King's Business - 1968-06

JU N E , 1 9 6 8


CAMPUS FAMILY CONFERENCE— June 23-29 Biola College Campus, La Mirada, California. S p e a k e r s : Dr. Henry Brandt, Dr. John Hunter. Music: Biola Male Quartet. Host: Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. Conference Director: Mr. A l Sanders. Youth Activities: Rev. Ron Hafer. Your opportunity to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere o f the 75-acre campus, the spiritual lift of the conference, and the nearby at­ tractions o f Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, beaches, etc.

MT. HERMON FAMILY CONFERENCE— Aug. 11-17 Mount Hermon, California, near San­ ta Cruz. S p e a k e r s : D r. L e hm a n Strauss, Dr. John Hunter. Music: Biola Male Quartet. Host: Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. Conference Director: Mr. A l Sanders. Youth Activities: Rev. Ron Hafer. A beautiful confer­ ence grounds and a spiritual feast.

THE FIRS FAMILY CONFERENCE— August 25-31 The Firs, Bellingham, Washington. Speakers, music and staff same as at Mt. Hermon. Of special interest to Biola’s many friends in Canada. All conferences are designed w ith your enjoyment and satisfaction in mind.

For Descriptive brochures Write

Biola Conférences 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90638

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r




APUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS &COLLEGES, INC. LOUIS T. TALBOT, Chancellor, S. H. SUTHERLAND, President, RAY A. NYERS, Board Chairman JUNE, 1968 • VOL. 58, NO. 6 • ESTABLISHED 1910 IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES MINISTERIAL MISFITS — Vance Havner ..........................................................10 TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADUATE — R. C la rk ....................... 13 GOD’S LAWS DON’T BEND — Paul Harvey ................................................... 15 STUDYING THE OLD TESTAMENT — Charles Feinberg .............................. 16 A STRANGE CONTRADICTION — Warner & Swassey ................................ 19 THE COMING GOLDEN AGE — M. R. DeHaan ............ ..................................21 GURU BOUND — William F. Buckley.................... ............................................24 HOOKERS— MUSIC, MINISTRY, AND MISSIONS ..............................................30 MC FOR CHRIST — Florence M. Woodard .................................................. 32 TEAM TEACHING — Norman Wright .......................................................................36 A PROCLAMATION CONCERNING ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS ..................40 FEATURES MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ....................... 4 DR. TALBOT’S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. T a lb o t....................................... 18 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ............................................................... 20 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ...................................................25 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M . N arram ore........................................................26 CHRISTIAN WORKER’S CLINIC — Chester Larson _____________ _ 29 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .......................................37 COLUMNS PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................ 6 CULT’S CRITIQUE ....................................... 9 READER REACTION .......................................................................................... 28

$ 300 , * 500 , * 1000 , or more to invest? . . . and would you like to pu t these funds into effective MOODYANNUITIES C hristian men and women are often con­ cerned about the m atter of investing their funds. Some do not wish to become involved in stocks and bonds because of the fluctuation and uncertainty of economic conditions. B ut they are interested in se c u rity and an a s ­ s u re d in c o m e . Moody Annuities m eet both of these requirements. T his is w hat you should know about Moody Annuities: (1) . . . they assure an income up to 9.09% (depending on your age) and this for as long as you live. To support this guarantee are the resources of Moody Bible Institute. In more th an 61 years, the In stitu te has never missed an annuity dividend paym ent. A nd in addition , this extra dividend . •. (2) your annuity funds are carefully p u t to work in the great program of Moody Bible In stitu te, and thus you share directly in the blessings of this world-wide gospel m inistry. W O ULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE DOUBLE D IVIDENDS ON YOUR MONEY? We’ll be happy to send you the fr ee booklet, Double Dividends, which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail. It contains a chart showing income rate for all ages, explains tax benefits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share. MOODY B IB LE IN S TITU TE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610 G Please send me, without obligation, Dou­ ble Dividends, story of Moody Annuity Plan. G Please send folder, Where There’s a Will, relating to stewardship.. G Information on Life Income Agreements. and profitable use? Then, you should know about W rite Annuity Department Dept. 6K8

S. H. SUTHERLAND, Editor AL SANDERS, Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT, Copy Editor


JANE M. CLARK, Circulation Manager

BILL EHMANN, Adv. & Production Mgr.

JOHN OZMON, Art Director

EDITORIAL BOARD Bill Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg. James 0. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its pos essions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of threeor more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE!: Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING: For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS: "The King's Business" cannot ac ept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California.

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ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.


