom avgusta posvećene gledanju zvezda, i to uglavnom padalica, po- što ih u tom periodu ima mnogo. Oni- ma koji će tada biti u Parizu savetuje- mo da se popnu na toranj Monparnas , gde će se za tu priliku organizovati ra- zličite aktivnosti. Zaista, tamo ćete ne samo uživati u pogledu nego i sazna- ti više o onome što se događa na pari- skom nebu.

Gledajte nebo sa vrha najvišeg nebodera u Parizu Observe the night sky from the top of the highest skyscraper in Paris

to head up to the Montparnasse Tower Observa- tion Deck, where various activities will be organ- ised to mark this occasion. On the agenda you will find meetings and other gatherings with pro- fessionals to help you learn more about what is actually going on in the sky. And, of course, from the top of the highest sky- scraper in Paris, on its observation deck located on the 56 th floor, you’ll be able to observe the sky like never before. You’ll be so close to the stars that you might want to make a wish!

Naravno, sa najvišeg nebodera u Parizu, sa te- rase na vrhu 56. sprata, moći ćete da gleda- te nebo kao nikad do tada. Tako ćete biti najbli- ži mestu sa kojeg možete da zamislite želju kad vidite zvezdu padalicu. France dedicates three nights at the beginning of each August to watching the stars in the night sky, and mostly the shooting stars that appear in abundance during this period. We advise an- yone who finds themselves in Paris at that time

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


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Gde se nalazi: Square du Vert Galant, 75001 Paris / Where is it? Square du Vert Galant, 75001 Paris

Ne postoji romantičniji način da upoznate Pariz nego sa broda koji plovi Senom. Uživajte u pa- riskim spomenicima i mostovima izbliza u opu- štajućoj vožnji brodom, koja traje između dva sata i šest sati. Brodići nude sve, od razgledanja uz komentare do čaše šampanjca ili gurmanskog obroka po- služenog na belom stolnjaku. Ako nešto ne treba propustiti tokom boravka u Parizu, onda ne treba propustiti ovu vožnju u oba smera. Dok se vozite, divićete se najvećim gradskim atrakcijama, uključujući Notrdam, Grand pale i Ajfelov toranj. To je prestižna po- vorka neverovatnih znamenitosti, zbog čega je vožnja Senom jedinstveno putovanje. Divite se gradu ploveći rekom / Admire the city from the perspective of the river

There’s no more romantic way to get acquainted with Par- is than from the vantage point of a boat on the Seine—and there’re plenty of boats on offer. Check out Paris’s many monu- ments and bridges up close, on a leisurely boat ride lasting an- ywhere between two and six hours. The fly boats provide passengers with everything they need, from sightseeing with commentary to a glass of Champagne, or even a gourmet meal served on white linen. If there’s an excursion that’s sim- ply a must in Paris, then it sim- ply must be one along the River Seine, aboard one of the many

Proverite kompanije onlajn ili posetite Pont Nuf kao jednu od najboljih stanica Check out companies online or head to Pont Neuf for one of the best stations

boats that navigate up and down between the banks! As you glide by, you’ll marvel at the city’s finest monuments and edifices, including No- tre-Dame, the Conciergerie, the Grand Palais and the Eiffel Tower; a prestigious procession of amaz- ing sights that makes this tour unique.

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Razglednica /Postcard

BARSELONA  BARCELONA Muzika u parkovima

ATINA  ATHENS Veliko atinsko šetalište

AMSTERDAM Noćenje na brodu starom 70 godina

Gradske vlasti Atine odobrile su proje- kat Great Walk , što znači da će glavni grad Grčke dobiti veliko šetalište. Reč je o pe- šačkoj stazi dužine više od četiri kilometra, kreirane tako da promoviše istorijski cen- tar grada i omogući socijalno distanciranje za pešake. Tako će područja Plake i pozna- tog trgovačkog trougla, kao i ulice Atinas, Ermu, Herodu Atiku i Mitropoleos u okviru projekta biti pretvorene u pešačke zone. Takođe, u izradi je i nova biciklistička staza, koja će pratiti pešačku. ATHENS GREAT WALK The Athens city authorities have approved its “Great Walk” project, which will see the capital of Greece gain a large promenade. This pedestrian walkway is longer than fo- ur kilometres and is being created in such a way as to promote the historical centre of the city and enable social distancing for pe- destrians. Thus, the neighbourhood of Pla- ka and the famous shopping triangle, as well as the streets of Athinas, Ermou, Hero- dou Attikou and Mitropoleos, will be conver- ted into pedestrian zones under the scope of the project. Moreover, a new bicycle lane is also being built that will follow the course of the pedestrian zone.

