
MARIO DESPATIE (Prop./Owner) 1-877-56LOCAL (565-6225) Tél. : 613 673-2751 • Téléc. : 613 673-4268

VOL. 18, No 22 • 1 cahier, 28 pages • HAWKESBURY , Ontario Vendredi 30 mars 2012 • Friday, March 30, 2012

Maintenant ouvert le jeudi jusqu’à 21 h

0 $ RÉPARATION OU REMPLACEMENT de pare-brises. Nous nous occupons de votre réclamation d’assurance.

1550, rue Principale E., Hawkesbury (Ont.) K6A 2Y1 613 632-4495

vitres d’autos


Nos bureaux seront fermés le vendredi Saint 6 avril Our of¿ce will be close Good Friday April 6

Daniel Lalonde, Bruce Smith, Daniel Charbonneau et Philippe Timbers. PAGE 5

Focus Challenging conventional wisdom

HOMMAGE À MAZDA Pages 13 à 15

Hospital expansion SPARED

Page 3

Page 7

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C ALUMET maison de campagne rénovée avec planchers de bois et de céramique. Située à 2 minutes de la nouvelle autoroute 50. Offrant une vue sur la rivière, ce site exceptionnel de 10 acres est doté d’une longue entrée privée vousmenant à lamaison. MLS 8649127

BROWNSBURG-CHATHAM Bungalow de 3 CAC, situé à la campagne à mi chemin entreHawkesbury et Lachute.Grande cuisine rénovée avec nombreuses armoires en pin de type IKEA, plancher flottant et de bois presque partout. MLS 8635262

GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE Grand bungalow sur la plus belle rue de la municipalité. Maison bien éclairée par fenestration généreuse, salle-à-dîner dans la tourelle. Concept ouvert, grandes pièces, planchers de chêne sélect et de céramique, salle- bains avec bain double et douche indépendante. MLS8506240

GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE Belle maison 2 étages rénovée de la cave, au grenier 2 CAC (possibilité d’en ajouter au sous-sol)cuisine avec armoiresenbois,coin repaspour lepetitdéjeuner, s/manger séparé avec poêle au bois, salon avec plancherdebois. MLS8689457

GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE Grandemaisonde3CAC sur un terrain aménagé de près de 20 000 pi ca. avec un seul voisin près. Grand salon avec foyer en pierre et plancher de bois, 3 CAC à coucher avec bois franc. Cuisine équippée. MLS 8603888

GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE Belle maison en bois rond de 3 CAC au rez-de-chaussée sise en zone rurale mais à 5 minutes de Grenville et Hawkesbury.Salon,cuisine(avec îlot)et coin repasouverts. MLS8670920

www . g i l l e s d r o u i n . c a www . g i l l e s d r o u i n . c om Gilles Drouin Courtier immobilier agréé

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25 000 $ pour

prognosis for

« une solution hybride »


l’impact dans le but de formuler une

stratégie de commercialisation de la région.


Lebudgetpourceprocessusestfixéà25 000



Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell

Lors d’une discussion au comité plénier

dépenseront 25 000 $ pour une « solution

récemment, certains membres ont parlé

hybride » à la suite d’une discussion au

contre l’étude telle que proposée par le

sujet du déménagement de 10 000


maire de Clarence-Rockland, Marcel

employés fédéraux vers le secteur ouest

Guibord. Une étude pourrait coûter jusqu’à


100 000 $. Entre-temps, le directeur général,

The Ontario government will

Le conseil des Comtés unis était divisé

Stéphane Parisien, et le directeur du

continue to support the expansion of the

sur une demande de la Cité de Clarence-

développement économique, Sylvain

Hawkesbury and District General

Rockland que les comtés effectuent une

Charlebois, ont préparé « une solution

Hospital and a regional economic

étude sur l’impact que la décision du

hybride ».Leurpropositionétaitd’accélérer

development fund, the province said

gouvernement pourrait avoir sur le secteur

la promotion de la région telle que décrite

Tuesday in handing down its budget.

ouest de Prescott-Russell.

dans le plan du développement

The government will finance the

Par ailleurs, mardi, tous les huit maires


addition to the HGH as part of its Action

ont voté en faveur de mandater

« Le coût - 100 000 $ - c’est beaucoup

Plan for Health Care. The McGuinty

l’administration de faire l’analyse de

d’argent », a dit M. Charlebois mardi. Une

government has also made the Eastern

Ontario Development Fund permanent to


continue providing support to

County adds $11


campagne de marketing pourrait contrer

“As MPP of a rural riding, I have seen

les effets du déménagement, il a ajouté.

firsthand how the Eastern Ontario

Deplus,lespartenaires« naturels »n’ont

to average tax bill

Development Fund has created jobs in our

pas indiqué un intérêt de partager la

community. I ampleased our government

dépensede100 000$.« Iln’yapasbeaucoup

is maintaining this important program, in

d’appui pour cette étude », a mentionné M.


partnership with the Jobs and Prosperity


Fund, to support businesses in Eastern

La bonne nouvelle c’est que le

Ontario,” said Glengarry-Prescott-

déménagement sera effectué au cours de

The united counties of Prescott-Russell’s share of property taxes is rising by about

Russell Liberal M.P.P. Grant Crack.

trois ans.

