Elevate October 2020 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine






Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan.

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our lounge is both safe and pleasant.

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

OKTOBAR 2020. Dragi putnici,

OCTOBER 2020 Dear passengers,

U OKTOBRU OBELEŽAVAMO VEOMA ZNAČAJAN DATUM – sedmu godišnjicu Er Srbije. Bogata istorija naše kompanije prepuna je ideala, znamenja i simbola. Zato ne možemo a da se ne osvrnemo na simboliku broja sedam. Postojanost, originalnost, snaga, mudrost i čvrsta vera osnovne su karakteristike koje se pripisuju simbolici ovog broja. To su ujedno i temelji našeg pristupa poslu, naše kompanije, brenda i zaposlenih.

WE ARE COMMEMORATING A VERY IMPORTANT DATE IN OCTOBERš the seventh anniversary of the establishing of Air Serbia. The rich history of our company is filled with ideals, signs and symbols, which is why we cannot help but look at the symbolism of the number seven. Perseverance, originality, strength, wisdom and strong faith are the basic characteristics attributed to the symbolism of this number. These are also the foundations of our approach to business, to our company, brand and employees. An incredible number of things happened in “only” seven years. We have singled out the most important and interesting events for you on page six of our magazine. Air Serbia’s performed its first flight on 26 th October 2013, between the capitals of Serbia and the United Arab Emirates. Nevertheless, the roots of our history date back much further, all the way to June 1927, when the foundations of Serbian aviation were results during the previous year. We continued in the same rhythm this year as well, until something completely unexpected stopped us in the midst of preparations for new expansions. The Coronavirus pandemic paralysed the entire world and prevented us from doing what we love the most and know best. Airports around the world fell silent, cities, states and borders closed. And yet we once again proved that boundaries do not exist for us. We immediately placed all our resources at the disposal of our country and citizens, tirelessly delivering tonnes of essential medical aid from all parts of the world and bringing home thousands of Serbian citizens who found themselves stranded at airports worldwide. established with the founding of Aeroput, the first national airline, of which we are proud heirs. We achieved extraordinary The biggest crisis ever to hit aviation is continuing. After it abates, we will face recovery and development. As the icing on the birthday cake, we received information in mid-September that we were declared one of the three most desirable employers in Serbia, as part of an extensive survey of national employment portal Infostud. We look forward to new opportunities and embarking on paths stronger, wiser and more determined than ever before. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip.

Neverovatno mnogo stvari stalo je u „svega“ sedam godina. Najvažnija i najzanimljivija zbivanja izdvojili smo za vas na strani 6 našeg magazina. Prvi let Er Srbije obavljen je 26. oktobra 2013.

između prestonica Srbije i Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata. Ipak, naši koreni sežu još dalje u prošlost, sve do juna davne 1927, kada su uspostavljeni

temelji srpske avijacije osnivanjem Aeroputa, prve nacionalne avio- kompanije, čiji smo ponosni naslednici.

Tokom prethodne godine ostvarili smo izvanredne rezultate. U istom ritmu nastavili smo i ove godine dok nas nije zaustavilo nešto potpuno neočekivano, u jeku priprema za nove ekspanzije. Virus korona paralisao je

ceo svet i sprečio nas da radimo ono što najviše volimo i najbolje znamo. Utihnuli su aerodromi širom sveta, zatvorili se gradovi, države, granice. Ipak, još jednom smo dokazali da za nas granice ne postoje. Sve resurse odmah smo stavili na raspolaganje našoj državi i građanima neumorno dopremajući tone neophodne medicinske pomoći iz svih delova sveta i dovozeći kući hiljade državljana Srbije koji su se zatekli na aerodromima širom planete. U toku je najveća kriza koja je ikada pogodila avio- saobraćaj. Posle nje, pred nama su oporavak i razvoj. Kao šlag na slavljeničkoj torti, sredinom septembra dobili smo informaciju da smo u okviru obimnog istraživanja portala za zapošljavanje Infostud proglašeni za jednog od tri najpoželjnija poslodavca u Srbiji. Radujemo se novim mogućnostima i putevima, na koje stupamo snažniji, mudriji i odlučniji nego ikada ranije. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5


Aeroput je bio među vodećim civilnim avio-prevoznicima, sledile su slavne godine JAT-a, a onda moderna era Er Srbije, koja je ponosno nastavila ovaj veličanstveni put na nebu. Osvajajući nagrade, šireći mrežu destinacija, čineći svaki let sve udobnijim, a pre svega uvek u službi svojih putnika, srpska avio-kompanija je već sedam godina lider u ovom delu sveta. Aeroput was among the world’s leading civil aviation companies. It was followed by the glorious years of JAT, then the modern era of Air Serbia, which proudly continued this magnificent journey through the skies. By winning awards, expanding its network of destinations, ensuring every flight is more comfortable than the last and, above all, always in the service of its guests, the Serbian national carrier has been the leading airline in this part of the world for seven years already.

30. mart 2014. godine: Er Srbija najavljuje 39 destinacija u letnjem redu letenja. 30 th March 2014: Air Serbia announces 39 destinations in its summer flight schedule. 11. april 2014. godine: Nova živa legenda Er Srbij e – Vlade Divac. 11 th April 2014: Air Serbia’s new “living legend” - Vlade Divac.