JUNE, 1968

another civilwar? * a message from the editor"

“Easily the Best..." — Dr. Wilbur M . Smith

I ssues arise from time to time which cannot be classified purely as religious, political, or sociological. Instead, they incorporate all of these general facets of American life. It is then that these issues must be discussed by leaders in each of these areas of society. One such issue that is at the very forefront of the thinking of the Americans today is the racial problem. At the moment it might be classified as primarily an economic or sociological situation, but it has assumed such frightening proportions that it easily could affect the entire religious life of our country, in a rather disas­ trous manner. It may be assumed that the vast majority of the Negroes living in the United States are peace-loving and anxious to solve prob­ lems in a peaceful manner, but there is a growing element which is assuming an increasingly belligerent attitude and manifesting itself in widespread rioting, looting, burning, and terrorizing throughout the entire United States but particularly in the North­ ern States. The Southern States where the race problem is sup­ posed to be most acute has never known anything like the rioting which has occurred in past months in such widely scattered areas as Los Angeles, Newark, Phoenix, Detroit, Chicago, Cambridge, to name but a few of the more than eighty other riot-torn cities throughout the country. The question, "Is rioting which is spreading from city to city a prelude to civil war between the races in America?” was dis­ cussed in the May 22 issue of U.S. News and World Report. A well-known Negro leader who is utterly opposed to the violence that seems to be running rampant throughout the country at the moment, says this in reply, "I regard it [civil war] as very real, but it would not happen all at once. There has to be so much organization . . . so if it is comforting to you it is going to be quite a while off yet, though not so far off as to be outside o f our life span.” The possibility of such a thing is horrible to contemplate, but it is real! Nearly one thousand "black power” leaders meeting in Newark, New Jersey, immediately following the riots there, adopted some dozens of resolutions. Among them as quoted in the August 7, 1967 issue of U.S. News and World Report , are the following: "Massive efforts to disrupt the economy o f the nation unless Negroes are given a guaranteed annual income” ; "A boy­ cott of every black church and all religious institutions that do ~ ' not join the black revolution” ; "Mass opposition to the military draft” ; “Negro refusal to accept programs for birth control on the ground that such programs are aimed at exterminating the

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On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney Général Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645 generous income, and to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs.

A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por­ trait of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav­ iour. A middle-aged Jew­ ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and, said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND / PRESIDENT, BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. Negro race” ; "A school (doubtless to be paid for by the govern­ ment) for black, political organizers” ; "A black university with subsidiary colleges in every city” ; "Refusal of all black athletes to take part in the 1968 Olympic Games, until Cassius Clay is restored to his former title” ; "An international black congress to meet within 18 months.” Rap Brown, a Negro militant leader, declared in Baltimore, Maryland, "Burn this town down, but don’t tear down your own stuff. When you tear down the white man . . . you’re hitting him in the money. Don’t love him to death; shoot him to death. Get yourselves some guns. I don’t care if it is a BB gun with poison BB’s.” On July 25, Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy, of Mississippi, gave an address in the House of Representatives and for the first time to this editor’s knowledge, he seemed to pin-point properly the problem as it presently exists. He stated, "One political side of the House has just accused the other of being responsible for this horrible state of lawlessness . . . then in turn the other side accuses the other side and so it goes. Well, you know who is responsible? Both sides are responsible. It all goes back through two or three Presidents and down through 6 or 7 Congresses, Democrat and Republican. Both sides have been in a bidding contest around here for about 14 years in an attempt to curry favor with these [colored] people and you know it. For several years, some of you [Congressmen] actually cultivated rebellious incidents in my part of the country—the deep South. Even now some of you are accus­ ing us of starving the Negro people to death all at a time when the colored in your own areas are burning you to the ground. You have more trouble with this issue in one Northern state than you will find in all of the South combined. Lay the blame where it belongs—in the White House, in the Congress, in the headquarters of the two political parties. You were right in blaming one another. You were both to blame.” At long last the politically-minded Supreme Court members which have been selected by the recent Presidents (chiefly Demo­ crat because this party has had more Presidents in recent years) probably have done more to foment this present chaotic condition than any other one segment of our government. Their utterly weird interpretation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights give excessive liberties to conceivable means, fair or foul. And the latest member of the Supreme Court recommended by the Presi­ dent and approved by Congress was chosen for his "liberal views” Continued on page iZ