2.2 per cent this year after fluctuating for the last few years.

As expected, the budget drew mixed

Lors d’une réunion récente, le conseil a

Tax levies ratified this week will see the total requisition on the eight municipalities

reaction. Some were quick to denounce

endossé une résolution de Clarence-

increase by $1,938,016 to $36,305,950.

the austerity measures. For example, the

Rockland qui soutient que « Le

This will translate into an increase of 2.2 per cent in the residential tax rate. For a home

Ontario Public Service Employees Union

déménagement aura un impact sur les

assessed at $100,000, the county levy will rise from $480 to $491.

was organizing a noon-hour protest in

communautés, sur le transport en commun

That portion is actually lower than it was in 2008, when the levy on a $100,000 house

Hawkesbury Thursday to protest against

et sur la vitalité économique de ces

was $505. The bill rose to $502 in 2009 before dipping to $494 in 2010.

a pay freeze.

municipalités. »

MARYLÈNE COULOMBE La plus populaire médium au Québec de passage à Lachute!!

7661 charpentiers-menuisiers prendront leur retraite en Ontario d’ici 2019. Dans l’Est ontarien, 686 postes devront être pourvus!*

Charpentier-menuisier et métiers connexes – briqueteur-maçon et plombier Programme en préapprentissage de moins d’un an Aucun test d’admission

CONFÉRENCE Comprendre les messages de l’au-delà Mardi 10 avril 2012 dès 19 h 30 Hôtel La Lorraine, 450, Avenue Béthany, Lachute, Réservation obligatoire : Agence Lumière, (514) 257-8875

Des employeurs sont prêts à vous accueillir pour votre stage en milieu de travail de 8 semaines dont: t1PUWJO$POTUSVDUJPO-UE




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see dealer for details

2011 TOYOTA COROLLA LE Auto, upgrade pkg., red, 4 616 km Stk #32140A


2010 TOYOTA TUNDRA Auto, 4X4, TRD, SR5, 5.7 L, V8, dblcab, silver

2010 TOYOTA COROLLA CE Auto, CA, air, cruise, power group, grey

2010 TOYOTA YARIS Auto, 4 door Sedan, blue

2010 TOYOTA COROLLA CE Auto, air, cruise, power doors, remote start, beige

Auto, 4 cyl., AA, remote start, grey

87 387 km Stk #31562A

21 773 km Stk #P1369

32 799 km Stk #32121A

34 007 km Stk #P1340

41 900 km Stk #31163A

$ 19,949

$ 15,949

$ 32 ,949

$ 15,449

$ 12 ,949

$ 14,449

2010 TOYOTA VENZA Auto, V6, Sunroof, FWD, premium pkg, red

2010 TOYOTA MATRIX Auto, air, power windows & doors, silver

2009 TOYOTA MATRIX XR Auto, alloy wheel, power group, air cruise, spoiler, grey, 90 129 km Stk #32084A 2010 TOYOTA COROLLA CE Auto, air, cruise,power group, red 43 160 km Stk #P1281 $ 14,949

2010 TOYOTA TACOMA Auto, V6, double cab, SR5, 4x4, loaded, silver


2008 TOYOTA CAMRY HYBRID Auto, air, cruise, pwr group, push button start, alloy wheels, beige, 96 121 km. Stk #P1347 Auto, moon roof, push button start, remote start, loaded, red 56 700 km Stk #P1338 $ 14,949 2009 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 2009 TOYOTA VENZA Auto, V6, AWD, air, cruise, power group, base, ECP, silver, 58 870 km Stk #31511A $ 26,449

Auto, Bpkg, air, grey 35 626 km Stk #32190A $ 12 ,949

50 365 km Stk #P1307

20 026 km Stk #P1269

43 298 km Stk #31493A

$ 27 ,949

$ 15,949

$ 28,949

2009 TOYOTA RAV4 Auto, AWD, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, roof

2009 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Auto, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, beige

2009 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Auto, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, grey 66 104 km Stk #P1351

2009 TOYOTA YARIS Auto, 4 doors, sedan, air, power group, blue 98 163 km Stk #P1346

rack, silver 27 765 km Stk #P1359

77124 km. Stk #32087A

$ 21 ,949

$ 15,949

$ 12 ,449

$ 16,449

$ 10 ,449

2008 TOYOTA TACOMA Auto, acc cab, V6, 4x4, SR5, power group, blue,

2008 TOYOTA PRIUS HYBRID Auto, alloy wheels, air, cruise, power group, silver,

2008 TOYOTA RAV4 Auto, AWD, 4 cyl, air, cruise, pwr group, spoiler, rof rack, P. blue, 90 724 km Stk #P1344 2009 PONTIAC VIBE Auto, air, cruise, power group, alloy wheels, roof rack, silver, 25 500 km Stk #P1267 $ 14,949