1. avgust 2013. godine: Novo ime i novi izgled nacionalnog avio-prevoznika nakon potpisivanja ugovora sa Etihad ervejzom o akcijskom partnerstvu i upravljanju kompanijom. 1 st August 2013: A new name and new look for the national airline after the signing of a partnership and management agreement with Etihad Airways 26. oktobar 2013. godine: Obavljen je prvi let Er Srbije na liniji Beograd – Abu Dabi. Novak Đoković daje svoje ime prvom Er Srbija avionu A319 kao prva živa legenda. - 26 th October 2013: The first flight of Air Serbia is conducted on the Belgrade-Abu Dhabi route. Novak Đoković gives his name to the first Air Serbia A319 plane, as the first “living legend”

24. maj 2014. godine: Poleteo čarter- brend Er Srbije – Aviolet . 24 th May 2014: Air Serbia’s charter brand - Aviolet - takes off. 1. avgust 2014. godine: Izlazi prvi broj magazina Elevejt . 1 st August 2014: The first issue of inflight magazine Elevate is published.

Decembar 2014. godine: Sedište Er Srbije preseljeno je u Ulicu Jurija Gagarina 12 na Novom Beogradu. December 2014: The headquarters of Air Serbia relocate to 12 Jurija Gagarina Street in New Belgrade. 31. decembar 2014. godine: U 2014. godini Er Srbija je prevezla 2,3 miliona putnika. 31 st December 2014: Air Serbia carried 2.3 million passengers in 2014.

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10. jun 2015. godine: Er Srbija dobila prestižno priznanje Najbolje iz Srbije za 2014. godinu kao najbolji korporativni brend u kategoriji velikih uslužnih preduzeća. 10 th June 2015: Air Serbia receives the prestigious “Best of Serbia“ award for 2014, as the best corporate brand in the category of large service companies 22. jun 2015. godine: Na svetskoj univerzalnoj izložbi Ekspo Milano 2015 . legendarni fudbaler Dejan Stanković postao je treći istaknuti pojedinac iz Srbije čije ime nosi jedan od aviona Er Srbije . 22 nd June 2015: At the Expo Milan 2015 world exhibition, football legend Dejan Stanković becomes the third eminent individual from Serbia to give his name to one of Air Serbia‘s aircraft.

25. mart 2016. godine: Er Srbija dala je ime jednom od svojih aviona po legendarnom glumcu Predragu Mikiju Manojloviću. 25 th March 2016: Air Serbia named one of its aircraft after legendary Serbian actor Predrag “Miki” Manojlović.

11. maj 2016. godine: Prvi širokotrupni avion erbas A330 u floti Er Srbije sleteo je u Beograd. 11 th May 2016: The first wide-body aircraft in the Air Serbia fleet, an Airbus A330, lands in Belgrade.

11. septembar 2015. godine: Otvoren Premijum salon Er Srbije na beogradskom aerodromu. 11 th September 2015: The Air Serbia Premium Lounge opens at Belgrade Airport.

23. jun 2016. godine: Prvi let za Njujork posle 24 godine. 23 rd June 2016: First flight to New York after 24 years. 26. decembar 2016. godine: Er Srbija dobila prvu ženu na poziciji kapetana. 26 th December 2016: Air Serbia gains its first ever female captain.

14. decembar 2015. godine: Er Srbija predstavila nov moderan sajt. 14 th December 2015: Air Serbia launches its new, modern website. 31. decembar 2015. godine: Tokom 2015. godine Er Srbija je prevezla 2,55 miliona putnika. 31 st December 2015: Air Serbia carried 2.55 million passengers during 2015.

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2017 2018

28. mart 2017. godine: Er Srbija predstavlja petu živu legendu – Gorana Bregovića. 28 th March 2017: Air Serbia unveils its fifth “Living legend” – Goran Bregović.

15. februar 2018. godine: Er Srbija obeležava 90 godina od prvog leta svog prethodnika Aeroputa . 15 th February 2018: Air Serbia commemorates 90 years since the inaugural flight of its predecessor airline, Aeroput.

29. mart 2017. godine: Er Srbija proglašena za lidera na tržištu avio-kompanija za 2017. godinu u Njujorku. 29 th March 2017: Air Serbia receives the 2017 Airline Market Leader Award in New York. 10. maj 2017. godine: Er Srbija obavila prvi let u svojoj istoriji sa kompletno ženskom posadom. 10 th May 2017: Air Serbia makes history with its first ever all-female flight crew.

1. mart 2018. godine: Er Srbija uvodi novu ketering uslugu Elevate Deli & Bar . 1 st March 2018: Air Serbia launches its new “Elevate Deli & Bar” catering service.

16. jul 2018. godine: U renoviranu zgradu Saobraćaja uselile su se operativne službe Er Srbije . 16 th July 2018: Air Serbia operational services are relocated to the renovated Operations building. 21. novembar 2018. godine: Miloš Biković – zaštitno lice kampanje Er Srbije . 21 st November 2018: Miloš Biković becomes the face of Air Serbia’s new promotional campaign.

20. jun 2017. godine: Er Srbija završila preuređivanje kabina u floti erbas aviona A319 i A320. 20 th June 2017: Air Serbia completes cabin upgrades on its Airbus A319 and A320 fleet.

15. oktobar 2017. godine: Er Srbija dočekala desetomilionitog putnika. 15 th October 2017: Air Serbia welcomes its 10 millionth passenger.

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2019 2020 1. jun 2019. godine: Počelo uvođenje čak devet novih linija Er Srbije . U Helsinkiju organizovan promotivni koncert Marije Šerifović. Januar i februar 2020. godine: Rast broja putnika za oko 30 odsto u odnosu na iste mesece godinu dana ranije.

January and February 2020: The number of passengers rises by around 30 per cent compared to the same months of the previous year. 19. mart 2020. godine: Privremeno obustavljanje komercijalnog putničkog saobraćaja usled kovida-19. 19 th March 2020: commercial passenger flights are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 21. mart 2020. godine: Prvi avion Er Srbije sa medicinskom opremom iz Kine i kineskim zdravstvenim ekspertima sleće u Beograd. 21 st March 2020: The first Air Serbia aircraft carrying medical equipment and medical experts from China lands in Belgrade.

