Elevate December 2019 | Air Serbia


Air Serbia Inflight Magazine



Dear passengers, . DECEMBAR DECEMBER The holiday season always brings a special atmosphere. It is a time of the year when the lights of glamorous New Year decorations light up, and no one is immune to the holiday mood and euphoria. We are certain that you are think- ing about ideal holiday presents for your loved ones, and our advice is to give them, and yourselves as well, the only thing that, when purchased, makes you richer – travel. We invite you to visit Belgrade and Niš, because the holidays are an ideal time to enjoy traditional Serbian hospitality.

Dragi putnici, Sezonu praznika uvek odlikuje posebna atmosfera. To je doba godine kada se pale glamurozne novogodišnje dekoracije i niko ne ostaje imun na praznično raspoloženje i euforiju. Sigurni smo da raz- mišljate o idealnim prazničnim poklonima za najmilije i naš savet je da njima, ali i sebi, darujete jedinu stvar čijom kupovinom postajete bogatiji – putovanje. Pozivamo vas da posetite Beograd i Niš, jer su praznici idealno vreme da uživate u srpskom gostoprimstvu. Mi vredno radimo na tome da u narednih 12 meseci budemo još bolji za vas. Čvrsto uporište i snažan vetar u krila daju nam rezulta- ti ostvareni u godini na izmaku. Sa izuzetno dobrim operativnim re- zultatima iz letnje sezone nastavili smo u oktobru i novembru, koji su do sada važili za mesece sa manjim intenzitetom saobraćaja. Može- mo se pohvaliti da smo u oktobru ostvarili najbolji rezultat za taj me-

We are working hard on making the next 12 months even better for you. A solid foundation and a strong wind in our sails were provided by the results in the year that’s coming to an end. We have carried on with the exceptionally good operating results from the summer season in October and November, which were previously considered lower trac intensity months. We are pleased to say that we achieved the best October results

sec od pokretanja Er Srbije pre- vezavši 240.696 putnika, što je za 13,37 odsto više u odnosu na isti mesec prošle godine. Osluškujući vaše želje i po- trebe, najviše letova obavlja- mo tokom praznika, i to ka de- stinacijama za koje ste pokazali najveće interesovanje. Kako je tokom špica zimske sezone, u decembru i januaru, saobraćaj značajno pojačan, savetujemo vam da dolazite na aerodrome

this year since Air Serbia was founded, having carried 240,696 guests, which is 13.37 per cent more compared to Oc- tober last year. By listening to your wishes and needs, we have decided to operate the majority of ights during the holiday, toward destinations in which you have shown the greatest interest for. Since trac is signicantly higher during the peak of the winter season, in December and January, we advise you arrive at air- ports earlier. We kindly ask for your pa-

Osluškujući vaše želje i potrebe, najveći broj letova obavljamo tokom praznika, i to ka destinacijama za koje ste pokazali najveće interesovanje

By listening to your wishes and needs, we have decided to operate the majority of flights during teh holiday, toward destinations in which you have shown the greatest interest

ranije. Molimo vas za strpljenje u slučaju stvaranja gužve, kao i da, uvek kada ste u prilici, prednost date starijima, porodicama sa decom i svima kojima je iz nekog razloga teže da čekaju. Mi uvek činimo sve što je u našoj moći da vam iskustvo putova- nja učinimo što lakšim i prijatnijim. Zato smo sigurni da će vas obra- dovati vest da se odnedavno, umesto 36 sati pre leta, putem inter- neta možete čekirati 48 sati ranije. Za sve koji se raduju aktivnom odmoru i omiljenim zimskim ak- tivnostima, u ovom broju smo pripremili izbor najatraktivnijih ski-de- stinacija. Opustite se uz zimske čarolije i vaš omiljeni magazin.

tience in the event of crowds forming and that you, whenever you are able, let through older persons, families with children, and all those for whom wait- ing is more dicult for any reason. We are doing everything in our power to make your travel experiences as easy and enjoyable as possible. Therefore we are certain that you will be hap- py about the news that, as of recently, instead of 36 hours before the ight, you can check-in online 48 hours earlier. For all those looking forward to an active holiday and their favourite win- ter activities, in this issue we have prepared a selection of the most attractive skiing destinations. Relax with winter magic and your favourite magazine.

Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip, Yours sincerely, Air Serbia

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Da li je to zgrada ili jelka?

Is that a building or a Christmas tree?

Sadržaj /Inside

Er Srbija Air Serbia

Ljudi People

Kultura&umetnost Culture&Art



22 Rekordni rezultati Er Srbije u oktobru Record results for Air Serbia in October

Leonardo: Sve tajne Vitruvijevog čoveka Leonardo: All the secrets of the Vitruvian Man

Ana Saćipović: Evropski aplauz za jednu Anu iz Niša European applause for one Ana from Niš

34 Intervju / Interview Zdravko Čolić

92 Momčilo Bajagić Bajaga: Još me udara adrenalin kad pravimo lom Adrenaline still hits me when we cause a ruckus



Skulpture Ivana Meštrovića u Narodnom muzeju Meštrović’s sculptures at the National museum

U poslovnici Er Srbije na Aerodromu Nikola Tesla At Air Serbia’s Nikola Tesla Airport branch oce

Moda Fashion



48 Čekamo Olimpijadu: Ovo je priča o Tokiju Awaiting the Olympics: This is the story of Tokyo

Moda je umetnost za jednokratnu upotrebu Fashion is disposable art

Naslovna strana/Cover photo: iStock / sankai

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Sadržaj /Inside Putujte pametno Travel smart

54 Rogla, šetnja po oblacima

62 Zimska bajka durmitorska

Winter fairy tale of Durmitor

Rogla, walking through clouds


64 Sofija: Skijanje u borovoj šumi Soa: Skiing in pine forests

London: Najatraktivnija destinacija na svetu

London: World’s best destination

58 Tri vrha blizu Milana Three peaks close to Milan

Smešna predviđanja za 2020: OK, gde su svi ti naši roboti? Ridiculous predictions for 2020: Okay, where are all those robots of ours? 44