2008 TOYOTA TUNDRA Auto, 4x4, double cab, 4.7 L, TRD, offroad pkg, slate

2007 TOYOTA RAV4 LTD Auto, 4 cyl, AWD, sunroof, power group, silver 2008 HONDA CRV LX Auto, AWD, air, cruise, power group, remote start, green, 78 734 km. Stk #P1341 $ 18,949 Auto,AWD, V6, air, cruise, power group, roof rack, red 44 288 km Stk #31156A $ 16,949 2009 MAZDA TRIBUTE

61572 km. Stk #P1370

40 910 km. Stk #P1361

126 904 km Stk #32115A

$ 22 ,949

$ 19,449

$ 15,949

$ 23 ,949



2007 TOYOTA SOLARA SE Auto, 2dr, coupe, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, grey, 52 685 km. Stk #32 035A 2008 TOYOTA CAMRY HYBRID Auto, air, cruise, pwr group, alloy wheels, push button start, grey, 77 600 km. Stk #P1311 $ 1 7 ,949


Auto, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, grey

Auto, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group, red,

Auto, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, spoiler, pwr group, silver 48 650 km. Stk #P1259

65 617 km Stk #P1330

64 164 km Stk #P1333

$ 16,949

$ 15,449

$ 12 , 749

$ 15,949

2007 HONDA CIVIC DXG Auto, air, power group grey

2007 TOYOTA CAMRY HYBRID Auto, base, power group silver, 80 905 km. Stk #P1375

2007 TOYOTA RAV4 Auto, AWD, 4 cyl, air, cruise, power group lt. green, 68068 km. Stk #31546A 2007 TOYOTA RAV4 Auto, AWD, 4 cyl, air, cruise, pwr group, remote start blue, 91 086 km Stk #P1324 $ 1 7 ,949

2007 TOYOTA YARIS Auto, 4 doors, sedan, air blue,

67 460 km Stk #32033A $ 10 ,449

74 825 km. Stk #32181A $ 1 7 ,949

44 526 km. Stk #32008A

$ 1 1 ,449

$ 14,949

$ 13 ,949

2007 TOYOTA YARIS Auto, 4 doors, sedan, air, power group, remote start silver, 100 231 km Stk #P1337

2007 TOYOTA AVALON XLS Auto, luxury, fully loaded, leather, moonroof, V6 white, 96 067 km Stk #P1335

2007 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Auto, 4 cyl, air, cruise, pwr group, silver

2006 PONTIAC PURSUIT Auto, base, A/C, power locks, spoiler, bronze,

2007 FORD F150 XLT

Auto, 4x4, super crew, 6 pass, 40/20/40 seating, grey, 74 124 km Stk #P1320 $ 19,949

86 621 km Stk #P1258A $ 7 ,949

74 948 km Stk #P1321

$ 9,449

$ 19,949

$ 15,949

$ 14,449

341 Tupper St., Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3T6 • 613 632-6598 1 800 664-7353

Sales open Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. (Service Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) / Heures d’ouverture des ventes : lundi au vendredi de 9 h à 20 h (Service : lundi à vendredi de 8 h à 17 h) • Saturday (Sales 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Service 8 a.m.- 12 noon) Sandra Sauvé Gerry Miner Richard Lefebvre Pierre Charlebois Alain Parisien Normand Pilon Gabriel Champagne Hugo Bérard Jacques-Yves Parisien

SPORTS Les Timbers de Hawkesbury sont champions

Surlaphoto, PhilippeTimbers, skip de l'équipe de curling qui porte son nom avec le trophée du championnat provincial Colts du Québec. membres du Hawkesbury Golf and Curling, savourent ces moments en attendant de se rencontrer à nouveau pour une partie amicale le 7 avril. Pour certains d’entre eux, il s’agissait d’une dernière participation sur le circuit Colts qui s’adressent aux joueurs de cinq ans d’expérience et moins. Ainsi, Daniel Lalonde et Philippe Timbers devront se trouver d’autres partenaires pour la compétition l’an prochain. Bruce Smith et Daniel Charbonneau doiventtirerleurrévérenceaprès cinq années bien remplies. Mais, quitter en signant pareille performance ne pouvait s’avérer meilleur scénario. Cumulant victoire sur victoire, ils ont ainsi pu aspirer au titre de grand Champion qu’ils ont ravi à l’équipe Campeau de Valleyfield lors de la grande finale. Les vainqueurs, tous

cœur au ventre. Avec un début difficile lors decematch,les Timbers ontfaituneremontée spectaculaire. Avec un pointage de 4 à 6 dans l’avant-dernière manche, ils ont tenu les spectateurs hors d’haleine en égalisant 6-6 dans la dernière, obligeant la tenue d’une manche supplémentaire pour terminer 7 à 6. Le Championnat, qui s’est ouvert en grande pompe en présence du maire Stéphane Gendron et au son des cornemuses, a permis aux joueurs de Hawkesbury de s’illustrer dès le vendredi soir alors qu’ils affrontaient l’équipe Joannette de Longue-Pointe. Le samedi, après s’être mesurés à l’équipe De La DurantaiyedeHudsonLegion,ilscroisaient le fer avec l’équipe Sewell de Glenmore. H UNTINGDON