1 st June 2019: Air Serbia begins introducing as many as nine new routes. A promotional concert of Marija Šerifović is held in Helsinki.

15. jul 2019. godine: Prvi let Er Srbije iz Niša (JU1356 za Nirnberg). 15 th July 2019: Air Serbia launches its first flight from Niš (JU1356 to Nuremberg)

22. oktobar 2019. godine: Er Srbija dočekala i nagradila 15-milionitog putnika. 22 nd October 2019: Air Serbia welcomes and awards its 15 millionth passenger 17. decembar 2019. godine: Prvi let Er Srbije iz Kraljeva. 17 th December 2019: Air Serbia launches its firstflight from Kraljevo.

21. maj 2020. godine: Letom za Cirih počelo obnavljanje komercijalnih putničkih letova. 21 st May 2020: A flight to Zurich marks the relaunching of commercial passenger flights. 16. jul 2020. godine: Pokrenuta mobilna aplikacija Er Srbije . 16 th July 2020: Air Serbia launches its mobile app

31. decembar 2019. godine: Tokom 2019. godine Er Srbija je prevezla rekordnih 2,81 miliona putnika. 31 st December 2019: Air Serbia transported a record total of 2.81 million passengers during 2019.

10. septembar 2020. godine: Er Srbija izabrana među tri najbolja poslodavca u Srbiji. 10 th September 2020: Air Serbia is proclaimed as being among the top three employers in Serbia.

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Er Srbija među tri najbolja poslodavca u Srbiji / Air Serbia is among the top three employers in Serbia Er Srbija i heroji iz senke / Air Serbia and heroes from the shadows



INTERVJU INTERVIEW 30. Gordon Remzi: Opasna potraga za savršenim

U oktobru čak 28 letova između Beograda i Njujorka / As many as 28 flights between Belgrade and New York during October

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 56. Svetkovina literature: Sajam knjiga u Beogradu / Festival of literature: Belgrade Book Fair 60. Ada Međica: Beogradska oaza mira i spokoja /

zalogajem / Gordon Ramsay: Dangerous hunt for the perfect morsel


DOBRO DOŠLI U... WELCOME TO... 14. Istanbul: Er Srbija povećala nedeljni broj

Goddesses in hand-woven linen: That‘s how it‘s done by Dior

letova / Istanbul: Air Serbia increased its number of weekly flights


Putujemo sa glumcem Markom Janketićem / We


Skandi šik: Postdigitalna verzija mode / Scandi chic: Post-digital version of fashion Mala crna haljina: Lepotica sa milion lica / Little black dress: Beauty with a million faces Branka Katić: Sporim ritmom u bolje sutra / Branka Katić: Slow rhythm to a better tomorrow Doručkujte kod Tifanija / Have breakfast at Tiffany‘s

travel with actor Marko Janketić



Njujork: Grad zabave i mogućnosti / New York: City of fun and possibilities



10 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije

/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nebojša Babić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs



Ikigai: Tajna iz Japana / Ikigai: Secret from Japan Šik „za poneti“: Ovako se pakuju trendseterke / Chic “to go”: This is how female trendsetters pack

Luis Hamilton kao munja nebeska / Lewis Hamilton, like lightning from the heavens Hoće li Jokić postati gospodar prstena? / Will Jokić become the lord of the ring?



DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 104. Dok noć pada na Pariz, miriše kesten i igra se tenis / As night falls on Paris, people enjoy the aroma of chestnuts and play tennis 108. Bela školjka u srcu Pete

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

avenije / White shell at the heart of Fifth Avenue

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 76. Bajkovita fasada Novog Sada / Fairy-tale facades of Novi Sad 84. Fruška gora: Lepotica panonske nizije / Fruška gora: The beauty of the Pannonian Plain

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Air Serbia inflight magazine




Aleksandar Prvi Karađorđević: Prvi Srbin koji je leteo / Aleksandar Karađorđević: The first Serb to fly Urbani baštovani: Rajska bašta na asfaltu / Urban gardeners: Heavenly garden on asphalt



Broj / Issue No. 320 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / johnanderson

Jesen u Njujorku / Autumn in New York City Foto / Photo: iStock / johnanderson

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U fokusu

In focus

E r Srbija će povećati kapacitete na letovima između Beograda i Njujorka, pa će u okto- bru obaviti 28 letova, četiri više u odnosu na isti mesec 2019. godine. Putnicima će tokom oktobra na letovima do Velike jabu- ke na raspolaganju biti 7,112 sedišta, što predstavlja uvećanje od 16,7 odsto u odnosu na 6.096 sedišta u istom periodu prošle godine. – Imajući u vidu povećanu potražnju, odlučili smo da uvećamo kapacitet na letovima do Njujorka. Veo- ma smo zadovoljni što, uprkos pandemiji virusa ko- rona, ova linija i dalje dobro funkcioniše i, kako se pokazalo, predstavlja jednu od najjačih linija Er Sr- bije – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Er Srbija je od pokretanja direktne linije preko Atlantika u junu 2016. godine do kraja avgusta 2020. godine obavila ukupno 758 povratnih letova. Zahvalju-

AMERIKA NIKAD NIJE BILA BLIŽE U oktobru čak 28 letova do Njujorka

Putnicima će u oktobru na letovima do Velike jabuke na raspolaganju biti 7,112 sedišta

