
2014 SaskEnergy Annual Report

Glossary of Terms


Allocating Party – The party that performs the allocation based on the PDAs submitted by the CSO.

Allocating Entity – The party that submits the PDA

Allocated Entity – Entity that receives the allocation based on the PDA.


BA – Business Association – Business party BP – Business Party name BP – No Business Party number

Best Available Storage Quantity – the lowest level of storage quantity detail that the system may obtain from nominations, scheduling, and allocations

Bidder Prop – Assignee Business Party number.


Capacity Release – One party releases some/all of their contract demand to another party for a specified term.

CAW – Customer Activities Website.

Conf Trdr – Confirming Party of a trade Conf Trdr K – Confirming party’s contract number Conf Trdr Prop – Confirming Business Party’s number

Contact ID – A numerical code each customer will be given that is associated with their security roles.

Contract Brief – Summary of all executed contracts

CSO – Common Stream Operator, also referred to as Operator

CTP – Custody Transfer Point.

Curtailment – the process of reducing scheduled volumes (a.k.a. allocating reduced capacity) when the TSP determines that scheduled volumes exceed the operationally available capacity of a scheduling group after the scheduled volumes have been scheduled (following the confirmation deadline of the cycle) For example, curtailment will apply if capacity is reduced following the beginning of gas flow and if capacity is reduced following the scheduling of the gas. If capacity is reduced following the confirmation deadline for the Evening Cycle (9 PM) then Curtailment Rules would apply to any required reductions which may be made before gas begins to flow at 9 AM on the flow day. The lowest priority type of service is reduced first.


Def End Gas Day – Default End Gas Day

Delivery Location ID – Delivery meter number.

Del Loc (Prop) – Delivery meter number

Down K – Upstream contract Down ID – Upstream Business Party mnemonic Down ID Prop – Upstream Business Party number


EPSQ – Elapsed Pro-rata Scheduled Quantity

Err – Error indicator

Evergreen – Renewal rights associated with your contract.


Facility – A physical asset (pipeline or storage TSP) that the operator administrates; in the Pipeline System, the TSP is represented by the Facility.

I Inclusive Rate – A rate which is made up of multiple components, e.g. Demand, Commodity, Fuel, and Gathering all lumped together as one rate.

Incremental charge – A charge that can be layered on top of other associated demand and commodity charges. Like other rates, incremental charges have maximum and minimum tariff levels and demand and commodity components.

Interconnect – A physical delivery or receipt point (physical location) where the pipeline connects with another TSP’s pipeline.

Intraday – An intra-day nomination is a nomination submitted after the nomination deadline whose effective time is no earlier than the beginning of the gas day and runs through the end of that gas day. (Nomination Related Standards, 1.2.4). Nominations submitted during the Evening, Intraday 1, or Intraday 2 are all considered intraday.

Imb Trade ID – Unique identifier for Trades


K – Contract Number

KMDQ – Contract MDQ

K UOM – Contract Unit of Measure


Late nomination – Nominations submitted and processed after either of the intraday cycle deadlines, or the evening cycle deadline, show a status of ‘Late’. The pipeline has the ability to process these ‘late’ nominations at their discretion.

LDC – Local Distribution Company

LONG (due shipper) – From Operational perspective: On a contract, if shipper puts in more than shipper takes out, shipper has a long position (positive number). From Accounting perspective: Definitions are inverse of above

Lump Sum Charge – A charge that is calculated manually (outside of the system), but the result of the calculation can be entered in the system as a Rate.


Max AD Inj Qty – Maximum available injection quantity

Max ID W/D Qty – Maximum available withdrawal quantity

MDIQ – Maximum Daily Injection Quantity.

MDC – Maximum Daily Capacity

MDQ – Maximum Daily Quantity. May be assigned at a contract level, path level or point level.

MDWQ – Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity.

MSQ – Maximum Storage Quantity. A number typically assigned at the contract level. This number, in conjunction with other storage quantities, may be used to determine MDIQ and MDWQ. The MSQ, MDIQ and MDWQ may be assigned on a seasonal basis.

MTM – Evergreen Month to Month.


NAESB – North American Energy Standards Board.