Serija besplatnih koncerata pod vedrim nebom traje tokom letnjih meseci u ne- kim od najlepših parkova u Barseloni. Džez se sluša od juna do avgusta, sredom i pet- kom u 22 h u parku Citadela, ispred fon- tane, što nikako ne smete da propustite. Park Citadela je nastao sredinom 19. veka i bio je jedina gradska zelena oaza. Na 28 hektara nalaze se malo jezero, parlament Katalonije, zoološki vrt, trijumfalna kapija i impozantna fontana. MUSIC IN PARKS A series of free outdoor concerts runs thro- ughout the summer months in some of Barcelona’s prettiest parks. From June to August there’s unmissable jazz on Wedne- sdays and Fridays at 10pm in front of the fo- untain in Ciutadella Park. This park origina- ted in the mid-19 th century, when it was the city‘s only green oasis. Covering 28 hecta- res, it boasts a small lake, the Parliament of Catalonia, a zoo, a triumphal arch and an impressive fountain.

Čar putovanja je u istraživanju novih pre- dela i mogućnosti da doživite novo i dru- gačije iskustvo. U želji da turistima pruži upravo to, Amsterdam nudi originalan plu- tajući smeštaj na 70 godina starom brodu. Usidren u kvartu Amsterdam-Noord, brod ima apartmane sa prelepim pogledom na prednju palubu i u kojima su elementi luk- suznih hotelskih soba savršeno spojeni sa originalnim karakteristikama industrijskog broda. Gosti na raspolaganju imaju veliku sunčanu terasu sa koje se pruža pogled na grad, a cene se kreću od 230 evra za noć.


The charm of travelling lies in exploring new landscapes and opportunities to enjoy new and different experiences. In a desire to provide tourists with precisely that, Amster- dam is offering original floating accommo- dation aboard a 70-year-old ship. Ancho- red in the Amsterdam-Noord district, this ship has apartments with beautiful views of the front deck, in which elements of luxury hotel rooms are perfectly combined with the original characteristics of an industrial ship. Guests can take advantage of a large sun deck providing a view of the city, with prices ranging from 230 euros per night.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

NIRNBERG  NUREMBERG Čari Carske tvrđave

SALCBURG  SALZBURG Dvorac koji je inspirisao Mocarta


Kao drugi najveći grad u Bavarskoj, Nirn- berg često ostaje u senci Minhena, ali i te kako ima šta da ponudi posetiocima. Ma- lo je poznato da od svih nemačkih velikih gradova ima najviše muzeja po glavi sta- novnika, a tačka sa koje se pogledom grli ceo grad je Carska tvrđava. Deo je zamka Kajzerburg, smeštenog na brdu, koji pred- stavlja simbol grada još od srednjeg veka. Turisti se uglavnom zadržavaju na zidina- ma zamka i uživaju u pogledu, iako imaju mogućnost da posete rezidencijalnu car- sku palatu, kapelu i toranj. CHARMS OF THE IMPERIAL CASTLE As the second largest city in Bavaria, Nuremberg often remains in Munich’s sha- dow, but it also has plenty to offer visi- tors. It isn’t common knowledge that it has the most museums per capita of all major German cities, and the point from whi- ch views embrace the entire city is the Im- perial Castle. Part of the Kaiserburg fortre- ss located on a hilltop, it has represented a symbol of the city since the Middle Ages. The majority of tourists usually stay on the castle walls and enjoy the views, although they can take advantage of the available tour of the residential imperial castle, cha- pel and tower.