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AMERICA HAS NEVER BEEN CLOSER As many as 28 flights to New York during October Over the course of this month, passengers will have 7,112 seats available on Air Serbia flights to The Big Apple A ir Serbia will increase its capacities on Bel- grade-New York flights and in October it will perform 28 flights, four more com- pared to October 2019. During October, passengers will have available 7,112 seats on the flights to e Big Apple, which is a 16.7% in- crease compared to the 6,096 seats available in the same period last year. “Due to increased demand, we have

decided to increase the capacity on our New York flights. We are very happy that, despite the Coronavirus pandemic, this route is still doing well and has proved to be one of Air Serbia’s top routes,” said Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Jiri Marek. Since launching this direct transat- lantic route in 2016, Air Serbia had op- erated a total of 758 return flights until the end of August 2020. With the renewal of flights across the Atlantic, the nation- al flag carrier reconnected the region di- rectly with the United States, following a break of almost two and a half decades. at 23 rd June 2016, at precisely 8:08am, an Airbus A330 was lifted into the sky above Belgrade. is flying giant, with more than 250 passengers aboard, landed at JFK Airport after nine and a half hours, thereby officially marking the reopening of a direct line from Bel- grade to New York after a break of near- ly a quarter of a century. e plane, with the flight code JU 500, carrying the cel- ebrated name of Nikola Tesla, was re- ceived at this famous New York airport with a salute of water cannons as a wel-

From Belgrade to New York operates Airbus A330 named after legendary Nikola Tesla Od Beograda do Njujorka leti erbas A330 nazvan po legendarnom Nikoli Tesli

jući obnovi transatlantskih letova, nacionalni avio-pre- voznik je pre četiri godine ponovo povezao region i SAD nakon pauze od gotovo dve i po decenije. Tog 23. juna 2016. godine, tačno u 8.08, podigao se u vazduh nad Beogradom erbas A330. Leteći gigant sa više od 250 putnika sleteo je posle devet i po sati na Aerodrom Džon Ficdžerald Kenedi (JFK), čime je i zvanično otvorena direktna linija Beograd–Njujork posle gotovo četvrt veka. Avion pod oznakom JU 500, pod slavnim imenom Nikola Tesla , dočekan je na nju- jorškom aerodromu vodenim topovima u znak dobro- došlice, a pozdravio ga je i elektronski bilbord na kojem je pisalo: „JFK aerodrom pozdravlja Er Srbiju “. Od tada do danas Er Srbija je postala i ostala jedina avio-kom- panija u jugoistočnoj Evropi koja nudi transatlantske letove za SAD prevozeći desetine hiljada zadovoljnih putnika, kojima rođaci ni prijatelji više nisu daleko u dalekoj Americi.

come gesture, while it was also greeted with an elec- tronic billboard that read “JFK Airport welcomes Air Serbia”. Air Serbia has since remained the only air- line from Southeast Europe to offer direct transatlan- tic flights to the U.S., carrying tens of thousands of satisfied guests for whom relatives and friends are no longer so distant in faraway America.

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Dobro došli Welcome Istanbul

Er Srbija povećala nedeljni broj letova do Istanbula Er Srbija je povećala broj letova iz Beograda do Istanbula na sedam nedeljno. Letovi u trajanju od sat i 40 minuta obavljaju se avionom tipa erbas A319, a planirano je da putnicima na raspolaganju bude 2.016 sedišta nedeljno. „Dodavanje još dva leta nedeljno do Istanbula jasan je pokazatelj povećanog interesovanja naših putnika za putovanja do grada na Bosforu“, izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije .

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Er Srbija je liniju za Istanbul, nakon pauze od dve i po godine, sa velikim uspehom ponovo uspostavila 11. decembra 2019. godine

After a 2.5-year hiatus, Air Serbia successfully resumed flights to Istanbul on 11 th December 2019*

Air Serbia reached an agreement to expand business cooperation with Turkish Airlines in the form of a codeshare agreement, which resulted in expanded possibilities for passengers of both airlines Er Srbija je postigala sporazum o proširenju poslovne saradnje kod- šer ugovorom sa Turkiš erlajnzom čime je omogućen veći izbor za putnike obe kompanije

AIR SERBIA INCREASED ITS NUMBER OF WEEKLY FLIGHTS TO ISTANBUL Air Serbia has increased the number of Belgrade-Istanbul flights to seven a week. The flights, which last one hour and forty minutes, are operated by Airbus A319 aircraft and offer 2,016 seats a week to Air Serbia’s passengers on this route. “Adding two weekly flights to Istanbul is a clear indicator of the increasing demand among our passengers for flights to the city on the Bosphorus,” stated General Manager Commercial and Strategy at Air Serbia Jiri Marek.

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Na letu

On board

MARKO JANKETIĆ, GLUMAC MARKO JANKETIČ, ACTOR Iz aviona je svet kao na dlanu From a plane it’s like the world is in the palm of your hand

Volim da posmatram nebo dok letimo, zato obavezno imam naočare za sunce. I like to observe the sky as we fly, which is why it’s mandatory for me to have sunglasses.


Ako putujem na neku dalju destinaciju, ponesem obavezno i žvakaće gume za svež dah. If I’m travelling to some more distant destination, it’s obligatory for me to have chewing gum for fresh breath.


Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography Milan Ilić

From an early age I found it fascinating to observe the earth as we ascended from the ground and climbed to the heights. Roads and vehicles grew smaller, followed by forests and rivers, and then mountains, it’s like everything is in the palm of your hand Od malih nogu mi je fascinantno da posmatram zemlju dok se otiskujemo sa tla i penjemo u visine. Drumovi i vozila postaju sve manji, zatim šume i reke, a onda i planine, sve je kao na dlanu

Uvek imam tablet, jer spremim filmove koje želim da odgledam. I always have a tablet, because I prepare films that I want to watch.


Svuda nosim slušalice i listu pesama, koja je obično u duhu destinacije na koju idem. Bez toga ne ulazim u avion. I carry headphones everywhere, and a list of songs that are usually in the spirit of the destination I’m going to, I don’t board a plane without that.