Ils reviennent victorieux et leurs sourires en disent long. Philippe Timbers (Skip), Daniel Lalonde (Lead), Bruce Smith et Daniel Charbonneau ont remporté le Championnat provincial du circuit Colts de curling au Québec, dans la division A. Les Timbers de Hawkesbury ont bataillé fort pour arracher le trophée à l’équipe Campeau de Valleyfield lors de la grande finale qui s’est tenue dimanche dernier à Huntingdon. La seule équipe de l’Ontario sur les 16 équipes du circuit a montré qu’elle a du

Projet de condos à l’ancien Centre Chrétien H AWKESBURY

Manon Belle-Isle, avait conclu que la proposition du promoteur Normand Péladeau serait un atout pour le quartier. En suggérant que le conseil accepte un changement du zonage pour le site, Mme Belle-Isle avait noté : « L’amendement proposé n’aura pas d’impact significatif sur le secteur puisque les activités existantes du Centre Chrétien Viens et Vois, qui comprend une centaine de membres, fera en sorte qu’il y aura moins d’achalandage les fins de semaine et lors des périodes habituelles de rencontres. II y aura plutôt une présence constante des

Malgré les craintes de deux voisins, la ville de Hawkesbury a approuvé lundi soir la transformation de l’ancien Centre Chrétien Viens et Vois en un édifice résidentiel comprenant 10 condominiums. Deuxpersonnesontditàlamunicipalité queleprojetsurlarueLansdowneaffectera leur intimité et la valeur de leur propriété. Par ailleurs, l’urbaniste municipal,

nouveaux résidents. » Elleaajoutéquelesecteurestdéjàoccupé par des usages mixtes. « Notamment,larénovationdubâtiment ajoutera un air de rajeunissement au quartier qui, selon notre avis, ne nuira pas

à l’évaluation des résidences existantes du quartier », a fait savoir l’urbaniste. Le Centre Chrétien Viens et Vois est dans le processus d’acheter l’ancienne église L’Ascension située au coin des rues Lansdowne et Mary.

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HEURESD’OUVERTUREMAGASIN / STOREOPENINGHOURS Lundi au vendredi/Monday to Friday : 8 h à/to 9 PM Sam./ Sat. : 8 h à/to 5 PMDim./Sun. : 9 h à/to 5 PM HEURESD’OUVERTURE SERVICE / SERVICEOPENINGHOURS Lun. aumer./Mon. toWed.: 8 h à/to 5 PM Jeu. Ven./Thurs. Fri.: 8 h à/to 9 PM Sam. /Sat. : 8 h à/to 5 PM • Dim./Sun. : 9 h à/to 5 PM Tél. service : 613 632-3999 • 1525, rue Cameron, Hawkesbury, ON | 613 632-2255


The $100,000 Club

keeps growing

More area public sector employees joined the $100,000 Club last year, according

to figures released last week by the Ontario Ministry of Finance.

Among those earning $100,000 or more last year were Eastern Ontario Health Unit

director Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, who got $300,449. At the Hawkesbury and District

General Hospital, president and CEO Marc Le Boutillier was paid $225,057.

Prescott-Russell Crown Attorney Ronald Laliberté was paid $199,725 while assistant

Crown Attorney Julie Bourgeois was paid $141,215.

At the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’est de l’Ontario, director François Benoit

received $193,431.

At the Valoris Agency for Children and Adults, director Raymond Lemay was paid


At the Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien, director Céline

Cadieux was paid $183,864.

Prescott-Russell united counties administrator Stéphane Parisien had a salary of


Champlain Township administrator Jean Thériault was paid $117,661.

Photo Richard Mahoney

In The Nation, administrator Mary McCuaig was paid $109,772.


Alfred-Plantagenet administrator Marc Daigneault was paid $109,693.


In Hawkesbury, the list includes administrator Norman Beaulieu, $128,993; fire


captain Yves Berniquez, $121,439; fire captain Luc Dubois, $113,249; fire captain

Daniel Gascon, $127,289 $; Fire Chief Ghislain Pigeon, $104 957; firefighter Michel

$50,000 reward offered

Poulin, $119,958.

At the united counties of Prescott-d Russell: Sylvain Charlebois, director, economic

development, $104,044; Michel Chrétien, director, emergency services, $112,594; Marc

Clermont, director, public works, $112,594; Anne Comtois Lalonde, administrator,

in 18-year-old’s death

social services, $112,594; Daniel Lacelles, superintendent, emergency services, $100,602;

Louise Lalonde, administrator, Prescott-Russell Residence, $108,257; Louise Lepage-

Gareau, treasurer, $112,594; Louis Prévost, director, planning, $106,212; Louis Rathier,


assistant head of operations, $105,875.