Otvoreno prvenstvo Amerike definitivno će se održati prema planu od 31. avgusta do 13. septembra, saopštio je Endru Kuo- mo, guverner države Njujork. Turnir će se održati pod posebnim uslovima, a u ovom trenutku nije poznato da li će na US Ope- nu igrati Novak Đoković i Rafael Nadal. Ne- izvesno je i učešće Rodžera Federera, koji je ove godine čak dva puta operisao kole- no. Ipak, organizatori su odlučni da održe turnir jer veruju da će biti od koristi i njima, i teniserima, i kompletnom teniskom svetu. U.S. OPEN TO BE PLAYED Tennis’s U.S. Open will definitely be held according to plan, from 31 st August to 13 th September, according to an announce- ment given by Andrew Cuomo, governor of the state of New York. The tournament wi- ll be held under special conditions and at present it’s unknown whether Novak Đoko- vić and Rafael Nadal will compete. Also in question is the participation of Roger Fe- derer, who underwent knee surgery twice this year. However, the organisers are de- termined to hold the tournament because they believe it will benefit them, the tennis players and the entire tennis world.

Na svakom koraku ovde možete videti bi- sere arhitekture u baroknom stilu, a jedan od njih je svakako dvorac Mirabel, koji ka- rakterišu predivni vrtovi, fontane i statue rimskih i grčkih bogova. Vrtovi Mirabela su biser hortikulture i turisti uživaju u šetnji predivnim ambijentom u kojem se tokom letnjih meseci često organizuju koncerti. Najlepša prostorija u dvorcu je Mermerna dvorana, a zanimljivo je da žitelji Salcbur- ga ponosno ističu da su cvetni parkovi tog dvorca inspirisali Mocarta da komponuje Čarobnu frulu . PALACE THAT INSPIRED MOZART At every step here you can see gems of Ba- roque style architecture, amongst which is certainly Mirabell Palace, characterised by its beautiful gardens, fountains and statues of Roman and Greek gods. Mirabell Gar- dens are a pearl of horticulture and tourists enjoy strolling in the beautiful ambience, where concerts are often organised during the summer months. The most beautiful space in the palace is the Marble Hall, while it is also interesting that natives of Salzburg proudly note that the floral parks of this pa- lace even inspired Mozart to compose his opera The Magic Flute.

Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović

Fotografije/Photography: iStock / Seqoya, iStock / V. Zolotov, Profimedia, M. Mitrović

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23

Kultura Culture

Beograd Belgrade

IZ MOG UGLA ZORAN KUZMANOVIĆ, VAJAR Pobednik para beogradsko nebo Brojni su razlozi zbog kojih je Pobednik toliko važan. Osim neosporne umetničke majstorije Ivana Meštrovića i povoda zbog kojeg je poručen kao simbol slobode nakon viševekovnog ropstva, presudan momenat bilo je pozicioniranje na visokom stubu na Kalemegdanu D a je skulptura bila postavljena na Terazijama, kako je prvobitno bilo planirano, možda ne bi bila toliko upečatljiva. Nalazila bi se izme- đu visokih zgrada, konkurentnih formi grad- skog ambijenta. Međutim, njenim postav- ljanjem na Kalemegdanu, na horizontu između zemlje i neba, samim načinom na koji je postavljena, a koji poten- cira vertikalnost, učinjeno je da jednostavno na toj poziciji para nebo, deluje antigravitaciono. To što je sagledavamo iz velike udaljenosti i naročito zbog načina na koji je Me- štrović stilizovao samu formu skulpture, učinilo je da po- stane simbol i prepoznatljivi znak Beograda. Radovi koji su izvršeni na površini forme skulpture krajem prošle i početkom ove godine povezani su isključi- vo sa dugoročnim očuvanjem spomenika. Apsolutno nika- kvih intervencija nije bilo na samoj formi skulpture, osim na mestima koja su imala mehanička oštećenja. Odgovor- nost je sigurno bila velika, iako imam više od 20 godina iskustva u radu sa bronzom i poznajem dobro tehnološ- ke procese u vezi sa njom. Posao jeste bio veliki izazov, ali nijednog trenutka nisam osetio strah da neću moći da ga

uradim jer i sam u svom umetničkom ra- du najviše koristim bronzu, koja je tradicio- nalan materijal. Bronza je od samog počet- ka prepoznata kao materijal koji se koristi i u svetovne i u sakralne svrhe. U umetno- sti je upravo najčešće korišćena u gurativ- noj skulpturi, u predstavljanu ljudskog tela.