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Support for children with Down syndrome Još jedna značajna nagrada za marketinšku kampanju Er Srbije Another important award for Air Serbia’s marketing campaign Er Srbija i Atlas global proširili partnerstvo Air Serbia and Atlas Global expand partnership 3 pitanja za Nikola Jovanović, kapetana Three questions for Captain Nikola Jovanović 118 ― 137 Uniforme Er Srbije za Prihvatilište u Kumodraškoj Air Serbia uniforms for Kumodraška Street shelter Podrška za decu sa Daunovim sindromom

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee

Nikola Vukomanović, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotograje / Photography Vesna Lalić, Mitar Mitrović, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić, Marko Đoković, Nikola Olić, Zoran Kuzmanović Munja, Aleksandar Kerekeš Keky Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

Jedan od najvećih i najvoljenijih bendova u istoriji roka, legendarni Deep Purple , održaće koncert u Beogradu 6. decembra u Štark areni . Engleski rokeri, predvođeni legendarnim pevačem Janom Gilanom, održali su spektakularni nastup 2014, a Smoke on the Water , Black Night , Hush , Highway Star , The Mule i drugi hitovi benda koji postoji skoro pola veka ponovo će odjekivati Arenom... One of the greatest and most beloved bands in rock history, the legendary Deep Purple, will perform at Belgrade’s Štark Arena on 6 th December. These English rockers, led by legendary singer Ian Gillan, gave a spectacular performance in 2014, while now Smoke On The Water, Black Night, Hush, Highway Star, The Mule and other hits from the band’s career dating back half a century will again resonate around the Arena...


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

Lidija Ham Milovanović, viši kustos u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu, po obrazovanju je istoričar umetnosti, a svojim profesionalnim interesovanjima usmerena prvenstveno na muzejsku komunikaciju. Kao šef odeljenja za odnose sa javnošću čini sve da programi Narodnog muzeja nađu put do publike, pa tako i sjajna izložba Meštrovićevih skulptura. Lidija Ham Milovanović, Senior Curator at the National Museum in Belgrade, is an art historian by education, while her professional interests are focused primarily on museum communication. Acting as the Head of the PR department, she works to ensure that programmes of the National Museum are realised and find their way to their audience, as is the case with the splendid exhibition of Ivan Meštrović.

Biljana Stefanović je novinarka koja već punih deset godina putujući po Srbiji otkriva priče o običnim ljudima neobičnih sudbina i života. Kako kaže, čari posla koji radi su u tome što ima mogućnost da rečima pokrene i promeni neke stvari u društvu, ali i da upozna velike ljude. Baš takva je Ana Saćipović, jedna od najuspešnijih Romkinja u Evropi. travelling around Serbia for the past ten years, revealing stories about ordinary people with strange destinies and lives. As she says, the magic of the job she does lies in the fact that she has the ability to use words to launch and change some things in society, but also to meet great people. Just one such person is Ana Saćipović, one of the most successful Roma women in Europe. Biljana Stefanović is a journalist who has been

Ana Vodinelić diplomirala je istoriju umetnosti i master je novinarstva. Prve novinarske tekstove napisala je u Blicu 1999, a najdraže su joj teme i intervjui sa umetnicima. Nije, dakle, čudo što nam u ovom izdanju Elevejta donosi čak dva takva intervjua. Sa mladim glumcem Slavenom Došlom i legendarnim Momčilom Bajagićem. Ana Vodinelić holds a BA in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Journalism. She wrote her first journalism articles for Blic in 1999,while her favourites are topics and interviews with artists. No wonder, then, that for this issue of Elevate she brings us as many as two such interviews. One with young actor Slaven Došlo and the other with one of the most beloved musicians from this region, the legendary Momčilo Bajagić.

Nikola Olić je fotograf poreklom iz Beograda. Mada već dugo živi u Americi, fotografiše na raznim lokacijama širom sveta svojim vernim jeftinim Nikon aparatom. Sa putovanjima je davno počeo kao dete jatovaca, otac mu je bio pilot na B-707, a majka stjuardesa. Za Elevejt je izabrao neke od svojih sjajnih fotografija, koje nam donose praznični duh i novogodišnju radost. Nikola Olić is a photographer originally from Belgrade. Although he has lived in America for a long time, locations around the world with his faithful, cheap Nikon camera. He began his travels long ago – his father was a pilot of B-707 aircraft and his mother was a flight attendant. For this issue he selected some of his excellent photos that bring the spirit of the holiday season and joy. he has been shooting photographs in various

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 312 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / sankai

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– Dok sam se bavila mane- kenstvom, bila sam četiri da- na u nedelji na putu, što je dosta naporno, osim kada se putuje avonom. Potpuno je čaroban osećaj da se u rela- tivno kratkom vremenskom periodu nađeš na potpuno drugom kraju sveta. Kada pu- tujem avionom, nemam ose- ćaj umora. Volim da letim, kao mala sam želela da bu- dem padobranac. Taj osećaj da sam visoko među oblaci- ma me ushićuje. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? – Uvek nosim nešto za gric- kanje, žvake, orašaste plodo- ve i slično. Zatim sve što ima veze sa negom kože, kreme za lice, ruke, šminku. Volim da prelistam štampu, ali ne čitam ništa ozbiljno. KOJA SE DESTINACIJE RADO SEĆATE? – Mnoge egzotične zemlje, gradovi i različite kuture osta- vili su jak utisak na mene, ali najjači utisak nosim iz Madri- na, grada u jugoistočnoj Tur- skoj, na samoj granici sa Siri- jom. Grad izgleda apsolutno čarobno, svojom arihitektu- rom oduševljava svakog po- setioca.