I, naravno, danas u vreme pandemije, ne idem na put bez zaštitne maske za lice. And, of course, during today’s time of the pandemic, I don’t hit the road without a protective face mask


16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Rođen je u Beogradu 1983. Glumu je diplomirao 2007. na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu u klasi profesora Borisa Isakovića. Njegov otac je naš poznati glumac Mihailo Miša Janketić, a majka glumica Svjetlana Knežević. Ima sjajnu ulogu u seriji Ubice moga oca , kao i u mnogim pozorišnim komadima. Born in Belgrade in 1983, he graduated in acting in 2007 at the Academy of Art in Novi Sad, in the class of professor Boris Isaković. His father is famous Serbian actor Mihailo Miša Janketić, while his mother is actress Svjetlana Knežević. He played a brilliant role in the TV series My Father’s Killers, but also in many theatre plays.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17


AEROCLUB, THE BEGINNING OF AEROPUT’S EMERGENCE The termination of active flight service of a group of pilots, veterans of the Salonika front, found them unwilling to leave their flying days behind them. As they say, when you deny a pilot the chance to fly it’s like you’ve broke a bird’s wings. They gathered on 22 nd October 1921 at the White Eagle. An agreement was made – they would establish the “Serbian Aero Club” and its honorary chairman would be Dr Archibald Reiss. The following year, the Club, which was then called the “Aero Club of the Kingdom of SCS”, was joined by Tadija Sondermajer, who was appointed vice president. In late 1922 the club was also accepted in the international aviation organization-FAI, which gave it legitimacy beyond the kingdom’s borders. The effects of these initiatives led in the following years to the creation of the first domestic company for the transport of passengers and goods by air – Aeroput. Many prominent people of that time, including intellectuals, politicians and leaders, contributed to the work of the club. Among them was Miloš Crnjanski, who served as the editor of the club’s own publication for a long time. In March 1923 Prince Pavle Karađorđević became the club’s honorary life president.

Aero-klub , početak rađanja Aeroputa Prestanak aktivne letačke službe grupu pilota, veterana sa Solunskog fronta, zatekao je nespremne da napuste svoje letačke dane. Kažu da kada pilotu uskratite letenje, to je kao da ptici slomite krila. Okupili su se 22. oktobra 1921. godine Kod belog orla . Dogovor je napravljen – osniva se Srpski aero-klub , a njegov počasni predsednik biće dr Arčibald Rajs. Naredne godine radu kluba, koji se tada zove Aeroklub Kraljevine SHS , priključio se Tadija Sondermajer, koji je imenovan za potpredsednika. Klub je krajem te 1922. godine primljen i u Međunarodnu vazduhoplovnu organizaciju – FAI, što mu je dalo i legitimitet van granica Kraljevine. Efekti ove inicijative u narednim godinama doveli su do osnovanja prvog domaćeg preduzeća za vazdušni prevoz putnika i robe – Aeroputa . Radu kluba doprineli su i mnogi viđeniji ljudi toga doba, intelektualci, političari, vladari. Među njima i Miloš Crnjanski, koji je dugo bio urednik klupskog lista. Marta 1923. godine doživotni počasni predsednik postao je knez Pavle Karađorđević.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere

Ako uspete tamo, uspeć ete bilo gde

Even in the land of opportunity, NYC is THE is- land of opportunity. It attracts the best of the best from everywhere. So, if you have what it takes to make it there, you’re going to be alright. However, you didn’t come to the Big Apple to compete, you came to have some fun, right? So let’s have some! October is the perfect month to be in New York. The weather is still great and you can walk around easily. And that’s especial- ly so if you catch a parade that you’ll never for- get. Here are some ideas for an interesting break in the city that many refer to as the capital of the world…

Čak i u zemlji moguć nosti, Njujork je ostrvo mogu - ć nosti. Privlači najbolje od najboljih. Pa ako imate šta je potrebno da uspete tamo, bić ete u redu. Ali niste došli u Veliku jabuku da se takmičite, već da se zabavite, zar ne? Pa hajde! Oktobar je savršen mesec za boravak u Njujorku, vreme je i dalje od - lično i možete lako svuda pešaka. Pogotovo ako uhvatite neku paradu koju nikada neć ete zaboravi - ti. Evo nekoliko ideja za zanimljiv odmor u, rekli bi neki, glavnom gradu sveta...



me scan


Vreme je za Noć veštica!

probate turu Madame Mor- bid’s Trolley . Ova jednoipo- satna vožnja vagonima ukra - šenim u viktorijanskom stilu propisno će vas naježiti dok istražujete najmračnije delo - ve Bruklina! Obilazak je do - stupan od srede do nedelje. Još jedna turneja koja vas vo - di kroz najposećenije lokaci - je u Njujorku je Ghost Tour of Greenwich Village . Otkrijte neka od jezivijih mesta u gra - du, poput kuće Edgara Alana Poa ili Visećeg drveta u parku na Vašington skveru. Još jedan sjajan način da provedete Noć veštica u Nju -

jorku je da prisustvujete za - bavi u nekom od fensi klubo - va ili barova na krovovima. Pridružite se Njujorčanima obučeni u svoj najbolji kostim i zabavljajte se cele noći! Takođe, u 19 h počinje Villa- ge Halloveen Parade u Njujor- ku. Svako (u kostimu) može da učestvuje, uključujući tu - riste. Svake godine na paradi bude do 50.000 ljudi. Tu je ži - va muzika, jezivi ukrasi i lju - di obučeni u svoje najluđe au - tfite. Ako želite da osigurate mesto na paradi, dođite rani - je i budite spremni da stojite i čekate.