Zoran Kuzmanović vajar/sculptor

24 | Beograd » Belgrade

Sivi soko na levoj ruci Pobednika govori o budnosti, on pazi da se neprijatelj ponovo ne pojavi, dok mač u desnoj ruci simbolizuje novu pobedu

The grey hawk on the Victor’s left hand speaks of vigilance, with him making sure that the enemy does not reappear, while the sword in his right hand symbolises a new victory

FROM MY PERSPECTIVE ZORAN KUZMANOVIĆ, SCULPTOR The Victor breaks up the Belgrade sky There are many reasons why the Victor monument is so important. Apart from the indisputable artistic mastery of Ivan Meštrović and the reason why it was ordered - as a symbol of freedom after centuries of slavery - the crucial moment was its positioning on a high pillar in Kalemegdan Fortress. H ad the sculpture been placed on Terazi- je, as was originally planned, it perhaps wouldn‘t have been so impressive. It would be located between tall buildings, compet- itive forms of urban ambience. Howev- er, its placement in Kalemegdan Fortress, on the hori- zon between earth and sky, with the very way in which it was placed, and which emphasises it verticality, en- sured that it simply breaks apart the sky in that position, acting like antigravity. e fact that we view it from a great distance, and particularly due to the way in which Meštrović stylised the very form of the sculpture, en- sured that it simply became a symbol and a recognisa- ble sign of Belgrade. e works undertaken at the end of last year and the beginning of this year on the surface forms of the sculpture are related exclusively to the long- term preservation of the monument. ere were absolutely no interventions on the form of the sculpture itself, except in places that had sustained mechanical damage. e responsibility was cer- tainly great, even though I have more than 20 years of experience working with bronze and am very familiar with the related technological pro- cesses. e job was certainly a great challenge, but at no point did I fear that I wouldn‘t be able to do it, because in my own artistic work I mostly use bronze, which is a traditional material. Bronze has been recognised since the very beginning as a ma- terial that‘s used for both secular and sacral pur- poses. In art it is the most commonly used ma- terial in figurative sculpture, in representations of the human body. ere were several parallel jobs to do on the Victor sculpture, with the primary one being solv- ing statics. We estimated that the monument is statically risky and that it could even collapse if hit by a stronger wind. e sculpture is four metres and 20 cen-

Ko je Zoran Kuzmanović Jedan je od najznačajnijih vajara u bronzi. Rođen je 1967. u Smederevu. Diplomirao je na FLU u Beogra- du 1993, a završio je magistarske studije 2002. Osni- vač je i rukovodilac Radionice za skulpturu Kuzman , koja postoji od 2003, a umetnički saradnik na FLU u Beogradu bio je od 2010. do 2015. godine. Doktori- rao je na Umetničkim studijama Univerziteta umetno- sti u Beogradu 2014. Njegove skulpture i vajarski ra- dovi nalaze se u mnogim gradovima regiona. Osim Pobednika na Kalemegdanu, obnovio je skulpture Že- telica u Topčiderskom parku, Dečak sa krčagom na Čukur-česmi, spomenik Sloboda na Iriškom vencu, Spomenik zahvalnosti Francuskoj na Kalemegdanu i mnoge druge. WHO IS ZORAN KUZMANOVIĆ One of the most important sculptors working in bronze, he was born in Smederevo in 1967. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1993 and completed his master‘s studies in 2002. He is the founder and, since 2003, the head of the “Kuzman Sculpture Workshop”, while he was also an artistic associate at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade from 2010 to 2015. He received his Ph.D. from the Art Studies of the University of Arts in Belgrade in 2014. His sculptures and sculpture works can be found in many cities of the region. Apart from the Victor monument in Kalemegdan, he also renewed the Reaper sculpture in Topčider Park, The Boy with a Pitcher on the Čukur fountain, the Freedom monument on Irig Wreath, Kalemegdan‘s Gratitude to France monument and many others.

Pobednik u ateljeu Zorana Kuzmaovića The Victor in Zoran Kuzmanovic’s studio

Belgrade » Beograd | 25


Pobednik je skulptura koja je u svakom

vremenu izazivala

Na skulpturi Pobednika bilo je nekoliko paralelnih poslova, a primarno je bilo rešavanje stati- ke. Procenili smo da je spome- nik statički rizičan i da bi pri ja- čem udaru vetra mogao čak i da se sruši. Skulptura je visoka če- tiri metra i 20 centimetara, teš- ka oko tonu, a sada, sa dodatom konstrukcijom od 400 do 500 ki- lograma, ima oko tonu i po. Vo- dili smo računa da obezbedimo statiku koja će joj dati najveći ste- ogromnu pažnju. Kako u vremenu u kojem je nastao, tako i početkom ove godine, kada je završena njegova rekonstrukcija u mom ateljeu u Smederevu