- When I was working in model- ling, I was on the road four days a week, which is pretty exhaust- ing, except when you travel by air. It’s a completely magical feel- ing to nd yourself in a totally dif- ferent part of the world in a rel- atively short period of time. I don’t feel tired when I travel by plane. I like to y, and as a kid I even wanted to be a paratroop- er. I’m enraptured by that feeling of being high among the clouds. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? - I always carry something to snack - chewing gum, nuts etc. Then there’s everything connect- ed to skin care, facial creams, hand creams, make up. I like to scan the newspapers, but don’t read anything serious. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED ETCHED IN YOUR MEMORIES? - Many exotic countries, cities and cultures have left a strong impression on me, but the strongest was nonetheless left by the city of Mardin, in south- east Turkey on the border with Syria. This city looks absolutely magical, delighting every visitor with its architecture.




- I love Belgrade because it is both big and small, both a me- tropolis and a town, both quiet and noisy – it is simply magical. It’s like someone who isn’t ob- jectively pretty, but has so much soul, charm and energy that you eventually fall in love with it and it becomes the most beautiful in the world to you. And despite the dicult junctures it has gone through, Belgrade manages to turn everything to its advantage and remain serene, positive and inspiring.

– Volim Beograd zato što je i veliki i mali, i metropola i pa- lanka, i tih i bučan. Jedno- stavno je čaroban. Beograd je kao neko ko objektiv- no nije lep, ali ima toliko du- še, šarma i energije da se na kraju zaljubite u njega i po- stane vam najlepši na sve- tu. Uprkos teškim situacijama kroz koje je prošao, Beograd uspeva da sve okrene u svo- ju korist i ostane vedar, po- zitivan i inspirativan.

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Rim Nedelja u muzeju Italijanski projekat Nedelja u muzeju, kojim se posetiocima omogućava besplatan ulazak u muzeje i arheološka nalazišta svake prve nedelje u mesecu, ponovo je zaživeo. Tako je sada svake prve nedelje u mesecu poseta Koloseumu u Rimu besplatna, a u projekat su uključene i brojne turističke atrakcije u drugim gradovima, poput Galerije akademije u Firenci, dvorca Miramare u Trstu i kraljevskog dvorca u Kazerti. Spisak ustanova uključenih u ovu akciju nalazi se na sajtu Ministarstva kulture Italije.

Rome Sunday at the museum

Berlin Everything smells like Christmas Germany’s Christmas bazaars are among the most beautiful in Europe, with a tradition dating back more than half a century. The aromas of cinnamon, cakes, mulled wine and chocolate, as well as various colour- ful handicraft items, entice tourists and passers-by from wooden shacks placed on Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz and in the boroughs of Köpenick and Span- dau. There are also Christmas markets intended for kids, with lots of enter- taining contents, rides and games, but also those with historical themes. The Italian project‘Sunday at the Mu- seum’, which grants visitors free access to museums and archaeological sites on the rst Sunday of each month, has again come to life. As such, visiting the Colosseum in Rome on every rst Sun- day of the month is now free of charge, while the project also includes numer- ous other tourist attractions in other cit- ies, such as the Gallery of the Academy of Florence, Miramare Castle in Trieste and the Royal Palace of Caserta. A list of institutions included in this programme can be found on the website of the Ital- ian Ministry of Culture.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Rim

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Rome

Berlin Sve miriše na Božić

Božićni vašari u Nemačkoj su među najlepšima u Evropi, sa tradicijom dužom od pola veka. Miris cimeta, kolačića, kuvanog vina, čokolade, šarenilo raznih rukotvorina mame turiste i prolaznike iz drvenih kućica na Potsdamer placu, u Kopeniku i u kvartu Špandau. Postoje i božićni marketi namenjeni deci sa brojnim zabavnim sadržajima, vožnjama i igrama, kao i oni sa istorijskom tematikom.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Berlin

Beč Betoven za sve

Vienna Beethoven for all

U glavnom gradu Austrije sledeća godina biće u znaku velikog muzičara i kompozitora Ludviga van Betovena. U čitavom gradu obeležavaće se važan jubilej – 250 godina od rođenja slavnog kompozitora, a svečano obeležavanje jubileja biće 16. decembra u gradskoj većnici. Cilj obeležavanja Betovenove godine je da što više ljudi doživi njegove vrednosti slobode, jednakosti i solidarnosti, kao i da na nov način upozna Beč kao svetsku prestonicu muzike.

The Austrian capital will next year be marked by celebrations commemorat- ing great musician and composer Lud- wig van Beethoven. The entire city will mark an important jubilee – 250 years since the birth of this famous compos- er, with the grand opening of the jubi- lee year to be held at Vienna City Hall on 16 th December. The aim of celebrat- ing the year of Beethoven is to ensure that as many people as possible expe- rience his values of freedom, equali- ty and solidarity, and for them to famil- iarise themselves with Vienna in a new way – as the world capital of music.

Er Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Beč

Air Serbia flies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Vienna

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Tivat Winter fairy tale

Tivat Zimska bajka

Sve do 3. januara naredne godine u Tivtu će vladati prava zimska bajka. Tako se zove istoimeni program koji se održava na rivi Pine, a u okviru kog će se održati brojni božićni sajmovi, humanitarni bazari, koncerti i prikazati raznovrsni tematski sadržaji za sve uzraste. U novogodišnjim danima turiste i Tivćane zabavljaće Marija Šerifović, Van Gog, Ana Stanić, Vlatko Stefanovski i Kamerni orkestar iz Bitolja. Kao i prethodnih godina, na rivi je otvoreno klizalište, kom se najviše raduju najmlađi. Bejrut Upoznajte grad iz vazduha Libanski glavni grad je jedan od najstarijih na svetu, ima bogatu kulturu, jedinstvene lokalitete i prelepu prirodu. Sada ih možete doživeti na drugačiji način – turističkom turom iz vazduha koja nudi uzbudljivo i zabavno iskustvo. U okviru ture videćete centar grada iz drugog ugla, zaliv Zajtun, čuvene Golubije stene, marinu, fantastičan spoj novog i starog dela grada... Ture se organizuju svakog dana osim ponedeljka i srede. Rezervacije treba napraviti najmanje pet dana ranije.