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JUNE, 1968

Jr. Mr. Cousar, a Certified Public Accountant, comes to Gospel Light with extensive business experience as well as long service in the minis­ try. Dr. Sherwood E. Wirt, editor of DECI­ SION magazine, will be dean of the Sixth Annual School of Christian Writing which will be held June 17- 19, 1968, at the headquarters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associa­ tion, Minneapolis, Minn. Faculty for the three-day session will include au­ thors, such as John Hunter of Capern- wray Hall, England; Joseph T. Bayly, managing editor of the David C. Cook Publishing Company; Mrs. Mar­ garet J. Anderson, former president of the Minnesota Christian Writers’ Guild; James L. Johnson, executive sec­ retary of Evangelical L ite r a tu r e Overseas; and Mrs. Rema Van Wyke, radio and television script writer. The Rev. Harold Lindsell, Professor of Bible at Wheaton College, 111., has been named Editor of Christianity Today. He will assume the post Sep­ tember 1. Dr. Lindsell served for three years as Associate Editor of the magazine. The retiring Editor, Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, has headed the biweekly journal since it was founded in 1956. The Board of Directors has asked Henry to continue as Editor- at-large. Dr. Earle Cairns, history and political science department chairm an at Wheaton College, has been named official biographer of Dr. V. Raymond Edman, former president and chan­ cellor. President Hudson T. Armerdlng, in announcing the appointment, in­ dicated that Dr. Cairns would be given a reduced teaching load to speed work on the biography. A finished, thoroughly-researched manuscript is expected within three years. Norval Hadley, has been appointed director of the World Vision Relief Organization, announced Executive Vice-President Dr. Ted W. Engstrom. Hadley, 39, has been with World Vi­ sion International since 1956. For the past six years he has served as assis­ tant to the president, Dr. Bob Pierce. A recorded minister of the Friends Church, Hadley has held pastorates in Washington, Oregon and Califor­ nia. He is also a member of the well- known World Vision Quartet, which accompanied the ministry of Dr. Bob Pierce for many years on World Vi­ sion’s ABC radio broadcast. The Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club, will sing throughout Western Europe for six weeks during June and July on its third international tour. The group of 40 men will pre­ sent concerts in Portugal, Spain, Continued on pages THE KING'S BUSINESS

r CLCHHHCLCMHCLCHH N E W pape rbacks ! 1 n r 0 1 0 r n 1 n r n i nr*n I r>r-n I n r 0 1 BE F IL L E D NOW Roy Hession 43 pages 69^ Author of bestseller “ Calvary Road” writes on vital subject: the Christian’s need to walk in the Spirit. P LENTY FOR EVERYONE Corrie ten Boom 125 pages $1.50 Author of “ A Prisoner and Yet” relates some very interesting ac­ counts of those whose lives have been changed by Christ. This worldwide traveler has brought tremendous spiritual blessing wherever sh e’s been. You’ll en­ joy this book. THE SEVEN GREAT " I AM’S " Dr. Archibald Campbell 136 pages $1.50 An easy-reading exposition of Je su s’ seven great claims, filled with colorful illustrations —many drawn from the author’s mission­ ary experiences in Korea. Stimu­ lating to the mind; invigorating to the soul. From your local bookstore or r n 1 0 r r> 1 nrn I r> r- n I n r 0 1 CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE F O R T W A SH IN G T O N , P E N N A . 19034 0 r rt 1 0

Rev. Wayne Buchanan, Jr., executive secretary of the NSSA writes: “I extend a cordial invitation to you to

attend the 23rd An­ nual National Sun­ day School Conven­ tion. Circle Septem­ ber 25-28, 1968 on your calendar and plan to join with 10,000 other Sun­ day school enthusi­ asts. The place, Anaheim, Calif., at the 15-million-dol-

lar Anaheim Convention Center. The Anaheim Convention Committee is going to great extremes to make this a memorable occasion for all those who attend.” Wayne Buckanan

G IVE YOUR CAR TO M ISSIONARIES ON FURLOUGH When you donate your car, we send you a tax-deductible re­ ceipt for top retail value. Write: AIM, Inc., (Automobiles In Missions) Box 551, Glendale California 91201

Local Convention committee showing Rev. Wayne E. Buchanan of the National Sunday School Association in Whea­ ton, the Convention plans of the con­ vention center. Left to right are Rev. Don Brandenburg, chairman of the au­ ditorium committee; Rev. Ray Syrstad, chairman of the program committee; Rev. C. Chester Larson, chairman of the executive committee; and Rev. Wayne E. Buchanan, Jr., Executive Secretary of the NSSA of Wheaton, 111. Dr. Lois LeBar, chairman of the grad­ uate department of Christian Edu­ cation at Wheaton College, is the au­ thor of Focus on People, a new Christian Education guide. Published by Fleming H. Revell, the book sur­ veys the total educational work of the church, including steps in the educational process, training of lead­ ers, agencies, counseling, group dy­ namics, and the art of Christian leadership. Philip F. Cousar has been appointed controller of Gospel Light Publica­ tions, Glendale, Calif. The announce­ ment was made by the company’s Executive Vice President, Bill Greig,

Missionary family with A.I.M. car.