At Valoris for Children and Adults: Hélène Fournier, director, operations, $103,531;

Caroline Grange, director, $100,100; Lynn Boileau Rivard, director, human resources,

Six months after the body of Jessica Marie Lynn Godin was discovered in a ditch

$116,351; Johanne Sicotte, director, finances, $104,776.

in Fournier, police investigators last week returned to the scene of the hit-and-run

Suzanne Ross, director at the health unit, received $146,239.

collision that claimed the life of the 18-year-old.

Other Hawkesbury and District General Hospital employees on the list were: Lynn

Canvassing passing motorists, Ontario Provincial Police officers were continuing to

Hébert-Maillette, pharmacist, $151,194; Luc Séguin, vice president, finance, $144,819;

seek new leads in the case a few hours after the Ontario government had posted a $50,000

Marielle Heuvelmans, vice president, clinical programs, $141,701;

reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons

Mohamad Abdallah, nurse, $131,047; France Blanchet, nurse, $112,771;

responsible for her death.

Guylaine Bourbonnais, nurse, $100, 995; Nathalie Cannone, nurse, $121,316;

If you have any information, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or Detective-

Nancy Desrosiers, director, $111,708; Jill Dumaresq, vice president, $119,265; Michelle

Constable Dan Fedele at the Hawkesbury O.P.P. detachment at 613-632-2729.


Godin had recently been residing at a friend’s house in Casselman.

director, $113,750; Marie Josée Lacroix, nurse, $116,465;

The investigation has revealed that Godin had left the residence at approximately 6

Marc Larivière, nurse, $103,434 ; François Larocque, nurse, $101,257; Marilyn

p.m. September 22. She was last seen alive that day between 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. at the

Larocque, nurse, $117,527 $;

Fournier municipal park.

Lori Lazette, coordinator, $101,693; Christine Lefebvre, nurse, $114,040; Sylvie

Police believe that as the victim walked east on Du Parc Street, she was struck by an

Lefebvre, director, specialized care, $121 439; François Marineau, nurse, $117,699;

eastbound vehicle.

Marleen Martel, nurse, $109,850; Danielle Martineau, technician, $109,747; Line

September 24, at about 2:20 p.m. a man mowing his lawn discovered Godin’s body

Poulin, nurse, $104,522; Marilyn San Pablo, nurse, $129,738; Sara Vanderbijl, director,

in a ditch on Du Parc at Union Street. He immediately called 9-1-1.

$111,292; Diane Villemaire, nurse, $102,081; Nancy Webber-Nixon, nurse, $103,063.

A post-mortem examination indicated that the injuries she sustained and where she

André Roy, director of the Employment Services Centre, received $122,666.

was located were consistent with being struck by an eastbound vehicle travelling on Du

In the meantime, Premier Dalton McGuinty was paid $208,974 while Glengarry-

Parc Street.

Prescott-Russell M.P.P. Jean-Marc Lalonde received $113,408 before he retired in the

The Hawkesbury O.P.P. Crime Unit, under the direction of Detective Inspector Dan


Nadeau of the Criminal Investigation Branch, has released a second video on You Tube

At the Upper Canada District School Board, the list includes director of education

to provide information to the public about this ongoing investigation and is appealing

David Thomas, $211,184; associate director Ian Carswell, $185,834; superintendent

to anyone with information to contact the O.P.P.

Richard Gales, superintendent Susan Edwards, superintendent Charlotte Patterson,

Go to the O.P.P. You Tube channel found on the OPP website at to see

$159,299; superintendent David Coombs, superintendent Linda Lumsden, $157,194;

the video.

superintendent Valerie Allen, $139,460; executive director Tim Mills, $134,838.

Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display. Your call will stay anonymous and

At the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, the list includes director

your presence won’t be needed in court.

William Gartland, $201,758; associate director Gordon Greffe, $176,961; superintendent

Tips can also be sent via text message and e-mail. For more information visit the

Marg Shea-Lawrence, $159,248; superintendent Donaleen Hawes, superintendent

National Capital Crime Stoppers’ website at

Mark Musca, $156,978; superintendent Charlotte Rouleau, $129,255.

38 500 copies

Bertrand Castonguay , President, Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M., François Bélair , Sales & Development, Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury),

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Publié le vendredi par/Published on Friday by : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bureau Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.

Restructuration financière • Consolidation des dettes en un paiement mensuel • Propositions à vos créanciers • Faillites personnelles et corporatives

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Dalton McGuinty has made it clear

A little

previously that his government would

honour its commitment to upload $1.5

billion in provincial costs from the


municipal property tax base by 2018. In

addition, he previously assured

municipalities that his government

would not download new costs onto the


“Public figures,” are, for the most part,

For starters, let us set the mood. It was

shoulders of municipalities. The

normal human beings, just like us. Yet few

sombre, according to the mayors. Ontario

Commission acknowledges that the

of us can comprehend the intricacies and

is swimming in red ink.

uploads are in the public’s best interest,

demands of public life.