Svake godine ljudi izlaze na ovaj sablasni praznik. Njujor - čani ukrašavaju kuće i oblače najneobičnije kostime, dok deca obilaze komšiluk u po - trazi za slatkišima Noć veštica u Njujorku je ve - lika stvar! Svake godine ljudi izađu na ulice na ovaj sabla - sni praznik. Njujorčani ukra - šavaju kuće i oblače najneo - bičnije kostime, dok deca od vrata do vrata svojih komši - ja traže slatkiše i poslastice. Pada svake godine, fiksno, 31. oktobra, ali nekoliko ne - delja pre same Noći veštica njujorške kuće i prodavnice ukrašavaju se tipičnim straš - nim predmetima poput sle- pih miševa, veštica, kostura i, naravno, duhova i bundeva u koje su urezani grozni oblici. Ako ste raspoloženi za sa - blasno iskustvo, možete da

20 | Njujork » New York

Ako želite da gledate paradu, najbolje mesto za to su Zapadna četvrta ulica i Šesta avenija If you want to watch the parade, the best place to do so is West 4 th Street and 6 th Avenue

the darkest parts of Brook- lyn! The tour is available from Wednesday to Sunday. Anoth- er tour that leads you through New York’s most haunted lo- cations is the Ghost Tour of Greenwich Village. Discover some of the spookiest spots in the city, like the house of Edgar Allan Poe and the Hang- ing Tree in Washington Square Park. Another great way to spend Halloween in New York is to attend a Halloween party at one of the city’s fancy night- clubs or rooftop bars. Join lo- cals dressed in their best cos- tumes and party all night long! The (Greenwich) Village Hal- loween Parade is also held in New York in the evening, from 7pm. Anyone (in cos- tume) can participate in this parade, including tourists. Up to 50,000 people par- ticipate in the parade every year. It includes live music, creepy decorations and peo- ple dressed in their wildest Halloween costumes. If you want to ensure that you get to walk in the parade, come dressed in your best costume and be prepared to stand and wait. You should arrive ear- ly if you want to walk at the front of the parade.

Halloween in New York is big! People go all out for this spooky holiday every year. New Yorkers decorate their homes and put on their most outlandish costumes, while the kids go trick or treating, door to door through their neighbourhood or apartment building, collecting sweets and treats. It falls annually on 31 st Oc- tober, but New York’s hous- es and shops are decorated weeks in advance with Hal- loween memorabilia, like bats, witches, skeletons and, of course, ghosts and pumpkins that have been carved to form ghoulish shapes. If you’re in the mood for a spooky experience, you can take Madame Morbid’s Trol- ley Tour. This one and a half hour tour in a decorated Victo- rian style trolley will give you goosebumps as you explore

It’s time for Halloween!

Prodavnice u Njujorku su otvorene tokom Noći veštica jer to nije državni praznik. Takođe, nećete imati problema sa saobraćajem ili neredovnim voznim redom podzemne železnice The shops of New York are open for business as usual during Halloween, as it is not a public holiday. You also won’t experience problems with traffic or irregular subway schedules

New York » Njujork | 21



me scan



28. oktobar / 28 th October

Srećan rođendan, gospođice Slobodo Ona je jedan od najzapaženijih simbola Njujorka. Simbolizuje političku slobodu i demokratiju. Smeštena u luci, takođe se smatra nezvaničnim vratima Njujorka i dočekuje posetioce iz celog sveta

Kip je poklon naroda Francuske Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama za stogodišnjicu Američke revolucije. Otvoren je za javnost 1886, a rođendan slavi 28. oktobra Gifted to the United States from the people of France to commemorate the centenary of the American Revolution, the statue opened to the public in 1886. She celebrates her birthday on 28 th October

Dizajnirao ju je vajar Frede- rik Bartoldi, izgradio arhitekta Gustav Ajfel, poklon je naroda Francuske Sjedinjenim Ame- ričkim Državama, poznata je pod imenom Sloboda osvetlja- va svet , a o njoj brine posebna služba. Milionima je imigrana - ta i doseljenika poželela do - brodošlicu, ona je kulturni ka- men temeljac generacijama i simbol slobode sveta. Da biste posetili Kip slobode, morate da krenete brodom sa donjeg Menhetna. Pre ne - go što se ukrcaju na čamac, svi moraju da prođu rigoro - zni sigurnosni pregled, sličan onom na aerodromu. Brod ć e vas prvo odvesti do ostrva Li- berti, gde se iskrcavate i pe- šačite do Kipa slobode. Kada

završite sa posetom, možete uzeti bilo koji čamac odatle i produžiti do ostrva Elis. Za ovu posetu ne morate ništa dodatno da platite. Međutim, ako ne želite da posetite Elis, samo ostanite na brodu i on ć e vas vratiti na Menhetn. Postoje dva načina na ko - ja možete uć i u Kip slobode: posetom pijedestalu ili obi- laskom krune. Za obe mora - te rezervisati unapred jer se karte izuzetno brzo proda- ju. Na vrhu postamenta nala - zi se osmatračnica. Odatle se izbliza vidi sama statua, plus imate sjajan pogled na obri- se Menhetna. Da biste doš - li do ovog vidikovca, možete se popeti uz 215 stepenica ili odlučiti da vas lift podigne je -

dan deo puta. Da bi se stiglo do krune, potrebno je savla- dati uspon od 354 stepenika uskim stepeništem. Ako ho - date do krune, jedino smete da ponesete sa sobom kartu, kameru i lekove. Konačno, ako želite da Kip vi - dite besplatno, možete! Usko - čite na besplatnu vožnju tra - jektom sa Staten Ajlanda. Proć i ć ete pored Kipa slobo - de, ali ne možete stati i sić i na ostrvu Liberti.