pturu u skulturnoj sali osnovne škole u Ulici kralja Petra Prvog u Beogradu. Na sreću, spomenik je izbe- gao uništenje za vreme Prvog svetskog rata jer je pred sam početak bio poslat u Austrougarsku, u Češku, na livenje, gde je ostao do kraja rata. Pobednik predstav- lja oslobođenje, pobedu nad feudalizmom, ropstvom, dok njegova nagost simbolizuje ulazak u renesansu. Sivi soko na levoj ruci govori o budnosti, on pazi da se neprijatelj ponovo ne pojavi, dok mač u desnoj ruci simbolizuje novu pobedu. Spomenik je svečano otkri- ven 1928. godine, za vreme proslave desetogodišnji- ce proboja Solunskog fronta i srpske pobede u ratovi- ma od 1912. do 1918. Radio sam mnogo različitih poslova u vezi sa skul- pturama i restauracijom, ali svakako bih svoj rad na Po- bedniku izdvojio kao veoma važan i nekako najvidlji- viji. Stoga sam veoma ponosan na to.

pen sigurnosti. Cela forma je sada konsolidovana, a podkonstrukcija iznutra učvršćena. Pobednik je, ina- če, izliven u Češkoj i odlivak je značajno bolji od Spo- menika zahvalnosti Francuskoj, na čijoj sam rekon- strukciji takođe radio. Što se tiče oštećenja na samom Pobedniku, ošte- ćen je zbog popuštanja veze u postolju i zbog u origi- nalu tanko livene plinte na kojoj su gvozdenim šra- fovima bila pričvršćena stopala skulpture. Spomenik je, takođe, imao i više od 30 rupa od metaka. Stati- ka je, dakle, bila jedan deo posla, a sanacija rupa dru- gi. Rupe su zatvarane materijalima sa istim ili sličnim hemijskim sastavom, a treba reći i da od postavljanja spomenika 1928. na njemu nije bilo značajnih inter- vencija ovog tipa. Ivan Meštrović je rad na spomeniku počeo 1913, a radio ga je osam meseci. Vajao je i oblikovao skul-

26 | Beograd » Belgrade



The Victor is a sculpture that has attracted great attention at all times – both at the time when it was created and at the beginning of this year, when its reconstruction was completed at my studio in Smederevo ical composition, and it should be said that since the erection of the monument in 1928 it has not been subjected to significant interven- tions of this type. Ivan Meštrović started work- ing on the monument in 1913, working on it for eight months. He sculpted and shaped the sculpture in the sports hall of the primary school in Kralja Petra I Street in Belgrade. Fortunately, the mon- ument escaped being destroyed during World War I, because prior to the outbreak of war it was sent

timetres high and weighs about a tonne, and now – with the additional construction of 400 to 500 kilograms, it weighs about 1.5 tonnes. We took care to provide statics that would give it the highest degree of security. e en- tire form is now consolidated and the substructure has been strengthened internally. Interestingly, the Victor was cast in the Czech Republic, and the casting is sig- nificantly better than the Monument of Gratitude to France, the reconstruction of which I also worked on. When it comes to the damage to the Victor itself, it was damaged due to the loosening of the links in the pedestal and due to the thin cast iron plinth of the orig- inal, to which the feet of the sculpture were fastened using iron screws. e monument also had more than 30 bullet holes. us, statics were one part of the job, while repairing the holes was another. e holes were closed using materials with the same or a similar chem-

to Austria-Hungary, to the Czech Republic for casting, where it remained until the end of the war. e Victor represents liberation, victory over feudalism, slavery, while his very nakedness symbolises the entry into the Renaissance. e grey hawk on his left hand speaks of vigilance, with him making sure that the enemy does not reappear, while the sword in his right hand symbol- ises a new victory. e monument was ceremoniously unveiled in 1928, during the time of celebrations com- memorating the tenth anniversary of the breakthrough on the essaloniki Front and Serbia‘s victory in the wars that raged from 1912 to 1918. I‘ve done many different jobs related to sculpture and restoration, but I would certainly single out my work on the Victor sculpture as being very important and somehow the most visible, and that‘s why I‘m very proud of that.