NAT IONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOC IAT ION Post Convention Tour to Hawaii Leaving from Los Angeles on SA TU RDA Y , SEPT. 28, 1968

Returning on Thursday, Oct. 3, 1968 Is a Special Hawaiian Mission Emphasis Tour ONLY $335 per person For Free Folder please write to: G LOB E T R A V E L S E R V I C E 465 Main St., Melrose; Mass., 02176


Why do you suppose student enrollment at Western tripled between 1959 and 1967 while seminary enrollment declined 6% nationally? Is it because Western has preserved the theo­ logical distinctives which some have lost? Why is that while 70,000 churches are without full-time pastors, some seminaries are closing and others are merging into religion depart­ ments of state-operated universities? Is it, perhaps, because some of these seminaries are losing their reason for existence? Could they be submerging their students in a theo­ logical vacuum . . . a potpourri of human ideas . . . opinions without subjective commitment . . . theological experimentation . . . activism without foundation? We believe that human reasoning is not enough. The content of a minister’s message is the “God-given”Word, that sharp two-edged Sword, which never passes away, shall not return void, and accomplishes that for which it was sent. Western’s theological distinctives include: Bib­ lical inerrancy, grammatical and historical in­ terpretation, exegetical preaching, and practical communications techniques in its Pastoral, Christian Education and Missions M.Div. pro­ grams and in its Th.M. program. While we believe in training our men to master Biblical Content, we do not believe this message should be communicated with “horse and buggy” methods. Early th is year, we ded icated a new multi-purpose chapel which includes the most complete range of communications facilities available — a multi-media pulpit, overhead transparency projectors, audio and video re­ cording equipment, radio studios and closed circuit TV.

Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, President, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary.

Are Seminaries losing their impact?

Western’s New Chapel includes sanctuary and classrooms with latest video tape recording with instant replay of pictures and sound. Thus speakers and students are recorded audibly and visually for use on closed circuit TV (lower left of photo) and for classroom critical analysis.

Ask for our brochure “How Seminaries Lose Their Distinctives” . . . and our bulletin describing our new Chapel and Communica­ tions facilities. It could change your whole life. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, President 5511 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97215 r ------------------------------------------------------------ . . . ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- “ n I Western has recently announced an Annuity Program providing Christians with an opportunity to put their money to tvork | helping train future pastors, missionaries and Christian educators on a post-graduate level. Meanwhile, they retain a lifetime . ■ income for themselves. Mail this coupon with name and address for details. 1 J

PEOPLE (cont. from page 6) France, Switzerland, Germany, Den­ mark, England, Scotland and Ire­ land. Clayton Halverson, associate pro­ fessor of music, directs the group. United Bible Societies report that at least one complete book of the Bible has now been published in 1,326 lan­ guages and dialects around the world. This is an increase of 46 over last year’s count. The report shows 242 languages in which the whole Bible has been published, 307 languages have a whole Testament, and ^77 languages with at least one complete book of the Scriptures. Joyce Landorf, Women’s Editor of THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine,

tween Kimo and the lady’s husband. She is recovering but still can’t walk; she is taken out for air in a wheel­ barrow! The other day the husband jumped in and said that he wanted a ride, too! Oncaye (escapee from the downriver group four years ago) is busy teaching her own people, using the Gospel Recordings in Auca. Sev­ eral more groups of “downriver” Aucas who have not yet heard the voice from the skies inviting them to leave their ways of killing, darkness, fear, and death and come to learn of the living God, the True Way of Life. Please continue to pray until every Auca has had this opportunity. Rev. Ray C. Welskopf, formerly di­ rector of the Stewardship Depart­ ment of Biola, went into the presence school were instituted. He leaves his widow, a son Carl of Glendale, Calif., a daughter, Mr*. David Lange of West Chicago, Illinois, and five grandchil­ dren. Rev. Weiskopf ALIVE, INC. PAVILION at HemisFair ’68—A 5,000-square foot theater with air-conditioned waiting lines outside, is nearing completion on the site of the Texas World’s Fair San Antonio —by a non-profit, interested group of Texas businessmen. The Pavilion will present its films in both English and Spanish. “Sermons from Sci­ ence” have been shown to full houses at Seattle, New York, and Montreal. Rev. C. Chester Larson, western direc­ tor of Christian Education for Scrip­ ture Press, has announced the dates of the Lord on May 6 after a lingering illness. Mr. Weis- kopf was a faithful m e m b e r of the B i o l a staff, and through his dedi­ cated efforts many of the h e l p f u l e s t a t e planning programs for the