A genuine winter fairy tale will reign in Tivat until 3 rd January 2020. This is al- so the name of the programme that will unfold on the Pine Embankment waterfront, under the scope of which numerous Christmas fairs, charity ba- zaars, various themed events for all ages and concerts will be held. Dur- ing the days of the New Year holidays, tourists and locals will be entertained by Marija Šerifović, rock band Van Gogh, Vlatko Stefanovski and the Bito- la Chamber Orchestra and Ana Stanić. As in previous years, an ice rink has been opened on the waterfront that thrills the youngest the most.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Tivat

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Tivat

Beirut Get acquainted with the city from the air

Lebanon’s capital is one of the oldest liv- ing cities in the world and has a rich cul- ture, unique locations and beautiful na- ture. And you can now experience them in a dierent way – through a tour from the air that oers an exciting and fun ex- perience. Within the scope of these tours you will see the city centre from a dier- ent perspective, Zaitunay Bay, the famous Pigeon Rocks, marina, the fantastic fusion of the new and old parts of the city etc. Tours are organised daily, except Mondays and Wednesdays. Reservations should be made at least ve days in advance. Helsinki Are you up for swimming in icy water? Finland is lled with interesting con- trasts, but also customs. It is, thus, well known that Finns like to swim in icy waters during the winter months and claim that it provides a genuine boost to health. Classes are held every Mon- day until the end of March at the Allas Sea Pool to teach breathing for swim- ming in freezing water, which research has shown to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Instructors claim that the num- ber of tourists interested in this tradi- tional Finnish winter activity is growing year on year.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Bejrut

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Beirut

Helsinki Jeste li za kupanje u ledenoj vodi?

Finska je puna zanimljivih kontrasta, baš kao i običaja. Tako je poznato da Finci vole da se kupaju u zimskim mesecima u ledenoj vodi i kažu da je to pravi melem za zdravlje. U morskom bazenu Alas čak sve do kraja marta ponedeljkom se održavaju časovi disanja za plivanje u hladnoj vodi, za koje su istraživanja pokazala da otklanja stres i smanjuje anksioznost. Instruktori tvrde da se iz godine u godinu broj zainteresovanih turista za ovu finsku tradicionalnu zimsku aktivnost povećava.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Helsinki

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Helsinki

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PREMIJERA FILMA ČETIRI RUŽE Film Četiri ruže je kriminalistička drama sa elementi- ma komedije. Prikazuje urbani mozaik gradskih likova koje u ispovesti jedne beogradske noći povezuje neu- tolјiva želјa za lakom lovom, dobrim provodom i bez- brižnim jutrom. Iza kulisa carstva poroka u noćnom klubu Četiri ruže , u centru mozaika, gde se vodi bes- poštedna borba, često i sa one strane zakona, naći će se jedan običan čovek. Film će premijerno biti prika- zan u Centru Sava 3. decembra.

PREMIERE OF THE FILM FOUR ROSES The lm Four Roses is a crime drama with elements of co- medy. It portrays an urban mosaic of city characters, who, in the confession of a Belgrade night, are connected by an overwhelming desire for easy money, a good time and a care- free morning. Behind the scenes of this empire of vice, in the Four Roses nightclub, at the centre of the mosaic, where a rut- hless ght is fought, often on the wrong side of the law, an or- dinary man will nd himself. The lm’s premiere screening will take place at the Sava Centre on 3 rd December.

BOŽO VREĆO PONOVO U CENTRU SAVA Pred publiku Centra Sava , godinu dana po- sle uspešnog prvog susreta, vraća se 14. de- cembra „umetnik anđeoskog glasa koji leči dušu i otvara srce“ ( Njujork tajms ), o čemu svedoče jedinstvene i glasovno raskošne Božine interpretacije u pesmama kakve su Lejlija , Pandora , Elma ... BOŽO VREĆO RETURNS TO THE SAVA CENTRE A year after his successful first encounter wi- th the Sava Centre audience, this 14 th Decem- ber sees the return of the “artist with an angelic voice that heals the soul and opens the he- art” (New York Times), as evidenced by Božo’s unique and sumptuous interpretations of songs such as Layla, Pandora, Elma etc.

STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER Lucaslm and director J.J.

Abrams have once again joined forces to take the audience on an epic journey through a galaxy far, far away in the lm The Ri- se of Skywalker. This lms marks the conclusion of the iconic saga of the Skywalkers, in which new legends will be born and in whi- ch the nal battle for freedom is yet to come. For all Star Wars fans, this new cinematic treat wi- ll be on show in Belgrade’s cine- mas from 19 th December.

STAR VORS  USPON SKAJVOKERA Lucasflm i reditelj Džej Džej Abrams još jednom su udružili snage kako bi publiku poveli na epsko putovanje kroz daleku galaksiju u filmu Uspon Skajvokera . Ovaj film je zaključak sage o Skajvokerima i tokom njega će se roditi nove legende i uslediće konačna bitka za slobodu. Za sve ljubitelje Ratova zvezda nova filmska poslastica prikazivaće se u beogradskikm bio- skopima od 19. decembra.