The austerity themewas obvious during

and that municipal governments are

So, we tend to jump to conclusions about

the conference, as was the need for

struggling with their own fiscal

our political people.

collaboration. There was talk of salary


For example, a group of politicians from

freezes, police service funding, the

So, as you can see, our politicians



environment, local food production,



globalization, Ontarians’ work habits,

a convention.

swear word) Party Time! Party Time at the

landfill sites, and of course, fiscal restraint.

But, the question is: In this day and

taxpayers’ expense!”

As we all know, a little bit, or byte, of


age, why are our governments relying on

You would probably be thinking wrong.

information can be dangerous, if it falls into

is Don Drummond’s Commission on the

the old-fashioned face-to-face, live and

Although it is impossible to keep tabs on our

the wrong hands and is twisted beyond

Reform of Ontario’s Public Service, a set of

in-person convention? Why can’t they

representatives when they immerse


recommendations that – gird your bank

just organize a webinar on water rates,

themselves in municipal affairs in the

Because most issues are complex, multi-

accounts – is designed to help the province

Skype about sewage, or chat online about

concrete jungle, it is safe to say that there is


get out of debt.

landfill leachate?

also some business conducted at these get-

time-consuming and objective analytical

“All of Ontario’s governments,

The value of a convention is

togethers. While it is true the Good Roads

methods to arrive at sound and logical

provincial and municipal, face very real

sporadically debated at local councils.

convention was at one time dubbed the

conclusions. In the perfect world, everyone

fiscal challenges and we all have a

You will recall that Hawkesbury

“Good Times” convention, let us assume

would invest much time and effort into

comprehensive report to consider,” said

council got into a real ripper of a fight last

that the gatherings are nowmore sober than

assessing all aspects of a subject, taking a

AMO President Gary McNamara. “We all

year when certain members called for

they were years ago.

step back to take an unbiased look at the Big

have a shared interest in changes that

tighter controls on reimbursement of

Besides, in today’s connected world,


achieve better value for taxpayers, reduce

expenses and a clearer definition of what

there are no secrets. Even the tiniest


duplication, improve services and control

qualifies as a justifiable cost.

transgression could end up on YouTube.

live in a perfect world. So, we tend to take


The conventional wisdom is that

So, if they are not wearing lampshades

slices of life, a slice at a time, or accept things

The Commission acknowledges that the

schmoozing with other politicians is a

and getting sloshed, what are our

at “face value.”

‘provincial-municipal relationship’ is


representatives doing at these meetings?

Most people are honest so they assume

complex and intertwined.


Obviously, if you need to ask, you do not

that most people are honest, or at least not

Municipalities say there is merit to

may eventually become a non-issue issue

comprehend municipal politics, which is a


exploring the report’s recommendations

as governments adopt more Internet-

complex world, we are told.

For example, politicians have a sketchy

in areas such as social programs, housing,

based gizmos that permit politicians to

A recent session of Prescott-Russell

reputation but they are an essential element

health care, justice system costs, labour

“travel” without ever leaving town hall.

united counties council included an item

of our free and open society. Besides, we


As the municipal world evolves, trips to

entitled: “What mayors retained from the

elect them and we assume that collectively

This is a biggie: “AMO is anxious about

Toronto to conduct business may go the

Rural Ontario Municipal Association-

we are smart enough to choose people who

the potential for altering the upload

way of dial-up.

Ontario Good Roads Association

are fine upstanding citizens who do their

agreement and the Ontario Municipal

An online “meeting” may not be as

(ROMA-OGRA) conference.”

utmost to represent at all times.

Partnership Fund. The Commission is

effective as a face-to-face encounter with


recommending to delay planned uploads

a minister, but, for old time’s sake, surely

of provincial costs from the municipal

the politicians could always find time for

property tax base by two years. Premier

a virtual cocktail hour.


Social services caseload rises

The number of Prescott-Russell residents relying on social assistance has risen from

2,428 to 2,527 over the last year, according to a report submitted by social services

department administrator Anne Comtois Lalonde. The number of Ontario Works

program beneficiaries has gone from 1,918 to 2,026 while the number of recipients in

hostels has decreased from 510 to 501.

Longer waiting lists

Waiting lists for non-profit housing are getting longer. The number of families has

increased from679 to 795 while the number of senior citizens on the list has jumped from

244 to 356.

“Bee” is the buzz word

Prescott-Russell counties council was abuzz Tuesday morning when members

ratified a suggestion that May 29 be declared Day of the Honey Bee. Noting the

SERVICES / SERVICES • Résidence pour les aînés / Home for the aged • Salle de bains adaptée / Adapted bathroom

importance of pollination to the vital agricultural industry, council approved the sweet

idea by Honey Bee Day movement leader Clinton Shane Ekdahl, of Saskatoon, who

• Système de caméras de surveillance / Security Camera System • Air climatisé/Ascenseur/Génératrice / AC/Elevator/Generator • Coiffeuse sur place / Hairstylist on premises

wants to raise awareness about the value of honey bees. In addition to a proclamation,

Bee Day may also include school and community events to celebrate the creatures that

are responsible for 70 per cent of food crop pollination, related county economic

• Service de buanderie / Bedding and personal laundry • Service de navette / Shuttle services • Activités quotidiennes / Daily activities • Repas maison santé / Healthy homemade meals • Soins de répit / Respite SOINS MÉDICAUX / HEALTH CARE • Directrice / Director: Linda Riopel • Visite du médecin 3 fois par semaine / Doctor visit 3 times a week

development director Sylvain Charlebois.