American Indian c h ild re n from many tribes that are “unloved” •— “unwanted” need your H E L P . Please give where it’s needed most. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION SOCIETY Box 5215 Mission Hills, Colif. 91340

has a u th o re d a book recently pub­ lished by Zonder- van entitled, “Let’s Have a Banquet, or Is $1.36 Too Much?” Resulting from a broad back­ ground of experi­ ence, the book of­ fers help fu l sug­ gestions for church

F I LMS i n c . s p e c i a l

Joyce Landorf

1 s umm e r d i scount o n e I U r r ' ■ ■ Order 3 or more films for use during June, July, August and receive 1/3 off. Title Reg. Summer Rental Discount *TONY FONTANE STORY $38.50 $25.67 •RIDING THE PULPIT 38.50 25.67 •BELOVED ENEMY 38.50 25.67

workers who have the responsibility of planning banquets. The new pub­ lication is available in paperback form from most Christain bookstores. FIRST PEACEFUL CONTACT W ITH "D OW N R IV E R " AUCASI God has wonderfully answered your prayers for a peaceful contact with the “downriver” Aucas. For many months a plane-mounted loudspeaker has been used to “talk” to the savage groups. In January, electronic equip­ ment was perfected which enabled the conversation on the ground to be heard in the airplane, thus establish­ ing true two-way communication. This made possible the arranging of a meeting in “neutral” territory with a group of Christian Aucas from Tiwaeno. This meeting took place on February 15 when a missionary party of four — Kimo, Dyuwi, Oncaye, and Bolka met a larger group from downriver, mostly Oncaye’s own family. Imagine Oncaye’s joy to meet her own mother there . . . she had not been killed two years ago after all! Also in the party were two of On­ caye’s grown brothers . . . both with grisly records of spearings, and sev­ eral younger brothers and sisters. One Auca woman had been bitten by a poisonous snake and the Ti­ waeno party administered anti-ve­ nom which they were carrying, and saved her life. Twelve of the down­ river people went to Tiwaeno where they are now. The snake-bite victim was carried in a hammock slung be-


30.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 15.00 15.00

20.00 20.00 20.00 16.76 10.00 10.00




of October 7 - No­ vember 11 for the Fall Le ade r s h i p Training Institute to be held at Biola College, La Mirada, California. The r e will be nine certi­ fied courses, wi t h one new course in music'added. The Spring In­

* Color 'Please book the following 3 film(s) and send immediate confirmation. Film Titles Preferred Date Alternate Date


stitute concluded with a record of 190 registered. Dr. James O. Henry, Chairman of the Division of Social Science at Biola, addressed the grad­ uates at the convocation service. C. Chester Larson

-STATE- -ZIP CODE- Contact Our Distributor Neorosl You or Mail Coupon to GOSPEL FILMS, INC. PLEASE SEND: Box 455 ____ Posters T1wxl4w 8c ea. Dept. KB6 ------ Inserts $1.50 Pe'lOO r ____ News Release N/C ■Muskegon, Mich. 49443 ____ Ad Mats 25c ea.



b y B e t t y B r u e e h e r t

T h e f o l l o w in g is condensed from a chapter of the book, Wizards that Peep and Mutter, by Dr. Paul Bauer, and is used by kind permission of the publisher, Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, New Jersey: For most of its adherents, astr'ol- ogy is a substitute for religion, and whether they will or not, drives them farther and farther away from a moral concept of the world and all Christian belief. 1. Engaging in astrology sooner or later leads to fatalism. If the hour of our birth determines our whole life, then we can do nothing about it. What will be, will be. Instead of ap­ plying ourselves with mind and will to our profession and duties, we con­ sult the book of oracles and put off until tomorrow what we ought to do today. 2. Astrology leads to hedonism, i.e., seeking primarily happiness and good fortune instead of doing one’s duty and obeying the moral laws. If we read the astrological textbooks, we find the things they most treat of are success in work, financial gain, winning lotteries, happiness in love. 3. The Jews rejected astrology from the start. In Lev. 19:31 they were warned: “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.” This is- based upon God’s absolute Lordship over our lives. . . . Those who want to know the future are trying to be masters of their own fate and see behind the scenes of God’s govern­ ment of the world. Astrology, how­ ever restrained and well-informed, mostly becomes mere soothsaying. “Let now the astrologers, the star­ gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Be­ hold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliv­ er themselves from the power of the flame” (Isa. 47:13-14). That is the clear line taken by the Bible, also in line with good sense and science. Believers in the stars are often egocentric and slaves to superstitious fears. Let us help them to find a joy­ ous faith, the kindness of God the Father and Him who, above all bril­ liance of the stars, holds the planets in His hand (Rev. 1:16), the true Morning Star (Rev. 22:16); to know Christ, the Light of the world. We need no table of stars to reckon by.