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SNAŽNA EKSPANZIJA / GREAT EXPANSION REKORDNI REZULTATI ER SRBIJE U OKTOBRU RECORD RESULTS FOR AIR SERBIA IN OCTOBER A ir Serbia continued to deliver exceptional operating results from the summer season even in October, which has traditionally been considered a month of less intense trac. The Serbian national airline had 240,696 passengers this October, which is 13.37 per cent more than the 212,314 passengers it had last October, and which si-

E r Srbija je nastavila sa izuzetno dobrim ope- rativnim rezultatima iz letnje sezone i u ok- tobru, koji je do sada tradicionalno važio za mesec sa manjim intenzitetom saobraćaja. Ukupno je prevezeno 240.696 putnika, što je za 13,37 odsto više u odnosu na 212.314 prevezenih u oktobru

prošle godine i što je ujedno i naj- bolji rezultat za taj mesec od po- kretanja kompanije Er Srbija . Po- punjenost kapaciteta za prevoz putnika na letovima iz Beograda povećana je za tri procentna poe- na, na 75 odsto. Izuzetno dobri rezultati ostva- reni su i u čarter-saobraćaju, u ko- jem je čarter-brend Aviolet preve- zao za 30,13 odsto više putnika u odnosu na oktobar prošle godine. Avioni nacionalne avio-kompani- je su prošlog meseca leteli ka čak 45 destinacija iz Beograda i 12 iz Niša, u poređenju sa 37 destina- cija iz srpske prestonice ka koji- ma su saobraćali u istom perio- du prošle godine. – Veoma smo zadovoljni posti- gnutim rezultatima i uvereni da će se takav trend nastaviti i u nared- nom periodu. Nove destinacije, po- krenute u junu kao rezultat pažlji- vog strateškog planiranja, pokazale su se kao pravi potez, koji je generi- sao značajan rast. Raduje nas i što

multaneously represents the best result for this month since Air Ser- bia’s launch, with the Passenger Load Factor on ights from Bel- grade increasing by three per- centage points to 75 per cent. Exceptional results were al- so achieved in charter transport, with the Aviolet charter brand carrying 30.13 per cent more passengers than last October. During the last month, the air- craft of Serbia’s national carrier operated ights to 45 destina- tions from Belgrade and 12 from Niš, compared to the 37 desti- nations served from the Serbi- an capital in the same period of last year. “We are very satised with the results achieved and we are convinced the trend will continue in the coming period. New des- tinations, launched in June as a result of careful strategic plan- ning, proved to be the right move, which generated signi-

smo ostvarenim rezultatima u velikoj meri doprineli rastu Aerodroma Nikola Tesla , koji u trećem kvartalu 2019. godine iznosi gotovo 10 odsto – izjavio je Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . Nacionalni avio-prevoznik je u tekućoj godini us- postavljanjem direktnih letova ka čak devet novih de- stinacija iz Beograda i 12 iz Niša zabeležio najsnažni- ju ekspanziju od kada posluje pod imenom Er Srbija .

cant growth. We are also happy that, with our results, we have contributed to the development of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Air- port, the growth of which reached almost 10 per cent in Q3 2019,” said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. With the establishing of direct ights to as many as nine new destinations from Belgrade and 12 from Niš, the national carrier experienced its greatest expansion since it started op- erating under the Air Serbia brand.

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N akon što je devet godina proveo u ino- stranstvu, Ivan Brkljač se vratio u Srbiju, gde je prvo otpočeo karijeru kao specija- lista za onlajn marketing, a zatim je bio jedan od osnivača inicijative Mokrin House . Odne- davno se bavi temom cirkularnih migracija i odno- sima naših talenata u zemlji i dijaspori. U Beogra- du će krajem decembra biti održana konferencija Talenti na okupu 2.0 , koju je inicirala Ana Brnabić, predsednica Vlade RS, i koja će okupiti naše ljude koji uspešno rade i studiraju u inostranstvu. Pita- mo Ivana koja je ideja i glavna poruka konferencije , koju i ove godine organizuje tim nacionalne plat- forme Srbija stvara . – Ideja je da se na jednom mestu okupe talen- ti našeg društva. Na prethodnom okupljanju usta- novljeno je da postoji potreba za jačanjem odnosa između matice i dijaspore i na tome se aktivno radi- lo ove godine. Cilj ove konferencije je da se nastavi započetim putem približavanja dijaspore i srpskog društva sa ultimativnim ciljem da jednog dana po- stoji neometani cirkularni tok ljudi, znanja i kapi- tala između Srbije i njene dijaspore.

A fter spending nine years living abroad, Ivan Brkljač returned to Serbia, where he’d rst began his career as a special- ist in online marketing and then been among the co-founders of the Mokrin House initi- ative. He recently began dealing with the topic of circular migration and relations between our tal- ented people both in the country and among the diaspora.LateDecemberwillseeBelgradehostthe conference Talent MeetUp 2.0, which was initiat- ed by Serbian PM Ana Brnabić and will bring to- gether Serbian people who work and study abroad successfully. We asked Ivan about the main idea and message of the conference, which is this year again being organised by the Serbia Creates na- tional platform... “The idea is to bring together in one place tal-

The conference, which is being organised by the Serbia Creates national platform, will be held on 27 th December at the National Theatre in Belgrade Konferencija koju organizuje nacionalna platforma „Srbija stvara“ biće održana 27. decembra u Narodnom pozorištu u Beogradu

ented people from our society. It was determined at the previous gathering that a need exists to strengthen the relationship between the home- land and the diaspora, and this has been worked on actively during this year. The aim of this confer- ence is to continue the route embarked upon to bring the diaspora and Serbian society closer to- gether, with the ultimate goal of one day having an unhindered circular ow of people, knowhow and capital between Serbia and its diaspora.” In which way can our country form an environment in which the young people who leave Serbia also return to the country? - It is important for us to get to the point where neither leaving nor re- turning are taboo, but rather an integral part of the processes that unfold in a vibrant global economy. What we certainly need to enable is for those transi- tions to be as simple as possible, which is why we’ve been working over the last year to ease the validating of foreign diplomas, while the National Bank of Serbia has published a nancial manual for returnees and work is being done on the adaptation of customs regulations when it comes to bringing assets acquired abroad into the country.These are just some of the steps that are being, and will be, taken to facilitate integration into domestic society. Who are the conference’s participants and to whom have invitations been extended? -Ontheonehand,theyaremembersofvariousdiasporaorganisations, prominent individuals in the elds of science, business and the arts, but al- so students from the world’s best universities. On the other hand, there are also talented people from our country, returnees who are the initiators of their initiatives, as well as the best students of local universities. Invitations have been extended to state institutions and the non-governmental sec- tor, in order for us all to discuss together – under the leadership of Serbian Prime Minister and conference initiator Ana Brnabić – both the problems and potential solutions when it comes to strengthening relations between the diaspora and our society.