NOE – No evergreening


OBA – Operational Balance Agreement. Refers to a prior agreement between pipelines concerning volume balancing at segment junctions. (Flowing Gas Definition 2.2.1)

Operator – The business party who manages the p ipeline or storage facility’s day to day transactions.

Operational Flow Order (OFO) – An OFO is an order issued by the TSP to alleviate any conditions that threaten or could threaten the safe operations or system integrity of the pipeline system or to maintain operations required to provide efficient and reliable firm service.

OPV – Operator Provided Value i.e. CSO allocation.


PDA – Pre-determined allocation. An agreement on the factors that should be used to drive the determination of entitlement rights of flowing gas at a location. (Flowing Gas Standards, Executive Summary)

Persona – different types of roles on system – eg/Scheduler or Operator

Prearranged Bid – The bid side of a capacity release where the assignee is pre-arranged and predetermined by the assignee.

Prep Name – Business Party preparing the PDA (Predetermined Allocations)

PGP – Pretty Good Privacy. Encryption scheme used for EDI transactions.

PKG ID – Can be used as a comments section for shippers to enter additional information.

PNT Nominations – Pathed Non Threaded - The Pathed Non-Threaded Nomination Model is the NAESB nomination model used. It allows a shipper to separate commercial counterparty transactions at specific locations from transportation transactions between locations. The result is that shippers have full control of their business via ranks.

Prop – Business party number

Process Q ID – unique identifier attached to every process that is run.

PPA – Prior Period Adjustment. A new or revised invoice line item for a gas day that is not the current production month.

Primary Term – The initial term on a RFS.

POV – Position of valve. May be receipt, delivery or both.

Public information – Information that any user may see, customer or non-customer.


Ratchet – Contract quantity calculation determined based on currently effective items (e.g. storage inventory).

Receiving party – An entity having a nomination for a particular nomination and tier that may receive a confirmation response quantity. (Nomination Related Standard 1.4.4)

Rec Loc (Prop) – Receipt Meter number Rec Loc Name – Meter name Receipt Location ID – Receipt Meter number

Release Prop – Assignor Business Party number

Restricted Volume – The suggested volume for a nomination at a point within a capacity constraint scheduling group.

Retroactive nomination – A nomination that is submitted for a gas day preceding the current gas day.

RFS – Request for Service – The application to request a contract. Execution considered customer signature.

RPP – Regional Production Pricing


Saving – The temporary storage of data without submitting the information to the database.

Schedule – A report for gas control of the scheduled flows at points.

SHORT (due pipeline) – From Operational perspective: On a contract, if shipper takes out more than shipper puts in, shipper has a short position (negative number). From Accounting perspective: Definitions are inverse of above

SR – Service Requester.

Submitting – The committing of “Saved” values to the database. Once a user submits a transaction, the Pipeline System will validate and process the transaction and make it a “live” transaction for use by other users and processes in the system.

System Constraints – Constraints based upon deviations from normal operating conditions that impact the ability to schedule and flow volumes.

SVC Req K – Business Party Contract number SVC Req – Business Party mnemonic SVC Req Prop – Business Party number SVC Req Prop – Business Party Name


TBO – Transportation by others.

Tie-in – Where two pipe segments with different diameters connect. There may be a check/equipment meter at the tie, that is not treated as a custody meter (it has called a check meter). Measures loss at gathering field/tie in.

Tier – level of detail at which one is requesting information.

TOC – Type of Charge

TOS – Type of Service

Total Delivery MDQ – Total Delivery Maximum Daily Quantity (Demand)

Total Receipt MDQ – Total Receipt Maximum Daily Quantity (Demand)

Transfer Meter – Logical accounting meter that records receipt and delivery contract information. Other characteristics are: net to zero, no physical flow, title transfer at the hub, hub doesn’t know about it. TSP (Transportation (or Storage) Service Provider) – The business party (legal entity) that provides the transportation (or storage) service. This business party typically owns the physical asset. In the Pipeline Management software the TSP is represented as a Facility. The TSP also acts as the counter party to service contracts / agreements. For the purposes of the Pipeline Management software, the TSP receives and processes transactions such as nominations, allocations, and ultimately invoices.

TT – Transaction Type


Up K – Upstream contract Up ID – Upstream Business Party mnemonic Up ID Prop – Upstream Business Party number


Var – Variance


YTY – Evergreen year to year.

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