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Hungry, frightened, destitute, orphaned or abandoned—little ones like these come to our 170 Compassion Homes. Admittedly, most of them have a weak link with the past. Usually place of birth, father, mother, brothers and sisters must be recorded as “unknown”. Our concern, however, is not with their past but with adequate care today to assure them a decent future. Here, with warm love and understanding, Compassion provides food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, and Bible training—all in a Christian atmosphere. M any sponsors share Compassion’s con­ cern. Across America from metropolis to vil- #86 Yung Chan ’ #10 E. Siregar ThrOUgKCompaSsion, an investm ent of only $12 a m on th will p ro­ vide financial support for a needy boy or girl who deserves a future. And y ou’ll receive a heartful of joy as you share letters and photos w ith someone who’ll never forget you cared. DID YOU KNOW? COMPASSION . . . Cares for nearly 22,000 needy children. M ain­ tains 170 Homes (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised by Christian staff and direc­ tors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. NOW SERVING IN KOREA. INDIA 8. INDONESIA rnimsm. ( ~ m Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder Interdenominational, Gov.-approved Non-profit Corporation—Est. 1952 Dept. K68 7774 Irving Park Rd.f Chicago, III. 60634 Canadian residents w rite: Compassion, Inc., Box 880, Blenheim, Ont. Sponsorship or gifts tax-deductible. , lage, high rise to farm, te e n -a g e r to sen io r citizen, thousands of Compassion sponsors ■let their hearts reach ‘> , ou t to these little ones. it Will you join them?

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Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God’s help, I want to sponsor a child for $12.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is Number_______ . If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as.soon as possible. I prefer □ boy □ girl, approx­ imately _____ years of age. □ Please select a child for me and send particulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $___________ enclosed.

Name___________________________________ :____________________





JUNE, 1968


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Lord told His disciples, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves” and Paul warned the elders of Ephesus that grievous wolves would enter in, not sparing the flock. Christians are as sheep among wolves but it is a grievous situation indeed when the situation is reversed, when the wolves are among the sheep and all the more dangerous when they wear sheepskins. False teachers who profess one thing while in­ wardly they are something else are in mind here. I shall not forget the shock I experienced long ago in my ministry when a prominent preacher said to me, speaking of liberal and modernistic doctrine, “Many of us believe that way but we have to wait until we are in a position to come out publicly and say so.” The idea that any man must wait until his salary is sufficient and his standing assured before he can come out in his true colors, was repugnant to me then and still is to this day. Any man who will make his living off Bible-believing people, be­ hind the pulpit of a Gospel church, when he doesn’t believe what they believe is worse than a wolf. Per­ haps there are other animals to whom he could more fitly be likened! Some years ago the fundamentalist-modernist controversy was in full swing. Mistakes were made on both sides, of course. Today a greater mistake is being made—the tendency in conservative circles to tolerate all the wolves for fear there may be one sheep among them. If there is one sheep, it would

W E LIVE IN A GENERATION OF MISFITS. We hear much of “displaced persons” coming over from other shores but here at home we have the problem of misplaced persons. An amazing percentage of the human race manages to wind up as square pegs in round holes, living in the wrong groove, trying to become what they never were meant to be. It is rarely that one finds somebody who has found his place and is happy in it. This state of affairs prevails in the ministry. An amazing number of preachers are trying to “re­ locate.” Pastors want to be evangelists and evan­ gelists want to be Bible teachers. The settled preachers want to travel and the traveling preach­ ers want to settle. The grass looks greener in the next pasture and some other bishopric looks better than one’s own. There are other ways in which these ministerial anomalies and abnormalities appear. All sorts of curiosities show up in pulpits. The Scriptures sug­ gest several sorts of “misplaced parsons.” Our Lord said: “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matt. 7:15). WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING! The Bible frequently compares us to animals and some of the comparisons are not very complimentary! The Psalmist writes, “Be not as the mule” which could mean, “Don’t be backward about going forward!” Jesus called Herod a fox and Peter likened backsliders to dogs and hogs. Our