Na koji način naša zemlja mo- že da formira ambijent u ko- jem će se mladi koji odu iz Sr- bije u nju i vratiti?

– Bitno je da dođemo do tačke u kojoj ni od- lazak ni povratak nisu tabu, već sastavni deo pro- cesa koji se dešavaju u vibrantnoj globalnoj eko- nomiji. Ono što svakako moramo da omogućimo jeste da te tranzicije budu što jednostavnije, te se u poslednjih godinu dana radilo na tome da se strane diplome lakše nostrifikuju, NBS je objavi- la finansijski priručnik za povratnike, a radi se i na adaptaciji carinskih propisa kada je reč o uno- šenju imovine stečene u inostranstvu. To su sa- mo neki koraci koji jesu i biće učinjeni kako bi integracija u domaće društvo bila jednostavnija. Ko su učesnici konferencije i kome je sve upu- ćen poziv? – Sa jedne strane članovi raznih organizacija iz dijaspore, ista- knuti pojedinci u poljima nauke, biznisa i umetnosti, kao i studen- ti sa najboljih svetskih univerziteta. Sa druge strane, tu su talenti iz naše zemlje, povratnici koji su pokretači svojih inicijativa, kao i naj- bolji studenti sa domaćih univerziteta. Pozivi su upućeni državnim institucijama i nevladinom sektoru kako bismo svi zajedno, predvo- đeni Anom Brnabić, predsednicom Vlade i inicijatorkom ove kon- ferencije, diskutovali o problemima i potencijalnim rešenjima u ve- zi sa jačanjem odnosa između dijaspore i našeg društva.

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Najveći događaj koji se bavi promocijom nauke i obrazovanja u regionu pono- vo otvara svoje kapije! Od 5. do 8. de- cembra na Beogradskom sajmu više od 700 naučnika iz zemlje i inostran- stva na više od 60 interaktivnih po- stavki okupiće se sa jednim ciljem – da pomoću nauke i naučnih dosti- gnuća razotkriju brojne popularne mitove i sveprisutne zablude . – S obzirom na to da je broj 13 zaštit- ni znak sujeverja, odlučili smo da na 13. Festivalu nauke našim saradnicima da-

The region’s biggest event dealing with the pro- motion of science and education is reopening its gates! From 5 th to 8 th December, at the Belgrade Fair, more than 700 scientists from the country and abroad will gather at more than 60 inter- active exhibits for a single purpose – to use science and scientic achievements to help unravel numerous popular myths and ubiqui- tous misconceptions. “Considering that the number 13 is a veritable trademark of superstition, we decided for the 13th edition of the Science Festival to task our as- sociates with unravelling all those minor supersti- tions, but also the very serious misconceptions and myths that have become part of our everyday lives,” says Nenad Zarić, chief programme coordinator of the festival.

mo zadatak da razotkriju sva ona sitna suje- verja baš kao i posve ozbiljne zablude i mitove koji su postali deo naše svakodnevice – navodi Ne- nad Zarić, glavni programski koordinator festivala.

For the purposes of scientic Disclosure this December, more than 6,500 square metres of the Belgrade Fair have been reserved. Over the course of four days, visitors of all ages will be able to participate in the unravelling of the mystery of the moon landings, to nd out what types of radiation exist, whether they are all dangerous, and where they can all be discovered. The mysteries of evolution will be re-examined, the secrets of eternal machines that give us energy and seek nothing in re- turn will be investigated, while numerous declarations of the products that we eat and drink on a daily basis, not knowing exactly what we are putting into our bodies, will be put to the test. The festival will pres- ent visitors with a rich international programme on the Science Fiction Stage and welcome scientists from around the world!

Za naučno Razotkrivanje ovog decembra rezervisano je više od 6.500 kvadrata Beogradskog sajma. Tokom četiri dana po- setioci svih uzrasta moći da učestvuju u razotkrivanju miste- rije sletanja na Mesec, saznaće koja sve zračenja postoje, da li su sva opasna i gde se sve mogu otkriti. Preispitaće se mi- sterije evolucije, istražiti tajne večitih mašina koje nam da- ju energiju, a ništa ne traže zauzvrat i staviti na proveru broj- ne deklaracije proizvoda koje jedemo i pijemo svakodnevno, ne znajući šta tačno unosimo u svoj organizam. Festival će po- setiocima predstaviti bogat međunarodni program na Naučno- fantastičnoj bini i ugostiti naučnike iz celog sveta!

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U . SA BEOGRADSKOM FILHARMONIJOM INTO 2020 WITH THE BELGRADE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA URNEBESNI BETOVEN S uperstar muzičke komedije – fantastični Aleksej Igudesman, violinista koji je osvojio svet izvodeći klasičnu muziku HILARIOUS BEETHOVEN

Klasična muzika na komičan način: Aleksej Igudesman Classical music in a comical way: Aleksey Igudesman

praznični nastupi biti u znaku tog kompozitora. Igudesman će dati svoj jedinstveni osvrt na neka od najpoznatijih Betovenovih dela, i to na šaljiv i originalan način. Kao i Betoven, Igudesman se u mladosti preselio u Beč i tamo već 30 godina ta- lasa muzičkom scenom, i to kao violinista, kom- pozitor, dirigent, komičar, producent, reditelj, glumac, preduzetnik, pisac, pesnik, kuvar i he- donista. Osim komične interpretacije Betovena, ostala dela na programu uključuju Igudesmano- va genijalna i uzbudljiva dela inspirisana muz- ikom iz svih krajeva sveta.