• Personnel 24 h/24 / 24hr/24 personnel • Infirmière / Nurse: Marguerite Kemp RN

Service de pneus et mécanique générale • Tire service and general mechanic

• Prélevements sanguins sur place / Bloodwork done on premises • Soins complets donnés aux résidants / Complete care give • Soins des pieds mensuels gratuits / Free monthly foot care • Physiothérapie 3 à 5 jours par semaine / Physiotherapy 3 to 5 days a week

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Attempted murder charge

Neighbour credited with


helping to foil robbery


an attack on a teenager during a break-in at a Portelance Street residence March 12.


Andrew Kennedy, of Cameron Street, also faces charges of overcoming resistance to

commit an indictable offence, break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence

An alert neighbour is credited with foiling an attempted robbery late Sunday in

and two counts of failing to comply with an undertaking. The incident occurred in the


early morning of March 12, reports the Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police

Four people from St-André d’Avelin were charged after a neighbour called police at

detachment. Aman had climbed the second-storey balcony of a residence and broke into

about 10:45 p.m. March 25 to report a break-in in progress at a Cameron Street residence,

the living room. Police say he then tried to strangle a female teenager who was sleeping

reports the Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police detachment.

on the living room couch. When a female resident came to the help of the teenager, the

ArrestedwereMathieu Charlebois, 25, Dominique Lefort, 28, both of Principale Street

assailant fled the scene by jumping from the second-floor balcony. The teenager suffered

in St-André d’Avelin, and Rémy Robitaille, 31, and Maggie Rodrigue, 22, both of

minor injuries in the ordeal. With the help of witnesses, the investigation quickly led

Lanthier Street in St-André d’Avelin. They are charged with break and enter with intent

to an arrest.

to commit an indictable offence, trespassing, and mischief under $5,000. Charlebois and

Food bank theft suspects cleared

Robitaille were also charged with theft under $5,000, possession of break-in instruments

and breach of probation. Lefort was charged with two counts of breach of probation. A

blue 1998 Dodge Ram pick-up truck was also seized. All items taken from the residence

were recovered and seized by the police. All except Charlebois were released. They are


to appear in court April 25in L’Orignal. Charlebois was picked up by the Sûreté du

Québec as there was a warrant out for his arrest.

Two Hawkesbury men have been cleared of charges they faced in connection with

the December, 2011 break-in at the Hawkesbury Central Food Bank.

A charge of possession of stolen property against Stéphane Hotte, 40, of Main Street,

Three charged in home invasion

has been dropped. Meanwhile, Richard Gorry, 46, also of Main Street, has been found

not guilty of the same charge.

Charges were laid following a December 24 theft at the Main Street food bank, where


two computers, 12 cases of sausages and approximately $100 were stolen.

Four-year prison term

Three 22-year-old men have been charged following a March 9 home invasion on

Higginson Street in Hawkesbury.

The incident occurred at about 7:30 p.m. when three maskedmen entered the dwelling


where they tried to rob the occupant, reports the Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police

An 18-year-old Hawkesbury man has been sentenced to four years in prison after


pleading guilty to attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection

The victim resisted and struggled with the perpetrators who left the house and fled

with a September, 2011 attack on a 15-year-old girl.

the scene, police say. The victim sustained minor injuries in the struggle. Police officers

Nicholas Boudrias-Mayer was sentenced by Judge Jean Legault after admitting to the

responding to the call were able to arrest two suspects immediately; the third was

charges that were laid after the Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police investigated the

arrested later in the week.

assault of a girl in East Hawkesbury.

Charged are Éric Dubord, of Meikle Street in Lachute, Don Hoffman, of Front Road

Assistant Crown Attorney Juliana Martel related that while Boudrias-Mayer had

in East Hawkesbury, and Danick Lapalme-Blais, of Catherine Street, Hawkesbury.

hatched the plan with a minor, the accused acted alone. However, the motive for the

They are charged with break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence,

assault was not clear.

assault causing bodily harm, disguise with intent and robbery with violence.

The girl had been picked up inHawkesbury by a manwho drove her to a spot on Front

Road East in East Hawkesbury, where he assaulted the victim. The girl succeeded in

convincing her attacker to stop the assault. The man drove the victim back to the

SUPER VENTE 19 PI • Avec moteur Mercury 20 ELPT 4 temps • Toit bimini

Hawkesbury area. She was then transported by ambulance to the Hawkesbury and

District General Hospital suffering from non-life-threatening neck and head injuries.