We will let the Lord divide the sheep from the goats but He evidently left it up to us to look out for the wolves! After all, when it comes to the Gospel of Christ, a man ought to be clear enough that no laboratory test would be necessary to find out what he is. It was never necessary to catechize Paul to find out whether he was for or against. No one had to call in a surveyor and take measurements to determine on which side of the fence Luther and Knox were. When a man is so hazy about anything as clear as the Gospel that he must be examined to see whether his sheepskin is real or borrowed, he has already established his identity. It might be well to display some sheephides removed from ravening wolves in the church before they further destroy the flock of God. Another type of ministerial misfit might be called DAVID IN SAUL’S ARMOR. You will re­ member that when the shepherd boy started out to meet Goliath, King Saul wanted to outfit him with the royal panoply of war. But David said, “I can­ not go with these for I have not proved them.” He decided that he had better be natural and proceed with sling and stones instead of kingly armor. We have come to a day of regimentation and standardization when preachers, like everything else, are turned out by mass production. Saul’s armory is working overtime and ministers are fit­ ted with ready-made outfits but not many Goliaths are falling on the field of battle. Ready-made clothes are popular with people of average size but once in a while God raises up a David who fares better in his own garb. Saul’s armor to him is only excess baggage and he lets Goliath furnish the sword for his own execution. This is irritating to those who are in the armor business. Davids who prefer sling and stone to standard equipment are not popular at Saul’s head­ quarters. But history proves that while Saul has slain his thousands David has slain his tens of thou­ sands. To keep the record straight, God has indeed used men in armor. God did not use David merely because David refused Saul’s panoply but because he was dependent upon God. The main lesson in the incident is, don’t imitate. Use the means most natural to you. The note that needs to be sounded is “B-natural.” If you don’t, you will B-Flat! One thinks of the day Ahab and Jehoshaphat prepared to go up against Ramoth-Gilead. Four hundred regimented hirelings of Baal had prophe­ sied in unison, “Go up and prosper!” It sounded too unanimous to Jehoshaphat. He asked, “Is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides, that we may enquire of him ?” When the messenger was sent for Micaiah, he said, “Behold now, the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth: let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of one of them, and speak that which is good.” In

be a black sheep! While we may misjudge once in a while, there is greater danger if we sink into an amiable indifference as though the whole thing did not matter much. What is mistaken for charity may be only a light attitude toward evil. “Love thinketh no evil” indeed but on the other hand we are to abhor that which is evil, abstain from the very appearance of it, remembering that the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, not tolerate it. I know that this is an age of spy-hunting and sometimes the innocent party is smeared. But there ARE enemies of our nation, termites who have already gone too far. And there are “enemies of the cross of Christ” who have slipped into our schools and churches. They are all the more dangerous be­ cause sometimes such wolves act more like sheep than some sheep do! Their culture, manners and morals put us to shame. It makes us look un-Chris- tian if we point them out. But the New Testament abounds in terrific warnings against false teachers. One has only to leaf through it to find these red lights on page after page. If we are to try the spirits, know false teachers by their fruits, reject heretics after first and sec­ ond admonition, not receive them into our houses nor bid them Godspeed, then certainly we are not to let the flock be devoured for fear we will mistake a sheep for a wolf. While it is possible to cry “Wolf!” when there is no wolf, there is far greater danger of crying “Peace, when there is no peace.”


JUNE, 1968

SERVANTS ON HORSEBACK AND PRINCES ON FOOT! God’s promotion system does not work like ours. “Promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He putteth down one and set- teth up another” (Ps. 75:6, 7). There are servants on horseback among u s : preachers who can’t preach for sour apples take chief seats in the syna­ gogue and are called “Rabbi.” And we have princes on foot, truly great preachers ministering in Po- dunk. We shall truly be surprised both ways at the judgment and will need to revise “Who’s Who In The Ministry” ! Who are the great preachers? Some preachers are made by ecclesiastical politics; by clever pub­ licity ; by knowing the right people; by pulling wires and making contacts. If it were a matter of merit some now on horseback would be hitch-hiking. Sometimes posterity elevates its princes to horse­ back posthumously. Jesus denounced the Pharisees for stoning the prophets and then building sepul­ chers in their honor. First, bricks and then bou­ quets ! It is not easy to be a prince on foot while ser­ vants ride on horseback. Consider Obadiah the poli­ tician and Elijah, the pedestrian prophet; or Court- preacher Amaziah and rustic Amos; or the “lord” who ridiculed Elisha’s prophecy of the lifting of the siege; or Micaiah, sent to a fare of bread and water while four hundred sycophants chanted in unison, “Go up to Ramoth-gilead and prosper.” But if posterity fails to recognize great preach­ ers, eternity will show them up. Paul said that nei­ ther he nor anyone else was competent to size up his ministry. God would do it one day (I Cor. 4 :3-5) . He awaited the verdict of eternity. Malachi tells us of a day when God will collect His jewels and then everybody will know who is who. Then the servants will come down from their high-horses and God’s aristocracy will come into its own. Let it be said in all fairness that some princes get recognized in their lifetime and ride horseback now. More power to them! But whether one passes through this world as equestrian or pedestrian, his one responsibility is to be faithful. There will be plenty of time hereafter for promotion. We are not headed for an eternal vacation, after all. “AND HIS SERVANTS SHALL SERVE HIM” over there as well as here. If these lines fall under the eye of some unrecognized servant on horseback, cheer up, my brother. Be faithful over a few things. Promotion day lies ahead!