na komičan način, nastupa ponovo sa Be- ogradskom lharmonijom na dva novogodiš- nja koncerta, 26. i 27. decembra na Kolarcu . Najveseliji nastupi lharmonijskog orkestra tradicionalno oduševljavaju publiku i priv- lače veliku pažnju, pa će za kraj godine taj orke- star zabaviti slušaoce zajedno sa proslavljenom zvezdom muzičke komedije. Baš kao što je lhar- monijska sezona posvećena Betovenu, tako će i

A superstar of musical comedy – the fantastic Aleksey Igudesman, the violinist who conque- red the world by performing classical music in a comical way, is to perform once again with the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra during two New Year’s concerts at Kolarac Endowment Hall on 26 th and 27 th December. The most cheerful performances of the Philharmonic Or- chestra traditionally thrill the audience and attract lots of attention, so for the culmination of the year the orchestra will entertain listeners together with this celebrated star of

musical comedy. Just as this season of the Philharmonic has been dedicated to Beethoven, so the performances of the festive season will be marked by this composer. Igudesman will provide his unique re-

view of some of Beethoven’s most famous works, doing so in a humorous and original way. Like Beethoven himself, Igudesman also relocated to Vienna as a youngster and has caused a stir on the music scene there for 30 years, as a violinist, composer, conductor, comedian, pro- ducer, director, actor, entrepreneur, writer, poet, chef and hedonist. Alongside his comedic in- terpretations of Beethoven, the programme also include Igudesman’s ingenious and exciting works inspired by music from all regions of the world.

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Fotografije / Photography: Marko Đoković, Beogradska filharmonija

What I always wish is for is that there be peace and positive energy in our region, and most importantly that our health serves us Uvek poželim da na našim prostorima bude mira i pozitivne energije i, što je najvažnije, da nas služi zdravlje

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INTERVJU: ZDRAVKO ČOLIĆ, MUZIČAR INTERVIEW: ZDRAVKO ČOLIĆ, MUSICIAN DA SE OPET RODIM, MOŽDA BIH BIO SPORTISTA IF I WERE BORN AGAIN, PERHAPS I’D BE AN ATHLETE T hree concerts, scheduled for 29 th and 30 th November and 13 th De- cember, sold out with incredible speed, but even that wasn’t the end for those who wanted to spend an evening with the great- est living legend of the Balkans, Zdravko Čolić, and his timeless

T ri koncerta rezervisana za 29. i 30. novem- bar i 13. decembar rasprodata su neverovat- nom brzinom, ali ni tada nisu bili zadovoljni svi koji su želeli da noć provedu uz Zdrav- ka Čolića, najveću legendu Balkana, i njegove bez- vremene hitove. A Čola ne bi bio jedan od najdražih ljudi na estradnom nebu, čovek koji nikada nije bi- lo meta kritike niti akter skandala, da nije ljubazno udovoljio i tom zahtevu. Zakazao je četvrti koncert u

hits. And Čola wouldn’t be one of the most beloved people from the en- tertainment world – a man who has never been the subject of criticism or scandal – if he hadn’t also responded kindly to that request. He sched- uled a fourth concert at Štark Arena for 14 th December and a fth for the 27 th , thus doing what no one else has ever previously managed to do. Yet he still modestly waves his hand to dismiss

Štark areni za 14. i peti za 27. decembar, te tako učinio ono što nikome do sada nije poš- lo za rukom. Ipak, on skromno odma- huje rukom na sve te pohvale i uspehe koji su mu tako dav- no započeti. Još 1978. upisao se u legendu velikim koncer- tom na Marakani , a do danas mu nema ravnog. Njegovi na- stupi su nedeljama unapred ra- sprodati u halama bivše Jugo- slavije i velikim salama širom sveta. Danas, kao i nekada... Postali ste legenda u vre- me kada su to mogli biti samo oni koji su zaista vredeli. Kako se sećate tih godina, recimo se- damdesetih u staroj Ju- gi? Šta vam najviše ne- dostaje?

all the praise for the success that he rst achieved so long ago. It was back in 1978 that he gained the status of a legend with a major concert at Bel- grade’s Marakana Stadium, and to this day he has remained without equal. His performances at con- cert halls around the former Yugoslavia and large venues around the world are sold out weeks in ad- vance. Today just as it once was... You became a legend during a time when that was only possible for those who were truly wor- thy. How do you remember those years, say the ‘70s in the old Yugoslavia? What do you miss the most today? - I loved playing music, especially learning guitar chords, and in my spare time I hung out with friends. Regardless of sport, which I loved, music prevailed... I looked forward to festivals, the schlager of the season, I enjoyed working with the Korni group, Kemal [Bosnian folk singer Ke- mal Malovčić], winning awards etc. Music was al- ways present, in parallel with school. And there was nothing legendary whatsoever, which would

Alongside hits that generations have grown up with, the Belgrade audience will enjoy the artist whose return they’ve been awaiting eagerly for ve years. With as many as ve concerts, ‘Čola’ promises evenings lled with emotion, special energy and top music, but he nonetheless reveals to us that, if he were to start all over again, he might not opt to spend his life singing day and night... Uz hitove uz koje su odrastale generacije uživaće beogradska publika, koja ga željno čeka već pet godina. Na čak pet koncerta Čola obećava večeri pune emocija, posebne energije i vrhunske muzike, ali nam ipak otkriva da, kada bi krenuo ispočetka, možda ipak ne bi proveo život pevajući danju i noću...