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SALVADOR I GALA LJUBAV DUGA POLA VEKA Kako je silno voleo ludi genije „Zovem svoju ženu Gala, Galuška, Gradiva, Oliva zbog ovalnog oblika njenog lica i maslinaste boje njene kože... Takođe je zovem Lajonet, zato što kada se naljuti, reži kao lav“. Tako je Dali voleo svoju suprugu – ludački, opsesivno, do bola, do smrti, opraštajući joj sve, idealizujući je, poklanjajući joj dušu, telo, nebesa i carstva...

28 | Ljubavna priča » Love story

P reskočićemo dosadne uvode i biografske po- datke, svako ko voli i ceni rad legendarnog Dalija, zna ih, makar u načelu. Ljubavna pri- ča Dalijevog života, njegova istinita bajka, to je jedna od najbizarnijih, najinteresantnijih i najljubavnijih ljubavi 20. veka. Ko je bila Gala? Gala je zapravo bila Elena Ivanovna Dijakonova, prele- pa Ruskinja iz Kazanja, tajanstvena, strastvena i intuitiv- na žena, atraktivna dama sa maslinastom kožom i crnim očima, omiljena u krugovima intelektualne elite. Ume- la je da namiriše kreativnog genija na kilometar, rado je provodila sate i dane sa njima, šarmirala ih i inspirisala. Gala je uplovila u bračne vode sa francuskim pesnikom Polom Elijarom, sa kojim je dobila i ćerku Sesil, ali ume- sto mirne luke, za nju je ta veza predstavljala samo kar- tu za poznanstva sa najvećim umetnicima tog vremena. A onda je srela 25-godišnjeg Salvadora Dalija, sasvim ne- običnog, ekscentričnog i čitavu deceniju mlađeg od nje. Susret kao udar groma Dali je u svom dnevniku opisao taj prvi trenutak, taj eksplozivni susret koji je odredio njihove živote i obojio ih ludilom, uspehom i strašću. „Ona je suđena da bude moja Gradiva (junakinja iz romana V. Jensena), ona koja me gura napred, moja po- beda, moja žena“, napisao je on. I zaista, od tada pa do same smrti Gala je bila Dalijeva do srži, do kostiju, ona je bila izbor njegovog života i neophodnost – kao vazduh ili hrana. Za Salvadora je poznanstvo sa Galom bilo kao udar groma – ona se tačno uklapala u sliku nepoznate, elegan- tne žene koja ga je često proganjala u snovima. Priča kazu- je kako se legendarni slikar, pre nego što je krenuo na sa- stanak sa lepom Ruskinjom, namazao sopstvenom krvlju, pocepao odeću i premazao se odvratnim ribljim lepkom. To je bio trenutak slabosti i ludila i to je opisivalo kako sam se osećao pre nego što sam upoznao Galu. Da, ja sam bio potpuno lud pre nje, moj mozak je bio blizu mozga jed- nog patološkog bolesnika. Ona je od mog života stvorila pra- vi misticizam i pravi klasicizam, rekao je Španac u jednom intervjuu. Ljubav kao centar univerzuma Za Dalija je Gala bila nepresušna i večna inspiraci- ja, tajni sastojak poleta i sreće u njegovom životu. O to- me kolika je bila njegova ljubav, svedoči i podatak da su svi ženski likovi na Dalijevim slikama inspirisani upravo njom, a većinu svojih slika potpisao je sa Gala – Salvador Dali. Ona se postavila kao njegov verni pratilac, saveznik i prijatelj, kao i dobar organizator, sjajan asistent i zastu- pnik, zapravo jedna vrsta menadžera. Njegovu umetnost je pretvorila u mašineriju za zgrtanje novca i u trci za bo- gatstvom bila je lukava, predana i direktna – nikada se nije stidela da traži još novca za dela svog muža. Često mu je čitala dok je slikao, ali mu i govorila šta da slika, koje boje da koristi i koje greške da ispravi.

SALVADOR AND GALA LOVE ENDURING HALF A CENTURY How strongly the crazy genius loved “I name my wife: Gala, Galushka, Gradiva; Oliva, for the oval shape of her face and the colour of her skin... I also call her Lionette, because when she gets angry she roars like the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion.” This is how Dalí loved his wife – madly, obsessively, through pain, to death, forgiving everything she did, idolising her, giving her soul, body, heavens and kingdoms...

Tekst/Words: Stefana Pavlović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

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