other words, “A standard has been set and a prece­ dent established. It will pay you to fall in line.” Up to a certain point standards are necessary and desirable. Beyond that point, they impose a tyranny. We never had more courses on how to preach and we never had fewer great preachers. The mountain labors and brings forth a mouse. By popular standards today, many giants of the past would never make the grade with the average pulpit committee. Thank God, there will always be an Amos now and then who will dare to prophesy at Bethel but he will find plenty of Amaziahs of the court preachers school who will bid him return to his sheep and sycamores. At the very outset of his ministry, a preacher must decide whether to preach what is hot on his heart, preach it in his own way, and trust God to open doors, or whether he shall conform to the pre­ vailing rules and try to meet public demand. In the Bible, God's men were out to deliver a message. Sometimes the congregation was small, the results meager and the consequences death or imprison­ ment. Some of the classics on our shelves were writ­ ten by men who were scorned in their day, men who failed by modem standards. But they spoke what God said. If they had worked with a popular set of rules before them, we would know no more of them than we do of their sycophant contempo­ raries. To be sure, there are accepted rules for preach­ ing to which any sensible man will conform. The message should be clear, follow the best principles of grammar and not be unnecessarily offensive. But beyond that there is today a popular pattern that turns out a watered-down, denatured, colorless essay according to the new art of almost saying something. The best summary of it would be that Bible question: “Is there any taste in the white of an egg?” The path to success and popularity would seem to lié nowadays along the line of least resistance. But we have to live with ourselves ; we have to give account to God and we have an obligation to our generation to serve bread instead of stones. Use whatever of the modem pattern you can, discard the rest and devise your own pattern. The pattern was made for the preacher and not the preacher for the pattern. The last word, under God, lies with the prophet, not with the pattern-maker. To his own Master he stands or falls and God is able to make him stand. Another sort of ministerial misfit is indicated in Ecclesiastes : “I have seen servants upon horses and princes walking as servants upon the earth” (10:7). Rulers are in mind here, inefficient men promoted to high position while abler men take a lower place. Equestrian servants and pedestrian princes ! History abounds in such sad cases and the same situation obtains in the religious world. 12

“Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul; Each thought and each motive beneath His control. Thus led by His Sp irit to fountains of love, Thou soon shall be fitted FOR SERVICE ABOVE !"


Today / watched my GRADUAT MXk/RofceAtT djoJiki,

TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADU­ ATE . . . Just yesterday we walked down the hall of an elementary school and parted at the door, “Goodby, darling. God bless you.” She skipped into the room, pigtails bouncing with a joyful aware­ ness of new experiences to come and new friends to make. I returned home with a small break in my heart, for I realized that her father and I were no longer the center of her world, the only ones to come to with her questions and the final answer on her problems. But this small break healed almost without my being aware of it, when the passing of the days and then the years of study. That small break was filled with contentment and pride when she took full advantage of her school years, attain­ ing good grades and participating in extra-curricu­ lar activities. It was fun to visit school and see her work in art and science, her acting in plays, to hear her sing in the choir, to watch her at the piano recitals. On the day she publicly dedicated her life to Christ, my heart was filled with the wonder of God’s grace—full of thankfulness that He had helped us raise a daughter, a daughter who desired to have the Holy Spirit work fully in her. TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADU­ ATE . . . Tomorrow it will be strange to find her room void of the usual cluttered load of papers, books and notes. The piano will no longer play her favorite melodies. A big change is taking place in our lives again. This time we will walk together to the gate at the airport and once again she will go on to new experiences and friends. TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADU­ ATE . . . I hope and pray that we have been wise enough to teach her well, for now her future is in her hands and she must stand up to the challenge. “Goodby, darling. God bless you.” Mrs. Robert Clark, sta ff member HCJB Quito, Ecuador, South America BE

May 18, 1967 TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADU­ ATE . . . And I thought back to the night of her birth. Was it really 18 years ago? Almost before we could get to the hospital there she lay in the tiny hospital crib, all warm and wonderful and belong­ ing just to Bob and me—and to her brother Bobby. There is something very special about a daughter, isn’t there? You don’t really love her more, but somehow there is an indescribable bond between you. TODAY I WATCHED MY DAUGHTER GRADU­ ATE . . . And I remembered those days and nights after Marji had fallen out of the window and frac­ tured her head so badly. It was on her third birth­ day and we despaired for her life, and later, for her mind. We called upon God then and He heard us. He allowed us to keep her; permitted us to see her mature into this lovely girl who as President of the Student Council gave the introductory remarks this morning.

JUNE, 1968


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