Drugs, weapon charges


pour vous et dites-le à vos amis! 13 995 $*

A 36-year-old Hawkesbury man faces several charges after police confiscated

illicit drugs and a pellet gun during a seizure on a Higginson Street residence March


Stéphane Therrien, of Hawkesbury, has been charged with possession of a weapon

for a dangerous purpose, possession of a firearm while prohibited, possession of

16 PI avec console • Avec moteur Mercury 40 ELPT 4 temps • Remorque • Starfire 1600 SC

marijuana, oxycodone, hashish for the purpose of trafficking, possession of property

obtained by crime and breach of probation. The charges were laid after Ontario

Provincial Police officers seized marijuana, hashish, oxycodone tablets, a quantity of

cash, bear spray, knives, a .22-calibre pellet hand gun and a baton.

14 995 $*

Drugs seized



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A 52-year-old St-Isidore man faces charges following an Ontario Provincial Police

raid on Bernard Street February 23.

Jocelyn Dupont has been charged with unauthorized possession of a firearm,

possession of cocaine, hash and methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking, and

possession of property obtained by crime. Police seized a .22-calibre rifle, cash and a

quantity of illegal drugs during the operation carried by the O.P.P. Project Paradigm team

and members of the Hawkesbury O.P.P. detachment.


1.9 %


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SOCIÉTÉ Remise du Prix d’excellence en agriculture B OURGET

profession d’agriculteur auprès de la population non agricole. Producteurs laitiers depuis 1979 et fiers parents de quatre enfants et d’un tout nouveau petit-enfant, Jean-Marie et Lucie sont des exemples d’implication et de dévouement. Le prix vient, comme par hasard,couronnerlafind’unebelleetlongue carrière en agriculture alors que le couple vient tout juste de compléter le transfert de la ferme à leur fils aîné, Étienne Séguin. Jean-Marie et Lucie ont multiplié les implications professionnelles et communautaires tout au long de leur vie. Ils ont contribué à faire avancer des dossiers importants pour le développement agricole franco-ontarien tel que le fondement des groupements de gestion agricole. Mais, ils ont également grandement contribué à faire connaître et à vulgariser la vie agricole, notamment grâce à la pièce de théâtre communautaire Les noces d’Antoine et Corine qu’ils ont coécrite et mise en scène en 2004 dans le cadre du 75 e anniversaire de l’Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens.

Lors d’une cérémonie empreinte d’une belle festivité, Jean-Marie et Lucie Séguin de Saint-Pascal-Baylon ont reçu le Prix d’excellence en agriculture Pierre Bercier. Ce sont les récipiendaires de 2011, Alain et Rachelle Lavigne de Ste-Anne-de- Prescott qui le leur ont remis. La cérémonie a débuté avec un hommage des plus original alors que deux anciens complices du couple Séguin leur ont remémoré leurs implications sous la forme d’une petite mise en scène théâtrale improvisée. Ce prix immortalise le nom de Pierre Bercier et a pour but de reconnaître des personnes ou des familles pour leur apport à la communauté agricole franco- ontarienne. Les récipiendaires sont des gens qui se sont fortement impliqués dans les organismes agricoles et dans la communauté agricole franco-ontarienne. Ils sont également porteurs de projets, innovateurs et de grands communicateurs pour avoir fait connaître l’agriculture et la The Healthy Eating for Better Learning (HEBL) would like to thank volunteers, teachers, students and community members for your continuous support in making your schools student nutrition program a success! HEBL provides funding and ongoing support to schools and community organizations that provide healthy breakfast and snack programs to children and youth. HEBL goals include increasing access to healthy food, contributing to academic success, supporting healthy development, contributing to prevention of diet related health concerns, increasing community participation and reducing the negative impact of poverty and food insecurity. A special thanks to our local grocery stores in our communities that have provided schools with free delivery: In Hawkesbury: Price Chopper and Marché Lacroix; in Alexandria: Chartrand`s Independent Grocer; in Rockland: Grenon Independent Grocer; St.Isidore: ValueMart. Thanks to our local clubs, businesses & sponsors for their generous donations and ongoing support: Hawkesbury Knights of Columbus, Optimist Clubs, Montebello Packaging, Alfred Value Mart, Rockland Wal-Mart, Alexandria Giant Tiger, Hawkesbury Mazda, Hawkesbury Hyundai, Robert Campeau Foundation, C&S Enterprises LTD . As the number of schools participating continues to grow in Prescott-Russell, we continue to seek volunteers, partnerships and donations to allow for a greater sustainability in our Programs. For more information on how you can contribute to your local breakfast or snack program please contact our Prescott Russell and Glengarry Regional Super- visor , Jennifer Cuillerier at 613-307-0848 or by email at Thank You!

Les récipiendaires du " Prix d’excellence en agriculture Pierre Bercier", Jean-Marie et Lucie Séguin de Saint-Pascal-Baylon.

SUCRERIE Lionel et Denise De Bellefeuille DeBell feuille

M E N U Venez déguster notre savoureux buffet traditionnel Bienvenue à tous! SUR RÉSERVATION Tél. : 450 459-4641 • Tél. : 450 459-4317

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