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography:

– Voleo sam da sviram, naročito da učim akor- de na gitari, a u slobodno vreme sam se družio sa prijateljima. Iako sam voleo sport, muzika je prevla- dala... Radovao sam se festivalima, Šlageru sezone, uživao sam u saradnji sa Korni grupom , Kemalom, osvajao nagrade... Muzika je uvek bila prisutna, pa- ralelno sa školom. A nikakve legendarnosti nije bi- lo, to će doći mojom ustrajnošću i kasnijim delova- njem. Ono što mi nedostaje kada pogledam grad u kojem sam se rodio jesu ljudi. Mnogo njih je raselje- no po svetu. Sarajevo je tu gde je bilo, često odem,

go on to be shown by my perseverance and subsequent actions. What I miss now when I look back at the city where I was born are the people. Many of them are displaced around the world. Sarajevo is right where it used to be, I often go there, I still have family there, but I miss my friends, especially those who are no longer among us. When you look back, if you were able to hop into a time machine and go back, is there anything you would do dierently? - I’m not sure I would deal with music. The voice I have, as a gift of God, can be measured and I have respected that. But if I were to start again from scratch, I would certainly complete school, maybe I’d be an athlete. Considering the success that I have, this isn’t an easy job at all, you

Zoran Kuzmanović Munja, Aleksandar

Kerekes Keky, Mitar Mitrović

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imam još familije tamo, ali fale mi prijatelji, naročito oni koju nisu među nama. Kada se okrenete iza sebe i kada biste mogli da uskočite u vremeplov i vratite se, ima li nešto što biste uradili dru- gačije? – Nisam siguran da bih se ba- vio muzikom. Glas koji imam mo- že se nazvati božjim darom i to sam ispoštovao. Ali kada bih krenuo is- početka, završio bih sigurno ško- lu, možda bih bio sportista. S ob- zirom na uspešnost, ovo nije ni lak posao, ne možeš uvek funkcionisa- ti kako bi hteo. Nazivali su vas idealnim juna- kom mladih ljudi, danas su ju- naci sasvim drugačiji od vas... – Svako vreme ima svoje junake. Uvek su ljudi koji su na javnoj sce- ni neka vrsta junaka, svako za pone- koga. Niko nije junak svima. Neko je uspešan sportista, neko glumac, svako ima svoju publiku. Moguće je da su danas drugačije profesije u modi. Uvek postoji mogućnost da se neko dokaže i utiče na ciljnu gru- pu. Ja ne žalim za onim vremenom. Malo je onih koji kao vi traju decenijama. I sada kao od šale rasprodate pet Arena. Šta mi- slite da vas izdvaja od ostalih? – Čovek ne može sam govori- ti o uspehu, neko ko analizira neči- ju karijeru bolje bi rekao. Za mene je najvažniji profesionalizam. Treba da voliš publiku, da imaš različit re- pertoar, da budeš dobar pevač i pre svega prirodna osoba, ono što jesi istinski. Da koncerti budu korektni, kao i odnos prema publici, da pesme budu dovoljno komercijalne, a opet da traju, da ne budu za kratko vre- me. Dobro je napraviti pauzu, da te se publika zaželi, a ne da konstan- tno budeš u javnosti. Kako ste uspeli da za sve ovo vreme ne učinite baš ništa lo- še ni ružno, da ne budete uče- snik skandala i estrade u nje- nom najgorem obliku? Čime se branite od iskušenja i zala? – Živim svoj život i nisam od te fele. Skandali mi nisu potrebni za ka- rijeru. Pokušavam da se zaštitim, ali to ne radim namerno, tako se pona- ša i moja porodica. Slikao sam se sa- mo kad sam morao, jer je to obave- za profesije kojom se bavim. Mogli ste i još možete da imate verovatno svaku ženu koju po- želite. U vreme velike zemlje,

and not to constantly be in the public eye. How did you manage, throughout all this time, to do absolutely nothing wrong or unsightly; to not be part of ascandalandshowbizinitsworstform? How do you defend yourself against temptation and evil? - I live my life and I’m not of that ilk. I don’t need scandals for my career. I try to protect myself, but I don’t do so on purpose, that’s also how my family behaves. I only had my picture taken when I had to, because that’s an obligation of the profession I practise. You could have had, and still proba- bly could have, any woman you want. During the time of the former larger country, which women adored you the most and why? - Hahahahaha... such is the profession, I’m in a public place, like my other colleagues, singing love songs, so part of the audience naturally connects with the performer. It’s just a profession; life is something else. How did you manage to remain in a longandhappymarriage?Manywould welcome good advice ... - It’s a lottery in life. I met my wife 10 years before our marriage, we got to know each other well, and I got married late so I had time to think about marriage. It’s impor- tant to have respect, loyalty, trust... And the longer we’re together, the more we resem- ble one another. You were the best pupil, and even stu- dent, you were already a star when you graduated.Whywasschoolimportant to you? - Such was that time, it was preferable to have a college education. Also Today I’d recommend education to everyone. Being educated used to be more important than it is today, and what you will end up doing in life is also a lot to do with the twist of fate. Young people at 18 don’t know what they want to do, which is why I’m always in favour

can’t always function in the way you’d want. You were dubbed the ideal hero of young people, while today’s heroes are completely dierent to you... - Every period brings its heroes. People who are on the public scene are always some sort of hero, each for someone. No one is spe- cic for everyone. Someone is a successful athlete, someone an actor, and everyone has their own audience. It’s possible that dierent professions are fashionable today. There are always opportunities for someone to prove themselves and impact on the target group. I don’t mourn for that time. There are few who endure for decades like you have. And now you sell out ve Arenas as if in jest. What do you think sets you apart? - A man can’t talk about his own suc- cess, somebody who analyses someone’s ca- reer would express it better. Professionalism is the most important thing for me.You need to love the audience, to have a dierent rep- ertoire, to be a good singer and, above all, a natural person, your true self; for the con- certs to be correct and the attitude towards the audiences and the songs to be sucient- ly commercial, yet also lasting, not to be for a short period of time. And it’s a good idea to take a break, for the audience to desire you,

I adore travelling and I feel good on planes. There are always friendly ight attendants who take care to ensure you are satised and your ight is passing nicely. I like ying with Air Serbia Obožavam putovanja i dobro mi je u avionu. Tu su uvek ljubazne stjuardese, koje paze da budeš zadovoljan i da ti let lepo protekne. Volim da letim „Er Srbijom“

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