22 | Njujork » New York

Happy birthday Lady Liberty

She is one of the most noteworthy symbols of New York, symbolising freedom and democracy. Located in New York Harbour, this monument is also seen as the unofficial entrance to New York City, welcoming visitors from all around the world

Conceived by politician Édouard René Lefèbvre de Laboulaye, designed by sculp- tor Frédéric Auguste Barthol- di and built by architect Gus- tave Eiffel, Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift to the Unit- ed States from the people of France. Cared for by the Na- tional Park Service, the statue has served as a welcoming fig - ure to millions of immigrants, a cultural touchstone for genera- tions and a symbol of freedom for the world. You have to take a boat from Lower Manhattan to visit the Statue of Liberty. Before board- ing the boat, everyone must go through a rigorous securi- ty screening similar to that of an airport. The boat takes you first to Liberty Island, where you disembark and walk to the

Statue of Liberty. When you are done with your visit to Liberty Island, you can take any boat back that you want. That boat will then always go to Ellis Is - land, where you can disembark if you wish. You don’t have to pay anything extra for this vis- it. However, if you don’t want to visit Ellis Island, just stay aboard the boat until it carries you back to Manhattan. There are two ways you can venture inside the Statue of Lib- erty: by visiting the pedestal or by visiting the crown. You need to make reservations in ad- vance for either option, as tick- ets sell out extremely quick- ly. There is an observation deck at the top of the pedestal. Here you get a close up view of the Statue herself, plus a great view of the Manhattan skyline. To

get to this vantage point, you can climb the 215 steps, or choose to take the lift for a por- tion of the climb. Reaching the crown requires climbing 354 steps of a narrow staircase, both up and down. If you are heading up to the crown, visi- tors are only allowed to carry with them their ticket, a camera and any personal medication. Finally, yes, if you want to see the Statue up close for free, you can! Simply take a free ride on the Staten Island Ferry. You will pass right by the Statue of Liber- ty, although you can’t stop and disembark at Liberty Island.

Stih čuvene američke pesnikinje Eme Lazarus „Daj mi svoje umorne, svoje siromašne, svoje šćućurene mase koje žude da slobodno dišu“ uklesan je u postolju spomenika tek 1903. The line of renowned American poet Emma Lazarus “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” was cast in a plaque on the monument’s pedestal as late as 1903

New York » Njujork | 23



me scan



12. oktobar / 12 th October

Prvi pomen Kolumbu održan je 1792. godi- ne: 300 godina nakon što je prvi put kročio u Ameriku. Kako je bio Italijan, Italijani Njujorka ga vide kao heroja i kao veliki deo svoje kultu- re. Ova zajednica je značajno doprinela obele- žavaju Kolumbovog dana. Tako su upravo oni 12. oktobra 1866. u Njujorku priredili zabavu u znak sećanja na otkriće Amerike i rodila se tradicija Kolumbovog dana. Statua Kristifora Kolumba kasnije je postavljena na njegovoj aveniji 1892. godine. Kolumbov dan pada svakog drugog po- nedeljka u oktobru, oko datuma kada je moreplovac prvi put kročio u Ameriku, a ove godine je to 12. oktobra. U Nju- jorku se svake godine slavi velikom pa- radom, u kojoj učestvuje bar 35.000 ljudi, uključujući grupe, bendove, brodove i marin- ce. Parada privlači oko milion posetilaca, a još milion ljudi prati je putem televizije. Parada započinje na Petoj aveniji i 44. uli- ci i kreće na sever prema 72. ulici. Uveri- te se da imate dobro mesto za stajanje na Petoj aveniji. Počinje u 11.30 i završava se u 15.00 h. Škole i vladine zgrade su tada za- tvorene, pa očekujte veliku gužvu. Dobro jutro, Kolumbo Kolumbov dan u Njujorku je godišnja proslava koja se obeležava velikom paradom na Petoj aveniji i slavi Kristifora Kolumba, čoveka koji je otkrio Ameriku

24 | Njujork » New York

Ako želite da idete u kupovinu na Petoj aveniji, pobrinite se da to ne zakažete na Kolumbov dan If you want to go shopping on Fifth Avenue, make sure not to schedule it for this day

Columbus Day in New York is an annual celebration that takes place this year on 12 th October and celebrates Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America, with a major parade along Fifth Avenue Good morning, Columbus The first memorial service for Christopher Co- lumbus was held in 1792: 300 years after he first set foot in America. As Columbus was an Italian, the Italian-Americans see him as a he- ro and as a major part of their cultural heritage. This community has contributed significantly to the expansion of Columbus Day. On 12 th Oc- tober 1866, the Italian community of New York threw a party to commemorate the discovery of America, and thus the Columbus Day tradi- tion was born. Later, in 1892, a statue of Chris- topher Columbus was erected on the city’s Co- lumbus Avenue. Columbus Day falls on every second Monday in October, around the date when Christopher Co- lumbus first set foot in America. Columbus Day 2020 will be marked on 12 th October. It is cele- brated in New York each year with the large Co- lumbus Day Parade, which includes the par- ticipation of 35,000 people, including groups, bands, floats and marines. The parade attracts around a million visitors, while another million

Kolumbov dan pada svakog drugog ponedeljka u oktobru, oko datuma kada je prvi put kročio u Ameriku. Ove godine taj dan je ponedeljak, 12. oktobar Columbus Day falls on the second Monday in October, around the date when Christopher Columbus first set foot in America. Columbus Day 2020 will be held on 12 th October

people watch it on TV! The parade starts at the junction of Fifth Av- enue and 44 th Street and heads north along Fifth Avenue towards 72 nd Street. Make sure you have a good place to stand on Fifth Ave- nue. The parade starts at 11:30am and ends at 4pm. Schools and government buildings are closed and you should expect major crowds around Fifth Avenue due to the parade.

New York » Njujork | 25

D ok provodite vreme kod kuće, budite radoznali, istražujte i učite s nama. Razmrdajte ljubopitivost u sebi i pridružite nam se u virtuelnim šetnjama, glasio je poziv posetiocima upućen od tima Muzeja Jugoslavije kada je u martu epidemija zatvorila sve svetske muzeje. Pozvali smo publiku da ostane u Muzeju (#OstaniUMuzeYu), kao i da pronađe jugoslovensko nasleđe u svojim kućama i uključe se u kreiranje participativne virtuelne izložbe #YUDOM. Cilj je bio podstaći članove zajednice da ostanu na sigurnom u svom domu, probuditi osećanje povezanosti i pripadnosti, pružiti kulturni program relevantan u novom okruženju i istovremeno obezbediti prisustvo Muzeja u periodu kada je stvarni izložbeni prostor zatvoren. Muzej Jugoslavije već dugo aktivno koristi digitalne tehnologije, pa je novonastala situacija spremno dočekana, a pomenute kampanje su kroz aktivno učešće publike generisale potpuno nov sadržaj, relevantan za oblast kojom se Muzej bavi. Sada je Muzej, uz primenu svih propisanih mera zaštite zdravlja, ponovo otvoren za posetioce, a mi smo nastavili s kreativnim prilagođavanjem. Vodeći se idejom da ustanove kulture treba da budu dostupne svima i da njihov doprinos ima poseban značaj u trenucima krize, tim Muzeja Jugoslavije svakoga četvrtka organizuje matine žurke u muzejskom kafeu, gde posetioce nakon obilaska aktuelnih izložbi čekaju predstavici lokalne di-džej scene. Otvorili smo i park, koji krasi 20 skulptura istaknutih jugoslovenskih umetnika i umetnica poput Antuna Augustinčića, Frana Kršinića (njegova skulptura Ribari bila je izložena na Venecijanskom bijenalu 1950, nakon čega je poklonjena Titu), Sretena Stojanovića, Save Sandića, Stevana Bodnarova, Aleksandra Zarina, Vladete Petrića, kao i rad savremene umetnice Marte Jovanović. Uloga muzeja u savremenom društvu uvek je bila izuzetno značajna, a u novim okolnostima poprima nemerljive razmere. Muzeji su tu da edukuju, čuvaju i interpretiraju sećanja, podstiču dijalog o i da svojom jedinstvenom atmosferom umiruju posetioce i probude harmoniju i zadovoljstvo. Zato pozivamo posetioce da se vrate u Muzej Jugoslavije i u druge muzeje širom Srbije ili da ih prvi put otkriju. Na tim, trenutno najbezbednijim mestima kad je reč o kulturi upravo se pokreću važne društvene teme i otvara prostor za integraciju zajednice.

SRBIJA STVARA Dođi u muzej Pozivamo posetioce da se vrate u Muzej Jugoslavije i u druge muzeje širom Srbije ili da ih prvi put otkriju. Na tim, trenutno najbezbednijim mestima kad je reč o kulturi upravo se pokreću važne društvene teme i otvara prostor za integraciju zajednice, poručuje mr Neda Knežević, direktorka Muzeja Jugoslavije

26 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

W hile you spend time at home, be curious, explore and learn with us. Shake up your curiosity and join us in virtual walks – read the invitation to visitors sent by the team at the Museum of Yugoslavia when the pandemic closed all the world’s museums in March. We invited the audience to stay at the Museum (#OstaniUMuzeYu), but also to find the Yugoslav heritage in their own homes and to get involved in the creation of a participatory virtual exhibition #YUDOM. e aim was to encourage the community to stay safe in their homes, to awaken a sense of connection and belonging, to provide a cultural programme that’s relevant in the new environment, but also to simultaneously ensure the presence of the Museum in a period when the actual exhibition space is closed. e Museum of Yugoslavia has been using digital technologies actively for a long time, so it awaited the newly emerged situation ready, and through the active participation of the public, the aforementioned campaigns generated completely new content relevant to the area dealh with by this museum. Now, with the application of all prescribed health protection measures, the museum has reopened to visitors, and we have continued with the creative adaptation. Led by the idea that institutions of culture should be accessible to everyone and that their contribution has particular significance during times of crisis, the team of the Museum of Yugoslavia organises matinee parties in the museum cafe every ursday, at which representatives of the local DJ scene await visitors after they’ve toured the current exhibitions. We’ve also opened a Park that’s adorned with 20 sculptures by prominent Yugoslav artists, such as Antun Augustinčić, Fran Kršinić (his Fishermen sculpture was exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1950, after which it was gifted to Tito), Sreten Stojanović, Sava Sandić, Stevan Bodnarov, Aleksandar Zarin, Vladeta Petrić, but also the work of contemporary artist Marta Jovanović. e role of museums in contemporary society has always been extremely important, and under the new circumstances that role is taking on immeasurable proportions. Museums are there to educate, preserve and interpret memories, encourage dialogue, but also to relax visitors with their unique atmosphere and awaken harmony and satisfaction. at’s why we invite visitors to return to the Museum of Yugoslavia and other museums throughout Serbia, or to discover them for the first time. In these places that are currently the safest when it comes to culture, important social issues are being raised and space is opening up for the integration of communities.

SERBIA CREATES Come to the museum We invite visitors to return to the Museum of Yugoslavia and other museums throughout Serbia, or to discover them for the first time. In these places that are currently the safest when it comes to culture, important social issues are being raised and space is opening up for the integration of communities, says Neda Knežević, director of the Museum of Yugoslavia

Otvoren je i park, koji krasi 20 skulptura istaknutih jugoslovenskih umetnika i umetnica / Also open is a Museum Park adorned with 20 sculptures by prominent Yugoslav artists

Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 27

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